Summer Kitten Care Tips by the Trusted Vets of Simi Valley

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Summer Kitten Care Tips by the Trusted Vets of Simi Valley

Owning a kitten can be enjoyable and rewarding.

However, caring for them properly with food, water, and healthcare is part of owning an animal companion.

One way to take care of your kitten is to treat them and maintain them according to the weather.

Follow these tips to take care of your kitten in the summertime.

Keep Your Kittens Hydrated

On hot days your kittens get dehydrated quickly because of the heat.

Hence, they will need a supply of clean water at all times.

Cats find it difficult to regulate their body temperature, but you might observe excessive panting, sudden dull mood & lethargy.

Immediately give them water & if there is no change, then contact a trusted vet.

Vaccinate Them Against Parasite Infections

While letting your cats play in nature is a good thing, you might also want to ensure they don’t pick up roaming parasites.

Summer is a time for ticks and fleas to breed & they can hang on to the hairs on your kitten & cause parasitic infections.

Take your kittens to a trusted animal hospital to have them screened and protected from parasitic infections.

Prevent Sunburn

The tips of the ears of your kitten are susceptible to sunburns.

If your kitten is going to spend long hours under the sun, you must provide shade to reduce sun and heat exposure.

You can purchase cute pet umbrellas or shade houses from pet stores & remember to always provide clean water for them to access.

Don’t Leave Your Kitten In A Parked Car

Spending a reasonable amount of time inside a parked car will make your pet feel uncomfortable & distressed.

Apart from your kittens feeling uncomfortable, they can also fall prey to heatstroke.

If your kitten ever experiences heatstroke, contact the nearest animal hospital for help.

Dr Ron’s Animal Hospital & Emergency To Your Kitten’s Rescue

You can trust Dr Ron’s Animal Hospital & Emergency to take care of your pets.

For over 19 years, we have maintained the no.1 position as the best animal hospital in Simi Valley & surrounding areas.

https://www.drronsanimalhospitalsimi https://www.drronsanimal g/summer-kitten-care-tipsby-the-trusted-vets-of-simivalley/

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