La Misión
Work Plan for the Design of Grupo La Misión’s Headquarters Miami, FL Volume 1 Issue 1
August 2013
Part of Project to Design a New Headquarters for Grupo La Mision Corona Self-Help Center / Drogadictos Anonimos 22540 Krome Ave, Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida 33170 By Quilian Riano, Lead Designer Nic Ter Meer, Assistance DSGN AGNC
La Misión
Work Plan for the Design of Grupo La Misión’s Headquarters Miami, FL Volume 1 Issue 1
August 2013
DSGN AGNC is working with the Corona Self-help Center (Drogadictos Anonimos) on a comprehensive research and design project for their La Mision group in Miami, Florida. This project will require the design of policy and social recommendations as well as housing, educational, production and meeting spaces.
ABOUT Drogadictos Anonimos
Pg. 4
LOCATION Homestead as a Site
Pg. 8
EXISTING Buildings / Processes
Pg. 14
PROJECT Vision for new designs
Pg. 26
BACKGROUND ON DROGADICTOS ANONIMOS Information about Drogadictos Anonimos, Corona Self-Help Center and Grupo La Mision
MISSION To rehabilitate people suffering from the consequences of substance use disorders, focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual condition as a whole; contributing to the individual’s social and family reintegration in a dignified and efficient way.
VISION To become a model program that continuously improves the recovery of drug addicts and establishes self-sufficient communitarian centers in areas of need.
HISTORY In 1982 at the “2nd International Congress of Alcoholics Anonymous 24 hours” in Mexico City several mothers, hopeless with their children’s addiction approached our founder, Mr. David Cervantes and asked him; why aren’t there more recovery options for drug addicts like those for alcoholics? This was the inspiration for a movement that would make an overwhelming difference on thousands of men, women and children who suffered from drug addiction. Drogadictos Anónimos A.C. , a grassroots self help organization was founded in 1983, becoming an effective alternative way to recovery from addiction, growing into a unique organization transcending frontiers and languages. Drogadictos Anónimos A.C. currently operates 34 facilities throughout Mexico serving over 4000 individuals and their families, following one simple principle of “One recovering addict helping another” offering a radical and spiritual impression on individuals who had not found the solution to their addiction. In 1999 a group of addicts that experienced firsthand the consequences of their addiction and initiated their recovery in one of our existing groups in Mexico City migrated to the United States. Once here in the U.S. together with other members in need of their own sustained recovery founded and incorporated The Corona Self-Help Center Inc. as a 501 (c) 3 Community based organization. Currently operating in high need areas were residents are exposed to high crime and poverty rates and the population’s primary language is Spanish like South Miami in Dade County Florida and Queens County in New York. Our two recovery residences in New York, “Grupo Manhattan” in Elmhurst, Queens and “Grupo El Rincon de la Vida” in Corona, Queens; and “Grupo la Mision” in Miami, Florida. The three facilities in the United States serve over three hundred men in their process of recovery.
RECOVERY PROGRAM As a foundation for our recovery program we use the 12 steps and self help program philosophy applying these principles intensively to maintain long term sobriety. We offer peer-based residence plus extended-care programming with an emphasis on recovery life skill development, overseen by professional volunteer staff. Guidance is provided toward the establishment of life and recovery sustaining activities (i.e., employment, self-help, physical health, etc.). Case management and clinical services are volunteered or accessed in the outside community. Onsite staff and peers promote and sustain the recovery environment. An average stay varies from 90 days to a year or more. Drogadictos Anonimos’ free services are; • • • • • • • • • •
Bi-lingual (Spanish & English) 24 hours 7 days a week on-sight support Crises intervention 12 step group meetings Individual Mentoring Food & Shelter Clothing & Medication Referrals to Vocational & ESL programs Outpatient and clinical referrals Recreational activities
3 PHASES OF PROGRAM Phase I: The individual is provided with free room & board, food, clothing and personal care items for an initial three month period. While they are in this intensive recovery phase they attend in-house 12 step meetings, workshops, a series of lectures, and the benefits of a structured sober environment. This allows a foundation for their recovery, based on the founding principles of our program. Phase II: at this phase they are offered the opportunity to continue with their recovery process using the same structure as the original phase. The Individual is invited to participate in our outreach program as well as our vocational and leadership development program. Phase III: Providing a slow and coordinated integration with family and society and under strict supervision adhering to the principles of the program. At this time the individual has reached a year in recovery and the members are assisted with transitional supportive housing needed in order to sustain sobriety and achieve independent living. Our members will continue to access the benefits of the continuum of care offered at DA. Our staff and volunteers run our operations 24 hours a day allowing individuals to access our services anytime of the day and night. Our self-help meetings are offered from 8 am to 11 pm seven days a week.
Miami International Airport to Grupo La Mision: 28 miles / 40 Minutes 11
INCORPORATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS Historical and Demographic Information about Homestead Location
BACKGROUND ON GRUPO LA MISION Historical and Demographic Information about Grupo La Mision
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF LA MISION MEMBER 6:30 AM-7:55 AM : Wake Up, Shower, Organize and clean rooms and patios. (If it is your cooking day you go to the kitchen after you shower) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM : Study of the Twelve Steps Meeting 9:30 AM - 10:25 AM : Breakfast and break 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Close Meeting ( Sharing of experiences) 12:00 PM - 12:25 PM break 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Close Meeting 2:00 PM - 3:25 PM Lunch, house cleaning and cigarette break 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Close Meeting 5:00 PM - 5:25 PM Break 5:30 PM - 700 PM Close Meeting 7:00 PM - 7:55 PM Dinner and break 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Close Meeting 9:30 PM - 10:25 PM Groups of Ten ( Personal Hygiene check up) 10:30 PM - 12:00 AM Close Meeting
DEMOGRAPHICS AGES 4 - 10’s 23 - 20’s 13 - 30’s 7 - 40’s 4 - 50’s Longest Person has been at La Mision for 14 years There are 8 people at La Mision for a few days 16 people speak only Spanish, 9 Only English -- Everyone else is Bilingual
CSHC purchased the property in March of 2012 obtaining financing from the seller. The property has a hostel and lodge use, licensed under “La Mision Hostel and Lodge’ with 12 rooms for 3 individuals, 1 room for 2 individuals and 1 room with one individual. Currently La Mision provides residential space for 39 members. Also there are 2 areas being used as office space and a fully functional kitchen area.
SITE PLAN Rendered Site Plan of Grupo La Mision’s Existing Buildings North 5ft
10ft 20ft
SITE PROGRAMS Rendered Site Plan of Grupo La Mision’s Existing Buildings North 5ft
10ft 20ft
Meeting Area
Storage / Work Area
Large Tree
Closet Kitchen
Kitchen Bedroom
Bedroom Greenhouse
Rest Area
BUILDING ELEVATIONS Rendered Building Elevations of Grupo La Mision’s Existing Buildings
10ft 20ft
South Facade
North Facade
West Facade 2
West Facade 1
East Facade 1
East Facade 2
DIGITAL MODELS Digital Models of Grupo La Mision’s Existing Buildings
Redesign the Fence
Remove Existing Foliage / Open Up Space
Design a Small Store/Engagement Area
Rethink all the Rooms
Remove Walls to Create Larger Rooms to Create Comfort and Add Beds Question Number of Bathrooms as well as Rooms
Move Office / Add Technology Room Remove Kitchen Move / Rethink Laundry Room / Hot Water Heater
Go Up Another Story for Housing
Move Kitchens To One Industrial Kitchen Rethink and Remove Walls to Create Large Meeting Area
Remove Alley
Create A Small Farm
Create Area for Large Outdoor Gatherings / Sports Area Open Up Building Into Farm
Storage Area / Large Roof Small Cafeteria
Open Up Building to Connect to Storage
Remove Alley
PROJECT PROGRAM SUMMARY For New Grupo La Mision Headquarter
Generally, the design of the new Grupo La Mision Campus will work around the principle of FLEXIBILITY and COMMUNITY. Meaning that all spaces should as open as possible to create a communal athmosphere. The spaces, however, should also be flexible and changeable to accommodate the many programs and sizes of groups that Grupo La Mision works with. The project program includes: • Addition of a second floor for housing • Expansion of kitchen area with eating area • Meeting space (Rec-room) for 50-60 individuals • Develop the green space • 3 workshop areas (including greenhouse area) • Non-denominational Chapel
DSGN AGNC @dsgnagnc