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Letter from the President
Dearest EuRA Family Members,
I hope that you are faring well and happy with the choices you have made thus far. Spring is the air in spite of the strange weather we are experiencing. Clearly the weather Gods are out of alignment!! Reminiscent of the past year? [or are they restoring some kind of order to a world that needed a bit of fixing? Depends on how you view it].
April reminds me of a sweet poem I happened upon recently. I feel compelled to share it with you. It was dazzlingly written in delightful Danish. This is my interpretation of it. It explains the motley April weather we are experiencing recently. Apparently, when the weather gods were assigning the months their allotted meteorology, they stood patiently in line except the hyperactive little April!! April was running around happily making mischief. By the time April settled down to receive her weather, there was nothing left. The other months had pity on little April [probably recognising themselves in her behaviour!] and each month gave April a bit of their own. Voilà! The reason for our crazy – one minute sun, hailstorm the next, April weather cycles. Keeps us on our toes and gives us something else to contemplate besides Covid & all that comes with it. Fortunately, we also have our dynamic & busy EuRA team bringing us vastly interesting and diverse briefings to divert our attention and keep us abreast of what’s important to our illustrious industry. Thank you EuRA!!
Our amazing EuRA leader & CEO, Mr. Zurlinden, has managed to eloquently cooperate with two other renowned global associations, WERC & CERC, forming WECAN. Hope you had the chance to tune into this vital global mobility conversation. You know the age old saying: Stronger Together….This is just the beginning, I’m sure. The EuRA Spring Summit is the next virtual must attend event on the mobility calendar. Starting Monday 10th April and spread evenly across two weeks ending on the 21st. It’s jammed packed with passionate, energising & inspiring sessions full of vital industry news, learnings, Ignite presentations & networking. I look forward to seeing you there.
Good News!! We are still taking short story contributions for our EuRA E-Book!! Do you have a short story or anecdote that demonstrates the value of the vast global mobility industry? We WANT YOUR STORY!! It’s an ‘easy’ way to convey the worth of our fantastic industry and simultaneously educate those who need to know what we do. Here is a list of our eBook contributors: Expat Partners; Corporate Relocations Greece; Air Animal; IOR; Nimmersion; ABEA; Simply London; Management Mobility Consulting; PIR Group; Peggy Love to name a few. We hope you find the submitted samples published in this edition of the EuRApean, enlightening and most of all, inspiring [wink, wink as in send in yours]!! Until the next time, I send you kind regards from Copenhagen. Yours, Michèle