7 minute read
Eggs play an especially important role this month, from the Seder plate to an Easter Egg hunt. To pay tribute to this kitchen staple, I hid 20 egg preparations and egg related items in an April word search. The first reader to email me with the solution will receive a set of ramekins, one of the most versatile dishes for cooking and serving. Ramekins are ideal for preparing Eggs En Cocotte and Poached Eggs and are the perfect size for serving dipping sauces and butter.
More on Poached Eggs: These were the most challenging egg dish for me to master, probably because timing is so critical. My version of poached eggs is inspired by the Turkish dish, Cilbir, but without the yogurt bed. Bring a 2 to 3 quart pot of water to a slow boil, add a splash of rice vinegar, and then turn down to a simmer. Crack an egg into a ramekin and gently drop into the water, repeating for up to four eggs total. More eggs will become scrunched, so you would need to upsize your pot. For a runny yolk, set a timer to 3 minutes for extra-large or jumbo eggs (2½ minutes for medium or large). Using a slotted spoon, make sure the eggs don’t stick to the bottom of the pot. When the time is up, use the slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the water and place in a shallow bowl. I typically include two per serving. Lightly drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt, fresh ground pepper, and Aleppo pepper. Serve alongside your toast of choice, but make sure it’s thick and crusty enough to sop up the yolk. Happy Hunting…
Susan E. Poppiti is a mathematics educator and is pursuing qualifications in wine. Susan can be reached at spoppiti@ hot mail.com.

Positions Available
WHITE AND WILLIAMS LLP’S Delaware office is actively recruiting for its Product Liability practice group. We represent some of the largest companies in the world in complex, high stakes cases and are looking for lawyers with 1 to 3 years of litigation experience to join our team. We offer a flexible, hybrid home/office work schedule backed up by 24x7 technical support. In addition to a competitive salary and excellent benefits, we are committed to the professional development of our young lawyers, including through trial advocacy programs, extensive client contact, and courtroom opportunities. Delaware Bar admission or a willingness to sit for the Delaware Bar is required. Please send your resume to Stacie Wood Chapman at woodchapmans@ whiteandwilliams.com for consideration.
The Law Offices Of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman
& GOGGIN, a leading civil defense firm, is seeking an Associate Attorney for its Wilmington, DE office with 2 to 5 years of experience to handle motor vehicle, premises liability and property damage claims. Firm offers a sound future, competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Qualified candidates should submit cover letter and resume to HRRecruiter@ MDWCG.com for consideration. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V.
RANSOM & DOSS, P.A. is seeking an attorney to join its Delaware litigation practice. Starting salary $100,000+ depending on experience. Qualifications: Admission to Delaware Bar; Excellent verbal communication, writing and interpersonal skills; Excellent time management and organizational skills; Ability to work well with others in a friendly, professional work environment. Send cover letter and resume to: Casarino Christman Shalk Ransom & Doss, P.A., P.O. Box 1276, Wilmington, DE 19899. Attn: Kenneth M. Doss, Esq.
Delaware Department Of
JUSTICE currently has employment opportunities available for Deputy Attorney General positions in multiple divisions. For all opportunities and full job descriptions, please visit: https://attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/ executive/hr/career-opportunities/.
Inte Rested In Burnishing
YOUR CREDENTIALS for that judicial appointment? Interested in protecting the public from unprofessional conduct by licensees of dozens of State regulatory boards? The Delaware Division of Professional Regulation anticipates a vacancy in the position of Chief Hearing Officer (CHO). The CHO supervises the Division’s Administrative Hearing Unit (AHU). Hearing officers in the AHU hear complaints against licensees of State boards and commissions and make appropriate disciplinary recommendations to those bodies. In addition to hearing and administrative functions, the CHO oversees the processing of complaints and the scheduling of hearings which are convened in Dover and Wilmington. The Division of Professional Regulation is a small collegial State agency staffed by a group of skilled and committed employees within the Department of State who provide administrative staff support to all Title 24 professional boards and other entities. Applicants must be Delaware residents and members of the Delaware Bar. 29 Del C . Sec. 8735(v). Participation in some administrative hearings a plus, and strong writing skills a must. Competitive salary and benefits. Letters of interest and curriculum vitae should be submitted to Shauna Slaughter, Acting Director, Division of Professional Regulation, 861 Silver Lake Blvd., Dover DE 19904, or to shauna.slaughter@delaware.gov. Questions about the position may be directed to Shauna Slaughter at (302) 744-4503, or to Roger Akin at (302) 744-4515 (roger.akin@delaware.gov).
& GEDDES, P.A. is seeking to expand its team with a Delaware-licensed attorney with 1 to 3 years of experience. Superior academic credentials and strong oral and written communication skills required. Must be a team player with an excellent work ethic. Interested candidates should email a resume, writing sample, and transcript to KTsaganos@ashbygeddes. com.
MG+M THE LAW FIRM is recruiting an Associate with 4-8 years of experience for our Wilmington, Delaware office. This associate will be working primarily on Delaware and national commercial and general litigation for a growing practice area of the firm. Delaware bar license or willingness to take the Delaware bar is required. This is an excellent opportunity to join a nationally recognized and growing litigation firm with opportunities to perform challenging legal work and work directly with clients on day one. Candidates should have strong writing ability and organizational skills. MG+M offers an excellent benefits package in a flexible, hybrid work environment. Please email resume to wlarson@mgmlaw.com.
The City Of Wilmington
LAW DEPARTMENT seeks two attorneys. Two to 3 years experience preferred. Litigation, employment and labor law, environmental and/or transactional law experience are being sought. Must have current Delaware Bar. Salary negotiable. Excellent benefits package (including family medical and dental coverage, pension plan, CLE allowance, professional membership dues, with thirteen paid holidays in addition to 18 days of vacation). Please forward resume with cover letter to: City of Wilmington Law Dept., Attn: Robert M. Goff, 800 French St., 9th Fl., Wilmington, DE 19801-3537, or email to Javette Lane at jlane@wilmingtonde. gov. Full job descriptions available at www.wilmingtonde.gov.
CLASI IS HIRING ATTORNEYS including a Managing Attorney for our Disabilities Law Program. Please check our website for details about all the available positions. http://www.declasi. org/employment/.
CHRISTENSEN & DOUGHERTY, LLP seeks a junior to midlevel associate to work in our complex commercial and corporate litigation practices. Delaware Bar admission (or pending) required. We offer a competitive salary, a collegial and flexible work environment, and the opportunity for early growth and responsibility. Interested applicants should send résumé and writing sample to contact@ christensendougherty.com.
Office Space
Furnished Office with 11’X7’ Window Plus 8’X7’ Workstation Plus Shared Access to Conference Room (14’X12’), Kitchen, and Reception Area; $900; (302) 888-1275.
FURNISHED FULL-SERVICE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE with parking available. Ideal downtown office location at reasonable rates with flexible lease terms. 1201 N. Orange Street, Wilmington. Delaware State Chamber of Commerce Building. Condo Owner/manager (David N. Williams and John L. Williams) on-premises. Flexible lease duration. 2,245 square feet–Suite 500. 4-Fully furnished offices and large conference room, plus reception and paralegal space and kitchenette. $3,750/mo. full service (includes cleaning, utilities) (discounted parking available). 293 Square Feet–Suite 504. Fully furnished Single office $750/mo., full service (can be combined with Suite 500). (Access to 6th floor conference room available)(discounted parking available). For more information contact Dave@TrustWilliams.com or call David or John at (302) 575-0873 or (239) 692-8940 before May 5.
MODERN OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE in North Wilmington on Concord Pike. Attorney’s offices (12’ x 12 ½’) and assistant work stations (7’ x 7 ½’). Includes use of common areas, conference rooms, onsite parking and some furnishings. Monthly rent (including CAM charges) at $1,680.00. Please send inquiries to lajordan@3200law.com.
Lost Will
LOST WILL: JOAN EITZEL. Any attorney who represented or prepared a Last Will and Testament for Joan Eitzel, late of 9 Riverside Drive, Wilmington, DE 19809, who is now deceased or has prepared or has knowledge of the location of a Last Will and Testament of Ms. Eitzel, please contact David J. Ferry, Jr., (302) 575-1555; dferry@ferryjoseph.com.
Bulletin Board Advertising Information
Bulletin board rates are $50 for the first 25 words, $1 each additional word. Additional features may be added to any Bulletin Board ad for $10 per feature.
Submit the text of the Bulletin Board ad and payment to rbaird@dsba.org. For more information, contact Rebecca Baird at (302) 658-5279.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is recruiting candidates for the Provider Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB). The PRRB is an independent five-member panel that adjudicates disputes over institutional reimbursement matters in the Medicare program. PRRB Members are appointed to a three-year term by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, with the possibility of reappointment for an additional three years.
Service on the PRRB offers substantial responsibility and work that is intellectually engaging and professionally rewarding. The matters that come before the PRRB often involve complex or novel legal questions and decisions issued by the PRRB are commonly litigated in Federal court and on occasion reach the U.S. Supreme Court.
Candidates must be knowledgeable in the field of cost reimbursement and Medicare payment of providers. Desired qualifications will include law licensure, experience in Federal administrative law, health law, and/or Medicare cost reports. References will be requested. An example of a candidate’s written work product may be requested.
The annual salary in 2023 is $177,776 and benefits include Federal Employee Health Benefits (health, vision, and dental), annual and sick leave, and the Thrift Savings Plan.
PRRB Members must reside in the Baltimore, Maryland commuting area, which includes the surrounding localities in which people live and can reasonably be expected to travel back and forth daily. Additionally, PRRB Members may choose to work remotely on a regular basis but must remain available to report to the office in Baltimore, Maryland on both a scheduled and ad hoc basis as required by the PRRB Chairperson and the CMS Office of Hearings leadership team.
Additional information about the PRRB is available here: https://www.cms.gov/Regulationsand-Guidance/Review-Boards/PRRBReview
Please submit a cover letter and resume/curriculum vitae to OHApplications@cms.hhs.gov by May 3, 2023.