2 minute read
Letter from our President
recharge. Well, for some anyway � �
Then there is the main event –the EuRA conference sessions & activities. Planned with the idea of broadening our minds, our knowledge base & bringing us joy. Did you know it’s part of EuRA’s Vision?
To deliver collaboration, inspiration, education, and joy!! As I write, there are numerous EuRA members hard at work planning, editing & rehearsing panels, Ignites, & other fun surprises. All for your benefit. Can you believe it?
!!25 years of EuRA!!
Dear Fellow EuRA Members, Happy Springtime!!
If you are one of the lucky 750 that will attend the 25th EuRA Conference on the Emerald Isle, then you might be counting your blessings. I am!! Here are 3 brilliant bits that I am grateful for:
1. Discovering delightful Dublin!!
2. Celebrating 25 years [& counting!!] of EuRA!!
3. Saying “Hello” to the 14th President of EuRA!!
Have you planned your ‘Look and See Delightful Dublin Tour’ itinerary yet?! There is a treasure trove of places to visit. Cafés & bars full of lively music at all hours. I find that there is something sentimental about listening to old Irish tunes while enjoying a pint. The atmosphere fills the senses with joy. Dancing, laughing & signing along with the artists - it’s an emotional expertise & time to continue the good work. They represent you –the EuRA member. Our membership is EuRA’s ‘raison d’être’! The reason behind producing convivial conferences, brilliant briefings, and other epic events.
In people years, 25 is YOUNG. In association years, well 25 is what? ‘Middle-aged’? � � To what do we owe EuRA’s phenomenal longevity? I’m unsure if it’s possible to list everything. But if I had to start somewhere, it would be with Tad Zurlinden & Dom Tidey. They have set the tone of our auspicious association. They have led us through thick & thin. They are a strong team that complement each other. They have made EuRA a trusted source. More than that, they have made it a place of belonging & recognition.
Then there is the EuRA Team –Briony, Maree and Maria [who put this publication together!]. They are a major part of the EuRA ‘backbone’. Thank you EuRA team members!!
Lastly, I am thankful to be able ‘pass the baton’ to our newly elected Executive Board President at the conference opening. Alister Murray of Packimpex is our #14. We look forward to welcoming Alistair to the EuRA stage & hearing about his vision for EuRA 2023-2024.
Serving as the EB’s Nordic Region member since 2015 has been the pinnacle of my relocation career. Working with magnanimous minds from across the globe is & was an energizing education. It sounds cliché, but it truly has been an honor & a privilege. Thank you for allowing me to be EuRA’s [lucky!!] #13
I look forward to connecting with you at our silvery themed festivities. It will be a conference to remember.
Wishing you a very Happy Easter for those that celebrate.
Erin Go Bragh!! [Ireland Forever!!]
Your American/Danish #13 [soon to be past EuRA President],
EuRA is a well-run association that will outlive us!! Thanks must also go to past/present/& future board members who donate their