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The EuRApean Summer 2020
Since March we’ve been connecting with our amazing members all over the world as well as running a new series of online sessions, “EuRA Briefings - Knowledge Worth Sharing” and all of the sessions from our “Not-in-Seville Get Together” as well as the upcoming “EuRA Fall Forum” sessions.
EuRA Briefings:
• Updates to EuRA’s Legal Guides
• Expat Tenancy Management
• Adaptability & Expectation
• Risk Management & Liability
• EU - US Privacy Shield Declared Invalid
You can watch them all on our YouTube Channel

EuRA’s Social Media
#euravlog #euraintercultural #eurawillbetogetheragain
We have been working hard to increase online recognition of our industry through our social media presence.
On LinkedIn we have a feed page, the “Official EuRA Members Group” our “Legal Peer to Peer Sharing” Group and an “EGQS” Group. We post links to all our briefings and interviews on LinkedIn, the EuRA Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram.
If you have anything you would like to share please go right ahead! The more we can share, acknowledge and highlight the amazing work of our industry all over the world, the better we can create recognition!
Please follow EuRA’s presence all the links are below!

https://www.linkedin.com/company/eura https://www.facebook.com/eurarelocation
https://www.instagram.com/eura_relocation https://twitter.com/EuRA_Relocation