Ripon & Masham Infocus Summer 2011

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Summer 2011 Quarterly Royal Mail distribution: 14,500 homes & businesses


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welcome to the Summer issue of Ripon & Masham infocus




New To Ripon & Masham We showcase several new, local businesses


Summer Recipe

Enjoy our hot-smoked salmon salad recipe



Ripon Races

Another glorious Ladies Day at Ripon Races


What’s on at Rural Arts?

We discover more seasonal activities at Rural Arts in Thirsk


Also in this issue...

New Index p31

06 finance

11 local news

20-21 gardening

Advice on Starting A Business & Paying Employees

Calling All Dog - Lovers!

Put the ‘buzz’ back in your garden!

07 finance Funding Long Term Care

10 local news

12 education Is My Child Dyslexic?

16-17 leisure Summer Events

Generous Support For Complimentary Therapies

23 music Ripon International Festival

24 local news Ripon Area Music & Arts Diary

I hope that you enjoy this edition of Ripon & Masham infocus. Please contact us if you would like to advertise your business in this publication. Best wishes, t: 01609 777401 Christine Campbell Editor


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Article 3 of 3

Starting A Business paying your employees

In the last of three articles, Lydia Ebdon, a Chartered Accountant and Business Advisor, explains paying staff, calculating National Insurance Contributions and operating a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system. Lydia’s two previous articles have covered the legal form and tax considerations for a new business.

INTRODUCTION This article describes how a business can start paying its first employees. It explains how to calculate NICs and how to operate PAYE, the system whereby employers must deduct tax payable by their employees and pay it over to the government. PAYING YOUR FIRST EMPLOYEES Often, the first employee of a business will be you. Whatever the form of the business, you will often start by injecting your own cash through share capital or a director’s loan account. As the business grows the point should come where you can think about drawing a small income through a loan, salary (fee) or dividend. An easy way for owner-managers to work initially is to draw a small loan from the company. The loan can be reversed towards the year-end, when you know the financial position of the company, by declaring a fee. But caution is needed – if the company cannot afford a fee, it would not be obliged to pay one and so you would be liable to repay the loan. So long as such a loan remains below £5,000 it should not be taxable and if repaid by the year-end it would not need to be reported to HMRC. Once a company is up and running a popular and tax efficient way for owners to derive an income is by drawing a small salary and taking the balance as a dividend. As soon as you pay any employee more than the NI lower earnings limit (£5,044), you will need to register for PAYE as explained below. EMPLOYEE EXPENSES AND BENEFITS As well as paying employees, you may wish to provide your staff with other benefits or to cover their expenses. Common examples include providing a company car or paying travel expenses or pension contributions. The basic rule is that if you pay anything other than pay it may be an expense or benefit and you need to check whether you need to report it or pay tax or NICs to HMRC. HMRC’s website has a useful A to Z guide that explains an employer’s obligation for specific types of expenses or benefit. The reporting requirements are onerous but employers may claim a dispensation from HMRC to relieve the burden. Expenses reimbursed are taxable in the hands of an employee or director, though they may claim income tax deductions so long as they were obliged to incur the expenses wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the performance of their duties. Deductions are limited, e.g. to the cost of business calls only when the employer pays an employee’s phone bill, or to HMRC scale charges for motoring expenses. Employees must pay tax on any excess. Benefits are also usually taxable, often using a formula such as for a company car (according to list price and CO2 emissions) or the use of an asset (20% of market value). But some benefits are exempt and some are tax efficient, so rewarding employees in this way can help to motivate and retain them. It also means that an overall remuneration package can cost the employer less than using salary alone. Benefits that are tax free for all employees include employer pension contributions, meals in a staff canteen, workplace parking and business mileage up to scale rates, a medical check up, eyesight tests and spectacles in some


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cases, childcare facilities or vouchers, small loans (such as for season tickets) and a mobile phone. Pension contributions payable by employees and employers have significant tax advantages for both and so can be very valuable. HMRC approved share schemes allow remuneration through share ownership schemes with generous tax advantages. Such schemes can be instrumental in retaining key members of staff. REGISTERING AS AN EMPLOYER Whether an individual, sole trader, partnership or company, all employers must register as such with HMRC once they: • employ someone who has another job or receives a pension; • provide an employee with benefits; or • pay an employee more than the NI lower earnings limit of £5,044 p.a. (£420/£97 per month/week). HMRC regard an employer to be anyone for whom someone else works on a regular basis, even if the employee has others jobs or claims to be self employed. If HMRC determine you to be an employer, you may be liable for payments that should have been made under PAYE even where you have not made the corresponding deductions from your employee’s pay. So its important to be clear on your status; the HMRC website has an employment status indicator which will help you decide. CALCULATING NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS (NICS) The self-employed (i.e. sole traders and partners) pay Class 2 and Class 4 NICs on annual earnings above £5,075 (Class 2) and £5,715 (Class 4). Class 2 NICs are £2.40 per week, payable monthly or quarterly. Class 4 are 8% of profits between £5,715 and £43,875, with a further 1% on higher profits. Class 4 NICs are payable together with income tax under self-assessment. Employees including directors are subject to Class 1 NICs which are payable by each of the employee and the employer, based on the employee’s earnings. The employer deducts Class 1 NICs through PAYE, along with income tax. The rates payable by employees are 11% for those earning between £5,715 and £43,875 p.a. (or pro rata monthly / weekly amounts), and 1% on higher amounts. Employers must pay 12.8% of earnings above £5,715 p.a. Lower rates of Class 1 NICs apply for members of contracted out pension schemes. Employers are also liable for Class 1A NICs on the value of most benefits provided to employees, such as on company cars. Class 1A NICs are payable annually at 12.8%. OPERATING PAYE Employers must pay over tax and NICs through PAYE (Pay As You Earn). This involves calculating amounts due, making relevant deductions from payments to employees, paying HMRC and providing forms to HMRC and to employees. Income tax is deducted by the employer at rates depending on an employee’s income level and on their tax code provided by HMRC to the employer. Most people’s tax codes simply re-

flect their annual exemption from income tax and spread the tax-free amount equally over the tax year. Other codes such as with “D”, “K”, “BR” or “NT” mean that tax is deducted at a higher rate, at basic rate only or not at all. HMRC provides a new employers pack including a CD Rom containing calculators and forms. The calculators work out income tax and NICs due according to the tax code and other inputs such as salary level. The calculators give you the outputs to go onto payslips and HMRC forms. Employers must provide employees with payslips for each payment and with a form P60 by 1 June following each tax year. They also provide an annual return (forms P35 and P14) to HMRC by 19 May following the tax year. Expenses and benefits must be reported to HMRC by 6 July on forms P11D (for each employee whose salary, expenses and benefits total more than £8,500) or P9D (for each lower-paid employee) and on form P11D(b) for total Class 1A NICs (which are due in respect of benefits paid to higher-paid employees). They must pay Class 1A NICs annually by 22 July (19 July for a cheque). Income tax and Class1 NICs may be paid quarterly rather than monthly if average monthly payments are less than £1,500. SPECIAL PROVISIONS HMRC operates a special scheme for those working in the construction industry (the Construction Industry Scheme) and a simplified scheme for domestic employees, i.e. for staff employed in your home. Dispensations may be claimed, enabling routine business expenses such as for travel or entertaining to be reimbursed without the need to report them on P11D or P9D or to pay tax or NICs. HMRC’s website contains details of expenses that can be covered and of controls over expense recording that must be in place for a dispensation application to be successful. SUMMARY You need to put in place a clear process and strict controls over any payments and benefits that you provide for employees. Paying employees involves a degree of admin but its important to get it right as failing to register as an employer, making mistakes or paying late can mean hassle and costly penalties. One option is for employers to outsource their payroll to an agent – many accountants provide such a service. Employers that give careful thought to structuring remuneration packages can make good use of tax advantages, helping to retain staff and keep employment costs low. For further help, employers should consult HMRC’s website or seek professional advice. .................................................................................................. Disclaimer This article can only provide a short overview and it is essential to seek professional advice before applying its contents. No responsibility can be taken for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from on the basis of this article. Details correct at time of writing. Lydia Ebdon is a Chartered Accountant and Business Adviser providing specialist help to owner managed businesses. She is the director of L M Ebdon Ltd, a firm regulated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. For further information see HMRC’s website or The full text of this and related articles can be found on the news page of Lydia’s website.

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Funding Long Term Care The need and impact of long term care is one of the uncertainties in financial planning. If you live in England and your total assets are less than £23,250, including the value of your home, then the local authority will give assistance towards the cost of care. If your assets are less than £14,250 the local authority will pay for the cost of care. If, however, your assets are over £23,250 the cost of care will need to be met by you as an individual. There is some assistance available as attendance allowance and carer’s allowance are not means tested and an individual who needs nursing care may qualify for an NHS Registered Nursing Care Contribution. If an individual is self funding their care, the costs of a care home can be quite significant. The average cost of a residential care home is £25,000 a year and nursing home care fees average £35,000 a year (although fees of up to £50,000 per annum are not unknown). A recent research publication from the Local Government Intelligence

Unit has shown that of the average of 41% of elderly people who self-fund their long term care, 25% run out of money and end up being funded by their local authority. Apart from running out of money, a consequence of falling back on the local authority is that you might well have to move to a different home which provides cheaper care facilities. Of course the time spent in a care home is not something which can be controlled. Partnership who are one of the specialists in products to provide income to support care costs have recently issued some data on time spent in care. This shows that the average life expectancy for someone who is self-funding their care is 4 years, however, 1 in 8 go on to live for 8 years or more. For individuals who are self-funding there are a number of ways to pay for their care. I have summarised the six main ways below:

The Deferred Payment Scheme This is an agreement with the local authority to defer part of your payments. The part paid by the local authority builds up as an interest free debt against your

property. It’s down to your local authority if they agree to this approach or not.

Rent the Property Out - If you have property it may be feasible to rent it out and put the rental income towards the cost of care.

Equity Release - It may be possible to release capital or income by using the value of your property. You will usually have to pay interest on any capital / income that you do release however. Cash - You may simply put your capital into a savings account and then put the interest towards the cost of care. If the interest doesn’t meet the amount you need you may end up having to use the capital.

Buy Yourself an Income - You could use some of your capital to buy yourself a guaranteed lifetime income payable monthly. This would help to solve the care funding problem as well as protect remaining capital. The amount of capital needed varies according to health so the first step is to find out the cost. All of these options have their advantages and disadvantages. As the cost of care can be significant and can quickly erode an individual’s estate, it is one of the events in life where it is important to seek professional advice. As a specialist in Long Term Care advice, I would be very happy to have a no obligation chat if this is an area where you feel you would like some assistance.

Invest - You could look to make your capital work harder in order to produce a greater return than if it were left in cash. You need to make sure that you invest in the right sort of areas as not all will be suitable for producing a regular income stream.

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New & exciting businesses come to

Ripon & Masham

& surrounding areas this Summer New Businesses we’re introducing: • Socatots Limited spaces available for September 2011 Children attending SOCATOTS will greatly develop their football skills, however SOCATOTS is about a great deal more than just developing a child’s affinity and control with the ball, it is about giving them a wellrounded start in their physical, social and educational development and developing the ‘whole child’.

• Animal Antics

• Period House Store

• Lemon Tree Architecture

To feature within this section please contact us on: 01609 777401. You can also email: or visit:

Attending SOCATOTS provides enormous benefits for pre-school children from improved balance and coordination to increased self confidence and understanding of simple instructions. Most importantly SOCATOTS is about having fun and enjoying special


time with your child while now!!! helping them learn new skills such as passing, stopping and dribbling the football.

Spaces available for September term:

A number of our current Socatots have just graduated to Brazilian Soccer Schools in Ripon where they will grow into tremendous football players. That leaves a number of spaces available for new children to start Socatots in Ripon this September. ........................................................... If you would like to join in the football fun in Ripon or would like further information about our classes please contact Brian MacNair - Tel: 01765 620374 / Mob: 07811 109437 - Email: -

New pet care team available in your local area Are you going on holiday, travelling for business or just not able to give your beloved pets the attention they deserve and crave during the day? Well, a new pet care service provided by Animal Antics UK could be exactly what you and your pet need. Offering a home away from your home, at Animal Antics UK your pet is the priority. From your dog or cat, to your pony or pet lamb, each animal in their care is provided with the love and attention that they deserve. Covering a 15 mile radius from Ripon,Yorkshire, Animal Antics UK is fully insured, licenced, CRB cleared and is a member of NARPS UK (Nationwide Associates of Registered Pet Sitters). Offering a wide range of services, from dog walking, dog home boarding, small animal visiting or home boarding,home or property care and emergency care and boarding services, the team at Animal Antics UK possess a wealth of experience with animals of all shapes and sizes and is available when and how you and your pet need them the most. With large, secure gardens for home boarders to enjoy and access to many countryside walks, your pet will not only be cared for, but will be entertained. For more information see, contact Vikki on email:, or telephone 07980 922513.


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The Period House Store:

People with a passion for quality The Period House Store based in Richmond are pleased to announce two new fantastic suppliers Crucial Trading Carpets and Rugs and The Little Greene Paint Company.

Crucial Trading are people with a passion for creating natural floor coverings that are a design statement in their own right. We believe the natural beauty of our floorcoverings, flooring, rugs and carpets breathe life and warmth into any room. Little Greene is an independant, British paint manufacturer, committed to the socially and envionmentally responsible production of high quality paints and wallpapers. The Period House Store: 01748 821500 |

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Generous Club Members Support Complimentary Therapies for Cancer Patients A successful night’s fundraising by Northallerton Soul Club members has benefitted the complementary therapy service at the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton to the tune of £500. Members recently handed over a cheque to Kathryn Almond, who provides complementary therapies in the Mowbray Suite at the Friarage Hospital for patients diagnosed with cancer. Kathryn said “We are tremendously grateful to the Club members for all they have done. The complementary therapy service is very popular with patients, offering both psychological care through relaxation and promotion of well being along with specific treatments to address symptom management during chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, the service is funded entirely from donations, so we are completely reliant on the generosity of local people with their fund raising activities.”

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Calling all dog-lovers “Dogs want an enjoyable holiday too” A company’s expansion is set to bring a unique earning opportunity for anyone with a passion for our K9 friends, looking to supplement their income or earn some pin money while providing a worthwhile service. Yorkshire-based Holidays 4 Dogs provide owners with a home care alternative to kennels, ensuring their beloved pooch receives the love and attention it deserves. Their distinctive formula has proved successful throughout Northern England since 2006 and is currently undergoing nationwide growth with a recruitment drive to instate new carers to meet the increasing demand. Becoming a carer is an excellent opportunity for any home-based dog lover, with or without their own dog, who would gladly welcome a friendly, staying guest. Dogs are purposely matched with their carers, from retired persons to families, single people, young and old. Mother of four, Claire Rhodes founded Holidays 4 Dogs following concerns finding suitable care for her own dogs. Based in the beautiful East Yorkshire countryside, her customer focused team is dedicated to making an owner’s booking experience trouble-free, and strategically placed area coordinators reach out to an established network of approved rural dog carers. “Carers are welcomed to our team following a careful and thorough selection process,” says Claire, adding: “Having the right people on board is the essence of our business.”

Having always been a doglover, Claire recognises and is proud of the care and attention carers in the Holidays 4 Dog’ network provide, saying: “Being a carer with us is a rewarding position for anyone home based with genuine love and knowledge of dogs. The income it brings is a bonus but the main thing is the company of such wonderful dogs and meeting such great, like-minded people. “All our carers look forward to meeting new dogs and welcoming old favourites back time and again. Often owners will book their dog’s holiday before planning their own. Many owners have never left their dog before, and can feel anxious, but they are soon reassured by the personal service, attention to detail and professional manner in which their pets are cared for.” ‘Holidays 4 Dogs’ has already attracted local and national interest, having featured on Radio 4, and is going from strength to strength in its national expansion.

For more information about the Holidays 4 Dogs service or becoming a dog carer visit: or telephone Claire Rhodes on 0800 2300266

Woof you were here! Dogs love their holidays too! Send us a photo of your dog on holiday or packed and ready to go. The winning picture receives an all expenses paid *weekend stay with a carer of your choice, courtesy of Holidays 4 Dogs, and will feature in the October issue of InFocus.

Entries to be emailed to Closing date 1st Aug 2011 *subject to availability


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Is My Child Dyslexic? It has been my privilege to teach children with dyslexia over a period of many years and I have delightfully witnessed how many of them have overcome the difficulties of this condition. With another new school year approaching I am aware that many parents are concerned about their child’s dyslexic problems particularly if they are involved in a change of school. Dyslexia can affect everyone no matter how intelligent, and there are many varied techniques that can be applied to overcome it, because with careful monitoring the chances of success can increase exponentially. It is believed that up to 8% of all school children have some form of dyslexia.

What do we know of Dyslexia? .................................................................................................... • Dyslexia is the difficulty in learning to read. • The cause of dyslexia is unknown but experts believe it is probably caused by genetic inheritance • Letter and number reversals are a common warning sign of dyslexia. • Diagnosis of dyslexia involves reviewing the child’s processing of information from seeing, hearing, and participating in activities More often than not children are identified as being dyslexic by the time that they are 7 or 8 years old and the school should have played an important role in this matter. This does not mean that all teachers are experts on the identification and treatment, but they will be aware of what individual action to take in the case of your child. It is of paramount importance for parents and teachers to ensure that the confidence of the child is built up through positive encouragement.

What to do if you suspect your child has Dyslexia: • Speak to the teacher, request to see the school’s SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). • Speak to your GP. It could be that your child has vision or impaired hearing problems that you are not aware of. • Request advice from the British Dyslexia Association telephone:- 0845 251 9002 • Approach the Independent Parental Special Education Advice Organisation telephone:- 0800 018 4016 More detailed information can be found on the following websites: • • • John Harris

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Hot-smoked salmon salad with a chilli lemon dressing This delicious salad is thrown together in minutes to make a fresh, seasonal dish that’s stylish enough for entertaining .............................................................................................................. Serves: 8 Preparation and cooking times: Prep 20 mins Cook 10 mins ..............................................................................................................

Method: 1 Boil potatoes in salted water for 10 mins until tender, adding the asparagus tips for the final 2 mins of cooking. Drain and allow to cool. 2 Whisk together the salad dressing ingredients. then season to taste. In a large bowl, toss together the potatoes, asparagus, salad leaves, herbs and radishes. Add two-thirds of the dressing, thoroughly mix through the salad, then spread the salad over a large platter. 3 Break the hot-smoked salmon into large chunks, then scatter over the top along with the spring onions. Finish by pouring remaining dressing over the top.

Ingredients • 500g new potatoes , halved • 200g pack asparagus tips • 250g bag mixed salad leaves (including young beetroot leaves and watercress) • bunch each parsley and mint, leaves picked and roughly chopped • 140g radishes, thinly sliced

Recipe from Good Food magazine, May 2008.

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• 8 x hot-smoked salmon steaks, skin removed • 4 spring onions , sliced diagonally For the dressing: • 3 tbsp lemon juice • 125ml olive oil • 1 tsp wholegrain mustard • 2 red chillies

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Yorkshire’s Got...


Summer Events

White Rose Festivals in partnership with Ultimate Voice, have just launched the ‘Yorkshire’s Got Young Talent’ campaign to find two of Yorkshire’s brightest young singing stars to perform on stage with professional opera singers at the 2011 White Rose Winter Music Festival at Harewood House, Thursday 17th – Saturday 19th November.

24th July

The two winning contestants will have the opportunity to perform a popular aria from a world famous opera, sharing the platform with leading soloists and accompanied by a full professional orchestra. This will take place on Thursday 17th November during ‘A Night at the Opera’, the festival’s opening show.


Contestants must be between the ages of 16 and 18 at the time of performing and must reside in Yorkshire, so White Rose Festivals is appealing to schools, teachers and local performing arts groups to put forward their most talented pupils. The competition is in support of Candlelighters, the Leeds based children’s cancer charity and the festival’s charity partner. The

competition is £5 to enter and all proceeds will go to Candlelighters to support the work of the Children’s and Teenage Cancer Unit at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and the families whose children are being treated there. Gary Verity, Chief Executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, said: “This popular festival is one of the North’s leading classical music events. So it’s great to see them not only giving Yorkshire’s talent the chance to shine, but also support an extremely worthy cause.” Contestants who wish to enter are asked to request an application form from Anna Cunningham

• Classic Car Gathering Ripon Racecourse 17th Classic Car Gathering. All proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support and local charities.

26th July & 2nd August • Family Falconry & Nature Days - Swinton Park Spend a morning at the Bird of Prey Centre meeting the birds with our falconer Sophie Abbott. Children can also fly the birds and get to meet other animals at the pet corner, and then take a trip up into the woodlands to the Bird Hide and see the fallow deer herd. From there the nature trail begins, with picnics being delivered to the seating area at Top Lake. Tel: 01765 680900 | ......................................................................................................................

2nd & 3rd August • Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Hamlet Newby Hall Performed by a small troupe and showcasing some of the Globe Company’s brightest stars, the production will bring the excitement and vibrancy of Elizabethan theatre to Newby’s Gardens. A truly unforgetteble experience, not to be missed! Tickets priced: Adult £17.50 and £12.50 concession (under 16s and OAPS). Newby Hall Season Ticket Holders save £2.50. To book your tickets please telephone 01423 322583 ......................................................................................................................

13th August • Harrogate & District Canine Society Open Dog Show Yorkshire Event Centre, Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate The show will have 193 classes for pedigree dogs. Exhibitors compete to be best of their breed. All best of breed winners then compete for best in show. The show opens at 9.00am and will finish at approximately 6pm. Judging commences at 9.30am. No entries accepted on the day. Entry is free to the public if they wish to come and see the dogs being shown. Contact: Linda Clayforth (Hon Secretary) Tel: 0113 288 0082 or Richard Bruce (Treasurer), Tel 01423 780705. ......................................................................................................................

20th & 21st August • Carriage Driving - Newby Hall Carriage driving will be taking place around the parkland of Newby Hall. Opening times: 11.00am – 5.30pm. Normal Admission apply. Saturday – Dressage Competition. Sunday – ‘Marathon’Carriages will be racing around the estate, a carriage will leave every 4 minutes. ......................................................................................................................

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26th-28th August • Limetree Festival Hutts Lane, Ripon, HG4 3DA Annual music festival. Confirmed acts are Brit and Mercury shortlisted singer/songwriter Carleen Anderson performing with the legendary Ronnie Scott’s All Stars, the breathtaking vocal and musical talents of Kansas singer/songwriter Krystle Warren, Tickets: 01937 557812 or visit ......................................................................................................................

16th-18th September • Harrogate Autumn Flower Show With their wonderful floral displays and acting as a showcase for the latest in horticultural innovation, the Harrogate Spring and Autumn Flower Shows are regarded as two of the most prestigious, national flower shows in the gardening calendar. 2011 is their centenary year and they plan to celebrate in style with exciting new features for young and old. Pick up some tips on growing your own, sample local produce in the cookery theatre, and take part in new interactive areas. Under 16s go free. Tickets are available everyday on the gate. For any ticket enquiries please call 01423 546158. ......................................................................................................................

18th September • Saint Michael’s Sunrise Walk Starting location: Sawley. Finishing location: Ripon Six mile Sponsored Walk, limited places. Call 01423 879687 for a place. All in aid of Saint Michael’s hospice. It is a wholesome event, which will help offer the choice of quality end of life care, regardless of the illness they are living with or the place from which they are receiving care. ......................................................................................................................

24th & 25th September • Masham Sheep Fair - Masham Masham boasts one of the largest and finest market squares in England, famous for its sheep sales where in the past as many as 70,000 sheep were sold each year. The popular Masham Sheep Fair commemorates these times, raising much money for charity, and filling the town with sheepy fun and entertainment. Events include an action packed programme on both Saturday and Sunday, with a Sheep Show, Sheep Racing, Craft Market, Bishop Blaize Procession, Fleece Stalls, Wool Competition, Sheepdog Demonstrations, Hand Bell Ringers, Harvest Flowers, Morris Dancers, Art Exhibition and Tours of Theakstons & Black Sheep Breweries, as well as the Old Time Children’s Fair. ...................................................................................................................... Please note: the editors cannot be held responsible for any changes to events listed. Please contact event organisers directly. All events correct at time of going to press.

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Yet another

Glorious Ladies’ Day at

Yorkshire’s Garden Racecourse held its annual Ladies’ Day on Thursday 16th June 2011; with the sun holding out it was set to be a lovely day. The prize at stake for the “Best Dressed Lady” competition was a 2 night B&B stay at Luxury Castle Hotel- Swinton Park, a £50 tote betting voucher, Hair Cut and Colour at Peter Gotthard in Harrogate, Manicure and Pedicure at Skin Sanctuary in Harrogate and a £200 voucher for Passion Boutique. So Ladies’ really were out dressed to impress, which made the racecourse a very colourful and spectacular scene. Debbie Grogan went on to be awarded “Best Dressed” with Pauline Hill from Knaresborough coming in at a tight 2nd and Georgina Radcliffe from Dishforth a proud 3rd place. With an astounding hat Carol Fawthrope from Tonge won the “Best Hat”. Congratulations to all Ladies’ on the day for putting in such an effort for the occasion. Racing is often stereotyped as an exclusive hobby for avid racegoers or horse lovers but this preconception is very misleading and damaging to the reputation of the sport. New racegoers can have an equally good time and the industry welcomes a wide range of people for a variety of purposes. Ripon Races is very friendly and perfect for those less familiar with racing to give it a go; a new race goers’ guide can be found on the racecourse website to dispel any apprehensive feelings. If you want to try something new this year, racing at Ripon is highly recommended for a great day out. A family occasion, social event, unique day out with friends, celebration, stag party, hen party; Ripon Races is the place to be. With the Ripon season in full flurry and the summer weather beginning to pick up it is highly advisable to pay a visit for a guaranteed enjoyable day out.

Racedays remaining:

• Monday 1st August - Children’s Day (first race 2:15pm) • Saturday 13th August (first race 2:20pm) • Monday 29th August - Bank Holiday (first race 2:25pm) • Tuesday 30th August (first race 2:00pm) • Saturday 24th September (first race 2:00pm) To find out more check out or call 01765 530530

For advertising contact Christine on: 01609 777401 |

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Put the ‘buzz’ back Love them or hate them... Love them or hate them, the truth of the matter is, that we just cannot grow many crops and flowers successfully without bees.

Gardens are getting smaller so that the range of flowers grown in our gardens have declined and all these factors do not help the most useful of insects to the gardener – The Bee.

Those people who are scared of bees and their stings, fortunately are in the minority, as we need bees for our crops and flowers.

So what can gardeners do to encourage bees into their gardens?

That ‘Buzz’, is a very important sound, as without it many of our crops such as apples, pears, cherries, nuts, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, peas and beans plus many other garden and wild flowers would not be pollinated.

Firstly, remember that bees need both pollen and nectar to feed their colonies and this food source must be available from the moment they start to look for food to the end of the year when they stop feeding.

Without pollination - which is nothing more than the movement of pollen from one flower to another, brought about when bees visit each flower and get pollen on their bodies and legs - fertilization would not take place and no seed would be set, resulting in less wildflowers, loss of colour and variety and no seed, for the coming season.

Your own garden should supply plants that will produce a useful food source from the spring with such plants as crocus, daffodils, and lilacs. In the summer consider growing the Agastaches – the giant hyssops - for their spikes of tiny dense flowers, produced during the summer, with foliage that looks similar to mint. Monardas, salvias, and poppies will add colour and interest as well as food for the insects. For the autumn consider asters, coneflowers, and the sedums.

Without seed some plants would be very expensive to produce or even may become in short supply because of the difficulty of propagating them, so pollination is very important to the survival of many food and ornamental plants which we often take for granted. The bee population has been decreasing significantly over the past few years and this decline as been attributed to many factors such as the loss of wild habitats, intensive farming, incorrect use of pesticides, the changing nature of our climate and problems such as Varroa mite which is a parasite that kills bees.

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in your garden Think about height as well and provide different layers of flowers from those low-growing plants such as geraniums, Californian poppies and smaller herbs, to the smaller shrubs such as rosemary, lavenders, oregano and thyme and then the larger shrubs such as honeysuckle and the famous butterfly bush (Buddleia) that not only will attract bees but also birds, butterflies and moths. Attract insects into the vegetable garden by growing sweet peas up trellis attached to fences or walls or grow them up through the tripods which support your runner beans – the bees will love these as much as you will enjoying the heavy bean crops produced because the flowers were pollinated by the bees. Sweet peas can also be grown up a support against a wall as can the passionflower and plants such as Cotoneaster can be trained against a wall. The bees love this sheltered habitat. Avoid double flowers as these are often sterile and will not be of benefit to the insects in your garden. The popular perennials offer further plants that will attract bees into the garden. The old favourite Aquilegia, stately foxgloves, and delphiniums while shrub collections that contain potentillas, hydrangeas, Lavatera and Weigelia will have bees homing in and enjoying the colour and interest that you have created in your own garden.

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What’s on this Summer? Rural Arts have a great range of events and workshops for you to get involved with over the summer at The Courthouse in Thirsk. • Free internet classes continue to run every Monday, 10.00am-12 noon. Come and learn how to email, shop and research online in a relaxed, friendly environment. With a qualified tutor on hand to help, gain confidence learning basic computer and internet skills. • If you are looking to improve your fitness, why not try our weekly Zumba classes on Monday and Thursday evenings at Thirsk Town Hall, 6.00pm7.00pm? The cost is £5 per session. • On Saturday 30th July (10.00am-3.00pm), local artist Jess Wilkinson is running a willow weaving workshop making baskets. The cost is £30 plus £10 for materials. • A four week course in life drawing begins on June 25th costing £60, for more information contact WEA on 0113 245 3304.

• Saturday morning kids art club is a favourite with our younger customers, giving children a chance to work creatively in a range of different art forms. There are two sessions, ages 8-10 years and 11-18 years; classes take place during term time only. • Our July exhibition entitled ‘Fired Up’ features work from a group of artists and makers who are all tutors or course participants at Harrogate College. On view and for sale will be hand thrown vessels, kiln formed glass, resin sculpture, jewellery and limited edition prints. In conjunction with this event, the group known as...(cont)

Fired Up! Flux will also be running various workshops and demonstrations; these will include raku glaze and firing and clay sculpting. • From 1st August until 21st September, we are pleased to host an exhibition by jeffjosephine designs, the creation of local artist Sophie Elm. As well as cards and prints, we will be selling two books illustrated by Sophie, ‘The Treasure at North Berwick’ and ‘The Sea Dancer at St Abbs’ (author, Jennifer Doherty). There will also be painted furniture and ceramics to tempt you!

Fired Up!


Why not call in and have a browse or enjoy some lunch in our café…our menu includes homemade soup, quiche with salad and a mouthwatering selection of cakes. Opening times for the café and exhibitions are 10.00am – 4.30pm, Monday to Saturday. For further information or to book, please contact Janice McVay, Courthouse Manager on 01845 526536/e: or visit our website, Alternatively call in to the Courthouse and pick up one of our programmes. The Courthouse is available to hire for meetings, training, wedding receptions, christenings etc. You may not be aware that we also have a variety of fully equipped spaces with full disabled access available to hire for business use, workshops and private events.


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“My Yorkshire Road” by EDUARDO NIEBLA

new commission awarded to Eduardo Niebla by Chrysalis Arts to celebrate North Yorkshire’s landscape, culture & heritage Eduardo Niebla, virtuoso flamenco jazz guitarist and composer, has come a long way from his birthplace in Tangiers and childhood in Girona Spain to reach North Yorkshire, his adopted home for the last 10 years. And it is this incredible international life, as well as the very heartfelt quality of his compositions, that makes Eduardo’s new commission “MY YORKSHIRE ROAD”, a piece celebrating North Yorkshire’s landscape, culture and heritage, especially vibrant.

3 - 24 Sept 2011 The festival includes the following performances:

Included in the composition are a great line-up of musicians from Yorkshire and beyond: · Ripon City Brass Band · Men of Staithes (choir, formally known as the Staithes Fishermen’s Choir) · Rock Up and Sing! (choir based in Harrogate) · Bryony Griffith & Will Hampson (folk fiddle / vocals & melodeon) · Lyn Geddes (folk singer & guitarist) · as well as Eduardo Niebla (guitar & composition) and Carl Herring (guitar accompaniment) & Roberto Ares (drums / percussion) · Ian McMillan (Yorkshire poet & writer), who worked with Eduardo on a film at the Yorkshire Planetarium and a piece for the Ripon International Festival, is writing the lyrics · and the piece is being conducted by David Lancaster. Eduardo wanted to include musicians who are traditionally associated with Yorkshire and to create new music directly inspired by its amazing landscape, its sea, its powerful elements and the lives of people within it: he’s been travelling from the tops of Twistleton Scar near Ingleton (see photo above) across the Dales and Moors to Staithes, recording and working with the musicians, whilst all the time making an inward and very personal journey. The result is a wonderfully alive musical celebration which will be premiered on Saturday 23rd July 2011, 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Ripon and on Sunday 24th July at The Ryedale Festival, 3pm Joan of Arc Hall Botton near Whitby. The commission is generously supported by the Dales LEADER programme, Business Link Legacy Fund, Arts Council England, North Yorkshire County Council and Creative North Yorkshire. FURTHER INFORMATION: please contact Katherine Alvarez: 01765 640338 / 07808 727470

Tel: 01765 605508 E:

Orchestra of Opera North at Ripon Cathedral Saturday 3rd September 7.30 pm

Conductor: Janusz Piotrowicz Weber Overture Euryanthe Dvorak Cello Concerto Brahms Symphony no 4


Sat 23rd July 2011 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Kirkby Road, Ripon HG4 2EY Tickets £12 - 01765 640338 & from Alan Matthews & Hays Travel Ripon ........................................................ Sun 24th July 2011 3pm The Ryedale Festival Joan of Arc Hall Botton, near Whitby YO21 2BJ Tickets: £12 - 01751 475777

The Halle Russian Gala at the Royal Hall Harrogate Saturday 17 September

Conductor: Janusz Piotrowicz Tchaikovsky Fantasy Romeo & Juliet Borodin Polovtsian Dances Tchaikovsky Symphony no 6 Pathetique

For advertising contact Christine on: 01609 777401 |

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Ripon Area Music & Arts Diary Wednesday 27 July

Open Air Theatre Pinocchio

• Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon Commencing at 6:30 pm | Tickets: Adult £12 Child £10 Bring a Picnic and join us for an evening of outdoor theatre and fun with Heartbreak Productions as they preform the family classic Pinocchio in the Abbey ruins. Booking essential. Tel: 0844 249 1895 | .............................................................................................

Saturday 13 August

Open Air Theatre - Sense and Sensibility • Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon

Commencing at 7:00 pm | Tickets: Adults £15 Child £12 Chapterhouse bring to life the Jane Austen classic in the romantic Abbey ruins. Bring a picnic, sit back, relax and be entertained. Tel: 0844 249 1895 | .............................................................................................

Sunday 28 August

Harrogate Festival Choral Course • Queen Ethelburga’s College

Sunday 11 September

Monday 3 October

Special Sunday ‘Gala’ Concert

Olivia Sham Piano

• St Cecilia Orchestra - Ripon Cathedral - Ripon Commencing at 7:30pm | Tickets: £14, £11, £5 Yet another magnificent programme for our special “Gala” Concert this year, beginning with the exhilarating overture “The Thievish Magpie” by Rossini. We are delighted to announce a return visit by the internationally renowned pianist, Martin Roscoe, to play Rachmaninov’s 2nd Piano Concerto - surely one of the most popular and famous of all concertos! Tickets available from Abode, Alan Matthews, Ripon Travel, Ripon Cathedral Shop, Harrogate and Ripon TICs, Pomp & Circumstance - or by phone. Tel: 01765 677413 | .............................................................................................

Wednesday 14 September

- Thorpe Underwood, York Commencing at 7:30pm | An Audience with Stephen Connolly Tickets: £12.50 to include a glass of champagne Evening of song and reminiscence with ex King’s Singer Stephen Connolly was a member of the world-renowned King’s Singers for 23 years (1987-2010) and will give ‘An Audience with Stephen Connolly’ on Sunday 28th August 2011 at Queen Ethelburga’s College. The evening promises to be one to remember. Tel: 01422 822393; Email:; Web:

Ripon International Festival Concert with The Kosmos Ensemble


Saturday 1 October

Monday 29 August

Art Exhibition - Ian Scott Massie

Harrogate Festival Choral Course • Ripon Cathedral - Ripon

Commencing at 7:30 am | Belshazzar’s Feast and Sancta Civitas Tickets: £15 full price £12 concessions Concert performed at the end of a five day choral course The programme packs a dramatic punch whilst giving the opportunity for reflection as it brings together Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast with Vaughan Williams’ Sancta Civitas. The music here is quite sublime and leads, via a violin solo with ascending phrases reminiscent of those in The Lark Ascending, to a hushed choral unison as the vision of the new Jerusalem unfolds. The music is vivid and heartbreaking by turn and will provide us all with a wonderful musical experience. Tel: 01422 822393; Email:; Web: .............................................................................................

24 Ripon & Masham infocus

• Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon

Commencing at 7:30 pm Enjoy a evening of entertainment and food at Fountains Hall with traditional music from the Balkans and beyond: intoxicating dance rhythms, soulful improvisation and gypsy passion. Visit to book. .............................................................................................

• Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon

Commencing at 10:00 am A look at the iconic buildings and landscape of Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal through the eye of one of Yorkshire’s best known artists. Exhibition in Fountains Hall. Normal admission applies. .............................................................................................

Saturday 1 October

Fountains by Floodlight

• Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon Commencing at 5:00 pm Bring all the family and discover Fountains Abbey in a whole new light. Follow our mysterious monk on a guided tour; enjoy listening to live choral performances in the Abbey and the Gregorian chant resounding through the ruins. Light refreshments available. Normal admission charge. .............................................................................................

• Cathedral Concert Society - Ripon Cathedral Commencing at 7:30 pm Tickets: £15 (£75 for all six concerts) Young Australian pianist Olivia Sham in a solo recital The Cathedral Concert Society opens its 19th season with a reciital by the dazzling young Australian pianist Olivia Sham who plays Liszt Annees de Pelerinage Book II Italy, and pieces by Messiaen, Debussy, Carl Vine and Beethoven. She is the recipient of a Making Music Award for Young Concert Artists funded by the Phillip and Dorothy Green Music Trust. As this is the first concert of the seasoin it would be a good time to subscribe for the whole season and save £15. Tel: 01765 658971 | .............................................................................................

Friday 7 October

Christian Forshaw Sanctuary • Rotary Club of Ripon - Ripon Cathedral Commencing at 7:30pm | Tickets: tba Saxophonist Christian Forshaw makes a return visit to Yorkshire with the Sanctuary Ensemble for a performance in the splendour of Ripon Cathedral, hosted by the Ripon Rotary Club, to raise funds for three local charities: League of Friends of Ripon & Harrogate Hospitals Jennyruth Workshops Yorkshire Cancer Research For further information, contact Dr. Derek Jeary on 01765 605565 or email: Tel: 01765 605565 | .............................................................................................

Saturday 8 October

Fountains by Floodlight • Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal - Ripon Commencing at 5:00 pm Bring all the family and discover Fountains Abbey in a whole new light. Follow our mysterious monk on a guided tour; enjoy listening to live choral performances in the Abbey and the Gregorian chant resounding through the ruins. Light refreshments available. Normal admission charge. .............................................................................................

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For advertising contact Christine on: 01609 777401 |

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Happy Birthday to The Flat Roof Company One of Yorkshire’s leading flat roof companies celebrates its 25th birthday this year – and is looking forward to the next quarter century. And that is one of the secrets of the success of Tadcaster-based The Flat Roof Company. “In 25 years we have built up expertise and a reputation for quality work and materials,” said director Kevin Moody. “We are here to stay and that gives our customers continuity and total peace of mind. They know we will be here to answer any queries and deal with any problems in the future. Some companies in this business do a job, offer a 25-year guarantee and then go bust the following year, leaving a worthless warranty. Our 25-year warranty is insurance-backed so will be honoured no matter what.” The Flat Roof Company has just reached another major – having fitted more than 30,000 roofs, whether on homes schools or commercial premises around most of Yorkshire. This company has succeeded, where others have failed, by using top quality materials. Traditional flat roof materials, many laid in narrow strips, have consistently failed to provide the longevity and performance sought by home and property owners. Customers now seek low maintenance ‘fit and forget’ solutions to traditional home maintenance issues

26 Ripon & Masham infocus

and The Flat Roof Company’s solutions are Tuffdek and it its new complimentary system Tufflex. Tufflex is a tough, reinforced polyester laminate laid in situ onto your flat or gently sloping roof, forming a tough single and totally jointless laminated membrane. It is fully bonded to a quality plywood decking and is available in a range of colours and finishes. Tufflex is an overlay system where the supporting decking is in good condition and there fore minimises disruption the premises below. The effect is that your roof is now effectively totally encapsulated. As there are no joints whatsoever in the laminate, the chances of future leaks are obviously considerably minimized, so much so, the company gives a comprehensive 25-year Watertight Guarantee which is now further enhanced by an insurance-backed warranty. And The Flat Roof Company has taken the industry’s technology even further by introducing a super-efficient insulating material into its new or repaired flat roofs since the government introduced minimum insulation levels into building regulations. The appropriately named ‘warm roof’ is a foil-backed insulating board upto ten times more efficient than fibre-glass quilting normally stuffed between joists. Up to 30 per cent of heat can be lost through a flat roof, but the ‘warm roof’ reduces that loss to under five per cent, an obvious saving on heating bills.

“Our materials are not the cheapest but we think they give the best value for money and peace of mind in the long term,” said Kevin Moody. “We like to sit down with our customers and explain the benefits of each stage of the process so they know just what they are getting and paying for.” The Flat Roof Company has built up such a good reputation in the industry that it has regularly been approached by others wanting to set up. So the company began operating carefully-trained and regulated franchises and now has a network of 20 around the country. “We are full licensed by the British Board of Agréments, a watchdog in our and similar industries. We are subject to regular quality checks before relicensing, so we know we are doing things right,” said Kevin. “That again adds to the total peace of mind for our customers.” Kevin Moody-Director The Flat Roof Company Limited Tel: 01937 530788

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For advertising contact Christine on: 01609 777401 |

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Over 44,500 reasons to advertise with us! Our publications are Royal Mail delivered every quarter to over 44,500 homes & businesses

High Quality Editorial Features including Seasonal Local Events (above) and ‘New to the Area’ feature (below)

High Quality

Besides being a medium for our advertisers to showcase their businesses in high quality print, we also include regular features, such as a double page events spread, garden diary and ‘New to the Area’ feature, as well as local stories of interest, to help give our publications retention value.


As more than 70% of our business is repeat business we know that it works for our advertisers.

Great Value

We also know that, particularly in these difficult times, businesses need to spend their advertising budget as wisely as possible and that is why our policy has always been to offer full colour, quality advertising at black and white prices.

When’s the next issue? ...............................................................

Northallerton - Autumn ‘11

Christine Editor

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Distribution: w/c 12 September ‘11 Copy: 18 August ‘11 ...............................................................

Thirsk & Easingwold - Autumn ‘11 Distribution: w/c 19 September ‘11 Copy: 25 August ‘11 ............................................................... Ripon & Masham - Autumn ‘11 Distribution: w/c 17 October ‘11 Copy: 22 September ‘11

Index Architecture

Lemontree Architecture: p9

Bee Keeping

Agricultural Supply Services: p21

Boiler Servicing Johnsons Heating: p29 Oilforce: p29

Builders & Contractors

A Step Above: p2 Boroughbridge Builders: p1 Flat Roof Company: p26 Horleys Builders: p15 Property Maintenance Yorkshire: p4 Stairs & More: p2

Business Services

BCS Print & Promotion: p29 L.M Ebdon Accountant: p6 Masham I.T: p4 p28

Cleaning Services Clean Up Services: p2 Daily Poppins: p4

Children’s Services

Cathedral Choir School: p13 Kardz: p17 Kid-E-Fit Exercise Equipment: p17 Kids Party Yorkshire: p17 Socatots: p8 Stagecoach: p12 York & Harrogate Area Teachers: p12

Computer Services Masham I.T: p4

Use our handy new index service to help you find the business you’re looking for...faster! Elderly Care

MV Mobility: p10 Skell Lodge: p7 Sycamore Hall: p1

Electrical Services B & P Don Electrician: p4 Electrocare: p28 Handy Andy: p28


Copt Hewick Village Hall: p16 Good Company Yorkshire: p23 Kardz: p17 Kids Party Yorkshire: p17 Precious Gems: p28 Ripon Racecourse: p19 Thirsk Racecourse: p19



Mobility Assistance

Synergy Solar: p31


Oven Cleaning

Healthcare & Wellbeing

Painters & Decorators

Kid-E-Fit Exercise Equipment: p17 Socatots: p8 Ripon Racecourse: p19 Thirsk Racecourse: p17


Pets & Animals




Kardz: p17

Fashion & Clothing

Johnsons Heating: p29

L.M Ebdon Accountant: p6 Mowatt Financial Planning: p7

Food & Drink

Old Station Yard: p16 Walled Garden Scheme: p18 Water Rat: p16 Wiltshire Farm Foods: p14


Kitchings Furniture: p3 Searles Furniture: p1 Simply Beds: p32

Green Thumb: p15


Precious Gems: p28 Silverdale: p32

Kitchen Design Dales of Thirsk: p25 Holme Design: p5 MV Mobility: p10 OvenU: p25

Clock Tower Dental: p10 Holistic Therapies: p10

Finance & Legal

Property Maintenance Yorkshire: p4 Stairs & More: p2 Synergy Solar: p31


AJ Fabrications: p18 Ripon Racecourse: p19 Thirsk Racecourse: p17 Humphrey & Tilly: p3

Simply Beds: p32

Arbortech: p18 Fencing, Paving & Decking: p15 Garden Design Co: p15 Green Thumb: p15 Mark Kinghorn Garden Services: p20 Marwood Landscapes: p2 North Yorkshire Tree Care: p29 Property Maintenance Yorkshire: p4 SHC Hire Centres: p20 Walled Garden Scheme: p18 White’s Garden Services: p29


Copt Hewick Village Hall: p16 SHC Hire Centres: p20

Home & Interiors

Lemontree Architecture: p9 A Step Above: p2 Dales of Thirsk: p25 Holme Design: p5 Kitchings Furniture: p3 North Yorkshire Blinds: p25 Period House Store: p9 Rydenor Paints: p2 Searles Carpets: p1 Searles Furniture: p1

Northallerton Decorators: p25 Paul Williams: p28 Robert Sowray: p4 Trevor Pickering: p28 AJ Fabrications: p18 Animal Antics: p8 Holidays 4 Dogs: p11

Property Maintenance Yorkshire: p4 Johnsons Heating: p29

Property Sales

Hunters Estate Agent: p3

Self Storage

Evans Self Storage: p27

Solar Energy

Sports & Leisure

Tree Surgery

Arbortech: p18 North Yorkshire Tree Care: p29 Abbey Window Systems: p25 Millenium Windowns: p27 Simco p28 New Jersey: p32

Wrought Iron

Skell Wrought Iron: p18

Property Maintenance About The House: p28 AMR Locksmiths: p28 F & P Alarms: p27 Flat Roof Company: p26 Handy Andy: p28 MH Joinery: p27

The Index is a free service offered to our customers. No responsibility can be held for errors or omissions.

For advertising contact Christine on: 01609 777401 |

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