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NATIONAL EDUCATION MONTH Dr. Shelley Rouser and the Department of Education Celebrate National Education Month PAGE 2

DR. FAITH NEWTON Working on a national level to get modification and accommodations for students with chronic illnesses PAGE 4

COVER STORY DELAWARE STATE STUDENTS MAKE THEIR MARK AT THE UNITED NATIONS Delaware State University students participate in Model UN Program PAGE 8

Editor: Dr. Francine Edwards, College of Humanities, Education and Social Science


NASCAR, ESPNandDelawareStateUniversity Renee Marine - Department of Mass Comm, Visual and Performing Arts

On October 6, 2018 eight students from the Delaware State University Chapter of the NABJattended NASCAR weekend at Dover Downs. The students had the opportunity to work as media covering the event including the track, the driver 's meeting, the media center, the press box, the pit and victory lane. What made this year 's opportunity even more exciting is the fact that students were also able to work with ESPN3. "We were originally going to work on the production team responsible for the internet feed, however we later found out that we would be doing the live broadcast on ESPN3," says Marine. Delaware State University students also had the opportunity to work with ESPN3 to cover the first home football game of the season. This is the first time that Delaware State University and the crew worked with ESPN3 to broadcast the the home games for the network.

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DelawareStateUniversity's Department of EducationObserves EducatorPrideMonth Dr. Shelley Rouser, chair - Department of Education Sabrina Bailey , Technology Analyst Education Department Designated by the 2018 NEA Representative Assembly, at the urging of NEA Higher Ed delegates seeking to build bridges between PK-12 educators and students and their higher-ed colleagues and institutions, National Higher Education Month (NHEM) provides an opportunity for students to aim higher. On the campus of Delaware State University, the Department of Education celebrated the month with three events: an ice cream social, a student teacher panel and a teacher talk panel.

The ice cream social was the kick-off event. Students were able to study, play games, and socialize with their peers and department faculty. Additionally, students invited friends and discussed the highlights of their respective education programs. This session was led by Sabrina Bailey and Dr. Crystal Timmons.

The Student Teacher Panel with Paradise Hayle, Symone Hackett, Crystal Randolph, and Ashley Pruitt (moderated by Samantha Robeson) provided insights on first day expectations, classroom management, student assessment, and professionalism as a student teacher.

The Teacher Talk Panel The Aspiring Educators Club and State Aspiring Educators (DSEA) hosted the teacher talk for all education majors. The event consisted of a panel of current educators:, Mr. Michael Bank (Red Clay), Ms. Monique Taylor-Gibbs (Red Clay), Ms. Noelle Mouhtarim (Capital, DSU Alum), Ms. Alexis Chandler (Caesar Rodney, DSU Alum), Mr. Justin Jenkins (Kent County MD, DSU Alum), with the State Aspiring Educators as moderators. The teachers offered advice on how to budget as a first year teacher, curriculum, tips for success, making connections with staff and administrators, earning extra income, and more. This session was led by Sabrina Bailey.

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NABJLaunchestheDirector'sDishSeries Latayla Branson and Professor Renee Marine - Department of Mass Comm, Visual and Performing Arts

The National Association of Black Journalist (NABJ) held its first monthly speaker series, Director?s Dish. The series is designed to bring Mass Communication professionals to Delaware State University to have intimate conversations with students about the future of journalism,digital media and production. The moderator 's for the program were Latayla Branson, NABJPresident and Tiffany Langhorne, Vice President. NABJ is under the direction the Mass Communications Program Director, Renee?C. Marine.

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EducatingSchool NursesAbout StudentswithChronicIllnesses


Dr. Faith Newton - Department of Education

As published on the SAGE Journal Website, September 15, 2018

EH 100

I work on the national level getting modification and accommodations for students with chronic illnesses, but specifically with the disease ME/CFS. I work with the CDC, NIH (National Institute of Health) and the Office of Special Education, etc. We recently taped a podcast that will be distributed to all 36,000 school nurses in advance of a journal article that will be published in the new year. The podcast is 20 minutes long and I?m at the end giving the nurses a glimpse of what students need to be successful in the classroom.

Edu cat ion Dr. Shelley Rouser

En glish an d For eign Lan gau ges Dr. Joe Amoako EH 213

Hist or y an d Polit ical Scien ce, an d Ph ilosoph y Dr. Donna Patterson ETV 110

M ass Com m , Visu al an d Per f or m in g Ar t s Dr. Donald Becker EH 134A

M at h em at ical Lit er acy Dr. Delayne Johnson ETV 108

Sociology an d Cr im in al Ju st ice Dr. Dorothy Dillard Delaware Hall 122


AGreat ProfessorsAttendstheGreat Legislators/Great LegislationConference Dr. Sam Hoff - Department of History Political Science, and Philosophy Dr. Francine Edwards - Dean

Dr. Hoff attended the 2018 Conference Great Legislators/Great Legislation Conference in Shrevport, Louisiana. The Lincoln Center, in conjunction with the Student Activities Board at Louisiana State University Shreveport (LSUS), hosted the 35th Annual Frank and Virginia Williams Abraham Lincoln Lecture on ?The Great Replenishing Stream: Abraham Lincoln?s Life-Long Advocacy of the Immigrant? by Jason H. Silverman, Ph.D. of Winthrop University. Under Dr. Bill Pederson?s

leadership, the Center has supported students in Washington DC study trips, hosted speakers and workshops, sent faculty and students around the world to speak about American Studies, and sponsored this international conference. Dr. Hoff presentation based on a current research paper, "Gone in a New York Minute? The War Powers Resolution of 1973 and its Legacy" was well received by those in attendance.

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TheDreamersActivismCommunityAlliance- DACA Donna Patterson and Niklas Robinson - Department of History Political Science, and Philosophy

Delaware State University Dreamers in partnership with the Dreamers Activism and Community Alliance hosted a panel discussion on the impact of DACA and Delaware State University Students. Student Panelists included Daniela Fuerta, Shannon Mendez and Estephany Martinez. Faculty members from the Department of History, Political Science and Philosophy support this robust student-led discussion.

During the week of homecoming, DACA students hosted an "I stand with Immigrants" informational event in the MLK student center. Students were given information about the Dreamers at Delaware State University, got information about the importance of participating in the upcoming election and showed off a few of their dance moves.


DelawareStateUniversityStudentsSpendtheDaywith theAssistant Deanof Admissions, VillanovaUniversity WidgerSchool of Law Sam Hoff - Department of History, Political Science and Philosophy On October 8, 2018 The Assistant Dean for Admissions, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law, spent the day with Delaware State University Students with the goal of establishing a larger pipeline to the legal profession and strengthening the relationship between the two institutions. students learned first-hand about the law program, the admissions review process, the legal profession and all that it entails. Since 2010, Delaware State University has had more than 400 Law Studies Minors, many of who have gone on to graduate and law school.

FromDelawareStateUniversitytoULL: DelawareState UniversityAlumCreatesaGraduateSchool Pipeline Jordan McClements - Delaware State University Class of 2016

Delaware State University, how I miss thee. I am always thinking in terms of, ?How can I give back to the people, place, and institution that changed me from thinking exclusively in terms of me, to thinking in terms of us?" Delaware State University transformed a person of impasse, into a person of action: a man now in graduate school and on his way to becoming someone who can inspire future students to create a world we all want to live in.? Without Delaware State University, I would not be in the position I am in now. I owe my success and passion for life to the students, teachers, and administrators. I am now at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) fulfilling my graduate dream.

ULL has given me support similar to that which I received at Delaware State University. The Department of English at Lafayette is a welcoming community of scholars looking to learn, teach, and create a better human condition. I personally think that now is an opportune time to teach people how to write about what is happening in the world from diverse perspective across a broad spectrum of interest areas. One of the things that I have been tasked with is to help to recruit students who are interested in pursuing a masters degree in English. ULL is offering free tuition to candidates and my recruitment efforts are | Continued on page 8

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GraduateSchool Pipeline

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focused on my alma mater. ULL was extremely impressed with my performance and is now looking to bring in Delaware State University students with my experience to this program. One of the highlights of this program is the Professional Writing concentration with opportunities in info-graphics, web design, food writing, marketing discourse, and editing. Graduates will have job prospects, thanks to the department?s professional preparation initiatives: the Workplace Wednesdays Workshops. When it comes to giving back, what better way to do so than to connect through education. It is my hope that the pipeline grows and that Delaware State University Alumni become leading educators in English and the Humanities.

Max Villagomez a Delaware State University English major (minoring in Spanish) was recently accepted into the program.

DelawareStateUniversityStudentsMakeTheirMark at theUnitedNations Akwasi Osei - Associate Dean, College of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences This year, several students from Delaware State University had the opportunity to attend the United Nations, Model UN Program. Each year, students from across the four colleges have the opportunity to travel to New York and participate in a day-long program in which they step into the roles of UN Ambassadors and debate a range of issues that world leaders champion each day.

This opportunity provides students with the resources to develop critical thinking and conflict resolution skills, all of which make them better prepared for global leadership. On October 17, 2018, students participated in the African Dialogue Series and were able to ask questions and engage with global leaders. | Continued on page 10


Mathematical Literacy: ANewDepartment WithaNew Vision Dr. Delayne Johnson, chair - Department of Mathematical Literacy The Department of Mathematics Literacy held the third annual Mathematics Teaching Institute (MTI) this Fall. The MTI provides course specific professional development for Mathematics and other STEM faculty. Session topics for the Mathematics Institute have included:


Best Practices in Mathematics Teaching Using Small Groups and Shifting Authority Growth Mindset Climate Change Equity, Access and Rigor

In addition to participating in these sessions, Math and Science faculty collaborate to design problem-based learning activities within a scientific problem-solving context. The problems are then implemented in our courses to enhance the curriculum and support active learning. Throughout the semester MTI participants engage in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that focus on continuous improvement of course consistency and quality.

The newly-formed department came as a result of the academic restructuring and now falls under the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. Under the direction of Dr. Johnson, the team has worked to reassess the general education math courses and has taken seriously the mandate to eliminate remedial math as a means of helping students meet with greater academic success in math.

MTI is support by the Cyber Infused Mathematics Initiative (CIMI), an NSF Targeted Infusion project. The MTI was facilitated by the PI: Nicola Edwards and CoPIs: Delayne Johnsono and Sharon Smith, who are not pictured in the photos.

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The session they attended was a part of the global advocacy mandate, the United Nation Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) has developed in which several tools aimed at mobilizing international support for Africa?s development are discussed. It was important for Delaware State Students to attend this session as the university has a strong Africana Studies Program.

Dr. DonnaBainButlerExtendsherExpertisetoNepal Dr. Brodie Bluemel, Department of English and Foreign Languages Dr. Donna Bain Butler, who teaches in Delaware State University's MA TESOL / Bilingual Education program and ESL programs, was recently selected an English Language Specialist focusing on communicative skills for federal prosecutors and government officials in Nepal at the Attorney General?s Office . The fact the Dr. Butler has been selected as only 1 of 80 such specialists demonstrates what an accomplished academic she is in the field of Applied Linguistics and what an incredible asset she is here at Delaware State University. Through projects developed by U.S. Embassies in more than 80 countries, EL Specialists work directly with local teacher trainers, educational leaders, and ministry of education officials to exchange knowledge, build capacity, and establish partnerships benefiting participants, institutions, and communities in the United States and overseas.

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