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Increasingly, stakeholders are interested not only in what we do, but how we do it. Strong governance is essential to deliver our Purpose of ‘Redefining Packaging for a Changing World’ and vision of being the leading supplier of sustainable packaging solutions. We are committed to maintaining strong governance, accountability and reporting.
Our people actively contribute to realising our Purpose of Redefining Packaging for a Changing World, moving the Group towards its vision of being the leading supplier of sustainable packaging solutions. In doing so, sustainability is placed at the heart of our business, uniting our functions, divisions, sites and teams across the world. By nurturing respect, care and ownership, empowerment to lead change and a sense of pride in our strong performance, we have created a culture where everybody can contribute diverse ideas that often become shared ways for how we do business.
Alignment with international frameworks The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set a clear agenda for tackling the challenges of our changing world. Throughout this report we have set out in detail how our Purpose, circular business, Now and Next sustainability strategy and sustainable packaging contribute to these goals. Alignment and cooperation internationally are essential to achieving our Purpose and we align with the following international standards: • United Nations Global Compact • United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child • International Labour Organization Eight
Fundamental Conventions • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Following the United Nations Principle 15 of The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, we apply the precautionary principal to reduce our impact on the environment. This is also applied in our assessment of risk and our approach to data and reporting.
Governance of sustainability
Our culture is led by our leadership, where our Group Operating Committee (GOC), the Group Chief Executive’s management board for leading Group-wide priorities, includes sustainability at the heart of its agenda. Accountability ultimately lies with the Group Chief Executive and sustainability risks, opportunities and strategy are considered by the Board of Directors as core to the Group’s operations. These are reviewed monthly by the Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability (HSES) Committee. Topics discussed this year included: • Now and Next progress • Strategic assessment to achieve Net Zero and adoption of a 1.5°C science-based target • Circular economy • Government affairs and policy development • Community affairs • Biodiversity projects • ESG ratings performance The governance organogram describes the structure of governance in place for sustainability.
Governance of ESG reporting
In 2021/22, we established a new organisation in Group Finance to lead the production of non-financial reporting. We designed an ESG Reporting Governance Framework to enhance controls relating to non-financial information to govern non-financial information and reporting processes. See our basis of preparation, in DS Smith ESG Databook 2022, for detail about the approach we take to reporting ESG information, including definitions and methodologies. Sustainability governance structure
Including related committees, e.g. Audit Committee Receives regular progress updates and approves substantial strategic decisions
Chaired by the Group Executive, this management committee of the Group Operating Committee (GOC) reviews sustainability performance, processes and strategies and monitors compliance with responsibilities and commitments, and approves strategic decisions
Sustainability Leadership Team (SUSLT)
Chaired by the Director of Corporate Affairs, this is a cross-divisional and multi-functional group with Director-level membership from multiple divisions, which leads the delivery of our Now and Next Sustainability Strategy
Group Sustainability, Government and Community Affairs Team (Corporate Affairs)
Led by the Head of Sustainability, Government and Community Affairs, this team partners with the business to deliver Now and Next, furthers our Government affairs agenda and runs our Community Programme Group ESG Reporting Team (Finance)
Led by the Group Financial Controller, this team produces non-financial information, providing governance and assurance, and partnering with the business to produce insightful ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting, supporting the business in meeting non-financial reporting commitments
Divisional and Functional Leadership
Receives regular progress updates and consulted on decisions related to their areas of oversight
Sustainability Network
Drives delivery of progress in their respective areas of oversight, e.g. SMI (Sales, Marketing and Innovation), FSC, sustainable procurement Project teams
Horizontal collaboration platforms to launch initiatives, progress delivery and resolve challenges, e.g. SBT/Net Zero, circular design, plastic replacement, community engagement Sites
Holds operational -lead responsibility for implementation including HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)