immune support

Med School for Moms’ content is not medical advice. It’s for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your healthcare provider. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional medical treatment based on the information you read in this document If you suspect that your child has a medical problem or emergency, you should contact your healthcare provider or physician immediately.
And remember, Mama -- always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before adopting a new treatment for a health problem your child may have, or before giving them any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement Stay healthy!
© Med School for Moms, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of Dr. Elana Roumell and Med School for Moms, LLC.
If your child gets sick often, you are FAR from alone! Did you know that babies, toddlers, and preschoolers get, on average, about seven to eight colds a year?

babies, toddlers, preschoolers
school-age children
teenagers (similar to adults)
Are you surprised? Or does this provide more comfort that your child may actually fall in the average? Either way I don’t want you to FEAR illness It is inevitable!
But guess what?!
I have some great tips, tricks, and clinical pearls to help decrease the duration and severity of symptoms using natural medicines! And I absolutely LOVE to share with moms around the world so they can safely be Doctor Moms! A Doctor Mom is someone who is calm when their child gets sick, competent using integrative medicine, and confident knowing when it is time to visit the doctor or know when she can safely and effectively help her kiddo from home!

preventative medicines
(to try to get ahead of illness in the first place)
checklist immune support
Prioritizing which medicines to use to keep your kid healthy isn’t easy, so I did the work for you. Included in this guide are my Doctor Mom approved along with
medicines to use when symptoms appear (to fight infection and ultimately support their immune system)
Any of these remedies can be used during cold and flu season, when going back to school, or any other time you feel their immune system might need an extra boost
But you don’t always need supplements to help support your child’s immune system! In fact, I prioritize food as medicine first, along with home therapies!

Let’s dive in!

How to use food as medicine
#1 - Limit Sugar

Sugar can decrease immune function by 50%! Studies show sugar can reduce your child’s immune function by HALF!
This takes place within 30 minutes and continues for up to 5 hours after consumption.
Imagine pouring a bowl of sugary cereal and sending your child to school for the day. They would walk into their classroom with only half of their armor protecting them from common school germs And this will last close to the time school ends Really let that soak in! My recommendation is to limit sugar to keep your child’s immune system as robust as possible and prevent illness!
#2 - Start Cooking with Garlic
Garlic is one of the strongest anti-microbial foods out there It’s cheap, easy, and adds so much flavor! So why not boost your meals with this amazing immune-supporting ingredient? You can also mix ½ tsp of minced garlic into a spoonful of honey to help the medicine go down!

#3 - Limit Dairy

Dairy increases the production of mucus and I often find that many kids coming into my office with recurrent colds have dairy sensitivities. Once dairy is eliminated from their diet, we often see fewer colds, less congestion and runny nose, healthier poops, and dark circles under the eyes disappear Seek out a Naturopathic Doctor for testing if your child is sensitive to dairy, or simply eliminate it for 6-8 weeks as a trial to see if symptoms improve
How Else Can I
support my child?
#1 Keep Your Child Hydrated
Take your child shopping for a new water bottle! First, they must LOVE the water bottle. Encourage them to take it around with them everywhere they go to ensure adequate water intake each day Hydration is key to optimal cellular functioning, and optimal cellular functioning is key to having a robust immune system! If your child is dehydrated, they will have a harder time fighting off infection.

Mama, did you know that the water fountain contains 84x more germs than a toilet seat? They also contain 225x more germs than other kids' hands!
Yuck! This is all the more reason to get your child used to hydrating with their own water bottle!
How Else Can I support my child
#2 Cold Wet Sock “Magic Socks” Therapy
This home therapy using cold water and wool socks is very effective at stimulating the immune system. If you don’t already know how to use this therapy, it is well worth your time to review the step-by-step instructions in this popular Instagram Post. Read the hundreds of comments to see how many Doctor Moms are already getting so much success from this odd yet amazing therapy!
#3 Start Using Humidifiers
Dry air can cause dry sinuses, bloody no cracked lips, and it creates the perfect environment for viruses or bacteria to in body. Dry air is especially common durin and flu season when the heaters are oft turned on! Our body’s first line of defens secretions With such dry air, our secreti limited, giving bugs the perfect surface and grow. Keep the air moist by adding humidifier to not only ease the symptom cold but also to help PREVENT one from happening!

What Medicines should I have on hand to be prepared?
These are medicines that I recommend taking daily during cold and flu season, back to school time, and/or during times of heightened exposure to illness.
#1 Elderberry Syrup or Immune Support Powder

Elderberry Syrup Daily Use:
15-24 pounds: 3 drops daily
25-49 pounds: 5 drops daily
50-74 pounds: 10 drops daily
75-99 pounds: 15 drops daily
100+ pounds: 20 drops daily
Immune Support Powder
Daily Use:
Ages 1-3: 1/2 scoop daily
Ages 4-8: 1 scoop daily
Ages 8+ : 2 scoops daily
Directions: These can be given to your child mixed into water or juice, or even made into popsicles!
Safety: Safe to start as young as 6 months of age.
#2 Vitamin D3/K2 Liquid Drops
1 drop daily, which comes out to 1,000IU.
Safety: Safe to start this amount at 12 months of age. For children less than 12 months, start at 400-800IU daily OR a nursing Mama can take 6,400IU, which is enough for her and baby together

#3 Ther-Biotic Complete Probiotic Powder
To use the “toothpick method”, wet the tip of a toothpick and place it directly into the powder. What is left on the tip of the toothpick is roughly 10 billion CFUs, which is a safe daily dose to help prevent illness.
Safety: Safe to start at 2 years of age.” *If your child is younger than 2, there are other probiotic products safe for their age, which I teach inside my Doctor Mom membership.
To purchase these remedies and get 15% off your order, simply click here to add all these items to your cart right now! If you don’t have a Fullscript account, you will be prompted to create one first.

What Medicines should I HAVE ON HAND IF symptoms occur?
If your child begins to experience symptoms of illness, we have other tools in our toolbox to support them!
Natural Medicines work the best when given as soon as symptoms start. This is where you will see the best outcomes in reducing the duration of illness and severity of symptoms. Take my word for it… I’ve been doing this for well over a decade. When Doctor Moms start their medicines EARLY and follow the recommended amounts below… they’re much more likely to have success!
So please remember begin medicines immediately when they start feeling unwell and continue for 2 days after the symptoms disappear
#1 Increase Frequency of Elderberry Syrup or Immune Support Powder
Elderberry Syrup:
15-24 pounds: 3 drops 3x/day
25-49 pounds: 5 drops 3x/day
50-74 pounds: 10 drops 3x/day
75-99 pounds: 15 drops 3x/day
100+ pounds: 20 drops 3x/day

Immune Support Powder
Daily Use:
Ages 1-3: 1/2 scoop 2x/day

Ages 4-8: 1 scoop 2x/day
Ages 8+: 2 scoops 2x/day

Safety: Safe to start at 6 months of age.
#2 Kid’s Echinacea Alcohol Free
15-24 pounds: 3 drops 3x/day
25-49 pounds: 5 drops 3x/day
50-74 pounds: 10 drops 3x/day
75-99 pounds: 15 drops 3x/day
100+ pounds: 20 drops 3x/day
Safety: Safe to start at 6 months of age.
#3 Oscillococcinum
⅓ vial 3 times per day
Safety: Safe to start at any age.

Important Note:
The above remedies are a very GENERAL immune support protocol If you don’t get the results you are looking for, you may need to take it one step further by learning my specific comprehensive protocols based on your child’s symptoms.
Every child is unique, as is every illness. If you want to learn my specific protocols for illnesses like runny nose, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and more, I encourage you to join the Doctor Mom Membership. Inside you will get step-by-step guidance for each common pediatric condition. As a bonus, I share a new protocol each month to build your library so you can feel confident and competent next time your child gets sick! Check out what else is included to support you, Mama!
At times, Fullscript sells out of my favorite supplements If this happens, I want you to be prepared with some alternative options Remember, you always have options when it comes to natural medicines. Our toolbox is huge. Let me help guide you so you still get successful results! See our complete list here.
Elderberry Syrup Sub:
Want to make your own homemade Elderberry Syrup?
This may take a little more work than buying directly on Fullscript, but in the end, it is cheaper and is a fun activity for the entire family!
Buy a bag of Elderberry Syrup Making KitFamily Size from Noelle’s Naturals. This is what I use with my family, and now you can make it too! For 10% off, use code DRELANA10

hickhereto opNoelle's naturals!
Pour the contents of the bag into the tea bag provided Place the tea bag in a pot of water Stew, strain, and add your own honey If your child is less than 12 months old, use maple syrup instead Full instructions come with each bag
This large bag includes enough to make 50oz of syrup when you add your own honey!
*Note, Noelle’s Naturals combines other immune boosting herbs into their Elderberry mix, including ginger, cloves and cinnamon.
Children ages 6 months-12 years: 1-2 tsp daily, up to every 3 hours as needed
Adults and children over 12 years: 1 tbsp daily, up to every 3 hours as needed
Safety: Safe to start as young as 6 months of age
Please note that most over-the-counter Elderberry Syrups have a lot of added sugar (which decreases immune function) and are not nearly as potent and effective as the one I recommend on Fullscript or making it at home.
If the only option you have is store-bought, look for Gaia Kids Black Elderberry Syrup, which does contain sugar but can be effective Follow label for directions

What about medicines for mamas?
Don’t forget about you, Mama! I highly recommend you keep your immune system supported too!!
Good news is that all of the medicines I share in this guide are safe for pregnant and nursing mamas! You just need to take a tad more than your kiddos and everyone can share! (I am all about saving time and money Plus, sharing is caring ��)
For Prevention:

#1 Elderberry Syrup or Immune Support Powder
Elderberry Syrup: 20 drops daily
mmune Support Powder: 2 scoops daily
#2 Vitamin D3/K2 Liquid Drops
5 drops daily, which comes out to 5,000IU
*Best to test levels to know exact needs
#3 Ther-Biotic Complete Probiotic Powder
¼ tsp daily

y p multivitamin/mineral. My all-time favorite is by the company Needed!

Continue the medicines above and add in the following immediately when you or baby start feeling unwell. Continue these for 2 days after the symptoms disappear.
#1 Increase Frequency of Elderberry Syrup or I un Support Powder

#3 Oscillococcinum

#2 Kid’s Echinacea Alcohol Free

1 dropperful 3x/day
If I may include one more specifically for you, Mama… I just LOVE…
#4 IgG Protect
⅓ vial 3 times per day (same amount as kiddos)

2 capsules 2x/day
To purchase these remedies and get 15% off your order, simply click here to add all these items to your cart right now! If you don’t have a Fullscript account, you will be prompted to create one first
But keep in mind, these natural medicines work the best when taken upon immediate symptoms.
Mama, that means you want these remedies ON HAND BEFORE the inevitable illness strikes! The last thing I want is for a mom to rush to the health food store late at night to gather medicines, only to not find what she needs and question the safety and effectiveness
Doctor Moms are prepared! Doctor Moms stay CALM when faced with a sick child Doctor Moms are COMPETENT with their tools (You now have my list of favorites inside my guide - learn them, use them, and practice with them!) and Doctor Moms are CONFIDENT because they have a plan and are ready for the inevitable!
To stock up on immune supportive remedies, visit my online store, Fullscript By signing up, you automatically get 15% off every order It’s my gift to you!
How to get started:
If you don’t already have an account with Fullscript, you will be prompted to create one. Upon login, the remedies you click on will be added to your cart for you to pick and choose before you decide to check out. Best of all, you always get 15% off when you order from my online store.