Ba ll Sta te Un ive r sity Co lle g e o f Ar ch ite ctu r e a n d P l anni ng Gr a d u a te Po r tfo lio F a ll 2 0 1 2 - Sp r in g 2 0 1 4
AERO Architecture AR C H 601 - Fall 2 0 1 3 Pr ofessor Ha rry E g g ink
N a t u r a l Dis a s t e r Re s p o n s e : G l o b a l Dis a s t e r Se a rc h a n d Re s c u e M odule
Pr oject Feat u r e d I n :
The Global Disaster Search and Rescue Module is a new alternative to the traditional search and rescue operations. Utilizing existing aviation technology and products, these modules provide search and rescue teams with everything they need to operate in a post-disaster situation. Due to the existing engineering capabilities, these modules are designed to withstand extreme conditions including the potential after effects of a disaster. With the frequency of natural disasters increasing, these modules would be stationed around the world to be ready at a moments notice. The Global Disaster Search and Rescue Modules will make the jobs of rescuers easier, therefore saving more lives faster.
*all logos are property of their respective companies
Integrated photovoltaics (PV’s) are deployed using existing aviation flap pneumatics. These PV’s are capable of allowing the modules to be self sufficient in terms of power.
Carbon Fiber
The new 787 Dreamliner utilizes carbon fiber technology in its fuselage design. Due to the light-weight nature of this technology, these modules would be drastically lighter than any predecessor.
The frequency in which natural disasters occur has increased drastically over the last few years. The Global Disaster Search and Rescue Modules would be staged at locations around the world to aid in reducing rescue response times.
Mecanum Wheels
This innovative wheel design allows for ultimate maneuverability. The mobile units can perform more complex search and rescue operations due to the agile ability of the steering.
Dynamic Shock Absorber
After a natural disaster the terrain is typically highly altered. These dynamic shock absorbers allow the sensitive equipment on board to be protected from driving and any possible after shocks.
The 787
The modules utilize retired airplane parts to help minimize the waste stream. These modules feature parts from the fuselage, interior, and wings.
Global Disaster Search and Rescue Module
Mobile Module Plug-n-Play
The mobile modules of the Global Disaster Search and Rescue unit feature plug-nplay technology. This technology allows for each unit to be customized based on the disaster it is responding to. These plug-n-play units come pre-loaded with all the necessary tools and are housed with the modules in storage.
3D Printing
This printing technology will allow rescue personnel to quickly and easily print studies of dangerous situations before putting themselves in harm’s way.
Autonomous Drones
Immediately upon arrival, autonomous drones are released to survey the environment. They feed back valuable information to search teams to allow for more efficient operations.
RV Storage
Storage bays allow for large amounts of cargo to be deployed in the field. These bays collapse for easy transportation.
Personnel Storage
Laser Scan | 3D Print
Search Dog
Command Post Module
Unit Transportation
The Global Disaster Search and Rescue Modules are transported together and with all accessories securely stored. The units can either be air-lifted in by a helicopter or the units conveniently fit in the existing Dreamlifter airplane. This flexibility allows for easy and quick deployment in any disaster situation. Once stationed all accessories are deployed and the mobile units drive off to survey the disaster.
Laser Scanning Drones
Laser scanning drones are deployed in every disaster situation. They feature high-definition capabilities along with 3D laser scanning technology. The images captured provide the search teams with a detailed three-dimensional model of the disaster zone. These drones are autonomous and communicate amongst themselves to provide detailed information back to the command post.
Communication Tower
As the hub of the search and rescue operation, the command post’s communication tower is a crucial element. It allows for efficient and effortless communication amongst teams.
Airline Lavatory
Utilizing existing airline technology allows for easy operation. These lavatories are amongst the most efficient in terms of space and can operate smoothly for the longevity of the module.
Airline Bed Seating
To better conserve space in the command module, existing airline seating is utilized. This seating is already designed to fold flat for sleeping, so it can serve as a place to relax along with a place of rest for the rescue teams.
3D Printed Model
I ndia n a p o l i s M u s e u m o f Ar t AR C H 501 - Fall 2 0 1 2 Pr ofessor B ra d S mith
I n s t i t ut e f o r M a k in g [ IM A | IF M ]
The new Institute for Making at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, [ IMA | IFM ] in the 100 Acres Park will help support an annual 1-year fellowship. The building is designed to house and showcase the work of the fellow during his or her stay. The first floor includes ample display space along with a lecture facility. The second floor provides the fellow studio space to design and create his or her original works of art. Above on the third floor, there is private living space provided for the fellow. This building provides a destination as the visitors enter the park, and allows them to learn about both the art and the artists.
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan
Northeast Perspective
Building Skin
Site Plan
North Elevation
East Elevation
South Elevation Section Perspective
West Elevation
Honeysuckle, an invasive species to the 100 Acres Park, provides visitors natural beauty to be seen while exploring the woods. This beauty was abstracted in the form of the [ IMA | IFM ] through both its “invasive� skin and structural columns. Visitors to the building can experience the invasiveness through three of these columns.
2013 S o l a r D e c a t h l o n
AR C H 402 - S p rin g 2012 Pr ofessor Mich e le Chiu ini G r oup P roje ct with Je ff Th o rn b e rry
T h e U so lia n Ho me
The Usolian Home, inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian Homes, is a solar powered household capable of responding to natural disasters in the Midwest. The design allows the home to be shipped in two modules, which meet against the core wall, a limestone panel system that cuts through the home. The first module, the base unit, would be shipped immediately to respond to a disaster situation while the second can be delivered at a later date to transition the relief unit into a permanent dwelling. Large overhangs protect the south façade from solar gain during the months that require cooling, yet allow the winter sun to heat the home. The top layer of clerestory windows contains a light diffusing insulation that allows for daylighting while reducing energy loss. By using the sun’s energy to operate without a connection to the grid, the Usolian Home is capable of responding quickly to a natural disaster, while allowing a family to comfortably transition into a permanent dwelling.
Transportation and Site Assembly
Usolian Home Features
SEPT. 21
DEC. 21
Floor Plan
West Elevation
South Elevation
East Elevation
Net Z e r o I n f i l l H o u s e
AR C H 401 - Fall 2 0 11 Pr ofessor Jo n a than S p o d e k
Urban Reinvestment: Net Zero Infill House
In order to achieve Net Zero status, this home features many different advanced systems. Utilizing insulated concrete forms (ICF) for construction allow for an airtight home. ICF construction provides many benefits including: energy efficiency, termite protection, stronger construction during storms, and a unique aesthetic from within. Other systems featured in the design are both a photovoltaic (PV) array as well as a solar water heating system. Along with the energy efficient geothermal system, these will all allow for lower energy bills for the homeowner. Each room of the home receives ample daylight. This allows the homeowners to navigate throughout the home without turning on lights. Combined with the unique stair light-monitor, this home features plenty of daylighting. This Net Zero home serves as a great example of what is possible for the future.
Upper Floor
Main Floor Site Plan
Radiant Floor System Winter Solstice
Summer Solstice
“BIPV” PV System
Solar Water Heating
ICF Wall Block
Geothermal Loop
I nt er n s h i p
Decemb e r 2 0 1 2 - Ju n e 2013 Andy Hine, Mike E ngle d o w, B ria n Ma d e r
a r c D ESIGN I n d i a na p o lis , In d ia n a
arcDESIGN is a firm specializing in corporate, higher education, research, religious, and healthcare design. Combining architecture, interior design, and planning provide clients with a complete package when searching for design services. Through the use of BIM technologies, arcDESIGN remains on the cutting edge of design possibilities. “Daniel has been extremely valuable to arcDESIGN throughout his internship. He has been acting as the project architect on several projects involving renovation and additions. He has proved to be extremely thorough, detailed and able to perform with minimal oversight. He has even led a few Owner meetings, with success. I feel that upon graduation, Daniel will be able to provide immediate benefit to an architectural firm. He has already shown that he is fully capable of operating effectively as a graduate architect and through experience with materials, design, and construction methods, Daniel will be a tremendous architect.� -Brian A. Mader, AIA Principal arcDESIGN
Mainstreet Property Group
The Mainstreet concept provides a new approach to the traditional nursing home. These new properties are designed to serve the Baby Boomer generation. In order to better keep up with the growing demand for senior living, arcDESIGN works at a very rapid pace through the projects. arcDESIGN has completed or is in the process of designing facilities in Avon, Crawfordsville, Kokomo, Clarksville, South Bend, Merrillville, Hobart, Crown Point and Dyer.
The Journey Church
arcDESIGN was tasked with designing a small modification to the existing church. Many existing condition issues were present during the design phase including a complicated roof drainage condition. A small proposal was created to deal with the existing issues and to provide imagery to present to the zoning commission for construction approval. The images provided successfully passed zoning and are now being used by the church for fundraising purposes.
Mall Proposal
arcDESIGN was tasked with creating some quick images to convey possible modifications to a mall facade for a new tenant. These images were created from a simple concept sketch provided by the mall owner in a matter of a business day. The images were provided to the mall marketing team to assist in conveying their design intent for the new tenant.
Corporate Headquarters
When looking to build a new corporate headquarters, this client approached arcDESIGN. In order to visualize the new design concept, a sketch was created by a designer in the office. This study model was generated from the one sketch to assist in the visualization. The sketch, model, and planning study were presented to the client for review and approval.
IU Health Cardiovascular Consolidation
This project started off as a small office and clinic renovation. The client initially desired a few modifications to a new suite within the hospital. The project quickly changed pace to become an expedited remodel of the entire suite. A full set of construction documents was created in a matter of weeks to facilitate the rapid pace of the project.
I nt er n s h i p
Sum mer 2012 Diana B renner, FA IA IIDA LE E D-A P
B r e n n e r De s ig n I n d i a na p o lis , In d ia n a
Brenner Design is a firm involved in the design and construction of innovative buildings, interior spaces, and livable communities. The firm specializes in architecture, interiors, and construction management with projects focusing in financial, government, healthcare, higher education, historical preservation, and many more. Their knowledge of the entire design and construction process helps to guide their clients through all aspects of a project. Brenner Design is a woman owned business which has qualified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise as well as a Women Business Enterprise (DBE/WBE). The firm, which must be at least 51 percent owned by a minority or women, is currently the largest woman owned architectural firm in the state.
Private Residence
A critical step to the design process is allowing the client to easily visualize the proposed design. This rendering was created to allow the interior designers in the firm to quickly present proposed changes to the existing home and the new design. The rendering was not only used in client meetings but also for coordination and decision making within the firm.
Hotel Renovation >>
The firm was tasked with presenting a series of proposals for a hotel re-model. The client sought multiple iterations of interior design decisions, and this is one of the proposed renderings. Before the final rendering was created, the rendering was used as a design tool within the firm. The interior designers utilized it to make key design decisions that lead to the final outcome.
in verde D
N ,
I nt er n s h i p
Sum mer 2011 & 2 0 1 0 M ac W illia ms, L E E D-A P
I N V E RDE De s ig n , L L C. F i s h e rs , In d ia n a
Combining architectural and engineering training, INVERDE specializes in residential design and the use of ‘green’ strategies for both new construction and renovation projects. INVERDE’s services are an ideal match for clients who are interested in building a beautiful, healthy, thoughtful home that is also capable of reducing its impact on the environment. Building a green home benefits both the homeowner and the environment. Green homes use less energy, water, and natural resources, are generally more comfortable, and are healthier places to live. Emphasis is placed on energy performance in balance with natural lighting, views, indoor air quality, and a complementing aesthetic. Green homes can also follow a formal certification process to clearly establish green goals and objectives and verify achievement.
J.Cole Barn
When this client first approached INVERDE Design seeking a home design proposal, he wanted his new home to reflect the design of the pre-existing barn on his property. In order for the design team to move forward, a computer simulated visualization of the existing barn was necessary. This and many other renderings were used to assist the design team in making key decisions regarding the future home.
J.Cole Residence
Once the renderings of the barn were created, the design team at INVERDE Design was able to move forward into schematic design phase. The homeowner was having a difficult time visualizing the proposed concept, so these preliminary massing renderings were created. These renderings allowed both the design team and the client to learn about the concept and improve the proposed design.
Webb Front Porch
The design team at INVERDE Design initially proposed a unique detached front porch concept. Although construction on the home was already in progress, the design of the front porch was still a concern to the homeowners. They were not able to visualize what this unique concept was going to look like. This and many other renderings were quickly generated to allow them to see the proposed design.
green building design solar + wind integration
From Design To Construction
Multiple renderings were generated from construction documents to allow the homeowners to visualize the design concept. These renderings were presented to the client at the construction site. It was during this meeting that the client approved the design to be built as a permanent fixture at their residence.
Con t r a c t Wo r k
Sum mer 2010 How ard W. Levitin, MD Pr esid e n t/CE O
D Q E , In c . H a z M at De c o n Pla t f o rm
DQE Inc. is a 20-year-old company that provides practical products and expert support that improves the safety and readiness of the emergency response (fire, EMS, and emergency management) and healthcare community. Our new product ideas originate from multiple sources. The US Department of Navy approached DQE with an offer to license a product to use that they developed for their internal hazardous materials response team. Before seeking out an engineering/manufacturing firm, we needed to visually determine if our proposed product enhancements were feasible and if they had market appeal. “Daniel produced a 3-D visual prototype with engineered enhancements that was not only professional and detailed, but nearly 100% on the mark. He beat our expectations in terms of design, deadlines and budget. We met with several engineering firms who commended us on our excellent design work. When we told them that an architectural undergraduate did this work they were impressed (and so were we).� -Howard W. Levitin, MD President/CEO DQE,Inc.
<< Prototype Renderings
Multiple renderings were created of the proposed design solution. These renderings were developed to allow the company to see if the product had market appeal and to assist in obtaining investment funds for the project. The company hoped to have a market release in 2012. An informational pamphlet was also designed to be used in multiple company presentations.
Manufacturing Set >>
In order to obtain the patent rights and perform the proper cost estimates, a full detailed manufacturing drawing set was developed. Every piece was dimensioned and detailed with notes to assist a metal fabricator in properly analyzing the proposed design. These drawings were also taken to several engineering firms for analysis.