This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or associated symptoms.
Although every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material, we make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.
As a seasoned general surgeon with two decades under her belt, Dr. G never thought she'd be an alien in her own body.
Yet, when menopause blindsided her with unpredictable hot flashes, relentless belly fat, and roller coaster moods, even her extensive medical expertise seemed to fail her.
Instead of surrendering to the storm, Dr. G took the helm. She used her medical skills to experiment on herself. This led to:
√ A triumphant 50-lb weight loss
√ Balanced, harmonious moods
√ Rediscovered joy in every day
√ Recognized and LIKED who she was becoming
This life=changing experience gave her a new purpose: to ensure no woman felt isolated or defeated by menopause.
As the author of "Managing Menopause: The Ultimate Menopause Guidebook", Dr. Gordon offers actionable insights, nourishing recipes, and an anchor for those drifting in these new seas.
She's not just an author, though. Dr. G is the visionary behind the 28Day MENO-Belly Challenge and The MENO System—innovative, life-changing programs that have helped countless women reclaim vitality and joy from the clutches of menopause.
Yanick S. shares, "I got myself back, my energy, my selfconfidence... and I'm now doing what I love."
A highly sought-after speaker, Dr. Gordon's message resonates deeply: Menopause isn't an end but a magnificent beginning.
With her guidance, many, like Teri, have transformed from feeling "powerless to empowered," grabbing their ship's wheel and confidently charting a course toward wellness and happiness.
Join Dr. G on this journey and discover why so many women now view menopause not as a challenge but as the best time of their lives.
One minute you are ready to take on the world, the next you want to kill someone. Your temper is uncontrollable. The panic attacks and anxiety can be overwhelming.
What is going on?
Some women report a new inability to leave home. Others report waves of emotions and a wishy washy decision making process. What is the cause of this? And what to do about it? More about that later…
Loss of hormones. As we’ve said earlier, menopause is the time when the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone (and to a lesser degree testosterone). These hormones are a big part of keeping us even.
Hormones wake us up. They signal fight or flight. They affect happiness, sadness, anger, and hunger.
Many women who have mood swings often report anxiety and stress but don’t really understand why.
What can you do about mood swings?
(and stop being ultra-sensitive)
Managing Mood Swings
Guided Apps Like Headspace
Focus on Breathing
Sit In Silence
Focus on Problem
Let Thoughts Pass By
Check Labels
Eat Fruit in AM
Gradually Reduce
Pass on Desserts
Sports Drinks
Energy Drinks
Many of us experience a “mental fog” or a “feeling like we’re looking down on ourselves from above” during menopause.
What is this about?
Losing the keys is one thing. Not being able to remember people’s names or something you’ve always known is another. It’s like not feeling grounded. Some women even worry they are developing dementia! I can’t say for certain without examining you but… You are not alone.
•Lack of concentration
•Slow and hazy thinking
•Inability to focus
• Forgetfulness
• Confusion/disorientation
Bedtime Cool
Banishin g Brain
It’s important to discuss what’s happening to your body with a health care practitioner…
•Who knows what is happening in your body
•Who will listen to you
•Who will be your partner in your menopause journey
•Who will believe you
•Family doctor
•Integrative Medicine Specialist
• Herbalist
•Chinese Medicine Specialist
Talking to your Doctor
Structured Visit
Answered 1 by 1
Gives you Answers
don’t Understand”
Make a Follow-Up Appoinment
Speak up!
Be Assertive
Partner with Practitioner in Your Healthcare
Still not Understanding
No Written Materials
Not Feeling Heard
Consider a New Practitioner
It’s not essential to change your entire diet in menopause but…
Some changes may help.
Many menopausal symptoms are triggered by diet alone.
During menopause the changes I’m about to show you may improve your quality of life (and your waistline).
Unlock expert medical care with Dr. G. See if she's licensed in your state and ready to assist you!
Unlock Expert Medical Care
Buy my book... Managing Menopause: The Ultimate Menopause Guidebook
Buy the Menopause Guidebook
Stay tuned to your email!
I'll send you tips and tricks to make menopause the best time of your life!
Dr. G