Magazine Summer 2010 ÂŁ2 Free to members
here to help Affiliated to the British Heart Foundation and Arrhythmia Alliance - The Heart Rhythm Charity
POOLE HEART SUPPORT GROUP Head Office: Poole Community Health Centre Shaftesbury Road, Poole BH15 2NT Telephone: 01202 683363 ext. 133 Telephone manned Mondays and Thursdays: 1.30-3.30pm Web site address: PRESIDENT Dr. A.A MCLEOD V. PRESIDENTS: ROBERT PAYNE, MAGGIE RICHARDSON, JIM WAINE, GEOFFREY WALKER OBE JP RGN, Dr. DIANE BRUCE MB Bsc.Hons FRCP.
PHSG COMMITTEE KEITH MATTHEWS Chairman 01202 855001 DAVID ANDERSON Secretary 01202 697376 RITA HOLMES Treasurer 01202 743960 ROBIN PRINGLE Exercise Coordinator 01202 884250 Magazine Editor/Liaison 01202 694886 ALAN BRISTOW GARY LEE Social Secretary 01202 722814 JAN MESHER Office 01202 250108 PAM BAILEY BHF Rep. 01202 574944 DON BAILEY Member 01202 574944 GEORGE WILKINSON Member 01202 740374 IRIS ROETHKE BHF Rep 01202 258227 ROGER RIDOUT Purbeck Member 01929 423079 DOREEN TOBITT Member 01202 670137 ALAN JEFFRIES Ad. Manager 01202 680651 If you know a member who is ill, please tell us by contacting Mavis Terry, Welfare Support, on 01202 874760 OTHER CONTACTS JIM WAINE Founder and Vice President MAX SMITH Website DEREK POPE Database DAVID LLOYD Publicity GEORGE O’LEARY PHSG Shirts GERRY WRIGHT Special Events CYRIL MARTIN Walking Group
01202 871532 01202 676601 01202 889070 01202 697179 01202 743978 01929 421864 01202 733956
Please send magazine articles to: Alan Bristow, 60 West Way, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 9LS or by e-mail to : Tel. 01202 694886 Magazines are published 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December. Last date for articles to Editor is 10th day of month before publication. Dates for your Diary — Meetings and Social Events – Please see page 18 Page 2
Chairman’s Letter In this issue you will find your renewal slip for your membership of PHSG. I’m sorry, but it comes around every year! I’d like to make a particular plea that you take the form and fill it in right now as it makes life so very much easier for everybody if you do. Each year we find we always have a number of renewals coming in months after the due date and the membership people tear their hair out and that’s not good for the heart ! Don’t forget that you will not be allowed to exercise and won’t receive a magazine if you don’t renew. At the risk of labouring the point, could I also ask that when you do send in the form you please take care to make any corrections to the information, including your email address and exercise venue(s) used, and as email addresses are so specific, write them out clearly and BIG. This year we will issue a permanent membership card on joining rather than one every year. Everybody will get one of these this year. This will save a lot of administration, and frankly, the number of times a membership card needs to be produced is so small that it shouldn’t be an issue. PHSG exists to support rehabilitation and most of you will know that we had to step in recently financially to help the hospital programme. We’d rather that this had not cost us anything, but we decided that the need was urgent. The programme is saved at least for this year and its nice to know that our effort was appreciated, for which see the communication from the Rehab team on page 6. Keith
Bournemouth Bay 5K British Heart Foundation Walk A big thanks to all those who took part in the 5K walk pier to pier on the 28th March; a huge £622.50 raised for the British Heart Foundation ! There were about 30 PHSG members who took part and luckily the weather was kind to us, even though rain was forecast, everyone finished in under an hour and a huge number of jelly babies were eaten during the walk ! Well done to those who took part and I look forward to even more members joining in next year ! Thanks Emma Cardiac Rehab Exercise Instructor Page 3
Cardiology News from Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Dear Friends, I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the summer, which after this last winter will hopefully be hot and sunny. I would firstly like to say thank you for inviting me to your annual general meeting and allowing me to give a presentation. It was really good to meet so many of you again and to see that you were all pictures of health! It was a very nice evening and I now am the proud owner of a T shirt with the Poole Heart Support Group Logo on. As you will be aware from watching TV, the NHS is in some financial difficulties at the moment and Poole will not be exempt. We will see some difficult times ahead over the next several months and that will present a challenge to us all. We will however always strive to ensure that the highest standards of patient care are maintained and I will keep you abreast of all that is happening as and when I can. In cardiology we are doing very well and meeting all of our targets and the pacemaker service is going from strength to strength. We are expanding our medical investigations day service unit from the 10th May and taking on more work from the hospital, which will mean so many more patients can be seen as a day case. Patients can be given a wide variety of treatments without having to come in overnight. This is an excellent service and we hope to undertake some cardiac work there too. We have had our presentation from the university for our achievement of Practice Development Status and are now embarking on an exciting new initiative, together with our quality service group, called ‘Back to the Future’. It is taking the best of old style nursing and translating it into the 21st century, based on the teachings of Florence Nightingale. As you know, she was the founder of modern nursing and we will be using extracts from her notes on nursing, 1859, as a basis for the work we will be doing. All of this is aimed at excellence in care and meeting the dignity and respect agenda we all strive to achieve. We will be adopting a medical ward and working with the staff so that through reflection and discussion they can understand fully what it is like to be a patient or relative. Also our quality group members will get to know the problems faced every day by the staff. We will use this mutual working together to change practice if needed, to ensure we do the very best we can for our clients and patients. If successful it will be rolled out throughout medicine and eventually hopefully the whole hospital. It is exciting ground breaking work and we have a motto for this, ‘Together we can make a difference’! I will keep you up to date on how we are doing and you will also hear about it from your representatives on the group. All that remains now is for me to say take care over the summer and look forward to speaking to you all again soon. Geoffrey Walker OBE JP RGN Matron Cardiology and Medicine. Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Page 4
Heart News with Dr. Christopher Boos Dear All Saturday 8th May was the first European Heart Failure Awareness day. This was organised by the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology. The intention was to highlight, to the public, the huge problem of heart failure, its associated symptoms and emphasize the importance of prompt diagnosis. National heart failure societies, such as the British Society of Heart Failure, were invited to organise local programmes. Over 20 countries participated in the project and included Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the UK. So what exactly is heart failure? It is a condition in which the heart has lost the ability to pump enough blood to the body’s tissues. With too little blood being delivered, the organs and other tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly. Symptoms include breathlessness (usually with exercise and often on lying flat), ankle swelling and fatigue. At present heart failure management consumes 2% of the NHS budget. It is an important condition as it impacts on patient’s quality of life and potentially on their survival. Furthermore both the incidence and prevalence of heart failure is increasing. This largely relates to the presence of an ageing population in the UK, coupled with the improved survival of patients with cardiovascular disease. Heart failure management and treatment has progressed considerably over the last 10-15 years. Important strategies include the presence of community heart failure nurses, improved heart failure related education, increased access to cardiac rehabilitation along with advances in medical therapy. Furthermore, the last 10 years has witnessed a significant increase in device related therapy which has been shown to improve survival among the subset of indicated heart failure patients. These include the use of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT, a special type of heart pacemaker to help sequence the heart contraction) and the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs).
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Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
5th May 2010 Longfleet Road, Poole Robin Pringle, Dorset, BH15 2,113 Tel: 01202 665511 Exercise Co-ordinator, Poole Heart Support Group. Cardiac Rehab Dept. tel 442876 Dear Robin, I am writing on behalf of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Department at Poole Hospital to thank Poole Heart Support Group for their generous support in covering costs of the phase 3 programme at Canford School until the end of July 2010. The Canford venue has made Cardiac Rehab much more accessible for many patients who may not otherwise take up the exercise programme. The attendance rate is high due to the excellent facilities; patients also appreciate the warmth and welcome they get from PHSG members when joining the phase 4 sessions. As you know, the long term effects of cardiac rehabilitation reduces hospital readmission and mortality so your support in helping us keep phase 3 going is much appreciated. Yours Sincerely, Linda Everett, Clinical Lead, Cardiac Rehabilitation Department, Poole Hospital. 22nd April 2010 Dear PHSG Members I wanted to give a personal big thanks to all those that wrote in protest to the PCT withdrawing funds for the Phase 3 service that we provide alongside Poole Cardiac Unit at Canford School. We have been running the community-based rehab on a Tuesday morning for several years now, originally at Broadstone Leisure Centre and now at Canford School. I have enjoyed every minute of the 8 week programmes we provide to those patients, post cardiac event, that have been referred by Poole Hospital. I know that those who complete the 8 weeks benefit greatly from the experience and it would have been a great shame if the service had been cancelled. Thank you all for your support, we now have funding for another year; Community Rehab couldn’t function without the nurses from the Cardiac Unit, especially Linda, Fiona and Sarah so a big thanks from me to them! Let’s hope the service continues for many years to come. Emma Cardiac Rehab Exercise Instructor. Page 6
Bournemouth Pier 2 Pier Swim Sunday 27th June 2010 Last year I ran the Great North Run in aid of the British Heart Foundation. This year brings a new challenge: the Bournemouth Pier 2 Pier Swim. This entails donning a wetsuit to endure the 1.4 mile sea swim, a thought I am not overly enamoured with! As you all know, the BHF continues to carry out lifesaving research, of which many of our members have directly benefitted from. For this reason I have decided to support the charity through various sporting endeavours. If you would like to support my latest venture and the British Heart Foundation, please sponsor me by visiting the secure website: Many thanks Jenni Sweetlove
(Exercise Instructor)
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PHSG Website News Members are reminded that PHSG Magazines are available to view in colour on the web site ( ) Just go to the home page and select which magazine you want to see. Also, we have not received many computer problems via our problem forum on the web site. Does this mean our members are computer experts and are solving their own problems, or are they a little shy in writing in? Maybe you have an interesting tip for members, or want to say something about your own computing experience ? There is no point in keeping the page active if no one has any problems for which they are willing to ask our help, or wish to make any computing comments. So, please use it or lose it ! Max
What is the UK Anagram Society trying to say ? Answer page 30 Page 8
Waist To Hip Ratio Your health is not only affected by how much body fat you have, but also by where most of the fat is located on your body. People who tend to gain weight mostly in their hips and buttocks have roughly a pear body shape, while people who tend to gain weight mostly in the abdomen have more of an apple body shape. Apples and Pears Research has shown that people with a lot of fat stored in their tummy area (“apple” shaped people) are more likely to develop heart disease than those who store fat round their bottom and thighs (“pears”). It is possible to have a high BMI (Body Mass Index) and a normal waist measurement if you are a fit, lean, muscular man. This is why your waist to hip ratio is a better guide to your risk of heart disease. As long as you avoid excess weight, being an apple shaped body or a pear shaped body is just one of many factors to bear in mind. Even pear shaped people should take particular care to keep their weight within normal limits, to avoid the health problems associated with obesity. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips. It is calculated by measuring the smaller circumference of the natural waist, usually just above the belly button, and dividing by the hip circumference at its widest part of the buttocks or hip. The ratio is applied both to women and men. Waist circumference (cm) divided by Hip circumference = Waist to Hip Ratio The higher the ratio, the greater the risk of heart disease and strokes. Current evidence is that a ratio less than 0.85 if you are a woman or 0.90 if you are a man is associated with a relatively low risk. If your ratio is greater than 1.00 you are at significant risk. This fact seems to apply whatever race you are, according to research in The Lancet (4/11/05). JENNI SWEETLOVE Cardiac Rehab Exercise Instructor
BHF- Beating Heart Disease Together Do you know someone who would benefit from getting their own free copies of Heart Health from the BHF? Tell them to sign up to Heart Matters for free by calling 0300 3303300 Page 9
Book Review – PHSG members can order with 10% discount at by quoting coupon code SP10 at checkout. Normal selling price £10. Cardiology (second edition) By Colin Forfar, published 2009, 62 pages, 29 illustrations Numerous developments in the prevention and treatment of heart disease over the past few years have greatly improved the outlook for patients with cardiac problems. Understandably, patients may be bewildered and daunted by information on ‘keyhole’ techniques, sophisticated imaging procedures and the vast array of effective drug treatments now available.This fully updated second edition of Cardiology covers all of the common heart disorders, procedures and treatments. Clear illustrations accompanied by concise text are designed to help doctors and nurses explain and simplify complex information to their patients. Improved communication between healthcare professionals and patients will help to reduce some of the confusion and anxiety that patients with heart problems often experience, and will help them to make informed decisions about their future treatment. Contents: Author’s preface; The heart and circulation; The heart as a pump; The blood supply to the heart - the coronary arteries; The heart valves; Risk factors for heart disease; Angina; Heart attack (myocardial infarction); Treating heart attack (myocardial infarction); Recovery from, and prevention of, a heart attack; Heart failure; Treating heart failure; Hypertension (high blood pressure); Sudden changes in heart rhythm (arrhythmias); Bacterial endocarditis; Congenital heart disease; Blackouts; Resuscitation; Treating heart disorders with drugs; Hospital visits for heart disorders; Examining the eyes; Testing the urine; The electrocardiogram (ECG); The chest X-ray; The exercise ECG; Visualizing the heart by ultrasound; Radionuclide scanning; Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan); Computerized tomography (CT scan); Cardiac catheterization (angiogram); Coronary angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery; Heart pacemakers; Specialist electrical treatment; Cardioversion.
“...If you’d like to hear all of your options again press 49. If you’ve forgotten why you called in the first place, press 50.”
Page 10
New Book Review – PHSG members can order with10% discount at by quoting coupon code SP10 at checkout. Normal selling price £10.The diagnosis and management of heart rhythm abnormalities is often viewed as a complex and inaccessible area of modern cardiology shrouded in technical detail. Fast Facts: Cardiac Arrhythmias, published May 2010 in paperback with 148 pages, demystifies the subject with a straightforward approach to rhythm abnormality, asking how the patient with arrhythmia presents, how the problem should be investigated and how the arrhythmia can be managed. Highlights include: * A concise explanation of the mechanisms of arrhythmias with clear wellannotated illustrations. * A comprehensive review of presenting signs and symptoms, with key questions to ask the patient. * A logical approach to investigation. Practical information on management options. * Specific chapters on the different types of arrhythmia This highly readable handbook is an up-to-date practical resource for primary healthcare professionals, coronary care nurses, medical students and trainee cardiologists - in fact, anyone who wants a better understanding of the common arrhythmias and how best to manage them.
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Tel. 01425 478255 Mobile 07796525544 Page 11
18th February Talk by Dr. McLeod in the Postgraduate Lecture Theatre, Poole Hospital. An audience of 49 members assembled in the lecture theatre to hear our President, Dr. Andrew McLeod, give a comprehensive picture of the current state of things within the Cardiology Department at Poole. Before launching into the detail of his presentation Dr McLeod drew attention to the fact that our Primary Care Trust was about to withdraw funding for “Rehabilitation in the Community,” in conflict with Government policy. This will affect current Rehab classes held at Canford School. (PHSG committee was aware of this and had already pledged financial support for 4 months, in the hope that the decision could be reversed). Dr McLeod urged everyone to lodge a protest and gave the addresses for this action. The presentation was then given, based on the headings of ‘Personnel,’ ‘Facilities,’ ‘Tests,’ ‘Medication’ and ‘The future’. The Personnel, led by the Consultants of the Cardiac team at Poole were mentioned, with their particular specialisms. Dr McLeod himself, now parttime and not retired, as rumour had suggested, and Doctors, Diane Bruce, Kim Greaves (who is now a Professor), Christopher Boos, who also has a military commitment, and Catherine Blake who has joined the team recently. Each brings a special skill which adds to the excellence of the department as a whole. And of course the consultant team is so ably supported by the Cardiac Physiologists, the Clerical Staff, the CCU & Cranborne Nurses, and the Cardiac Rehabilitation team. Dr McLeod linked the people of the department to the facilities that are currently available at Poole. The Facilities include the state of the art Coronary Care Unit, (CCU), the Cardiac Pacing theatre, state of the art Echocardiography (both 3D & TOE), the largest Stress Echocardiography capability in the UK and Cardiopulmonary Exercise testing. Under the heading of Ancillary Tests Dr McLeod continued with short films, which demonstrated the information provided by Angiography, Magneto Resonance Imaging (MRI), Echocardiography (both Stress & TransOesophageal (TOE), Nuclear Perfusion Scanning, Implanted Loop Recording(ILR), and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, and Electrocardiography, (ECG static & exercising and 24/7 (Holter recording). Whilst doing this he indicated the risks involved such as angiography being invasive and can trigger heart attack & stroke, and the claustrophobic effect of MRI scanning machines. TOE is relatively new and is not invasive and shows great Page 12
promise for future testing, but the MRI & Echocardiography are good for displaying the d y n a m i c mechanical actions in the h e a r t , angiograms show the physical state of arteries. So each type of testing has its place in the work of the Cardiac department. We are lucky in the Poole & Bournemouth area to have such an excellent team of consultants and support staff, with such a range of state of the art facilities. Bournemouth currently provide Angio-graphy & -plasty facilities and other specialist electrical treatments, but in the future Poole could acquire these functions too. Dr McLeod went on to discuss Medication and the various drugs currently used in the aftercare of heart patients. Lipid lowering, anti-anginal betablockers & nitrates etc, blood pressure controllers, antithrombosis drugs such as aspirin, and some of the side effects and alternatives for specific drugs. And finally there were the questions from the floor. Queries about super beta-blockers, pacemakers, statins, artery closing techniques, tiredness related to drugs, liaison between Bournemouth & Poole, stress, angina at rest and other topics. All were answered in an honest and open way by someone with one of the best knowledge bases in the world. Our thanks to Dr. McLeod for an extremely interesting talk with excellent presentational back-up. Gary Lee PS. The reporter apologises for the totally inadequate report presented above. Unfortunately his feeble brain was unable to record much of the detailed information presented during the talk! Page 13
18th March Talk given by Felicity Woodhead Flowers of the Dorset Coast At 7:15 the audience numbers were less than ten, the rain continued to fall outside, so it was good to have 14 people including the regular support team sat down at the start of the talk. Felicity had arrived and set up her projector with the able assistance of her husband, a retired doctor, (Dr.Gee), from Wimborne. What a pity that the first meeting in spring was marred by some very un-spring-like weather. But what followed was truly in keeping with thoughts of spring. Felicity introduced herself as a botanist who has been involved with the Dorset coast for many years. In fact she has produced a book as a result of her field work entitled “Flora of the Christchurch Area”. The investigation & survey took some 12 years to complete and the book was published in 1993. (Copies of it and other items, pictures and postcards were available after the talk). The talk started at the western end of the Dorset coast with a slide showing the Cobb at Lyme Regis, and progressed along the coast to the eastern end at Christchurch and Mudeford. At each spot of special interest Felicity produced a photograph of the area and the various plants and their flowers which are to be found there. The nature of the soils were considered, the sandy cliffs in the west, the Chesil beach and its pebbles which are sized according to location from small at the West Bay end to large at the Portland end, the chalk cliffs from Weymouth to Swanage, and the sandy section from Poole to Christchurch. Also the age of the rocks and soils associated with each section, which started at around 60 million years at the west end, to a very young 10 thousand years old at the eastern end. But the main features of course were the wonderful flowers found at the various locations. The orchids, samphire, brassicas, rushes and many other species, (sadly the reporter didn’t have the wit to take specific notes of the detailed information!), some of them almost unique to Dorset and rare in the world. The beautiful colouring and shapes of the flowers, the arrangement of leaf structures by which sub species are identified, all of these fascinating details were pointed out by Felicity as she progressed through the talk. Some of the plants are only an inch tall so that among the grasses in which they grow one has to search very carefully to actually see them, and of course know where you are likely to find them! All in all a fascinating talk which made some of us feel sad that we do not find the time or are fit enough to make the most of the beauty that surrounds us in this lovely County of Dorset. I’m sure it would be worth inviting Felicity to return at a later date to tell us more from her wealth of knowledge. With thanks to all who attended on such an uninviting evening – Gary Lee Page 14
The four ages of man
The Practice Development Unit (PDU) Quality Service Group PHSG has a voice on the group representing Heart Support Group members. This exciting group, under the very capable chairmanship of Geoffrey Walker OBE, Matron Cardiology and Medicine, really gets things done! Positive changes are made to hospital procedures, as a result of patient feedback given to PHSG patient representatives. All PHSG members can feed back information to Poole Hospital in complete confidence about their treatment. So if you want to say anything good or bad about your experience in Poole Cardiac Unit, or its related departments, please forward your comments. You can comment by e-mail, letter, telephone, or via the web-site. All information will be treated in confidence. Looking forward to hearing from you. Alan Bristow e-mail Jim Waine e-mail
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15th April PHSG AGM 2010 held at the Postgraduate Centre Poole Hospital The attendance at the meeting was recorded at 33, including 10 committee members, (2 of whom did not sit on the platform). The low attendance was probably due to the competition, with the first ever political leaders’ debate on TV that evening. Keith Matthews, chairman, welcomed all and gave his report in which he summarised the membership, which stands at about a thousand of which 610 were paid up at that time. He then introduced all those who had been active in supporting roles in the Group and finished with the hope that he had mentioned all who have worked through the year to keep the group vibrant. Individual reports were then given by certain members of the committee. * Copies of these reports are available on request. Treasurer, Rita Holmes, presented * the financial statement for the year. Cash in hand is down, chiefly due to the payment of £1000 in support of the continuance of the Rehab group in Canford Magna. Exercise Co-ordinator, Robin Pringle, reported on * the 24 exercise classes, which have a peak weekly attendance of about 380. The financial status of the classes is back in a positive state after the raise in charge to £2.50 per session. He expressed the Group’s thanks to our 6 lady trainers who keep things going so well. The situation that arose for Emma and the rehab group has been resolved for the coming year, thankfully and Jayne will be going on a BACR course in the near future. Alan Bristow, (Magazine & Liaison), not only reported on the production of the magazines and annual calendar, but also gave an account of the liaison activity he has with certain health authority committees and the Arrhythmia Alliance, and other Heart Support Group magazine editors. The Office team activities were mentioned in a brief report from Jan Mesher. Her support team members were delighted to be invited to the most recent Escoffier luncheon, a reward for their conscientious work. * Social Events were reported on by Gary Lee. A full year of talks and other events were completed. Attendance at the 8 scheduled talks averaged 18, affected by some serious bad weather, as was the “Treasure Trail” in June. Other events included 2 Escoffier luncheons, Skittles, the Plant & bric-a-brac sale which made £250, the rather noisy but successful Christmas Dinner, and the excellent President’s address given by Page 16
Dr. McLeod. Gary reported his disappointment with the poor response to the proposed daytime meeting, which was to be cancelled. The Walking Club was reported as thriving, with a full summer programme about to start, and also the Cycling Club is still pedalling furiously under the leadership of Keith Matthews. Pam Bailey was unable to give a full report from BHF, but did request support for the open day in support of BHF on May 8th in the grounds of Charborough Park estate. The meeting was adjourned for refreshments and then re-assembled for the Election of officers & committee members. The standing officers and committee were re-elected without objection. A vote of thanks was proposed by a member of the audience and supported by all, (as far as an observer could see!) The re-elected Chairman, Keith Matthews, then invited Matron Geoffrey Walker onto the platform to give a short presentation. Geoffrey apologised for having to cancel his talk back in November, when he had been called upon to attend the Queen’s pleasure for his medal, but went on to say that what he was about to say was a summary of his talk “Where have all the Carrots Gone?” He then proceeded to introduce his new project, which is the Florence Nightingale approach to nursing, which has been given full approval by the B&P Hospital trust. Against a background of slides, Geoffrey enthused his commitment to bringing all the old values of nursing care and attention back into the daily operation of wards and care of patients. A copy of the slide information is to be made available to PHSG. It was a fascinating presentation and GW displayed the energy and conviction he is putting into the project. If all goes well his prototype implementation at Poole will gradually be rolled out across the NHS. (May he be given all the power that his elbow needs, say I, the reporter) The meeting was called to a close after some general discussion. Reported by Annie Knowmas.
ONE LINERS She was only a whisky maker, but he loved her still. Atheism is a non-prophet organisation. I wondered why the cricket ball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. Don’t join dangerous cults. Practise safe sects. Borrow money from pessimists - they don’t expect it back. Page 17
Future PHSG Meetings and Events All events here are at Poole Hospital Postgraduate Centre –7.00pm for 7.30pm and will include raffle and refreshments.
June 17th
“The Beauty of Stourhead”
John Hallett
Dorset National Trust Guide Some of us remember the excellent talk that John Hallett gave us on Kingston Lacy. Well, John returns to tell us about his third love, (after his wife and KL that is), Stourhead. As a devotee of Dorset National Trust, John is assured to give an equally good account of the history and detail of the House and Gardens of Stourhead. Just the thing for a summer’s evening.
July 15th “Trouble in Store” Paul Cady Store Detective Mr Paul Cady comes along this evening to tell us of some of the intriguing and hilarious things that a store detective can find himself involved with in a working day. And the store can be full of wonderful inviting things too!
August 19th “In Search of Wedding Cake” Gary Lee Retired Electronics Engineer I know that name I hear you cry. Yes it’s your social secretary who would like to tell of the adventure he and his wife had when attending their son’s wedding in the USA. The best made plans can go astray, but as is said, all is well that ends well.
September 16th “Court in the Act?” John Slow Courts Manager Retired John Slow would probably say that managing the local courts gave him a great insight into the ways of the world and its people. John wishes to relate some of the interesting and funny things that happened while he was in charge of things.
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Cardiology and Medicine PDU Presentation Day 5th March The Practice Development Unit at Poole Hospital received accreditation by Bournemouth University last summer. This is a form of Quality Standard to recognise their joint efforts where several wards and groups, including the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team, have worked at projects designed to improve their performance to patients. On the presentation day, Peter Harvey, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, gave a short speech expressing his pleasure at the achievement and then Geoffrey Walker, Modern Matron, who spearheaded the project, gave a short talk on its various facets. Geoffrey emphasised that the task had been particularly demanding in a unit where 80% of admissions are emergencies. Mrs Pat Smith, a relative representative, gave a short talk on her experiences in the group. There was then a presentation ceremony of Practice Development Status plaques awarded by Anne Hemmingway on behalf of the University, and a general photocall to round off the morning.
“Passionate About Caring” is the mission statement and keynote to come out of this phase, but in common with all Quality Standards, there is no standing still. The next phase is already headlined “Back to the Future” in which the aim is to incorporate the best of the old-style nursing into the new. Geoffrey quoted from Florence Nightingale’s book “Notes on Nursing” by way of illustration. “Be careful when you bend over in your crinolines, others can see what you cannot!” KJM Page 19
PHSG Cycling Club Next ride dates are: 27th June - Meet Wimborne Square - “Blandford and back” 25th July - Meet 10 Hill View Road, Ferndown - “Randonnee Ci de Couer” 22nd August - Meet Broadstone Leisure Centre - “To see the Sea” 26th September - Meet Layby on B3078, north of Wimborne - “Cranborne Cruise”
Rides are about 15 miles long, they are open to all members of the PHSG as long as your doctor approves. all starts at 10 a.m. For help, advice, weather check and bike maintenance call Keith Matthews on 01202 855001 We don’t do RAIN!! If the weather looks “iffy”, call before 9:00am to see if the ride is going ahead. Organisers: David Anderson, David Curtis, Keith Matthews Regularly updated details on and
* * * * Despite the poor early year weather, the PHSG cycle club has met each month and enjoyed good outings. In March however there was a confusion about start points which resulted in three of our number going to a different layby. Red faces all round, apologies etc., etc. In the result though each group enjoyed their own 20 mile ride. In April our ride coincided with the BHF ride from QE School so we did that instead taking the 25 mile option. That is, those of us that were not convalescing or going on holiday. Photo shows Alan Jeffries and me scooting along. Keith
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FOR SALE AND WANTED For Sale - PHSG Shirts. They are grey with our new logo (as on the front cover of this magazine) on the left hand side breast pocket area. The sizes are small, medium, large and extra large in the T-shirts, the Polo shirts and now Sweatshirts. The T-shirts cost £6, the Polo £10 and the Sweatshirts £12. They will be on sale at each social meeting or event and also at Canford School on Mondays and Thursdays. You can contact me, George O’Leary on 01202 743978. email Wanted - Does anyone have a four drawer lockable filing cabinet they no longer need? if so, we need one at PHSG Office to replace our existing worn out model. If you can help please contact Jan Mesher Tel. 01202 250108 Wanted -Your old greetings cards/postcards/calendars and used postage stamps. I share these between two charities – The M.S. Society and the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. Both these charities have written thanking PHSG for the support we give them. It’s another way of recycling and at the same time it makes money for two worthwhile causes. DON’T BIN ‘EM – SAVE ‘EM! Also please DO NOT CUT THE STAMPS OFF THE POSTCARDS. THE POSTCARD IS WORTH MORE THAN THE USED STAMP. The M.S. Society makes note pads from these cards. I have received from them a receipt for £18.80 from the sale of mini notepads in December. Please contact me at any of the monthly meetings, or at Canford School exercise class each Monday and Thursday. Or phone George O’Leary on 01202 743978. Something wanted? Something to sell? Give the Editor a bell on 01202 694886.
DEREK HITCHINGS – BUILDER 88 Puddletown Crescent, Canford Heath, Poole, BH17 8AN Tel: (01202) 250108 Mobile: 07763200452 Carpentry, Plastering, Plumbing, Tiling, Decorating. All general building work. Free estimates given for all sized jobs. Page 21
Crossword Across 1. Woven fabric from silk-like Material (7) 5. Joint (5) 8. Warming head item (7) 9. Spanish for goodbye (5) 10. See 6 down (9) 12. No matter which (3) 15. Affirmative (3) 17. Blizzard (9) 19. The Great wall of ..... (5) 20. For: e.g. (7) 22. One of the five senses (5) 23. Very strong or intense (7)
Down 1. Made fine adjustment (7) 2. Make stronger (7) 3. Large flightless bird (3) 4. Terrible (5) 5. Indoor flowering bulb, popular at Christmas (9) 6. and 10 across Pictured Pirates of the Caribbean actress (5, 9) 7. Piece of writing (5) 11. Friendly or formal greeting (9) 13. Excited cry (7) 14. Someone who hosts a show (7)
Page 22
15. Boat (5) 16. ..... Guard : Vatican Soldiers (5) 18. Very fat (5) 21. Creation of works of beauty (3)
Answers page 30
Dr No Shattering health myths by turning ‘wisdom’ on its head Make tiny changes to your diet – This can have a dramatic impact on your health. It is estimated that 20,000 lives a year could be saved if Britons ate one gram of salt fewer a day, an extra piece of fruit and less saturated fat. Here are some more simple tweaks to boost your health......... Don’t lie in - Changing your sleep pattern suddenly has a dramatic effect on the part of the brain responsible for balancing hormones, which can trigger headaches. You’re also likely to suffer caffeine withdrawal after sleeping through your normal early morning cup of tea or coffee. Always try to stick to the same schedule and if you’re tired, have a nap later in the day. Eat the colours of the rainbow – The mantra of ‘five a day’ refers to variety as much as quantity. In particular, you need to eat as varied colours as possible, each colour representing different health-boosting antioxidants and nutrients that work in synergy with each other. For instance, vitamin C in fruit boosts the absorption of iron from any green leafy vegetables such as spinach. Make sure you’re getting the full spectrum of colours in your basket – think of traffic lights: something green, something orange and something red. Stand on one leg when you brush your teeth – This works the deep core muscles in your abdomen, which protect your back. Many people never work these deep muscles and this is a perfect opportunity to give them a short but effective workout – it’s like sitting on an exercise ball at your desk. Try brushing with one hand and standing on the opposite leg for one minute, then reverse. The more variation, the better. (please take care not to fall over !) Buy shoes at the end of the day – Feet swell continuously from the moment you wake, due to heat and blood pooling with gravity, so buying them later means you’re trying on shoes when your feet are biggest. Ditch the bottled water – Everyone knows you should be drinking around two litres of liquids a day, but despite what the bottled water companies tell us, that can be almost any fluid. Soup, tea, coffee, even beer, literally anything except spirits. And you’ll also be taking in fluid by getting your five-a-day fruit and vegetables. I drink tea and coffee through the day and along with the occasional fruit have the odd glass of wine. This obsession with constantly sipping water baffles me. Don’t rinse after brushing – Leave the basin the moment you’ve finished brushing your teeth. Rinsing your mouth out with water washes away the protective fluoride coating left by the toothpaste. Also avoid drinking any fluids for at least half an hour after brushing your teeth. There’s plenty of moisture in your mouth, without using extra water.
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From a Retired Bee-keeper Give a little Wriggle if you want to lose weight; don’t bother if you have no weight problem – you’re lucky ! Yes, what is in our jeans is controlled by our genes, for some of us are (unfortunately) genetically more efficient at storing energy in our fat stores. Many of us do have a weight problem these days, and it is certainly a factor for many heart conditions. What can we do ? A lot ! Have you still got the genes from a hunter/gatherer, eight thousand years ago? There were times when food was plentiful, such as after killing an animal for food, and times when it was scarce. When there is plenty it is essential to eat up before the food gets far too rotten to eat – you need a good appetite. You store fat in your buttocks etc., to see you through the “lean” times when food is scarce – but fortunately food is no longer scarce in this country. Whilst actively chasing an animal you do not want to feel hungry – and it has now been proved that people do not feel as hungry after even light exercise (so called aerobic) as they would staying still, even allowing for the calories burned during the exercise. If you do not eat quite so much – you lose weight. Of course if you are able to do heavy exercise you burn even more calories, and lose weight more quickly. It seems that movement is one factor controlling appetite; if we keep moving we will feel less hungry. We all know that we should avoid, and what makes a healthy diet. Even avoiding spices, and sauces, will help us to reduce portion size. Why have an appetizer if you want to lose the appetite ? So if you want to lose weight, give a little wriggle, and eat less !
Fortunately for me bees have no buttocks, or fat stores, so they have to store food for the “lean” winter times in the form of honey. But did you know they too wriggle, and dance ? If they have found a rich source of food they dance over the honeycomb, wriggling all the time, in a figure of eight pattern. The alignment, and shape, of this pattern indicates to their “pals” where there is a good source of nectar to forage for honey. I like honey ! Page 24
Silver in the Hair Gold in the Teeth Stones in the Kidneys Sugar in the Blood. Lead in the Feet Iron in the Arteries And an inexhaustible supply of Natural Gas
I never thought I’d accumulate such wealth.
Page 25
Lost in Translation The following are all genuine attempts to translate from a foreign language into English for the benefit of visiting English tourists. Seen in foreign hotels – Switzerland – We have nice bath and are very good in bed. Iraq – No consummation whatever may take place in the foyer. Italy – Suggestive views from every window. Seoul – Choose between twin bed or marriage size – no King Kong. Italy – If service is required give two strokes to the maid and three to the waiter. Serbia - If set breaks, inform manager. Do not interfere with yourself. Spain – Take Discotheque with or without date in Summer plus open air bonging bar. Germany – It is our intention to pleasure you every day. Serbia – The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid. Turn to her straight away. Canada – No dancing in the bathrooms. Japan – You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid. Zurich – Because of the improprietory of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedrooms, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose. Finland – Fire Instructions: If you cannot reach a fire exit, close the door and expose yourself at the window. Torremolinas – We highly recommend the hotel tart. Vietnam – Tasty tacos and beautiful tarts are the order of the day. Japan – We now have a Sukiyaki restaurant with lodging facilities for those who want to have experiences on Japanese bedding. Germany – I send you my prices. If I am dear to you and your mistress, she might perhaps be reduced. Germany – A vivacious stream washes my doorsteps, so do not concern yourself that I am not good in bath. I am superb in bed. Germany – Standing among savage scenery, the hotel offers stupendous revelations. There is a French widow in every bedroom, affording delightful prospects. China – Our hotel has the few best foreign affairs in hotels. Rome Turkish Baths – Be pleased to come lie down with our masseuse. She will make you forget all your tiredness. Japanese Medical Questionnaire – Has any part of your body ever grown uncontrollably ? Page 26
Walking Group
On the recent Bluebell walk, the Walking Group had a record 35 walkers ! They were all safely looked after and nobody was lost on the walk. Well Done Cyril and Jeanette.
For those who are interested in the Walking Group, we walk every 10 days on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 miles. Some of us round off the day’s walk with a Pub lunch – Pleasure after pain! If you require more information or the Walking Book (£3) please contact me on 01202-733956. Cyril - Walks Co-ordinator.
Thoughts on Walking I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again. I have to walk early in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing. Walking can add minutes to your life. This enables you at 95 years to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at £2000 a month. My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60. Now he’s 97 and we don’t know where he is. Page 27
Heart Rhythm and Atrial Fibrillation Message Boards Arrhythmia Alliance – The Heart Rhythm Charity is a patient focused organisation, offering advice, guidance and support whilst promoting timely and effective diagnosis and treatment for arrhythmia patients. A-A hears from many individuals who wish to contact others experiencing similar symptoms and diagnosis. The moderated Forum Message Board addresses this, offering 24/7 access to fellow arrhythmia patients across the globe ! The message board provides the opportunity for patients, carers and family members to express any worries they may have, discuss stories and experiences and reassure each other in difficult and unfamiliar times. Trained moderators are able to ensure all messages are ‘appropriate’ and that the poster’s contact details remain confidential, moderation also ensures that accurate information and guidance is provided. Joining and using the message board is free of charge and becoming a member only takes a few minutes - it couldn’t be easier! Simply visit the Arrhythmia Alliance website and follow the onscreen instructions: The Atrial Fibrillation Association (AFA) have also established a message board dedicated to all those affected by Atrial Fibrillation. This board is also moderated to ensure the accuracy of information and is free for all to join. For further information, please visit the AFA website ( and select the ‘Forum’ tab. Alternatively please contact a member of the team on 01789 451837.
MY LIVING WILL Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, ‘I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.’ They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine!!!! Page 28
Alternative Dictionary F - M These words and suggested alternative meanings are intended to be amusing and not cause offence. FAIRYTALE - Beer made from ferrets FIASCO - Unsuccessful wall painting FLATULENCE -Ambulance used when you are run over FRAGRANT - Sweet smelling tramp FRIGATE - Ship nobody cares about FROGSPAWN - Blue movies for French FUSELAGE - Not many that big GOBLET -A small mouth GURGLE -To steal a ventriloquists dummy HADDOCK - Enclosure for sea horses HARLEQUIN - One of a set of five motorbikes HARPIST - Partially inebriated HEATHROW - What a baggage handler does HEBREW - Jewish teabag HIDING -A bell you can’t reach HOARDING – Call girl’s bell HOBGOBLIN - Eating stoves HONOLULU - Award to Scottish female singer HORTICULTURE - Ideas above ones station HUMMINGBIRD - Lady in need of a bath HUMMUS- What Geordies use to bang nails in HUSTLE-BUSTLE – 19th century kerb crawler ICONOCLASTIC - Rubber band for religious paintings INCREMENT - Bad weather in Japan INJURY - On judicial duty INTENSIVE - High speed strainer IVY - Roman for 4 LABURNUM - French barbeque LACTOSE - Effect of frostbite LAMPOON - Device for whaling at night LIABILITY - Political skill LUPINE - Toilet air freshener LYMPH - To walk with a lisp MANDATE - Male dried fruit MANOEUVRE - Vacuum cleaner men can use MARGATE - Mother of all scandals MAYFLY - Doubtful aircraft design Page 29
Crossword Answers from page 22 Across 1. Taffeta 5. Ankle 8. Earmuff 9. Adios 10. Knightly 12. Any 15. Yes 17. Snowstorm 19. China 20. Example 22. Taste 23. Extreme Down 1 Tweaked 2. Fortify 3. Emu 4. Awful 5. Amaryllis 6. Keira 7 Essay 11. Handshake 13. Whoopee 14. Compere 15. Yacht 16. Swiss 18. Obese 21. Art Answer to UK Anagram Society puzzle on page 8 No Trespassing Allowed. Page 30
What to do if you become unwell When your GP surgery is closed Medical help and advice is available if you become unwell when your GP surgery is closed. You should: Dial 999 or go to A & E as soon as possible if you are worried about the sudden onset of new symptoms or have suffered a serious Injury or illness. A & E departments are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are for a critical or life threatening situation, for example chest pain, suspected heart attack, severe breathing difficulties, severe loss of blood, loss of consciousness, deep wounds and suspected broken bones. They are not for minor injuries or health problems, nor an alternative to seeing your GP or for a ‘second opinion’ if you have already seen your GP. Call the Dorset Out of Hours Medical Service on 0845 600 10 13 if you are unwell but not facing a life-threatening emergency and you think you cannot wait until your GP surgery opens. Go to an NHS Walk-In Centre or Minor Injuries Unit with a minor injury or illness. Find your nearest one by calling NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. You can also call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 if you are feeling unwell and are unsure what to do, or need information about finding a pharmacist, dentist or other service.
Escoffier Luncheon – Wednesday 24th February. The new venue at the B&P College site at the Lansdowne turned out to be reasonably accommodating, but there was the odd comment that it brought back memories of a works canteen! Nevertheless what was important was that the meal set out before us was very good. 58 members and friends sat down at the six long tables, as 2 people had to cry off due to illness. 15 members of the PHSG Office support staff were invited special guests, some of them meeting for the first time. Everyone was in good time despite the difficulty of parking. A number actually managed to get a bus to the Old Christchurch road and were actually closer to the Escoffier building than most of the people in cars! The weather was kind but a few were caught in a short, sharp shower. The presentation of the dishes was first class and the eating was pretty good as well. One or two reports of cold plates were noted, and the “warm” tart was cold but still very edible. The service given by the trainee staff was efficient with no serious disasters to report. Some feed back of the relatively minor problems was given to the head waitress who actually did appreciate the remarks, which included thanks for a very good lunch. Jan Mesher, leader of the Office support staff thanked all of her team and presented a bouquet to Betty Elsmore who has stood in during the recent period while Jan has not been well, and “Happy Birthday” was sung to Viv Wilkinson. All in all a very enjoyable event, which finished just after two o’clock. Gary Lee Social Events Secretary. PS Thank you to all who sent cards or emails of appreciation. Page 31
Want to lose weight for life? Want to lose weight but you don’t know where to start then read on....................... Start by writing down your reasons for weight loss, look at what you want to achieve and whether this is the right time for you to start making changes to your diet and lifestyle. If now is the right time, before you start: * Keep a food diary of everything you eat and drink as well as your emotions and any activity you do for a week. This helps identify problem areas, or feelings or situations that trigger overeating. * Choose 2 or 3 small changes to start with. Write a plan to follow with clear targets. For example - I will eat breakfast everyday or I will swap from butter to a low fat, olive oil enriched margarine based spread. * Identify things to distract you from eating so when you feel like you want to snack you can use these, i.e go for a walk or read a magazine or phone a friend. * Enlist support to keep you inspired and help you through tough times. It could be a friend, partner, group or website. Goal Setting: * Set realistic, achievable goals. Success boosts confidence in your ability to lose weight. * Losing just 5-10% of your weight over 3-6 months has massive health benefits including reducing blood pressure. * A weight loss of between 1-2lb a week is a safe and achievable target. * It’s not just about your weight on the scales. Losing inches from your waist really helps to lower the risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. * Don’t forget activity. Doing more every day not only helps you burn more calories but can boost mood and improve long term success. To lose 1lb of weight a week you need a deficit of 500Kcal a day. So, cutting out that chocolate bar or packet of crisps can really help count toward achieving this deficit and help you lose weight. Next time we’ll look at healthy eating tips and activity................... Dael Hartley, Poole Hospital Dietitian Page 32
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor After all this lovely spring weather, I’m hoping we can all look forward to a barbecue summer. Patty O’Dors Dear Editor We are safely past May 31st, so can now strip off with impunity. I refer, of course, to the old saying ‘Ne’re cast a clout ‘till May is out.’ I know of three claims to the origin of this saying and will let your readers decide which one is genuine: 1) Do not remove any clothing until the month of May is out. 2) Do not remove any clothing until the May blossom is out. 3) There was once a homeless lady of ill repute, who would deliberately get herself arrested and imprisoned to spend the cold winters inside. Come the warmer weather, she would be released. Her name was May. Blair Watson
PUERTO POLLENSA Northern Mallorca Spacious, well-equipped three bedroom apartment with large wrap-around balcony & outdoor dining area, air-conditioning and English TV. 5 mins level walk to the beach and 7mins level walk to the town centre. For more information and rates call; ANN on 01202 423934 Special offers available please quote ref: HM08 Page 33
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor Can my local church charge me for repairs to its roof ? We want to buy a house in a village, but have been told by neighbours that the local church has the right to charge local residents for roof repairs. The estate agent says that nobody has been charged for repairs in the past. Does the church have a valid claim to such payments ? Blair Watson These sound like chancel repair rights, which are enjoyed by some ancient churches to charge homeowners for the cost of repairs. The rights originated from the obligation of the owners of ‘glebe’ land to pay for the upkeep of the chancel, which is the area around the church altar. Chancel rights may seem rather arcane, but some estimates suggest that up to 40% of land in England and Wales could be liable for these costs. The House of Lords upheld the validity of chancel repair liabilities in the 2003 case of Aston Cantlow Parish Church Council v Wallbank. The owners of a Warwickshire farmhouse had to pay £95,000 for works to a village church. It is notoriously difficult to establish if chancel repair obligations exist or not. They are often not recorded in the title deeds to a property and there is no official register. The Church of England has until October 13, 2013, to register chancel repair rights at the Land Registry. If it fails to do so, anyone who buys registered land after that date will be freed from liability. In the meantime you should take special care if you are buying a property near a medieval church, or the premises you are buying has the word ‘glebe’ in the address. Your solicitor should make careful searches and it may be worth taking out insurance to cover the risk. Fortunately, this cover is not expensive. – Ed. Dear Editor, For those who like anchovies, here is my recipe contribution. Alexandre Dumas is credited with inventing this recipe: The “Anchovy Monte-Cristo” Stuff a pitted olive with a cured anchovy fillet. Place the olive inside a black bird, the black bird inside a quail, the quail inside a pheasant, the pheasant inside a turkey, the turkey inside a pig and roast over a roaring fire.The true gourmands eat only the anchovy. From one of my favourite cookery books, ‘Bistro Cooking.’ Iris Roethke Page 34
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor Recently, in the Poole area, there was a possibly historical sighting. Passing on a similar open top bus our informant reports seeing what he took to be a pair of Ancient Britons. It was a bright day, albeit with temperatures in single figures. The couple definitely had blue skins, though whether genuinely woad coated it was difficult to ascertain. The buses met at a narrow portion of the road and had to virtually stop, so it was possible for our observer to overhear the pair communicating. Speech appeared to be mainly grunts and unintelligible sounds we are told. The close-up viewing enabled it to be established that the female wore some sort of tubular garment on the upper body just covering the mammaries, and on her lower body a brief loin-cloth. The male was barechested and wore some sort of primitive shortened breeches with frayed edges. Footwear regrettably was invisible. Both wore metal jewellery apparently fastened directly to the skin ? They also bore tribal markings, no details could be noted in the time available. It is understood that similar sightings have been recorded, but this is the earliest in any year ever known. Any further information would be gratefully received by our local paleontologists and Historical Phenomena Society, and pictorial evidence however indistinct would receive a suitable enumeration. Prof: ‘Digger’ Hasbeen. For the uninitiated, I understand that this refers to an early ‘grockle’ sighting. Grockle, n – a derogatory term for a holidaymaker, especially one in the West Country - Ed.
From the Editors Desk Hearty Greetings from your Editor as we go live with the Summer Magazine Have you ever thought how many people it takes to run a large heart support group ? A quick glance at page 2 will reveal that we now have 14 committee members, all working hard to ensure the success of PHSG, as well as 7 other contacts, who, while not wishing to be on the committee, give invaluable service. That’s 21 members, together with unsung heroes, such as office volunteers, members who help with exercise equipment and take money, and others who make their own invaluable contribution to PHSG. And not forgetting our exercise trainers who put us through our paces. Thanks, everyone, we couldn’t do it without you ! All letters, e-mails and other submissions received are assumed to be for publication and free of copyright restriction. They may be edited for space@l@n or clarity and are not necessarily the views of the Editor or PHSG
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Poole Heart Support Group operates under the umbrella of the British Heart Foundation who rely on voluntary help for fund-raising events. BHF urgently need a Treasurer- can you help please? We also need occasional supporters for fundraising. Please contact: Pam Bailey BHF Rep. 4 Knighton Heath Close Bearwood BH11 9PP. Telephone 01202 574944 We would be pleased to hear from any members who would be prepared to play a more active role in the Poole branch of BHF. We meet once a month at Poole Hospital to plan forthcoming events.
Volunteers wanted to help in our P.H.S.G. Head Office for only 2 hours per month Please Telephone 01202 683363 ext. 133 Manned 1.30 - 3.30pm. Mon & Thurs
You can always call the Office ! You can always call the office We’re a happy little bunch. On a Monday or a Thursday, We’re there just after lunch. If you need some information, Exercise or walking club, (Cyril says they ramble and then end up at the pub!). We distribute magazines and sign in each new member. We are on the go all the time from January to December Jan Mesher PHSG Office Co-ordinator.
Rose Cottage Typesetting and Printing 01258 455663