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MIM Report
Over the past 20 months we’ve been making access to the MIM, MIM+ and CAM Programmes free for all members and have had over 10,000 downloads of the modules which is fantastic!
As we all start to get back to pre-Covid work patterns, we are planning our programme of new MIM+ Modules for the rest of this year and for 2022.

The Sustainability in Mobility Module is now live in the Academy and we have had great feedback.
“I completed the Sustainability module today and it was excellent. Thank you so much, opened my eyes wide” - Rohit Kumar Ikan India.
Primary Trainer Paul Barnes brings the topic to life and interviews people across the industry to get a sense of where we are going with this important topic. We’d like to say a special thank you to Paul for donating his development fee entirely to charity.
We will be following up on the excellent module in a session led by Paul in Seville.
Our Legal Guru Gordon Kerr has also developed a MIM+ half module on Anti Money Laundering. This important topic has wide ranging impacts on our industry and staying compliant with the rules across Europe will be key for all members. Gordon will be following up with two Zoom webinars in April and May.
Martina Scharwey our Consultant for Quality has developed an entirely new “Introduction to the EuRA Global Quality Seal” which is 100% free for all members to certify and gain 50 credits towards MIM and MIM+ certification.

Coming Soon!

Duty of Care Our Primary Trainers Tracy Kautzmann and Lucy Foster have been working on a brand new module dissecting Duty of Care in our industry and how members can best be aware of both the obvious and not so obvious duties owed by companies to their relocatees. This will go live after the Seville conference.
All new courses launching in the Academy will be free for all members to certify for the first month.
You can also just check the EuRA Academy where you will find all the courses. Don’t forget you need to create your identity and in order to get to the free access codes you need to go to the EuRA Training page and log in. If you have any problems just contact us.
All the amazing content in the Academy will still be free to EuRA Members, but we are charging €50 again for the Quizzes which enable you to get your certificates and credits. But if you’re in it for the learning and you’re a EuRA member or work for one, we don’t charge for the knowledge.
Our current MIM+ Programme consists of: • Legal Compliance in
Mobility • Achieving Business
Growth • You are Your Brand • Collaboration in the Next Normal • Coaching Approaches in Mobility, four modules • Sustainability in Mobility • Introduction to the EGQS • Anti-Money Laundering
The Coaching Approaches in Mobility (CAM) course is made up of four programmes each consisting of three fascinating modules. We developed this programme 10 years ago in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University and our Strategic Consultant for Education has fully renewed it and it’s now available for free in the Academy. Completing all four programmes is worth 200 credits.
Don’t forget you can mix and match modules to suit your learning needs and gain your credits to get your qualifications. So you could do one Fixed syllabus module, two CAM modules and one MIM+ module and graduate at the first tier which is MIM Graduate and requires 200 credits. Two further modules will get you to MIM+ which requires 300 credits in total. Below are downloadable guides with everything you need to know;
• Guide to Qualifying with EuRA • Routes to Qualifying Explained