W h y
s e a r c h
f o r
R h i n o p l a s t y
s u r g e
The Rhinoplasty Society consists of top surgeons throughout the World who specialize in noses. These surgeons must go through an extensive vetting process in order to be part of this non-profit organization. They are considered innovators in their field and deeply committed to aesthetic and reconstructive nasal surgery.
Welcome The Rhinoplasty Society, organized in 1996, is the premier organization in the world dedicated to the education of surgeons who are interested in nasal contouring and nasal surgery. Many of the most respected surgeons in the world are members of this society, who dedicate their efforts as educators to improve the quality of nasal surgery. Applicant surgeons must be board certified by one of the following: the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or an equivalent foreign examining board. For information about membership, please go to: www.rhinoplastysociety.org/membership_application Our next international meeting will be the conjoint meeting of The Rhinoplasty Society and The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe, the International Meeting of Rhinoplasty Surgeons in Versailles, September 8-10. For more information, please visit the meeting website at www.imrhis2016.com. Although we are a professional society for nasal surgeons, we encourage the public to view our Website and learn more about nose surgery. Our “Find a Surgeon” section will help prospective patients find a qualified surgeon in their area. We are developing videos that describe in depth the different types of procedures that are performed to improve the function and appearance of the
procedures that are performed to improve the function and appearance of the nose. In addition, you can visit the Websites of our members to view their practices and before and after photographs of their patients. Thank you for visiting our site.
Geoffrey R. Keyes, M.D., F.A.C.S
L o c a t e a t o p s u r g e o n t o p e r s o n a l l y b e s t d e c i s i o n s f o r y o u a n d y o u r n o Membership is through invitation only. The most respected nasal surgeons in the world have come together in this society to further education through seminars and international meetings. We have listed these nasal surgery experts by location in the “ Find a Surgeon ” button at the top of this view. Photo galleries of their patients are presented so that you can see the positive changes that can be achieved through nose surgery.
A r e
y o u
c o n s i d e r i n g
N o s e
P r o c e d u
Prospective patients consider nasal contouring for a variety of reasons. It may be because of difficulty breathing through their nose, an injury that has caused loss of symmetry or a shift in position of the bridge of the nose. Many patients just because they want to enhance their appearance. It is important to understand that nasal surgery is one of the most intricate procedures performed by Plastic Surgeons and takes years to master. Training is acquired through a surgical residency training program in either Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery or Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. These are the only two specialties that provide this training. When seeking a consultation, be sure to discuss with the surgeon about their Board Certification in one of these specialties. Patients should research both the procedure and the surgeons that they consult.
MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 441745, Jacksonville, FL 32222 591
T: 904-786-1377 F: 801-740-7827 E: rhinoplastysociety@gmail.com
Member Locations Member Profile Update 24
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