thirsk&easingwold Quarterly Royal Mail distribution: 16,100 homes & businesses | Winter 2016
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For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Christmas Lights 2016
We look at the exciting range of Christmas Lights Events across Thirk, Easingwold and the surrounding area
Keep Warm & Well
Top tips to stay healthy this Winter
06 local news 08 new businesses 10 music 12 health: 14 events 16
local news
Thirsk Clock Update
Scarecrows invade Northallerton! New businesses and services Easingwold Singers @ Christmas FEATURED
Keep warm, keep well this Winter Local Events across the area
Market Place Carols Enjoy Christmas Carols in Easingwold Market Place
18 garden view: 22 pets & animals: 24 local news: 26 27 events: 28 safety events: FEATURED
Christmas Lights 2016 FEATURED
Choosing the perfect Christmas Tree FEATURED
An update from the Blue Cross FEATURED
Rural Arts this Winter FEATURED
Easingwold Market Place Carols Top tips for car safety this Winter
Welcome to the Winter issue Christmas is fast approaching and we have a handy guide for helping to make the preparations a little easier this year! (p19), as well as how to successfully choose a Christmas Tree (p22) and how to enjoy the Christmas lights from around the area (p18). Don’t forget, if you have any news, events, updates or stories of T: 01609 777401 local interest, please send them to and T: 01609 779097 we’ll do our best to publish them for you. I hope you all enjoy this issue and I’ll see you again in Spring. Best wishes for a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Christine Campbell | Editor InFocus Magazines are published in good faith and the editors cannot be held responsible in any way for inaccuracies in reports or advertising in reports or advertising that appear in this publication and the views of the contributors may not be the those of the editors. Adverts and advertisers appearing in the InFocus Magazines carry no implied recommendation from the magazine or the publishers. All rights reserved. All information is infocus correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press. InFocus Magazines cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
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For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
15 Years of The Clock Fundraising Calendar ‘17 In 2002 The charity now known as The Clock was formed. Staff, Trustees, and members are thrilled to be celebrating 15 years of this amazing organisation.
smarties with 20p and help raise funds!
Afternoon Tea! Family Day out with plenty of activities: 18th August!
We would like 15 Groups to hold us a Coffee Mornings. Could you be one?
We would like 15 Schools to hold us a Non-Uniform days in aid of The Clock. Could your school be one?
18th March: Car Boot/ Jumble Sale 25th March: Fundraising Ball At The Angel in Topcliffe
Competition to find Mice in shop windows! Prizes to be won! Could we hide them in your shop window?
Clock Day! Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do like bungee jump? Any ideas you have to raise funds! Get creative, Get sporty Get going!
The Smartie Tube Challenge! Fill a tube of
We would like 15 groups to hold cake sales! Could you be one?
Sponsored Bike Ride! Would you like to join the staff in this challenge? If not we hope you’ll sponsor us?
Ghost Tour! 31st October! A night of History and Mystery to capture the imagination and inspire the mind.
We would like 15 people to hold Craft Stalls!
December The Clocks Appeal!
.......................................... If you would like to keep in touch with us for updates! Contact Dan or if you would like more information email dan@
Weston Charity Awards 2016 winners announced Over the last year, twelve charities from across the North of England have had access to volunteer coaching and mentoring from the country’s top business executives through the Weston Charity Awards which are run in partnership with Pilotlight. In addition to the year of strategic business support, the Garfield Weston Foundation provides unrestricted funding to the charities and a final £15k prize is given to the overall winning organisation. This year, The Clock is one of two winners and received their prize at the Awards closing ceremony at Fortnum & Mason in Central London. Philippa Charles, Director of the Garfield Weston Foundation says: “We congratulate all those who received a Weston Charity Award and in particular the two final winners which used the year to make significant positive changes to their charity. All the charities move forward with a clearer sense of direction and confidence in the future and we look forward to seeing them continue to thrive”. Gillian Murray, Chief Executive of Pilotlight explains: “Having two organisations winning the overall prize shows the high level of commitment and the incredible progress the participating charities make in one year. That’s really what the partnership between Pilotlight and the Garfield Weston Foundation is about: working together to help build stronger and sustainable charities in the areas where they are needed the most. We are immensely proud of all twelve of them.” After taking part on the programme Abigail Homer, CEO of The Clock, says she feels more comfortable facing the future: “The organisation is so much better off as a
result and now has a clear plan of ‘what’s next’.” One of the achievements of the year was creating a sustainabilitystrategy which includes securing support from businesses, community groups and individuals. Also, The Clock is appealing for Christmas donations of money, food or toiletries which will be given out in to young people and families the week before Christmas. Please note that staff would like all donations to be at The Clock by 12 noon on 16th December.
Christmas openings:
Open as normal week commencing 19th December We have an Ice-Skating trip on the 20th December leaving at 3pm to Ice-Factor at Yorkshire’s Winter Wonderland. Prices are £2 just for transport, £6 for skating. We are open 10am-1pm on Christmas Eve, we will be cooking a free Christmas meal for young people. We are closed on the 26th and 27th Time for Time, our adult service, is open 10am till 1pm on the 28th We are holding party days for young people on the 28th and 29th between 12pm and 5pm We are closed on the 30th We open again as usual on the 2nd January (Photo: Kate Hobhouse, Trustee of Garfield Weston Foundation (Left) with Abigail Homer CEO of The Clock (Right)
If you would like to help please contact Oliver for The Clock’s Fundraising Pack on: 01845 524 494
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For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Great News for Thirsk...
Sixty Scarecrows invade Romanby for one fun filled weekend Inspiration, creativity and community spirit are alive and well in the parish of Romanby, Northallerton, this autumn. In a fund raising mission to restore their Hall, Romanby Women’s Institute organised a Scarecrow Festival which took place in late October. Members of the WI have been overwhelmed by the support of local residents and businesses. Event organiser Samantha Jennings said, ‘We hoped to get 20 scarecrows and set ourselves a target of raising £1000 with this one event. In fact we had 60 entries, and raised £2001.55! The sense of community spirit over the weekend was wonderful. People were out exploring the area and talking to neighbours. Families with children and older residents all mixing together. It was really wonderful. The excitement is already building for next year’. Residents were invited to vote for their favourite scarecrow, a difficult choice given the sheer
volume of entries. First place went to the Wilson Family with their huge Humpty Dumpty creation. Second place went to the epic Scarecrows Wedding (based on the Julia Donaldson children’s book) made by staff and children of Romanby Pre-School and Cabin Crew. Third was Sister Act, a tribute to the Northallerton Musical Theatre Company’s latest production. And fourth, the papiermâché high light for many, a Kim Kardashian look alike. One local resident commented on social media ‘a wonderful weekend of scarecrow magic. It has reminded us all of community spirit and what a wonderful part of the world we live in’. Romanby WI will be 90 years old in 2018 and they have ambitious plans to refurbish the much loved hall in time for their party. With air source heating, solar panels,
insulation and an extension the hall will become a green and sustainable hub in the community for generations to come.
To find out more about the refurbishment and next year’s scarecrow festival follow ‘RomanbyWI’ on Facebook or Twitter or contact email
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For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
in & s e s s e in bus around our area s e ic v r & se
“New To The Area” is a new business feature specifically designed to help new businesses and those that are offering new businesses and services to promote themselves cost effectively.
they will receive the equivalent space in complimentary editorial*. This editorial provides excellent business exposure to 16,100 homes and businesses and allows further explanation of the new business or services available.
Businesses are invited to submit their adverts to this feature at the regular price (Advert sizes available: 1/8 and ¼) and
* Editorial must be supplied completed.
Contact us to have your business featured:
01609 777401 / 01609 779097
Council supports power cuts helpline Hambleton District Council is supporting the launch of 105, a new national three-digit helpline telephone number that will make it quicker and easier for people to report a power cut. Many people don’t know who to contact during a power cut and wrongly call the electricity supplier shown on their bill. By calling the helpline, householders will be put through to the company that repairs local power networks and restores power. A spokesperson said, “Having a free, easy-to-remember number is a great boon during a power cut and so we are keen to let West Oxfordshire householders know about the new 105 helpline.” The 105 number is available to electricity customers in England, Scotland and Wales and can be accessed from most landlines and mobile phones
The number is jointly funded by electricity network operators - the companies that manage the cables, wires and substations that bring electricity into homes and businesses. Network operators can also be contacted directly by phone or via their website, and most network operators can be contacted through social media too. The public can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put them, or someone else, in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, the emergency services should also be contacted.
Visit to find out more about the new 105 telephone number and electricity network operators.
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New Showroom Now Open! It’s exciting times at Holme Design, as owners Haydn and Mel introduce their new Northallerton showroom. “We’ve always had a lot of great customers come to our Bedale showroom from Northallerton,” says Mel, “So the idea behind the new studio was simple, engage with that customer base in Northallerton so that we have a visible presence in the town. We are reducing their travel time and bringing our products and services to them. It’s a really exciting time and we are looking forward to welcoming customers new and old to the showroom. With the recently completed development work in Northallerton close to our new showroom, we are anticipating large amounts
of footfall and visibility to passing traffic. It’s great that we will be the only kitchen studio on the High Street. We have already received great support from customers who have seen the new studio being installed and have contacted us to say how delighted they are that we are now on Northallerton High Street.” The Northallerton showroom is now open and is located near the lower side of the Town Hall, (85 High Street), the new studio features kitchens ranges, as well as details of flooring and other interior services offered by Holme Design.
For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
“The Easingwold Singers at Christmas” Saturday 10th December 2016 – 2.30 pm at St John and All Saints Church, Easingwold This year we are making a change to the norm in so far as our concert will be held in the afternoon rather than the evening. We decided to try this for a change to see if it suits our audience. It also means there is not the necessity to turn out on what could prove to be a cold December evening – who knows these days! The centre piece of our Christmas programme is Schubert’s Mass in G (a most beautiful piece of music) which will be performed by the choir, two soloists and of course, the organ accompaniment. In addition the Schubert there will be a selection of Advent and Christmas music in keeping with the season, some of which are unique to the choir, and we hope the change of timing of the concert is pleasing to our loyal audience and supporters. We are also keen to encourage more people to come along for an afternoon to hear first hand what we offer. Refreshments provided. Moving forward to our Spring
news will be forthcoming in due course, but as a slight prelude, we are delighted and excited to announce that we will be performing the epic “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff. This will be staged at the Galtres Centre in Easingwold in May when there will be not one, but two grand piano’s and four percussionists present – a programme not to be missed. We will be delighted if this is as well supported as our performance of Handel’s Messiah last Spring , which was exceptional. We look forward to welcoming you to our Christmas Concert. See the advert below regarding ticket prices and timing etc. and if you have an interest in singing, further information about the choir can be found on our website: www.
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For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Keep warm, keep well Cold homes have a significant impact on people’s health. One of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm. Keeping warm over the winter months can help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. The chances of these problems are higher if you’re vulnerable to coldrelated illnesses because of one or more of the following: - you’re over 65 - you’re on a low income (so can’t afford heating) - you have a long-term health condition, such as heart, lung or kidney disease - you are disabled How to fight flu Flu is a highly infectious illness that can spread rapidly. You may be eligible for a free flu jab if you’re at risk of complications from flu. Find out if you can get the flu jab for free on the NHS. Fuel poverty facts On average, there are around 25,000 excess winter deaths each year in England. There is strong evidence that some of these winter deaths are indeed ‘extra’ and are related to cold temperatures as well
as infectious diseases such as flu. In 2013 there were 2.35 million households in England in fuel poverty. This is when a household is living below the poverty line and has higher than average energy bills. Keep your home warm If you have reduced mobility, are 65 or over, or have a health condition such as heart or lung disease, you should heat your home to at least 18C. It’s a good idea to keep your bedroom at this temperature all night if you can. During the day you may prefer your living room to be slightly warmer. Make sure you wear enough clothes to stay warm. If you’re under 65 and healthy and active, you can safely have your house cooler than 18C, if you’re comfortable. You can also use a hot water bottle or electric blanket (but not both at the same time) to keep warm while you’re in bed. Eat well in Winter Food is a vital source of energy, which helps keep your body warm. Try to make sure that you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day and keep active in the
home if you can. Stay Active We all know that exercise is good for your overall health - and it can keep you warm in winter. If you can stay active, even moderate exercise can bring health benefits. If possible, try not to sit still for more than an hour or so. Remember to speak to your GP before starting any exercise plan. Wear warm clothes Wrap up warm, inside and out. Wear lots of thin layers - clothes made from cotton, wool or fleecy fibres are particularly good and help to maintain body heat. Wear shoes with a good grip to prevent slips and falls when walking outside. If possible, stay inside during a cold period if you have heart or respiratory problems. Winter Fuel Payment A Winter Fuel Payment of between £100 and £300 tax-free is available to help you pay your heating bills if you were born on or before January 5 1953. Cold Winter Payment Cold Weather Payment may be
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available to you if you receive certain benefits. Payments are made when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of 0C or below over seven consecutive days. How to reduce your energy bills The Energy Saving Trust (EST) has advice on how to reduce bills and make your home more energy efficient. They can also advise on grants and schemes available around the UK. To find out more call 0300 123 1234 (9am-8pm Monday to Friday and 10am-2pm Saturday). Help your neighbours in winter Check on older neighbours or relatives to make sure they’re safe and well. Make sure they’re warm enough, especially at night, and have stocks of food and medicines so they don’t need to go out during very cold weather. If you’re worried about a relative or an elderly neighbour, contact your local council or ring the Age UK helpline on 0800 00 99 66.
For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Out & About 12th November
27th November
n Northallerton Male Voice Choir Concert St Gregory’s Church, Bedale on Saturday 12th November @7.30pm in aid of Hambleton and Richmondshire Multiple Sclerosis Society. Tickets £7 ( include refreshments) are available form Ann Whitewick: 01609 770209, Doris Watson: 01677 424455, Food Weighhouse, Bedale or on the door. .........................................................
n Afternoon Tea Dance Golden Lion Hotel, Northallerton. Afternoon Tea Dance with Graeme Scarlett, organist, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support (free parking at rear). 2pm- 4.45pm. £6 in advance or £8 on the door incl. tea & coffee. tel: 01609 258421 tickets: John & Joy Ellis by telephone or members of the Alverton Dance Club .........................................................
17th - 19th November
n Dead Man’s Hand - Allerton Players The Forum, Bullamoor Road, Northallerton. Allerton Players, the popular local drama group, present this Agatha Christie style comedy-thriller by Seymour Matthews which will keep you guessing until the very end. A group of actors find themselves rehearsing a murder mystery play in a remote country house, but before long the murders begin to happen for real. Can they find out who the killer is before it’s too late? Tickets £10.00 (£8.00 concessions) available from www. or by calling 01609 600563 .........................................................
24th November
n TALK: Ever changing Face of Thirsk By Tony Barton All Talks will be held in the Annex to the Town Hall in Thirsk and starts at 7.30pm. Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact Thirsk Museum. Tel: 01845 527707 .........................................................
26th November
n Masham Christmas Market Festival Visit the Masham Christmas Market with lots of stalls, demonstrations, sampling and entertainment. Big market place, honesty box parking. See nearer the time for our Programme. For information about having a stall or attending contact Peter Usher on 07831 840 330 or email .........................................................
26th November
n Ripon Christmas Lights Switch on Family friendly Annual Ripon Christmas Lights Switch On Event on Ripon Marketplace 4 - 6pm. Entertainment on Ripon Marketplace, including music and dance, special guests and a visit from Santa! Come along to get into the Christmas Spirit and Watch the Christmas Lights go on at 6pm. .........................................................
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30th November
n Light Up A Life Service 7pm - Market Green, Easingwold Christmas Tree Lights will be turned on by the Mayor of Easingwold .........................................................
1st December
n ‘Modifying Humans - Where does genetics stop?’ Professor Robert Winston comes to the Forum to give a talk about Humans & Genetics. The Forum, Bullamoor Rd, Northallerton, DL6 1LP. Tickets on sale now. 7pm 01609 776230 .........................................................
2nd December
n LIVE MUSIC: Northallerton Woodwind & AChord All are invited to a relaxed evening of light and festive music and songs performed by Northallerton Woodwind in company with the well-known singing group AChord and conducted by Tim Waters. Starting at 7pm on Friday 2nd December 2016 at Northallerton Town Hall, High Street, DL7 8QR (disabled access). The tickets are £7 (accompanied school students free) include light refreshments and are available from Greensleeves, Central Arcade, Northallerton, DL7 8PY or telephone 01609 774158. Proceeds are in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance .........................................................
3rd December
n North Yorkshire Chorus Concert North Yorkshire Chorus concert in Bedale, St Gregory’s Church on 3rd December at 7.30pm. Vaughan Williams Serenade to Music, Haydn Arianna a Naxos, Bernstein Chichester Psalms, Rutter Feel the Spirit, Ticket Contact: 01609 775964 ........................................................
3rd December
n Christmas Charity Market Galtres Centre, Easingwold 9am - 2pm ........................................................
4th December
n Santa Sunday - Northallerton A fun day for all the family. Churches Together are starting the proceedings at 1.30pm. Northallerton Silver Band is in the Town Hall from 2.30pm...
Having an event?
Email us your event details to: and we’ll publish it for you. Magazine distribution dates are on p30. ...Various acts on stage including the Applegarth School Choir and the Rock Choir Santa will be arriving between 4pm 4.30pm on the bus to switch the lights on. Small fairground rides and charity stalls. See local press nearer the time for more details. .........................................................
9th December
n Annual Blessing of the Crib Service 12 noon - Market Green, Easingwold .........................................................
10th December
n Sowerby Music Concert St Oswald’s Church, Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JG. Sowerby Music: Kosmos Ensemble. “Impeccable musicianship ... I defy you not to be mesmerised”, The Times. A wonderfully crafted and performed programme inspired by music from around the globe. A truly crossborder experience. 3pm. £16, £15 in advance, 18yrs & under free. tel: 01845 518001 tickets: White Rose Bookcafe, online or phone. .........................................................
10th December
n The Easingwold Singers at Christmas – 2.30 pm at St John and All Saints Church, Easingwold See p10 for more details .........................................................
14th December
n Northallerton Silver Band Christmas Concert Northallerton Silver band will be holding their Christmas Concert in the Yorkshire Suite of the Golden Lion in Northallerton on Wednesday 14th December at 7.30pm. Tickets £7, purchased from the Hotel Reception or by ringing 01609 777272. .........................................................
17th December n Friends of Alne Tombola Together Nativity Around the Town 9am - 12 noon, Easingwold .........................................................
17th December
n Easingwold Lions Carol Concert 5.30pm, Market Place, Easingwold .........................................................
17th December
n Churches Together Around the Town
10am - 12 noon, Easingwold .........................................................
17th December
n Northallerton Male Voice Choir Concert Northallerton Male Voice Choir Annual Christmas Concert with the Easington Colliery Band 3pm & 7.30pm Northallerton Forum. .........................................................
22nd - 28th January
n Northallerton Amateur Variety Company Presents “THE PIED PIPER” the Panto at The Forum, Northallerton from 22nd to 28th January 2017 with matinees on Sunday 22nd and Saturday 28th at 2.15 pm. Ticket prices range from £7 to £10. This is the Variety Company’s usual fun packed panto, profits from which go to local charities. Come and meet Helga the German sausage-maker and her silly son Willie. Laugh at Blatter & Splatter the town’s idiotic rat catchers and see what happens when Pippin the Pied Piper entices the children away from their homes. Fairy Strudel will make sure everything turns out fine. Booking opens at The Forum in November. Tel. 01609 776230 ......................................................... Please note: the editors cannot be held responsible for any changes to events listed. Please contact event organisers directly. All events correct at time of going to press.
For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Christmas Lights 2016 Thirsk
Thirsk Christmas 2016 Weekend 25th – 27th November Lights switch on time – 6:30pm on 25th November With an estimated 1,500 people flocking to Thirsk town centre to watch the lights switch-on events in 2015, along with 100’s more visiting Thirsk over the weekend at the Christmas Fayre in the Town Hall and at many other venues – Thirsk is sure to be a place not to miss this Christmas! If you are wanting to book a stall, click the link at the top of the page – there are only a few stalls left so be really quick!
Vale radio are once again broadcasting the lights switch on LIVE this year! About Thirsk Christmas Fayre The Fayre was brought to life by three like minded residents who have lived here many years and are devoted to the place we call home. Quite simply we love living here and after talking to many tourists over the years who come here in the summer they said they would come back ANYTIME because they love it too! Christmas is a time for celebration, shopping, relaxing and of course reflection. We could not think of a better place for you to do all of those. We can’t thank the people of Thirsk and surrounding areas that have helped us enough. Whether they have given financial sponsorship/donations or just “chipped in” with resources, time and ideas their input has brought the event to what it is today.
Northallerton Santa Sunday: 4th December “A fun day for all the family”
Churches Together are starting proceedings at 1.30pm Northallerton Silver Band is in the Town Hall from 2.30pm Various acts on stage including the Applegarth School Choir and the Rock Choir. Santa will be arriving between 4pm 4.30pm on the bus to switch the lights on. Small fairground rides and charity stalls Please see local press nearer the time for more details
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It’s just around the corner… …Christmas that is. Now we all know someone who buys their prezzies in the January sales, has their cards written and addressed by Easter and their turkey ordered before the first frost. We hate their smugness and lack of proper festive spirit but mainly we hate them because we know that we could never ever be that organised...until now! We’re not suggesting that you start planning Christmas while on your summer holidays but it does pay to be a little bit organised. You’ll arrive at December 25th with far fewer grey hairs and much lower blood pressure if you plan ahead. Clear out food cupboards Be ruthless. Chuck out all the out-of-date items and things you know will never be eaten. Make room for all those festive goodies. Clear out toy cupboards Be ruthless. Involve the kids. Donate outgrown and unplayed-with items to charity. If you are an eBayer, spend an afternoon listing items for sale.
Order meat early Farmers’ markets and shops are teeming at this Christmas time. Don’t imagine you’ll get what you want if you leave it until the last minute. Who’s coming to dinner? Are there any vegetarians, vegans or dairy intolerances among your guests. Are you planning a party? List all the food, alcohol and gift items you think you will need and add to it as you go along. Study your list Are there items which can be bought online? Do any of your local shops offer home delivery? Look into local veg-box schemes. Divide the remaining list into manageable chunks and purchase a few things each week. For foodstuffs, begin with items which can be frozen and end with the fresh items which need to be purchased just a day or two before. Puds and cakes Make these early to give them time to mature. Stir up Sunday is the last Sunday before advent and this year is on November 30th. This is traditionally the time when Christmas puddings are made. I make my
Christmas cake during the first week of December which gives me time to feed it as much brandy as it will hold. Yum! Write the cards It’s bit of a chore but put the carols on, pour a glass of something festive and get into the spirit. You’ll feel really virtuous when they’re done. Tree lights and outdoor lights Test them well in advance so they can be replaced if necessary. Check bed and linen status! Will you need to buy or borrow fold-up beds, or extra bedding for your guests? What about elderly guests? They may be able to lie down on a Z bed but will they ever be able to get up again! By now you should be feeling organised and in control. You may even feel the beginnings of a smug smile twitch at the corners of your mouth. Enjoy it…you earned it. Just be aware that someone somewhere hates you for it!
Easy mulled wine About this recipe: This mulled wine recipe couldn’t be easier to do. Don’t bother with expensive wine - a cheap red will work beautifully and no one will ever know the difference! Start with a little sugar, then add more to taste. This recipe can be easily doubled or trebled.
Ingredients Serves: 4 1 litre dry red wine 2 (5cm) cinnamon sticks 1 dessertspoon whole cloves 1 dessertspoon whole allspice 1 large piece orange rind (avoid the pith) 1 large piece lemon rind (avoid the pith) 4 tablespoons sugar, or to taste ................................................................................................................................................
Prep:3min › Cook:20min › Ready in:23min In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, combine the red wine, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, lemon rind and orange rind. Heat gently, but don’t bring to the boil. Stir in 2 tablespoons of the sugar, and once dissolved, taste to see if you’d like to add more. Keep hot on medium to low heat for 20 minutes to let the flavours infuse the wine. Serve your mulled wine hot in glasses or mugs. For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
NEW LOOK NORTHALLERTON PIZZA EXPRESS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD… PizzaExpress is celebrating the launch of its exciting new look restaurant in Northallerton. The popular, family friendly restaurant on the High Street in the heart of town has been totally transformed with new artwork which is out of this world… Each PizzaExpress restaurant is individually designed – often using well known places, people or historical events from the area as a basis. Northallerton’s artwork is inspired by cosmologist Thomas Burnet who studied at Northallerton Grammar School. The artworks are based on the science of the universe and the solar system.
PizzaExpress has been dishing up fresh, handmade pizza to Nothallerton since 2008. Manager, Stefan Bahlaj, said, “We love our restaurant’s new look and have a friendly and enthusiastic team who are looking forward to welcoming everyone over a delicious pizza.” For more details visit
The restaurant, which has a private meeting/dining room, now has a fresh paint scheme throughout, new upholstered chairs, revived timber floor, and feature pendant and wall lights. It also looks different on the outside with new shopfront decorations and signage.
Thumbs up from the Editor Our Editor, Christine, gives the thumbs up to the new, stylish, contemporary upgrade that Pizza Express has recently undergone. “The hand painted artwork on the walls provides that extra special touch, particularly with the Artist’s links to the local area. “I started my meal with the Risotto Fresia, one of the newly introduced starters: the oak roasted salmon fillet, with garlic, in a creamy, white wine sauce, accompanied with Gran Milano cheese, fresh chopped tomotoes, a splash of chilli oil and a lemon wedge was utterly scrumptious. This was washed down by a fantastic New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc – which I can thoroughly recommend. As I try to be health conscious, for my main course I opted for the Leggera Padana: this pizza is under 500 calories and the creamy goats cheese is delicious. To make it even more healthy, it is now offered
with a Super Boost salad: this comprises of beans, chickpeas, cranberries, pumpkin seeds and kale. For desert I indulged in a favourite of mine, the Leggera Tartcife ,which is again under 230 calories. This is absolutely mouth watering with creamy, Sicilian lemon and a Fior di latte gelate, with a liquid centre of limoncello. As I had made such healthy choices, it seemed only right that I washed this down with a shot of limoncello.
(Top)Celebrating the launch of the new look Northallerton PizzaExpress are, left to right: pizzaiola Sarah Tiplady from Northallerton, assistant manager Peter Whitehead from Northallerton, and front of house trainer Matthew Slaney from Brompton.
The service throughout, by the Manager, Stefan, and the charismatic Tristram, was fantastic, along with the two lovely girls, Amy and Kirsty; they are so motivated by their new surroundings, which they say has made coming to work a pleasure. I thoroughly recommend that you take advantage of the 30% voucher opposite; you will not be disappointed.
Enjoy 30% off at Pizza Express!
(Voucher opposite must be presented on payment)
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(Above) Matthew Slaney from Brompton in front of some of the cosmology artwork. (Far left) Manager Stefan and team
For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
How to choose the perfect
Christmas Tree
Measure your space Be sure you know what size (height and width) you need before heading to the outlet. Measure the ceiling height in the room where the tree will be displayed. The trees in the field look small when the sky is the ceiling. Don’t overbuy. Measure the width of the area of the room where the tree will be displayed. Most trees on tree farms are trimmed to an 80% taper. So a tree that’s 10’ tall will be 8’ wide at the bottom. A tree that will fit in the room vertically may be entirely too big horizontally. Once at home: Christmas tree positioning and decorating Choose a well-lit spot where the tree will stand out and be noticed. Don’t put it somewhere where excited children or pets are likely to crash into your masterpiece. Avoid standing the tree next to radiators and fireplaces - they can dry out the tree, and are also fire hazards Display larger decorations evenly on branches around the tree from bottom to top, then repeat with smaller ones, to create an even spread Caring for your tree Ensure your tree is getting enough water - they need a lot, and thrive best on approximately 1-2 litres daily. Christmas tree afterlife Call your local council and ask if they will collect and recycle If it has roots, plant and care for the tree in early January to enjoy it again next year
Ask questions about the trees at the outlet Ask the retailer when he/she gets the trees: are they delivered once at the beginning of the season, or several shipments during the season? Often, a tree obtained soon after its arrival on the outlet will be very fresh because it was cut recently. Also ask the retailer which tree type performs best in your climate. Some species last longer and remain fresh longer than others in different climates. Do a branch/needle test for freshness Run a branch through your enclosed hand - the needles should not come off easily. Bend the outer branches - they should be pliable. If they are brittle and snap easily, the tree is too dry. Look for other indicators of dryness or deterioration Indicators might include: excessive needle loss, discolored foliage, musty odor, needle pliability, and wrinkled bark. A good rule-of-thumb is, when in doubt about the freshness of a tree, select another one. If none of the trees on the outlet look fresh, go to another outlet.
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Help your pet have a
Happy Winter! Just like us, our pets are often reluctant to spend much time outdoors when the weather turns wet, windy and cold. But it is important that our cats and dogs still get the exercise and mental stimulation they need to keep them happy and healthy. If possible, try and keep to your usual routine with your pet. Even when the weather is dreadful, try and make sure your dog gets time for a walk every day, vary the route if you have to keep it short. Some cat owners chose to put their cat out overnight but they must remember that it is up to them to make sure their cat still has somewhere safe and dry to rest. Otherwise cats may have no choice but to shelter in unsuitable places and become trapped or lost. Make sure your pets are microchipped to improve your chance of being reunited if the worst happens and they are lost, and remember to keep your contact details updated with the microchip company if you change your number or move house. Cats and dogs need to have an active mind. Frustrated dogs may become destructive and resort to learned instinctive behaviours like guarding or stalking if they are bored. Chew toys are particularly good to have dotted about so that your dog isn’t tempted to chew unsuitable objects, like your favourite slippers
or the furniture. Make sure they are safe and strong so they won’t splinter or break into small pieces. Also ensure they are the appropriate size for your dog - small rubber balls can get stuck in the throat of larger dogs and even swallowed, which may need veterinary treatment to remove them. It is a good idea to have only one or two chew toys out at a time and change them around from day to day. This should keep your dog interested and prevent them being tempted by a table leg! But if you do come home and they have had a nibble on something they shouldn’t, it is really important not to tell them off. It is too late for them to understand what is wrong and they might start to associate your homecoming with being told off. Make sure you praise your dog when he chews his toys and if you spot him about to go for something he isn’t allowed, quickly switch his attention to his toy and make a fuss. Cats usually scratch outdoors to keep their claws sharp and leave scent marks in their territory. To prevent them doing this activity on your furniture, carpet and walls it is important to provide them with scratching posts as an alternative outlet. Encourage your cat to use a scratching post by gently wiping their paws on it to show them what to do and leave their own scent on it, also sprinkle some cat nip on it.
Regularly play games with your cat to keep them entertained. Lots of toys are available from pet shops including fishing rod toys, balls and artificial mice. But cats will be equally entertained by feathers, cotton reels (without the cotton) and cardboard boxes. Look out for hidden dangers around the home. Some plants, including lilies and poinsettia, are poisonous to cats so do not have them in the house. Consult your vet immediately if your cat has eaten any part of a lily. In the run up to Christmas you also need to make sure tinsel is out of pets reach, it is very tempting for them to play with, especially cats, and they often eat or accidentally swallow it. Every Christmas, Blue Cross vets have to remove tinsel from a cat’s gut or rear-end – not much fun for either the cat or the vets!
Opening Hours Tuesday to Sunday: 10.00am–5.00pm Animal viewing times: 10.00am–4.00pm. Mondays and bank holidays: closed Address Parklands, Station Road, Topcliffe, Thirsk, YO7 3SE Tel: 0300 777 1540 Fax: 0300 777 1541 Email:
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Exciting Winter season at Rural Arts We’re raring to go this Winter season, with plenty of activities to keep you busy on these short and chilly days!
The Courthouse Café is the perfect place for you to catch up with friends, or sit, relax, and enjoy some ‘me time’.
Take a look at what’s on offer, and visit our website (www. to find out more about our programme that runs right up until Christmas, and join our mailing list to keep up to date with alerts and offers.
The Courthouse Gallery features unique, handmade contemporary craft from designers and makers based across Yorkshire and beyond. / 01845 526536
Open Monday-Saturday 10am-4.30pm
The Old Courthouse, 4 Westgate, Thirsk, YO7 1QS
Evening Taste of Art: 3 Piece Cushion 17th November 7-9pm: £15 .........................
iPad Intermediates Workshop Saturday 10th December 2pm-4pm: £12.50 .........................
Observational Drawing Workshop With Angela Hall Friday 25th November 10am-1pm: £25 .........................
Taste of Art: Silk Screen Printing 23rd November 10.30am-12noon: £10 .........................
Taste of Art: Christmas Papercutting 30th November 10.30am-12noon: £10 .........................
Taste of Art: Porcelain Jewellery Lino Printing Workshop
7th December 10.30am-12noon: £15 .........................
With Angela Hall Thursday 1st December 10am-1pm: £25 .........................
Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December 10am-12mon: £2.50 per item .........................
Christmas Holiday Fun: Last Minute Christmas Cards Workshop Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December 1.30-3pm: £2.50 per item .........................
No Man’s Land
Thursday 15th December 7pm: £10 .........................
PERFORMANCES Taste of Art: Seasonal Wreath Making Velvet Devore Workshop With Angela Hall Friday 9th December 10am-4pm: £70 .........................
iPad Troubleshooting Workshop
EVENING TASTE OF ART Taste of Art: 3 Piece Cushion 16th November 10.30am-12noon: £10
With Claire Ford Saturday 3rd December 1-4pm: £15 per 30-minute session .........................
Saturday 3rd December 7pm: £6 Our local ukulele and vocal band return, performing arrangements from a wide range of genres. .........................
Christmas Holiday Fun: Mini Wreath Decorations Workshop
14th December 10.30am-12noon: £11.50 .........................
The Uketopians
Edwina Hayes Saturday 26th November 8pm: £12 Beautifully written songs, charming stage presence and voice of an angel; Edwina Hayes returns with her gentle folk-Americana.
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Belles Cantos Wednesday 7th December 7.30pm £8 (includes a post-show mulled wine and mince pie) We are delighted to welcome local women’s chamber choir Belles Cantos for an evening of seasonal music. This is a fundraising concert with all proceeds going to support Rural Arts creative activities. Our gallery will be open for a spot of Christmas shopping and the cafe will be serving delicious festive treats. ......................... 01845 526536 The Old Courthouse, 4 Westgate, Thirsk, YO7 1QS
Carols in the Market place Easingwold District Lions Carols in the Market Place 2016 Saturday 17th December 5.30-6.30pm Easingwold District Lions invite you to join them for their free, annual Community Christmas Carols event. Once again the music will be provided by Easingwold Town Band with local singer Jessa Liversidge, and members of her various choirs, leading the singing. The event takes place on the cobbled side of the market place under the Market Cross. The start time this year is 5.30pm and will finish at approximately 6.30pm. Free mince pies and hot potatoes will be provided and then those Strictly fans can hot foot it home for the final!
This is a great community get together with a special feel good factor and the Lions way of saying thank you for all the support they receive over the year. Last year around 200 people joined us, an amazing turnout, probably the best ever. Come and help us to break this record! Of course no Christmas gathering should be without a visit from Father Christmas and we have it on good authority that he is taking some time out from all that present wrapping to come along. We look forward to seeing you there. (If the weather is bad we shall retreat to the Galtres Centre).
For advertising contact Christine: 01609 777401 or Dwight: 01609 779097 |
Driver Survivor Most people spend many hours in their car each week, but none of us expects to have to live in it! But in the face of a major incident or in the event of a breakdown or bad weather, you could be forced to rely on your car for short term shelter and survival. With a properly equipped car emergency kit, you could survive in your vehicle for days if necessary. If you get into trouble and you are in your car, studies have shown that you are most likely to survive if you stay with your vehicle rather than venture out looking for help. But if you do decide to leave your vehicle only do so if it’s safe to do so, the weather clears and you have proper protective clothing. In addition, make sure the vehicle is parked well off the road and leave a note indicating what has happened, where you have gone, and your health situation.
Car Emergency Kit Essentials De-icer Ice scraper Shovel Sand/ old sack/piece of carpet Tow rope Jump leads Torch and spare batteries First aid kit Map Blanket
Non-perishable energy - rich food such as cereal bars, nuts and dried fruit. Bottled water Coat, hat, scarf and gloves Spare shoes or wellies Emergency supply of regular medication Fully charged mobile phone Breakdown membership details
By Tom Hancock
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