Welcome to Your Beauty Detox: Sleep, Skin, Slim... Menopause Edition, where we believe that beauty starts in the cells and in the soul. The TRUTH is that your body is designed to thrive when it is given what it needs, and this Detox is about restoring that TRUTH.
The heart of it is this - if we overdose on nutrition in every area of our lives, we can’t help but see transformation.
Aging is a choice and contrary to propaganda and misleading marketing messages, our bodies were never meant to break down, but heal!
This Detox is the key to not only glowing skin, looser jeans, and rejuvenated sleep… but a life well lived.
Health is wealth. Sexy starts right here.
Our Skin is Not Wallpaper...
Sometimes we forget that caring for our skin has less to do with wrinkles, plump lips, and anti-aging, and more to do with total healing!
Remember healing equals beauty. When we support our natural healing abilities, our skin and other organs will naturally result in smooth, glowing, youthful, clear, soft skin!
Unfortunately in our society today, women are poisoning themselves with chemicals that are actually rapidly progressing the aging process, not to mention affecting longevity.
It may be tempting to fill here and snip there, but that path has an undesirable price. Our skin is a living breathing organ that protects our immune system, our organs, regulates our temperature, reflects illness in the body, helps your body detox, and so much more!
Whatever we put on our skin translates to the bloodstream and the rest of our body, so when we refer to beauty, we are not just talking about gorgeous glowing skin, we are talking about strength, reducing inflammation, empowering life in the cells and the list goes on.
It’s time to redefine what beauty is and become the new, original standard. TRUTH!
Consider the next five days your opportunity to find a new gear, fuel truth, and become HER.
Forever in your corner,
Jaime Cross
The Herbal Alchemist
The things I'm about to share with you are going to really blow your mind and they're going to empower you. And more than anything, they're going to give you hope.
I sat in the doctor's chair almost 20 years ago and she said, “Jaime, you have a thyroid condition. You'll more than likely never have children. If you do get pregnant, you'll probably miscarry.”
She went on to give me a whole long list of issues that I would suffer from with this condition. And then a few years later, I was diagnosed with autoimmune Hashimoto's disease.
I have been on now a twelve plus year journey of healing my own body and helping hundreds of thousands of people do the same.
By the way, I'm Jamie Cross. I am the Herbal Alchemist. I have now helped hundreds of thousands of people take their life back. And all of that happens, just through understanding what's actually available to you, what your body is actually capable of.
I'm going to give you the truth about your body that will help you take proper action so that you can ultimately live the life that you were called to live.
There's so much more for you and whatever diagnosis you've gotten, wherever you're at in your health and your beauty...
I know we all want to lose weight, we all want to have healthy hair growth, and we want wrinkles to go away. And I'm here to say that all of those things are a natural byproduct of just healing the body. We can talk about metabolic healing and we can talk about cellular restoration…
No longer is weight loss the focus, no longer is antiaging the focus. Now it's just “how do I really take care of this great gift that I have?”
So the very first principle I want to talk about before we dive into any of the training is the idea of stewardship.
Now everywhere we look, we can see diet culture, we can see all the lists and the do's and the dont's, and eat this and don't eat that.
Part of my message as an herbal alchemist is to lead people back to themselves.
We have intuition and we have so much of what we need right inside of us. We know how to eat, we know how to do the thing. But our foods and our society has led us to creating really negative habits.
So part of breaking habits is just having a really good perspective on how to move forward. What I'm going to teach you today isn't about do's and don'ts, it's about stewardship.
Your body is a gift. And when you realize and recognize what it's capable of doing, once you begin to really start to create powerful habits, it's all you can do to want to reward your body and keep feeding it with life and nutrients and giving it the best of everything you can possibly give it.
So I want you to think about everything I'm about to
share, as stewardship, an opportunity to steward what we've been given faithfully with this amazing body.
The second thing I really want to talk about is weight loss. We can talk about anti-aging, we can talk about hair growth, and there's scientific principles that go along with all of that…
But if we're going to get really down to the root cause, which is part of our message here in the Beauty Detox, it's about getting to the heart and the root of what's causing our bodies to suffer.
We can talk about the truth of inflammation. And that's really so much of where illness is coming from. It's as simple as reducing inflammation in the body. And inflammation is a symptom.
The inflammation is a reaction that the body gives us. And then what happens?
We go to the doctor, we get medicine, and it reduces inflammation. But the problem isn't necessarily being recovered or taken care of.
And so I'm all about getting to the root cause and talking about the heart of how to really care for and nurture the body.
Let's dive in... sleep, skin, slim.
First of all, sleep. Most people are not getting enough sleep. I think part of that is because they don't recognize what happens when they sleep. But sleep is when your body heals.
That's when your body is detoxifying. So as you breathe out, your body is eliminating toxins. When you wake up in the morning and you go to the bathroom, you're eliminating toxins that way.
Even your fingernails are releasing toxins as you sleep. All of the cellular restoration that's happening and the things that are rebuilding in your body, happen primarily when you sleep.
Think about when you've gone to bed at night with a paper cut it or some kind of cut, and you wake up and there's restoration in your skin.
Imagine that your skin has been working all night to restore beauty. And here's the beautiful thing about your body, too, is that it's always striving for a state of beauty, whether externally or internally.
When you begin to nurture it, we want to remove the blockage and nurture it with all the things it needs to do what it naturally does, which it's always fighting for your beauty, always fighting for a state of homeostasis, right? And so sleep is critical.
One of the tips I'd like to share is that there are essential oil blends and herbs and naturopathic balms that you can use that will help you to get into a deep sleep and to a restorative sleep
pattern so that your body can get the maximum benefit of what's happening while you're sleeping.
Think about hair growth and anti-aging and restoration and reducing inflammation. So much of that is going to happen when you're sleeping. But if you're getting a limited amount of sleep and if you're not getting good quality sleep, that's going to affect you.
One tip is that you want to be up with the sun and you want to look at the sun with your eyeballs before it gets too bright. The sun is like a charger for your batteries. So think about your cells like little batteries. And when you look into the sun and you're out there getting sunlight, your body is being restored and recharged. Your cells are.
But what's happening is when you look into the sun, it's reprogramming and resetting your
circadian rhythm. And so you're going to have this craving to go to bed on time and wake up earlier. It's really incredible how nature will do that for us.
So that's your first quick tip... begin to get up with the sun and look, watch the sunrise. It'll restore you emotionally as well. There's such an amazing mood boost that happens with that.
The sun helps you to sleep really well at night, but then you also want to incorporate herbs and essential oils.
Our Sleep Balm is bright blue. It has Roman and Moroccan chamomile and a bunch of different essential oils that are going to help you relax the mind and relax the body. You can click here for more information.
I know some people struggle with their mind racing at night, and then their body is also super hyperactive active. So this is going to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
And it smells divine. You want to do what's called direct inhalation. So you're going to burst the molecules by getting it on your fingertips. You're going to cover your face for about 20 seconds and breathe in deeply, and it will feel like you're in sleep heaven. It smells so good.
Do that right before you journal so it'll kick in. You also put a little bit on the bottom of your feet. Your feet is where you absorb most of the nutrients. And then just watch how your sleep patterns begin to transform radically.
The second thing we're going to talk about is skin...
Now, your skin is not wallpaper, right? Your skin is a living breathing organ. But what do we do? We dump soaps and lotions and perfumes onto our skin and we wonder why we're sick at such young ages, right?
As a matter of fact, they've done all kinds of tests on cancer tissues, breast cancer tissues especially, and they find ingredients from these toxic products in the cancer tissue.
We absorb toxins through what we eat, breathe, put on our skin and what we let into our soul. So eat, breathe, skin, soul… and I'll share about the soul here, factor in just a minute.
But isn't that interesting, what we're breathing in when you step into the shower in the morning and we're vaporizing all these chemicals, the average woman is ingesting about 500 chemicals into her body every single day.
Don't let this overwhelm you.
There are some simple things that you can do to ditch and enrich. And again, remember, this is about stewardship. This is about a lifelong journey.
This is not about do's and don'ts, but it is about discipline, right? And so discipline, we know, is not easy at the time, but it will produce these incredible results for you if you stick with the discipline.
And it's about changing our habits. It's not about goals. It's not about, hey, I want to lose five pounds. It's not about, hey, I want to look ten years longer younger.
It's about what habits do I need to create in my life that are going to steward my body?
So that the ultimate response and result of our body is… we end up losing weight, we end up looking younger, we end up having amazing hair growth, right? We end up being healthy, having energy, mental clarity, we perform amazingly.
We end up reaching these great heights in life because we are just creating these incredible habits.
So with your skin here's the key thing… we have a microbiome in our gut and we have a microbiome in our skin.
And so when we're using these chemical soap products and lotion products, even, they are disrupting that microbiome.
And what's really interesting as well is that I see ads and I see people's marketing and they're like, oh, don't use soap, use this other blah blah blah bar. But if you look at that bar, it's actually a detergent bar.
Avoid detergent bars. Detergents are chemically produced cleansing bars.
The definition of soap is "naturally occurring cleanser". And so, for instance, we take fat and alkaline, a salt, and we combine the two.
So we take farm fresh olive oil and shea butter and coconut oil and herbs, and we combine it to mix into this incredible bar, perfectly balanced, that is going to help restore.
Think about your skin as like a garden. And it's got all these microorganisms that we want to protect, and we want to do that with a good, nurturing, properly balanced bar of soap as well as the lotion.
all these microorganisms that we want to protect, and we want to do that with a good, nurturing, properly balanced bar of soap as well as the lotion.
The soap I recommend is handcrafted from farmfresh ingredients, including raw honey. It's in the perfect ratio.
I formulated these bars twelve years ago. You're going to see transformation the first time you use it. You can click here for more information.
So let's talk about your lotion for a minute. So much disruption happens when we use water based skincare products.
And I know that that seems kind of crazy. If you
look at most of the lotions out there, they're going to have water as the first, 2nd or third ingredient.
But here's why that's a problem...
Water is unstable, so when you put it into a skincare product, it's going to require stabilizers emulsifiers, which means it's got to congeal with all the other ingredients, and it's also going to require preservatives.
Most companies are not investing in quality preservatives. And so what you have is a potentially toxic product.
But that's just the first part. The second part of water is that it attracts water. Water attracts water.
So when you put water on your skin or water based lotion on your skin, it's pulling moisture out of your skin and releasing it to the air.
No wonder we're applying lotion five times a day, and our skin still looks kind of scaly.
But if you find a humectant-based lotion for instance, farm fresh beeswax, you don't want to have beeswax that's been imported and denatured and bleached like most beeswaxes are.
The lotion I recommend is waterless and handcrafted with farm-fresh beeswax, essential oils and herbal oils.
It's going to help to protect your skin, restore nutrients, and keep it going with the way that it's naturally intended to be. You can click here for more information.
With your skin, it's just so critical to care for it with farm-fresh nourishing skincare products. It's your first line of defense besides what you put in your mouth.
I used to have horrible, horrible, breakout prone skin. And it's about restoring balance from the gut as much as it is about using the right skincare products. And so that's one more key thing.
With skincare or having beautiful skin, it's not just
about the products that you're using externally or topically. It's also about how we eat.
I'm going to share a little bit about what you can begin to do every day in incorporating nutrients in your diet that's going to actually feed your skin from the inside out.
Did you know that there are foods that you can actually eat that will help you with sunscreen naturally? I would love to go deep on sunscreen alone, but that's for another day.
Okay, on to our third topic, “slim”...
Now, listen, most people have, first of all, about ten to 20 pounds of excess weight just sitting in their colon alone because they're not properly eliminating.
And I'm not talking about taking laxatives and using products because you can actually be eliminating, but it doesn't necessarily mean that your body is detoxifying properly.
You’ll want to incorporate a whole food diet that I'll talk about here in just a minute, along with amazing herbs that will help your body support the kidneys, the liver, and pull toxins out of your bloodstream.
Because again, when it comes to weight loss, we want to start with this idea of reducing inflammation in the body.
Most of us are bloated because of what we're eating. We're having these inflammatory responses constantly with what we're eating.
But we've gotten so used to it, we don't even realize that our body has the potential to be super slim without even doing the whole next step, which is moving your body, right?
So when we think about elimination, we want to think about proper elimination and detoxification. And that happens through what you're eating and consuming.
I have an amazing green smoothie recipe that we're going to share with you at the end. It's super simple. It tastes amazing, but it's restoring
your gut flora and it's helping to pull toxins out of your body.
We also have an herbal collection that is just so critical for supporting the kidney and the liver and the bloodstream.
Another reason that so many of us have inflammation in the body is that we're consuming water based and oil based toxins.
And so your body is really good at eliminating water based toxins through hydration and sweating and those kinds of things.
But a lot of the chemicals we're ingesting today in our society, our bodies were never meant to digest and to try to eliminate.
So we need a little bit of help. And we have herbs that can do that, especially some fermented herbs.
To support your Beauty Detox I recommend these two supplements to reduce inflammation and release toxins so you feel good throughout the process.
The first is called Arise, which is a whole foodsbased energy mood boost. It's going to help reduce inflammation. It's a drink that tastes so good and contains dehydrated fruit and nourishing nutrients and vitamins.
Introducing ARISE. The world's first, truly clean energy + hunger control beverage crafted with authentic earth-based ingredients that supports your body’s natural process. Think of it like you’re drinking real food!
The second one is called Total Body Detox, which is rich in fermented herbs and other herbs that are going to help your body eliminate properly.
Remember we talked about pulling out water-based and oil-based chemicals from your system, supporting your liver and your kidneys and taking toxins out of your bloodstream and helping your body to eliminate that. That's going to be huge for you.
You take it before you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you eliminate and just watch what happens when you start to see that come away.
It's also going to help you with cravings and the Arise will do that as well. It's a cravings crusher and just incredible, the transformations that we've seen from these two supplements.
I’m on a mission to restore truth to an industry, to restore truth to mankind. Because the truth is, you don't have to be sick.
You can take your power back and your health, and I am here to help you do it. There's so much greenwashing, there's so much marketing, there's just so much garbage.
One of the reasons we bought a farm out here in Tennessee is because we want to control more of our supply chain. We're USA first with our sourcing. We support small local farms here in the US.
Some of our bee farmers are in Colorado, and now we have bee farmers in Tennessee.
And as an herbalist, I'm wildcrafting herbs, and we're growing a lot of our supply chain here, right on the farm here in Tennessee. So we're excited to support you and serve you on your journey.
Say yes to your health and yes to your future. It's a great future. And remember, your body is capable of so many amazing things. We just want to give it what it needs, and this is really just the first step.