Palmer, Aldrich, and McMath, Detroit, MI

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Judge of Prohate '''i",-1(,' ERVIN R./

PALMHR ,rlllll'







Experience in the Probate Court

,ehoit Bar Association 7imiimmniiiii;


The following strongly recommend the retention of Judge Palmer in the Probate Court: Hon. Alexis C. Angell Paul W. Voorheis Divie B. Duffield Peter J. Monaghan Frank T. Lodge Hon. Ernest A. O'Brien John S. Haggerty Albert W. Flint Guy W. Moore Dr. Jos. H. Andriec Havelock J. Northmore Raymond J. Kelly Christian Leidich Dr. Alfred J, Radgene Jacob P. Sumeracki Gus Sonnenberg David H. Crowley M. Hubert O'Brien


Philip Breitmeyer Ernst Kern Henry E. Bodman Fred M. Butzel Walter F. Haags Leo I. Franklin Hon. Stewart Hanley Louis Colombo Dr. Chester B. Emerson Edward D. Devine Dennis B. Hayes George F. Carroll David Meginnity William Friedman Felix J. Mahler Joseph F. Drolrhagen Dr. William A. Spitzley Leopold A. Koccinrki John Lesinski



. T h e f ollowing strongly recommend the retention of Judge Palmer in the Probate Court: Hon. Alexir C. Angell Paul W. Voorheis Divie B. Dufteld Peter J. Monaghan Frank T. Lodge Hon. Erneat A. O'Brien John S. Haggerty Albert W. Flint Guy W. Moore Dr. Jos. H. Andrier Havelock J. Northmore Raymond J. Kelly Christian Leidich Dr. Alfred J. Radgenr Jacob P. Sumeracki Gus Sonnenberg David H. Crowley M. Hubert O'Brien Thoe. T. Leete Abram W. Sempliner Dr. F. B. Tibbalc Benjamin Pelham Victor DeBaeke Dr. B. W. Parternacki Lyle G. Younglovc Melville S. Welt Eugeno G. Donohoe Philip Slomovitz Pfimqy,

Scpt. 9th


Philip Breitmeyer Ernst Kern Henry E. Bodman Fred M. Butzel Walter F. Haasc Leo I. Franklin Hon. Stewart Hanley Louis Colombo Dr. Chester B. Emerron Edward D. Devinc Dennic B. Hayes George F. Carroll David Meginnity William Friedman Felix J. Mahler Joseph F. Drolehagcn Dr. William A. Spitzley Leopold A. Korcinrki John Lesineki William E. Tarrney Charler C. Andrewr John J. Sloan Adam F. Brzezinski Dr. Jamec W. Amer Stanley C. Pietrarzewrki Dr. E. G. Martin John W. Beaumont Sherwin A. Hill Donotld by Ffiend!

JftDGE EBWIN n" PALilr'B, I[88. PALUD& ron, BEED, rail arotbtGr, BUTII nEED PALMES. COUNTY'8 tourtb proIIIAYNE Yt bote Judge assumed the duties ol bir ot[ce Thursday when Judge Erwi! R. Pelmer, recently rppointed by Gov. Frcd W. GreGD, vas sqrorn tn by Judge llenry A. Eutbert, of _, the Probste Court. lbc ceremony ,,' look place iu tbe courtroom ol .Iud$ Edward Co-rrand. ' Probate .IudgO Grorgâ‚Ź M. Read also was I , Drcsat. Judse llulbert, after administeri tnC the oeth, referred to Mr. PalmI cr's long and t8lthful servlce in the i Probate Qqu{1,. which merited tJre I ' Fred M. DroEotion he $celved. Butzel, preddent of the Detrolt Bar Assocbtion on bebelf of that or1 Surr.zrti,on congErtulatcd Gov. Greeo 1 on bla selectlon, conglstulated the _1.Dcople of Wayne CounW on hoving \ the seivices of tbe ncw judge End thc Judgc hinself on

having won the recognitlon he recelved. Mr. Butzel declared that Judge Palmer is qualifled and able &nd prophesied a mo6t cuccessful and satislactory tenure for hlm. Judge Pelr"rer, expresslcg bit thanks, reterred to his lt years of service in the ofnce aud added that if he had been helpful lt vas because of the et0clency of the mcmbers of the sieff. Members of the Palmer f8lnily were present, tncludlng Mrs. Palmer, thelr daughter, Rutfr Reâ‚Źd Palmer, a stud.nt rt the UDl1erslty of Mtchlgan, and thelr sa!. Reed Pelner. A large number ot lriends called at thc new judge's ofrce to extend teuctiotlons and tbe iowerg recelved aloost entlrely flUed the Iarge ofBce- Judgp Palmer dlrected that the tlowers be sent to hospital,s aud simtlar,lrstltutions.

IUINHDAYi i Erl o F V/

/" EIYIN-1:1-:y:-1* ,-|



Put Judg. Ervtn Palmer out ln 'with B bag of. f,ouf' tit" i'tnuiiet" Plece.o.! Ei9t: some beans and a -meal

I|ITIRil[l ILtHt( [E[flttl!Ef;,Jt|[fi

6e.k'soid to have drefted probate orderc than eny other man ln thc state. Eis cehdldecy for

beforc a Catl s€t I .iid",'.- rtJ :--;r'- ',; hungfy man that #ix1',i$r|#@iffi witl meh.c hlm

Judgeof probate.underthc new *'as__lndorsed by the probote Jr ol Wayne County. Mr. Palncr llies at SttOBur

think of mother't kitchen bacl on IIt th e ta rm. le arn ed how t o fend for htms€U durlng the Klon: dike gold nuh ln '98, when hc and h lr b roth er . charle! W., had beans "mornlnSi, noon and nlght.' and liked li. Ttr! hard manual la.: bor of digglngreatr eold out of ths Eround along Sulohur Creek gave J keen edge to hlr

gane avenue. IIe was marrled lg()il to Mlrs Albe*a Reed, ot neapolLs, and has I dsughtcr a senlor et the UDiyerrlty ot !

; ., , J Io*N Arttrtx

gan, hnd a

son" Reed, E senlor E.H:'Yl1'{8P,uifif,&frtto tothc Northern Hlgb Sehool; , .

ProbateBench,Served CourtS.ince 1902.

**" judge, who trew probdte ".'";,i"K;#r'f. lrls appolntment fmm Gov. lted Green Mond8y, hss beGn io thc stei




' probctcol tl o dncc 10(12, rnd hr

Xii"ititi, int when the dav'! -ygrk i:"i--aoi.e and the supper.dlrrret *'iirr.A t. sat down and entoYedto tril-i-,tri ln. purple sunsetr' He t! oGriving rui riitncav t'nnlYersarv ;;;v:-fre war born in Detrolt AugL

s€rvcd 8l

ot probotc tlrc retlrement Albort W. FUnt the

t, 18?2.

r#Htr#'l,r':"ffi'; B9!l9il 9:. Ji f J"-.'p""ouit/cou * ^.

llrr[;$iH{:$** 3i+i:

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i::iii"d'ri:;farq'.i,i1li:$ H'"lifiiiJ'ilii"i"" rn theBar :i

i prtmary

PalmerEnters for ProbateJu


xB.: P.|tirEa


#''*j",11fiQk#m$*.r: dacy for thilAGition

on the Re-

ffifr.,*ffi ot lr €r t f i a n l n raichieed. gor/in Detroit

and d graduate of the Detroit College of Isw, he flrst became attached to Probate Court as a clerk, the n se rve d as p r obat e d ep uty end reg iste r register of probate under Judge Edgar O, Durfee for 16 Years, and frnally wes'appointed judge of prouate ln itizi. tte war eiected to the ofrcc ln 1930. Palmer ntas selected as flrst choice o{ Detroit and Wayne County at- ! tdrneys in thelr bar prima,ry vote two years ago and also four yearsrI ago. He served overseasdurlng the World War, ls marricd, and has two, children, 1

Aug.5, 1872,the son of Mtr aud Mrs.'

ErvlD Palmer. Hls father ves I rrrember of the law flrm of \f,ard & Palmer and was one ol the I members of thc Detrolt bar. sc-r $ss educated ln the publio schoole and the Detrolt Col-, lege of Law, trom whlch he was gradueted ln 1896. In 180t, accompanled by twc brothers, Charles Ci. and Loub W., and a slster, Altce Palmer Henderson, Palmer went to the Klondite $here he spenf thret years. '\vo t'eqrs later he entered'the probste ofEce. In 190{ he wes Bppolnted probate clerk and ln 1900.weE prod rnoted to deputy regiEter. TlrE place he held_for_le yearg, workl|g closely with the lete' Judge Edgai O. Durfee. In March; 1926 lre be, came reglster of th€ courL Durlng his term as doputy reglsteri

l est fel l '

REsuMEs ipnuurn I



1 ;"' --r*/:;r?ra'



OpensDowntownOffice. Elvin & Palmer, former Judge of; the Probate Court, who was de- 1 feated for re-election on Nov. g, has i opened an olllce for the general l prectlce of lQw at 1920 U n i o n , Guardlen Buildlng. Mr, Palmer was connected with', the Probaie Court for more ihan l fQ Vears. He.s€rved as depury register of probate for years, and wis clceely connected nith the late i Judge Edgar O, Durfee. In 1929,' Palmer was appolnted judge of probate by former cov. Fred W. Gieen !9 114the new judgeship creat€d by . the Legislature. He rvai elected foi the short t€rm In 1930. At the bar primary last fall, Mr. Pnlmer led the list of candidates., $'innlng 137 ot 770 votec east by his fellow lawyers.

No.""$qiruffiq11c,i h6 ,r1


Commod,grp'ilIcfuIath I Is a Salify at Heart I ji]ltt';"r":1#r:fi *H b


Patrola rmrl.,




BY MABIIUALLpANN I In 1939 McMath believed that hel Sailins entfrdsiastd in Detroitlhad the secret for success, and he!

Seceqd. in !firdrtnao |Bspo I lill 1"",,""*?t#.,ff :ff ft A cousln, Netl lf,cMatlr, hel al waa loe year Ine sprndrlt[| commodore of the,Detroit River|'rnaE ":t'lt;',X*l[Tq'.13$"t:T,:d?:;"_ri,fisniall boat, the Kittiwake, andi Techting Aseociation, is not going | {ilishSd. fa'r back' 8nd McMatft's I Trent sta.rt€d sailing with hiur. I to be ily




never allowed him tol

McMatho,it t" *"nrlt"ifSinilir's toatingonce.tnougrrtl public

tJle inl every race skipperingltritlhl".,hio there'in"rr. ^spotught he wasl ten-yea,r-okl-gchooner,-ire Sptn-lllo-T91 -Ylv' + 19.31. personsl saving eight arifi wUcl will fly iis cofod sf lcr-edttsd_wttb tbe BEyvtes Yecht-Club. rrcuaur,f !fo!?F T?"P rycthPf"t l

y#;L'"'"f l'*Hft h"""ff Hsi'113.'tl #1*'H#1""#H5""::lx.Jt"ji'ff

They were in the. annual race tol Maclrinac, the Detroit River's boat-l ing classic of lle year, and theyl placed aecond. In 1931 the twoi McMaths, Ray Priebe and Fredi Henkel went ia as partnera for a new boat, tbe Spindrift a truly fine cchooner. Trent has beur sailing witl that boat for 10 y6srs now, and has accumulated ma,ny honorr. The SpindrEt ha"s won tho annual AllNigbt race twico; she hag won her class at the Put-in-Bay Regatta; she ha"s taken the Detroit River schooner char4pionship for three years, and in 193q she captured the frrst deep-water'race ever held. Tbat race McMath well remembers, for 15 boats started but only two finiBhed after a heevy etortn end sixty-mile-a^rr-hour wind swept the laJre. Tbe Spindrift was No. 1 by 24 hours. Big Prtze f,hrl€s rrim The Macklnac Race, however, ls Trent's sore spot. Vlctory ln that race, of qourge, is the biggest prize of any season, and so far he has n€ver lyon it. Once he was second; he was third on several occasions, and fourth other times. Once his boat was leading by a good margin and apparently in for an eaay victory. Then the Spindrlft lound

";Hnilnn-*ffi lsfrlH::"*li:iF:;:i'::::'"1$"tri5:nil:i - -rbr-inst"nce, did you ever hearlU',9:,1!Fftl]:,S9:

. I g"mTgffi'tl#f "",ff'?A;p&Sf ii"#"ri$-:-li:'qi:n:l is kno\rhfor mary thi"C"; nuf notl l?-".T: -lfat"t g-Tt-n"-Eits sailing-opporhrni-

Unrtld- SFtttl

especialty for | ?T"TTeyr a Dsst h-e held I a -w'a'ierfrontl three and.half year-r-. Then-he andl tie',s. Tliere tsnt the firrnl within 100 miles of the ctty rralllyo_{soclates-estabrrrb€d

r#*;ifiidlad,,iiq:i'Ffthglt':,ffi *l"*T'#*:+lf | n""'1^H;;\'.ti;*t.t""r"rt"inlitg,:fi#j:;i.""tli,i;.TiTil:,:ll Attenderr wabash Tf d;:ili,&il:" II iit"i l Wabash College McMath went to "or'"{:. look out his officl window ^^,,^-^ andl ^ilxl"il;'lTf to take pre-law studies in 1920. see river the boats; he can looki I and when the first summer vaca-l around his own office and see

aboard tlre President McKinley es a fireman for a trip through the His immediate superior, r Orienl tbe chief water-tender, was fired at Yokohema and Trent stepped :n as tle new water-tender. After being graduated from Wabash in 1024, McMath took his graduate work at Michigan where I he emerged with his LL.B. in 1927. j The degree brought him into a I targe Detroit firm as a law clerk, I and his sailing interest brought lhim into tbe Bayview Yacht Club.

\WHo's \X/notNDrrnotr 1935-36 A biographical clictionary of representative men and women of metroPolitan Detroit

With a Complete Vocational Index




TIO IN DETROIT i; o, d ll ;l 2-t1. )t-

Oxtoby, James, Y., larryer; b, H€ County, Pa., Dec. 30, l8?2; educated Ptrbuc Schools, Saginaw, Mich.; Unlv. ol Micilgan (T.T..8.1895). Admitted to bar, Mich., 1911; senior mcmber law firm Oxtoby, Robinson & Hull. Member: American, Mich. State end Detroit Bar Assns. Vice-Pres., Counsel, Detroit Edlson Co. HomB: 1065 PalEer Ave. Offic€: 1104Dime Bank B!dg.

P Paddock Lewis IIenrT, lawyer; b. Detrolt, Mich. 20, 1866; educ&ted Boston (Mass.) Latin School; Ttlnity College, Ilariford, Conn. (A.8., M.A. 1888), Univ. of Michigan (LL.B.). Admitted to bar, 1893, later to Supreme Court of Mich.; rnember law firm Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone. Member: Psi Upsilorr; Michlgnn, Detrolt and American Brr Assns. Hornc: 1039 Seminole Ave. Office: 3456 Penobscot Bldg. Page, Hcrman, bishop; b. Bc,sion, Mass., May 23, 1866; son of gb€n Blake and Harriet Josephine (Woodward) Page; educated Harvard (A. B. 1888); Ellscopal Theoiogical Scllool, CambridgE (8.D. 1891t; Univ. of Pittsbtugh (D.D. 1906); man'ied l\{ary [[. Ridd.le' of Allegheny, Pa.; one son, Herman Riddle. Deacon, 1891, Priest, 1891, llethodist Episcopal Church; in clrargo missiorr churches ai lvallace 8nd Coeur d'Alene, rdaho, l89r-1900; R'ector' 8t' Johns' Church, Fall R.iver, Mass., 1900' St. Paul's Church Chicago, l9C0-14; consecrated Bishop of Spokanc, Wash.' Jan. 28, 1915;becan:eBisirop of Michtgan, Nov. 1923. Iiome: 2906 E. Jefferson Ave. Office: 63 E. Hancock St. Palmer, C. lTilliams, architect; b. l\filford, Mich., June 30, lB86; son ol William C. and Anna (Wallacer PaJ' mer; educated Harvard Ulriversity' Special Course in Architecture; married Nina E. Nation, of Sioux Falls' fowa, June 26, 1926. President of Detroit Chapter of American Institut€ of Architects, elected Oct. 1933. Serv' ed in Air gervice, Oct. lgu--Feb. 19f9; promoted from Lieut. to capt. duriDg service. Ifember: Detrolt Chapter or A. I. A.;.Soctety- of Architects. Mery' Chulch. ber of Christ (Episcopal)

WHO'S WHO IN DETR,OIT Sporis: geneml athletics, especia,lly swimnring. Iiome: 2170 E. Jefferson Ave. Office: 120 luadison Ave. { Pal-c", Ervin R., Judge; b. Detroit, August 5, L872i son of Ervin and Emma (Humphrey) Palmer; educated Detroit Public Schools; Detroit Coilege of Law; married M. Alberta Recd, of Minnea.polis, Minn., Sept. 2, 1901.Law practice at Debroit, 1902-04; appoint€d Probatc Clerk, 1904; Deputy Probate fiegisier, 1909; Probate Register, 1909, '26; appointed judge of Pfobate, 1929, elected, 1930-34. ll€mber, F.&A.M., K. L'., r.o.o.F., Y.M.C.A., S,A,R,, Eagles; Delta Theta Phi: Detroit Bar Assn. A{ember of North -frtoodrvard Ccn$egational Church. Clubs: Detroit CurIing, Meadorvbiook Countr'5'. Home: 829 Burlingame Ave. Palms, Charlcs Louis, Jr., realtor; b. Detroit, Oct. 28, lB98; son of Clrarles Louis and Isabclle (Walsh) Palms; educated Detroit University School; I'iewman Scbool, Lakewood, N. J.; Yale; manied tr[arion Mark Drvyer, June 21, 1924; three childlen. Associated with Wormer & Moot'e, realtors, Detroii; now Treasurer of Palms-Book Land Co.; appcinted by Standard Statistics Co. of New Yoi'k as represenLative in Detroit area for promotion of Standard Supervisory service, 1933. Illember: Country Club, Uiriversity Club, St. Vincent de Paul SocietY. Coilrolic. Home: 78 Lakeshore Rd., Grosse Pointe Farms. Office: 3600 Book Bldg. Pantazopoulog Andrerv V,, cditor and publisher; b. Ollmpia, Greece, Feb. 15, 1832; son of Vasil and Rubine (Nicolopules) Pantazopoulos; educated University of Athens (D.C.L., 1901).As editor and publisher of The Dctroit Grcek Tribunc (thc oldest and Iargest Gleck newspaper in Michigau), he has consistenily devoted hjnrself to the aid and betterment of the people of Greek descent, to become loyal American citizens, as.sisting them in organizing socially and politically' so as to better adjust thernselves in their adopted in Politics. Non-Partisan Country. Home: 90S1 Stanton St. Officc: 1214 Beaubten st.



Papendell, Bobert H, manufacturer; b. Germany, Df.ay 23, 1862; educat€d ln Gei'many, where he also lea,rned manuiacture of gcientitic instrurnents; ml+rried Amelia Scheu, of Germany, March 1886; children: Robert H., Jr., Ann (MIs. Iloward L. Emhoff). Came to America., 1888; employed in maktng of scientific and surgical lnstruments, rvorking 2 years with Sonderman; ln business cn ogn account since 1892; came to Detroit in 1908, and lncorporated The Scientific Instruments Co., of which he has slnce been presidenC; hls son and 6on-in-law, both World War veterans, are associated with hlm in business as vice-presideng and secretary-treasurer, respectively. Home: 1430 Nottingham Rd., cro.sse Polnte Park. Offlce: 535 W. Larned gt. Parker, V9alter Robert, ophthalmologist; b. Marine City, Mich., Ost. 10, 1866: son of Leonard Brooks and Jane (Sparrow) Parker; educated Michlgan Dlilitary Academy; Univ. of Mlehlgan (8.S. 1888), Univ. of Pennsylvanla (M. D. 1891); married \{argaret S. Watso4 of Evanston, IU., Dec. 28, 19fi. Practiced at Detroit since 1894; prof. of ophthalmolog'y, Univ, of M.ichigan, since 1905; consulting ophthalmic surgeon Harper, and Womens Hospitals. Ensingn, U. S. NaW, Spanlsh American War; Col., I\fedical Corps, U. 8. Army, World War. Member of Board of Ophthal. Baminations. lllember: (F.)A.C.S.; American Acaderny of Ophthal,; Society of the United Icngdom.. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Eletroit City, Detroit Country, University, Yondotega. Home: 1 Woodland PI., Grosse Pointe Village. ,Office: 1@6 David Whitney Bldg. Parkin-son, Davicl A., commerclal art; b. Thornbury, Ontario, March 28, 18?6; son of Joseph Croft and Emily (Bolton) Parkinson; educated Public and High Schcols, Ontario; Zanerian Art College, Columbus, Ohio; marrled Elinor Parks, of Columbus, July 11, 1901; children: Denman D., J. Hinor, Ently R. Commercial artis9 wiih Bucher Engraving Co., Cclumbus, 1898-99; then with Terry Engraving Co., Columbus, Va.n L€yen & Hensler, and Pcninsula Engraving Co., Detrolt, Eclipse and Central Engra,vlng compa-

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