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Widespread think deficiencies we see today keeping in mind that we not only need to supplement with zinc but delivered to the body in a highly absorbable form the third ingredient in and after all is pumpkin extract which is high in bio available think the fourth cause prostate problems is cadmium toxicity cadmium toxicity is actually Garcinia Cambogia Sensation related to think deficiency in the sense that low zinc levels cancause cadmium toxicity cadmium the toxic heavy metal commonly found in soft drinks seafood cigarette smoke plastics water softeners and other places cadmium can cause chronic fatigue hair loss high blood pressure arthritis impotence and of course prostate problems cadmium owes its unique ability to damage the prostate to its similarity to the element think now all beneficial elements have their toxic analog poisonous elements that the body mistakes for the beneficial ones this is due to similarities in the atomic radius and electrical charges certain elements that the body mistakes aluminum for magnesium lead for calcium mercury for Saline a.m. and cadmium for the link now the prostate need,

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