Summary Portfolio

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Dima Saca
hejs hejs hejsa! a! a!

Jeg er arkitekt MAA i Odense med to års erfaring og en baggrund i “architectural engineering”. Jeg har arbejdet med de fleste projektfaser inden for bolig, erhverv, hotelbranchen,nybyggeri,konstruktionogmasterplaner.

Med et speciale i “liveable urbanism” fra min kandidat har jeg en forståelse for, hvordan man skaber arkitektur, der fremmer livskvalitet og bæredygtighed. Desuden har jeg stor erfaring med 3D BIM-projektering (Revit) og Adobe Creative Suite-programmer. Min ingeniørbaggrund har også givet mig en struktureret og systematisk tilgang til projektgennemførelse. Så jeg ubesværet kan kombinere kreativitet med funktionel præcision for at skabe designs.

Jeg har et stærkt blik for visuel kommunikation og nyder at skabe præsentationer og grafisk materiale. Endvidere taler jeg flydende engelsk og arabisk og er godtildansk

Jeg ser frem til at høre fra jer og håber, at I vil tage mig i betragtning til en uddybende samtale. Jeg håber at udvikle mine evner som arkitekt ved at bidrage til jeres succes


The proposal seeks to create strong relationships between the elderly community and the school children, resulting in educational benefits for the children and improved well-being for the elders through a range of activities. When deciding upon materials, it was important to compliment the historic fabric by using solid and monolithic materials, but also ensuring the sustainability of the building through its thermal efficiency and its ability to adapt in the future. Therefore, the structure is built with solid materials and lightweight internal divides using Hempcrete. Also, a leave no trace construction approach is adopted, so that the historic fabric can be returned to its existing state which is the responsible way to approach the historic existing structure.

section+visual_COMMUNITY CHORUS

The studio spaces allow the elderly community to enhance their well-being through art and provide a source of income. The informal spaces provide integration between the school children and the elderly through interaction whilst keeping in touch with the historical elements of the existing ruins.

A liveable city is one where non-human life is audible and where a healthy soundscape is achieved to improve the well-being of all forms of life. Sound can be much more than noise that pollutes, it can positively impact the way spaces are lived in. The sound-considered city is a more memorable, more sustainable, and more liveable place. The destruction of natural soundscapes is not just damaging to wildlife; it is harming to the well-being of humans as well.

Thesis Intro Video
Liveable Urbanism Design Thesis

The project’s agenda is to enhance and restore the phonic identity of Kochi to increase the well-being of humans and ecosystems. This is achieved through a continuous green spine that runs through the city alongside the Kochi metro line. These spines will help screen noise, restore, and enhance degraded birdsong, whilst mitigating climate change.



The project highlights the importance of a sound considered city in urban planning and the direct and indirect impacts of noise pollution on the quality of life. Therefore, we need to reduce urban stress on humans and species by reducing unnatural sound and emphasising natural sound. Thus, enhancing the phonic identity of Kochi.


An important aspect of the project Kochi Cacophony is zero waste and the circularity of materials used to in the urban catalyst. The diagram depicts the life cycles of the materials chosen based on local availability. This allows the catalyst to be self-sustaining and embracing to the natural environment.

process outside of the project scope process overlap

In India, it is advisable to harvest bamboo in the winter season when soluble sugars are the lowest. (CAN 2013)

29 shipping containers loaded with used tyres found dumped in Kochi. (The New Indian Express 2021)

recycle unusable tyres

re-use as structural foundation to replace concrete

bamboo is lightweight allowing community participation in assembly construction

transport to site for construction assembly

all bamboo is trimmed to a standardised length

strips can be used in lattice panel work or floor panels used as the main structural element

excess bamboo and scraps

distributed to local crafts people

Untreated bamboo has a life expectancy of 5 years as it is subjected to attack by fungi and insects.

reuse and recycle elements replant for carbon farming

since it’s a natural material is biodegrades naturally

collection of tyres from end-oflife tyres from landfills

sorting and grading of bamboo, only bamboo older than 3-years will be used in construction

production and manufacturing tyre use phase from unused cars as walkability increases

harvesting bamboo is not ecologically damaging as it is fast growing scraps

replanting of extraction site to preserve envronment and maintain ecological balance

bamboo grows well in Kochi’s climate

used to join structure (drymounting)

used cans from waste


standardised drymounted connections are cut with a cnc router

production and processing

recycle and reuse


Kochi has a current fleet of 934,041 registered motor vehicles, which means a potential of 3,600,000 scrapped tyres in 4 to 5 years. Tyres are the most abundant and environmentally persistent volumetric waste around cities. Therefore, it emerges the interest of finding ways to reuse tyres in construction. In this case, the use of tyres for molding the foundation appears to be appropriate; given the availability of material and the construction speed that this method can achieve with local labor and unsophisticated tools.

The tyre footing foundation represents a viable and affordable alternative method to using concrete.

Neoprene Cushion Ø80mm

Stoppers L50mm

Bamboo L500mm, Ø80mm


Temporary Tie

Anchor Bolt

Threaded Bolt L260mm, Ø20mm

Mounting Bracket Ø80mm

Infill Mix

Water Membrane

Scrap Rubber Tyres

Base Plate

Temporary Tie

To keep bamboo stable whilst inserting the aluminium brackets, this is not a necessary step.

Bamboo L500mm, Ø80mm

Using same length of bamboo poles to achieve standardization and best quality control.

Threaded Rods L260mm, Ø20mm

CNC Aluminium

Mounting Brackets

Brackets are CNC-ed for easy, dry-mounted, and standardised assembly.

Increases bamboo stiffness, durability.

Scrap Rubber Tyres

Makes use of waste material as a step closer to achieving a circular economy.


May contain gravel and broken old bricks depending on local availability. Also, contains sand and cement (mortar) mix used as a binder.

Base Plate Covers the bottom to protect from moisture and insects.

Section A-A



Mortar & Anchor Bolt

2D detailing_BAMBOO JOINT

Sustainability for this project is not only the use of natural materials such as bamboo but to design an appropriate construction solution. The aim is to create modular elements with the scope of creating an innovative industrialized bamboo construction system. For the structure of new ways of building connecting bamboo were explored.

Bamboo L3m, Ø80mm

Neoprene Cushion



Threaded Rod L350mm, Ø10mm

Using same length of bamboo components to achieve standardization and quick assembly.

Threaded Rods 4x L350mm, Ø5mm 4x L350mm, Ø10mm

Brackets are CNC-ed for easy, dry-mounted, and standardised assembly. Also allows for quick replacement of damaged bamboo, and a higher installation tolerance.

Exploded Axonometric Section A-A
CNC Aluminium Mounting Brackets
Coupler Bracket A bracelet to join bamboo culm bundle together.
Bamboo L3m, Ø80mm
Neoprene Cushions Increases tolerance and softens impact on bamboo.


Being a transient city, Dubai creates feelings of estrangement within society, and so, the landscape design approach was to create an urban space that aims to strengthen the community bond and experience through play. The design narrative focuses on participatory design, sustainability and social cohesion.

Fractal shape from traditional Arabic patterns.
Contours of Sand dunes in the Arabian desert.
Spatial adjustment to accommodate equipment. Shape simplification.


The proposed outcome is best represented by the renders. Our approach draws homage to simple, low-budget solutions such as increased vegetation and shading devices. In conclusion, this proposal aims to give back to the members of the community. Given the trend of commercialization, the result is a collection of safe, sustainable, and inclusive public spaces that allow for a preservation of identity, culture, and community.

Main Play Area
Secondary Pathway
Lighting Feature Water Fountain
Bird Nest Swing Excavator
Starting Point
Trampoline Seating Greenery Carousel


The design proposes live/work housing units each containing a greenhouse attachment that is integrated into the interior of the house. The families living in there can harvest from their produce and sell it in the local farmers’ markets for an income.

exploded axo_LIVE/WORK MODULE

After a thorough site analysis, all greenhouses are oriented facing away from the main street to create a forest-like atmosphere in the middle of the site. To make use of maximum sunlight, each unit has a light well that the main stairs wrap around, as to allow light to penetrate to all the rooms. Moreover, the house is made up of split levels, thus separating functions through hierarchy.

GF plan+elevations_MIXED-USE HUB

This project aims to integrate corporate diversified development strategy and to probe the way to utilize the space more diversely and more efficiently by combining education with related functions and commerce. The brief called out to cater for multiple users, most importantly students. But, still including spaces that cater to small business owners and bigger companies.

Form Finding & Programme
Layout Examples (GF & F1)

sections_MIXED-USE HUB

The brief also set out to solve Amman’s lack of parking spaces by introducing vertical parking and two underground parking levels. While keeping the ground floor packed with functions that are very accessible to students, the top levels include different types of offices and firms.

Section A-A
Section B-B


The work outpost project located at the Margate Harbour Arm was a response to a maker/living unit for one person who is an arboriculturist. This project required to look at the ‘maker end’ and ‘home’ from the viewpoint of an individual user. Exploring ways in which this individual might seek to influence the wider world with his/her craft. This project entailed a comprehensive development of the narrative, mapping and diagrammatic analysis and full set of drawings to illustrate the story of the maker.


The Immigrant Reception, in Barcelona, seeks to nurture arrivals by granting them the facilities to overcome barriers to vital, resourceful, and existential equality. The use of rammed earth as a sustainable solution for a structural wall system formated from local soil. The system starts with secured reusable forms that are filled with the mixture. Once compacted, the structural rammed earth walls will last several lifetimes without the need for maintenance.

3D modeling+render_SALT BOX

Based on the work of Atelier l’Abri, the house was modelled from reference images. The most challenging part of this visualisation was making sure that the exterior landscaping had enough scatters and randomness to imitate the unpredictability of nature.

3D modeling+render_COMPOSED

Based on the work of Neuman Hayner Architects, most of the elements in the image are carefully and efficiently modelled. The visualisation was produced through a series of light and material studies to get the perfect photo-realistic effect as it was challenging to get the right reflections.

3D modeling+render_RECURRENT

Based on the work of Nildo José, the most challenging part of the visual was getting the right amount of photorealism in the an overcast setting whilst maintaining the delicacy of the sheer materials in the sheets and curtains.

3D modeling+render_FOLLY

Based on the work of Daniel Caven, this project was an experimentation into parametric form finding through Grasshopper and Rhino.

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