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The Coalition for Greener Mobility Update
Tad Zurlinden
The Coalition for Greener Mobility was established in June 2022. The founding members are committed to improving the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in all areas of global mobility. We have been working to set out the parameters and a roadmap of the work the coalition hopes to go forward with. Here is a report on where are so far
The Coalition will: o Promote a common understanding of good practices and actions to improve sustainable outcomes across the mobility industry o Facilitate learning, collaboration, and improved Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in the management of global mobility o Provide the mobility community with the tools to help improve transparency on environmental sustainability o Facilitate meaningful measurements that track and report on environmental sustainability progress
Founding/Charter Members: o Association of International Movers (IAM) o Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC) o Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) o EuRA o FIDI o Worldwide ERC (WERC)
The Coalition for Greener Mobility will recognize three membership types:
Charter Members - these are associations active in Global Mobility who have contributed equal financing of the coalition. Representatives from the Charter Members form the Board of Directors of the coalition.
Members at large - these are organizations (associations, companies) who support the coalition and its work, possibly including a financial contribution to support the continued work. They support the mission and vision of the coalition. Members at large can make application to become Charter Members, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
Contributors - these are individuals who are named by Charter Members or Members at large for their achievements or operational contributions to the coalition. These members typically would contribute to the various task forces or workflows. Contributors require approval from the Board of Directors.
The Coalition for Greener Mobility is in the hands of the Board of Directors, composed of one Director per Charter Member. We intend to form a not-for-profit company to manage the activities of the Coalition.
Progress to date:
1. A report by Deloitte on the Path to Sustainability was present to the Coalition in December 2022.
2. The results of the report were delivered to the members of all the associations in February 2023.
3. The activates of the Coalition were discussed at the CHPA conference in New Orleans in February 2023, at the FIDI conference in Bangkok in March 2023.
What next:
To develop Working Groups - volunteers (individual members of participating associations, external experts, etc.) who work on a specific task related to a defined subject.
Subject Areas:
1. Education & Awareness o Identify what already information already exisits o Identify existing trainining o Decide what else is needed
2. Defining ‘Greener Mobility’ – to be subdivided into sectors: o Moving o DSP o Corporate Housing o RFPs/RFIs – to define how to include sustainability and educate corporate procurement teams on greener practices.
These groups will look at ways to be greener, define necessary investment and create guidelines for global mobility.
3. CO2 measurement – look at various platforms or possibly develop a bespoke platform and publish guidelines and best practices. o Sustainability certifications & standards - Identify existing certifications and Standards (e.g., CDP, Ecovadis, etc.) and relevance for GM and develop guidelines & best practices for GM stakeholders. o “Targets & industry standards -Identify industry-specific sustainability targets and define (if relevant) industry-specific sustainability standards.
4. Certification & Standards – there will be two approaches.
5. Coalition governance: o Identify governance structure of the Coalition. o Define resources & budget needs. o Identify other participating associations & stakeholders.
6. Social equity in Global Mobility o Define diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in the Global Mobility framework. o Identify how the definitions impact business practices such as recruiting, hiring, and managing employees. o Develop guidelines on how organisations can adapt culturally to be more inclusive.
Don’t miss our summary of the work of the coalition and of the Sustainability Symposium which will take place in Dublin on Friday April 28th at 10:00. For anyone not able to be with us in Dublin, the session will be recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel.