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wall discovered under layers of plaster Stanley Numbers and unique woodwork add plenty of interest to the inside atmosphere. It’s “a little different than what you hen dinner bells begin ringingW Population: 3,8,32* Land Area: 2.27 square miles might normally see,” Banks said, while a cozy outdoor seating area also gives throughout the east Gaston County town Tax Rate: 54¢ per $100 valuation patrons a chance to visit and enjoy the of Stanley, Mayor Steven Denton wants Median Household Income: $55,733** outdoors. residents to head downtown rather than down the road. “You’re having close to 500 rooftops Median Home Value: $141,100** Total Housing Units: 1,482** “I think it will be real good to have people drive by and see people hanging out there,” Banks said. He also looks arriving in or near Highway 27, and High School Graduate or Higher: 88%** forward to encouraging his customers to they’re going to be looking for places to Average Travel Time to Work: 30.7 Minutes** stroll and visit other nearby businesses. eat,” Denton said. “We want them to Sources: worldpopulationreview.com, US Census -*US Census estimates; In the past year, several upgrades to come to our side of town.” **2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates; the downtown area have helped add Bringing more restaurants to Stanley to the local atmosphere. For example, is a top priority for local leaders working antique streetlamps replaced industrial-style lights, and a new to develop and improve the downtown area. In addition to the decorative fence along the railroad tracks provided a great 500 homes planned for the latest addition in the Arbordale location for hanging garlands at Christmas. neighborhood, several other subdivisions plus a new town- “That’s something we got positive feedback on immediatehome development mean plenty of room for the population ly,” Denton said of the fence. The town is also working on to grow. plans to add a gazebo as well as developing ways to more “There’s a lot coming in,” Denton said. easily connect nearby communities to the downtown area. That includes local residents David Banks and his wife, Beyond downtown, four new welcome signs at various Irene, who moved to the area from Charlotte and are now entry points as well as a new Circle K and Domino’s Pizza are owners of Main Street Social. The bar, which serves several further signs of Stanley’s increasing growth. As new residents coffee drinks as well as a wide variety of wine and beer selec- make their way into town, existing citizens are ready to tions, offers customers a great place to stop, sit and unwind. welcome them. “We just kind of fell in love with the downtown area,” “We know that there are a lot of families that are going to David Banks said. pour into Stanley,” David Banks said. “We want to give The Main Street Social will include 12 beers on top, as families a place to go without having to drive too far.” a well as numerous brews in a cooler area that customers can either enjoy in the bar or take home for later. An exposed brick

Arbordale Subdivision

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