David Stone Design Portfolio

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das@clemson.edu davidandstone.com

Packaging Product architecture sketch

Pyrotech Hot Sauce Graphics and Packaging, 2012

Master Design Studio Business Identity, 2010

Packaging World Magazine Clemson Advertisement, 2013

Cruisin With Tunes

Iphone Amplifier, 2013

Real Nice Chair Back Furniture Design, 2012

Mista Moore Bobblehead 3D Print/Package Design, 2013

Farming in the Trees Vertical Farm, 2012

The Inflatable Forest Inflatable Architecture, 2013

Education for Organic Growth Boarding School, 2011

The Douglas House Ink Drawing, 2011

Travel Sketches Various Media, 2011


Hot Sauce Brand Identity Silver Medal of Excellence in “flexography college category� for the FTA Awards David Stone//Trey Reidmeyer//Drew Holmes // Fall 2011

Pyrotech Hot Sauce is a packaging project focused on creating a product brand that utilized four different package substrates. The centralized theme was to create an explosive, classy sauce that appealed to all ages. A hot sauce that is so hot and classy that it will burn the top hat right off your head.

Flexible, Corrugated and Paperboard packages.

Too Hot to Handle

Pyrotech Hot Sauce is a packaging project focused on creating a product brand that utilized four different packages substrates. The centralized theme was to create an explosive, classy sauce that appealed to all ages. A hot sauce that is so hot and classy that it will burn the top hat right off your head.

Flexible Package: Hot Sauce Packets

Variety Pack

Detonator Carrying Case The detonator carrying case has a dynamite detonating handle that raises and lowers when you carry the case. (Pyrotech is not responsible for explosions that may occur during transport.)

“Ever since the beginning of time, pyrotech hot sauce has


the knickerbockers,

toasted the top coats, and sizzled the skirts of each and every taste bud in your mouth.� -Pyrotech Mission Statement

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV packaging emporium

what packages in vegas stays in vegas

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV design for the future

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV

CU there.

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV packaging emporium

what packages in vegas stays in vegas

c-151 pack expo Las Vegas, NV design for the future

Design Iterations

Final Advertisement


PackagingWorld Magazine September 2013 Issue

Advertisement for Clemson PackExpo booth featured in Packaging World Magazine. Each year Clemson hosts a 2000+ sq ft booth conducting multiple consumer packaging studies.

MASTER DESIGN STUDIO Business Identity 2012 // Charleston, SC

Master Design Studio is a family owned piano business that focuses on teaching, tuning, and performing. The client wanted an identity that reflected the timeless aesthetic of the piano along with the religious beliefs of the company.

Master Design Studio


r o f r e P

Stephen Stone

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Logo Design







Piano Business Card The business card can be given in two different forms; unfolded and folded. Folding the card results in the shape of a piano so the client can leave behind his card after having tuned a piano.

CRUISIN WITH TUNES Product/Package Design Instructor: Andrew Hurley Summer 2013

I have always wanted an efficient and safe way to listen to music while riding my bike. Cruisin With Tunes was the result of this desire, allowing the user to listen to their iphone on a bike while stilll being aware of everything going on in the environment around them.


The concept came about through a few occasions where I was riding home from class with my iPhone playing out my shirt pocket. After discovering it was illegal to wear headphones while riding a bike, I figured there had to be a way to mount the iphone to a bike. That idea combined with a gramophone bottom turned in to Cruisin With Tunes.

Preliminary Sketches

3D Printed Concepts

Attaches to bike via a 1.8� wide strap. Once secured, cruisin with tunes is only a bike ride away!

Secure fit ensures Iphone safely sits on your handlebars no matter how hard you are groovin’.

Whoa! All these colors are far out!

The gramophone shape amplifies the sound coming from the bottom speakers of the Iphone and projects it at the rider allowing them to groove while they cruise.


Cruisin with tunes

Mista Moore Bobble Head Class wide project//Leader of Packaging the Product Instructor: Andrew Hurley Summer 2013

This was a class wide project to design and package a bobble head action figure. The bobble head was modeled, molded for vacuum forming, and packaged in a paperboard container. Rocking Ritmok Guitar and Schmencon Cap included.

Final Package



3D Printed Bobblehead


Chair Back.

By: David Stone//Evan Goodwin


Sketches by David Stone and Evan Goodwin

THE REAL NICE Chair back design came through the lack of back support provided by the studio chairs in Lee Hall. Our focus was to create a stool back that was elegant, efficient, and ergonomical. Multiple iterations led to a design that could be cut out of a single piece of 47”x 8” piece of 10 gauge metal. The arms bend up and easily attach to the stool base, ready to create the most relaxing chair back you’ve ever experienced.

Final Design Specifications 1"

5" 6"

Model: Evan Goodwin






Objective : Save your back from imminent doom! Mass Production Costs : 1: $255 2: $141 5: $72 25: $35 50: $31 100: $29 Inspiration


Origami Felt Chair Left Side Elevation

Plan View Flat Pack Zip Tie Chair

ARTIFICIALLY ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE Evolo Skyscraper Competition Instructor: Martha Skinner

Fall 2012 In the year 2200, Artificially Organic Architecture will essentially grow living structures to be inhabited by humans. Building structure is no longer a quick assembly but instead a natural process which takes its time to grow and thrive within its environment.

A.O.A artificially organic architecture Farming in the Trees

This process begins by combining the knowledge of an architect and a plant geneticist. The architect designs the structure using parameters dictated by the mathematical equations that already exist within nature. Once the architect formulates the design, it is then programmed by a plant geneticist into a seedling organism which carries the genetic coding of natural growth but with the intelligence and structure of a building. These structures can be planted in any environment around the world to create spaces for every function. This example of A.O.A is located in the heart of downtown Chicago where it provides both a natural environment to reside in and farming space for food to be grown locally.

The Growth Process

The process begins by planting the seedling organism’s in exact locations depending on program and necessity. While growing the organism is not inhabitable due to its malleability. Once the organism has completed growing, it becomes structural through a hardening process that alters its cellular structure for carrying loads. 3 years

1 year 30’

6 years

Farms Structure and Circulation

Habitable Space


Residential Interior Garden


Interior Garden Market Interior Garden Restaurant

Rendered Plans with Structure Circulation Stem Structure Stem 13th Level

1st Level

Water/Recycle Stem

23th Level

33rd Level


In order to allow for program within the organism, the functions of the structure are split in to three different seeds which inherently grow on one another for structural support. Once planted, the seeds naturally germinate and grow based on their proximity to one another. The process from seed to structure can take up to 6 years depending on the size and complexity dictated by its parameters.

Structural Seedling

Water/Recycle Seedling

Circulation Seedling

Seed Organism

Cellular Structure

The structural stems provide a core that allows for HVAC functions and a denser outer layer for added strength. HVAC

Stem Structure

This core creates space for and function necessities to be run throughout the structure.

Structural Core

The cellular structure allows for water and waste capillaries.

Water Capillaries Water rises throughout the stems using capillary action. This provides water for the farms and inhabitants. Aside from providing water the stems return water clearer than before to its original source

Waste/Recycle The waste produced by farms and humans interconnect for composting and recycling.

The core of the circulation stem creates a channel to place the transportation pod.

Transportation Pods Using pneumatic power, the transportation pods can move users from the bottom to the farms using varying air pressure for rising and descending.

Farming in the Trees

The leaf like structures for the farms are dedicated to organic farming which is a concept rooted in Japan. Using the existing organic structure of the leaves, the crops are able to grow naturally without the necessity of using inorganic growth methods. Similar to trees, the farms are spaces out to allow for maximum sunlight to power both the structure and the plants growing within them. In order to negate some of the load carried by the farm’s, the design has an aerodynamic quality to allow for lift to utilize Chicagos wind.

Front Elevation of Farm

Front Elevation of Farming Structure

Plan of Farming Structure

Plan of Farm

Wind barrier Root System Water Reservoir Cellular Structure

Section of Farming Structure

Wind barrier

Chicago, Illinois



Inflatable Design/Build Project Instructor: Chris Mills David Stone // Amanda Spice

Spring 2013 // Clemson, SC The design focuses on creating a space that will draw people in to the Lee Hall courtyard to pause and experience the space reinterpreted through inflatable plastic. Since the periferal of the courtyard is lined with trees, you get this sense of a natural environment within a built space.

Inflatable Architecture

The design focuses on creating a space that will draw people in to the Lee Hall courtyard to pause and experience the space reinterpreted through inflatable plastic. Since the periferal of the courtyard is lined with trees, you get this sense of a natural environment within a built space. Branching from how the courtyard interacts with the user, we wanted to build structure that mimiced the fractal nature of the courtyard. Using PVC as structure, each piece of the inflatable leans on the frame allowing it to imitate the canopy created by a tree. As you walk through, the inflatables go from being integrated with eachother to leaning on each other which allows for a break in the pattern for a chance to see the sky. This break causes the user to briefly pause before continuing the the remaining structure and exiting the other end. Once through, they have the option of repeating the experience or moving through the rest of the courtyard. Inflatable Plan

Section A

Section A

Study Model

Final Hybrid Analysis

Assembling the Structure

Joining Plastic Sections

Inflatable Test

Hanging Plastic Sections

Process The site for the inflatables project is inside of the Lee Hall courtyard. We chose this location due to its lack of foot traffic and site activity. The courtyard is most commonly used as a space to walk along the outside of or occasionally stop to sit on the bench.

EDUCATION FOR NATURAL GROWTH Sustainable Boarding School David Stone // Calvin wright

After Haiti’s devistating earthquake, many of the cities were left in ruins. One of the first places to begin rebuilding is the education system. Using local bamboo for structure, the Haiti Boarding School helps restore the community through utilizing local construction techniques for rebuilding their education system.

Site Plan

Mountain Sprawl, Haiti

Carrefour, Haiti

Port au Prince, Haiti

Port au Prince, Haiti

Fractal Analysis of Haiti’s Urban Sprawl Haiti’s development pattern created voids on street corners that became fluid gathering places. This chaos became a means of organization for understanding how to better the fluidity within the school.

Hispaniolan Trogon Haiti’s National Bird

Restoring Growth in Haiti

Programmatic Diagram

After Haiti’s devistating earthquake, many of the cities were left in ruins. One of the first places to begin rebuilding is the education system. Using local bamboo for structure, the Haiti Boarding School helps restore the community through utilizing local construction techniques for rebuilding their education system. In order to better integrate the culture of Haiti, we incorporated an idea of nesting the children within these inner courtyards of the school. The idea of the egg came through a study of the Haitian national bird, the Hispaniolan Trogon, which nears endangerment due to deforestation. This led us to create an environment that protected its inhabitants while helping restore growth within the community.

Nesting Diagram

Final Form Diagram


The structural system consists of a double ring of bamboo columns as the primary load-bearing element., with cement foundations. These columns attach to and support the floor plates. steel sections butt against the columns and hold the solid wood-beam walls in placec. The floorplates are a layered system of structural bamboo, wood purlins, bamboo slats, and bamboo floor planks.

Bamboo Wall Construction Detail

Bamboo Wall Construction

Double Ring Bamboo Columns

103 Windsor Ct, 843.452.5926 davidandstone.com

education Clemson University, August 2009 - Present Architecture, BA August 2009- May 2013 Minor: Packaging Design Packaging Science, MS May 2013- Present

Technical skills 3D design Solidworks Rhino 3D Modo Sketchup Packaging ArtiosCAD Store Visualizer Studio Visualizer

2D design Photoshop Illustrator InDesign AutoCAD

Prototyping Esko Kongsberg 3D Printing Laser Cutting Wood fabrication

Biometrics Tobii Eye-Tracking Glasses Tobii Studio Oculus Rift VR



Package Insight LLC

Shape Memory Alloy Actuation of Origami Tessellations Lee, David; Perkinson, Dylan; Schulte, Emily; Stone, David. 8th annual Focus on Creative Inquiry forum. Clemson University, 2013. Responsive Origami Lee, David, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 101st Proceedings: New Constellations / New Ecologies, Ed: Ila Berman and Edward Mitchell, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA, 2013.

Clemson, SC

May 2014 - Present

Marketing & Graphics Manage production of company branding and marketing Website development

Sonoco Institute of Design and Graphics Clemson, SC

May 2013- Present

Graduate Research Assistant Research and conduct industry supported studies. Designed and coproduced CUshop Visualizer, a virtual consumer experience lab in which to apply eye tracking methodology. Co-lead the design, fabrication and branding for exhibits at PackExpo Las Vegas that housed studies running 200+ participants.

Responsibilities include: Package design workflow including structural, graphic, digital, product and web design.

Clemson Fike Recreation Center Clemson, SC

Aug 2013 - September 2014

Climbing Wall Specialist Instruct patrons on proper rock climbing safety and techniques. Teach belay classes

BBS Computers Charleston, SC

July 2008 - August 2009

Customer/Technical Relations Managed front of store, assisting customers with computer questions and repairs.

Chris Rose Architects Charleston, SC

September 2007 - May 2008

Architectural Intern Conceptualized small scale renovations and detail drawings of current projects incuding renderings and presentations

Self-Organizing Origami Structures, Lee, David (2013) Association forComputer Aided Design in Architecture 2013 Annual Conference: Adaptive Architecture, Waterloo, ON, Canada.

recognition Black Mountain College display of a world-wide humanitarian project in architecture design. 2013 Silver Medal in Excellence in flexography college category for the FTA Awards. 2011 Presidents List 2011, 2012 (Clemson University) Deans List 2010, 2011, 2013 (Clemson University) 1st Place; District and State Level Entrepreneurship competition for Future Business Leaders of America, SC. 2008

INterests I’m a self-driven creative thinker seeking to learn something new every day. In my free time I prefer being outdoors or travelling. I also thoroughly enjoy cooking and coffee.


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