Did you know, as with human beings, your dog too can suffer from arthritis?
Arthritis affects one in five dogs in the U.S. and is one of the common causes of chronic pain in dogs.
The car tilag e w ithin joint deter ior ates & lo se s fluid, making it less s mooth & causing the bo ne s in the joint to r ub to g ethe r .
The most commonly affected areas in dogs are the hip, elbows, knees, and shoulders.
Risk Factors of Canine Arthritis
It is true that as they age dogs can develop arthritis.
There are however some risk factors that may predispose your pet to the condition:
Large or giant breeds such as German Shepherd dogs, and Great Danes
Age, particularly middleage to senior dogs
Injuries such as fractures or ligament tears
Prior diagnosis of hip or elbow dysplasia
Infections that affect the joints
I mpr o per nutr ition
Look for these signs of arthritis:
Reluctance to walk, climb stairs, jump or play - Your dog is not enthusiastic to do the activities he once loved.
Limping/lameness - They may put extra weight on one leg to take the pressure off the joint which is affected.
Weight gain - Spending more time sleeping & resting and reluctance to play & exercise leads to weight gain.
Pain or stiffness when getting up or down Your dog may be stiff when getting up from a lying position.
Loss of appetite - Depending on the severity of pain, they may stop eating.
Yelping when touched - the affected joints become sore to the touch so your dog may yelp when touched.
A change in personality - Your dog might get irritated due to pain.
Licking o f the a ffe c te d joint - Your do g may c ontinuously l ic k the painful joint.
Get the Help Your Pet Needs Right Now
A n ea r l y diag no sis c a n save yo ur do g fr om endur ing unnec e ssa r y pain and disco mfor t.
If you are in Simi Valley, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Chatsworth, book an appointment with Dr. Ron’s Animal Hospital.
Arthritis is usually the sequel to an underlying joint malfunction.
It is a painful condition, but this pain is often poorly recognized and understood.
Once developed, it is irreversible. It requires control, as there is sadly no cure.
Treatment relies on effective pain control, weight loss, and appropriate exercise.
Treatments aimed at supporting muscle condition are useful.
Our c o mpr ehensiv e we llne ss ex am includes a c omple te eval uatio n by a lic e nse d veter inar ian pr ofe ssiona l.
Contact Information
Get in Touch
1376 Erringer Rd. Simi Valley, CA 93065
PHONE NUMBER 805-306-0633
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