DSM Publishing recommended read
The Real Secrets to your Six Figure Success
Start Your Very Own Internet Marketing Business!
By Samantha Milner www.dsm-publishing.co.uk The information contained in this publication is for reference only. The author and/or publisher are not liable for any losses, actions or liabilities that arise from reading or using any of the information contained in this publication. The reader/user is responsible for checking and adhering to any legal requirement pertaining to the use, downloading or any resultant action from any software versions arising from a link in this book. The author and /or publisher are not responsible for any broken links although we try our best to make sure the information contained herein is accurate.
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One of the hardest things to get to grips with when you start out on your internet marketing career is that if you put your mind to it the money can very easily follow.
It is VERY TRUE…. But at the very first time you need to put in the effort at the same time as this is the big difference. If you just plan and not do it will never happen. At the end of the day you need to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Maybe you have heard this comment a hundred times before and it might make you feel a little uncomfortable especially if you are a planner that has never put their plans into action. Through the large amount of emails that I receive I get a lot from people that are complaining that they have not made any money online. Yet they always tell me that the beginner e-books or reports are worthless to them as they know about everything mentioned in them. So I now end up asking them the next question….. How many products do you have on the internet right now? They will then reply that they don’t have any but they are thinking about products to launch. It is astonishing but many of them will have been working on a new product for months, sometimes even years. Even though it is very nice to see someone putting this amount of effort in it really isn’t necessary and these are the kind of people that will NEVER make a six figure salary from Internet Marketing. You have to remember that people are not paying you to work on products but to buy them. They are often after information products that are available in the public domain but they can’t actually be bothered to find it. They don’t want to spend hours looking for different things on Google when through purchasing it from an internet marketer they can actually have it in a flash.
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Products aren’t meant to be perfect in the internet marketing world it is not like a novel that you buy from a bookshop. It is so much better to get your product out there and if it requires any tweaking do it offline at the same time that you are creating sales online. I have products that have typos in them yet they earn me a fortune and by the time I had tweaked it over and over again I would have lost out on a lot of sales. Having the odd typo doesn’t actually matter if you have a well presented product and the information within it is what the reader is interested in. Several years ago I had a load of diet websites floating around the internet and I did very well from them (they still sell now) and I recall tweaking the sales page six months down the line and correcting the spelling and grammar mistakes. I was mortified when I realised that I had spelt remember wrong and it was in the first paragraph. There was about another four errors in the whole of the page and no one had complained yet my sales remained the same before and after. However one of my friend’s products had perfect grammar yet it was presented with such bad text and ugly fonts that it did a lot worse than mine.
Just get your product as perfect as you can and then get it out there…. Here is a run through of what happens with certain products we have that doesn’t have the biggest of subscriber lists: 1. Create a product and set up a sales page 2. The product goes out to our subscribers list 3. Some of the people from our list will buy and a four figure sum will plop into our PayPal account 4. About 3-4 complaints will come in about broken links, grammar or typing errors 5. I apologise for this and put right the errors
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6.I then send out a revised copy to everyone that has bought the ebook with a link to one of my other products at a reduced price as an extra apology Now what have I done….. A) Got my customers to proof read it for me for free B) Sent out an update along with another special offer This then results in even more PROFITS This may well annoy a lot of people but lots of internet marketers sell products that aren’t quite finished. Just think about the last e-book that you purchased was it really done or had you spotted a minor spelling error or even a dead link. At the same time you do not want to be selling a load of crap it has to be valuable information that people want just with the odd spelling mistake that you haven’t got around to fixing. In this business there is no such thing as perfect and you should remember that before you spend a whole day just messing around with your product rather then getting it live on the internet. So what should YOU sell? Well this is a pretty straight forward answer – anything that can solve a problem to the reader of the product. You could write about the driving traffic through to your Blog and those that are struggling to maintain Blog Traffic will grab it as fast as lightening. I never enter markets that have no competition or that aren’t established. Just because I think to myself there are a lot of other marketers out there so why isn’t if being tapped into? Most of the time I draw my own conclusions and decide that the market is dead in the first place. Remember to sell what other people sell because IT SELLS. PUT THE TIME IN ©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
If you could trade 3 hours a day for a six figure salary then you have it made. You need to put the hours into your business otherwise you are not going to see any rewards at all. We are not talking the silly jobs associated with internet marketing either. Forget spending hours searching forums, posting on Twitter or planning your online jobs. We are talking proper action here posting on your Blog, creating products, building sales pages and publishing articles. Your main thought should always be the sales, I appreciate that other things need to be done but this is what you should be focusing on. You see this is why so many internet marketers outsource on a lot of their jobs, this way they can spend all the time on the tasks that matter and bring in the most money. Now here is the method that you should follow in order to create your successful six figure income…. The first thing you need to do is to choice your market, in general this should take you about half a day. Simply find out what is selling in your chosen niche and go from there. Just remember that if other people are selling it then there IS a market. Look at the make money online niche for a moment: Think about what all the big Gurus are selling, it is all the same as what is already on the market but it just has a fancy title. It could be about driving traffic, Adwords, Adsense, building an online business or even some kind of online software. I often buy these products and you have to remember that very little of it is new information but old stuff that has been re-written or with a different slant on it. They don’t need to research the market as it already exists. Go and view the websites of some of your favourite online marketers and you will see what I mean. The truth is that this is what we do but most of all it works!
©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
The difference though between the other information available on the internet is that I show the readers how it worked for me with real life examples. It is like I am reviewing it all the way through my e-book and that is what appeals to my customers as they like the honesty and the fact that the system that they are buying into is proven. The best place to start in finding products is by heading over to ClickBank and seeing what the top selling items in your niche are. Then check out forums in the niche and then you can see exactly what people are asking. Then answer those questions and you have a product. Then go and create another product from the same answers, give it a fancy title and sell it in a different format i.e. MP3. Once you have done put your own personal slant on it you could even: o o o o
Interview Experts, victims Write about success stories Include screenshots Use the content from related articles
Then put it into a word processor and convert it to PDF and you has your own workable product I know this may sound like a daft way to go about it but it really does work! There are only three things standing in your way:
1. The knowledge of how to build your own profitable mailing list – as this is where your income can really grow – This is not a problem try out www.listsneakiness.com 2. Having people to sell to – this is not a big deal once you start building your own list like you can find out about in point 1. 3. You’re scared – of doing something wrong or someone not liking the product that you have put together. Yes this is a risk that you need to take and so what if a couple of people don’t like it, to make money online you need to accept a certain amount of fear.
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Once you have got rid of these three points it will seem like taking a walk in the park and not having a care in the world. Then once you have cracked these points you need to….. Sell it to your market again and again and again! Which is another of my big hints to build a list and if you haven’t started building a list you should start right now. To build one the perfect place to start is with Aweber I have used them for years and they offer a great service. If you are not certain about starting a mailing list you should remember that: The easiest sales are from existing customers The second easiest is someone that is on your list that has received an automated email from you and already trusts you If they buy from you once they will probably buy from you again This is when it is the perfect time to come back with one time offers, subscriber deals, and upsells or even affiliate links. I even send them to one of my special offers pages before they have even verified their email address. Then after they have signed up they get an email from me every four days that way I am constantly offering them my products or other peoples. This is the ideal way to run a mailing list as it is adding to your income time and time again. Some people go wrong by constantly offering high ticket items to their list thinking that this is the only way for them to make money online. Well from my own experiences this does very rarely work! Most of my offers that I send out to my list are for amounts such as $9, $12 or $19 and whenever I believe that an offer isn’t as good as some of my others I will even offer it to them for $5. Through following these methods I have created myself with $50,000 over the past five months alone.
©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
I have also had endless products online via master resale rights that I have bought that sell for $3 each and make me an absolute killing year after year. If you want to make $297 instead spread it over a year and offer a monthly billing product instead and charge $27 a month. I have done it for many years and it works an absolute treat. This also allows those on lower incomes that can’t necessarily afford the $297 price tag the chance to take up my product. The best point to mention in this report though is the need to make your system automated. You are building a long term business not just one website that is to make you a limited income. You want to have the ability to create a website, build a product, stick a payment button on it, and promote it and then move on to the next knowing that the previous product requires no further work. With your autoresponder that you have set up you want to be sending out messages in the long term. The four day rule works perfectly as it goes out on a different day each time and people don’t mind receiving a message from you twice a week. As many internet marketers bug them every day with sales pitches you can offer a much better service. You don’t even need to give them a sales pitch just stories about your own successes and failures with a special offer within your signature. No matter what you do you have to expect to get some nasty unsubscribe messages I got one about a month ago telling me in obscene language to stop spamming them after a month of messages. When if they didn’t want to be part of it all they had to do was press on the unsubscribe link at the bottom. Obviously I wasn’t going to waste my energy doing it for them and about a month later they unsubscribed on there own. I have many niches were all I have is two products my own and my opt-in product. So when they join my mailing list they’ll get the usual advice that I provide along with affiliate links as I don’t have enough of my own products to do it any other way. Another alternative is to set up long term JV partners as the list owner and the partners will love this as they are not just getting a quick blast but a long term business arrangement. ©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
Internet marketing can be one big learning curve and you will be hit with problems every day in your business. Yes some will be really small but others will be big and you need to deal with them. Once you have found a way around them you will feel much better and it will become something in your business history that you learnt about. You could even put pen to paper if you work in the make money online niche showing how you solved the problem so that your subscribers don’t have the same issue. All you need to make your money online is the knowledge to deal with the product you don’t actually need to be an expert in it and that is where so many new internet marketers go wrong. People have a big habit of giving up on their online business when they are hit with a major hurdle rather than challenging it and hitting it head on. Take building websites as an example some people will totally avoid learning how to use the most basic website programs and instead will end up paying over the odds to use an installed web builder with their hosting provider. At the end of the day you need to take responsibility for learning the things that you need to know to have a successful online business. We are not talking a lot of things just a few here and there. Another useful tip is to stick to what you planned. Don’t be going off and do something completely different as you will never end up finishing what you first set out to achieve. Think about that relative that loves to do the renovating on his house but moves on from one job to another and a year down the line still hasn’t completed the very first task. You also need to stick to your methods for the same amount of time. Think of it as an experiment that way you can see what brings you the most traffic and which you need to leave or take on outsourcers to finish. Don’t be too obsessed with what people are trying to sell you as otherwise you will end up spending all the money that you have earned on products that you don’t actually need.
©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
It is also worthwhile being on a few mailing lists that way you can get a feel of what works and you can discover what people are talking about right now. You can subscribe to mine at www.samanthamilner.com The truth is that I have built up a decent quality mailing list and this has provided me with my six figure income. The truth is it is not the biggest of mailing lists but because I have decent sales pages and offer quality products to my list the numbers on the actual lists don’t matter. I have a list in one of my pet niches with just 100 names on it yet it still makes me a good amount of money every year. If I had just this list I wouldn’t be satisfied but when you combine lots of lists from different niches together it all adds up. You see the secret to internet marketing is to have lots of different income streams. Even if they are just worth $50 it doesn’t matter because they are automated and having 10 of them will make you a really good salary. You have probably heard something similar to this before but the truth is it works – that is the roots to an online business. The more products you have the bigger your income will become just like the more people you have on your mailing list the more zeros you can add on to your yearly wage. Like a lot of things in life it is a numbers game…. My one time offer during sign up costs $19 and if 10 buy a week that is $190. This over a year on its own brings in $9,880. This is a clear example of a website that is doing nothing and as people are signing up from all over the place the figures will generally be better than this. Then when you add to this your four day offers it is very easy to turn it into a six figure salary in no time at all. This will probably seem like a lifetime away to most of you. I remember when I first cracked the $1500 a month and then the $3000 it seemed like huge record amounts but when you do it gradually you don’t really notice it that much. ©2005-2009 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk www.myeasyonlinepay.com
It is like the new car that you spent a year saving up for. At the time you could never have imagined yourself in it and when the car arrives you worship it. However a few weeks down the line you forget what all the fuss was about in the first place. Now I have shown you these ideas in order for you to achieve the same you need to put them into action. You may think well everyone is reading this and will do the same, but the big sad fact is that they won’t. A good 90% will do nothing with the information and it is the lucky 10% that will actually gain from it. The big question is though – do you want to be part of the 90 or the 10? And that’s it! So hop to it and start it now – you’ve got nothing to lose! Good Luck Samantha X www.dsm-publishing.co.uk If you liked this report why not check out our Blog that gives great real ideas and techniques in order for you to break into internet marketing: http://www.myeasyonlinepay.com
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