What you Should do When your Pet is Depressed

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Though you may not know it, our pets can show signs of depression very similar to how humans do, and usually for many of the same reasons they also suffer from depression.

Here we’ll go over the basics of pet depression and what you can do to help bring your pet’s spirits back up.

The signs of depression in pets are rather similar to those of humans like fatigue, lethargy, having diminished interest in pleasurable activities, and experience changes in sleep or appetite.

Lowered activity or energy levels

Diminished interest in play

Increase or decrease in sleeping

Each of these symptoms are also present in our pets when they’re down:

Eating more or less than usual

Lethargy or fatigue

It is important to note that any of the aforementioned symptoms could be due to an underlying health condition and it’s important to bring your pet in for a checkup immediately if they start acting strangely.

Once again, many of the same things that can bring up symptoms of depression in humans also can cause depression in pets.

Furthermore, pets are highly intuitive and can pick up on grief, loss, or sadness in humans as well as some of the stress that goes along with it.

Life transitions

Less physical activity

Increased stress in the household

Some of the following scenarios can bring up depression in pets if we do not act in a preventive manner:

Inadequate diet


Furthermore, when pets aren’t getting enough exercise, are eating too much, or are confined for long periods of time, then they will become depressed.

There are a few things you can do for your pet to help keep their spirits up and it’s important to remain aware of your pet's behavior on any given day, as it can give you clues as to what your pet needs from you.

Assuming your pet has been checked out by a trusted veterinarian, here are a few other things you can do to increase their mood:

Increase levels of activity

Get some toys to play with together

Feed routinely on a schedule

Reinforce and encourage playful, happy behaviors

Ease them into life transitions with you

Change up their food every so often Each of these symptoms are also present in our pets when they’re down:

It’s important to set time aside each day to play with your pet to keep them engaged, entertained, wellexercised.

Establishing a routine that works best for you and your pet often begins with enlisting the help of a trustworthy, reputable veterinarian in your area.

Keep them exercised on a daily basis

Keep their life as exciting as possible

Include your pet in new experiences with you when you can Here are a few other things you can do daily to keep your pet in good spirits:

Devote time to engaging with your pet every day

Feed them a healthy diet

Consult with a veterinarian on how you can keep your pet in good spirits

The pet experts here at Dr. Ron’s Animal Hospital & Emergency attend to a diverse range of clients in the areas of Simi Valley, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Chatsworth, and other cities nearby Ventura County, CA.

Pet depression is rather common, especially in households going through big life transitions; however, it’s most important to make sure their behavior isn’t attributable to an underlying health condition.

To schedule a check-up appointment with one of our helpful technicians, please contact us today.

https://www.drronsanimalhospitalsimivalley.com/ https://www.facebook.com/DrRonsAnimalHospital/ https://plus.google.com/112510667163216494806

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