Chiropractic and the Brain . . . They just go together! Chiropractic and the Brain . . . They just go together!

Fundamentals for Neurologically Based Chiroprac�c (NBC)
Fundamentals for Neurologically Based Chiroprac�c (NBC)
compila�on of ar�cles wri�en
By Dr. Richard Barwell, D.C.

The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 13
‐ 2018
Chapter 1
An Introduction to the “The Inner Universe” -
I woke up with a thought, or maybe the thought brought me to consciousness. My life path brought me to a point very distant from where I had planned. It appears I was never one to follow the path of the masses. Instead of medicine and reconstructive surgery, an injury opened the door to Chiropractic and I choice that path. Years of private practice opened the door to questions about how Chiropractic achieved such a wide range of results with such a wide range of approaches. Successful practice brought me to Colorado and Dr. Annette Long. This meeting provided the opportunity to explore how Chiropractic alters brain function. It only took about 35 years for this progress to take place but from that point in time, some 20 years ago, my path took a new and challenging direction. I had dared to look into our inner universe; the beautiful, fantastic and ever changing human brain. While we stand in awe about the vastness of the external universe, as Carl Sagan loved to say, “a galaxy is composed of gas and dust and stars – billions upon billions of stars”, I now stand in awe at the billions and billions of inner activities and actions performed by the brain every second. Who we think we are, is but a tiny window to the real self. The inner workings that continually strive toward balance and survival never stop and have little to do with what we perceive as conscious control. There is a vast network of internal communication which feeds both external and internal information into the brain. The brain then has the job of sorting out danger, needs, pleasure and mobility, all the while maintaining a critical balance of internal functions.
While I respect the current work being done in the field of neurology, for me, much of it tends to be directed to the wiring connections. Understanding the structure of the neurological connections, while very important, is still a reductionist view of how the system works. As I studied brain function I became more interested in a different path – one that involved “how” the brain works and that led me to studies on brain frequencies and states of “Being”. What was it that made us “be” alive or awake or in a coma?
Science has established that everything is about frequencies, down to the atom and beyond. Our perception of the world around us is based on how we interpret those frequencies. Our sight is all about frequencies as are the rest of our sensory inputs. At the atomic level, everything is just different frequency vibrations. Even our brain function is based on vibrational frequencies. It receives frequencies, uses frequencies to work and creates action with outgoing frequencies. The brain has pathways for different frequency input. The brain also has different regions to deal with those inputs ‐ for example; there is a special region for the frequencies of smell which is wired differently than any of the other senses.
Learning is a process of gathering information from all this frequency input and cataloging it into important survival responses or not important junk. Our experiences, which are imprinted into our memory banks, are stored via frequencies. They are also recalled and expressed via frequencies. Who we become is based on the information we have gathered through our experiences. The vast majority of this integrated information lies
at the subconscious level. While none of it is random, oftentimes there is some inconsistency between how the conscious acts and how the subconscious controls. The wider this gap, the greater is the potential for problems to develop.
The brain has a fantastic design with special areas designated for special functions, yet they are all connected and have an intense level of intercommunication. There is a traffic cop area which directs incoming information to areas of the brain for processing and coordination. There are areas for registering danger or pleasure and others that create memories of important events. There is an innate or inborn intelligence that guides development from conception on. There are master control areas that run the defense and chemical requirements of the body. The brain learns how to feed and walk, talk, write, read and think about possibilities. The brain is a sponge and the first 7 years of input will form the foundation of an individual’s beliefs. Morals, ethics, spiritual and our basic life values are formed during our early years. At a very early stage we are carefully taught to love, hate, address consequences of our actions and feel compassion. A memory of a line from a song in the movie “South Pacific” comes to mind – “We have to be carefully taught” This learning process is based on parents, education, cultural environment and a small percentage of genetic influence. Once a foundation has been established it is difficult to alter the belief. The psychology which drives us is more than just the wiring. The great unknown lies within. We need to know more about how it works and why sometimes things go terribly wrong. All this and much more is waiting to be discovered as we explore the wonders of the inner universe.
This book will address: how the brain creates action; how it stays aware of what is going on around it; how it recovers from danger and how it repairs itself. We will look at what happens when the system starts to breakdown and what can be done to bring it back into balance. One of the most exciting parts to all of this was to learn that Chiropractic plays a much more important role in positive brain health than I had ever been taught and once again I found I wasn’t walking with the masses. As the founder I say ‐ Welcome to my world ‐the world of Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC).
Chapter 1 Points
The power of asking “Why” can lead you down new opportunities.
There is much more to who we are than simply our conscious awareness.
The Nervous system is more than simply the wiring.
The five senses are different sets of frequencies as read by the brain.
Like all living things we come with a set of inborn or “Innate” intelligence designed for survival.
While there is massive learning during the yearly years we continue to develop new brain connections throughout life.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 15 ‐ 2018
Chapter 2
Understanding Brain Waves
Currently there is a strong movement within the Chiropractic profession toward a neurological foundation. While many will declare that we have always been neurologically based, the foundation of nerve root interference does not hold up when subjected to supportive research. While Chiropractic continues to demonstrate a high level of effectiveness across a wide range of health issues, the lack of supporting evidence for the nerve root compression as “cause” has created a splintered profession. A new approach was needed.
Early in 1999 I was working with two psychologists to determine if the Chiropractic adjustment had any effect on brain wave patterns. What we discovered changed our perception and understanding of “how” and “why” Chiropractic care achieved these results.
Brain Waves
Brain waves are produced by neurons in the brain. Their cellular function (ionic current) produces an electrical charge which can be measured through contacts on the scalp. Neuronal responses shift from input such as danger or relaxation, the activity of the neurons changes. It is actually the shift in neuronal function that determines the states of “being” such as being awake, relaxed or asleep.
Measuring brain waves requires that the scalp contact be extremely good as we are measuring about one millionth of a volt. This is the reason that the use of electrical contact paste or wet leads is the most accurate method. While dry leads are slowly improving, they are not as accurate as the wet. The next step in accurate data is the need to check the contact by using an impedance check to make sure the signal is clean.
The first information on brain waves was in 1875. The development and research of brain waves with clinical application has been done mostly by psychologists. Today there are volumes and volumes of supportive research on the ranges, ideals, responses, abnormal patterns and retraining involving brain waves and EEG use. Today, while the heavy researchers are still using the multi‐lead cap (19 to over 100 contacts), most clinical applications are able to use two to four leads for gathering data.
Part of the standardization of EEG use is the 20/20 placement sites for EEG contacts. This procedure allows for a data bank for ideal ranges of wave production in a specific region.
The brain produces all the frequencies, all the time, and throughout the brain cortex. That said, what EEG is measuring is cortical brain activity and not deep brain function. The importance of the cortical brain activity is that this is the region of the brain that represents our hard wired memories based on our experiences. Most
of these lie in the subconscious. The hard wired patterns can be changed but only through repetition over time or by a cathartic event.
The hard wired cortical patterns are the key to how the nervous system responds and recovers to stressors. These responses drive the limbic system (autonomic nervous system) toward sympathetic or para‐sympathetic production. The CNS is a dynamic adapting system and is able to grow new neurons throughout life.
Chapter 2 Points
There has always been a challenge with the pressure on the nerve root due to vertebral subluxation.
There is a connection between the effects of an adjustment and brain wave responses.
Cortical brain wave patterns are created through experiences and genetics.
The Limbic system (Autonomic Nervous System controller) is driven by the cortical patterns.
EEG is a good method of measuring cortical pattern responses to stressors and recovery.
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb
14 ‐ 2018
Chapter 3
Brain Wave Frequencies
As I started writing this I realized that before I can talk about each specific frequency, I need to address the bigger picture of brain frequencies. There is a wide range of electrical activity being produced by the brain whether we are awake, asleep, drowsy or even in a coma. In fact, our knowledge of brain waves has moved the confirmation of death from lack of breath, to lack of heart beat to loss of brain wave activity. The brain wave activity has been divided into 5 parts. .05 to 4Hz or very low is called Delta. 5 to 7.8Hz is called Theta, 7.9 to 11Hz represents Alpha and 12 to 41Hz is called Beta. Frequencies above Beta are called Gamma and run from 42 to 70Hz. There is a new group emerging called HyperGamma in which research is exploring altered consciousness. The brain produces all of these frequencies all the time. What is important is that the dominate group of frequencies determines your state of “being”. If Beta is the dominate group then your state of being is wide awake and alert. During our daily routines we should be primarily producing Beta activity.
Beta Brain Waves
Beta is our conscious state, the state of self‐awareness and external focus. Beta waves are very fast waves and their production demands a huge amount of energy. This awareness state is critical to keep the brain informed about events regarding survival information. There are two factors that are considered important danger and pleasure. The neurological system has many different sensory receivers to keep the brain informed about what is going on both inside and out the body. All of this information is fed into the brain for analysis and action. The brain has a very complex and integrated method for processing all this input. Areas of the brain can process incoming information and seek alternative ways to deal with the situation which is called cognitive function and is done in the prefrontal cortex. There is also an area for emotional attachment called the Amygdala. Another region, called the Hippocampus is for building memories of important events. Some memories are only for short term but if reinforced through repetition, they will become permanent hard‐ wired cortical patterns. These patterns are seen in Electroencephalograph (EEG) scans of brain waves.
Beta waves are fully conscious and are a defense program. Sensation of danger such as sounds, movement and pain are connected with Beta production. The fascinating part of this is that our conscious mind, this Beta state and being us, represents only about 5% of brain function. Who we really are lies much deeper in the subconscious.
Each time we are stressed, Beta frequency should increase in production. Stress is danger and there the brain wants more information so it increases conscious awareness. This increase creates a demand for more brain food or glucose which then puts the liver and pancreas into high gear. At the same time the production of cortisol takes place and a host of other stress hormones including adrenalin. Beta wave activity should go down during recovery and these secondary demands should then also recover. High sustained levels of Beta activity in the 32 to 41Hz range are a serious threat to brain health. The ability to down regulate your Beta
production is very important to maintain good neurological management and therefore good health. The inability to do this ideally plays a major role in the development of ADD, ADHD patterns and an overaroused central nervous system.
Chapter 3 Points
The cortex of the brain generates electromagnetic activity which can be measured.
Different brain wave frequencies represent different states of “Being” such as “Being awake” or “Being asleep”
While each frequency is special there a basic groups of frequencies that have specific responses.
When a frequency group is dominate the characteristics of that group will be your state of “Being”.
Example - Beta awake and defensive, Alpha awake and relaxed, Theta light sleep subconscious and Delta deep sleep or coma.
The main groups of brain wave frequencies are Gamma, Beta, Sensory Motor Rhythm, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.
Beta is our conscious state, the state of self‐awareness and external focus.
Beta waves (12 to 41Hz) are very fast waves and their production demands a huge amount of energy.
This awareness state is critical to keep the brain informed about events regarding survival information
Your conscious state of “Being” uses only 5% of your brain function while 95% of your “Being” lies in your subconscious.
Any threat should increase Beta production which in turn will increase energy demands and stress the production of Glucose (brain food).
High Beta activity is not designed for long term engagement.
Failure to disengage Beta has serious health consequences
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 1 ‐ 2018
Chapter 4
Brain Wave Frequencies
I was going to cover both SMR and Alpha in this article but as I proceeded with SMR I soon realized that both would have been too much information at one time. There is something I need to address about the use of brain function in a clinical application. The brain is dynamic. It is constantly adapting and changing. This ability is called neuroplasticity and is the foundation for our survival. Brain response testing must be done with this in mind. A relaxed baseline, then different stressor challenges, each followed by a recovery period, will show how the brain deals with issues and if it is capable of recovery. While we continue to focus on how we respond to stressors the critical issue is, if we really recover. Static exams such as static sEMG or x‐ray films fail to show the dynamic ability of CNS function. Once we saw the changes in brain wave patterns (pre and post EEG studies) after Chiropractic adjustments we started to realize that what we were doing was much more powerful than correcting spinal alignment or restricting our thinking to simply the nerve root as our level of neurological influence.
Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR)
In the last discussion on the Beta frequency group, I stated that the range for Beta was 12 to 41Hz. This needs a bit more clarification. The lower frequencies, 12 to 15Hz, while still considered Beta, have an interesting functional response. When using the 20/20 points of CZ or C3/C4 – oops ok ‐ time to back up ‐ the C references are not spinal. Remember in the introduction article I said, “Part of the standardization of EEG use is the 20/20 placement sites on the for EEG contacts. This procedure allows for a data bank for ideal ranges of wave production in a specific region”? The CZ site is located mid‐point at the top of the head. CZ readings reflect somato‐sensory association activity and provide a global view of cortical action. C3 and C4 are about 1.5 inches to either side of CZ and are left and right hemisphere sites. All of these points are over the sensory‐motor cortex. C3, being left hemisphere, is associated with the hand and finger region of the homunculus. C4 is more associated with emotions and/or music. This C group of frequency responses is called Sensory Motor Rhythm or SMR and is the 12 to 15Hz lower frequencies of the Beta group. In the last 20 years, research into the brain wave activity responses in this region has revealed a very important brain function associated with ideal SMR engagement. What never made sense prior to this research was that brain wave activity increased in the motor cortex, the 12 to 15Hz range, during relaxation. Why would the motor strip show increased action during deceased muscle activity? What has been learned is that the brain has a built in “defragging” system. Several areas of the brain are engaged in this activity including the prefrontal cortex. The purpose of the “defragging” is to clear out and/or catalog current intake information so that the processing resources of the brain don’t become over‐loaded.
People with ideal SMR responses, increased production of 12 to 15Hz during recovery, tend to stay clearer thinkers while those without this tend to become muddled and lose focus. Information overload is related to SMR patterns and can be retrained. Wait till you find out how Chiropractic alters this response. I’ll get there.
SRM is a great gateway for either up or down Neurofeedback training; down when Beta is too high and up when Alpha or Delta is above ideal.
Chapter 4 Points
The brain is dynamic. It is constantly adapting and changing.
This ability is called neuroplasticity and is the foundation for our survival.
As Brain function is dynamic any testing should also be dynamic.
Pre and post Chiropractic adjustment EEG studies demonstrated changes in the cortical patterns which open the opportunity to revisit the role of Chiropractic beyond the theory of spinal nerve root involvement.
Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR)
The standardization of EEG use is the 20/20 placement sites on the for EEG contacts.
The regions known as CZ, (includes C3, and C4) lies over the sensory motor strip.
C3, being left hemisphere, is associated with the hand and finger region of the homunculus.
C4 is more associated with emotions and/or music.
This C group of frequency responses is called Sensory Motor Rhythm or SMR and is the 12 to 15Hz lower frequencies of the Beta group.
Brain wave activity should increase in the motor cortex, the 12 to 15Hz range, during relaxation.
People with ideal SMR responses tend to stay clearer thinkers while those without this tend to become muddled and lose focus.
Good SMR responses are a built in defragging system. An example of Innate intelligence in action.
SMR frequencies are an ideal frequency group to start re training the brain.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 15 ‐ 2018
Chapter 5
Brain Wave Frequencies
In covering these first two frequency groups of Beta and SMR, we do not really leave the Beta group as SMR is actually low Beta. Beta represents a high level of conscious awareness. In addressing the next level called Alpha, we drop down to an external awareness level, less alert and slower frequency. The range of brain wave activity from 7.8Hz to 41Hz – Alpha, SMR and Beta, are what can be called our conscious awake state. The important point about Alpha, SMR and Beta is that these states of “being” only involved about 5% of our total brain function. The real self lies much deeper in the 95% of brain function including all the subconscious level functions, thoughts, fears, learned experiences and genetic programing. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Behavioral Therapists have long studied the human psyche, and in the last two decades we have learned more about human behavior with the ability to look into brain function and activity in that hidden 95%. Today we have the ability to watch the brain activity change as it moves from different states of “being”. Alpha is the pathway into the subconscious. It is the conscious relaxation state of “being”.
Alpha Frequency
Alpha frequencies run from 7.8Hz to 12Hz and before I go any further, these frequency sets are not written in stone. The frequency start and stop Hz numbers may vary. That said, the only variations are 1 or 2 numbers for top or bottom of each frequency. As all the frequencies are being produced all the time in a healthy brain, the only time the numbers become an issue is during retraining. There are areas of the brain which produce more or less of some of the frequencies.
Alpha is generated during conscious relaxation. Another name for this frequency group is the meditative state. As Beta is a defensive state, there is little ability for rest and recovery. The first step in recovery is the Alpha influence. Healing starts in Alpha. Closing of eyes helps to induce Alpha production. Vision inputs a massive amount of sensory stimulation, especially if there is any movement involved. Once Alpha frequencies are induced, the quietening of the cortical activity reduces the input to the sympathetic nervous system. This action brings all the systems of the body back into a balanced state of function. There is a great deal of cognitive brain activity still taking place during the Alpha state. Those who practice meditation can actually feel the relaxation taking place as the brain slows down. Deep meditative states of Alpha, those below 8Hz, can produce a feeling of oneness or of being connected at a spiritual level. The mean frequency of the earth was 7.8Hz and those able to train to this level often experienced this sense of oneness. Today that mean frequency is shifting upward due to all the electronic interference. If there is a need for conscious awareness such as danger, risk or planning, Alpha production will be reduced, yet once those demands are over Alpha production should then increase. As frequencies increase or decrease production, these actions are called “engagement” for increase and “disengagement” for decrease. Alpha wave activity is produced during slow breathing exercises, meditation, marijuana use and alcohol consumption. Remember healing starts with Alpha production. Knowing how to turn off the defense state and start Alpha production is step one to better
health. The 7.8Hz border of Alpha/Theta is the gateway between conscious and subconscious, the difference between being “awake” (7.8Hz), although in a low level of drifting, and light Theta sleep (7.7Hz).
Chapter 5 Points
Alpha - we drop down to an external awareness level, less alert and slower frequency.
The range of Alpha brain wave activity ranges from 7.8Hz to 12Hz.
Alpha, SMR and Beta are what can be called our conscious awake state
Alpha is the pathway into the subconscious.
It is the conscious relaxation state of “being”.
There are areas of the brain which produce more or less of some of the frequencies.
Another name for this frequency group is the meditative state.
As Beta is a defensive state, there is little ability for rest and recovery.
The first step in recovery is the Alpha influence.
Healing starts in Alpha.
Closing of eyes helps to induce Alpha production.
Vision inputs a massive amount of sensory stimulation, especially if there is any movement involved.
Deep meditative states of Alpha, those below 8Hz, can produce a feeling of oneness or of being connected at a spiritual level.
The mean frequency of the earth was 7.8Hz and those able to train to this level often experienced this sense of oneness.
During conscious awareness demands such as danger, risk or planning, Alpha production will be reduced, yet once those demands are over Alpha production should then increase.
When any frequencies increase or decrease production, these actions are called engagement for increase and disengagement for decrease
The 7.8Hz border of Alpha/Theta is the gateway between conscious and subconscious, the difference between being “awake” (7.8Hz), although in a low level of drifting, and light Theta sleep (7.7Hz).
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 21, 2018
Chapter 6
Brain Wave Frequencies
We are about to enter the world of “who” we really are; the world of our doubts and fears, our lessons learned through our experiences and our cultural imprinting. As these patterns are hidden in our subconscious, we often act without the slightest awareness of what motivates us to say or do something. In dealing with patients, I often wondered what was the key factor triggering a health challenge? Part of my training taught me that stress created the issues whether structural, pain inducing, system disruption, mental health challenges or a combination of these. How stress did this was left unsaid, even though we knew that stress affected the subconscious. I was aware that much of the neurological patterns behind these challenges lay in the then unavailable subconscious. In Chiropractic, we always talked about the causes of Vertebral Subluxation being chemical, physical and mental stressors but never bothered to understand the relationship between stress and the brain or how Chiropractic alters that relationship. First we need to learn about how the brain deals with stress; next the consequences of this; and finally how Chiropractic plays a critical role in reversing the damage caused by stress.
Theta Frequency
Welcome to the inner universe, the incredible Theta level of cortical function: light sleep, fantastic cognitive function, dream sleep or REM sleep. Theta: a state of recovery from the conscious challenges of the day, the shut down time of visual input and sound reduction in which there is no time for taste or touch to reach in and pull you back to the “awake” defense state. However, this is the state where a lot of the sub‐programs stored in your subconscious reign supreme. Beliefs, created by your experiences, and stored in your subconscious come out to play in the Theta state. Oftentimes many of these beliefs are not true or real, yet are deeply planted into memory systems in the cortical region. Events that are extremely traumatic are judged dangerous by the brain, thus can be stored very deep in the subconscious so that any attempt to consciously recall them is blocked. Theta rhythms are major players in our circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are daily cycle changes driven by the influence of light on the retina and governed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, located in the hypothalamus. Circadian rhythms can influence sleep‐wake cycles, hormone release, eating habits and digestion, body temperature, and other important bodily functions. Any disruption of Theta production will affect sleep patterns and interfere with many other system regulations such as cortisol production and vitamin D absorption. Theta frequencies run from 5Hz to 7.7Hz. In the upper frequencies of Theta you are asleep yet may still hear sounds around you but without directly responding to them. The brain likes to make sense of its world and any loose ends of the day’s activities need to be cataloged. Dreams are the brain’s attempt to make sense of random information so it creates stories, attempting to bring an event into some level of understanding. Dreaming is an important brain function. Lack of any dreams can mean serious subconscious issues. As Theta is subconscious, patient reporting would have to rely on a question of sleep patterns.
EEG studies provide a great opportunity to start understanding the neurological patterns that lie behind the patient’s health challenges. We can finally address the deep seated issues which are responsible for the patient’s long seated problems which continually re appear whenever stress levels reach critical levels. Where do you hold your stress? – Indeed, as the chronic pattern will return. Look to Theta patterns for answers.
Chapter 6 Points
Theta frequency group is the subconscious world of “who” we really are.
Theta frequencies run from 5Hz to 7.7Hz
This is the world of our doubts and fears, our lessons learned through our experiences and our cultural imprinting.
As these patterns are hidden in our subconscious, we often act without the slightest awareness of what motivates us to say or do something.
Understanding how the brain worked, especially the cortical memory patterns
Beliefs, created by your experiences, and stored in your subconscious come out to play in the Theta state. Oftentimes many of these beliefs are not true or real, yet are deeply planted into memory systems in the cortical region.
Events that are extremely traumatic are judged dangerous by the brain, thus can be stored very deep in the subconscious so that any attempt to consciously recall them is blocked.
Theta rhythms are major players in our circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythms are daily cycle changes driven by the influence of light on the retina and governed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, located in the hypothalamus.
Circadian rhythms can influence sleep‐wake cycles, hormone release, eating habits and digestion, body temperature, and other important bodily functions.
Dreams are the brain’s attempt to make sense of random information so it creates stories, attempting to bring an event into some level of understanding. Dreaming is an important brain function.
Lack of any dreams can mean serious subconscious issues. As Theta is subconscious, patient reporting would have to rely on a question of sleep patterns.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 22 ‐
Chapter 7
Brain Wave Frequencies
The wondrous world of the deep subconscious is where the magic happens. The great healing lies deep in the brain. The importance of Delta production goes far beyond a good night’s sleep. Delta brain frequencies were discovered in the 1930s. There has been a fantastic amount of research and data gathering about brain waves and their relationship to illness and health over the last 90 years, but this has always been forced into the background due to it being outside the medical model. As a Chiropractor, this not only sounded familiar but made me want to learn more about how this could apply to what I had seen while in practice. Did Chiropractic have anything to do with altering brain wave production? I had the opportunity to test that theory with two of the top Psychologists who were experts in the field of EEG and the results shocked all of us. The Adjustment had a massive effect on brain wave production patterns, not only at the time of the adjustment, which is what you would expect, but was still in effect 20 minutes later. Follow up care continued to show changes in EEG patterns as they moved toward an ideal balance. Not only did the ratios of frequencies improve but the shift toward ideal engagement and disengagement of the frequencies improved as well. The Chiropractic adjustments, over time demonstrated that the care was improving the efficiency of brain function. I will write about the importance of ratios and engagement of brain waves in upcoming chapters.
Delta Frequency
Whereas Beta waves are very short fast waves, Delta are the slowest long wave frequencies produced by the brain. The state of “being” in Delta is deep sleep or deep unconscious. Once of the best examples can be found in infants and young children. Their brain kicks into Delta and you can move them around, and/or carry on conversations around them without any effect on their sleep. The only thing that will raise their consciousness is a fearful activity which kicks in the “Morrow” response or the internal need for food. Delta is the dominating frequency from babies to 5 or 6 year old children. The Delta production then drops about 25%. Delta production continues to drop with age which will account for the sleep challenges in seniors. Delta production controls the stage 3 and 4 of deep sleep with under and over 50% dominance respectively. An important factor in Delta activity is that it stimulates the release of several growth hormones which involve the hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid. Delta production tends to be greater in females. The Delta percentage in normal awake testing in adults should be about 5% of total production and should rise with relaxation and fall during stress challenges. Delta wave production is generated in the cortex and thalamus. Delta wave production issues have a wide range of effects. A ketogenic diet may increase Delta production. Other challenges included sleep disorders, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, diabetes, autoimmune system disorders epilepsy, narcolepsy, depression and OCD. Ideal sleep patterns involve the dropping down in brain wave frequency. The brain slows down from Beta (wide awake) to Alpha (conscious relaxation) to Theta (light sleep REM) then down to Delta (deep sleep). Throughout the following 7 hours, the brain should cycle from Delta to Theta and back to Delta 6 to 7 times.
During these cycles there are many physiological functions taking place. An example is Vitamin D absorption. If these cycles are not occurring due to disturbance in brain wave production and regulation, this person will demonstrate a vitamin D deficiency. Taking more D will not help. The great value of adding EEG studies to your practice is found in being able to actually see the brain in action and show the positive effects of Chiropractic in improving its efficiency.
Chapter 7 Points
There has been a fantastic amount of research and data gathering about brain waves and their relationship to illness and health over the last 90 years, but this has always been forced into the background due to it being outside the medical model.
The Adjustment had a massive effect on brain wave production patterns, not only at the time of the adjustment, which is what you would expect, but was still in effect 20 minutes later.
Not only did the ratios of frequencies improve after the adjustment, but the shift toward ideal engagement and disengagement of the frequencies improved as well.
The Chiropractic adjustments, over time demonstrated that the care was improving the efficiency of brain function.
Delta Frequency
There is a continual interplay between all the frequencies which occur whether being awake or asleep.
The state of “being” in Delta is deep sleep or deep unconscious.
Delta is the dominating frequency from babies to 5 or 6 year old children.
An important factor in Delta activity is that it stimulates the release of several growth hormones which involve the hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid.
Delta production tends to be greater in females.
The Delta percentage in normal awake testing in adults should be about 5% of total production and should rise with relaxation and fall during stress challenges.
Ideal sleep patterns involve the dropping down in brain wave frequency. The brain slows down from Beta (wide awake) to Alpha (conscious relaxation) to Theta (light sleep REM) then down to Delta (deep sleep). Throughout the following 7 hours, the brain should cycle from Delta to Theta and back to Delta 6 to 7 times.
During these cycles there are many physiological functions taking place. An example is Vitamin D absorption
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 28 ‐ 2018
Chapter 8
Brain Wave Frequencies
The brain is a magnificent internal universe which we are just beginning to explore. It seems as if every day there is more information available on brain function that changes what we thought we knew. The outlines about which I have been writing are really the foundations for a basic understanding of cortical brain function. The challenge is that by studying each separate group of frequencies, we miss the continual interplay between all the frequencies which occur whether being awake or asleep. There are times when very high frequencies are in harmony with very low frequencies and produce altered states of consciousness. We are just beginning to know how these altered states of consciousness are generated. These states are driven by brain waves known as HyperGamma, Epsilon and Lambda and have been observed in Tibetan monks during intense meditation. These waves can occur in a range from 20Hz to 200Hz. When I started my study into brain function and brain waves, Gamma was just gaining interest. As we continue to learn how the brain functions, we are beginning to understand its role in states of being such as “out of body” experiences and unity consciousness. There is so much more for us to learn regarding the brain and psychic phenomena. There is now a great deal of evidence regarding the connection in brain pattern responses between two or more people. It appears that we are all connected at a level greater than just sharing the same planet.
Gamma Frequency
Gamma brain frequencies are the fastest and smallest amplitude waves produced by the brain. While Gamma waves are also produced over a wide range, they double production at 38 to 40Hz. The “ah‐ha” moment is associated with an increase of Gamma wave production. Gamma frequencies are related to cognitive processes which involve the prefrontal pyramidal neurons. Other regions of the brain also play a part in Gamma production which includes the hippocampus and thalamocortical excitatory neurons. Gamma waves are associated with a higher level of consciousness, intelligence, compassion, self‐control and happiness. The hippocampus, important in memory creation and recall, produces Gamma frequencies during Theta sleep.
The “ah‐ha” experience is Gamma in action. It is the moment of recognition with the perception of possibility through the connection of abstract ideas, as the brain integrates memories, sensory information, logic and emotions into a new concept. It is the sweep of Gamma throughout the brain and the response of the prefrontal pyramidal neurons in creating new dendritic connections. This sweep creates a “thought” which is recorded in a new brain circuit with an emotional attachment to say, “This is important, remember this”. Neurofeedback training, binaural beats, blue light retinal flashing at 40 Hz and deep meditation are all methods of training Gamma production. Too much Gamma will create a headache.
Gamma frequencies are important in memory, perception, integration of important events, brain speed in processing information, sense of compassion and a sense of internal happiness. Gamma waves tend to
decrease under stress. Your current brainwave patterns will determine what frequency training is ideal to improve your brain balance. Overdoing or inappropriate frequency training can cause serious challenges to balanced brain responses.
Chapter 8 Points
The wondrous world of the deep subconscious is where the magic happens. The great healing lies deep in the brain.
There are times when very high frequencies are in harmony with very low frequencies and produce altered states of consciousness. We are just beginning to know how these altered states of consciousness are generated.
These states are driven by brain waves known as HyperGamma, Epsilon and Lambda and have been observed in Tibetan monks during intense meditation.
As we continue to learn how the brain functions, we are beginning to understand its role in states of being such as “out of body” experiences and unity consciousness. There is so much more for us to learn regarding the brain and psychic phenomena.
There is now a great deal of evidence regarding the connection in brain pattern responses between two or more people. It appears that we are all connected at a level greater than just sharing the same planet.
It appears that we are all connected at a level greater than just sharing the same planet.
Gamma Frequency
Gamma brain frequencies are the fastest and smallest amplitude waves produced by the brain.
The “ah‐ha” moment is associated with an increase of Gamma wave production.
Gamma frequencies are related to cognitive processes which involve the prefrontal pyramidal neurons.
Other regions of the brain also play a part in Gamma production which includes the hippocampus and thalamocortical excitatory neurons.
It is the sweep of Gamma throughout the brain and the response of the prefrontal pyramidal neurons in creating new dendritic connections.
Your current brainwave patterns will determine what frequency training is ideal to improve your brain balance.
Overdoing or inappropriate frequency training can cause serious challenges to balanced brain responses.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Feb 28 ‐ 2018
Chapter 9
Beyond the Wiring
At this point it is time for a perspective review. At this point in time the Chiropractic profession is struggling with the positioning of the vertebral subluxation and the role of neurology in Chiropractic. The attempt to shift Chiropractic away from any direct connection to neurology is just plain short sighted if not silly. There are thee systems to the body; the passive system - the bones and joints that do nothing on their own. The Active system - the muscles which not only move the bones and joint buy also create every other physiological action in the body but however they also do nothing one their own and then there is the Control system - the nervous system which controls and co-ordinates all downstream action. As the bones, Joints and muscles do nothing on their own; they can’t be the cause of any challenge. Even the immune and endocrine systems take their orders from the Immune system. We need to focus on brain function as the key to health.
When you begin to study brain function, its complexity can very quickly overwhelm your ability to view it from a global perspective. The tendency is to start looking at brain function from its parts, whether that becomes its hemispheres, lobes, regions or how it is wired. While all these are important in grasping how the brain functions, when applying a reductionist’s system, the global function tends to get lost. The brain is greater than merely the sum of its parts. The brain is a magnificent living super computer which operates on electrochemical frequencies generated throughout the brain. The brain’s role is to integrate all the sensory information, recognize the value of the information, and integrate the information with known experience memories and take appropriate action. We cannot assume that all the incoming information is strictly through the wired neural receptors, as there is much not known about our extra sensory perception. While there is ongoing research regarding this field, we have much to learn about brain responses to frequency influences and psychic connections.
Frequency Regulation
One of the easiest ways to begin the journey into understanding the role of brain waves and how they relate to total brain function is to start by studying how they relate to our “State of Being”; such as “Being awake” or “Being asleep”. In order to keep this as simple as possible, I prefer to use the approach of “percentage of power”. “Percentage of power” simply means that out of 100% of brain waves being produced, which group of frequencies are the most, down to which are the least. In a normal wakened state we could expect Beta to be at approximately 30% of overall production. Sensory Motor Rhythm (SMR) should be between 5 to 10%, while Alpha should be found at about 22%, Theta at 10% and Delta at 5%. These percentages are for adults from 15 years to 70 years of age. Less than 15 years of age is another story which I will cover later. The Beta to Theta ratio should show Theta at about 10 percentage points lower than Beta. This information offers a view of the state of arousal of the cortical patterns. If Beta is above the 30% while Theta is below the 20%, it is an indication of cortical over‐ arousal. Once you understand the effects of each of the brain frequency groups, any increase or decrease of a frequency group will either increase or decrease that group’s effects.
Here is the catch: as we are looking at brain wave production as percentage of power, any shift in the production of one set of frequencies means that it will change the percentage of power of the others. So if Beta is high, which ones will be low? It could be any or all of the others! This is the biggest challenge to those automated EEG systems on the market. While the majority of people have stress patterns of high Beta and low Theta, there are many who do not show this pattern and incorrect neurofeedback training will make matters worse. I suggest that even with the quality instrument “BrainTap”, you first do a NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) before any attempt to alter brain function. Review the pages on each set of brain wave frequencies then apply their responses to what would happen if that set were to malfunction in either an overproduction or underproduction level. The dominate frequency group is your “state of being”. Examples: Too much Beta ‐ hyper alertness, distraction (ADHD), stimulation of defense systems, high glucose demand due to fast wave Beta generation, nervousness, cortisol and adrenalin production; Too much Alpha ‐ awake“La-La” land, poor focus; Too much Theta ‐ walking around in light sleep, poor sleep patterns; Too much Delta – coma, vitamin D deficiency, poor sleep patterns.
Chapter 9 Points
Bone Joints and muscles do nothing on their own so they can’t be the cause of health challenges.
Our state of “Being” is controlled by internal brain function and frequency modulation.
Neurology is more than the wiring or structure.
Brain responses to frequencies are important.
There are ideal percentages of brain wave frequency production.
Stressors and recovery from them play a role in the state of “Being”.
A brain state analysis should be done to determine the ideal approach of care plans.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar ‐ 2018
Chapter 10
Brain Dynamics
At this time you should have a basic understanding of: a. the importance of a global view of brain function; b. how brain waves are generated; c. the different states of “Being” due to brain wave production; d. the importance of the ratios of the brain wave production. The structural model of Chiropractic has been focused on the third level of neurological response, that being the position of the bones and joints. We have used exams such as x‐rays and static sEMG in an attempt to explain the issues affecting a dynamic system. As bones, joints and muscles do nothing on their own, any foundation of care based on them does not address the cause of the challenge. The brain is the center of all dysfunction. It is dynamic in its ability to adapt and change with the challenges for survival. Brain wave patterns, responses to stress, and recovery ability provide an excellent insight into the state of neurological function. Any system that addresses neurological function should include brain wave patterns to offer an accurate assessment of brain health.
Frequency, Engagement and Disengagement
The discussion of frequency regulation in the last chapter addressed the ideal ratios between the frequencies. The percentage value was from a view point of overall production; however, as life offers a continual changing environment the brain must continually adapt to these changes. The body is a closed loop system. This means that within all the different internal systems of respiration, digestion, cardiovascular etc., there must be a homeostatic balance; however, the external environment is constantly changing. The external change calls for an adaptive internal response. Another name for the external variation is called stress.
The interface between the external stress and the internal balance is the nervous system, with the brain being the central organizing authority for adaptive internal changes. Remember in the information on the brain wave frequency of Beta that I said it was defensive in nature? Beta is conscious awareness. Its function is to make us aware of danger. So this means that every time there is a situation of stress, the brain should generate more Beta for protection. When the challenge has been dealt with, the fight or flight response, Beta should then return to lower production.
This up and down movement is called Frequency Engagement and Disengagement. The range of engagement and disengagement should stay within the ideal ranges of 5 % above to 5% below the 30% production of Beta. So a Beta production of 35% during the stressor and 25% during the recovery would average at 30% overall.
The stress time is during an active stressors event and the recovery is during an “eyes closed”, sitting relaxed period. The engagement disengagement pattern for SMR, Alpha, Theta and Delta are the reverse of the Beta responses as they are all relaxation events; so they should increase in production during the recovery and decrease during the stressors events.
Remember that pain lives in Beta and healing begins in Alpha then increases in Theta and Delta. This beautiful dynamic shifting adaptive protective system is the key to a healthy life. The challenge begins when the brain’s processing resources; its ability to handle the amount of incoming information, begins to overload the system’s ability to cope. If this overload is great enough, both due to the intensity of the event or the duration of the stress, the brain begins to fail in self‐ regulation and unhealthy brain patterns develop.
There are two distinct critical brain wave production issues to consider: 1. the ratios of production or overall percentage of each set of frequencies and 2. the ability of the brain to engage and disengage in relation to stress and recovery. A dysfunctional brain is the foundation for all illness and disease.
Chapter 10 Points
The vertebral subluxation is a third level response to inappropriate neurological function.
X-ray and static sEMG studies represent a moment in time on a dynamic system.
To understand he dynamic of brain function a dynamic test is required.
The body’s systems are a closed loop and must constantly adapt to our ever changing environment
The brain should be able to engage and disengage various frequencies during daily function and cycles. Beta frequencies are defensive, non-healing, demand high energy for production and are the seat of pain.
Inability to recover from stressors will lead to illness and disease.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar 8th ‐ 2018
Chapter 11
The Integrated Brain
The fantastic flow of sensory information into the Central Nervous System (CNS) with all its levels of connection, filters, feedback checks, memory banks and states of consciousness is nothing short of the mysteries of the universe on an internal level. There are more synaptic connections in a brain than the number of stars in the solar system. Information from both outside the body and inside is constantly fed into the CNS whether we are asleep or awake, involved in activity or sitting watching a sunset. The brain never shuts down and even in our awake state, 95% of the brain function is working at the subconscious level. This 95% brain activity runs everything, which is a good plan as there is no way our conscious mind could handle the processing load. There is a fantastic amount of information stored in our memory banks. Much of which you don’t know that you don’t know at a conscious level, controls and guides your actions and beliefs every nanosecond.
The Dysfunctional Brain
The brain learns through building connections two ways: a massive experience called a cathartic event or through repetition. Both of these create new connections at the neuronal levels called synaptic connections. Each neuron has arms called axons which reach out to connect with other neurons. Each neuron seems to know what information is important and what is not. It stores the important information along the axon. If the information is reinforced, the stored information grows and as more storage happens, it develops into an arm called a dendrite. The dendrite then looks to connect with another neuron through a synaptic connection. This growth in new connections is called Neuroplasticity. Repetition of information grows very strong bonds between neurons and it is these connections that form the foundations of who we are. Brain waves are produced by neuronal activity production and we are able to see how the brain responds to different stressors and recovery though studying EEG patterns, which are mostly learned patterns of response with only about 20% being genetic in nature. The great challenge the brain has, outside of direct trauma, is its failure in self‐regulation. Failure in the brain’s self‐regulation eventually will lead to brain dysfunction.
Inappropriate brain function will show up before other symptoms appear. The types of brain dysfunction that will disrupt an ideal brain wave pattern are: too much of some frequencies; too little of some frequencies; improper balance of frequencies within specific lobes of the brain; inappropriate frequency response; inability to re‐establish norms; inappropriate neural patterns; physical damage and/or pathological damage. Today we are well aware of the long term and disastrous effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This type of injury can be created over a wide range of neurological insult, from the massive injury, repeated concussions or the effects of chronic stress over time. The stress can be physical, chemical, electromagnetic and/or emotional. Stress is the greatest factor in the loss of ideal brain function and is now considered the major cause of all illness and disease.
While the neurology Diplomates focus on the neurological wiring and use feedback systems to alter the wiring, the EEG study done with the NeuroInfiniti presents an opportunity to see the brain adapting in live time or to register the change in the brain wave patterns over time. These two approaches offer the profession an incredible elevation in value for Chiropractic as we move away from the outdated theory of correction of Vertebral Subluxation and pain relief, to improved Central Nervous System function.
Chapter 11 Points
95% of the brain function is working at the subconscious level.
There are more synaptic connections in a brain than the number of stars in the solar system.
The brain learns through building connections two ways: a massive experience called a cathartic event or through repetition.
This growth in new connections is called Neuroplasticity.
Failure in the brain’s self‐regulation eventually will lead to brain dysfunction.
Inappropriate brain function will show up before other symptoms appear.
Stress is the greatest factor in the loss of ideal brain function and is now considered the major cause of all illness and disease.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar 12th ‐ 2018
Chapter 12
The Big Picture of Brain Function
In the chapter on the dysfunctional brain I listed many different factors as to what may be causing the dysfunction. We now know that stress is the primary cause of all brain dysfunction and can lead to neurological breakdown including damage to the actual wiring of the brain. When viewing brain function challenges it is important to view all the factors that may be involved. Those who pursue the Neurology Diplomate programs will become very efficient at locating and rendering care for these brain wiring problems. Treatment for pathology of the brain lies in another field, so that leaves the rest of the challenges as pure functional issues. The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) provides a fantastic amount of information to cover the balance of these brain health issues. These include: brain wave production; ideal responses of the brain to stressors and recovery; the limbic system and cortical patterns interplay relationship; plus overall responses to stress and recovery ability. This information provides the opportunity to shift the focus from structural, symptom and/or strictly philosophically based practices to true Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) practices. Neuroscience now offers support for the philosophy.
Cortical Patterns and Limbic Responses
While these two neurological considerations are related, they have distinct roles in neurological function. The cortical (hard wired) patterns are formed through genetic expression (approximately 20%) and experience (80%). The learned patterns are developed as the brain, recognizing the experience has survival value, looks to either reinforce the experience through pleasure or to record the threat level. This is done through a very complex global brain wiring system of creating memory connections within the brain. The long term memory patterns, which are the foundations for our personality and responses, are stored with an emotional overlay mostly at a subconscious level. When the cortex responds and/or recovers from different stressors, these responses can be seen as Electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns, which include the percentage of power array and the engagement disengagement actions.
The Limbic System represents a different functioning level of neurological control. While it may show a fast level response to a stressor such as the startle reflex, it relies on the cortical memory as to how to best respond to a stressor. Again, the global method of brain function has many interconnections which not only bring many areas of the brain into action decisions but will also include many of the body’s multiple systems. Much of these responses involve the Autonomic Nervous System. The Sympathetic /Para‐sympathetic responses control a wide effect on the ability of the body’s systems to maintain a homeostatic balance, including the immune system. While the upper and lower brain functions have a working relationship, they have different duties to perform. Cortical patterns can demonstrate a state of over arousal (too much Beta or too little Theta/Alpha), under arousal (too Much Alpha, Theta or Delta or too little Beta). The Limbic system’s biggest challenge is over‐arousal of the sympathetic system and failure of para‐sympathetic down regulation.
It is possible for the brain to have an over‐aroused limbic response and an under aroused cortical pattern. This complexity of brain interrelationship is the foundation of the need to measure brain activity from a wide range of functional responses so that we can apply appropriate care. Remember that: “If you can’t measure it you can’t manage it!”
Chapter 12 Points
Stress is the primary cause of all brain dysfunction
The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) include: brain wave production; ideal responses of the brain to stressors and recovery; the limbic system and cortical patterns interplay relationship; plus overall responses to stress and recovery ability.
Cortical patterns are formed through genetic expression (approximately 20%) and experience (80%).
The long term memory patterns, which are the foundations for our personality and responses, are stored with an emotional overlay mostly at a subconscious level (EEG) patterns include the percentage of power array and the engagement disengagement actions.
The Limbic system or Autonomic Nervous System (Sympathetic /Para‐sympathetic) responses control a wide effect on the ability of the body’s systems to maintain a homeostatic balance, including the immune system.
The Limbic system’s biggest challenge is over‐arousal of the sympathetic system and failure of para‐sympathetic down regulation.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar 13th ‐ 2018
Chapter 13
Neural Adaptability
During a conversation between good friends, B. J. Palmer asked Albert Hubbard what he thought were the most important words ‐ Hubbard’s reply was, “Survival Value”. The ramification of these two words has even more relevance today in light of the knowledge now available in the field of neuroscience. The previous teaching had the brain as a fixed entity in which we had more brain cells than we needed at birth, only to have them die off throughout life. In 1998 a paper out of Sweden turned that old theory on its head. The research showed that new brain cells (neurons) were being formed in the hippocampus (memory development region) throughout life. Once the old belief was proved wrong, they discovered that the olfactory region also demonstrated the ability to grow new neuronal stem cells. This new information meant that the brain continued to create new connections and pathways throughout life; that it learned new survival skills through its experiences. The brain learned to adapt and grow. The term neuroplasticity was born.
Abnormal Cortical Patterns
The brain is more than simply a living computer and while it can do the unimagined, there is a fatal flaw in its design. It has a failure to self‐regulate. There is a small part of brain function that is based on genetic control which amounts to about 20%, while the rest is learned through experiences. The experiences are registered through pain, threat and pleasure. Repetition is the key to building new neural patterns. The repetition of an action, thought, pain or reward will create the building of new neural pathways. While this works great when trying to learn a new skill, it is a challenge when attempting to alter old circuits.
Childhood learned patterns are deeply embedded in the cortex. Our doubts and fears that were patterned when young becomes part of our core beliefs, even though they may be incorrect, reside as cortical connections and live‐in the subconscious. The brain frequencies of Theta are where these neural Trolls live. We can see the effect of improper Theta production in the inability to subconsciously relax which in turn affects our circadian rhythms. There are many neurophysiological functions of the body involved with sleep patterns and once these patterns are disrupted, other health challenges follow. Other major issues such as high stress levels affect other cortical patterning. Constant threats that can be physical, chemical or mental stressors will unbalance brain function and create an over‐aroused cortical Beta wave defense response. This in turn fires the flight/fight responses in the lower brain regions. Over time, the system becomes overloaded and the processing resources of the brain begin to short circuit. If this continues they may become unstable or worse, exhausted.
“Post‐Traumatic Stress Syndrome” is the best example of an acute state of an exhausted nervous system. If there is no care given to help the brain return to a balanced state, the inter‐neural connection will continue to be over‐whelmed until the individual can no longer function. The ability of the brain to engage and
disengage the ideal cortical frequency based on sensory input is also critical. As the sensory information reaches the brain, the integration of that information relies on the processing resources pathways for appropriate response action. We know that even low level stress over time affects the prefrontal cortex’s ability to ideally integrate the information. Poor integration leads to inappropriate responses which in turn lead to increased internal stress. Poor integration of sensory information, over‐loaded processing resources, disrupted circadian rhythms, limbic system flight/fight responses, inappropriate integration, poor frequencies regulation and responses lead to the loss of our “Survival Value”. Ramifications indeed!
Chapter 13 Points
The most important words are “Survival Value”.
New brain cells (neurons) were being formed in the hippocampus (memory development region) throughout life.
Olfactory region also demonstrated the ability to grow new neuronal stem cells
The brain has a failure to self‐regulate.
The repetition of an action, thought, pain or reward will create the building of new neural pathways.
Our doubts and fears that were patterned when young becomes part of our core beliefs, even though they may be incorrect, reside as cortical connections and live‐in the Theta subconscious.
The inability to subconsciously relax which in turn affects our circadian rhythms (Sleep patterns)
“Post‐Traumatic Stress Syndrome” is the best example of an acute state of an exhausted nervous system.
The integration of sensory information relies on the processing resources pathways for appropriate response action.
Poor integration of sensory information, over‐loaded processing resources, disrupted circadian rhythms, limbic system flight/fight responses, inappropriate integration, poor frequencies regulation and responses lead to the loss of our “Survival Value”.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar 22th ‐ 2018
Chapter 14
System Effects
There is a challenge in “how” we are taught. Our very society has been forced down to reductionism and linear thinking. The concept of “if we can understand the smallest part of something, then we can control the big picture of that thing” is at the heart of health care challenges today. There are two main challenges to this theory: one being that the sum is always greater than just the parts; and two, when we deal with complex systems there is a global expression to be considered. A prime example of this challenge lies in the field of pharmacology. The application of drugs into a closed loop system always has ongoing effects on other systems within that closed loop. The concept of only looking at the chemical imbalance then prescribing a specific chemical (drug) for one outcome, is both reductionist and linear thinking in action, plus will continue to create ongoing problems. The human nervous system is an extremely complex system, let alone its relationship to all the other human physiological systems involved in our survival.
Limbic Responses
Up to this point in this series I have been focused on the part of the brain that is the information integration level. The region that takes in information, registers its importance, recalls memories for reference and makes plans of action. This article is more about the area that takes action. This area is called the limbic system and is in charge of the Autonomic Nervous System. The limbic system is also a complex system with a wide range of influence on human physiology. All parts of the brain are interconnected and respond to both incoming information and outgoing action on a global basis. The immune system and the endocrine systems constantly exchange information and action. The nervous system is still the master of all even though these systems have some self‐regulation. A major part of the limbic system actions is the called the flight/fight response. In the previous article I talked about Survival Value and this is the heart of the flight/fight response. We are born with primitive reflexes which are suited for infant survival. As the brain continues to learn and grow though experiences, the primitive reflexes are normally replaced with adult responses. Those experience lessons are stored as memories which are hard wired in the cortex and are the foundation for who you are as a human.
The limbic system responses are as personal as your fingerprints. Incoming information is processed by the brain and the Survival Value attached will inform the limbic system as to danger, pleasure or need. Danger is the prime mover of the flight/fight response and will in turn drive other systems toward survival. As we prepare to either fight or flee, there are body needs which must be handled. Muscles will need food to build strength. The brain will need to be kicked into high gear for fast thinking (Beta). Heart rate will need to increase in order to supply oxygen and food throughout the body. Blood supply will be reduced to the extremities in order to have more blood supply for the big muscles. This action will make the extremities lose their source of heat. Muscle tension will increase to prepare for action. Respiration rate will increase to supply much needed oxygen for brain and muscle activity. Hand and feet surfaces will become moist for
improved gripping ability. Blood pressure will climb to speed flow. Pupils will dilate. Other non‐immediate survival responses such as reproduction, digestion and growth will shut down. If the threat or stress level becomes chronic, the disruptive effect on all neurophysiological functions will become critical for survival. There are ideal ranges of limbic system response and recovery. The NeuroInfiniti instrument measures 6 of the major responses during stress and recovery as well as the hard wired cortical patterns.
Chapter 14 Points
Our very society has been forced down to reductionism and linear thinking.
The application of drugs into a closed loop system always has ongoing effects on other systems within that closed loop.
The brain that takes in information, registers its importance, recalls memories for reference and makes plans of action.
The immune system and the endocrine systems constantly exchange information and action.
The primitive reflexes are normally replaced with adult responses. Those experience lessons are stored as memories which are hard wired in the cortex and are the foundation for who you are as a human.
A major part of the limbic system actions is the called the flight/fight response
The brain will need to be kicked into high gear for fast thinking (Beta). Heart rate will need to increase in order to supply oxygen and food throughout the body. Blood supply will be reduced to the extremities in order to have more blood supply for the big muscles. This action will make the extremities lose their source of heat. Muscle tension will increase to prepare for action. Respiration rate will increase to supply much needed oxygen for brain and muscle activity. Hand and feet surfaces will become moist for improved gripping ability. Blood pressure will climb to speed flow. Pupils will dilate. Other non‐immediate survival responses such as reproduction, digestion and growth will shut down. If the threat or stress level becomes chronic, the disruptive effect on all neurophysiological functions will become critical for survival. There are ideal ranges of limbic system response and recovery.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
Chapter 15
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Mar 27th ‐ 2018
Shifting Away From the Germ Theory
The mystery of the loss of health has been with humankind since we became salient beings. We have wondered why we become ill since the earliest of times. Illness was thought of as a possession, some negative spiritual influence which was robbing us of our health. The job of the witch doctor was to rid the body of the possession. Potions and spells were used to displace the controller of this event. Then came the theory of “bad air” causes illness. In 1880 Louis Pasteur developed the “Germ Theory” which is still with us today, even though science has demonstrated that there is something else going on regarding how we become ill. “Germs” (bacteria and viruses) are everywhere, and I mean everywhere; therefore, if they are the cause of illness, we should all be ill all the time.
The attempt to eradicate these “germs” through the use of antibiotics has backfired and has only made them stronger; yet, we continue to flood the system with even stronger antibiotics. It is past time to look elsewhere for the cause of disease.
Stress Effects on the CNS.
We are well aware that there is a relationship between the intensity and/or duration of the stress to which we are subjected and our state of well‐being. In the late 1950s, research had already connected the influence of stress to loss of health. As this opposed the “Germ Theory” along with the medical control over the administration of “no symptoms” as being healthy and medical care, as being an “invader” removal business, the research was ignored. You can trace this control system back to the concepts of illness as being possessed of a foreign entity. Some old habits die hard.
Much has changed over the last 20 years regarding the understanding of how the body remains healthy in spite of the constant challenges from the hostile world in which we live. While the Chiropractic profession held the view that the nervous system was the central organizing authority of all the systems in the body, the medical model had the immune system operating as a separate entity. It wasn’t until the mid‐1980s that medical thinking was forced to shift its position on the relationship between the nervous system and the immune system, when they published information showing the nervous system and the immune system communicated directly. This shift placed the nervous system as the supreme controller involved in every biological function.
The Chiropractors were right all along. The decade of the study of the brain, followed by the decade study of consciousness has had a profound effect on our understanding of the role the central nervous system plays regarding health and disease/illness. We now understand the devastating effects of stress on brain function. Once the brain function is challenged, the rest of the systems are also directly affected. Even a small amount of stress can impair the prefrontal cortex, known as the conductor of the brain, and the cerebellum that is in charge of balance, coordination and defense. Stress can be a massive event or low grade, but over time both
will have a major effect on the immune system balance. Today we are witnessing an exponential growth in a wide range of autoimmune system diseases, an indicator of the effects of the high stress time in which we live. All the internal body functions are affected by stress challenged brain function.
We are all aware of stress responses such as: high blood pressure, bad sleep patterns, digestive challenges, reproductive issues, belly fat gain, and cortisol elevation. These are just the tip of the iceberg and I will be going into more detail in the next article. What this comes down to is that the relationship between health, illness or disease is an internal issue, not about an outside invader. The mystery of illness is no longer a mystery; however, the challenge now is to relegate the old system based on the “Germ Theory” as secondary.
Chapter 15 Points
The attempt to eradicate these “germs” through the use of antibiotics has backfired and has only made them stronger
In the late 1950s, research had already connected the influence of stress to loss of health.
While the Chiropractic profession held the view that the nervous system was the central organizing authority of all the systems in the body, the medical model had the immune system operating as a separate entity.
The decade of the study of the brain, followed by the decade study of consciousness has had a profound effect on our understanding of the role the central nervous system plays regarding health and disease/illness.
Even a small amount of stress can impair the prefrontal cortex, known as the conductor of the brain, and the cerebellum that is in charge of balance, coordination and defense.
What this comes down to is that the relationship between health, illness or disease is an internal issue, not about an outside invader.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 3rd ‐ 2018
Chapter 16
You Won’t Believe This One!
In chapter 15, I wrote about the fact that in the 1980s the medical profession finally discovered that the nervous system and the immune system communicated. This was a major shift in medical thinking. As the chapter 15 was being posted, I received an article dated Sept 2018 expounding on newly discovered peripheral nervous cells being so numerous in the gut they have collectively been dubbed "the second brain”. The article included the following statement: “Nobody could have imagined that the nervous system coordinates, commands and controls the immune response throughout the whole organism.” Thanks for proving the point of, not only chapter 15, but the need for this entire series. Interesting note here, that within 3 days of chapter 15 being posted, over 1100 people viewed it. My focus is primarily the Chiropractic Profession, so I am engaging a limited market, but the interest is growing in the foundation for Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC). I am available for presentations on this subject. Information, such as my CV, presentation outlines and future booked presentations can be found on our Neuroinfiniti.com or NeuroInfiniti Utube sites.
In‐Depth Stress Effects on the CNS
As I have mentioned, stress affects the function of brain efficiency. Even a small amount of stress can alter sensitive brain regions such as: the thalamus, prefrontal cortex (PFC), the cerebellum, the amygdala, the hippocampus and the hypothalamus. In fact, stressors affect the entire central nervous system function. While our nervous system is designed to deal with a certain level and/or certain types of stress, the real problem begins when the levels exceed the brain’s processing capabilities. Our Innate or inborn knowledge knows how to deal with the effect of gravity and neurologically alters structure as we learn to move, crawl and walk; however, all of these steps must go through careful neurological development in order to develop ideally. Remove the effect of gravity and the brain changes the body’s responses. Add stressors over the tolerance level and the brain begins to fail in self‐regulation. Adaptive patterns designed for short term responses become fixed long term patterns which are inappropriate for ideal adaptive neurological function.
We begin to see failure in PFC regulation. This region is the brain’s executive control center. Critical decision making such as risk evaluation, reality testing, fast acting stress responses from the brain stem and emotional regulation are just some of the controls affected by PFC states. The communication between the PFC (executive controller), the cerebellum (muscle coordination, Balance, flight/fight responses), the amygdala (fear and anger regulation), Hypothalamus (control of endocrine balance) and the Hippocampus (responsible for short term and long term memory development) operates globally rather than in a linear method. The Striatum or Internal brain communication network carries information to and from these different regions of the brain.
Understanding how these areas are connected is important, but the brain works at a level beyond the wiring. All of our experiences are recorded as memories in the cortical region. Important survival information is retained in cortical neural pathways other than reflex responses; the stored memory patterns will guide your
actions. Acute stress is challenging enough; however, chronic stress will continue to push the brain into unbalanced inappropriate states of function. These non‐adaptive states will exert inappropriate excitatory and inhibitory influences on neurological objectives through pathways from the CNS. We can examine the unbalancing through EEG studies of Brain wave patterns of engagement and disengagement, overall brain wave ratios plus limbic system responses and recovery ability. Some of these tests can be applied before and after each adjustment. Bilateral weight balance pre and post adjustment is an example, as is extremity temperatures.
At this point I would like to be clear about the direction of this information. The fantastic new information about Chiropractic and the brain can change the profession dramatically. But you can’t continue to use the old theory about vertebral subluxation/nerve root pressure and expect respect and understanding as people and/or other health care professions gain neurological knowledge. Once you grasp how stressors alter brain structure and function, then apply the great new research information regarding how Chiropractic has the ability to restore neurological balance, it is the dawn of a new day for the profession.
Chapter 16 Points
An article dated Sept 2018- included the following statement: “Nobody could have imagined that the nervous system coordinates, commands and controls the immune response throughout the whole organism.”
Even a small amount of stress can alter sensitive brain regions such as: the thalamus, prefrontal cortex (PFC), the cerebellum, the amygdala, the hippocampus and the hypothalamus.
The real problem begins when the levels exceed the brain’s processing capabilities.
Add stressors over the tolerance level and the brain begins to fail in self‐regulation.
Adaptive patterns designed for short term responses become fixed long term patterns which are inappropriate for ideal adaptive neurological function.
Acute stress is challenging enough; however, chronic stress will continue to push the brain into unbalanced inappropriate states of function.
But you can’t continue to use the old theory about vertebral subluxation/nerve root pressure and expect respect and understanding as people and/or other health care professions gain neurological knowledge.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 9th ‐ 2018
Chapter 17
2 and 2 equals Hmmm. This article will get down and dirty. Down into the details of how stress really messes us up! Here’s the intent of where we are headed – if you understand how the outside environment continually challenges our ability to adapt for survival and how our internal reactions respond to those changes with pattern responses, you have completed the first level of a neurological awareness. In order for this to take place, you will have had to recognize that the nervous system is the interface between exterior influences and internal adaptation.
As these articles continue to reveal how the nervous system engages all its adaptive resources and the effects of system overloading, the goal of health will become much greater than simply finding vertebral subluxations and “correcting” them. Once we were able to show that the Chiropractic adjustment is directly involved in altering neurology at the highest level of patterned responses, the value of Chiropractic changed from pain relief to brain power. So the first “2” is the new understanding of how stress destroys survival ability and the second “2” is that Chiropractic’s value lies in improving CNS adaptability. Therefore: The thinking Hmmm!
Fight/Flight and Other Wonders! The word goes out that there is danger around. OK, not exactly a word, but the sensory input message is that there is something wrong. The Alert Response Mechanism or early warning system informs the CNS to move to defense. This can be a single stress event or worse, a chronic stress situation. The message kicks the Pre‐Frontal Cortex into action which lights up the rest of the brain regions. The amygdala kicks up the fear response which in turn triggers the pituitary division of the Hypothalamus to secrete Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH), arginine‐vasopressin (AVP) and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH). CRH and AVP activate the defense system called the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis. ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands to release Corticosteroids, including Cortisol. AVP induces vasoconstriction (causes high blood pressure) and water retention.
The adrenal glands also release Adrenaline and Nor‐Adrenaline (Neurotransmitters). The liver is kicked into high gear to provide glucose for energy needs. As the brain is now in high gear (Beta wave production) its energy demand is extremely high! The pancreas is called into action to offset the high amount of Glucose. The immune system is placed under high alert.
This is just the tip of the down and dirty of the stress response, and I understand that studying it can become mind‐numbing but wait, there is more. The danger information has other areas of the brain in high gear as well. The Cerebellum also goes into defense, muscle tone increases, and para sympathetic activity is shut down. The sympathetic nervous system is now in control. Chronic stress patterns are based on the learned experiences of the individual and are hard wired into cortical memories. Chronic stress patterns are killers and the foundation of disease and illness. The Amygdala increases in size and sensitivity which means that fear levels increase and trigger faster. The Hippocampus shrinks and both memory formation and recall are
damaged. The neurons of the PFC shrink and with this our cognitive ability decreases. Our ability to make good decisions is compromised which just creates greater levels of stress.
When this happens we lose our sociability, have impaired memory and lose compassion. The immune system and the endocrine system depend on accurate and balanced information from the nervous system in order to maintain ideal responses and function. The message of chronic stress stays geared up 24/7. The Immune system goes into hyper‐action and starts acting like normal tissues are an enemy.
The exponential growth of autoimmune system illness in America makes a very loud statement regarding the effects of stress in these times. The Endocrine system is now running amuck and the delicate hormonal balance is in chaos.
The Reductionists’ therapies attempt to manage our health challenges one piece at a time. The real picture is bigger than one piece. Care programs must start and end with addressing the imbalance in the Neurological patterns. We need to understand the state of their neurological issues, how they response to different stressors and how or if they are capable of recovery from a stressor. An impaired Immune system will have a breakdown in the inflammatory response and infection defense; an impaired Endocrine system creates hormonal challenges and erratic responses.
Disease and illness are neurological issues. It still comes down to this: they are all neurologically based. All we need to do is understand that the Chiropractic adjustment has worked from day one because it improves neurological adaptation. The Brain is bigger than its parts.
You see 2 plus 2 equals more than simply 2 plus 2.
Chapter 17 Points
The nervous system is the interface between exterior influences and internal adaptation.
The goal of health will become much greater than simply finding vertebral subluxations and “correcting” them.
Stress destroys survival ability
Chiropractic’s value lies in improving CNS adaptability.
The Alert Response Mechanism or early warning system informs the CNS to move to defense.
Chronic stress patterns are based on the learned experiences of the individual and are hard wired into cortical memories.
Impaired Endocrine system creates hormonal challenges and erratic responses.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 12th ‐ 2018
Chapter 18
The Neurological BIG Picture
The past chapters should have given you a sound foundation to look at how sickness, illness, and/or disease processes take place. While the medical profession continues to look for the cause of disease outside the body, and bases care on symptom relief, it is becoming obvious that research in the field of Neuroscience is showing that there is much more going on. While eastern medicine addresses issues such as balance and energy, many of those approaches still use symptoms or reduction of symptoms as a measurement for care and success rates. Today we have the ability to reach beyond these indicators for care by simply comparing the state of neurological function to ideals of response and recovery to stressors. The imbalance of Central Nervous System function happens long before any signs or symptoms develop. The historical position of the Chiropractic profession was based on interference to the neurological control regarding health and disease. The premise of nerve root compression at the intervertebral foramen as the cause of the neurological interference was only a theory and remains so today. The research into the brain over the last 20 years has offered the profession a much better understanding into how Chiropractic continues to produce its wide scope of results.
The Baby and the Bath Water!
Contrary to what many seem to think, a shift away from vertebral subluxation (VS) as the primary cause of disease or illness, does not suggest that VS does not exist or isn’t important. VSs are created by stressors and are part of the damage created when the system fails to maintain an ideal homeostatic balance.
Remember that part about the brain and its failure in self‐regulation? That fact is the key to understanding where the true neurological interference begins. The downstream effects are devastating and accumulative. While the body’s Innate Intelligence does a fantastic job at balancing the internal adaptive abilities to offset the external threats, if the master controller is not regulating ideally this ideal balance will be compromised. Stress effects over time will result in an “Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome.” The first stage is an interference with the inflammation response. It is at this point that the new field of Chiropractic neurologists tends to become, what I call, reductionist neurologists, as they focus on the neurological wiring, neurotransmitters, cytokines, interleukins etc. rather than the neurological imbalance which controls the production of all these responses. I respect the work they are doing but have noticed their path is leading them further away from the importance of the Chiropractic adjustment and its role in neurological balance restoration.
So where does this leave the profession? The Chiropractic profession’s century old battle in defense of vertebral subluxation has created such a strong relationship that the two have come to mean the same thing, which is that without the vertebral subluxation there is no Chiropractic. Even the slightest suggestion that there may be something else at play will get you branded as a heretic. What became lost with all this VS defense was the most important aspect of Chiropractic: the power of the adjustment to change people’s
lives. The adjustment was an after‐thought; yet, it alone is the center of Chiropractic’s survival in spite of over 100 years of brutal attacks by the medical profession.
The one reason that any attacks against Chiropractic, no matter how severe, have only a passing effect is because of the outstanding results Chiropractic care continues to obtain. The part that Chiropractors skip over is that these results are generated by a wide range of approaches and techniques. They are very seldom obtained by just one single method such as manual adjusting of the spine. This has to suggest that there is something else going on beyond the simple manual correction of the Vertebral Subluxation. This does not suggest however that the Vertebral Subluxation is not important nor that Chiropractic must restrict itself to the old “find it, fix it, then leave it alone” philosophy.
What it does clearly state is that the profession has a responsibility to further develop how the adjustment achieves such dramatic and far reaching results. The neurological foundation of the profession has moved from the nerve root to brain function with reproducible accepted research that holds promise for a great future for Chiropractic. The spine remains a primary access to CNS function changes. Subluxation is found where D.D., B.J. and Stephenson thought it was – In the brain.
The goal of this book is to offer you a better understanding of how stress damages the brain; how this damage creates havoc in all the systems of the body and that by only addressing a patient’s symptoms we miss the causative factor in the loss of health. It is my hope that with these articles you are able to move the concept of what you have to offer far beyond pain relief or symptom based care. The following articles will now focus on the proof of the power of the adjustment, in all its forms, to improve brain function. Change in thinking does not mean we throw everything out, it just means we keep our Chiropractic Baby, but clean it up!
Chapter 18 Points
The research into the brain over the last 20 years has offered the profession a much better understanding into how Chiropractic continues to produce its wide scope of results.
VSs are created by stressors and are part of the damage created when the system fails to maintain an ideal homeostatic balance.
Stress effects over time will result in an “Induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome.”
The Chiropractic profession’s century old battle in defense of vertebral subluxation has created such a strong relationship that the two have come to mean the same thing, which is that without the vertebral subluxation there is no Chiropractic.
The spine remains a primary access to CNS function changes. Subluxation is found where D.D., B.J. and Stephenson thought it was – In the brain.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 6th ‐ 2018
Chapter 19
21st Century Chiropractic.
Throughout the 20th Century, Chiropractic went through many changes. The profession was born, so to speak, in 1895 during a time period in which many other changes were also in play. The development of Quantum Physics, the radio receiver, the greenhouse effect, the field of ecology, x‐rays, as well as the early development of antibiotics can also be credited to this time period. When you look at all these fields today there has been drastic changes in all of them with one exception, that being Chiropractic. While there has been a fair amount of research articles published regarding Chiropractic, the direction has been toward the medical model. This model is based on some form of health challenge and how it responds to Chiropractic care. Such as Chiropractic and back pain and Chiropractic and dysmenorrhea.
The Intent of Chiropractic care was never based on a specific illness but rather on improved neurological function, so this model of research was, and still is, inappropriate. Please note the use of the word “care” rather than “treatment”. The use of the word treatment follows the medical model of thinking that is: “The use of an agent, procedure, or regimen, such as a drug, surgery, or exercise, in an attempt to cure or mitigate a disease, condition, or injury.” The intent of Chiropractic “Care” is more toward improving neurological function rather than addressing a specific illness, disease, condition or injury. We have been missing the connection between stress, the nervous system and Chiropractic, beyond the theory of the Vertebral Subluxation. Neuroscience research is changing this with a major paradigm shift in the health field.
New Research Regarding Brain Function and Health
The field of Neuroscience over the last 20 years has revolutionized our understanding of the roll the brain plays in health and its loss. While Big Pharma will continue to develop more and more specific application of the chemical treatment, due to their reductionist thinking and income generation, the public is becoming more aware of the dangers of drug therapy. The current crisis in opioid addiction and deaths can be laid directly at the feet of Big Pharma and it is far from over. Are you aware that Big Pharma is now offering a new drug to help those addicted to opioids break the addiction? Now the question must be, “What damage will this new drug create?”
My goals to date, with these articles has been to explain: how stressors create damage within the control system of the body; that the system cries for help by manifesting signs and symptoms; and that the act of treating those signs and symptoms does not address the cause. The research regarding the effects of stress on our health is now so overwhelming that my computer storage is filling up.
1. Current medical research states that 95% of all diseases/illnesses are caused by stress. Comprehensive Stress Management, by Jerrold S. Greenberg, 1990;
2. How Stress Influences Disease ‐ April 2, 2012 Source: Carnegie Mellon ‐ Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. Until now, it has not been clear exactly how stress influences disease and health. Now researchers have found that chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate the inflammatory response. The research shows for the first time that the effects of psychological stress on the body's ability to regulate inflammation can promote the development and progression of disease;
3. Knee Injuries May Start with Strain on the Brain, Not The Muscles. Mclean et al. Fatigue‐Induced ACL Injury Risk Stems from a Degradation in Central Control. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009; 41 (8): 1662 DOI:10.1249/MSS.0b013e31819ca07b;
4. The Neuro‐Symphony of Stress ‐ Part 1 and 2 Marian Joëls1 & Tallie Z. Baram2 Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, 459‐ 466 (June 2009) | doi:10.1038/nrn2632
5. Disease and the Brain's Dark Energy. Zhang D, Raichle ME. ‐Nat Rev Neurol. 2010 Jan;6(1):15‐28. Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University, 510 South Kingshighway Boulevard, St Louis, MO 63110, USA.;
6. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: The Guide to Stress, Stress‐Related Diseases, & Coping. ‐ Robert M. Sapolsky.
7. CNS injury‐induced immune deficiency syndrome (CNS‐IDS). – Meisel et al., Nature Rev. Neurosci. 6:775‐786, 2005
I could fill up at least two pages, from my files alone, with references on how stress damages our health. The point is that first we need to recognize that the current system is not working, and then gather the new knowledge to support a change in our thinking processes. While Chiropractors have always stated that stressors were the cause, we never addressed how Chiropractic played a direct role in reducing the effects of stressors on the Central Nervous System. Today we can do exactly this! That comes next!
Chapter 19 Points
The Intent of Chiropractic care was never based on a specific illness but rather on improved neurological function, so this model of research was, and still is, inappropriate.
The use of the word treatment follows the medical model of thinking.
Stressors create damage within the control system of the body; that the system cries for help by manifesting signs and symptoms.
The research regarding the effects of stress on our health is now overwhelming.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 6th ‐ 2018
Chapter 20
Keeping It Simple
The old concept of Chiropractic, being the removal of neurological interference by correcting a spinal misalignment which was pressing on or stretching the spinal nerve root, sounds pretty simple. It was easy to demonstrate this on a dry spine, especially by inserting a finger into the foramen and pinching down on the opening. “Ouch” – Simple, right? The only problem is that the root interference still lacks proof. Even after 120 plus years, this theory still remains challenged and creates another issue regarding non manual chiropractic techniques. If the vertebra is not directly altered, then can the technique be considered Chiropractic?
So what is a simple explanation for Chiropractic? First step ‐ Stressors alter Central Nervous System function efficiency. Second step – Reduced efficiency of CNS function affects the homoeostatic balance of the body. Third step ‐ Signs and symptoms are the manifestation of the body’s neurological imbalance. As for care your choices are: 1. To only address the signs and symptoms and leave the cause; or 2. To address the cause of the neurological imbalance. Which do you think has a greater value?
New Research Regarding Brain Function and Health
At this point these articles have discussed brain function including brain wave production and regional control. We have looked at how the parts of the brain coordinate and control our ability to adapt and respond to various stressors. I have written on the dysfunctional brain, the medical model of dealing with health issues and how the new field of neuroscience is turning their concepts upside down. The issue of illness, disease and recovery are as simple as 1, 2, 3! What remains to be discussed is the role of Chiropractic with the effects of the new neurological research taken into consideration. By 2002 my team had done a 3 year pre/post study on the effects of Chiropractic adjustments on brain wave patterns. The changes in EEG patterns post adjustment were shocking and as two of the team members were experts in EEG work we knew this was very important. The psychologists involved in the study confirmed that the adjustments had a direct effect in altering the brain wave patterns. However, we also discovered there were appropriate adjustments and inappropriate adjustments. We tested manual, instrument and light touch techniques with the same outcomes, that being, appropriate or inappropriate responses.
Meanwhile on an island “DownUnder” two Chiropractors, Bernadette Murphy, DC, Ph.D., and Heidi Haavik DC, Ph.D. in human neurology, were finding similar information. Both have continued to provide high quality research to further this brain connection with Chiropractic adjustments. Doctor Haavik has produced an ongoing series of research to support the fantastic and wide range changes in neurological function as a result of Chiropractic Adjustments.
Listed below are some of the important papers which support the neurological implications with Chiropractic.
1. The effect of the Chiropractic adjustment on the brain wave pattern as measured by EEG. Richard Barwell, DC; Annette Long, Ph.D.; Alvah Byers, Ph.D; Craig Schisler, B.A., M.A., DC. International Research and Paper symposium 2004 Awarded the best research paper in review ‐ Sherman Chiropractic College
2. Cervical spine manipulation alters sensorimotor integration: A somatosensory evoked potential study. Heidi Haavik Taylor, Bernadette Murphy. Human Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation Laboratory, Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, 261Morrin Road, Glen Innes, Auckland, New Zealand Accepted 11 September 2006 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
3. Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Neck pain. Takeshi Ogura, OC, Ph.D; Manabu Tashiro, MD, Ph.D; Mehedi Masud, MD, Ph.D; Shoichi Watanuki; Katsuhiko Shibuya, us;Keiichiro Yamaguchi, MD, Ph.D; Masatoshi Itoh, MD, Ph.D: Hiroshi Fukuda, MD, Ph.D; Kazuhiko yanai, nro, prro Cortical glucose uptake by Pet scan & visual analog scale ‐ 12 people measured twice
4. Changes in H‐reflex and V waves following spinal manipulation. Niazi IK, Türker KS, Flavel S, Kinget M, Duehr J & Haavik H. (2015) Experimental Brain Research. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s00221‐014‐4193‐5
5. Increased lower limb muscle strength. Increased cortical drive and altered net excitability of low‐threshold motor unit levels to the lower limb following spinal manipulation ‐Niaziet al 2015; Marshall & Murphy 2006; Haavik‐Taylor & Murphy 2008)– (Niaziet al 2015; Hillermannet al 2006)
6. Altered motor control ‐ Herzog et al 1999; Murphy et al 1995; Suter et al 1999, Suter et al 2000
7. Altered reflex excitability ‐ Haavik‐Taylor & Murphy 2007; Haavik‐Taylor & Murphy 2008; Haavik & Murphy 2010a; 2010b)
8. Use of a mental rotation reaction‐time paradigm to measure the effects of upper cervical adjustments on cortical processing: a pilot study. 2000 May;23(4):246‐51 Kelly DD, Murphy BA,Blackhouse DP. J Manipulative Physiol Ther
9. Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study ‐ Dina Lelic,1, Imran KhanNiazi ,2,3,4,Kelly Holt, 2 Mads Jochumsen, 3Kim Dremstrup,3Paul Yielder,5Bernadette Murphy,5Asbjorn Mohr Drewes,1,3, and Heidi Haavik2,5 ‐ ‐ Neural Plasticity Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 3704964, 9 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/3704964
The research continues to support the power of the Chiropractic Adjustment to improve brain integration and function.
The Chiropractic Profession has struggled for acceptance and understanding. It has been under constant attack due to the lack of supporting science. This battle is over. It is now in the hands of the profession as to its willingness to drop the old theory and embrace the new possibility and potential of Neurologically Based Chiropractic. (NBC)
Chapter 20 Points
The research speaks for itself.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Apr 18
th ‐ 2018
Chapter 21
The Art of Extrapolation!
Remember the information about Gamma brain waves ‐ that higher consciousness and “ah‐ ha” moments? We have them when we connect information or experiences with an intellectual insight or awareness of new possibility. These “ah‐ha” moments happen when information or experiences extend the “possibility” beyond the range of normal values. They are produced by a brain in the action of forming new connections at the neuronal level. This is neuroplasticity being registered at the conscious level of awareness. The most intriguing part of this is that the brain has the ability at the subconscious level to take two separate pieces of information and make a connection which the conscious mind misses. The conscious mind, 5% of brain functions, trends toward routine, and even after a great insightful moment will tend to act with resistance to change. Our subconscious brain loves to change and adapt, while our conscious mind will come up with every barrier to hold the course. Procrastination is a conscious decision. The way to break this barrier lies in application.
The Art of Application!
The issues of stress have always been part of Chiropractic even though it was never the primary focus. We know now, thanks to current research, that the Central Nervous system is totally responsible in the management of our stress responses, and how we deal with our stressors is the key to a healthy life. We also know, again thanks to current research, that the Chiropractic Adjustment directly alters Central Nervous system function. All of this information is available but calls for extrapolation and then application. This is the point of this series; which, as new information continues to develop, I hope is never ending. Hopefully the information to date in this series has provided the opportunity to have many “ah‐ha” moments. First just learning about new information such as: brain waves and their meaning; how the brain functions; how neurological dysfunction develops; it all has the potential to provide a more secure foundation than the old nerve root theory. Application involves relevance of the information and implementation of new actions based on increased value. The application of the research on the brain and Chiropractic involves the significance found in the conclusions of the research as follows:
1. The effect of the Chiropractic adjustment on the brain wave pattern as measured by EEG. This was the first research done to show that the adjustment has a direct effect on cortical patterns through EEG studies of pre and post care. Significance: The adjustment plays a bigger role than simply removing nerve root interference. All techniques have this effect. There is a relationship between the intensity of the adjustment and the neurological needs of the patient.
2. Cervical spine manipulation alters sensorimotor integration: A somatosensory evoked potential study. Significance: This study suggests that cervical spine manipulation may alter cortical somato‐sensory processing and sensorimotor integration. These findings may help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the effective relief of pain and restoration of functional ability following spinal manipulation treatment.
3. Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Men After Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Neck pain. ‐Significance: improved brain function in ‐ Go/no go, risk aversion, language production, verb usage, targeting, autonomic function, emotion, BP, RR, awareness, pain regulation, reward anticipation, motivation, rational, cognitive functions, semantic memory, language, visual perception, sensory integration, facial recognition, improved motor control, eye movement, planning and movement, timing, posture, detection of basic dimensions of sensory stimulations and digestion.
4. Changes in H‐reflex and V waves following spinal manipulation. ‐ Significance: The previous research papers focused on the effect of the adjustment on the input (sensory) side of brain function. This last paper focused on the effect of the adjustment on the output (Motor) responses.
5. Increased lower limb muscle strength. Increased cortical drive and altered net excitability of low‐threshold motor unit levels to the lower limb following spinal manipulation ‐ Significance: a single adjustment increased muscle strength and cortical excitability that lasted 30 and 60 minutes respectively.
6. Altered Motor Control ‐ Significance: The results of this study suggest that asymptomatic people with a history of recurring neck pain, stiffness, or ache have reduced elbow JPS accuracy compared to those with no history of any neck complaints. •Spinal manipulation (adjustments) delivered to dysfunctional cervical segments in people with subclinical neck pain improved upper limb JPS accuracy in this group. •These findings support the concept that neck joint dysfunction can impair the way proprioceptive input from the upper limb is processed and provides evidence that this can be improved by cervical spine manipulation. •This study supports previous research that suggests that altered sensory processing and motor control may be implicated in the development of chronic and recurrent neck pain.
7. Altered reflex excitability ‐ Significance: This study has demonstrated a significant improvement in cognitive function, as measured by an improved reaction time to a mental rotation task after upper cervical adjustments. Further research is needed to investigate the potential mechanism of these effects.
8. Use of a mental rotation reaction‐time paradigm to measure the effects of upper cervical adjustments on cortical processing. ‐ Significance: This study has demonstrated a significant improvement in cognitive function, as measured by an improved reaction time to a mental rotation task after upper cervical adjustments.
9. Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study. Significance: This study suggests that cervical spine manipulation may alter cortical somatosensory processing and sensorimotor integration. These findings may help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the effective relief of pain and restoration of functional ability documented following spinal manipulation treatment. The bottom line is that stress impairs brain function which leads to loss of health and Chiropractic improves brain function and therefore survival ability.
Chapter 21 Points
I hope the information shows how to extrapolate and apply.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic -
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 2nd
- 2018
Chapter 22
Revisiting Intent
When the intent changes, the outcome changes! When the profession lost the foundation of Chiropractic, it not only lost direction but it also lost its identity as a separate and distinct healing art. The basic foundation of Chiropractic involved the nervous system, albeit nerve root compression was a flawed theory. The position of Chiropractic has always been that the nervous system is the master controller of all the cells, organs and systems. This foundation also included that there is an inborn or “Innate” intelligence within the body which keeps the systems in “allostatic” balance and this intelligence is expressed through the nervous system. The goal of Chiropractic was, and still is, to allow the highest expression of its innate ability for survival by reducing neurological interference. As we continued to deal with the great mysteries of life expression, it is no wonder that the early Chiropractors expressed a spiritual point of view regarding the profession. The neurological intent of Chiropractic has been distorted to the treatment of signs and symptoms to suit the source of income. When we started, neuro-musculo-skeletal was the focus of Chiropractic; the distortion of Intent lies squarely with the removal of “Neuro” from our definition. Without this distinction it can no longer be considered Chiropractic.
The Updated Definitions! Let’s start with a clearly defined, 21st Century definition for Chiropractic.
Chiropractic is: The Art, Science and Philosophy of locating and facilitating the reduction of interference to the Neuro- based allostatic responses of the body.
This definition reflects the new knowledge which neuroscience has made known over the last 20 years. While there are changes in the original concepts, mainly in the vertebral subluxation as cause, the concept of the supremacy of the nervous system remains. This foundation of Chiropractic remains intact and offers a building block for the future.
Subluxation is: A neurological imbalance or distortion in the body associated with adverse physiological responses and/or structural changes, which may become persistent and progressive. The most frequent site for the chiropractic correction of subluxation is via the vertebral column. CCP Guidelines 2013 Lacking any supporting evidence, the vertebral subluxation (VS) and nerve root interference as cause has been the greatest challenge to the profession. Lacking in supportive evidence, VS is still being taught as the basis for Chiropractic and has left the profession without acceptable foundations. The only evidence acceptable at this state has been results; therefore, the profession moved toward the treatment of signs and symptoms limited to musculoskeletal changes. The fact that changes happen across a wide range of neurophysiological responses is ignored and is the greatest disservice to Chiropractic in its history, mainly because this limitation is coming from within the profession. While Spinal distortions are real and play a role in changing the neurological patterns, they are tertiary in response and not primary.
An Adjustment is:
A Chiropractic procedure whereby the consequence of an action serves to continually modify further action within the nervous system with the intent of creating harmony within the body’s systems. The old view of manual Vertebral Subluxation removal or reduction through an adjustment means that any other form of technique or “Art of Chiropractic” cannot be considered a Chiropractic adjustment. Light touch, instrument work, extremity approaches, SOT blocks, Logan Basic, Integrator, Activator etc. would therefore be outside the definition of Chiropractic if based on the manual correction of Vertebral Subluxation. Neurologically Based Chiropractic goes back to our foundations and original Intent. If the intent of Chiropractic is to improve neurological function and therefore the expression of the Innate intelligence, restricting it to musculo-skeletal is to strip it of its foundations and potential.
It is all about our base and that base is neurological. As the Intent of Chiropractic shifted away from this, how we measured success shifted with it. Chiropractic became more about posture correction, improved spinal curves and then worst of all, pain reduction. The care now ends with symptom reduction or when the insurance coverage ends. We no longer talk about the long term benefits of Chiropractic care or the neurological role of the care plan. This change in Intent of Chiropractic care has been for all the wrong reasons and the profession is slowly fading away. Today there is an opportunity but it takes courage and commitment to bring Chiropractic home. Neurologically Based Chiropractic is the foundation and future of the profession. It is not a technique. It is neuroscience in action. Change your intent!
Chapter 22 Points
When the intent changes, the outcome changes!
The position of Chiropractic has always been that the nervous system is the master controller of all the cells, organs and systems
Innate” intelligence within the body which keeps the systems in “allostatic” balance and this intelligence is expressed through the nervous system.
Neuro-musculo-skeletal was the focus of Chiropractic
Removal of “Neuro” it can no longer be considered Chiropractic.
Neurologically Based Chiropractic is the foundation and future of the profession. It is not a technique. It is neuroscience in action.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 8th ‐ 2018
Chapter 23
It is a question of value!
The profession has been trapped in a defense posture since its very beginning. Unfortunately the defense was directed toward the theory of Vertebral Subluxation and not toward the real power of the profession. The real value of Chiropractic lies in the power of the adjustment. This raises the question of how to define an adjustment. In article #21, I presented several new definitions based on the information that neuroscience has revealed over the last 20 years and how this information offers an opportunity for the profession to advance. The current research continues to move Chiropractic further into the field of a neurological foundation which is far beyond the old Vertebral Subluxation theory. The impact of this shift is profound. It changes the Intent of Chiropractic from treatment of a disorder or symptom, to care designed to improve neurological function. The shift restores the foundation which differentiates Chiropractic from the practice of Medicine. We have been on the slippery slope toward the loss of our uniqueness for many years, mostly due to the lacking evidence of the Vertebral Subluxation as cause theory. The implications created by the shift back to neurological lie in how we now assess neurological dysfunction; how the information alters our care plans; how we assess the outcome of our care from a neurological perspective, and as well, our scope of practice. The last aspect is a critical point as it changes the qualification for the role of Chiropractic.
What we now know about the adjustment!
What should be received as the most exciting news for Chiropractic since its beginning, this being the fact that the adjustment, in all its forms, gets results due to its direct influence on brain function, has not been received with joy and/or its great potential. In fact, most of the profession seems to be committed to a position or direction that is either; outdated, misdirected toward medicine, restricted to one technique, stuck in survival mode or to be just content to keep doing what they have been doing with little regard to furthering the profession. While the profession continues to follow bad advice such as: we need to act in a manner consistence with the public’s concepts of Chiropractic; the insurance companies’ control of the value of chiropractic will be fair; drugs and injectables need to be added to our scope of practice; and/or the greatest benefit of Chiropractic care is pain relief; we watch the use of chiropractic drop to its lowest point in its history.
I listed the significance of several research papers in the previous article which I hope you not only read but highlighted to use in patient education. Beyond the incredible findings of direct CNS responses to an adjustment, no matter the technique, what you do following the adjustment is just as important as the adjustment itself. The research shows that within 20 minutes after the adjustment, the brain is open to building new pathways. In the past, B.J. Palmer discovered that having patients rest for up to 2 hours had a benefit. Today we know that we can do better than simply rest and any “appropriate” retraining will help the brain build new neural pathways. Brain entrainment, biofeedback, neurofeedback, neurological pathways retraining, BrainTap, balance exercises, visual retraining, coordination exercises, heart rate variability training, all along with rest, can help the brain move toward better balance and function.
The key word here is “appropriate”. First the adjustment must match the neurological needs of the patient. This statement should have raised a major question in your thinking. How can we determine “the neurological needs of the patient”? There are several different approaches to determine the “needs”. MRI, Pet scans, neurological pathway tests and EEG studies are some. The first two are generally used to determine pathologies or brain damage. fMRI can also reveal more about the brain in action. QEEG is finally gaining ground as a good indicator of the functional brain. Each of these have values not covered in the other’s methods. Here are some examples of appropriate care. If there is pathology, the patient belongs in the hands of the medical neurologists or neurosurgeons. For retraining of specific neural pathways, the Diplomates in Neurology do a great job in this field. The EEG and QEEG have been overlooked until the last 15 years but the fantastic work done by the Psychologists over the last 50 years has finally demonstrated the great value in EEG studies and the application of neuro and biofeedback training to re‐pattern both the brain wave balance and responses.
The new information on brain function and now that role the Chiropractic plays in creating the opportunity for the brain to improve its self‐regulation offers the profession its greatest contingency to ensure its survival. The challenges Chiropractic has endured over the last 120 years of being unscientific are over! The questions regarding the old theory of Vertebral Subluxation as cause were justified and can now be laid to rest along with blood‐letting and witch doctors. The reason for the fantastic success of Chiropractic has little to do with great salesmanship, nerve root pressure, psychosomatic influences or spinal straightening. Chiropractic is very effective brain therapy at its least invasive level.
The questions now are: What are you doing in that 20 minute window of opportunity to re‐pattern the CNS after an adjustment? What neurological examination are you doing on which to base your care plans? Are you measuring the patient’s neurological patterns pre and post care? Are you willing to change your procedures?
Chapter 23 Points
The real value of Chiropractic lies in the power of the adjustment. Not the vertebral subluxation.
The impact of this shift is profound. It changes the Intent of Chiropractic from treatment of a disorder or symptom,
The research shows that within 20 minutes after the adjustment, the brain is open to building new pathways.
“Appropriate” retraining will help the brain build new neural pathways.
This information allows the Chiropractor to design a program based on the neurological pattern of the patient. The adjustment must match the neurological needs of the patient.
The new information on brain functions and now that role the Chiropractic plays in creating the opportunity for the brain to improve its self‐regulation offers the profession its greatest contingency to ensure its survival.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 10th ‐ 2018
Chapter 24
When Knowledge Exists!
The Intent of this series is to bring forth new knowledge based on the facts established by current research. Much of the information covered presents a new look at the role of Chiropractic in the health field. The historical position of the profession relied on a theory. This theory remains unproven and it is past time for the profession to provide accurate supportable facts which can support and provide justification for its future. B.J. Palmer actually laid out the method for this to take place. He stated, “When facts are known, Knowledge exists. When we possess knowledge, faith and beliefs disappear, for one is the skeletal frame for the substance of the other.” 1 The profession has rested on 33 Principles, developed in support of the faith and beliefs of the VS theory which was based on knowledge of 100 years ago. This is not good enough! Chiropractic deserves move than simply faith and belief. Actually B.J. laid the responsibility on us to further the profession. He stated, “He who seeks truth and factual progress for the development of mankind is a breaking‐plow. He denies and ignores stagnant customs and traditions. His task is to liberate man’s mind and body from LIMITATIONS OF OLD PRINCIPLES by introducing NEW PRINCIPLES with greater possibilities.” 2
New Knowledge Offers New Care Plans. Greater possibilities indeed! The first new consideration is an addition in the traditional care plan foundation of “frequency” and “duration”, however, before I can share the addition, I need to clarify both those two factors. The standard assumption regarding frequency is based on it being the time between office visits. What this does not take into consideration is that each application of chiropractic (Individual adjustment) involves frequency. If you adjust two areas then that involves two frequencies of time. So “frequency” now has a double meaning, with what you do on each visit and how often the patient will be visiting the office. The “duration” portion deals with how long the frequency program continues. There must be a clinical justification to change the program. The old method of 3 times a week for 2 weeks, twice a week for 2 weeks etc., without any clinical foundation to change the frequency has no justification. The intent of care shift from pain or symptom relief to improved neurological function changes both frequency and duration; however, this shift requires some form of objective measurement before the care plan should be changed. The new addition to the care plan consideration is “intensity” of care. The development of this addition came about with the ability to assess the state of neurological arousal through EEG scans the NeuroInfiniti’s Stress Response Evaluation testing. This information allows the Chiropractor to design a program based on the neurological pattern of the patient. If the system is found to be in an over‐aroused state (high Beta wave production and sympathetic controlled responses) then care should address the need to down regulate both the autonomics and brain wave activity. This suggests that there should be less frequent input (lighter application, less frequent visits, less sympathetic arousal approaches and increased para sympathetic engagement). An under‐aroused cortical pattern with sympathetic controlled responses needs to first address the autonomics for down regulation while the cortical imbalance will need upregulation. An exhausted nervous system cannot handle high stimulation and needs light intervention, low frequency and
a long duration of care (once a week for 6 to 12 months of very light and low stimulation).
As we are no longer using subjective findings or symptom reduction as the criteria for care foundations these factors are just part of the patient responses “SOAP” notes. The foundation for the care plan is now neurological patterns and objective test results, which is due to the shift in the intent of care. The goal is now to bring the brain back to a balanced state. We can use the cortical activity of the brain wave balance state plus how these frequencies engage and disengage under stress and recovery, to determine the state of neurological disruption. This knowledge now allows us to build a care plan based on the neurological needs of the patient and not on some practice management system. The challenge of the limited care plan due to insurance coverage, insurance coverage based on symptom relief, or simply the patient stating they feel better and ending care, goes away.
The researchers in the field of neuroscience have done us a great favor. No longer is Chiropractic based on Faith and Beliefs, as today, we have facts based on research knowledge ‐ the knowledge of human neurology in action and a new frame of reference for the future of the profession. As for new principles, this new knowledge has the power to turn Chiropractic homeward; to bring the profession back to its foundation that is centered on improved neurological function and away from the medical model of symptom based treatment. B.J handed us a “Sacred Trust” with instructions to “Guard It Well”. While we have failed to do so in the past, we now have the opportunity to move Chiropractic forward by developing new principles with greater possibilities.
1. UP FROM BELOW THE BOTTOM ‐ B J. Palmer ‐ Vol. XXIII ‐ 2nd edition – 1979 ‐ Sherman College
2. Evolution or Revolution (1957) – Old and New Eras – B.J. Palmer
Chapter 24 Points
B.J. Palmer actually laid out the method for the profession to accept new concepts.
From LIMITATIONS OF OLD PRINCIPLES by introducing NEW PRINCIPLES with greater possibilities.”
Traditional care plan foundation of “frequency” and “duration”,
Each application (Individual adjustment) of chiropractic involves frequency.
The new addition to the care plan consideration is “intensity” of care.
We can use the cortical activity of the brain wave balance state plus how these frequencies engage and disengage under stress and recovery, to determine the state of neurological disruption.
No longer is Chiropractic based on Faith and Beliefs, as today, we have facts based on research knowledge ‐the knowledge of human neurology in action and a new frame of reference for the future of the profession
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 17th ‐
Chapter 25
Hypothesis, Theory, Laws and Principles Before I could write about a “Biological Law” involving Chiropractic and care plans, I felt that a clarification in terminology was needed. Little did I realize that I was opening Pandora’s Box! The Chiropractic Profession continues to observe the 33 Principles, established by Stevenson, which differentiate the Practice of Chiropractic from that of Medicine.
I felt it important to define the difference and the relationship between the four points listed above. An hypothesis is a limited explanation of a phenomenon, while a theory is an in‐depth explanation of the observed phenomenon. So the observation by D.D. Palmer, when he adjusted the spine, formed the basis of a hypothesis, which after repetition and further observation he developed into a theory regarding Vertebral Subluxation.
As I have stated before, the theory of Vertebral Subluxation (VS) as “Cause” remains a theory and fails to address how the VS develops in the first place. A “law" is a more substantive insight about Nature, a building block of understanding how Nature works. Laws are descriptions, often mathematical descriptions, of natural phenomenon. Laws simply describe the observation; not how or why they work. A “principle” is a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; however, all 4 are subject to change as new knowledge becomes available.
A Biological Law Regarding the Intensity of Care.
There are several “Laws” or “Theories” to take into consideration when discussing Chiropractic application. I hope that, as you read the paragraph above, one basic point stood out. It was the last line. Basically it states that nothing is in stone and that everything changes. With this in mind let’s contemplate the potential of the following laws and/or theories for the field of Chiropractic.
First, the “Biological Law of Hormesis”: “Hormesis is defined operationally as responses of cells or organisms to an exogenous or intrinsic factor (chemical, temperature, psychological challenge, etc.) in which the factor induces stimulatory or beneficial effects at low doses and inhibitory or adverse effects at high doses”. The second consideration an example as applied to Chiropractic and neurological responses is a variation of the Arndt–Schulz rule or Schulz' law.
Strong stimulation stops physiological responses.
Moderate stimulation inhibits physiological responses
Light stimulation encourages physiological responses.
The application of this law is not something new to Chiropractic as it has been offered as a “saying” over the years in practice circles. The concept of “less and light is better” has had strong representation as “Sage advice” in practice application, but without any supporting evidence except in better results. However, this
rule comes with the same issues when applied to homeopathy; that being, how can you determine the level of stimulation response for each individual? The dilemma is that what may be gentle for one may be strong for another.
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”, holds a special meaning at this point. While we are all aware of stress in our lives there are times when that stress level becomes unmanageable. The challenge is that this point is below the level of conscious awareness and by the time we are made consciously aware, the system has lost its ability to recover to an ideal homeostatic balance. When stress becomes chronic, the system is stuck in an autonomic flight/fight response pattern and the higher functioning brain actions lose their ability to adapt. These actions may be misdirected responses to environmental stressors, sensations or emotions due to allostatic overload, but over time they become a fixed yet abnormal pattern: a long term memory pattern, for a lifetime, if not challenged
The strength of the pattern is determined by:
1. Genetic hardwiring ‐ Nature (20%);
2. Characteristics of person’s total past experiences such as learning, disease, emotional reactivity – Nurture;
3. Current neuronal activity or established Stress response patterns based on Long Term Cortical Memory; 4. Duration, magnitude, distribution of present stress and dysponetic influence or Current Stressors.
Neurons also respond adaptively to everyday stressors, including physical exercise, cognitive challenges, and dietary energy restriction, each of which activates pathways linked to the production of neurotrophic factors and cellular stress resistance proteins. The development of interventions that activate hormetic signaling pathways in neurons is a promising new approach for the prevention and care of a range of neurological disorders. Short term patterns may only require moderate or light stimulation to alter CNS patterns while long term patterns may need a strong stimulation to interrupt the established pattern. Once the long term patterns have been interrupted, then the continuation of a strong stimulation would be counterproductive.
Chapter 25 Points
Hypothesis is a limited explanation of a phenomenon, while a theory is an in‐depth explanation of the observed phenomenon
The theory of Vertebral Subluxation (VS) as “Cause” remains a theory and fails to address how the VS develops in the first place.
A “principle” is a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; however, all 4 are subject to change as new knowledge becomes available
Chiropractic and neurological responses is a variation of the Arndt–Schulz rule or Schulz' law or the Biological Law of Hormesis.
If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 20th ‐ 2018
Chapter 26
Intent Revisited
In chapter 22, I discussed the power of Intent. This is the key in rebuilding the Chiropractic Profession. The removal of Neuro from neuro‐musculoskeletal has left the profession indistinguishable from physical therapy and has created the greatest threat for the future of the profession. The loss of the founding Intent involving how the adjustment was directly linked to neurological function continues to damage the profession. To make matters worse, this shift has drastically reduced the scope of practice to musculoskeletal conditions which call for a medical diagnostic coding for 3rd party reimbursement. This shift ignores and discredits the historical facts regarding Chiropractic’s so called “miracles” over the past 120 years. These “miracles” continue to be reported daily in virtually every Chiropractic practice worldwide. The fact that the very first reported adjustment by D.D. Palmer resulted in the restoration of hearing set the foundation for the profession to be based on something other than simply musculoskeletal. Chiropractic is a profession which developed 100 years before we had the knowledge in Neuroscience to be able to truly understand its real power. Its time has arrived. The question now becomes, “Is the profession willing and capable of adapting?”
Changing the Conversation
The resistance to “Change” is the greatest threat for the future of the profession. The adherence to the outdated and unproven theory of vertebral subluxation on one side of the profession and the total rejection in the neurological role of the adjustment on the other leaves the profession challenged. The profession has been carefully taught to tell the spinal story and changing this requires learning how to communicate the new knowledge. What is not new is that Chiropractic still deals with “Cause”. The shift is Vertebral Subluxation is not “Cause” but rather a sign of neurological dysfunction.
This is not something new as we have always been taught that Vertebral Subluxations are caused by the “3 Ts”: Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts. This automatically removes VS as “the cause”. The last 20 years of research in Neuroscience have finally provided not only the link between stress, neuroregulation and the vertebral subluxation, but even more importantly, the role the adjustment plays in the restoration of neurological balance. One of the challenges we face is the medical brainwashing that we are healthy if we have no symptoms. What the public is missing is that symptoms and signs are created by the brain to inform the patient that their nervous system tolerance to stressors has been overrun. Whatever those signs or symptoms may be, they are simply a manifestation of the loss of neurological control of the body’s ability to maintain its systems balance and adaptability.
Let’s start with this opening to shift the intent in your practice. After you have recorded the patient’s chief complaint and all other issues, ask this question –“We now know that all your challenges are the result of your nervous system being out of balance and control. What do you think would be of greater value, to work at reducing your signs and symptoms and leave the cause, or to strive to deal with the cause of the neurological imbalance?” While the answer may appear to be obvious there will always be some who only
want symptom relief and while Chiropractic preforms well for this, the real power lies beyond. It is your choice to accept this patient for this lesser goal.
The next question now involves setting the standard for Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC). “Here is some information you need to know – The body has three basic systems: first is the passive system, which includes the bones and joints. This is called the passive system as they do nothing on their own, which means they can’t be the cause of your problems even though they may seem to be. The next system is the muscles and they are called the active system, but once again they do nothing on their own, so they can’t be the cause of your problems. Last we have the nervous system which controls every action in your body. This includes respiration, cardiovascular, elimination, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems ‐ well, in fact everything that happens in your body. Here is my question for you, which system do you think we should address ‐bones, muscles or nervous system?”
The patient needs to answer these questions as in so doing they reset their Intent of care in your office. Your response to their statement of, “the nervous system” should be, “that is exactly what we do in this Chiropractic office. We will be doing a functional neurological examination to determine what is going on with your neurological balance and then determine a course of care to help you regain good health. Are you ready to begin?”
The patient has now shifted the intent of their care from symptom relief to improved neurological function. Once this takes place you can no longer use the reduction of signs and symptoms or even post X‐rays to show improved neurological function. Orthopedic and most examination procedures currently being taught, fail to offer viable neurological information. There are some simple neurological exam procedures you can do. D.C.s wanting to continue to use x‐ray examination can offer additional historical evidence of health challenges.
Chapter 26 Points
Removal of Neuro from neuro‐musculo-skeletal has created the greatest threat for the future of the profession.
The profession has been carefully taught to tell the spinal story and changing this requires learning how to communicate the new knowledge.
The last 20 years of research in Neuroscience have finally provided not only the link between stress, neuroregulation and the vertebral subluxation, but even more importantly, the role the adjustment plays in the restoration of neurological balance.
Ask these questions; in BOLD
The patient needs to answer the questions and in so doing they reset their Intent of care in your office.
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 23rd
‐ 2018
Chapter 27
The Use of the Title of Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC)
In 1999, after leaving the Chiropractic Leadership Alliance (CLA), I opened a practice coaching company called Chiropractic Equity Offices Inc. (CEO). I was also exploring the effects of the adjustment on brain function with two psychologists who were experts in neurofeedback. The research revealed that there was much more going on with the adjustment than simply removing nerve root pressure and that the profession’s focus on the vertebral subluxation was not only short sighted, but extremely limited the potential of Chiropractic. The movement of the profession toward the medical model created a push‐back response from the traditionalists with the formation of the “Save Our Subluxation” group. As neither of these positions supported what I had been seeing with the research we had been doing, I coined the title of Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) with the intent to establish, once and for all, that Chiropractic is Central Nervous System based, not structurally based. Here is my definition of NBC: Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) ‐ The philosophical approach (basic belief) in which the Central Nervous System is the primary focus of Chiropractic care and all challenges in spinal mechanics, joint play, vertebral fixations, VS or VSC responses are secondary or tertiary in nature.
The Neurologically Based Examination for the Chiropractic Practice
The examination used to determine the need for Chiropractic care has always been a challenge for me. In fact, it has been a challenge from the start. We have been carefully taught to palpate the spine for vertebral subluxations in order to be able to “Find and Correct” them. Even B. J. warned us about this approach. In a speech given in 1930 entitled “The Hour Has Arrived” He stated –“Up until a few months ago it was generally believed that you could locate a subluxation by palpation; with a spinograph (x‐ray); by the location of tender nerves, taut fibers, or “contractured” muscles. None of these can locate a subluxation. Any or all of these indicative guides can and will locate misalignments.” Even with this information Chiropractic colleges continue to teach the art of palpation to locate vertebral subluxations to justify the adjustment. This is a structural based approach. Once you understand the neurological foundations of Chiropractic, then any application must have a neurological basis. Orthopedic testing does not offer the neurological results needed.
Starting Simple Romberg’s Test
To perform the Romberg test have the patient stand still with their heels together. Ask the patient to remain still and close their eyes. If the patient loses their balance, the test is positive. To achieve balance, a person requires 2 out of the following 3 inputs to the cortex: 1. visual confirmation of position, 2. non‐visual confirmation of position (including proprioceptive and vestibular input), and 3. a normally functioning cerebellum. Therefore, if a patient loses their balance after standing still with their eyes closed, and are able to maintain balance with their eyes open, there is likely to be a lesion in the cerebellum. This is a positive Romberg.
Rapidly Alternating Movement Evaluation
Ask the patient to place their hands on their thighs and then rapidly turn their hands over and lift them off their thighs. Once the patient understands this movement, tell them to repeat it rapidly for 10 seconds.
Dysdiadochokinesis is the clinical term for an inability to perform rapidly alternating movements
Point‐to‐Point Movement Evaluation
(Dysmetria Test) Next, ask the patient to extend their index finger and touch their nose, and then touch the examiner's outstretched finger with the same finger. Ask the patient to go back and forth between touching their nose and examiner's finger. Once this is done correctly a few times at a moderate cadence, ask the patient to continue with their eyes closed. Normally this movement remains accurate when the eyes are closed. Repeat and compare to the other hand.
Gait is evaluated by having the patient walk across the room under observation. Gross gait abnormalities should be noted. Next ask the patient to walk heel to toe across the room, then on their toes only (plantar flexion weakness), and finally on their heels only (dorsiflexion weakness). Normally, these maneuvers are possible without too much difficulty. Be certain to note the amount of arm swinging because a slight decrease in arm swinging is a highly sensitive indicator of upper extremity weakness. Also, hopping in place on each foot should be performed. (Indicators for cerebellar lesions)
Extremity temperature
Fingertip temp should be 960 to 960 F (34 to 36C) which is easily read using a digital thermometer. This test and the one below are test to determine the autonomic nervous system balance.
Bilateral Blood pressure
Should be the same bilaterally, and is a good indication of both the level of sympathetic arousal and hemisphere balance. Heart rate and regularity is also an indicator of neurological health. The next article will go much deeper into the neurological examination, especially how to show the effects of stressors on the system’s ability to respond and recover ideally. All of these tests are ideal for pre and post adjustment responses.
Chapter 27 Points
Vertebral subluxation focus was not only short sighted, but extremely limited the potential of Chiropractic.
Chiropractic is Central Nervous System based, not structurally based. Once you understand the neurological foundations of Chiropractic, then any application must have a neurological basis. Orthopedic testing does not offer the neurological results needed.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. May 23rd ‐ 2018
Chapter 28
The Missing Link
I started writing these articles to bring focus on the BIG picture of brain function that was being passed over with the Chiropractic groups presenting on functional neurology. The research done over the last 50 to 60 years on the role of brain wave patterns and their relationship to health has been completely ignored by the diplomate groups. That is one issue I have with the diplomate programs; another is the lack of consideration into the role stress plays in the creation of challenges to neurological stability. While I respect what these groups can do to help patients retrain the CNS, I think their approach is still reductionistic and symptom based. Once I opened the connection between the adjustment and brain function, specifically its effect on the cortical brain wave patterns, there was no turning back. Updated information on the brain’s responses to stressors and the downstream effects on all other systems finally provided the missing link for Chiropractic regarding the creation of the vertebral subluxation. The more important point was the ability to demonstrate “live time” the effect of the adjustment to help the cortical brain wave patterns self-regulate to more appropriate patterns. Now with hundreds of Chiropractors using EEG pre and post adjustment studies to demonstrate the power of Chiropractic to improve brain function at the highest CNS levels, the profession can refocus from symptom based care to improved neurological function.
The Need for Accurate and Acceptable CNS Measurements
Upon recognizing this new evidence for the effectiveness of Chiropractic to improve brain function, the next challenge was how to make EEG pattern and limbic responses a foundation for Chiropractic practice. While it was easy to just talk about the power of Chiropractic and neurological function, without any accurate acceptable objective pre and post care data, it would just be another Chiropractic unsupported claim. The only answer in my mind was to develop instrumentation with the capability to measure the effects of stress on the CNS pre and post Chiropractic care. The questions arose, “What stresses should be measured and what brain functions should be included?” Remember the “3Ts” – trauma, toxins and thoughts! We knew that there were already tests being used for emotional, cognitive and physical stressors which could be applied for our practice needs. The Psychologists had been using these for years in their application of bio and neurofeedback and had years of supporting research as to the effectiveness of improving cortical and limbic system balance.
At this point I want to be very clear
Once I saw how the Chiropractic Adjustment altered CNS function, my goal became: to move the Profession away from the structural symptom based model and toward the Neurologically Based Model. The challengewithout acceptable instrumentation it would be just another sales pitch. The answers - develop and incorporate quality instrumentation plus provide practice procedures which would allow the Profession to change its message.
The Stress Response Evaluation (SRE)
Working with a company called Thought Technology, which supplies about 40% of the worldwide market for bio/neurofeedback instrumentation, we developed an instrument called the NeuroInfiniti. The instrument has gone through 4 upgrades over the last 15 years. The current generation is called the NI2. We developed a program which addresses three different stress challenges, each followed by a recovery period. The stressors include a cognitive challenge (a math test under duress), an emotion challenge (specific sounds) and a physical test of a breathing exercise. The test begins with a baseline including a timed period while sitting quietly with eyes open, followed by an “eyes closed” period. The patient sits in a chair with head support. The software has dialog recorded for patient education and instructions. The test takes approximately 15 to 20 mins from start to finish and there is no reason for the patient to gown. Nothing is induced into the patient. The test can be done on children down to the age of 5.
The test includes neurological responses to stress and recovery on the EEG (brain wave) patterns, Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, Galvanic Skin Response, Extremity Temperature, and sEMG muscle tension patterns. The intent of the test is to show that their problems go beyond their symptoms and are a result of a nervous system that is no longer coping ideally to the stresses in their lives. The Intent of Chiropractic Care shifts from symptom reduction of back pain, neck pain etc. to improved neurological function.
We train the staff how to do the testing and can usually have staff doing the first SRE within an hour of training in the office. The Doctor is responsible for interpretation of the SRE and learns this through doing 5 SRE reports sent to Dr. Barwell. Dr. Barwell provides a written SRE report of the first 5 followed by a SKYPE call discussion with the Doctor. The next 5 reports are to be done by the Doctor using a software program to generate the written report. There are also 2 training seminars included for the entire office. The seminars are held in Atlanta, Georgia and are full Friday Am to Sunday Noon hands on intensive training sessions. The bottom line - the only reason you get great results in your practice is because Chiropractic alters CNS function. Let’s start showing the world!
Chapter 27 Points
Updated information on the brain’s responses to stressors and the downstream effects on all other systems finally provided the missing link for Chiropractic regarding the creation of the vertebral subluxation.
The more important point was the ability to demonstrate “live time” the effect of the adjustment to help the cortical brain wave patterns self-regulate to more appropriate patterns.
Trauma, toxins and thoughts! We knew that there were already tests being used for emotional, cognitive and physical stressors which could be applied for our practice needs.
The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation test takes approximately 15 to 20 mins from start to finish and there is no reason for the patient to gown. Nothing is induced into the patient. The test can be done on children down to the age of 5.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic ‐ By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
June 5th - 2018
Chapter 29
The Solution and its Dilemma!
The development of an instrument which can provide accurate data of brain function for both pre and post studies plus offer the ability to show live time responses to sensory input should seem like finding the “Holy Grail” for the Chiropractic Profession. The dilemma is a twofold challenge with the first being that because the majority of the profession has totally shifted to a structural or musculoskeletal center, the neurological importance has been lost. The second issue is that with a shift to neurological, we needed a method to provide accurate measurements, which placed me in the position of a vested interest in the promotion of the Neurologically Based Chiropractic movement. I understood this dilemma from the start; however, I chose to take this path as I was not prepared to follow the trend in the profession of making great claims with the only supporting evidence being simply getting results. The need for evidence based care, beyond symptom relief, is a critical factor for the future of the profession.
The NeuroInfiniti Report Form.

Rather than post the entire report at this time, I will break it down into its parts starting with the limbic system measured responses. The first up will be heart rate. In this “ideal chart” you will notice the different colored bars with black vertical lines in them. The first bright blue bar followed by a light blue bar is the initial base line of the test. These two bars represent the eyes open (bright blue) and eyes closed (light blue) bars. Note the Normative Range is 56 to 66 heart beats per minute. These are represented by the black lines inside the bar graphs and are ideal heart response ranges. The next colored bar is the bright green. The green bar is the response during a cognitive stress challenge or how the patient responds during the stress of “thinking” under pressure. The light blue bar following this challenge demonstrates their ability to recover from the stressor. The dark blue bar represents their response to an emotional challenge and again is followed with their recovery ability. The bright pink bar is a physical challenge of 3 minutes of a focused breathing exercise followed by their recovery. While stress should increase heart rate, recovery time should have the heart slow down. Ideal breathing should have the heart slowing down. So – overall, solid colored bars represent stressors and light blue relaxation.

If you compare box 2 to the ideal chart you can quickly see there is a problem in heart health. Instead of an ideal range of 66 BPM as the high, this one shows 90 BPM with little to no change between the stress and recovery. This heart is under sympathetic control and is never getting the opportunity to rest and recover. Pulse rate has been used for many years as an indicator of heart health with little if any consideration to how it responds to stress or if it can recover. Heart Rate Variability testing can tell us a great deal more than the simple pulse rate; however, having both offers critical heart health information. I’ll cover HRV later.

The 3rd box shows a serious heart health issue. Note the reversal of the solid color and light blue bars. This heart pattern shows that during stress this heart slows down and then during recovery speeds up. What we are looking for with the heart function in the graph is: first, is the rate within the ideals? Next, does the heart increase action during the stressor challenges? And finally, does it recover ideally after the stressor challenge.

The 4th box is measuring Galvanic Skin response or Conductance. Under stress, the hands should become moist for better grip. This is a very fast acting neurological response. In each box you will note the normative range and the increased or decreased responses to stress and recovery. These examples are showing the ideal response patterns.
Box 5 is an example of the ideal respiration response pattern and ranges. Note the ideal range and the drop during the breathing exercise.
The last box on this page is muscle responses to stressors. We use the trapezius muscles as they are primary responders to stress. They are also cranial nerve controlled as they are part of the fight/flight responses. Note in all of these the response is an increase in activity under stress and a decrease in recovery. This represents the balance between the sympathetic and para- sympathetic control.

The next two neurological responses need further explanations. The extremity temperature response pattern is the only one that differs from the others tested. The hands should get colder under stress and warmer under recovery. If the person is breathing correctly the hands should become warmer and the heart rate should slightly decrease. The para-sympathetic system should become active and reduce the influence of the sympathetic system and the fight/flight responses.

Heart Rate Variability This neurological response takes more explanation than the others. There are some additional basic neurological controls in place regarding heart function than simply heart rate and those increase/decrease responses. First step is to understand that the sympathetic system controls the “in” breath and the para-sympathetic the “out” breath. Awake or asleep this is how we breathe. The “in” breath, being driven by the sympathetic system, means that the heart also responds and slightly increases its number of beats per minute. The “out” breath is under the control of the vagus nerve, which is a main trunk of the para-sympathetic nervous system. Each “in” breath’s increase in heart rate compared to the reduced number of heart beats in the “out” breath gives us the amount of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The greater the difference between the heart rate speed up and slowdown is an important indicator of heart health that is not obvious in simple heart rate testing. If the parasympathetic influence is reduced, then the heart never rests or recovers.
The research revealed that there were three specific patterns in how the heart speeds up and/or slows down. These patterns are called: very low, low and high.
The Very Low pattern reveals internal heart health such as the Sinoatrial (SA) and Atrioventricular (AV) heart nodes rhythms. These neurological nodes control the efficiency of the pumping action of the heart and any disruption has serious effects.
The High pattern reflects the balance between the controlling factors of sympathetic and para-sympathetic systems.
The low or middle group is an indicator of ideal heart health. The ideal pattern should have not bars above 10 in either the very low or high groups while the middle group should be in the 50 or above especially during the breathing exercise. Here are some examples of abnormal and ideal neurological function.

The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
June 27th - 2018
Chapter 30
The New Information or “Moving On UP!”
This is the point where the value of Chiropractic is upgraded from spinal distortion to brain function. While there has been many studies done over the years regarding the effects of Chiropractic on autonomic function, such as blood pressure and HRV changes with Chiropractic the one area missing was “IF or HOW” the adjustment affected higher levels of brain function. Electroencephalography provides a simple method of brain function analysis which is not only dynamic, but highly reproducible for accuracy. (Chapters 1 through 8)

The NeuroInfiniti EEG Report. There are two function measurements which need to be addressed. The first is the ratios of the frequency groups. This is an over-all measurement of the total production (both stressor and recovery) of each group as compared to ideals. If you average both the stress and recovery in each column for each group, it will offer the percentage of that frequency being produced. Beta frequencies should be at about 30% for the “awake” relaxed state while being tested. Sensory Motor Rhythms (SMR) ideally would be between 5% and 10 %. Remember that SMR is actually low Beta. Alpha production averages around 22%; while Theta should be about 20%. Delta in the awaken state for adults would ideally be about 5%. The Theta/Beta ratio tells us a great deal about the state of brain function. The ideal difference is about 10% higher Beta than Theta. If that ratio reach’s 15% more Beta, then that suggests an over aroused Cortex. If lower than 5% an under-aroused cortex is suggested. Alpha frequency group reflects the state of being consciously relaxed. As Alpha is the gateway to growth and healing plus an indicator of the ability to turn off the conscious defense systems it is important that we have the ability to control our stress recovery responses. Box 1 shows ideal ratios and response patterns.

The ratios change with age. Babies will be dominant in Delta with up to 40% of cortical generation. Babies need all the energy to be directed toward growth. Any child forced into prolonged defense mode (Beta) will suffer developmental issues in the future. In infants (up to 6 years), Theta should be the dominant group of cortical activity. Between 6 and 12 years, the Alpha group should become the state of being (conscious relaxation). Adolescence (12 to 16) is when Beta awareness and adult responses develop. These are critical frequency developmental states and any patterns outside of these developmental stages can carry serious ramifications for both physical and mental health issues.

Examples: Compare to the Ideal chart in Box 1
Box 2 - Severely over-aroused cortex - Beta 50% Theta 9%
Alpha 11%

Box 3 - Under-aroused cortex - Beta 25% Theta 23% Alpha 17%

Box 4 - Infant - note dominant Theta – Beta 25% Theta 30%
Alpha 21%

Box 5 – age 6 to 12 – Alpha dominance - Beta 18% Theta 21%
Alpha 35%
I suggest you reread articles 1 through 12 to really grasp the importance of the dominance of each frequency group. The brain is driven by our survival instincts based on our stored memories. These actions show up as EEG patterns of response.
The second measurement the EEG provides is called engagement /disengagement. When stressed, it is critical that we are able to focus and act in response to any threat. The job of the Beta activity is so that we are alert to danger and can respond in a safe manner. This means that when stressed, Beta activity should increase and when relaxed, it should decrease. As for all the other frequencies, they work the other direction: down during stress and up during recovery. Alpha, Theta and Delta are relaxation and recovery states of the brain and in these states the energy moves away from defense and toward growth and healing.
Next I’ll address the engagement/disengagement functions and challenges. The great news is that the Chiropractic adjustment can effectively help the cortex restore improved neurological patterns.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
June 30th – 2018
Chapter 31
The New Information or “Moving On UP!”
The NeuroInfiniti EEG Report - Engagement/Disengagement
In previous articles I discussed the fight /flight responses controlled by the Limbic nervous system. While there is a quick level response within this system the majority of its action is driven by the cortical hard wired patterns formed by; a. Innate intelligence and b. learned experiences. It is these hard wired patterns which make you, “You”. Some of the Innate pattern responses include the “Morrow reflex” and the grab response. These are known as primitive reflexes and should be replaced or controlled as we develop. If they are not, they will interfere with neurological function for a lifetime. As the brain continues to grow, building new neurons and connections throughout our lifetime, it is in a constant state of change. Our experiences have important survival information with which the brain decides what is critical and what is not. This decision is based on the intensity and/or repetition of the information. A danger stimulation demands attention which in turn creates an increase of Beta brain wave generation. Once the issue has been addressed, Beta generation should then slow down.

The previous article on brain frequency ratios states the importance of the percentage of the frequency production while this article addresses the ability of the brain to respond appropriately to stressors and its recovery ability. To fall asleep or go into the “deer in the headlights” mode when threatened would not be a survival response. The same holds true for relaxation. Feeling threatened with thoughts of money issues or bodily harm when trying to sleep is again a poor survival response. Beta is there to inform the body of danger and prepares the limbic system to respond accordingly. Alpha, Theta and Delta are stages of relaxation, recovery, growth and healing. Beta is a defense state. The other frequencies are for growth and healing. 1
Box 1 shows ideal response patterns. - note the increase in Beta during the stress and the drop during recovery. As Alpha, Theta and Delta (not shown) are brain relaxation frequencies please note that the opposite response pattern takes place – these brain frequencies increase production during relaxation and decrease during stress challenges. The SMR frequency group, even though it is low Beta, is a special response and follows the recovery pattern of the lower frequencies.

Box 2 - Severely over-aroused cortex with ADD pattern. Attention Deficit Disorder – note loss of focus (Beta) during stress and then increased during recovery. This is the “deer in the headlights” person who freezes during stress; loss of focus during stress due to disengagement of Beta. Also note the increase of Theta during stress. Subconscious mind takes control.

Box 3 - Severely over-aroused cortex with ADHD pattern. Hyper-alert due to never disengaging Beta during recovery. Constant distraction. Theta or subconscious relaxation never happens. Message to the Limbic system is “Danger - Danger”.

Box 4 – This is a “Special Forces” pattern. Note the increase in conscious focus (Beta) plus the same response in Theta. This person is in high concentration during stress to the point of total focus on the issue; while they may look very relaxed due to the high Alpha, they are on intense focus, working on a plan of action. They will become quiet and still, and then will respond strongly once the plan comes together.
Box 5 – This is good example of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Note the collapse of Beta production as the test proceeded and also the increase of Theta during that period. The conscious mind (Prefrontal Cortex) decision control became overwhelmed. The brain processing resources are weakened but the Subconscious mind (Theta) has to engage for survival.
The reason that Chiropractic has achieved such fantastic results through the years is that the adjustment allows the brain to reset to more appropriate patterns and function. Now is the time to measure brain function as an indicator of the effectiveness of Chiropractic Care.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
July 2th – 2018
Chapter 32
Chiropractic Philosophy Challenge
After over 50 years of being a member of the Chiropractic profession, I am willing to bet that out of all the articles, posts and webinars I have done, this single article will get the most responses, so let’s get started!! There are two quotes that will help set the tone - #1 “My destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing.” Marcel Proust. We learn through the eyes of our teachers. We need to learn through our experiences and realize that everything can be seen from different points of view. The second quote is “Everything falls under the law of change, like a dream, a phantom, a bubble, a shadow, like dew or a flash of lightening: you should contemplate like this.” The Diamond Sutra.
The profession continues to use the term “Chiropractic Philosophy” which suggests that Chiropractic is founded on a belief system that is unique to the world. How we use these words, in both context and priority, is critically important in helping to define the intent and direction of the profession. In this case, we are either a stand-alone profession or part of a larger philosophical concept.
Chiropractic is based on Vitalistic Philosophy and because of this not a stand-alone profession. This slight shift moves Chiropractic as part of the greatest belief foundation, which is - that life is more than the physical body and its parts; that there is a vital force expressed in living tissue not seen in dead tissue. The first level of challenge is because even with modern technology, we are able to see this in action down to minute particles; yet, we still can’t identify that vital energy and so “Life Force” remains a mystery. Unfortunately when things are mysterious they tend to take on a magical or spiritual perspective. This fact is clearly evident in the development of Chiropractic when the dedication of its followers began to make it sound like a religious cult.
There is a sequence in the development of Chiropractic of which most are not aware. According to B.J. Palmer in 1911, Chiropractic existed as an “Art” for the first three years; as a “Science” (even though science of the day was severely lacking) for seven years; and as a “Philosophy” for the last five years. Thanks to Attorney Tom Morris who won the first court case in presenting that Chiropractic was not the practice of medicine, the development of the “Philosophy of Chiropractic” had its foundation.
The work that followed done by Howard Nutting, D.C. and others continued to develop the Philosophy. So, the “Philosophy of Chiropractic” was developed to differentiate the practice of Chiropractic from that of Medicine. The intent was not to create a dogmatic profession. Our current challenge is not with the focus on the neurological interference as the primary health issue but rather with the vertebral subluxation and nerve root pressure as the primary cause. The concept was right; the application based on the knowledge of 120 years ago was incomplete.
Universal Intelligence - D. D. Palmer’s view of a higher power led to the development of the concept of “Universal Intelligence” which led to R.W. Stevenson’s 1927 publication of the 33 Principles of Chiropractic
and states: “A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence.” Many have interpreted that the term Universal Intelligence is the same as “God” which is what led to the accusations of Chiropractic being a Cult.
Let’s try a new way to see the Universal/Innate relationship. The Universe follows the law of constant change. Matter is in a cycle of constant change. Matter goes from order, to disorder, to order. Entropy presents as a continuum (laws of thermodynamics) and it is cyclical in Nature. The Universe is a hostile environment and in order to survive we must be able to adapt and evolve. This sequential ordering of change explains why evolution is the process. The true meaning of evolution is not evolution of one life form on earth to another but it is the evolution of the expression of intelligence. It is this expression of intelligence which offers the opportunity of survival in this hostile universe. There is a direct relationship between the organization of energy and intelligence.
Innate Intelligence “The expression of intelligence through matter is the Chiropractic meaning of Life. R. W. Stevenson (1927). Life contains Innate (inborn) Intelligence and this force is responsible for organization, maintenance and healing. Innate intelligence is constructive in nature and provides an adaptive power for survival in a constant changing Universe.
Innate Intelligence is expressed through the nervous system As D.D. Palmer stated in an essay on Immortality, circa Dec/Jan 1905/1906, "The brain is a medium thru which Innate manifests itself." Ideal innate expression requires optimal Neural Integrity - Optimal Cell to Cell and System to System Communication which offers ideal neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the nervous system to record changes through sensory input and develop ideal neurological patterns for coping with the ever changing environment.
This ability requires good:
1. Sensory Input;
2. An Alert Response Mechanism, followed by ideal;
3. Fight/Flight Responses, if required (which include the endocrine, immune and nervous system actions) plus the all-important;
4. Systems Recovery to ideal homeostatic balance.
The point here is from Chiropractic’s first stages of development, the relationship between Universal and Innate Intelligence was centered on their interface with the nervous system. The Brain is the Central Organizing Authority for Innate Expression and any neurological interference in brain function will create downstream health issues.
Now compare the ideal neurological responses and recovery to a patient’s - can you see the difference?
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. July
11th - 2018
Chapter 33
The Technique Dilemma
How many ways are there to render a Chiropractic adjustment? Let me count the ways. No wait, I don’t have that many years left. How many times did I hear a new patient say, “My last Chiropractor didn’t do what you are doing!” I can’t tell you how many different technique seminars I have attended and then adapted that approach into my practice. In the end, the technique I used was a mixture of all of them as I developed my particular diversified technique. As I have traveled the world meeting DCs, I have found that even those dedicated to a single technique have their own special touch. This division of Chiropractic is called “The Art” for that reason. There are manual techniques which address the vertebral position and correction of misalignments. There are DCs who use the structural alignment of the spinal curves and joint angles as their guidelines for care. “Art” methodologies can range from heavy dynamic styles to light touch energy work or even instrument adjusting. There are two points I would like to make at this time. 1. All forms of the Chiropractic “Arts” (techniques) get results, and 2. Measurement for the effectiveness of the adjustment needs to be beyond subjective patient reporting.
There continues to be a great debate within the Chiropractic profession regarding what qualifies as a Chiropractic Adjustment. The hardline traditionalists take the position of manual vertebral position correction as the only method that is truly Chiropractic, with often the true vertebral subluxation being found thru palpation, X-Ray findings or thermal measurement. Others use leg lengths to determine the success of an adjustment or muscle strength. Then there are primitive reflexes or quantum field testing to determine where the adjustment is needed. The main point to be made is that in order to provide the highest quality of care, the intent of that care will determine the method of testing for both pre and post care plus the type of the technique used. Each “Art” has its own method to determine where the adjustment needs to be applied. What changes the procedures is found in the Intent of the “Art”. This is a good time to present the intent behind the Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) definition of the Adjustment.
An Adjustment is: A Chiropractic procedure whereby the consequence of an action serves to continually modify further action within the nervous system with the intent of improving the Innate expression therefore creating harmony within the body’s systems.
This definition works for all forms of techniques used in Chiropractic offices. When I ask Chiropractors worldwide, going on now for 19 years, “What system is the primary focus of Chiropractic?” the answer is always – the nervous system. This is regardless of the technique being used by the DC. If this is consistent with your belief in the role of Chiropractic then regardless of the technique you are using, the ability to measure changes in neurological function is a requirement.
The ability to measure a wide range of neurological functions due to advances in technology is perfect for the Chiropractic profession. We can finally offer objective measurements across a range of neurophysiological responses as proof of the power of Chiropractic beyond symptom relief. It is this new ability to actually
measure neurological changes that has spawned the world wide movement in the profession to Neurologically Based Chiropractic or brain based wellness. While there are now techniques in play called neurological this or that, without the pre and post objective neurological measurements those names have little meaning.
In reality, every Chiropractic success story is a result of the fact that the adjustment, in all its forms, altered the central nervous system function so that the Innate expression improved the survival value of the person.
My experience in practice taught me that one technique approach did not work for every patient and that doing the same thing every visit was often counterproductive. I had often heard the expression “less and lighter is better” but never understood how that should be applied. Chapter22 addressed the physiology behind this expression. This is about “care” meeting the neurological needs of the patient at that moment. Once the patient’s systems have started on the road to balance, it takes less stimulation to keep it moving in the right direction. As I started applying this approach, I found I was getting better results and very happy patients, as they noticed they were improving with less needing to be done.
I suggest that you: learn and become masters in least 3 different techniques; learn tests for neurological response patterns; retest critical findings pre/post adjustments and set up care plans with target dates. Set neurological goals aligned with patient needs. Don’t over adjust!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
July 2th - 2018
Chapter 34
The Power of the Subconscious! There are two quotes by Rene Descartes which are of interest regarding the subject of the mind. If we consider the “Mind” to be the brain in action, then the total levels of our consciousness represent the full spectrum of who we are.
The first quote of: “I think; therefore I am” really exemplifies the limited thinking that we are our conscious mind. The conscious awareness which we call “I” serves to keep us alert through our senses. The issue of calling this the total “I am” leaves out the 95% of brain activity which lives in the subconscious action of the brain. The second quote is: “I know that I exist; the question is, What is this 'I' that 'I' know”.
One of the greatest challenges in practice is the concept of dealing with patients and using their conscious awareness of “how they feel” as a measurement of effectiveness, which limits Chiropractic to their 5% of the real picture. The 95% of their “I” remains lost to the real picture of their subconscious health status. So we need to have a greater understanding and access to their subconscious control. At this point we now need to investigate the differences between conscious, subconscious and unconscious.
Webster's dictionary defines consciousness as "awareness, especially of something within oneself." While the 5 senses play a role in consciousness, there is also an awareness of your own thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. This awareness is critical to all forms of survival and plays a role in healing. When learning a new task the conscious mind feeds information to the subconscious mind. Repetition and conscious focus are required for learning something new. Successes gained through repetition and focus build a dopamine reward cascade to help build subconscious neural connections. Your conscious mind provides the foundations or intent so that the subconscious mind can start building neural memory connections to accomplish the goal.
The role of the Subconscious
1. Preserves the body - one of its main objectives is the survival of your physical body. It will fight anything that appears to be a threat to that survival. To get your attention, the subconscious uses emotions. For example, if you suddenly feel afraid, your subconscious has detected (rightly or wrongly) that your survival is at risk.
2. Stores and organizes memories: The subconscious decides where and how your memories are stored. It may hide certain memories (such as traumas) that have strong negative emotions until you are mature enough to process them consciously. When it senses that you are ready (whether you consciously think you are or not!), it will bring them up so you can deal with them.
3. The subconscious does not process negatives: The subconscious absorbs pictures rather than words. So if you say, “I don’t want to procrastinate,” the subconscious generates a picture of you procrastinating. Switching that picture from the negative to the positive takes an extra step. Better to tell your subconscious, “Let’s get to work!” The subconscious mind represents that part of your life experience of which you are
unaware. When it comes to your health and healing, the subconscious dimension of your mind is as important as your conscious mind.
The brain is an amazing living computer that is capable of:
Conscious mind - 40 environmental stimuli per second
Subconscious mind- 20,000,000 environmental stimuli per second
Subconscious mind- 100,000 chemical reactions per cell per second
400 billion bits of information per second
Neuroscience confirms that much of what we experience as symptoms of the mind and body are related to processes and responses within us that occur at the subconscious level. In fact, neuroscientist Candace Pert believes that part of the subconscious mind may actually be in the body, at the level of cellular memory. The subconscious handles all of your basic physical functions (breathing, heart rate, immune system, etc.). Rather than telling the subconscious what perfect health looks like, try asking it what it knows and what you need for better health. The Subconscious mind is the “Divine” part of you and is in touch with the quantum field of all possibility.
The unconscious mind: is when the conscious mind fails to gain the awareness state. There is so much potential and possibility in this information that could and should create ongoing discussions as to the role of Chiropractic at the subconscious level. For the profession, the “Quantum fields of possibility” opens the door to energy healing and explains how so many techniques outside of the manual adjustment create results. The development of the NeuroInfiniti (NI) analysis instrument provides the opportunity for Chiropractors to get a view of the subconscious in action during stressors and recovery. The NI provides the ability to see the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious in live time events and even better, the effects of Chiropractic in its ability to bring the systems into balance.
This is the advancement for your practice which will allow both you and your patients to really see the “I am” healthy in both the conscious (I feel good) and the subconscious (I am truly better). What are you missing to help your patients experience the expression of great health and survival?
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. July
16th - 2018
Chapter 35
The New Market for Chiropractic!
There is a rule in business economics! “There is a diminishing return on your investment as the market becomes saturated!” What needs to be added to this statement, well pertaining to Chiropractic, is that this doubles in effect when you reduce your scope at the same time.
First I will address the market saturation challenge. We continue to hear that there are too many Chiropractors so there is more competition for patients. When we examined this statement the problem was more about the lack of introducing new people to Chiropractic in active practices. The vast majority of new patients in the offices we polled had previous Chiropractic experiences so while new to that particular office, were really not new patients to Chiropractic.
Another issue regarding the saturation question is the entry of other professions into the back care or pain relief market. While the number of Chiropractors does continue to grow, so does the field on which the profession has focused. This brings me to the second part, the scope of practice reduction. Chiropractic started its life based on the removal of interference to the nervous system as a way to better health. The philosophical construct of the profession automatically made it in opposition to Medicine and therefore it came under great opposition which is still in place today.
Chiropractic continues to be challenged due to the holdover of the adherence to the vertebral subluxation and nerve root interference as the cause of all illness and disease. The efforts of the profession to upgrade its education, do research on the effects of Chiropractic on disease and illness, and improve its political power has helped; however, little has changed with its position in the health field.
The move by Chiropractic to reduce the focus to spinal issues and back pain exacerbated the challenge in the market place. The limitations this placed on the scope of practice available for the profession narrowed our market and placed us in the middle of an expanding competitive marketplace. Bad move in both directions, and we wonder why Chiropractic usage is shrinking!
How to increase your market and effectiveness! It is very simple and easy to implement.
Step 1. Change your intent of practice! Move your intent from pain relief or spinal care to improved neurological function. While many think that is what they are doing, their care is restricted to using the spinal model as their education and application, so the patients don’t understand the connection to the nervous system beyond the spine. In their minds, the spine equates to back care. If you are focused on pain relief A. there is no need for care if there is no pain and B. when the pain stops, they leave. Also the pain relief based practice is in competition with the vast field of medical pain medicine which works much faster. (I get the side effect issue – they don’t). So the answer for you – move your intent from spinal and pain to function and brain.
Step 2. Educate your staff, along with yourself, about the new supporting evidence between Neuroscience and Chiropractic. The vast majority of DCs know that the nervous system is our primary focus but are still stuck on the outdated and unproven theory regarding vertebral subluxation as cause. The real role of the vertebral subluxation for Chiropractors is that it provides the greatest access to creating change within the Central Nervous System. The only real change to creating a new market lies in the shift from the vertebral subluxation as cause to vertebral subluxation as the gateway to restoring neurological balance in the brain.
Step 3. Build you practice around the neurological model. This includes the patient’s history from a neurological perspective, a real neurological examination, dynamic neurological measurements, and neurological foundations for care plans and neurological function measurements for the effectiveness of the care. Your patient education must be focused on connecting the effects of stress on neurological function and how it creates ongoing health issues including the vertebral subluxation. Stop using the spine as your example of Chiropractic. The use of X-ray in practice is up to the Chiropractor and adds information in the history of neurological damage over time. The role of stress and its effect on the brain is now the current hot topic. The last 20 years of research has provided the foundation for the shift in the market toward brain based wellness. You see it on TV, read about it in newspapers and magazines or hear it on radio programs. This information is everywhere and as Chiropractic can offer the best neurologically based care, we need to start marketing our strength. Neurological improvement is where the real power of Chiropractic is found.
The End Game – When does stress stop? Is our job to fix something or to maximize ideal function? Is our job to straighten spines, increase mobility, or improve survival value? Stress is a fact of life and is a killer. Stress never ends and our job is to minimize its effect by improving neurological function. The brain is the control center and now that we can prove Chiropractic improves brain function, no longer are we limited to spinal care or pain relief. The market is in our front yard and the scope is unlimited. Neurologically Based Chiropractic is changing the profession. Visit the NeuroInfiniti Web and Facebook sites - Our future of Chiropractic is here!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. July
25th – 2018
Chapter 36
Our 6th Sense!
This may have lost some readers already. We are all taught we have 5 senses with those being: sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. These 5 senses are registered in the conscious mind and serve as a vital part of our survival instincts. Their purpose is centered on warning us about dangers and/or the source of food. The sense of smell is very important as it is centered in the part of the brain called the olfactory region. The neural connections from the smell receptor in the nose are connected directly to this brain region and can stimulate the development of new brain stem cells throughout our life. Smell is also a huge influence on the sense of taste. Sight, touch and sound senses warn us of danger in our environment. All this information is fed into the subconscious developing patterns of behavior which become stored as memory in the cortical region of the brain. Once again we have become caught in the belief that our conscious mind is all there is and that it is in control.
The Quantum World
Our control belief goes to the limit of “If I can’t see it, touch it, feel it, smell it, or taste it, - then I don’t believe it exists”. The world of material existence changed, at least in the Western World, in 1913 with Niels Bohr’s model of the atom. At this point our beliefs became very confused. We discovered that the material “touch and feel world” was really just organized energy called atoms which were made of space and electrically charged parts. Then it got even more confusing in that these atoms, and their particles, are part of an electromagnetic field which fills the space around us and the entire space throughout the universe - a physical quantity which can be defined as a function of space and time. This knowledge changed the laws of Material Physics to Quantum Physics and lead to the development of Quantum Field mechanics.
Clear as Mud - right? It comes down to this - everything in the universe is made up of energy; Energy that is in a constant shift. This energy can be manifesting as an object, as light, or simply as energy that is vibrating beyond the ability of our 5 senses to recognize it, such as radio, TV or cell phone waves, yet these energies directly affect us. In order to survive, our systems need to respond to our total environment and not just at the 5 sense level, but across the full spectrum of the energy field. Let’s start with the big picture which I call “Universal Influence”, representing the Quantum Field of the entire Universe. Our nervous system is continually receiving information about the shifts and changes of the Quantum field. Our Innate subconscious is always aware of the threats and shifts going on around us and is creating adaptations for survival below our conscious awareness. This adaptive response is expressed through the nervous system which creates bio and mechanical changes. The brain, while highly adaptive, has a major failing in that it cannot self-regulate, which trends it to habitual patterning. When habitual patterning takes place, the brain’s ability to adapt is reduced and downstream internal systems fall out of homeostasis. When the system breakdown reaches tolerance levels, the only way the brain can cry for help is to create signs and/or symptoms of failure at the conscious level of awareness.
The 6th Sense
Our lives are full of what we call “consequences”: You think of someone and they call or show up within days; the power of prayer; the lucky guess; the soul mate! These are just some examples of strange moments in our lives that feel like some magic has happened. What we don’t understand appears as magic, but is just the power of the Quantum field mechanics in action through energy field interactions. We may never fully understand the mechanism; however, it is vitally important that we understand the role it plays in our responses.
Chiropractic has used this field from its beginning through the sense of touch. Techniques such as leg length checks, occipital drop with the Koren Specific Technique, Network Spinal Analysis or Bio-toning with the Hoffman technique are just some examples of this interplay.
We live in a connected Universe and everything affects everything. The reality is that we are all nothing more than energy. Organized energy is expressed as intelligence. The brain is the body’s central organizing authority and any level of habitual patterns which are limiting adaptive responses of survival in this ever changing quantum field universe will lead to a reduction of our innate expressing ability.
While Chiropractic had much of this correct from its beginning, current knowledge has shown the adjustment has a much more important role of benefit than only addressing neurological interference at the spinal level. The adjustment acts as a neurological pattern interrupt in the brain. The Universal Influence effects on the innate responses are at a constant. The failure takes place between innate expression and neurological function due to stressors overloading the processing resources of the brain which create habitual stress responses patterns.
This new knowledge places Chiropractic at the highest level of health care as we can now show that it affects the exchange of information of Universal Influence, Innate expression and neurological responses at the brain level, long before symptoms develop.
The NeuroInfiniti instrument can demonstrate the effects of the quantum field on neurophysiology. If you really want to know how you are changing your patients neurological responses, the NeuroInfiniti can show you.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Aug 2th
– 2018
Chapter 37
Chiropractic and Adjunct Therapies
The goal of this Chapter is to make sure that Chiropractic is placed in perspective when it comes to all the adjunct therapies we find being applied in practice. The additional therapies found in Chiropractic offices cover a very wide range including: acupuncture, massage, laser, supplements, exercise, heat and cold, weight loss information, stop smoking programs, light therapy, biofeedback, neurofeedback, heart rate variability training, traction, diet modification, Yoga, tens units, electrotherapies, detox foot baths, back supports, disc distraction, balance training, eye movement coordination, neural rhythm training, natural products and electromagnetic frequency moderation, just to name some of them. The vast majority of these therapies will not be found in the traditional medical approach. Many of these adjunct therapies follow a similar Philosophy to that of Chiropractic.
While all of these have value, there are three very important points which need to be considered as to their connection with Chiropractic. The first is the application of the therapy. By this I mean is the therapy done for a specific patient need or routinely? The second consideration lies in the sequence of the Chiropractic adjustment and the therapy application. The third and for me the most important, is the patient’s understanding regarding the primary intent of a Chiropractic care plan.
1. Specific Need or Routinely
There are so many courses offering many of these adjunct therapies as income centers for practices, which makes it of little wonder why we see so many of these being offered. They tend to come in waves of the latest trend, and DCs feel compelled to jump on the bandwagon in offering the latest “widget”. A big challenge lies in the adjunct’s application in respect to the patient’s need. Is there some form of test to show that it is in the best interest of the patient? Is there a follow up test to show positive results? Is the testing method stronger than subjective responses and/or on equipment that has certification for application and accuracy?
2. Sequence of Application
This positioning is interesting as it ties into the third point. The first 100 years of the profession saw the intent of Chiropractic move further and further toward spinal joint mechanics. One of the consequences was the addition of massage therapy into Chiropractic practices. The concept was to relax the muscle tension in order to ease the Adjustment. Twenty years ago, research regarding the effect of the adjustment on brain function began a major shift in the role of Chiropractic. The new knowledge is changing both the application and sequencing of the adjustment in care objectives.
3. Primary Intent of Chiropractic
As I continue to provide the fundamentals for Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC), the Intent of Chiropractic care is a recurring theme. Intent is the foundation for “Why” we do what we do. If you are unclear in your intent, the outcome will be just as uncertain. Intent clarification offers the opportunity for improved application, structured outcome measurements and appropriate adjunct therapies.
When you change the intent you change the outcome!
Let’s use the shift in Chiropractic as an example. The structural correction of spinal vertebra of the first 100 years in the profession - to the spinal gateway as a way to improve brain function of the last 20 years is a massive shift in Intent. It has moved Chiropractic out of the physical therapy approach and into 21st Century Neuroscience. No longer is Chiropractic limited to spinal therapy or pain reduction. Today, thanks to this new foundation, Chiropractic is brain therapy. With this comes the shift in its application sequence. We now know that the adjustment directly alters brain function. Recent research offers some amazing new findings. The adjustment acts a neurological pattern interrupt which reaches all the way to the cortex of the brain. This interrupt has a lasting effect for approximately 20 minutes before returning to its old pattern. This is extremely important information when we consider the application of every adjunct therapy. Not only should these therapies be applied post adjustment, but they must meet the specific needs of the patient for the best results.
Let’s use massage as the example. Doing the Adjustment first opens the potential for the brain to build new neurological patterns, and then within the next twenty minutes, a massage would continue to stimulate the brain to receive sensory information, thereby building new neurological pathways. Just think about how we have acted in the past - the patient gets adjusted then we throw them back out into the world that created their neural patterns in the first place.
Chiropractic has so much more to offer as we continue to learn about its power to change brain function. Chiropractic is far beyond fixing someone’s posture or changing their spinal curves. Neurologically Based Chiropractic offers the ability for the most appropriate adjustment for each patient. It is not just the future of the profession; it places what we have to offer as the greatest care for an individual’s survival. The power of Chiropractic first and foremost!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Aug
2th - 2018
Chapter 38
Patient Education
Let’s say that you are in a spaceship, a contamination has taken place and you are the sole survivor. Warning alarms are sounding all around you saying that a collision is about to occur. You reach the main controls but there are no instructions. You have never flown a plane but you have driven a car and that is the only information source you have to determine what your next move will be. As you look around there is nothing you recognize that will help you make an informed decision that will save your life. What do you think the odds are that you will survive?
We are born into this life without any operation manual, and outside of parental guidance and our Innate intelligence, we are pretty much on our own. Once you lay down an information foundation based on your experiences (well, that is if you survive your early uninformed actions) you will have a level of knowledge from which to base future decisions. The catch is that an action based on a past experience may, or may not be appropriate for the current challenge. Add to this the consideration of the source of the acquired knowledge. If you have only one source of information you will view your world and your actions based on that information.
While this may sound like a simple and well understood statement, the ramifications of it have a drastic effect. There are many examples, including restricted travel, religion, diet; but the one that I will use is the concept of health. There is a wide range of health attitudes across the world with much of it controlled by access to information. Unfortunately, the majority of the information is controlled by modern Medicine and big Pharma. This means that health decisions are being made on the basis of the cause of disease being totally external and that the treatment of illness will be in the form of drugs or surgery. In the western world or those countries influenced by its education, the foundation will be about the dangers of bacteria, viruses, diet and surgical intervention and that the loss of health is based on the appearance of signs or symptoms.
If you are not offering an alternative point of view, then patients will use the only health model they know as a reference for the need for care and the success of that care. This looks like - “Oh I have a pain, a cough or a symptom” before they seek care, and once that issue has receded or disappeared, they quit care as they think they are fine. If you are not supplying new information for them to break out of their background educational thinking, they will continue to use those parameters in judging what you have to offer.
Yes, this means that you need to become a teacher. Your practice needs to offer information of greater value than symptom relief or chemical treatments. The goal in offering something of greater value is rewarded by patients making an informed decision regarding the value of health being something beyond not being sick. Informed consent decisions made by the patient leads to compliance in care plans and long term health goals.
One of the great frustrations in dealing with patients lies in the medical model of illness being treated as an
entity. The phrases of, “I caught a cold” of “I have Cancer” reflect these concepts. The action required to deal with this means that something has to be removed. The job of removal falls on the doctor, which removes responsibility from the patient’s role in their loss of health. People are very quick to run to the emergency care or doctor’s office with even the slightest health issue, and spend little time addressing what actually caused the problem to develop. Once in the doctor’s office the problem is now the doctor’s responsibility. Patients need to understand their role in achieving and maintaining good health.
The research today has clearly established that the damage of stressors to neurological function is the primary cause of the loss of health; and the signs, symptom and disease classifications are simply the end result of the body’s systems no longer being able to maintain survival levels.
Neurologically Based Chiropractic offers the world the best chance for great health with its goal being the reduction of the interference to neurological function. We now know that Chiropractic improves brain function. If you are not teaching every patient this, you are selling what you and the profession have to offer far short of its fantastic potential. Our NBC clients have access to 6 different health classes all based on Neurologically Based Chiropractic. Let’s start teaching our patients how to fly their spaceships and survive!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Aug
15th - 2018
Chapter 39
Practice Options
The far reaching influence of Chiropractic care and its position in the Alternative Health field has opened the door for a somewhat confusing determination of what a Chiropractic practice really is or does. The chapter on Chiropractic and adjunct therapies covers many of the additional approaches in health care that are available. This chapter is focused on a different aspect of the practice – the intent or consciousness of the Chiropractic Doctor.
As the Chiropractic Colleges continue to morph into Universities, this action continues to alter the basic intent of Chiropractic care. Chiropractic Colleges were strictly directed toward the basic principles of Chiropractic and offered a true alternative to that of the Medical model. The inclusion into the Universities required that the educational materials had to align with the medical model, resulting in a major shift in the profession. Chiropractic education today has the look of physical therapy and with this comes the loss of its uniqueness.
The history of Chiropractic has always included the sharing of the “Miracles” seen with patients under Chiropractic care. The “Miracles” discussions have diminished with the loss of the “Big” vision of Chiropractic. Reduction of neck or back pain, while a good goal, continues to sell what we have to offer very short. Today we continue to see, read or watch articles and/or documentaries on brain function and its important relationship to good health. 20 years ago, after watching the effect of an adjustment on cortical brain wave patterns, I realized that Chiropractic was so much more than spinal care. This experience opened the door for a new look into Neurologically Based Chiropractic.
My 50 plus years in the profession has provided the opportunity to not only recognize the changes in the profession but to also observe the wide range of applications regarding practice options. Outside of all the adjunct therapies, the basic intent of the practice will determine its goals and limitations. In the next two articles I will address 7 different levels of practice consciousness. I would like to state before we get into this that there is no judgement with these choices. I will explain the benefits and challenges with each level.
Level 1. Pain or signs and symptom relief
The current level of education in the profession has the majority of practices operating at this level. This is especially true regarding back and neck pain. All you have to do is look at the advertising online for Chiropractic offices. The shift to this level really started with the coverage of Chiropractic by health insurance companies. The current challenges with addiction to pain killers has helped to move people toward Chiropractic as an alternative but people are still attracted to fast relief. The challenge with this foundation for Chiropractic lies in the short term enrollment by the patient. Once some level of relief is demonstrated, the patient quits care and then the practice needs to find a new patient to maintain the practice volume. This is the basic reason why so many Chiropractic offices, even after years of being in practice, continually need sources for new patients. This type of practice does not require patient education regarding the advantage of long term Chiropractic care. That said, the constant need for new patients costs in advertising and any drop in new patient numbers has an immediate effect on the income of the practice.
Level 2. Musculoskeletal Focus
Even though the vast majority of the profession remains focused on musculoskeletal changes as an indicator for both care and progress, it is driven by the level one intent of symptom relief. The difference between level 1 and level 2 is that physical changes are brought into care success measurement. Posture improvement, x-ray analysis, range of motion changes, subjective reporting and of course symptom relief are a major part of the care success measurements. As the intent of the care is different than the level one – that is physical changes beyond simple pain reduction or relief, the course of care tends to also be longer in level 2.
Before I continue into the levels 3 to 7 there is one other piece of information that will help you understand how this relates to your practice. We did a survey of a very large number of practices and looked specifically at the Patient Visit Average (PVA). The criteria included was new patients and regular patient visits over a one year time period, patient education programs, advertising expenses and years in practice. The findings gave us a foundation of a relationship between PVA numbers and the practice consciousness (Intent).
If you have never done a PVA study of your practice this is a good time to do it. Before you begin I suggest you remove any guns or sharp objects within reach. The ideal time study period is one year - never do it on less than a 3 month period. You take your regular patient visits and divide that number by the number of new patients over the same time period. The first two levels are: 1 - 1 to 15 PVA - pain relief based practice; and level 2 - 16 to 30 PVA - a musculoskeletal based practice. Both of these can be extremely busy practices or struggling for survival. Stay tuned for the rest of this story.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic -
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Aug th - 2018
Chapter 40
Practice Options Part 2
It is always interesting how any discussion regarding PVA tends to get many DCs reacting in defense mode. The numbers are just numbers which reflect the basic intent of the practice. This does not mean it is the intent of the Chiropractor; however, the reality is, PVA reflects the intent of the patients. If they are not getting any information to move their intent beyond pain relief or musculoskeletal changes, then they will drop out of care when their goals are met. The defense challenge comes from the incongruences between the Chiropractor’s intent and the patient’s intent.
The effect of the medical model education and insurance influence has limited the value of long term Chiropractic care as both of these are based on no justification of care beyond symptom relief. This is the issue that is keeping the majority of practices PVAs in the 1 to 30 brackets. If the DC is content with a symptom relief based practice then it would be wise to have some method of consistent access to new patients. However, if the DC’s intent is to build a practice with high patient retention and participation there is a need to offer education which will support an alternative to symptom relief only.
The 3rd practice consciousness level is Neurologically Based Chiropractic. While the majority of Chiropractors believe their primary focus of care is the nervous system, they are locked into an education centered on an outdated theory of 120 plus years ago - that being spinal misalignment interfering with the spinal nerve root “as cause”. The “as cause” was included in the theory as “all disease” and while not so strongly stated today still remains in a silent place of the belief. Over the last 20 years the field of neuroscience has provided a new foundation for the effectiveness of Chiropractic which supports the neurological involvement. The difference is that now there is a direct link between the Chiropractic adjustment and brain function. I have covered this connection in detail in other articles so at this point will simply state the rich neurological access at spinal levels during an adjustment acts as a neurological pattern interrupt which reaches the highest level of brain function.
The intent of Chiropractic care remains neurologically based, but is no longer focused on the spinal mechanics, bony misalignments, and/or symptom or pain relief. When you change the intent of the care you also need to change how you measure the need for care and the outcome of that care. The simple shift to level 3 has a major effect on the PVA of a practice. The patient’s goal moves from “get rid of my problem/pain” to “I would like to improve my nervous system function.”
This obviously requires patient education for them to enroll in a higher goal of care. There is now a great deal of research evidence regarding the relationship between Chiropractic Care and brain function and offers the profession a great opportunity for growth, but only if this information is applied in practice.
The shift to a Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) Practice will be reflected in a shift of the PVA from 30 to 50. The importance of PVA lies in a change of the patient’s expectations and goals of care that you offer. While
there are some challenges with PVA involving the length of time the practice has existed and in making sure that the calculations are done over a long enough time period, PVA still offers a very good insight into the growth challenges of the practice.
The average PVA for the profession today is less than 12. This continues to drop as new graduates join the profession with the symptom based care education. There are many programs post-grad that continue to focus on practice building based on the Philosophy of Chiropractic but fail to move past the old vertebral subluxation as cause theory. While these help breakdown the medical model limitations, lacking the new supportive neuroscience for Chiropractic they do little to move the profession forward to greater possibilities.
The power of a change in your and your patient’s intent for Chiropractic will have a dramatic effect on many factors of practice. Let’s say your current PVA is 12 and we can move that to 24, which is still not at the neurological level. This would double your income and your effectiveness in offering an alternative in health care in your community. Once you reach the magic number of 50 PVA, your practice will be completely different. The focus is no longer on how to bring in more new patients but on education and improving your current patient’s neurological function, which can be measured! We can show how you change brain function and their ability to recover from the stress in their lives which is the real cause of their loss of health. If your goal is to have a practice where patients stay under care past symptom relief and are willing to pay past insurance coverage, you have to do something different than practicing medically based Chiropractic. Change your Intent and then change the patient’s intent. It is that simple!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Sept
4th – 2018
Chapter 41
Shifting the Intent of Care
The shift from structurally based Chiropractic to Neurologically Based Chiropractic (NBC) requires a different dialog in order to change the intent of the care in both the Doctor’s and patient’s mindset. It also needs different examples in the “show and tell” process. Talking about the brain while using the spine does not work! The profession has always had a conflict regarding the primary system of focus being the nervous system, while using the bones of the spine as a visual example for the patient. This approach created misdirection in the mind of the patient and we became bone doctors or back docs, which has led the profession down the road to pain based care and joint mechanics as our scope of practice.
It does not take very long in practice to recognize that Chiropractic has more to offer than this limited approach. Once we realize that Chiropractic Adjustments directly alter Central Nervous System function, the game changes. Think about the possibilities regarding the scope of practice when you move from symptom or pain relief to improved neurological function. No longer are you limited to a patient’s signs or symptoms as a foundation for care but now your role is to improve brain function. No longer do patients have to have some level of pain or symptoms as an indicator for the need of care. No longer is the reduction of pain a criteria for the end of care. Until you change the intent of your care and how you measure the success of care from a symptom base, your practice will remain the same, with the same challenges and outcomes.
As you build a neurologically based practice, patients will continue to present with aches, pains and complaints as we have done a great job teaching them that they must have them before care can begin. Their issue needs to be heard before you can introduce any new approach. Once that is done, dialog like the following is the first step in building the new practice. Over time, 1 to 2 years, you will experience a practice shift where the presenting issue is to improve neurological function.
To start, do not adjust on the first visit, but do inform the new patient as to how the office works. A simple explanation regarding the first two visits should be done when they book the first appointment.
Phone in new patient - get the name and phone number first and then their address.
“Thank you for calling our office and may I explain what to expect on your first visit. The first visit will start with a brief consultation with the Doctor regarding your health challenge so that He/She can make sure you are in the right place for care. If this is determined to be OK, then we will gather some health history and follow up with an examination including physical testing and neurological testing. There may be the need for x-ray examination as well. This should take between 30 to 45 minutes. The second visit, which we can schedule now as well, is for you to receive the report based on all this information and have a care program explained to you. Care will begin after the report. The approximate cost of these two visits will be between X and Y. Are you ready to book your appointments?”
First visit dialog
“You may not be aware that current research states that Stress in all its forms, physical, chemical and mental,
is the cause of 95% of all illness and disease. Stress overloads the brain and interferes with its ability to keep all your systems in balance and recovery. Your current health issues are a warning from your nervous system telling you that it is no longer able to keep everything running in balance. The only way your brain can tell you it is in trouble is to create a “sign” or “symptom”, but this happens long after the problem started. The damage to the balanced system function can appear in many forms depending on which system is the weakest link. When this happens the Medical profession calls them diseases. What you also not be aware of, is that current research tells us that the power of Chiropractic care lies in its ability to bring the brain and nervous system back into balance, thereby, helping the body to better health. One thing you need to know is that the bones belong to the passive system, they do nothing on their own, so they can’t be the cause of the problem. The muscles not only move the bones and joints but also create every other action in the body from digestion to cardiovascular activity but again, as they do nothing on their own they also can’t be the cause of your issues. The nervous system, especially the brain, is the master controller. When the nervous system is in trouble you will experience signs and/or symptoms. My question is, "Which approach do you think has greater value for you - to simply reduce your symptoms and leave the cause, or improve your neurological function and deal with the real cause?"
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Sept
4th – 2018
Chapter 42
Setting the Stage for the Report
The best place to begin is the old adage of “Keep it simple, stupid!” There are some basic rules in play for giving a report to patients and the first one is to remember why the patient is there in the first place. They have been well trained that in order to seek your help they must first have some sort of issue.
The question which must be addressed first and foremost is “CAN YOU HELP ME?” Ideally this should have been addressed during the consultation. While Chiropractic offers much more than symptom relief, it is best to provide research to show that Chiropractic care helps their type of issue – be it back pain, neck pain etc. A simple statement: “Current research shows that Chiropractic does a good job helping people with issues like yours, so you are in the right place; however, I will need more information to determine the best course of action for you.” (Best to have hand out of the supportive research) - Questions such as “how much will it cost and how long will it take”, cannot be answered until you have done a history, an examination and then worked out a plan of care. This is the purpose of the Report of Discovery
Role of the History
Due to the medical model training, people tend to think that they were healthy until a symptom developed. I was fine yesterday, then I bent over and felt this pain – how many times have you heard this? Your history questions are very important. How many times did you fall as a child? How are your sleep habits such as: hours, bathroom breaks and restlessness? Have you ever been knocked out – how many times? Have you ever had a car accident? - were you injured? Have you ever played any sports - what type? Are you happy with your job, relationships and/or living situation? Are you on medication? If what and for how long? Have you had any surgery – if so what and when? Each of these should be reviewed with the patient at the ROD. All of these are the foundation for the stressors in their life that continues to pattern the Central Nervous System and interfere with their ability to recover. Each issue needs to be reviewed as part of their current health challenge. When you do this, the duration of the problem moves them past the “It just happened” concept. This issue took years to develop and therefore will take time to alter the patterns.
Using the NeuroInfiniti (NI) Stress Response Evaluation (SRE) report
Here was my great dilemma - Once my research showed how the Chiropractic Adjustment directly affected brain function and elevated the role of Chiropractic from spine or back therapy to the brain, without any method to be able to show this clinically it was going to be no different from the theory of spinal nerve root pressure. I realized I then had to develop some practical acceptable clinical method to measure neurological function including brain function. The instrument had to meet current standards of acceptability, be easy to use, and meet a time consideration. The NI in its current state of development is the 5th generation. The SRE report first looks very complicated because it supplies a fantastic amount of information regarding neurologic function. It is actually very simple. Chapters 29 through 31 explain the report.
The mistake most DCs make is to give the patient an over detailed report in trying to impress the patient with their great knowledge. The question the patient has at this time is, “Did you find something wrong?” There must be an ideal chart in order for the patient to be able to compare their report to what it should look like. The areas of challenge need to be circled in red on the patient report and the good responses circled in green. An ideals print out should be included in the patient’s take home report.
The less than 10 minute Report of Discovery.
The dialog goes as follows: (Pick any area on the report) “You see the bars in this section? Do they look like the bars in the ideal chart – YES or NO. (When you ask move your head in the NO pattern if they don’t look like it) - So you see there is a problem here? Yes or NO (move your head in the yes pattern) It is absolutely critical that the patient acknowledges these points. Do this verification with each part of the report and at the end ask them “So you can see that there are several issues that need to be brought back into balance. Remember that the brain controls the muscles that make everything work and if it is not able to maintain ideal balance problems develop. Our job is to help you get your brain and nervous system back into balance. Based on my education and experience the first stage of care to help you toward improved function will be x times a week for x weeks. At the end of that time we will do a second SRE to see how you are improving and from that determine our next approach. Are you ready to begin? YES or NO. If yes, then ask for a commitment to keeping the schedule as presented. You can even ask them if they would like to know “why” you are asking for a commitment. The answer is: “Our goal is to get you the best results that we can and to do this we need to change patterns of response that have developed over many years. The best way is through disruption of old patterns and retraining with new patterns. Just like learning a new activity, it takes time and dedication to build new memory patterns. Included in your care will be several neurological retraining programs. Do you have any questions? If they question about costs have your financial person deal with that. Once again “Are you ready to begin?” There are several other gems I used in practice but just ran out of room here. This is easy and fun; the only challenge lies with your willingness to change.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Sept
11th – 2018
Chapter 43
Practice Gems
Before I can share these gems, there are some considerations which need to be brought into play. One of them is the type of practice you either wish to develop or currently have ongoing. While the majority start out with either little future planning or even knowledge of different practice types, the pressures of Insurance or PI based practices force low PVA and a high demand for constant new patient recruitment. This type of practice is very stressful and expensive to run. Besides that, the constant battle with Insurance coverage or a patient who can’t afford to get well until a legal settlement is reached, just sucks the life out of everyone involved. Anytime you place a third party in between your care and the patient’s needs, there are going to be issues. I have been there and managed to finally escape. The most rewarding practice for both the patient and the doctor is the patient enrolled cash based practice. The sad part is that today the Chiropractic education system does not teach how to create this type of practice.
The next consideration is fees. Insurance companies list their fees per visit or areas involved at a high dollar return for service delivered. The truth is: a. that is not what they really pay the doctor and b. the care is limited based on what they think the patient requires for symptom relief. This creates the drop-out symptom relief only practice.
Gem #1. Building from Intent
You get to decide the type of practice you want. It starts with developing a clear intent regarding the type of practice you want to have and then making sure that each step you take furthers that intent. Each time you add an action, procedure, instrument or technique, first ask “Does this move me closer to the long range intent of my practice?” If the answer is “no” or you are not sure, don’t do it.
Gem #2. The Unique Experience
The goal here is to make the patient’s experience in your office unlike any other office visit they have had. This includes actions such as: special easy access parking for NPs; no forms to fill in on arrival; no waiting to see the Doctor; the doctor knowing their challenges even before meeting them and exceeding the patient’s expectations.
Gem #3. The No Surprise System
Be up front with patients, right from the first contact. Explain the office procedures and visit costs at the first call. When a patient thinks they are just coming in for a consultation and ends up with a surprise $150 bill on the way out, it will create a sense of distrust. Of course this suggests that you need to have procedures and systems in place that are consistent.
Gem #4. The First Visit Challenge
I have written about this in previous articles but it needs to be stated again. Stop adjusting on the first visit!!! For some reason chiros seem to think that the patient will not return if you can’t impress them with care on the first visit. Once the staff explains the purpose of the first and second visit to the patient on the booking call, the patient’s compliance will happen. The purpose of the first visit is to: a. understand the patients challenge; b. determine if they need other care; c. gather information regarding their challenge including history and examinations. The second visit should be booked at this time as well. The purpose of the second visit is for the patient to learn about what the doctor has discovered and have the care plan explained. It needs to be stated that care will begin at the second visit once the patient understands the goal of the care. All of these actions require the patients consent before proceeding. A BIG ISSUE – All this information must be reviewed and taken into consideration in forming the patient’s care plan. The old approach of “just adjust them” is not acceptable and can lead to inappropriate care. The patient’s compliance will improve once they understand the foundation for your care plan. Take time to review the information and lay out the plan to best suit the patient’s neurological needs.
Gem #5. Para-Professional Staff
Train your staff to do every step of the first visit information gathering allowed by law. In many regions only the Doctor can push the x-ray button; however, you can train the staff to set up the patient. Remember that the one action the doctor does that no one else can do is adjust! The doctor needs to be maximizing this while the staff does everything else.
Gem #6. The Authority Visit
After the Doctor’s consultation, the staff continues the first visit procedures. The Doctor resumes adjusting other patients. When the staff has concluded the history, x-rays (if done) and the NeuroInfiniti’s Stress Response Evaluation (SRE), the Doctor should go to the examination room to verify that all the work has been done as required and is acceptable. Review the information as to the fact that this is what he/she needs to determine a course of care and acknowledge the next visit with the patient.
Of course all these mean that both the doctor and the staff will have to learn new systems and scripts. These all need to start with a plan to build a better system. The change should start with practicing them with one another rather than just dumping those into the practice and watching chaos develop. Change isn’t easy but the results can be very rewarding.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic -
By Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Nov 1
th – 2018
Chapter 44
Practice Gems 2
One of the most frequently asked question when it comes to practice issues is how you get patients to comply with the care plans. Simple question right? The problem is that the answer is not that simple. There are several factors involved in improving patient enrolment in their care. One of the first issues lies in the difference of intent between the patient and the Chiropractor. The patient has been educated by the medical model which is to wait until you have symptoms, then visit the medical doctor get a prescription or surgery and once the symptom is gone, all is well again. Which leads to the patient intent of; health challenge is now your problem, pay as little as possible and success of the care is symptom relief.
This brings me to another health profession that has been successful at moving this intent past the symptom based care. The dental profession has done a great job at patient education beyond the “fix it” or “pull it” concept of dental health. The Chiropractic profession on the other hand has not done such a good job at establishing the value of ongoing care. Part of the reason is that Chiropractic shifted from the neurological foundation to pain relief, which means that patients will then base the value of Chiropractic on symptom relief.
We did this to ourselves. The question at this point is “Why did we do this.” My years in the profession give me the perspective on how this came about. The search for higher acceptance, monitory return and simple laziness are the basic reasons. The more important question today is, “What can we do to change the public concepts of Chiropractic?” Remember that saying about insanity - “Doing the same thing and expecting a different result”? The first issue is the adherence to Vertebral Subluxation as the foundation of the profession. The foremost Chiropractic researcher, Dr. Haavik, has been telling Chiropractors around the world, that VS does not put pressure on the nerve root, and therefore the old theory of VS as cause is just not true. SolutionStop teaching Patients the VS talk. Change your care Intent.
The next step – Playing the medical game of disease or illness complaint labeling in order to get reimbursement from third party payer continues the idea that as soon as their symptoms of the disease or illness complaint is relieved their care is finished. There is an interesting correlation between the end of insurance coverage and symptom relief. I am in constant amazement with the number of DCs who’s first question regarding the NeuroInfiniti is “Can I bill Insurance?” The first question should always be, “How can this improve my practice?” Reality check - between the high Co-Pay, reduced coverage limits and cost of an insurance staff, you are probable better off with a cash based practice. This gets you out of the third-party-pay trap of a symptom based practice and lowers your overhead. Win Win Win.
The last part is one that truly baffles me. I understand the power of the adjustment to change people’s lives. We see great results when DCs x-ray or don’t x-ray - Whether they use one technique or several. - Whether they do an extensive pre care exam or none at all. They can use energy techniques or heavy handed manual adjustments – Chiropractic gets results. Let’s face it - Chiropractic makes it easy to help people. So we get
stuck in our rut and it takes effort to change. The attitudes of “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” or “What I’ve been doing is working, why change?” does nothing to further the profession. We know that what they thought was happening with an adjustment in the beginning of the profession was just a theory but we have been presenting it as fact. The theory was wrong! The new information offers the greatest opportunity for Chiropractic since the founding of the profession. The challenge is not with the research, the technique approaches or even the Philosophy. It is the inherent laziness of the profession to change even when the change will benefit the patient, the practice and the profession.
Maybe it is just me and my view of life, but somewhere along the line I developed the concept that I should pay back to something that has given me the opportunity for success, fulfillment and security. Then I remember these words, “He who seeks truth and factual progress for the development of mankind is a breaking-plow. He denies and ignores stagnant customs and traditions. His task is to liberate man’s mind and body from limitations of old principles by introducing new principles with greater possibilities.”
B.J. PalmerEvolution or Revolution (1957) – Old and New Eras
We have a responsibility to advance Chiropractic in our science, our education, its application and in the public’s concept.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C.
Sept 18th – 2018
Chapter 45
Practice Gems 3 - Patient Education
Outside of what has been covered in Gems 1 and 2 there are several other actions to consider. The first of importance is in patient education. Never forget that patients seeking out your services have been educated and then inundated by the medical model. They think from that perspective. The thought pattern includes: I’m Ok if I don’t have symptoms; and all I need is to get rid of the pain. The third party pay influence has added the thinking that this should happen within the amount of insurance coverage they have in place. These three issues are at the pinnacle of the challenges for Chiropractic practice. One of the lessons I learned in practice was that in spite of all the practice building programs that focused on how to get new patients, the real answer to building a stable practice was about retention of the patients. The costs of programs to bring in new patients and the quality of the patient they produced made the “get more new patients” approach expensive in both finances and time. Those mall (etc.) booths were humbling and poorly effective. I can recall many discussions with Docs who would brag about getting 100 new patients signed up; however, when questioned further, the truth was that only about 60 of them actually made it to the office. Out of this number they could expect less than half to actually agree to begin care and for those who completed care less than 5 would remain under care. Once the group dropped out, the “get more new patients” procedure had to start all over again.
I learned that, if I educated the patients about the intent of Chiropractic before we started care, and how it was different from their medical model of thinking, my retention climbed very quickly. When you shift the goal of care from symptom relief to improved neurological function, several things happen. One of them is that the success of the care is no longer tied to symptom relief. This automatically means that the end of care has little to do with how they feel. The main roadblock in bringing this into practice was the inability to actually measure neurological function, which is the reason behind the development of the NeuroInfiniti instrument. We can now measure the function level of the cortex pattern and limbic system responses to stressors and its recovery ability.
The education of the patient needs to be part of the care plan and not something separate. It should be scheduled within the first 3 visits. It does not need to be a 3 hour session but can be divided into 2 parts. The parts are - The first class, at the beginning of the care and the second class, just before the end of the stage 1 care. The reason for these classes is so that patients have the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. This is critical, because if they are making their decisions based on their medical model concepts they will continue to think that symptom relief is the best you have to offer. When you change the Intent, you change the outcome.
Here are some examples.
The intent of Chiropractic is to:
Straighten spines - method - measure spinal curves - outcome - success is when spines show improved curves. Reduce low back pain – method detail pain patterns – outcome - success is when pain relieved.
Improve posture – method measure posture – outcome – success is improved posture. Improve neurological function – method measure neurological function – outcome success is improved neurological function.
Out of these, which do you think has the greatest value and potential? If you were the one seeking care for a health challenge, which would you choose?
Pre-book all the new patients for the week at the same time for the (we called it the Patient Orientation Workshop or POW) class. When the class is finished, complete their scheduled adjustment. A 30 minute class is all you need. Then as the first stage of care is nearing the reexam time, schedule their next class. This class should be based on how Chiropractic care can help offset the effects of stressors in their life and the negative effects of those stressors on their neurological function.
Information is the gateway for compliance. When you align the patient’s intent with your intent, retention will soar, your Patient Visit Average (PVA) will go up and you will be working with patients who get the BIG IDEA!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard G. Barwell, D.C. Dec
17 - 2018
Chapter 46
The Need to Pick Your Battles Carefully!!!!
This is an issue which is now coming home to roost big time! I have written before about the difference between Chiropractic and the Chiropractic lifestyle. The philosophy of Chiropractic spills-over into the Chiropractic lifestyle in a natural progression but when we try to fight the concepts on a wide range of issues, the importance of promoting Chiropractic gets lost. The years of doing battle in defense of the concepts of Chiropractic have taken their toll on the profession in time, energy and money, with little to show in the form of increased value for Chiropractic.
While current research now offers Chiropractic the greatest opportunity to demonstrate its real value of improved neurological function, rather than a treatment procedure for structural or pain based health issues, the shift in acceptance from both inside and outside the profession is slow. Our main focus must remain on the promotion of the incredibly important fact that Chiropractic care is one of the most effective nonmedicated or non-surgical options to maintain optimal good health. This is our battle! When we choose to fight a battle, such as the dangers of vaccines, we not only downgrade our primary objective but once again place ourselves against the most powerful lobby in the world. The first lesson in fighting any battle is to limit the number of fronts on which you are fighting. There are organizations set up to fight against vaccines and that is where the vaccine battle should be centered. While you may have a strong opinion, you need to make sure of the difference between the role of Chiropractic and the role of the Chiropractic lifestyle.
Do not misunderstand my position. I think there is something terribly wrong with the drug companies’ approach to vaccines, which I believe is to the point of being criminal, but I am not willing to sacrifice Chiropractic itself as a trading point for this position. When Chiropractors roll the vaccine issue into Chiropractic itself, it is Chiropractic that takes the hit. This also applies to those who think that Chiropractic is some form of disease treatment. It is not now and was never meant to be used as such. This is the trap in which we now find the profession deeply caught. The inclusion of Chiropractic in “Third Party” (Ins) pay set us up for the need for a medical diagnostic code in order for reimbursement. This was the defining moment in time where the profession not only sold its soul, but also lost its direction. The fight for its very survival shifted from a philosophical concept to a monetary return foundation. The “Third Party” payers now had control of the income of the profession and as they continued to reduce the income, the profession found the need to expand its offering to include other approaches such as supplements, diet products, stop smoking programs, massage and rehab clinics. The profession dropped from being the number one alternative health care to public confusion of “what” Chiropractic really is.
There are Provinces in Canada where Chiropractors are not allowed to speak of any vaccine issue, in any form, and now there is a major legal issue in the way of a court case. Unfortunately, as reported, this DC has also been charged with presenting some form of Cancer treatment care program.
Here is the point of this. When we lose sight of the primary battle of defending and forwarding Chiropractic, we walk the slippery slope. Now is the time when Chiropractic has the greatest opportunity in its entire history to elevate its position in the health field. The research over the last 20 years has provided the missing knowledge for the profession. The old theory of vertebral subluxation as “cause” is finished with the new knowledge that the adjustment directly improves brain function. This is the battle on which we need to be focused. This is our freedom from third party pay and medical opposition. This is our future!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic -
Richard Barwell, D.C. Jan 7 2019
Chapter 47
Vitalism in Perspective
As the attack on Chiropractic has shifted from simply calling it unscientific to an attempt to discredit Vitalism which has been part of the fundamentals of Chiropractic from its beginning, it is timely to revisit its role. Mind you, the battle between Reductionism and Vitalism is not new, nor does it only apply to Chiropractic. This conflict has been going on for centuries. Human nature will always seek to understand the unknown. One of the first questions we learn to ask is “Why”. The problems begin when we don’t have the knowledge in order to fully understand and respond. The gathering of knowledge developed the field of Science, the goal being to build a foundation of testable explanations and/or predictions. The events that cannot be explained appear as magic and are excluded from the field of scientific acceptability. It is interesting to note how many beliefs that were once excluded became acceptable as knowledge continued to evolve.
As Science continued to expand we were able to look further into the very structure of all things with the belief that if you understood the smallest parts of a complete system, you could then control the whole system. This search into the depths of matter continues today with work in the fields of Quantum science and the human genome. The next article will address the failure of reductionism and genetics. We are so far down into the minutiae that reductionism now has us dealing with charged fields of energy and antimatter. Wait a minute - antimatter??? How does that fit into reductionism? Reductionism reduced to nothing? The very foundation of reductionism has come full cycle back to the level of magic.
The basis of Vitalism lies in a simple approach: that the sum is greater than the parts - That there is some vital energy that makes thing work. Hummm – sounds like Quantum physics - say what! OR maybe we are simply still in the knowledge gathering stage. This position makes the reductionists very uncomfortable as they want everything nice and tidy. The cry of “evidence-based” is now the rallying point for reductionists, which while not necessarily a bad goal, pushes the non-explainable back into the magic realm.
Vitalism – The fundamental belief that there is a vital force or phenomena beyond the chemical and/or physical construct, a force which drives the very definition of Life. In death, the chemical and physical remain, while the vitalistic energy organization is gone. Every individual cell in the body has a vitalistic component. When cells work as a unit or system, they do so with a vitalistic organization. The brain is the central organization authority over the systems and does so through a vitalistic dance - the dance of adaptation for survival. While we can’t see the vital force, we can certainly see its expression and witness its loss. Any level of imbalance within the central organizing authority will reduce the effectiveness of the body’s ability to respond and adapt ideally. Any method which can help the central system restore balance will enable the vitality to upgrade. The purer the method, the better will be the response. Reductionists want evidence. The question is, “What should be included as evidence?” Anecdotal evidence is still evidence, especially when there are ongoing reports of similar results and while further support should be researched, it should not be discarded as junk. The evidence of the effectiveness of Chiropractic care for issues far beyond low back pain
relief have been going on for over 120 years and to just disregard this knowledge as voodoo magic does a great disservice to both the profession and the public. As Chiropractic does not have a secondary supportive industry such as the pharmaceutical business, available research money has to come from the profession itself. Needless to say, research is very expensive and funds are limited from a profession already struggling against opposition.
If you are a believer in a higher power - that there is some greater organization in the universe with all its wonders; that is vitalism. We see it and experience it every day: from the joy of a sunset to the power of the adjustment to change a person’s life; from witnessing the eyes of a child seeing the magic for the first time to sharing the instant of the passing of a life. It seems as if the more knowledge we gather the more magic is revealed. Science, Vitalism and Chiropractic are a great meeting place. May the vitalistic force be with you!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. Jan
16 2019
Chapter 48
Integrity Lost
The current policies of many Chiropractic boards throughout the world are pushing the profession toward restriction of scope of practice. While there are still those few Chiropractors making claims of Chiropractic in the treatment of specific diseases, the use of these practitioners as the excuse to reduce the application of Chiropractic to low back pain as its only benefit, demonstrates a total lack of leadership within the profession. This movement is a clear sign of the loss of the very foundations of Chiropractic as a separate individual profession from that of Medicine. When you separate Chiropractic into parts, in this case being only accepted for treatment of low back pain, you lose the completeness of its total value. If this isn’t a form of reductionism in action, I don’t know a better example. The complete picture of Chiropractic lies, not in the treatment of anything, but rather in its ability to assist the nervous system toward improved function. Chiropractic is not about moving a bone, the relief of pain, a straight spine or a better range of movement. While as I stated that the intent of Chiropractic is to improve neurological function, there remains some confusion between “Why” we do Chiropractic and “How” we do it. The profession became so focused on the physical adjustment (especially on the spine) and its defense, that it lost sight of the bigger picture of the wide range of effects on the overall health of the patient.
Integrity means completeness, being whole or structurally sound. The shift of the profession’s leadership (used loosely) toward the reduction of the scope and message of the profession, is the manifestation of the loss of integrity at the highest levels. This shift had to begin within the educational systems and the infiltration of the medical model due to the criteria for acceptance of Chiropractic Colleges into the University system. The great mistake the Chiropractic Profession made was not in understanding that its uniqueness lay outside the medical model and that its survival was to be found in its acceptance by the public as an alternative heath profession and not in acceptance by third party payers.
This loss of the whole picture of health is not just affecting Chiropractic. North America especially gives witness to the total love and trust of the medical model with its over-prescription of drugs and lowered standard of health. America is number 37 in world health standards. NUMBER 37!!! It is the most over-weight country in the world. It has 5% of the world population but consumes 50% of all the drugs worldwide. When you only look at health being chemically based you are only looking at a small part of the reality. Reductionism in action and it is killing us!
Our understanding of the real meaning of health has to include something bigger than chemical or the physical. This includes the push toward genetics as the end all and be all of reductionism. If it was totally your genetic pattern, then you would be predestined toward one disease or death based on some gene. What we now know is that not every gene gets turned on, so the pattern must be controlled elsewhere. Are you ready for this – The environment plays a role, through the nervous system, to turn on and off your genetic expression. We are in a live time neurological exchange between our environment, our stressors and
pleasures, our foods, the air, the water we drink, the toxins in our world and our relationships. The power of Chiropractic lies in its effect on our neurological ability to better cope with these challenges for survival.
I know that the first response from the reductionist Chiropractors will be, can I prove it. I don’t need to prove it, as the proof has been around for decades. How many papers will it take to prove that patients under Chiropractic care have demonstrated improved health for issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, immune system responses and dare I say cancer and others? Does Chiropractic treat any of these so called diseases? The answer is absolutely NO! Chiropractic does not treat anything! The intent of Chiropractic has always been to improve neurological function and let the body’s system regain its integrity. This is the completeness of Chiropractic! This is Chiropractic with integrity regained. It is time to change the leadership!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. Jan
28, 2019
Chapter 49
Focus on the Power
While the last two chapters have been centered on the philosophical division of Chiropractic, there are other major factors which must be taken into consideration when addressing the health and future of the profession. It is critical for the future of Chiropractic that it maintains the uniqueness as a separate and distinct health profession, especially from that of Medicine. It is interesting to note that this separation also applies to Dentistry, yet they have not had the challenge issues Chiropractic has faced. Dentistry has moved from extraction to repair, to prevention, to restructuring. Chiropractic has not demonstrated this type of development or growth and is now facing the ramifications of its failure to update.
Here is the greatest issue both inside and outside the profession - The theory of the vertebral subluxation as “cause”. The idea that a misalignment of the vertebra putting pressure on a spinal nerve root which then leads to neurological interference and health challenges has been accepted by the profession as factual; but in reality, it remains a theory. This acceptance has placed Chiropractic as a profession founded on dogma. The attempt to explain and/or justify the theory of the vertebral subluxation as “cause” forced the Profession into a defensive position. The search for justification of this theory has limited the ability to shift away from any explanation of the power of Chiropractic and its relationship to the VS. What has happened is then instead of a better understanding of the power behind Chiropractic, the adherence to an unproved theory has divided the profession and prevented its growth.
While Vertebral Subluxation exists and plays a major role in the effectiveness of Chiropractic, research has now demonstrated that the nerve root interference theory is lacking. In exposing this fact many Chiropractors become extremely defensive as in their minds, without the vertebral subluxation there is no Chiropractic.
The real question at this point is; where is the power of Chiropractic found? Is it in the reduction of function or the enrichment of function? Shall we continue to focus on the vertebral subluxation or focus on how we can improve the body’s ability to adapt and recover? As a profession we have been well aware that how we apply our art comes in many forms, yet there is no one answer to the perfect technique. There has been recognition throughout the profession that techniques outside the manual cavitation form of adjusting, all the way to light touch and energy work, can have a positive effect on a patient’s health. This fact alone should have been enough to shift the focus within the profession from Vertebral Subluxation as the center of Chiropractic, to the power of the adjustment, in all its technique applications, to facilitate the body’s ability to experience improved function. This is where we failed to update our role in the health field.
The vertebral subluxation is a manifestation of the Central Nervous System’s failure to self-regulate due to the effects of stressors and their overloading of the brain’s processing resources. As the effects of stress increase, the cerebellum’s ability to maintain our ideal position in space and the fine spinal muscle movement control is compromised. Stress turns on the defensive posture and fixation patterns develop.
The rich sensory neurological input found in each vertebral unit give us a method by which to create a neurological pattern interrupt which reaches all the way to the cortex. The pattern interrupt at the cortical level allows the brain to reset and improve neural regulation.
The vertebral subluxation is not the “cause” but still plays a role in Chiropractic’s ability to change people lives. Our power is, and always has been, the adjustment. Stand in awe of its accomplishments!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. Feb
4, 2019
Chapter 50
The “BIG IDEA” Revisited
While we all look similar from behind, when we turn around much is revealed. Often a different point of view can offer greater possibilities. B. J. Palmer’s quote, “Get the Big Idea, all else follows!” continues to be used to motivate both Chiropractors and the public to the potential of Chiropractic. What usually happens with a vague quote such as this is an open interpretation as to what it means. This meaning is most often attached to B.J.’s concepts of “Above-Down, Inside-Out” and the role of Innate Intelligence in health. The “THE BIG IDEA” also gets attached to the theory of vertebral subluxation and subsequence interference to neurological function due to nerve root impingement. That is an example of the open interpretation in action.
The view from behind or the historical application of “THE BIG IDEA” and its importance in distinguishing the concept from the developing medical model, being that all disease came from outside the body, made great sense. The Philosophical position of an inborn intelligence and health coming from within, as the foundation for Chiropractic, laid down the basis for the ongoing confrontation with the Medical profession. This “BIG IDEA” did not fit with their “Big Idea” for the need of outside intervention including drugs and surgery.
Current knowledge has given us the opportunity to re visit the “BIG IDEA” and seek greater opportunity for Chiropractic. The good news is that the new knowledge has moved the primary focus of Chiropractic away from the current structural model of vertebral subluxation and back to the brain centered foundation.
However, the application of this new knowledge requires a new view or a shift in principle; shift away from the structural spinal and vertebral subluxation model and on to the brain based neurological model.
What did B.J. tell us about our responsibility and new principles?
“He who seeks truth and factual progress for the development of mankind is a breaking-plow. He denies and ignores stagnant customs and traditions. His task is to liberate man’s mind and body from LIMITATIONS OF OLD PRINCIPLES by introducing NEW PRINCIPLES with greater possibilities. At first he is misunderstood, maligned, censured, ridiculed, prosecuted and persecuted, because the masses have no breath of understanding, vision, or ability to recognize NEW PRINCIPLES: no courage and conviction to adapt them, even tho they discern them. Later he is honored for his accomplishments and achievements.”
B.J. Palmer - Evolution or Revolution (1957) Chapter 4 - Old and New Eras
He goes on to state that old principles are refined and perfected until finally in an entire break with the old, a NEW PRINCIPLE comes forth to completely change the concept of the past.
Current scientific research, especially from neuroscientists such as Heidi Haavik, D.C., Ph.D. (human neurophysiology) provides the opportunity to turn Chiropractic around and recognize there is a new view of “what we do” and “why we do it”. The information demonstrates a much broader concept than simply abovedown and inside-out. We must now consider that the effects of outside-in, below-up are in play and that the
key factor is the power of the brain to integrate and coordinate the incoming information, then send out appropriate responses to all systems, organs and cells of the body. The new evidence shows how the Chiropractic adjustment can alter brain function across a wide spectrum.
The “BIG IDEA” is even bigger and continues to move the profession away from the medical model of sickness therapy. While “what we do”, the adjustment, has many forms, the “Why we do it” has much more meaning and scientific support. It is all about the brain - It is that simple! New view and greater possibilities!
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
Feb 18, 2019
Chapter 51
What is “Good Health”
A visit with Dr. Tim Merrick prompted a discussion on the use of the terms such as: health, wellness and wellbeing. It is interesting how often these terms are used even though they are lacking in a complete picture of all the facets which go to the true state of “Good Health”. Our limitations in the grasp of the complications which contribute to our health and well-being tend to keep us focused on a very simplistic view. There is an Innate grasp of “being well” which has been reinforced by the carefully taught medical model. This model comes down to the conscious state of “I feel well, so therefore I must be well.”
The advent of modern medicine has at least moved this state to reliance on laboratory testing and ranges of physical and/or biophysical measurements. The question remains whether these measurements are indicators of “Good Health” or just a reflection of when tolerance thresholds are exceeded? Granting that the current level of testing has moved the awareness level a long way, we are still faced with the challenge that signs and symptoms must already be present before we become aware of any system disruption.
The overused term of “Wellness” has no real meaning, especially when used as a substitute for “Good Health”. The medical dictionaries describe health as physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and as a resource for living a full life. The World Health Organization (WHO) states: “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” They assert that physical and mental well-being is a human right, enabling a life without limitation or restriction. The fact that the key term in these guidelines for health is “well-being”, which lacks meaning, offers nothing in our understanding of what is real “Good Health”.
We have moved from the basic concept of health meaning that the systems in charge of maintaining life are in balance or in homeostasis, to a state where those systems are in constant flux as the external stressors change. This is now called Allostasis and represents a much more dynamic dance of Life. Our discussion brought another aspect into the formula. We found that we had to include the effects of microwave influence as well. Not the kitchen microwave, but rather the electromagnetic effects of the electronic age. Again not just your cell phone, but cell phone towers, satellite transmission, radio waves, television frequencies, Bluetooth, and of course computers, just to name what comes to mind. While someone has determined that there are “so called” safe levels for humans, that judgement is based on each separate frequency, not on all of them combined.
We know that each cell has its own specific chemistry. This chemistry produces its own vibrational frequency which works within its own system and body. This is the reason transplanting tissues from one body to another is difficult. The goal for “Good Health” is to have all the cells, organs, and systems within a body, functioning with “resonate frequency harmonies”. This is the great difficulty in understanding the real meaning of “Good Health”. While we have better understanding of the functioning of the systems, we are not yet able to measure down to this level. The “Star Trek” Tricorder is still a long way away from reality. What we
can measure is the interface between the physical body and the sensory input. Currently we are able to view the master control system, the brain and nervous system function as it continuously adapts and responds to both conscious and subconscious sensory information. We can see the control center of neurological health as it works to maintain its systems, organs and even cells in efforts to maintain “resonate frequency harmonies”. This is the seat of “Good Health” and research shows that Chiropractic improves brain function.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. March
11, 2019
Chapter 52
“Curiouser and Curiouser”
So is it just me or is there more going on than just a few individuals pushing their agenda? Now I’m really not a conspiracy theorist but there is something very strange going on in Chiropractic right now. I been involved in Chiropractic for 60 years (55 years as a Graduate from Chiropractic College) and have seen the profession survive many attacks, but this particular attack is one of the worst as it is coming from within the profession. The common element in all the attacks lies either directly from the medical profession or from medical modeled thinking. The continuing claim that Chiropractic is unscientific has been the central point of all the attacks over many years and appears to still be the main focus of the latest challenge.
The first point I would like to make is that while anecdotal information tends to be totally disregarded by the group currently attacking the profession, it is actually the foundation of the need for all research. I recall Dr. Kirkaldy-Willis, MA, MD, FRCS (E), FRCS (C), FACS, FICC (hon), while presenting to the British Columbia Chiropractic Association, stating that anecdotal evidence is evidence in itself. I attended some of the events at the University Hospital in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and more than once in our conversations heard him suggest that there was much more going on with Chiropractic than simply the correction of vertebral misalignment correction. The anecdotal evidence surrounding Chiropractic has been both the nemesis and the saving grace from the very beginning of the profession. The nemesis is that there was not adequate information or any instruments to prove that the vertebral subluxation and/or removal of nerve interference were really happening with Chiropractic care. The saving grace: that Chiropractic continued to demonstrate results which many times were so far reaching they looked like some sort of unexplained miracle. The problem is that the profession failed to advance a better theory. This is the critical crossroads between the Medical and Chiropractic professions.
Some eight decades ago evidence was presented to the Justice Department which convinced them that the two were indeed different professions. The scientific method of double blind studies may work marginally well in the medical model (check out the % of positive results for drug use approval) but it doesn’t work well for Chiropractic. One system is founded on Reductionism while the other on Vitalism. These two systems of approach are the foundations of the disagreement between Medicine and Chiropractic.
Let’s let the evidence of the outcome of the two approaches speaks for themselves. Has the reductionist model of drugs and surgery increased or decreased the number of diseases and illness? Is drug therapy increasing the need for more drugs or decreasing? How many people die each year from prescription drugs? Now what is the record of Chiropractic? Yes, unfortunately there are a few Chiropractors who have made false claims about Chiropractic as a disease treatment. Chiropractic is not a disease treatment based profession.
The second point is very interesting and really has me wondering. Why in this time in the history of Chiropractic, when the highest level of top quality research is now being published in the highest levels of peer reviewed publications, this current attack has raised its head? Dr. Heidi Haavik’s incredible research is exactly
what the profession has needed since its conception, so isn’t it somewhat interesting that the claims of unscientific are now occurring? I also need to make note that this is the same group that saw fit to dismiss Dr. Haavik’s research when she linked with the Rubicon group and the Rubicon’s position in support of Vitalism.
I do not support the outdated theory of vertebral subluxation and nerve root interference. I do support the power of the adjustment, in all its forms, to improve neurological function, so when we now have the solid evidence of this, it is time to advance the profession not to restrict it. Practice restrictive medically modeled musculoskeletal symptom based care if you wish, just stop calling it Chiropractic. Oh and by the way, it is not just me!!! As for the Conspiracy, the jury is still out on that one!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. March
25, 2019
Chapter 53
Words Have Consequences!
The beautiful power of words to convey the complexity of a situation or offer the depth of meaning is being reduced to symbols and assumption. This is a very dangerous situation. The Evidence Based (EB) group within the Chiropractic profession has removed the term “neuro” from neuro-musculo-skeletal in order for the Chiropractic dialog to match more closely to that of Medicine. They have also stated that “neuro” is still assumed to be included in the musculoskeletal terminology. As the old saying goes: “when you assume something, you stand the chance of making an ASS out of you and me” and this holds true in this case. The act of dropping the “neuro” opens the door for the reduction of the scope of Chiropractic to becoming no more than physical therapy. The question that continues to come to mind is, “Why?” Why is it necessary for Chiropractic to reduce the very thing that differentiates us from Medicine? What is there to be gained? We are currently a primary contact health field, so to reduce down to the level of physical therapy would mean we would lose this right. Even the new field of “Doctor of Physical Therapy” is focused on the nervous system, so while they are broadening their scope, Chiropractic is restricting their own.
The Evidence Based movement is not all bad, and I agree that from its beginning there has been a side of Chiropractic which has made claims of treatment for all manner of illness and diseases. This has to be stopped, but the real issue here is not about the lack of evidence. The real issue lies in the concept that Chiropractic is a form of “treatment” in the first place. The word “treatment” use in the health field has a specific meaning. It is “Administration or application of remedies to a patient for a disease or an injury; medicinal or surgical management; therapy.” This implies that there first must be some form of classification of the disease or injury. The classification calls for a diagnosis so that a treatment can be applied.
As the chiropractic profession took steps to improve its education system, more and more medical model programs were brought into the curriculum. Symptomatology and diagnosis were part of the additions. Even at the internship level, a diagnosis was called for before care began. Then when you add the influence of insurance coverage in which acceptable (medically modeled) diagnosis is a necessity for reimbursement, you arrive at the need for those evidence based treatment plans. The profession sold its soul for money.
The point needs to be made to all involved in the practice restrictions and/or incorrect claims which are the center of the current fight within the profession and that point is: that both these positions are not just incorrect, they are both wrong. The real challenge lies in the misconception that the vertebral subluxation causes interference at the spinal nerve root which leads to disease and illness. This theory has a major challenge as to being “the cause”. The process behind the development of vertebral subluxation lies in the effects of stressors on the Central Nervous System capacity ability. However, research now shows that the adjustment has the power to alter Central Nervous System function.
This new understanding behind the power of the Chiropractic adjustment is based on the evidence from highly respected researchers; evidence which clearly supports the power of the adjustment to improve neurological
function at the CNS level resulting in better overall function. The profession need not seek acceptance from medicine. The profession does need to clean up those making claims that Chiropractic “treats” anything. The goal of Chiropractic is simply to improve neurological function and with that, set care plans to accomplish that goal.
Removing “neuro” is not a small thing! It has huge consequences for a great profession that has over 120 years of evidence supporting its value to improve our ability to deal with the devastating effects of stress.
Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
April 1, 2019
Chapter 55
“Why Not Meet Me in the Middle?”
The Current upheaval in the Chiropractic profession is just getting a little out of hand. What has happened to civility in debates? Has the American political discord infected the entire world? There are so many misdirection’s ongoing with all this chatter that I’m not sure anyone is clear on the true intent outside of disruption. I have several questions directed to both sides of this debate. First, I would like to have the Evidence Based side please let me know.
Question #1. What is their position as to whether there is a vital force involved in “life” beyond the chemical or physical? Their answer could clear up much of the challenge. Somehow it seems like a line was crossed with the attack on Vitalism when it was really more about the opposition of the EB (Evidence Based) group to the Philosophical group in Chiropractic and its position regarding vertebral subluxation. –
Question #2. Is the real issue the challenge to the vertebral subluxation causing nerve root interference, or its claim to be the cause of all disease and illness? - Or perhaps both?
Question #3. Does the EV Group challenge the existence to vertebral subluxation even without any neurological interference?
Question #4. How did these issues generate the necessity to remove the use of “Neuro” from neuro-musculoskeletal, as sensory input is critical before every action?
Question #5. And lastly, what the “Hell” has any of this got to do with Vaccination? Stop confusing the profession of Chiropractic with a naturalist lifestyle. Whether you agree with vaccination or not, keep it away from any discussions regarding Chiropractic and its definitions. Stop the mission drift!! The mission here is to move Chiropractic to a position in health care based on supportive evidence so that it can offer the world greater opportunities for health.
2 wrongs and 2 rights
The EB group is right then it’s wrong, while the Philosophical group is wrong and then it’s right. I’ll explain.
The EB group is right in that the old theory (VS and nerve root as cause) is incorrect but then then their action to disregard the neurological role in Chiropractic is wrong.
As for the Philosophical group, they are wrong regarding the VS theory but right about the adjustment affecting neurological change. Two wrongs don't make a right but two rights can change the entire situation.
Change, we all know, is difficult; however without the ability to change and adapt we will perish. This is just a plain fact of life. Chiropractic was founded based on the knowledge of the 19th century. Then it was developed
during the early 20th century. This means that the fundamentals need to find supportive evidence within the knowledge of the 21st century. The old nerve root theory was flawed, but that doesn’t mean that you then challenge the 120 plus years of Chiropractic’s effectiveness. Your challenge needs to be a greater understanding of how the adjustment in all its forms achieves such a wide range of results. The baby stays but the bathwater goes.
So to the Evidence Based group, I agree that the Subluxation theory of “one cause one cure” needs to go; however, to the Philosophical group, the vertebral subluxation is real and is a sign of Central Nervous system dysfunction. It is also a powerful access to the CNS due to the richness of its neurological impact. The Chiropractic Adjustment has strong support for a neurological foundation.
So let’s take a step back from the edge of the cliff. Take a breath and please both sides give some thought to these suggestions. Of course this includes a strong slap on the wrist (or upside the head) to any claiming that Chiropractic treats any disease. That has never been the intent or restriction of Chiropractic. Oh and a clarification is needed. The practice of Chiropractic is not the practice of medicine – stop trying to make it so!!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
April 15, 2019
Chapter 56
“I Want to Take You Higher!
The ongoing internal struggle in Chiropractic based on the need for supporting evidence is not only real but fair. The problem lies in what both sides will accept as “evidence” and in understanding the underlying motive in that acceptance. If the motive is to further the profession with evidence which supports the knowledge of how the Chiropractic adjustment improves the neurological function of the patient, then I’m all in. However, if the only acceptable evidence is that which moves Chiropractic further into the medical model as a mechanical method of treatment, count me out.
So what does our history tell us regarding the evolution of the profession? Historically there have been continuing issues regarding the foundations of the profession. Even over 50 years ago while I attended Chiropractic College there were challenge to the vertebral subluxation theory. Was the term “Subluxation” an ideal description or was “Fixation” more accurate? Was there any research to support the nerve root compression as part of the subluxation? Was the application of clinical improvement outcomes strong enough to support the vertebral subluxation theory?
Then came the attempt to prove that the VS caused nerve root pressure, which failed totally!! The problem was that the profession was left uninformed about this research. The Chiropractic profession had attached its justification and in fact its existence, to the Vertebral Subluxation as cause, that this failure to prove nerve root interference had the potential to destroy it, so this research was suppressed.
Today, part of the Chiropractic education includes the use of the term “vertebral subluxation”, but leaves it in either a philosophical context, historical perspective or a mechanical model with the latest challenges being focused on its total removal as part of Chiropractic. I find none of these positions to be realistic. Current research has established that, except in very rare occurrences, spinal misalignments do not cause nerve root pressure. The work of the top researcher in the history of the profession Dr. Heidi Haavik, clearly establishes this fact. To sustain the position of Chiropractic based on a philosophy which includes an obsolete theory, will promote more challenges of being unscientific and charges of “quackism”!
If left as only an historical perspective, it means that we have learned nothing as to its role in explaining Chiropractic’s effectiveness in health matters. The classification of VS as only a “mechanical issue” places VS in the category of a condition that calls for treatment. It neither addresses the cause or the neurological importance.
So what do we know now? The Vertebral Subluxation or fixation exists, not as cause, but as a result of a central nervous system inability to cope with:
1. The amount of sensory input;
2. Lack of recovery from the stressors and/or
3. Habitual patterns within the CNS. These stressors overcome the processing resources of the Central Nervous System including the prefrontal cortex, the cerebellum, the hippocampus, the amygdala, hypothalamus, and the limbic autonomic functions. In fact every neurological function is in turn affected. This includes the Immune system which depends on accurate information from the CNS. As the cerebellum is responsible for muscle control and locating us in space, any disruption of its function plays a major role in the creation of less than ideal spinal movement and/or adaptation of a challenged balance system. This is the real foundation of the Vertebral Subluxation. So at this point- the vertebral subluxation exists!
What else do we now know? Once again -Thank you Heidi! We know that a spinal adjustment has a major effect on improving CNS function. We know that the access to the CNS via the multitude of sensory receptors whether through manual adjustment, instrument or even light touch serves to act as a neurological pattern interrupt reaching throughout the highest levels of CNS function. This pattern interrupt acts as a system reboot. Today it is possible to demonstrate how we can alter CNS function energetically.
The next questions for the profession are critical for our future. Is the profession willing to let go of out dated concepts? Is the profession ready to study how this new information can change its application? Is the faction of the profession that is working to move Chiropractic into a subset of medicine willing to listen? The motive is critical here - do we further Chiropractic by restricting its scope, alter its terminology so that it resembles the medical model? Or do we move Chiropractic toward the goal of the evidence based findings where we can prove that the Chiropractic Adjustment improves neurological function at the highest level? When you change the intent, you change the outcome! Let’s take the profession to a higher level!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
April 18, 2019
Chapter 57
“A Case of Necessity!”
Circa 1999, five people sat together in an office discussing the wonders of the human brain. The five included a research psychologist, a clinical psychologist, 2 chiropractors and a chiropractic office manager. The two psychologists were world experts in electroencephalograph studies and bio/neurofeedback application. The discussion on this day was a continuation of that which had been going on for several months and I had a question.
My experiences during 32 plus years of chiropractic practice had created several questions regarding how patients under care with a wide range of health challenges, had responded to Chiropractic care when I had used approaches ranging from cranial work to manual adjusting. My main question was derived from my care involving a 2 year old catatonic child with zero ability to respond or communicate. I started care doing only light cranial molding and within three visits the child started responding. She continued to progress and when I last saw her was a normal functioning 21 year old. The point here is not another Chiropractic miracle story but rather “the question” that developed regarding the foundation of Chiropractic – the “vertebral subluxation as cause”. There was no vertebral adjusting involved with this patient so something did not fit. It wasn’t the first time I had this question arise but this time it was significant enough to make me begin my search for a better understanding of the power of Chiropractic in all its forms.
The fantastic discussions we had been having and my questions about Chiropractic led to a meeting point. I stated, “I think that the Chiropractic adjustment changes brain function!” We decided to test it right then and did several pre and post adjustment EEG studies. What we discovered was a shock to all. We saw major changes in EEG activity and patterns, post adjustment. We then decided to gather data from more pre/post EEGs and over the next 3 years gathered more than 100 brain scans. We witnessed the effects of Chiropractic adjustments which ranged from minor, to major, to inappropriate changes in cortical brain function. The important revelation was that the Chiropractic Adjustment in technique approaches from light touch, instrument and manual adjusting, all directly altered brain function. We then had to question what approach was best and the answer became evident that there was a relationship between the patient’s need and the ideal technique. The answer was to be found in first determining the neurological needs of the patient. If the patient’s system was locked into fight/flight and over-aroused, then adding a high stimulus adjustment tended to add stress to the system. This insight gave rise to the addition of “Intensity of care” to the old Frequency and Duration of care plans. Now we had two game changers for the field of Chiropractic. The first was that Chiropractic was not about the removal of nerve root pressure, it was about brain function; and the second was care needed to address the neurological needs of the patient not their symptoms. It became obvious very quickly that this was going to go one of three ways when revealed to the profession. One side would love the potential and accept the change; one would hate it and reject anything beyond the old theory; and lastly, politics and position would keep it suppressed. All three are in play. The necessity in my view was that this was so important for the future of the profession that this knowledge needed to be not only brought to the profession but it also needed practice application. This meant we had to develop some way to be able to measure the functional neurology of the patient for pre and post analysis. Xrays and para-spinal scans did not provide this information. We spent two years working on the development of an instrument that would provide dynamic test to show a base line, then both cortical patterns and autonomic responses to three different stressors as well as the recovery ability. This instrument, the
NeuroInfiniti, has gone through 4 generations of development and is now in use all over the world. It is FDA, CE, ISO and Health Canada certified. The last thing in my mind when all this started was to end up in an instrument selling business but without some accurate methods of measuring the neurological changes pre and post care, the claims for Chiropractic at this level would have no more foundation than the old nerve root pressure claims. They say necessity is the mother of invention and that is the case behind the development of the NeuroInfiniti instrument.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
April 30, 2019
Chapter 58
Subluxation Misconceptions
How can we expect those outside the Chiropractic profession to understand the term “subluxation” and its role in Chiropractic, when there is such a wide misunderstanding within the profession itself? It has become painfully obvious that the subluxation is now viewed as the mechanical misalignment of the vertebral joints. This position has developed due to the lack of evidence (there I said it) of nerve root involvement with this misalignment. To be clear, this is not a current development as it was already an issue over 55 years ago while I was at Chiropractic College. In fact, B. J. Palmer had issues with classifying the subluxation and stated that: “A vertebral subluxation is any vertebra out of normal alignment, out of apposition to its co-respondents and below wherein it does occlude a foramen either spinal or intervertebral, which does produce pressures upon nerves, thereby interfering and interrupting the normal quantity flow of mental impulse supply between the brain and body and thus becomes THE CAUSE of all disease.
A vertebral subluxation IS a vertebral subluxation whenever it IS what is stated above, ALL elements being present. It is NOT a subluxation unless the interference to transmission is present. There can be no pressure upon nerves unless the size, shape, diameter, or circumference of the foramen is changed.” (1)
His classification stated that a mechanical misalignment of the vertebra was not a subluxation without neurological involvement and therein we have a major issue. How do we know if there is a neurological involvement? He used upper cervical spinal temperature measurement to determine the neurological involvement.
However, up to this time the only method of determining vertebral subluxations was palpation. According to BJ: “Up until a few months ago it was generally believed that you could locate a subluxation by palpation; with a spinograph (x-ray); by the location of tender nerves, taut fibers, or “contractured” muscles. None of these can locate a subluxation. Any or all of these indicative guides can and will locate misalignments.” (2)
Lacking any method to determine if a misalignment also had a neurological component, all the profession was left with was to adjust every mechanical misalignment. The profession became very proficient, especially with the use of x-rays, in determining the mechanical subluxation. The profession continued to accept the neurological component involved with the mechanical misalignment, while knowing the evidence was lacking. This left Chiropractic open to challenge and challenged it was which continues today.
Chiropractic continued to demonstrate results far beyond the reduction of the mechanical improvement without any supportive evidence as to how this was happening. The nerve root interference theory persisted as the only explanation for the effectiveness of Chiropractic. The Colleges and Chiropractic Associations focused on the improved mechanics which in turn moved the profession toward the medical model. Today the profession has a greater opportunity than at any time in its history thanks to a new look at the neurological connect in Chiropractic. We now have the opportunity to bring the profession back on track. There has been enough research to show that the adjustment itself is the neurological connection having nothing to do with the old nerve root pressure theory. The sensory input from the adjustment reaches all regions of the CNS and creates an opportunity for the brain to reset itself to more appropriate patterns. So Chiropractic is totally neurologically based and now the profession needs to bring itself up to date. I have cited much of the research which supports the neurological connection with the adjustment in articles # 18, 19, and 20 which can be found on the NeuroInfiniti web and/or Facebook sites. What is interesting is the resistance of the Colleges and Associations to move to this new supportive
knowledge and instead either maintaining the subtle supportive position of the nerve root pressure theory or by removing all neurological connections. The subluxation is in the brain (3) which in turn creates the mechanical challenge. Chiropractic improves CNS function. The spinal adjustment is one of the ways this is done. Time to stop the misconceptions!
(1) Palmer BJ. The subluxation specific: the adjustment specific. Davenport: palmer school of Chiropractic, 1934.
(2) Palmer BJ. In a speech given in 1930 entitled “The Hour Has Arrived”
(3) R.W. Stephenson “Chiropractic Text Book”*. page 67
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
May 30, 2019
Chapter 59
“Fools and the Future”
I had the great honor and privilege to be one of the two Keynote speakers at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Group, Alliance For Chiropractic (AFC) which was held in Toronto, Ontario, May 3 and 4th. Dr. James Chestnut was the other keynote speaker and presented a fantastic reveal on what is real supportive evidence. I understand that even to mention the word evidence can light a fire under many Chiros’, however, Dr. Chestnut’s presentation really put this issue in perspective. The highest level of credibility in research is called a “systematic review meta- analysis” and according to Dr. Chestnut, Chiropractic studies for chronic low back pain have more supportive evidence than the zero for the medical or physical therapy approach. YES ZERO! Ok. I get the issue with the chronic low back pain focus but the point made was there is already a ton of evidence of the effectiveness for Chiropractic, period. This will always be challenged and/or suppressed as the BIG dog rules the park! It is time to move past these challenges. The Public has always been our strength but without some form of access to an alternative approach or at the least, information that there is an alternative, they are not able to escape the medical system.
The quality of the AFC program was fantastic and I attended as many sessions as possible. The presenters were evenly split between male and female which was great to experience. I also had the opportunity to visit with a lot of former clients from my coaching program. These people are more than colleagues they are treasured friends.
There was an “energy” or “motivation” within the group due to the current challenges in Canada and elsewhere regarding the dropping of the word “neuro” from the primary directive of Chiropractic. The World Federation of Chiropractic and the European Chiropractic ASSociation (OOPS) of Chiropractic are pushing this agenda and in turn attacking the Rubicon group of Colleges for their vitalistic position. The question has to be “why” are they doing this? Is it to move closer to the practice of medicine for low back pain? Wait a minute - see above!!!! Having worked within a sports medicine clinic, complete with orthopedic surgeons, MDs and PTs, I can tell you that Chiropractic will always be at the bottom of the pool. They cannot afford to elevate Chiropractic! Follow the money folks, follow the money.
The bottom line and future of the profession will not be found in fighting either the medical profession or the medical modeled group within the profession. The future lies within the profession and its willingness to come together to produce better supporting evidence than the incorrect concept of spinal misalignment causing nerve root pressure which leads to dis-ease and disease. The evidence is in, the first stage of the research is done and it now places Chiropractic in a stronger position than at any time in its history. Is spinal health still involved? – damn straight - it is just not as a cause but as a fantastic gateway to stimulate positive change within the CNS. Let’s see – new research reveals that Chiropractic is elevated to improving brain function rather than just addressing low back pain. Rather like the difference between a peddle car or a Rolls Royce. Say What!!
At the closing of the event I had the feeling of a coming together with the philosophy and science. Dr. Peter Amlinger’s heartfelt talk about the power of Chiropractic and the expression of Life and Dr. David Fletcher’s presentations, especially the closing, continued moving the profession forward with a feeling of a consistent message and stronger future.
I look forward to a revisit with these friends. I look forward to the opportunity of building a stronger foundation for Chiropractic now that we have a greater understanding regarding the role and power of the Chiropractic adjustment to
improve neurological function and therefore the expression of our innate intelligence.
To those attempting to reduce and restrict the profession, I ask you to stop and listen to the evidence we are offering. (Thank you Heidi Haavik). To those who are trying to hold Chiropractic down to a theory that has remained unsupported for 120 years all I can offer is - “Only a Fool Walks Backward In to the Future.”
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
July 22, 2019
Chapter 60
“Understanding Frequencies”
My Chiropractic education (1960 to 1964) was based on the typical approach of finding and correcting Vertebral Subluxations (VS). This included the art of palpation and x-ray analysis. The concept was traditional in that the VS caused interference to neurological function and therefore by correcting the VS we improved neurological function. Clean and simple! Only problem is that once in practice I began to experience responses that did not fit into this clean and simple explanation, which included technique courses that did not involve the physical vertebral adjustment. Light touch, instrument adjusting, cranial work and even energy techniques were some of approaches that, while not fitting into my basic education achieved similar results.
Today there are many more methods of care under the Chiropractic umbrella that are outside of the traditional physical Vertebral Subluxation correction concept; yet we continue to see fantastic responses in neurophysiological improvement in patients.
This led me to do research into the effects of the adjustment on the highest level of neurological function, the brain, using several different techniques. Thanks to guidance from two highly qualified experts in cortical brain activity I was able to study the effects on brain wave patterns and responses. This is the point where a major shift in my thinking took place and that shift continues to open a greater understanding of the power of the Chiropractic Adjustment in the role of our ability to thrive in a hostile world.
The study of brain function (well actually all life function) involves the study of energy and frequencies. The power of the Sun involves frequencies; the power of electricity involves frequencies; and cellular function involves frequencies. In fact Albert Einstein summed it up with this quote:
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up inn scared biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.”
The research work our team did in 1997 to 2000 was focused on the effects of the adjustment on the frequency changes in cortical brain wave production and patterns. What we recorded completely altered my understanding of Chiropractic and its role. The adjustment acted as a neurological pattern interrupt which reached the highest level of brain function and in turn allowed the brain to improve its regulation. This shift in thinking opened the door to understanding how all the various techniques involved in Chiropractic achieve results. We also discovered that the intensity of the adjustment played a major role in patient responses.
My early education in Chiropractic limited the profession to a form of physical therapy, this being the manual correction of Vertebral Subluxation, which is the foundation of the current split within the profession today. However, the current research firmly establishes Chiropractic as a neurologically based profession. We now know that sensory input from all forms of Chiropractic technique influence brain frequencies at the cortical
frequency level. The role of the adjustment is to bring the frequencies into harmony within the master control system so that our soul’s music expression is at its most beautiful.
Now we know why all Chiropractic techniques get results: from the manual adjustment, light touch, instrument application, all the way to energy work, it is all about the frequencies.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. September
17, 2019
Chapter 61
“What’s Vital”
Is something “Vital” or not? This question has been floating around in my mind for some time and recently the battle regarding Vitalism vs Reductionism has really had me seeking out more information. The one point which really stirred my interest was the total rejection of some of the finest research ever done within the field of Chiropractic due to the researcher’s alignment with the Colleges under the Rubicon Alliance. The reason for the rejection was that the Rubicon Alliance supports the “Vitalistic” approach in Chiropractic.
When I looked up the definitions of Vitalism, what I found was a bit shocking. The terms used were: out dated, non-scientific, refuted by empirical evidence, and hence regarded as a superseded scientific theory. It got even worse: - “Vitalism has become so disreputable a belief in the last fifty years that no biologist alive today would want to be classified as a vitalist” .
Then we take the inclusion of the Soul, Innate Intelligence, plus the Chiropractic “One Cause, One Cure” Vertebral Subluxation theory and there is little wonder as to the rejection of Vitalism in a world that is controlled by the medical model of “mechanism”. When something is not understood, it becomes mysterious with spiritual overtones. The unexplained force of “Life” remains one of those wonderful soulful mysteries. The Theory of the “One Cause -One Cure, Vertebral Subluxation” remains a theory but current research offers evidence which explains the effectiveness of Chiropractic to help the body restore balance to its neurophysiology. As Chiropractic is not involved in addressing a disease but rather dealing with challenged neurological function, there is no direction toward curing any disease. Every disease known is simply a name given to a set of signs and symptoms exhibited by a body’s response in its attempt or failure to adapt.
When you remove the spiritual or religious overtones concept of Vitalism comes down to attaching a title to the level of the unexplained or unknown. Mechanism continues to reduce its knowledge to the smallest part, hoping to gain control. The interesting part of this direction of thinking is that each smaller part in the search still leaves the same question. Where does the power come from?
Just look at the Atom – once thought to be the smallest part in the world of the mechanist. Then they found smaller and smaller parts and still no answer to the power question. So let’s simply look at the atom - it has moving parts and energy that makes it what it is. These bits of energy determine its being! Those bits of energy are vital for the existence of that particular structure. It has been the search for understanding of the vital energy that founded the field of empirical evidence and yet even with this approach, the role of the “Vital” source of power continues.
It is at this point that the game of scientific research and money meet. The total rejection of Vitalism is really just to funnel money toward so called evidence based research. The drug companies recognized the potential and set the standards for research to support their role in so called health care. We must look closely at the diminishing level of acceptable research standards in medicine. Just listen to the advertisements on TV and the
secondary effects of the approved drugs. Does this system achieve the goal of health?
There is much we don’t understand about life, health and other mysteries of the universe, but that does not mean we cannot work with the unknown. In fact it is “Vital” that we continue to recognize that it exists and learn how to work with it rather than disregard its potential.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
January 29, 2020
Chapter 62
“Practice Consciousness”
Many years ago I was introduced to a practice statistic with the power to make me reassess my practice. It was a simple, yet telling method to truly evaluate both my personal and the practice communication skills. My first use of it truly shocked me into reality. I had been in practice for about 18 years and was enjoying, what I thought to be, a fairly successful practice. I was seeing about 60 patients a day that included more than one generation in families. Many patients were long time patients; however, I always felt the need for a stream of new patients to maintain the practice. As I visited my other chiropractic colleagues, most expressed this same new patient pressure, so all seemed normal.
A practice building presenter talked about Patient Visit Average (PVA) and its role as one of the methods for a statistically based practice. I had never heard of this stat. The goal is to gather data on how many times a new patient visits your office before they drop out of care. It is done by dividing the total number of visits in your office over a minimum of 3 months (the greater the time period, the more accurate the outcome) by the number of new patients during the same time period. Rather than share my numbers when I first did this, let me just state - I was shocked, disappointed, embarrassed and determined to understand why it was so low.
At this point I am going to jump ahead in time as that way I can offer a better insight as to the importance of PVA. I left practice to become executive director of one of the most powerful practice coaching programs of the time. One of the studies we did was based on the importance of PVA. We discovered that it was dependent on the ability of the doctor and staff to communicate the value of Chiropractic care. What became evident was that PVA was not just a statistic measurement, but rather an indicator of different outcome goals for both the practice and the patient. I call this a level of practice consciousness which speaks to both the patient’s and the doctor’s intent of the care. The following framework was developed as a guide to understand what PVA means in patient care.
A PVA of 1 to 35 falls into the category of Pain Relief or Signs and Symptoms Care Consciousness. Before I go any further - This is not meant to criticize or suggest one level is better than another. What this does tell you is whether your view of your practice is real or not. When I first used PVA I was under the impression that I had a wellness based practice; but as my PVA was 35, I realized I was far from it. The PVA has been influenced by the influence of insurance coverage. The intent of Insurance is to cover crisis care, which means that once the presenting challenge is under control, there is no coverage or justification for ongoing care. Therefore the patient drops out of care and creates the need for replacement with another new patient in the practice. While this can generate a high insurance front loaded income the need to maintain a constant new patient flow and the cost of marketing tends to make this a high stress style of practice.
The next level of a PVA of 35 to 50 suggests a Musculo-Skeletal Consciousness. This is ongoing care, which is care beyond symptom relief that can be measured by improved posture or better range of movement for example. While the retention is better than the pain relief practice, it is still a sign/symptom based approach.
Patient enrolment in goal setting is important and is actually the secret to building a practice with better patient retention.
Next level is really where the magic starts in a practice PVA of 50 to 80. This level suggests that patients are staying under care for something other than pain, symptoms or signs relief. We called this level the Neurological Consciousness level. A practice with a 50 PVA is very different from that of one with 35 PVA. The first difference is the reduction of the constant need for new patients to maintain the practice. Another difference is the reduction of the number of acute care patients; and still another is the absence of the complaint based patient. As the practice increases PVA the payment for care shifts from Insurance to cash and, yes, people will pay for care! The patient begins to recognize that any sign, symptom or disease is due to the effects of stress causing failure of ideal neurological action. The goal of care moves toward how to improve neurological function. Care becomes more about improved neurological function as a measurement. Today we can actually measure this neurological improvement response. Even at the beginning of care, the goal of both the patient and the Chiropractor can be based on accurate neurological function.
PVA of 80 to 150 falls into the Wellness Consciousness of care. This level has nothing to do with the typical care based on any signs or symptoms. Once the patient has an understanding of the value of ongoing care, they will commit to a long term schedule. In fact, I found that we would have to book their appointment times for a year ahead. Today the concept of “wellness” needs a better title to truly explain the goal. I suggest the term “Peak Performance” is more appropriate. As research shows degeneration begins within 2 to 3 weeks of a dysfunction or injury, the ideal visit frequency should be no longer than a 2 week period. Each office should have a reduced fee plan for this level of care.
At this point there is another major shift in the consciousness of care. The levels from here on move beyond the typical health model which is mostly physical or medically modeled. The basic systems of the body operate on an ionic level, which means an exchange of charged particles such as sodium or potassium ions. The minute we consider charged particles, we move into Quantum physics and the laws of Newtonian physics don’t apply.
As we can now look at body functions such as brain waves and cellular frequencies, it has changed our grasp of life physiology. We called this level Quantum Consciousness. Currently much of this level is beyond any method of measurement. It includes other factors than simply feeling good. This level and the next two are tied together in a pattern of beliefs and lifestyles which reach far beyond the mass education medical model. Level 6 is Energy Consciousness based. Today we are seeing more and more information published about our relationship with energy and our interaction. There are techniques used in Chiropractic based on energy work and as this approach is far outside the general knowledge or understanding, they appear as if they are some sort of magic or cult. The interesting fact is that the influence on neurological function can still be measured.
The last level is the Spiritual Consciousness. Spiritual has a greater meaning than simply religious. There are a few spiritual healers however they are rare. I have experienced some of these, and while I may not fully understand how the healing energy works, I stand in respect. The power of prayer is included in this level.
The vast majority of practices are found in the first two: pain relief and the musculo-skeletal model.
Chiropractic did not start this way but economics have forced the profession to lose direction. Today there is a steady shift back toward the neurological model and cash based practice. The recognition of the failure in the vertebral subluxation theory as the foundation of all disease, has created a split in the profession with some DCs shifting toward strictly the musculo-skeletal model; some moved to the now supported Neurologically Based model while a few remain steadfast to the bone on nerve unproven theory. The point here is that you get to choose how you want to play. Just make sure your intent, the patient’s intent, the combined expectations and your outcome measurements match.
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
February 11, 2020
Chapter 63
“Practice Consciousness Based on Intent”
The article I wrote on Practice Consciousness (#62) addressed the application of Patient Visit Average (PVA) and why you need to use this to see if the Doctor’s intent of care matches the patient’s. The mismatch of the intents is one of the greatest frustrations in Chiropractic practice. The mismatch is more of a lack of understanding in the value of Chiropractic on the part of the public and a lack of information from the Chiropractor. In order for the public to make an informed consent decision, they need to understand another model of health which is different from that of medicine. The public has only been taught the one model. The consciousness of the practice involves more than simply intent, even though the intent sets the tone, procedures and outcome measurements. While I discussed some of this in article #45, I think we need to continue the application. If the intent of care is structurally based, then procedures need to include studies such as x-ray films and postural examinations. Even range of motion examination should be included. These provide a foundation for comparison to ideals and a basis for outcome assessment. They also provide for evaluation of care beyond subjective reporting. While subjective reporting is always important as to levels of care goals, objective measurements are of greater value if addressing cause. That said - if the intent of care is to straighten spines, the care foundation would be to measure spinal curves; the goal or success of care is when spines show improved curves or postural improvement.
However, if the intent is to reduce low back pain, the care foundation is then based on detailed pain patterns and the goal, or care success is when pain patterns are relieved.
As for the Neurological intent - The issue with Chiropractic is that while the profession believes they are neurologically based, this belief centers on vertebral subluxation as the cause of the neurological interference. This belief developed from the positive results from spinal adjustments, the thinking here being that if the spinal adjustments of a vertebral segment get positive results, then the spine must be the source of the cause. This is a great misconception and results in a failure to determine how the vertebral subluxation developed.
I think I heard someone say, “I don’t care, my job is to find vertebral subluxations and fix them!” To this I ask, “So you are ok with simply treating the symptoms and not addressing the real cause?” You see, this is really no different than what we have accused Medicine of doing for years – strictly symptom based care.
We have all been taught there is a process behind the creation of the vertebral subluxation and it is based on stressors. What we have never addressed, until now, is how this process actually works, including how this creates the vertebral fixation (subluxation). Here is the great news - it is all neurological! The catch is, we need to start using neurological function examinations as the key to care management and outcome assessments. The news gets even better – the fact is that the reason for the success of Chiropractic from the very beginning lies in the power of the adjustment to influence neurological function which reaches to the highest levels of the brain. However, this does not give us the right to claim everything in Chiropractic is
neurological, without neural measurements! There is a need for accurate acceptable methods of measuring neurological function before care and after care. Simply measuring leg lengths or symptom reduction is not good enough. How about having the ability to measure neurological function under different stressors along with recovery ability, pre and post care. This is the real power of Chiropractic. All those great results you see in your office are because you change brain function! Just start measuring it!!! How does it get better than that? Check out NeuroInfinti.com - you’ll find great videos, research and potential for your practice!!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
February 25, 2020
Chapter 64
MD’s Opinion on Brain Based Care”
What a great way to start a Monday! Colleen Blackwell set up a call (Thank You Colleen) with Dr. Pradeep Ramayya, MBBS FRCA for me to have a conversation about the NeuroInfiniti. Dr. Ramayya lives in England and is a medical doctor, so I had many questions running through my mind as to what he had in his mind. His introduction was enough to really peak my interest as it quickly became apparent his qualifications and history were not of the typical medical model. Colleen had introduced him to the NeuroInfiniti and he was interested in the potential it provides to record neurological patterns of response and recovery to stressors. Our discussion centered on several applications of the data it provides. The discussion continued to cover a wide range of stress influence on health; poor neural patterning which leads to illness and diseases; the fact that current medical models are not working; to we need a new direction in health care. The NeuroInfiniti provides a view of neurological health before symptoms.
He suggested that within the socialized care model, building more hospitals, hiring and training more staff and the development of new drugs is not going to work in solving the current health challenges. My perspective is that in the USA, these issues are even more evident as you have to add the cost of insurance profits, profit based hospitals and profits based drug companies, plus that critical sickness can clean out a person’s retirement savings. Health availability for only the rich is a society without humanity and socialized medicine means increased taxes. Each of those choices has its own set of challenges and issues. I’ve modified an old saying, “faced with a choice between two unsatisfactory paths - make the third.” This is the message I heard from Dr. Ramayya and of course I agree, as for me this has been the path of Chiropractic for the last 50 plus years.
Our discussion lasted about an hour and if we lived closer I am sure we would be spending a lot of time together. He was astounded at the amount of neurological information provided by the NeuroInfiniti and quickly realized how it could provide a new look at health and wellness. The fact that it can also provide data on the clinical progress, or lack thereof, without the need to rely on symptom relief as a standard or measurement also got his attention. I’m looking forward to working with him as he begins using the NeuroInfiniti.
Then later that same day two articles appeared to offer continued support for the foundation of Neurologically Based Chiropractic. The first one is “Differences in brain processing of proprioception related to postural control in patients with recurrent non-specific low back pain and healthy controls” Nina Goossens,a,⁎,1 Lotte Janssens,a,b,1 Karen Caeyenberghs,c Geneviève Albouy,d and Simon Brumagnea . I present on the connection between the effect of stress on prefrontal cortex function, its relationship to cerebellar disruption and how this creates the foundation for the vertebral subluxation. Studying this from the role of pain first has the process backward. VS is created by poor postural adaption due to cerebellar disruption caused by the effects of stressors on prefrontal function. Pain follows threshold tolerance breach.
The second paper is on “Effect of manual approaches with osteopathic modality on brain correlates of interoception: an fMRI study Francesco Cerritelli ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2963-96201,2,3, published 21 February 2020. The paper states that manipulation (their words) alters brain function. Heard this somewhere before? So here it is folks; while Chiropractic continues to move toward the pain or symptom based model, other professions are moving toward brain based care. Stop chasing the theory of structural Chiropractic! Get on board with Neurologically Based Chiropractic before it is too late!!! Contact DeDe@neuroinfiniti.com
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C.
March 9, 2020
Chapter 66
“Stress and the Immune Response”
The nervous and immune systems have a tenuous relationship; yet, both are critical for our survival. What is interesting is that it wasn’t until the 1980s that the medical profession discovered (something that Chiropractors had been saying for years) that the immune system and the nervous system talked to one another. Their belief up to this time was that they were two independent systems. While viewing a slide of spleen tissue a medical researcher noted the immune and nerve receptors were connected. His publication on this “breakthrough” was not well received by his profession. How many slides of spleen tissue had been viewed over the previous years? Thousands???? This is a perfect example of how a belief can keep us from seeing the reality.
So today we are well aware of the importance of the communication between these two systems. While we are inundated with the term of “autoimmune” disorders, we need to address how these develop and the role stress plays in the relationship between the two systems. Another factor needing discussion is the concept that we need to boost the immune response.
I’ll start with some basic understanding of the relationship between the neuro and immune systems. The immune system protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response which includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, special deposits of lymphoid tissue (as in the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow), macrophages, lymphocytes, the B cells and T cells, plus antibodies. The main job of the immune system is to determine what to safeguard or determine if something is foreign and if so, destroy it. The control factor in this action is the nervous system which has several pathways for communicating the need for immune system responses. Three primary levels are the Hypothalmo-Pituitary-Medulla Axis (HPA), Sympathetic-Adrenal-Medulla (SNS) Axis and Vagus Nerve (PNS). These are directly involved in the flight/fight or danger response as well. Neurological sensors throughout the body send information to the brain which in turn keeps the immune response informed.
Since the confirmation of the neuro-immune system connection, the field of psychoneuroimmunology has provided a greater understanding in the development of illness and disease. The key factor of health now includes as first and foremost a healthy functioning nervous system. If the Central Nervous System (CNS) is overcome by stressors, the system is not able to provide accurate responses to maintain an optimum internal balance (Homeostasis), which includes the immune system’s responses. If the immune system is placed on emergency call 24/7 due to the overloading of the stressors on the CNS, the immune system losses the ability to determine friend or foe and starts attacking the good cells as enemies. Thus Autoimmune disease!
The second point is the idea that you need to boost the Immune response. Think about this! What is really needed is a great neurologic immune system communication! There is a difference between boosting the immune system and making sure it has what it needs to function ideally. Boosting the immune system into hyper-sensitivity leads to autoimmune system issues! The term “boosting” implies a misconception.
Now let’s add the stress being created by all the fear built around the current coronavirus challenges. Do you think this amount of stress does not challenge the nervous system threshold and its relationship to immune response? SO - Eat better, don’t overindulge, don’t panic, have better sleep patterns, get adjustments to help the neurological function, learn to breathe better and use common sense for public health activities. Stay well!
The Brain and Chiropractic
Neurologically Based Chiropractic - By
Richard Barwell, D.C. March
26, 2020
Chapter 67
the Damage of Stress”
It is past time for Chiropractors to advance the Profession to its rightful place in the health system. The first step is that there needs to be a healing within the profession which involves a shift of focus away from the vertebral subluxation and onto the power of the adjustment, in all its forms, to change people’s lives; away from the theory of nerve root interference as cause and onto how the adjustment improves brain function. This simple shift in paradigm, which actually increases the value of Chiropractic by elevating the foundation of Chiropractic from a spinal (structural) model to a neurological (control) mode, seems to strike fear and trepidation into parts of the profession. It should not, for even if your approach tends to be structural (postural), the effects of your technique are still founded on changing the CNS control patterns. There are so many different portals of entry with which to stimulate neurological change and part of the goal of practice is to find which way is best for each patient.
Here’s the rub! How can we determine, based on objective data, what is the “Best Way” for neurological improvement in each patient? Virtually every Chiropractic group to whom I have made presentations have stated that the system of primary focus for Chiropractic is the nervous system. So where is the objective testing data to support the neurological care rendered? X-ray exams do not show neurological information. They show the effects on the passive system. sEMG scans the active system (the muscles) and are a step up from the passive system. Thermal spinal scans are still the active system in that they measure the dilation and /or restriction of capillary bed muscle activity - Again better than static x-ray studies but not directly neurological (control system). How about changes in leg length as a measurement? This procedure, outside of looking like some sort of magic, without data does not offer how the nervous system is involved. Range of motion as criteria for care does not address the neurological involvement. So while we continue to believe /think/project that Chiropractic is neurologically based, our methods of care are based on something else.
Once research started to demonstrate the direct effect of the adjustment on the patterns of the Central Nervous System, the game changed. The system of primary focus, the nervous system, moved from the spinal level to brain function which elevates the value of Chiropractic. This shift also explains why so many different technique methods generated similar results. Techniques from manual to Grostic, HIO to Logan Basic were brought together based on the neurological influence of the adjustment on the CNS function.
It is a new day for Chiropractic - but only if the profession can let go of an obsolete theory and grasp the importance and value of Chiropractic in this moment of shift to a true neurological foundation.
The second step is investing in the ability to actually measure the state of the nervous system, especially the brain’s ability to deal with stressors and its recovery ability from the stressor. Yes, I developed and market the NeuroInfiniti instrument that can do exactly that level of accurate measurement. Vested interest – yes, but in the advancement of the profession as my primary goal! There have been DCs selling x-ray equipment, sEMG equipment, chiropractic tables etc. My goal has always been to elevate the value of Chiropractic. I had seen
great responses happen with patients under my care in which the old theory of bone on nerve didn’t make any sense. There had to be more than that simple explanation, so my search for the answer led me to study the effect of the adjustment on the brain. I still needed accurate proof. The NeuroInfiniti brings the objective stress/recovery patterns and the value of the adjustment to improve CNS function to life in practice. You owe it to the future of the profession to, at the very least, contact DeDe@NeuroInfiniti.com and check it out.