Mastering The Menopause Transition Guide And Workbook

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Publisher & Author

Dr. Sharon Stills

Copyright © 2024 Dr. Sharon Stills

All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below 7904 E Chaparral Rd Ste A110-442 Scottsdale Arizona 85250-7367

Mastering the Meno(pause) Transition Guide and Workbook contains general medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such You must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this book

SocietytellsusthatMeno(pause)isa timewhenyougetold,fat,cranky,and sweaty…butaroundhereIcallbulls*%t. Aroundhere,Meno(pause)isatimefor youtostepintoyoursacREDsecondact.

Dr. Sharon Stills

I am truly honored that you are here to read my guide. Being here demonstrates your care for your health and hormonal journey, as you seek tools and tips to make it a marvelous one!

Within these pages, not only do I provide you with information I've gained from my years of knowledge and experience as a Naturopathic Physician, but I also share my personal journey and how I successfully navigated the Meno(pause) Transition. Even more powerful are the inspiring journeys of the countless women I've had the privilege of working with, who traveled the same road as you. These methods work because I have walked alongside these women as they bravely, passionately, and successfully navigated their own Meno(pause) Transition

I did it They did it Now, it's your turn!

Gorgeous! Helllo

Mastering THEMENO(


I know you probably have a gazillion questions...

You're not alone Some of the most common questions I am asked by my patients are:

What should I be eating?

Are hormones safe to take?

What exercise regimen is best?

Where is all this flab coming from?

What's up with my sex drive?

How can I get my moods in balance?

Ladies, trust me. I've got you!

I promise you it is possible to reach your health goals and kiss your symptoms bye-bye! I tell my patients to view their symptoms as sacRED messengers with clues to be used to lead us to the specific imbalances we are having. They are kind of a blessing. Isn't that amazing? We need to master our mindset and that requires serious selfreflection. You've got to be transparent with yourself. Knowing where you are now sets the stage for growth

We will dive into these details later on in the summit Before we go there, I ask you to trust me on the following...

We need to set the foundation of who you are and where you are at.

When you practice the pause, when you allow yourself to exhale and gain clarity on what the rest of your human journey can look like, when you accept that aging is a privilege rather than a disease, and when you start to relax your nervous system and engage wholeheartedly in your journey, that's when you truly elevate your life.

And when you ensure you have the correct intake of nutrients, hormones, and movement, you will have authentically elevated your life

Where are you at with your nutrition and eating habits? Maybe you eat organic broccoli. That's great. But, do you rush through your day with nothing left over for yourself, so exhausted that you stop by a fast food drive through on the way home? Kind of negates the positive benefits of organic broccoli. See what I'm getting at?

However, being real with yourself gives you the opportunity to do things differently. When you allow yourself to (pause), reflect, breathe, you can start to create strategies and habits that allow you to create healthier habits that don't drain you and work against you. You can now visualize what your life's journey can look like.

When you accept that aging is a gift, not a disease or a predetermined experience, you can start to relax. This change in mindset allows you to take control of your nutrition, fitness, self-care and connection with the community and your nervous system can relax. That's the game changer. That's when you can step into your second act one that you are the author of

The PAUSE Method

Even though every woman must travel the Meno(pause) Transition journey, every woman's journey will be different. If we were all the same, how fun would that be?

I created the PAUSE Method to ensure that every woman's journey becomes a truly unique and personalized experience


To pause is an art form To pause is to say yes to yourself There are many different variations of pausing Let’s begin with your Meno(pause).

Your menstrual cycle has now ceased You are no longer releasing blood to the Earth every month. Let’s make this mean something deep and powerful to your experience of being alive and a woman

With my patients and students we embrace my PAUSE method.


Here are some questions to get you started. Be kind and gentle with yourself. This inquiry is a journey, don't expect all the answers to come at once.

What are the highlights of your life so far?

What were your childhood dreams?

Are they still significant?

Are you fulfilled in your work? PRESS PAUSE AND EVALUATE YOUR

Do your relationships fill your heart?

Are you feeling comfortable with your sexuality?

Is your spiritual journey a priority?

What are some of your proudest moments? Remember big & small moments matter!

Where do you find yourself stuck?

Like get me out of this quicksand!

What are your biggest regrets in life so far? Good news there is time to shift these answers :)

What do you desire? This may be the most important question of all. Often we, as women, don't even entertain this question So go for it!!!!!!


I assured you that your physical body is important and it is!!!!

However, it's too common for us to just jump into frantically trying to suppress our symptoms and we forget that our desires and dreams are the foundation of all the physical health we manifest. There are so many key components to look at to make sure our physical body is optimized To get started, here are my top 5 diagnostic tests that can all be done in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Hormone Levels

Here in my world we subscribe to the Test Don't Guess Philosophy. Hormones are too sensitive to not be measured specifically and followed consistently for best results and for your safety. I don't believe that hormones cause cancer because if Estrogen was the cause of cancer we would see a huge amount of cancer cases showing up in the puberty and pregnant populations when Estrogen is surging. When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, there are several contributing factors to consider Toxins that mimic estrogen, issues with hormone metabolism, and imbalances among different hormones can all play a role. Cancer is a complex condition with multiple causes, and it's important to address these various factors

A 24 hour hormone urinary test is key to understanding what your levels are. It is the most accurate as it looks at a picture of an entire day and circadian rhythm of your hormones and not just a snapshot of a moment in time like serum testing does Plus it is the only way to look at how your hormones are metabolizing and to institute necessary changes if needed Once your hormones are balanced and you are feeling fantabulous then I require this test to be done annually for personalized monitoring and adjusting of your hormone protocol

The ULTIMATE 24-hour urinary hormone profile is my go-to testing to get this done

The ULTIMATE hormone profile is the most complete urine hormone panel on the market and provides both broad and in-depth evaluation of hormone balance and function. This panel measures estrogens and clinically relevant estrogen metabolites, which allow for assessment of cancer risk factors and detoxification pathways

It includes:

Pregnanediol assays to look at progesterone activity in the body. DHEA, Testosterone and their metabolites measurements will provide a detailed assessment of androgen function

Cortisol, Cortisone, Aldosterone and their metabolites provide an industry-leading evaluation of adrenal health

Urinary free T3 and free T4 provide a sensitive gauge of thyroid hormone status to give another perspective other than blood.

The PLUS profile also calculates 5a – Reductase and 11βHydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase II enzyme activity. 5a – Reductase is an important enzyme that governs androgen metabolism and is associated with insulin resistance, hair loss and other conditions.

11β-HSD determines the balance between Cortisol and Cortisone.

DHEA levels indicate whether you are sufficiently protecting your immune system and are marching towards health or towards disease.

hGH levels are measured as well showing your overall health

Oxytocin levels which when low can lead to anxiety and lack of bonding with loved ones.

Melatonin levels give insight into your sleep/wake cycle as well as your immune system with proper levels being protective against cancerous developments.

Basically, this 24-hour urinary collection will provide a thorough evaluation of your hormones and will almost always provide answers that will help you to start feeling better rapidly.

Even if you aren’t suffering from symptoms, having proper hormone levels as you age is protective against Alzheimer’s, Cardiovascular Disease, Osteoporosis, Weight Gain, and increased overall mortality in general.

This Ultimate Hormone Profile provides an ideal method for assessing hormonal balance and for monitoring hormonal therapies.


We can be empowered and learn the best choices to make for optimal gene expression no matter what cards we have been dealt One of my favorite quotes is...

Genetics Load the Gun but YOUR choices pull the trigger

I have so many patients who come in to see me and are concerned because cancer, diabetes, and/or cardiovascular disease runs in their family. The comforting news here is just because a certain condition runs in your family, it doesn’t mean you are destined to have it. I've encountered numerous patients with similar worries, but when I remind them that their parents had different eating habits, exercise routines, supplement regimens, and thought patterns, they begin to grasp the message above Your genetics will not change But the roadmap it provides is invaluable.

Genetic Testing Helps Doctors Like Me...

To see if you are an efficient detoxifier

To see if you are prone to have low or high neurotransmitter levels and how that affects your mental health

To see if you are prone to addictive tendencies

To see if your weight gain is connected to specific foods

To see if you have a high risk of hair loss

To see if you have a high risk of Cardiovascular Inflammationremember this is the number one killer of women

To discover which foods are right for you based on your DNA

To discover which supplements are right for you based on your DNA

To discover what environment is right for you based on your DNA

To discover what lifestyle is right for you based on your DNA

To discover which workouts are right for you based on your DNA

To discover what your risks are based on your DNA

To discover how to lower your risks by making changes based on your DNA

Stool Testing

You’ve heard the term Trust Your Gut! We must know what our microbiome balance is so we can know the health of our immune system and so much more The gut microbiome resides in your large intestine and is host to more than 1000 species of bacteria that perform certain important functions from shaping the immune system to influencing metabolism of nutrients to fortifying the intestinal mucosal barrier (gut barrier) It is important to know the abundances of the bacteria that symbiotically live in the human gastrointestinal tract because imbalances in the gut microbiome may lead to gastrointestinal symptoms, skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, immune system imbalances, and multiple inflammatory disorders

From doing a Stool Test the following

information can be interpreted:

Intestinal permeability (SCFA producing bacteria and tight junction integrity) aka do you have a leaky gut?

Intestinal disorders (IBS and IBD Related Bacteria)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)-related bacteria

Cardiovascular Health (Inflammation Influencing and TMAO-Related Bacteria)

Autoimmune health (Celiac, Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc)

Neurological health (MS, Parkinson’s, and more)

Liver diseases (Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Cholangitis, and more) Metabolic health (Obesity, Diabetes, etc)

Nutrition (Vitamin Production, Oxalate Metabolism)

Microbiome and hormone connections (Beta-glucuronidase and Betaglucosidase) Are you someone who reabsorbs Estrogen instead of excreting it properly?

Toxicity Testing

It’s not a question anymore of are you toxic - sad but true. The question now is how toxic am I and how does my body handle it? By looking at heavy metals, organophosphates, pesticides, and so much more we can begin to discover how this is affecting your health. Here are a few common symptoms of being toxic There are a lot more but if you have checked even just one or two of these then exploring your toxic levels is a must in the quest for optimal health.

Do you experience adverse side effects to medications?

Do you experience sensitive to odors when others aren't?

Do you avoid the detergent aisle in the store because it makes you sick?

Do you easily get rashes?

Do you experience fatigue?

Do you have achy joints?

Do you experience brain fog?

Do you experience persistent weight gain?

Do you experienc

Do you live on or

Do you live near a

Do you wear con

Were you the firs

Do you experienc

Do you experienc

Comprehensive Blood Work

It drives me bananas how many patients are given a false sense of health when they have their yearly checkup at their primary care physician's office. A typical doctor doesn't dive deep into the various blood levels like I do which means they couldn't possibly understand the true depths of your health Expanded blood work can be very informative. There are many patterns you can see developing through expanded bloodwork before a cancer actually manifests in your body For instance, a cholesterol level that has significantly dropped for no reason is a sign of increased free radical activity.

Although many people get excited when their cholesterol is low, in this case, it is a sign that can't be ignored. They don’t call me the Vampire Doctor for nothing. With close to 30 vials of blood drawn I can get a clear picture of your inflammatory levels, your thyroid health, your metabolic health and so much more. Here is a sample of the blood levels I run:

TSH Free

T3 Free

T4 Reverse


Thyroglobulin Antibodies


Cardio CRP






Hgb A1C








LDH with Isoenzymes



And then a reminder this is just SOME not ALL



This is a fun part of the pausing process. This is when I ask you the magic wand questions that I ask all of my patients? If I had a magic wand (which perhaps I do )

What would you like to see happen from our work together?

What would you like your physical health to look like?

Your mental health?

Your emotional health?

Your spiritual health?

Your day to day experiences?

When was the last time you really allowed yourself to dream big?

Did you know that our physical manifestations can most certainly be created by how we think and feel? You may not be able to birth a human child at this stage of the journey but you can now make this a time where you can focus on birthing a new you. A time where you can focus on birthing a woman who puts herself first, who reconnects with her dreams and takes the time to manifest them

How about birthing that book you have always wanted to write?

That trip you always wanted to take?

Those cooking skills you always wanted to master?

That moment of stillness every morning to soak in the sun?

That dance class you always wanted to groove to?

There is nothing too great or too big that you don’t deserve so let yourself dream and create right now!

Self Inventory Scales

I want you to pause again and gain clarity about what you want to ACHIEVE in each of the key areas of your life, including: Health, Romantic Relationships, Family & Friends, Selfcare, Career, Religion/Spirituality, Movement, Volunteering, Education, Purpose and any other area that is important to you.


Goal Setting & Personal Development

Now that you understand WHERE you are in each area of your life, list 3 changes you can make to begin making the changes you need to move past pain

Goal Setting & Personal Development



Here we begin to look at your lifestyle habits. As you can see, creating your RED Hot Sexy Meno(pause) life is some serious business. But is there anyone better than YOU to invest your time, energy and resources into? Your Health is Truly Your Wealth and I want you to be a freaking Gazillionaire!

Perhaps one of the most challenging areas is now creating new, sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle habits to go along with your dreams and understanding of your physical vessel.

Are you sleeping?

Eating properly?

Getting the right movement?

Sweating daily?

Enjoying a marvelous sex life?


Enjoying community?


Loving your Lymphatic System?

Communicating from an empowered place?

Cultivating gratitude and joy?

Living a life that you will look back on and say Hell Yeah - I rocked it!



Here as we come to the E in PAUSE we must remember this is not a 10 day cleanse or a crash diet This is a new paradigm and a new way of living our lives. We must always be committed to our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health. It may be corny but truly our Health is our Wealth!

This means we must make a commitment to our health and all that we have embodied. We must commit to quarterly or yearly testing of our physical markers, depending on our own personal needs We must commit to our own health and well-being as a priority, especially in times of stress when so often our good habits are the first thing to go We must commit to our eating plans, our sleep routines and our supplemental intake of good vitamins and minerals. We must embrace the philosophy that aging gracefully is a privilege and something we can never take for granted


Many years ago, I was sitting with my then office manager trying to figure out what a good brand name would be for my work in the world It took about 5 minutes of her just staring at me until she said, "It has to be RED - everything about you is RED - your hair, your lips, your energy," and at first I laughed but then I thought about all the healing work I do with color and about the power and potential of embracing RED

RED is all about action, energy, movement, passion and being a force of nature in the world. It is also about love and self-love is at the core of everything I embrace and teach Having supported thousands of women in their journey through various stages of life using natural methods, my passion for this work has only grown stronger over time

I am passionate about spreading the word about RED – the philosophy I developed for you to Reinvent your Health, Explore your Spirit and Discover YOUR Sexy so that you, too, can create and live the life you desire and deserve!

Reinvent your Health

We begin with Reinventing our Health and focusing on our physical bodies It is really challenging to shine brightly in the world if we are eating the wrong diet, dehydrated or inflamed. By replacing missing nutrients and cleansing out toxins that don't belong there we can support our physical vessels to be the best vehicle for all the transformation we wish to be and see in the world.

I invite you to dismantle the absurd belief that as you age, things fall apart. It is true that as you age, things will fall apart if you don’t take care of yourself However, if you embrace a Naturopathic healing lifestyle and understand what is happening in your body, then there is no reason for things to fall apart. As a matter of fact, things might begin to fall together



A wonderful way to begin your RED journey is with the exclusive RED Card Deck Based on my medical knowledge, philosophy and experience working with amazing women like you, the RED deck is essential for starting your transformation



The ridiculous simple yearly exam that traditional medicine uses to give us a friendly reminder is so outdated and gives us a ridiculous, false sense of security How is it possible that an EKG, Blood Pressure

Reading, CBC and Lipid panel can tell the whole story? Where is the inflammation testing, the nutrient testing, the toxicity testing, the hormone testing, etc ? If you really want to find out what’s going on in your body you need these tests So R is for realizing, remembering and embracing that at any age and at any time YOU can REINVENT your health I can honestly tell you that I am so much healthier at the age of 54 than I was at 32 when I was just graduating medical school I can honestly tell you that so many of my patients have slowed down and even reversed their aging process and you can too!

Explore your Spirit

It’s not enough to just look good on the outside and have organs that are functioning properly. We MUST address our spirit to fully heal and shine our brilliance If you are eating a pristine organic diet but are still pissed off at your ex for hurting you then that is going to interfere with the benefits of that pristine organic diet. There is an interconnection between our emotions and our physical body Did you know that a congested liver can create anger and on the flip side unresolved anger can create liver issues? The same goes for grief and the lungs, fear and the kidneys, control and the colon, worry and your spleen. Almost 95% of your thoughts are subconscious, there may be some unresolved issues that are running your show.

It's common for your inner child to run the show The trauma you experienced as a child, no matter how big or how small, often affects the decisions you make about the world around you This is an opportunity to go back and heal that little girl so the queen that you are can step up and take charge. You are transitioning into what I believe is the wisest time of your life I really want YOU to own and understand that wisdom comes with age In the Native American Tradition, when a woman stops her menstrual cycle, it is thought that all the blood she was losing to the earth is now retained and that there is wisdom within the blood that she now gets to keep She is now thought of and revered as a Wise Crone. You are now a RED HOT SEXY wise crone!



Once we have reinvented our health, and explored and healed our spirit, we get to be clear on our purpose, our passions and what we want to contribute to the world. We get to embrace our Sexy. And what is sexy for you may not be what is sexy to me or anyone else Sexy is much more than big boobs, a juicy butt and red lips (although hey I love my red lipstick). Sexy is how you move, how you think, how you engage, and whatever else you want it to mean It’s an individual definition and I am so excited to unleash your sexiness and help you author your sacRED second act of your story.


A little more about Dr. Stills...

I consciously work on my life every day Thinking about all of the things we have discussed so I can rock the heck out of my eulogy when it is time. I am so excited to be on this journey with you. I have been in the clinical practice of Naturopathic Medicine for over 20 years. When I first started, I was in my thirties. I worked with many menopausal women, helping them through meno(pause) and watching them transform

So from the beginning, I never had a fear of meno(pause). I personally journeyed through meno(pause) 6 years ago when I was 48 and I decided to do something just for me, something to mark this momentous occasion. I decided to climb the summit and stand on top of Kilimanjaro

For me, this had been a lifelong dream and something I had committed to accomplishing years prior When I don't accomplish what I promised myself, it creates a negative energy drain in my psyche. When I do accomplish my goals, it rewires my brain to believe in myself and be proud Often I will proclaim in public what I am going to accomplish to give myself another layer of accountability. What better time to follow my passion, than with my transition into my sacRED second act!

So let me ask you, what’s your Kilimanjaro?

I’m here to help you shift the conversation or to even start having the conversation!!! To master your meno(pause) transition, your Kilimanjaro, your RED Hot Sexy Meno(pause).

If you think Meno(pause) is just about hot flashes, bone loss, weight gain, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, nights, loss of sex drive, inability to orgasm, dryness, hair falling out think again

If you are suffering or just not in a place where you feel like you are thriving, I have a solution for you This summit is going to cover a wide range of topics to help you get to feeling your best I have spent over 6 months getting this summit ready for you and I am committed to you feeling your best!

There is an answer for you. I promise.


Dr. Sharon Stills

Sign up for her newsletter at drstills com

602-363-3143 for more info

Dr Sharon Stills, a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor with over two decades of dedicated service in transforming women's health has been a guiding light for perimenopausal and menopausal women, empowering them to reinvent, explore, and rediscover their vitality and zest for life Her pioneering RED Hot Sexy Meno(pause) Program encapsulates her philosophy: to Reinvent your Health, Explore your Spirit, and Discover YOUR Sexy This unique approach has revolutionized the way women experience their transformative years, making her a sought-after expert in the field

A proud graduate of The Sonoran University, class of 2001 with a rich background in European Biological Medicine, pro-aging therapies, and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, Dr Stills has successfully guided thousands of women through gentle transitions using all-natural methods Her expertise is recognized globally, evidenced by her invitation to take part as the Co-Lead North American lecturer for the Paracelsus Academy in Switzerland when the Academy was up and running She also is a long time contributor as a physician expert at Women’s Health Network.

Her influence is also felt in academia and professional circles, sitting on the boards of the Bio-Regulatory Medicine Institute and the Archive of Healing at UCLA Dr Stills continues to share her knowledge through the annual Mastering your Meno(pause) transition summit and as the former host of The Science Of Self Healing podcast

The opening of Stills Health Clinic, her new 7,000 sq ft clinic in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, in late fall 2024, marks another milestone in her mission to provide unparalleled naturopathic care There along with her son, Dr Ben Stills, they will be providing unique diagnostic and therapeutic options addressing all forms of chronic illness including but not limited to cancer, autoimmunity, covid-20 and of course Meno(pause) concerns. This venture follows her previous success in founding and running one of the largest naturopathic clinics in the country

Dr Stills' personal journey of overcoming her own serious health challenges underscores her commitment to the wellness path she advocates for her patients Her life is a testament to the principles she teaches: from embracing a healthy Paleo diet and a rigorous vitamin regimen to prioritizing restorative sleep and physical movement through yoga, hiking, and dancing.

Whether meditating in solitude, cheering for the NY Jets, baking paleo cookies, or exploring the world collecting passport stamps with her family and adorable granddaughters, she embodies the RED-Hot life she champions for others.

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