14 minute read
Like Animals - Today
by Dr. Rath
LikeLike AnimalsAnimals
-- TodayToday --
T T oday – like 500 years ago of people live in illiteracy. – millions You can read and write, but the elementary functions of your body are obscure and unknown to you.We live in the age of moon travelers and the Internet and you do not know what makes your body sick and what keeps it healthy. But you do not realize that this illiteracy and ignorance about your own health is no coincidence; it is the precondition for a billion dollar market of largely ineffective pharmaceuticals.You do not even have the chance to realize it. Day in and day out you are bombarded by colorful ads and commercials of the pharmaceutical industry trying to convince you that this industry is concerned about your health. You have no idea that the “business with disease ” only functions if you are kept ignorant – like animals.
Millions of People Are Illiterate With Respect to Their Health
Y Y ou are school 50 years old and nor in the news nei did ther you in ever learn that the most important precondition for maintaining the health of your body is the stability of the connective tissue.You do not know that the connective tissue of your body is made of collagen and you do not know that the stability of your body tissue depends on optimum supply of vitamin C in your diet. Nobody ever told you that the human body, as opposed to all other living beings, cannot produce a single molecule of vitamin C and is therefore dependent on optimum intake of essential nutrients for life.
Your doctor tells you that 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day are enough and he refers to the guidelines of the so-called Food and Drug Administration.You don ’t know that this association is not independent, but acts in the interest of the pharmaceutical industry by recommending arbitrarily low vitamin dosages to people – you do not know that.The thought does not cross your mind that the weakening of you body ’ s resistance is intentional in order to facilitate the development of disease as a precondition for the business with disease! And a million-dollar pharmaceutical market.
You are told that life expectancy in the industrial countries of the world is 75 years and half of that in the developing countries. It is inconceivable to you that life expectancy will increase to over 100 years by the simple measure of an optimum supply of vitamins to the cells of your body. You take it as fate that
eight out of ten of your friends and relatives are dying from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The Secret Code Language of Medicine
N N o one has provided you with the knowledge that these common health problems are not actual diseases but rather the direct consequence of vitamin deficiency and that they are preventable.The pharmaceutical industry and their puppets in the media and the medical establishment are working tirelessly in order to hide the simple logical causes of these common health problems behind Latin, Greek and other diagnostic cover terms.
For 20 years you have been suffering from high blood pressure.Your doctor calls it “ essential hypertension ” but there is nothing essential about you suffering from high blood pressure – on the contrary.The Latin diagnosis “ essential” is used to mask the fact that in 9 out of 10 cases conventional medicine does not know the cause of the patient’ s high blood pressure.The diagnosis ” essential hypertension ” is used as a code among the medical profession for “high blood pressure of unknown origin ” . Since you are unfamiliar with this Latin code language, you even feel indebted to your doctor for this “ precise ” diagnosis.
The drugs prescribed to you by your doctor over the last twenty years had to be changed three times because of their Illiteracy in questions of human health among the general population is the basis for the “business with disease ” of the pharmaceutical industry.
harmful side effects.You don ’t know that the beta blockers and other prescription drugs you have been taking were designed to relieve the symptoms of your high blood pressure condition, not to treat its underlying cause so as to secure your continued dependency and use of these pharmaceutical drugs. But you are not alone. More than 400 million people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure because the true causes of this health problem are deliberately being withheld from them.
Your father died at age 55 from a heart attack.They told you that it was a failure of his pump. Even the coronary bypass surgery one year before his death could not prevent his death.You still remember the day when your father returned from the hospital after his surgery and told
Vitamins: Bioenergy for the Artery Walls
Coronary bypass surgery does not treat the underlying condition of heart disease:Arteriosclerosis, the hardening of arteries. In contrast, the supply of vitamins and essential nutrients to the cells of the artery walls is able to correct coronary artery disease directly at its roots.
everyone proudly that he had received four bypasses. No one had told him that the word bypass surgery describes a medical procedure that bypasses the deposits in the coronary arteries, but leaves the underlying causes of these coronary deposits untreated.You didn ’t know this either – and how could you? Coronary bypass surgery is celebrated as the pinnacle of modern medicine. Recently you could even watch an open heart surgery live from your sofa via television.
More than half a billion people currently suffer from cardiovascular diseases because information about the underlying cause of this health condition is being withheld from them. If someone were to tell you that today ’ s euphoria about coronary bypass surgery will be considered “ medieval” in a few decades and that cellular medicine will largely eradicate heart attacks and strokes by the end of the 21st century – you would call that person crazy.
Targeting symptoms instead of treating the causes
Y Y our age brother suffered a stroke of 48.The rehabilitation m at the easures included under water massage as well as speech therapy and cost a for-
Rehabilitation methods of stroke victims:The underlying cause of strokes, arteriosclerosis of the brain arteries, remains untreated.
tune for the health insurer and your brother ’ s family.The benefit was negligible and short-term.Your brother survived for five years crippled and bound to a wheel chair.Then he died suddenly from a second stroke because chronic vitamin deficiency in the walls of his brain arteries – the underlying cause of their clogging – were ignored and remained untreated all those years.
Your sister has been suffering from heart failure for the last eight years. Her doctor diagnosed her with an “idiopathic cardiomyopathy ” . How could she know that the word “idiopathic ” is a Greek smoke screen for “ unknown origin ”? No one told your sister that the main cause of heart failure is a deficiency of vitamins and other bio-energy molecules in millions of heart muscle cells.Worse, the diuretic drugs or water pills her doctors prescribed to her also flushed out the water soluble vitamins and minerals which were deficient in the first place. Thus, the pharmaceutical therapy further impaired her heart condition to the extent that her doctor told her that she has only a few months to live. Her only chance of survival would be if a donor heart could be found for a heart transplantation. It is inconceivable to your sister and her doctor that an optimum supply of vitamins and other bioenergy molecules will render heart failure problems unknown in future generations.
Doctors Are Victims Too
Y Y ou have a tor.At the blind trust doorstep in of your docthe doctor ’ s office and the hospital you regularly turn over any responsibility for your body and your health. But you are not alone –everyone does it.The doctors are the medical experts.They understand Latin and Greek, which are considered the language of medicine.You, as a simple layman, as a factory worker or teacher, have little or no insight into this world of medical miracles.The towers of high-
Vitamins: Bioenergy for the
Heart Muscle Cells
An optimum supply of vitamins and other essential nutrients to millions of heart muscle cells improves the pumping function of the heart. Many patients with heart failure conditions no longer need to undergo heart transplant surgery.
In a similar way like the ancient domes intimidated the people of medieval times so do the towers of university hospitals and high tech medical centers reflect today ’ s ”business with disease ” .
tech and pharma medicine are as intimidating as the towers of medieval domes and palaces.
Doctors are victims too of this wrong direction of medicine. Neither you nor your doctor are aware that the health benefits of vitamins are a non-issue during medical education and that natural therapies have been systematically removed from the teaching calendars at medical schools during the 20th century and replaced by lectures in “ pharmacology ” . Unnoticed by most, the medical profession has been gradually diverted by the pharmaceutical industry towards a sales force for their global pharmaceutical market.
Indulgence Sales by the Pharmaceutical Industry
5 5 00 years heaven ” ago was an imaginary “key to sold.Today the pharmaceutical industry markets an imaginary “key to health” .They promise an illusory merchandise – health – that is neither available not prescription obtainable through pharmaceutical drugs. Even the doctor ’ s block bears a striking resemblance to the indulgence letter of the Middle Ages.
The indulgence sale no longer occurs in the market place, because the sales scheme has been perfected over the past centuries.The indulgence payments are made directly from your bank account in form of health insurance premiums and corporate health benefit payments. Even when you are healthy, twenty or thirty percent of your monthly salary is used for these modern indulgence payments. In the United States alone these health insurance premiums and related health payments by the American people amount to over 500 billion dollars each year.
To make things worse, more than 98% of all pharmaceutical drugs paid for with this money are without any proven ther-
Today ’ s prescription sheet has a striking resemblance to the ancient indulgence letter.Then and now the common people have to pay billions for a merchandise that is an illusion.
apeutic efficacy or properties to heal. The known and dangerous side effects of these same drugs have become the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world. In other words, the pharmaceutical industry was able to cause an epidemic amidst us responsible for the premature death of hundreds of thousand of people each year.And this “business with diseases ” is paid for by the health insurance premiums of the people.
Annual global sales of pharmaceutical drugs have crossed the 500 billion Dollar threshold and continue to grow. Shares of pharmaceutical companies are offered to millions of people through mass mailings in their mail box and by other means as lucrative investments.Thus, thousands of patients are seduced to finance the ongoing “business with disease ” – in many cases the continuation of their very own disease.These developments are so mind-boggling that they can truly be compared to the height of the medieval indulgence sales. This entire development is only comprehensible, if one understands that the pharmaceutical industry is no naturally grown industry. In other words, there was never any genuine need for the existence of this industry.Throughout the 20th century, the pharmaceutical industry was artificially inflated by unscrupulous investors as a typical speculation industry.They declared the human body as their market place and the diseases hosted by that body as their target market. These greedy individuals knew from the very beginning that the success of this speculative industry was dependent on the elimination of natural, nonpatentable therapies and their systematic replacement by artificial and patentable chemical substances.
A frightening balance
A A t the look end back of the 20th century and have to realize we that hundreds of millions of patients have been brought to a fateful dependency by
the pharmaceutical industry. 500 years ago the people delegated the well being of their souls to the indulgence sellers and were abused into poverty and misery.Today millions of patients delegate the well being of their bodies to an industry the basis of which is the business with disease.Today we know that the pharmaceutical industry itself is the main culprit, why today ’ s most common diseases are not eradicated and, worse, continue to spread on a worldwide scale.
The balance is truly frightening:Today four out of five patients die from health conditions that are not diseases at all, but are the direct consequence of vitamin deficiency and therefore preventable.Almost half billion people worldwide suffer from hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease. Over 400 million people suffer from high blood pressure, over 200 million people suffer from diabetes and the circulatory problems associated with it. More than 100 million people worldwide suffer from heart failure, more than 200 million from osteoporosis and over 400 million people from cancer.All these health conditions have one thing in common:Their main cause – as we know today – is a longterm deficiency in vitamins and other essential nutrients and they are lastly preventable.
Theses for humanity’s liberation from today’s most common diseases
B B ut then this giant fraud scheme was unmasked. 500 years ago too Luther ’ s theses launched the liberation from illiteracy.At the beginning of this
16th century: Publication of the theses terminates indulgence trade and illiteracy. 20th century: Publication of the theses terminate the “business with disease ” and the eradication of the most common diseases during the 21st century.
Then and now key information was made available in the spoken language to millions of people who had a direct benefit from it.
decade a young physician and scientist published the theses of liberation of human health.The theses were not hammered to the door of a church, but rather to the doors of the doctor ’ s offices and hospitals in form of scientific publications and health books in the colloquial languages.The message of this doctor was loud and clear: Health is not a gift of fate rather than understandable and, above all, doable by everyone. Diseases develop at the level of millions of cells, and vitamin deficiency is the primary cause of their malfunction. Heart attacks and strokes are early forms of scurvy and therefore preventable.Today ’ s most common diseases such as high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetic circulatory problems, osteoporosis, cancer and many others are the consequence of vitamin deficiency and preventable by an optimum intake of essential nutrients.
Health is understandable and doable
5 5 00 years ago the translation bible into spoken languages of the released a force that wiped away illiteracy from the European continent.Today the simple logic of Cellular Medicine releases a similar power, which will lead to the liberation of mankind from today ’ s most common diseases.With the books of Cellular
Woodcuts then and digital computer graphics now both promote understanding and helped to make the new knowledge irreversible.
Book printing then and Internet now: Then and now key technologies helped to spread the new information worldwide.The website www.drrath.com is currently the world’ s most frequented website on natural health.
Medicine millions of people can not only understand how their body functions. Most importantly, they can now achieve and maintain their health largely by themselves.
500 years ago, colored woodcuts helped the common people to accelerate their reading and writing skills. In a similar way colored illustrations today will promote the understanding about the principles of health and disease in our body.Three dimensional presentations of cell models and microscopic video animation will accelerate the breakthrough of Cellular Medicine considerably.
500 years ago, the invention of book printing was a decisive precondition for the liberation from illiteracy across Europe.Today, a similar technological invention of global mass communication has become available in form of the Internet. 500 years ago all efforts by the authorities to ban the book printing in the colloquial languages were in vain. In a similar way, today all efforts to censure and control the Internet in the interest of pharmaceutical and other multinational companies will derail.Then and now, millions of people are no longer willing to submission and slavery of their minds and their bodies.
500 years ago, some dukes recognized sooner than others the comprehensive economic advantages of supporting the new information and New Age.Today the health insurance companies and health maintenance organizations are the natural allies of this global change.These trustees of large amounts of health insurance benefits entrusted to them by millions of patients can save hundreds of billions of dollars by a full scale support of vitamin research and Cellular Medicine. However, the support of the health insurance companies and the HMO’ s for this medical breakthrough is still slow. Those farsighted HMO’ s who support this breakthrough early on may one day be seen by history at the same level as the medieval duke Frederick the Sage from Saxony.They have one thing in common:They are cool mathematicians and shrewd businessmen.