ETRAK U Course 3 - Thresholds

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ETRAKUEducat i on Cour se3: Thr eshol ds

Cont ent s: Thr eshol ds-Def i ni t i on TypesofThr eshol ds&Feedback How t oSetTar get s, L i mi t s, &Thr ehol dWi ndows COURSEVI DEOS: WWW. ETRAK. TECH/ ETRAK-U

ETRAK U Educ at i on

www. et r ak. t ech/et r ak u

Cour se3:Set t i ng & Usi ng Thr eshol ds •Whati sat hr eshol d? -t hr eshol d( n. ) :t hemagni t udet hatmustbeex ceededf oracer t ai nr eact i ont ooccur -OnETRAKConnect , audi of eedback( beeporbuz z )i ndi cat eswhet herat hr eshol dhas beenr eachedorex ceeded. •Whyar et hr eshol dshel pf ul ? -Thr eshol dsguar ant eet hateachr epet i t i oni sper f or medt ot hest andar dsetbyyou, t hei nst r uct ororcl i ni ci an. •How doIsetat hr eshol d? -Sel ect“ New Sessi on”andsel ectmovementanddevi cel ocat i on. -Tapt hemeasur ementyouwoul dl i ket osetat hr eshol df orandaboxwi l lopen. -Ent erami ni mum val ue( ROM orspeed)youwoul dl i ket hej oi ntt or each. -I fyoudonotwantt hej oi ntt oex ceedar ange, i ncl udeamax i mum val ue. -Sel ect“ St ar tSessi on” . -I fat hr eshol di sr eached, i twi l ll i ghtupgr een. -I fat hr eshol di sex ceeded, i twi l lappearr ed.

Thr eshol d Di al ogueBox

MovementSt at s

Gr een: t hr eshol dr eached Red: t hr eshol dex ceeded

Fi nd ac c ompanyi ng vi deosatwww. et r ak. t ech/et r aku SETTI NG&USI NGTHRESHOL DS|1

ETRAK U Educ at i on

www. et r ak. t ech/et r ak u

Cour se3:Set t i ng & Usi ng Thr eshol ds( c ont i nued)

Fi nd ac c ompanyi ng vi deosatwww. et r ak. t ech/et r aku SETTI NG&USI NGTHRESHOL DS|1

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