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Spring Highlights
1 | VOLUNTEERING AROUND THE JUKEBOX On March 6, The DSHA Forever Plaid Auction, 1950s edition, would not have been possible without a crew of student volunteers. Please join us in thanking these young women for giving of their time on this special night—all to help further the mission of DSHA. Pictured are four of the many Dasher volunteers from the event: Anissa Hernandez, DSHA ’22; Xitllali De La Torre-Sanchez, DSHA ’22; Sophia Rifelj-Hammernik, DSHA ’22; Samantha Flores, DSHA ’22.
2 | “MER-MAKING”A DIFFERENCE More than 150 students, faculty, staff, and others from the DSHA community streamed in and out of the Chris and John McDermott Gymnasium on the morning of February 21 to give blood, thanks to volunteers from Versiti. After giving blood, donors were able to enjoy juice, water, and snacks — including an ice cream bar — with the satisfaction of knowing they “mermade” a difference and saved lives. (Little did they know they’d be helping so many affected by COVID-19). Pictured, Megan Mikolajewski, DSHA ’20, donates blood with a smile.
3 | DUX FEMINA FACTI (WOMEN LEAD) Over 50 students from all different levels of the DSHA Latin program had much success at the Wisconsin Junior Classical League (WJCL) Latin Convention at the end of January. They spent days in classical competition and learning, winning first place in spirit and second place in points overall in the large school category. In addition, Ima Willoughby, DSHA ’23, placed in the top 10 for her scores on general Latin knowledge tests, and Camille Deslongchamps, DSHA ’21, was elected to the WJCL Board. Pictured, the group poses for a photo in their togas.
4 | CAREER EXPLORATION Sophomores and juniors were able to see confident, strong women in careers that fit their interests during Carla Olle, HA ’60, Career Day. The day started with a keynote address from Dr. Kristina Ropella, the dean of the Marquette University Opus College of Engineering, and then students were able to hear from alumnae and other females from the community—physicians, physical therapists, teachers, lawyers, those with communication professions, and so many more. The goal of the day was to help students explore their futures and see themselves in the professionals around them. Pictured, Therese Pickart, DSHA ’85, founder and owner of Pickart Dental, shares information about a career in dentistry with students.
5 | GIRLS + ROBOTS FIRST Team 1732, a robotics team made up of girls from DSHA and boys from Marquette University High School, qualified for the FIRST World Championships in Detroit at the end of April. The team placed second at the Midwest Regional Competition in early March, and ranked 4th out of 54 teams. There are 7 weeks of competitive play from late February through early April before the World Championship, and Team 1732 was about to start Week 3 events when further play was cancelled due to COVID-19. Pictured are the girls from DSHA on Team 1732. 6 | CELEBRATION OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS As a major part of its Catholic Schools Week celebration, DSHA celebrated Mass as a school community. Fr. John Burns presided over the Mass, which celebrated DSHA’s Catholic identity, values, and beliefs. Pictured, Kierra Pruitt, DSHA ’20, takes communion during the Mass.
Catholic Schools Week at DSHA also included Bible trivia, a collection day to purchase affordable feminine hygiene products for those in need, a seniors vs. staff basketball game, and a blessing for faculty and staff who were celebrating milestones at DSHA.
7 | A VOICE FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK More than a dozen DSHA students, Director of Salvatorian Service Stephanie Monson, and Dean of Student Affairs Ruby Brock traveled to Washington, D.C. at the end of January for the National March for Life. They joined tens of thousands of teens and adults who marched on Capitol Hill to protest abortion and honor the lives of the unborn. The night before the march, the DSHA group attended the national prayer vigil at the Basilica of the Immaculate Mary, with other youth, 300 priests, 40 bishops, and several cardinals to pray and celebrate Mass in preparation for the march.
8 | GR8 LENGTHS Claire Kuehn, DSHA ’20, was one of more than 100 students that had 8+ inches of hair cut as part of the annual Gr8 Lengths project. Hair was donated to the non-profit organization Children With Hair Loss, which provides hair pieces to hundreds of children who have hair loss due to various medical conditions. Thanks to members of the DSHA Student Council, who organized the event, and Studio 890 of Elm Grove and Brookfield, more than 1,000 inches of hair was donated!
9 | CALLED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE On February 28, the school community, including the school’s Salvatorian sisters and priests, held a celebration and blessing for the DSHA seniors, who were about to embark on Vocare. Vocare, a Latin word meaning “to draw forth” or “to call,” is a two-week service immersion experience and the capstone of a senior’s service experience at DSHA. Instead of attending school, the seniors served for two weeks at various service sites within the Milwaukee community — community outreach sites, and sites that cared for the elderly, those with special needs, and children. To read more about their Vocare journeys, visit dsha.info/voices.