Wellness THE
Achieving Wellness Through Balance BY RICH LOMBINO, ESQUIRE, LCSW
Lawyers And Stress Based on extensive research,1 lawyers all have challenges with stress, to varying degrees. Though many work long hours with demanding colleagues and clients, they are still able to be effective lawyers and be present at home with their families. By “present” I mean not just physically there, but also mentally and emotionally engaged. But there are many who have challenges with managing stress and become overwhelmed, turn to alcohol, isolate, get angry easily, become depressed or severely anxious. Having balance in our lives can help. What Do I Mean By Achieving Balance? If we have balance in our lives, we are more likely to better manage our emotions. This is especially true during a crisis, such as now with COVID-19. Achieving balance in this climate is finding a middle ground that we are comfortable with that gives us the information we need while keeping our emotions managed. 20
DSBA Bar Journal | www.dsba.org
Achieving balance in this climate is finding a middle ground that we are comfortable with that gives us the information we need while keeping our emotions managed.
It is understandable for all of us to be glued to a computer screen, smart phone, or television getting updates on everything from social distancing to school closures. The government rolling out changes slowly has the benefit of allowing us time to adjust to the new restrictions. However, it also has the disadvantage of causing uncertainty of “what’ll be next” and the anxiety that accompanies “fear of the unknown.” These can lead our mind to move in the direction of “worst case scenario.” As lawyers we are particularly susceptible to this because this is how we were educated and trained, and how we practice. We have to tell our clients what could happen at worst and the percentage risk involved so they can make the best business or personal decisions possible. Sadly this skill can also lead to our own significant mental health pressures. Instead of going down the rabbit hole, it is possible for us to develop a healthy
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With COVID-19, the world has been turned upside down. Days blend together. Sleep schedules move later. Working from home presents new challenges. These changes significantly impact our already complicated lives, including relationships, career, financially, parenting, and more. Let’s look at ways to manage your mental health so you can make the best of a difficult time.