Do You Suspect You May Be Struggling With Metabolic Dysfunction?
It’s important to recognize this as a potential root cause for many of your current health issues–as estimates show that up to 85% of ALL women already have some form of metabolic dysfunction. And just about all of us will face it at some point in our lives.
The main symptoms typically show up as:
● High blood sugar
● Belly fat
● Obesity
● Hormone imbalances
● High blood pressure
● Chronic fatigue
● High blood triglycerides
● Low levels of HD
● High cholesterol
● Brain fog
● Insulin resistance
● And more
But they can also be much worse and far more dangerous.
I have created this personalized, self-scoring questionnaire to help you identify whether you are struggling with low, moderate, or severe metabolic dysfunction.
After this quick assessment that should just take you a few minutes to complete, you’ll find a comprehensive lab and measurements guide so you can get a concrete diagnosis of metabolic disease and take the first steps towards moving the needle on getting your body back on track!
Ready to get started and accurately determine your metabolic health?
Hop down to the next page and let’s get to it!
Score one point each time you answer “yes” to the following 25 questions by placing a checkmark in the box on the left
Do you have a waist to hip ratio greater than 0 8 if you are a woman or greater than 0.9 if you are a man? (See below for complete instructions on measuring this accurately.)
Do you have a family history of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypoglycemia, or alcoholism?
Do you often get irritable, anxious, tired, or develop headaches intermittently throughout the day but temporarily feel better right after eating a meal or snack?
Do you feel shaky, or foggy two to three hours after a meal?
Have you tried to eat a low calorie diet, but can’t seem to lose weight, especially around the waist?
If you eat a carbohydrate breakfast (muffin, bagel, cereal, pancakes, etc.), do you feel as though you can’t seem to control your eating for the rest of the day?
If you start eating sweets/carbs, do you feel you can’t stop?
Do you reach for carbs first at breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Do you get heart palpitations after eating sweets?
Do you tend to retain water?
Do you experience panic attacks or anxiousness in the afternoon (especially if you skip breakfast)?
Have you gained belly fat around your waist?
Do you crave sugar or carbohydrates in the afternoon or late at night?
Do you eat fewer than 30 grams of fiber a day (the average American diet has about 8 grams) from beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruit?
Do you eat within three hours of going to bed?
Do you sleep less than 7-9 hours a night?
Do you eat more than three times a day?
Do you feel stressed on a weekly or daily basis?
Are you struggling to stay alert and focused at work, especially after lunch?
Do you feel sluggish a few hours after eating?
Do you get night sweats or hot flashes?
Do you frequently get thirsty throughout the day?
Do you seem to get frequent, or chronic infections? (For example, do you have regular colds or poorly healing wounds?)
Do you feel tired most of the time?
Have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, high blood pressure, heart disease, or pre-diabetes?
In addition to the symptoms listed above, here are some real, concrete measures you can perform to get a good idea of your body’s metabolic health and risk factors.
Waistline Measurement
A waistline of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women (measured across the belly) is considered a risk factor.
Blood Pressure
A resting blood pressure of 130/85 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or higher is considered a risk factor.
Lab Test Results and Ranges
You can ask your primary care doctor to run the following labs.
*Note that some of these measures may fall within your lab’s “normal” ranges, but they are still a signal of metabolic dysfunction when you take a larger view of your body.
● Low HDL levels (<40 mg/dl [milligrams per deciliter] for men, <50 mg/dl for women )
● High triglycerides (>100 mg/dl)
● A triglyceride/HDL ratio of greater than 4:1
● Abnormal liver function tests (AST, ALT, GGT) or fatty liver
● A high serum ferritin level (>200 ng/ml)
● A high serum uric acid level (>7.0 mg/dl)
● A low serum magnesium level (<2.0 mg/dl)
● A fasting blood sugar level >90 mg/dl
● A HbA1c level >5.7
● A fasting insulin level >5 mIU/ml (micro International Units per milliliter)
● A 1 or 2-hour post-75-gram blood sugar level of >120 mg/dl, or insulin >30 mIU/ml
BMI (Body Mass Index): A measure of weight that takes height into account
Body mass index, or BMI, is a way to help you figure out if you are at a healthy weight for your height. BMI is a number based on your weight and height. In general, the higher the number, the more body fat a person has. BMI is often used as a screening tool to decide if your weight might be putting you at risk for health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
BMI is used to broadly define different weight groups in adults 20 years old or older.
● Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
● Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
● Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
● Obese: BMI is 30 or more
Check out the BMI chart on the next page for more details.
Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR): A measure of the relative amount of abdominal fat
This is determined by finding the circumference of your waist at the belly button and dividing it by the circumference of your hips at the widest point of your buttocks. This is a better measure of the risk of heart disease than BMI.
How to Calculate Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio
A health care professional may calculate WHR at an appointment, but you can also measure it yourself at home. You will need a
calculator and a flexible tape measure that can wrap around your body. Follow these three steps:
1. Take a waist circumference measurement: Wrap the tape measure around the narrowest part of your stomach, near or just above your belly button. The tape measure should rest gently on your skin, and not be pulled tightly. Once the tape measure is positioned correctly, breathe in gently, then take measure on the exhale. Note the measurement in inches.
2. Take a hip measurement: Stand with your feet directly beneath your hips and wrap the tape around the widest part of your hips and buttocks. Note the measurement in inches.
3. Calculate your WHR: Divide your waist size by your hip size to get your WHR.
To measure your WHR correctly, you should remove any bulky clothing that can add padding around your abdomen. The accuracy of WHR measurements depends on the tightness of the measuring tape. It should be snug around the body, but not pulled so tight that it is constricting.
● Normal waist to hip ratio for men is <0.9
● Normal waist to hip ratio for women is <0.8
Body Composition or Body Fat
A measure of the actual amount or percentage of fat in your body
● Measured by calipers, impedance, or DEXA body composition analysis
● Ideal for women is 20 to 30 percent of total body weight as fat
● Ideal for men is 10 to 20 percent of total body weight as fat
See below for my specific recommendations for your next steps depending on the severity of your metabolic dysfunction But before we get to that, let me introduce you to a powerful course that can give you the power to understand your body’s messages and get it back on track:
Comprehensive Deep-Dive Into Healing Your Metabolism & Getting Your Energy and Body Back (without Calorie Counting and Starving Yourself!)
I designed the 30-Day Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course to be perfect for any women, no matter how early or far along they are in their metabolic dysfunction. This self-paced course walks you through the principles of…
● Interpreting your body’s metabolic signals and biohacking your way to greater health and energy
● Why metabolic issues hit women so hard (especially over 35), and what you can do to protect yourself from its effects
● Tools and secrets for immediate relief of symptoms AND long-term improvements in your metabolic health
● And so much more (including access to must-have meal plans, protocols, guides, and tips that are going to be SO essential for you as you navigate healing your metabolism)
If this guide has shown you that something needs to change, this course is your next step to get ALL your metabolism questions answered all in your timing and on your terms!
Check out the course here >>>
Low: 1 to 5 on the self-assessment and 1 or more abnormal labs or measurements
Your metabolic dysfunction is in the early stages, and this is the easiest time to reverse its effects! Here’s what I recommend:
● Complete the 30-Day Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course and follow the Metabolism and Hormone Reset Meal Plan I go over in this self-paced course.
● After you complete the course and 30-day plan, re-test to see what your new score is to determine if you need to continue for another 30 days
Moderate: 6 to 10 on the self-assessment and 2 or more abnormal labs or measurements
While your metabolic dysfunction has probably become extremely disruptive to your daily life & health goals, there is hope of turning it around quickly & naturally Prevention at this stage is SO important so your metabolism can become healthier before it causes serious issues. Here’s how to reset your metabolism safely:
● Do the 30-Day Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course and follow the Metabolism and Hormone Reset Meal Plan I go over in this self-paced course.
● After you complete the course and 30-day meal plan, re-test to see what your new score is to determine if you need to continue for another 30 days
● Within the course, you’ll get access to my exclusive Metabolism Activator Blueprint and Optimize Your Blood Sugar guides. Integrating the principles you get in these powerful guides can amplify your results.
● Additional Supplementation: Add in the Women’s Daily Essentials Kit to boost your results!
Severe: 11 and above on the self-assessment and 4 or more abnormal labs or measurements
Severe metabolic dysfunction can take time to reverse and address, but your commitment will pay off! It’s never too late to reclaim the energy and vibrancy you deserve to have at this (and any) stage of your life. Here’s how I recommend reversing metabolic disease to reclaim healthy energy, weight loss, and whole-body vitality:
● Do the 30-Day Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course and follow the Metabolism and Hormone Reset Meal Plan I go over in this self-paced course.
● After you complete the course and 30-day plan, re-test to see what your new score is to determine if you need to continue for another 30 days.
● Consider running each of the lab tests listed in this guide to further identify health issues that may be lurking under the surface and consulting your doctor to help you address them.
● Amplify your body’s ability to reset and heal by using the principles in the Metabolism Activator Blueprint and Optimize Your Blood Sugar guides (available instantly with purchase of the Metabolism Course).
● Additional Supplementation: Add in the Women’s Daily Essentials Kit to boost your results!
Metabolic disease can be frustrating and overwhelming, but you are not on this journey alone! It’s critical for women to understand how their body’s changes impact their long-term health, and beginning by setting up your metabolism to thrive in the years ahead is a powerful first step.
I have SO MUCH to share with you about hacks, tools, recipes, and mindsets to heal your metabolism, that there’s no way I could fit it all in this little guide. By now you should know your level of metabolic disease risk and be ready to take the next step, which is…
The 30-Day Metabolism and Hormone Reset Course!
As women, we’re severely undereducated when it comes to understanding how our changing hormones impact our metabolism, energy, and longevity. This course is designed to change that!
With the latest science on women’s metabolic health, tried-and-true ways to get your body back on track, and an easy-to-follow, self-paced design, you’ll be SET to fix your metabolism and love your body back into balance!