Mastering Neuroinflammation and Neuroplasticity
The information presented in this document is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any specific disease, nor a replacement for supervised healthcare. The author of this document is not liable for any use or misuse of the information provided herein.
If you are suffering from the following symptoms, it is highly likely that you are experiencing some degree of Neuroinflammation, Excitotoxicity, Microglial Activation, and inhibited Neuroplasticity.
Brain Fog
Inability to Focus
Lack of Motivation
Poor Memory
Difficulty Learning
• Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Major Depressive Disorder
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Bipolar Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Neurodegenerative Disease

Lack of Pleasure
‘Dark Thoughts’
‘Burnt out’
Cognitive Fatigue
Cognitive Dissonance
– refers to the over-excitation of the CNS via hyperstimulation of NMDA/AMPA receptors, which results in damage or death to neurons. Various factors such as oxidative stress, inflammation, infection, stress, TBI/head injury, and nutrient deficiencies can drive excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity can also contribute to neuroinflammation in a self-perpetuating fashion which makes it a vicious cycle to break. In excitotoxicity, glutamate levels rise dangerously high and GABA levels drop quite low. Glutamate can be thought of as “anxiety and depression inducing”, whereas GABA can be thought of as an “anti-anxiety hormone”. I like to think about excitotoxicity like a brain that has too much electricity flowing through it and causing circuits to ‘bust’ and sparks to fly that cause a fire.

– inflammation of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Inflammation is a complex immunological process in response to various immune challenges. Think of it as a ‘cleansing fire’ that the immune system uses to protect your body from pathogens and harmful antigens, while ‘cleaning out’ damaged cells. Under normal physiological circumstances, inflammation is a controlled fire. When the body’s metabolic systems are dysfunctional, inflammation burns out of control and contributes to symptoms and disease manifestation.

– “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” “Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the nervous system to respond and adapt to environmental challenges and encompasses a series of functional and structural mechanisms that may lead to neuronal remodeling, formation of novel synapses and birth of new neurons.” Neuroplasticity is how we remodel our brain’s architecture, which allows us to learn new skills, adopt new beliefs, and heal our central nervous system. Neuroplasticity is regulated through the activity of various neurotrophins, such as Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).'

– Microglial Cells are the resident immune cells of the CNS. Their job is to protect the brain and spinal cord from ‘foreign invaders’ and using the ‘cleansing fire of inflammation’ to fight off such threats and clean up damaged tissue. Microglial cells regulate the excitotoxic and neuroinflammatory cascade and also contribute to remodeling the architecture of the CNS through neuroplasticity. Microglial Activation and Dysfunction has been associated with all Mental Illnesses and Neurodegenerative Conditions. Microglial Dysfunction has become the focal point of Mental Health Research. I termed the coin ‘Microglial Activation Syndrome’ to describe the Mental Health Dysfunction associated with Microglial Dysfunction that drives neuroinflammation and excitotoxicity.

It is crucial to understand that when Microglial Cells are excessively triggered by pro-inflammatory signals, a vicious cycle of brain toxicity and inflammation ensues. As brain inflammation goes up, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity go down. Brain inflammation is also what drives the ‘chemical imbalances’ associated with Mental Illness. Brain inflammation lowers our ‘happy hormone’, serotonin, our ‘reward and focus hormone’, dopamine, our ‘anti-anxiety hormone’, GABA, and our ‘sleep hormone’, Melatonin.

Naughty Microbes (bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses)
Heavy Metals (Mercury, Lead, Arsenic etc.)
Toxicants (BPA, Pthalates, Parabens, Glyphosate etc.)
Nutrient Insufficiencies (Vitamin C, D, A, K, B9, B6, B12, E, Zinc, Omega 3 etc.)
Inflammatory Cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β, TNFα, IFNγ)
Oxidative Stress (ROS, RNS, Free Radicals etc.)
Histamine (MCAS, Allergies, Food intolerances etc.)
Gut Dysfunction (Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut etc.)
HPA Axis Dysfunction (cortisol, norepinephrine etc.)
Heat or Cold Stress
Head Injury (TBI, concussion etc.)
Trauma and Social Isolation
Insulin Resistance and Hyperglycemia
In a nutshell, we must identify and remove triggers that are activating microglial cells AND promote neuroplasticity to regain our Mental Health. The molecular mechanisms are complex and go beyond the scope of this free guide. We go deep into the science in our workshop.
Want to learn how to Master Neuroinflammation and Neuroplasticity? Check out our Workshop .
Due to the toxic, pro-inflammatory, and self-destructive nature of the Standard American Lifestyle and Diet, millions of Americans (and millions more around the world) suffer from Mental Health Dysfunction and Gastrointestinal Distress. Many are experiencing the effects of a Standard American Gut (SAG) which is lacking in microbial diversity, immune-compromised, inflamed, and hyperpermeable (leaky gut). This further exacerbates brain inflammation that causes ‘brain chemical imbalances’. You may experience all of this as any combination of any of the symptoms listed above.

Some cases are a bit more complex and Lab Testing may be needed to successfully navigate the contributing factors to your health dysfunction. To learn more about our Functional Testing services, please email
Most individuals will experience tremendous benefit by simply adopting better lifestyle and behavioral habits such as:
– eating a whole food diet that is ideally organic with a balance of animal protein/ fat, plenty of colorful plant food, some nuts/seeds/oils, some low-sweet fruit, some starchy carbs. There is no one size fits all and I think we grotesquely overcomplicate nutrition with all of these extreme diets (Keto, IF, Carnivore, Vegan, Plant-based, Frugivore etc.). Nutrition should start with simply eating organic whole foods with a great emphasis on mindfulness and developing a healthy relationship with food (and self). Once a solid foundation is in place, it can be further tweaked based on preference and bio-individuality. For some that might be eating 5 vegan meals per day and supplementing with nutrients that are absent in vegan diets. For others that might be a whole food keto diet with fasting. My personal diet could probably be best described as ‘strict paleo’ with some fasting (intermittent intermittent fasting; see what I did there haha; IIF).
– drinking water and virtually only water with adequate electrolyte/mineral concentration. Coffee, Tea, and other water-based beverages are fine in moderation. Processed drinks and alcohol should be limited.
– Intermittent Fasting is all the rage these days, but in many ways, it might be over complicating nutrition that is already grotesquely over-complicated. Mindfulness and a healthy relationship with food and self should supersede a fasting regimen. Be mindful and in tune with your hunger cues to determine when you should eat. Metabolic Flexibility and the ability to fast is earned with conditioning and practice, just as you must train for a marathon one training run at a time. With that said, Intermittent Fasting has been shown to have an anti-depressant like effect and increases neuroplasticity, which may be of therapeutic value in Mental Illness and Neurodegenerative Conditions. More research is needed in this area.
– Modern life is excessively provocative for our HPA Axis. Stress, when managed effectively, can make us more resilient and help us cultivate our character. Many struggle to effectively manage their stress and should consider various modalities such as meditation, breath work, mindfulness, spiritual practice, exercise etc. Ultimately whatever helps you keep the sense of overwhelm at bay. Excess stress signaling through the HPA axis is devastating to our GI and Mental health. It is time to unplug from the matrix and reconnect with your inner authentic self.
– our sleep should be sacred to us. Most need 7-9 hours of deep and restful sleep each night. Following the circadian rhythm of the sun, limiting/blocking artificial light, creating a soothing bedtime routine etc. can all be helpful to optimize your sleep.
– this should be a no brainer, but if you’re not getting at least 10k steps per day and consistently exercising…that needs to be a priority. I would argue an appropriate exercise regimen is more powerful in helping us heal than just about any other practice, protocol, or discipline there is. Movement is medicine. Don’t over complicate it. Move in a way you love and move often. Join a gym and work with a professional if needed. Exercise potently increases neuroplasticity, which is why geriatric patients with dementia are encouraged to stay active.
– non-ionizing radiation, such as wifi, has already been categorized as a ‘probable carcinogen’, but that hasn’t stopped the erection of countless 5G towers across the nation. EMF has been shown to increase oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. We need more research in this area, but the preliminary evidence is grim. There is only so much we can do to limit exposure, such as turning off your wifi router at night, or getting rid of wifi all-together, using emf limiting gear, grounding etc. What we really need is to raise awareness and demand alternative internet technology. Until then we are all bathing in excess EMF perpetually.

– the vagus nerve has become a hot topic, and for good reason. It serves as the highway of communication between the Central Nervous System (CNS) and Enteric Nervous System (ENS). Vagus Nerve Stimulation was approved as a treatment option for ‘treatment resistant depression’ by the FDA in 2010. Vagus Nerve Stimulators are implanted into people and controlled by an external battery pack. Because of this, it might not be the most practical option. Experiments have been done with TENS units (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) that show some efficacy, but somewhat impractical and low results. Various guttural noises, such as gargling, humming, singing, moaning etc. have been shown to improve vagal tone. Cold/Heat exposure and breath work also seem to improve vagal tone. Interestingly ibuprofen has been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, although it is also damaging to the microbiome and liver toxic. There are also various pharmaceuticals that stimulate the vagus nerve. Ultimately, ‘being more human’ and living a more ‘primal lifestyle’ that includes exposure to nature’s elements, staying active, and being the noisy animal you were born to be can improve vagal functionality. – many people keep themselves busy and distracted to avoid the inner work that elucidates our highest path. Many are unconsciously bypassing the psychoemotional work that they need to focus on and navigate. I feel the inner work and introspection is perhaps the hardest part of Self-Healing. Get help from loved ones or professionals who can hold a safe space for you to feel heard, seen, understood, valued, respected, and loved. Start practicing holding such a space for yourself and notice what thoughts and emotions come up. Resist the urge to judge what comes up. Let the energy flow through you and out of you.
– there are many foundational supplements that most people would greatly benefit from using. Be sure to proactively work with your Healthcare Provider and Health Professionals to get adequate guidance on your program. Need access to clinical grade supplements? Click HERE to register yourself in my custom Fullscript Dispensary. Once you have created your account and logged in, you will see the ‘Microglial Activation Syndrome’ category that has all the below supplements available to buy.
– low stomach acid, inadequate bile, and pancreatic insufficiency are commonly compromised. Adequate digestive juices/ enzymes are step 1 to better Gut and Metabolic Health.
– spore-based probiotics are the next-generation in probiotics. Spore Probiotics survive the acidic digestive juices and are able to more effectively reach the intestines where they will morph into their active bacterial form and exert their healing effects. Research demonstrates that spore probiotics help improve microbial diversity, abundance of key-stone strains, increase short chain fatty acid production, decrease GI inflammation, improve immune function, heal the mucosal barrier and epithelial lining.
– SBI are extracted from cow blood as an immune support supplement. They are quite literally exogenous antibodies that help to bind and neutralize toxins, pathogens, and foreign antigens. They essentially “tag” and immobilize ‘bad bugs’ for white blood cells to phagocytize and destroy. SBI has been studied as a therapeutic efficacy in IBD.
– omega 3 fatty acids are essential to good health. They can alleviate GI inflammation and decrease endotoxin translocation through a leaky gut.

– omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most extensively studied supplements for anti-inflammatory purposes. EPA is particularly helpful for decreasing neuroinflammation and improving cognitive health.
– an essential trace mineral needed for over 300 enzymatic functions in the body. Zinc is crucial for immunity, detoxification, neuroplasticity, neurotransmitters and much more!
– a ‘nervous system calming’ mineral needed for countless biochemical pathways. Magnesium is commonly insufficient in the American population.
– multiple phenolic compounds have been shown to decrease inflammation and oxidative stress. These include green tea, curcumin, resveratrol, and others. Some research suggests they may help boost BDNF and neuroplasticity as well.
– B vitamin insufficiencies are extremely common. Our watersoluble B vitamins are crucial for proper neurochemistry and detoxification. B6, B9, B12, B3, and B5 are crucial for neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism.
– multiple mitochondrial nutrients and antioxidants have been studied for their efficacy in Mental Health Dysfunction. Mitochondria require adequate nutrients to provide our body and brain with cellular energy.
– has been extensively studied for it’s GI and Cognitive effects. Endocannabinoids have strong evidence to boost GABAergic activity and decrease neuroinflammation.
– a powerful antioxidant nutrient that can boost immunity, decrease oxidative stress & inflammation, and decrease microglial activation.
– a ‘steroid hormone’ vitamin that plays a crucial role in immunity and inflammation regulation. Vitamin D regulates the permeability of the Gut and Blood Brain Barrier and can decrease Microglial Activation, while boosting neuroplasticity.
– various mushrooms, such as reishi, chaga, turkey tail etc. have powerful immunomodulatory properties and can improve the health of the mycobiome (fungal microbiome), gut, immune system, and brain.
– many botanical adaptogens have been shown to modulate HPA axis activity, balance cortisol and stress hormones, improve neuroplasticity, and balance neurotransmitters.
– a well-studied botanical that decreases inflammation and oxidative stress, while boosting neuroplasticity, brain health, antioxidant status and more!
– a popular botanical for stabilizing mast cells and decreasing inflammation. Quercetin has many anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and neuroprotective properties.
– the precursor to our ‘happy hormone’, serotonin, and our ‘sleep hormone’, melatonin.
– the precursor amino acid to our ‘reward and focus hormone’, dopamine, and our catecholamines, norepinephrine and epinephrine.
– an extract from green tea leaves that is a natural anti-anxiety compound.

Additional Resources:
I am proud to offer Advanced Courses for Functional Health Providers. Our current courses include:
o Mastering Mold
o Mastering Organic Acids
o Mastering Methylation
o Mastering the Gut-Brain Axis
o Mastering Mold Workshop
o Mastering Blood Chemistry
My Virtual Functional Health Business, Metabolic Solutions LLC, is always accepting new clients. Please contact Info@MetabolicSolutionsLLC.com for more information.
I love sharing empowering education through social media and our #HolisticSavagePodcast
Be sure to check out these resources for more free education:
o Instagram: @the_holistic_savage
o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metabolicsolutionsllc/
o Self-Healer’s Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hschallenge
o Functional Practitioner Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MetabolicSolutionsInstitute/
o Website: http://www.metabolicsolutionsllc.com/
o Podcast: https://anchor.fm/holisticsavagepodcast

About Brendan
Brendan is a Functional Medicine Consultant, Mental & Metabolic Health Researcher, Educator, Writer, and Keynote Speaker. He is a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Nutrition Coach, Master Personal Trainer, USAW Sports Performance Coach, and Crossfit Trainer.
He began his career as a personal trainer and nutrition coach at the age of 19 after disappointingly being medically discharged from the United States Navy Seal training pipeline due to an injury. After being exposed to the power of functional lab testing in the start of his career, he began intensely pursuing that as a career path which has led him to be widely regarded as one of the top leading experts in Metabolic Health and Functional Education.
He is the proud owner and founder of the Metabolic Solutions Institute for Functional Health and Fitness Practitioners.
When he’s not educating doctors/practitioners/professionals, helping clients overcome their most severe health struggles, or producing cutting edge scientific education, Brendan enjoys all things fitness and is probably working out. He also enjoys anything in nature and any activities that expand his heart, mind, and soul.