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Manga and Anime
from Travel to Japan
by Drun3r n

Akihabara, is a district in central Tokyo that is famous for its many electronics shops. In more recent years, Akihabara has gained recognition as the center of Japan’s otaku (diehard fan) culture, and many shops and establishments devoted to anime and manga are now dispersed among the electronic stores in the district.
Akihabara has been undergoing major redevelopment over the years, including the renovation and expansion of Akihabara Station and the construction of new buildings in its proximity. Among these newly opened buildings were a huge Yodobashi electronics store and the Akihabara Crossfield, a business complex with the aim of promoting Akihabara as a center for global electronics technology and trade.
Manga Cafes Manga Cafes in Japan otherwise called Manga Kissa are 24 hour internet cafes, furnished with wall-to-wall manga comic books and videos. Local Japanese who miss their bus home or need an overnight rest place, can rent a cubicle out for the night. For budget travelers, staying at a manga cafe are a unique budget option.

‘Manga‘ are popular comic books made in Japan and the Japanese are crazy about them. The stories can range anywhere from romance, adventure, fantasy, business to racy adult themes. Audiences of all ages read or watch manga in Japan. Some folk even like to dress up and look like popular manga characters! https://grrrltraveler.com/the-cheapest-budget-stay-in-japan-the-manga-cafe/

In its most basic form, anime refers to animation. Interestingly enough, the name itself isn’t an abbreviation of the English word animation. Instead, it’s how you say “animated cartoon” in Japanese. To a Japanese viewer, anime is any cartoon, whether it’s made in Japan or not. Outside of Japan, however, the term anime has come to mean “animation made in Japan,” or more broadly, any animated show or movie that uses signature aspects of Japanese-style animation, like vibrant colors, dramatic panning, and characteristic facial expressions. https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/what-is-anime/