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EGQS Update 2022
Feature: “EuRA Global Quality Seal Update 2023”
The 2023 EGQS update meeting was held in November and Martina Scharwey led us through the process.
Each year we take the opportunity to review the Quality Standard that underpins the Seal so that we can update the KPI’s and incorporate any new legislation or processes that have become relevant to the members.
Over the years this has involved some significant changes to the Seal, one of which was the incorporation of the rules on GDPR. This was one of the biggest single changes to the Seal but as time has gone on, all businesses have had to adapt to these rules so what seemed like a massive and onerous change is now just taken for granted!
Martina starts the process in the early Autumn by polling each EuRA member qualified under the Seal as well as the Seal auditors. This gives us the ability to track year on year, what works and what may need improvement.
One of the additions for last year for example, was the requirement for DE&I policy and one of the comments was that for small companies, such a policy was not linked to business success. Any points raised in the survey such as this are then debated within the Executive Group and a decision is taken as to whether to adopt a change. In this instance for example, it was decided the requirement for a DE&I policy should remain. As with all policies under the Seal, EuRA provides templates which members can then use to build a policy that fits their business needs, therefore it was felt that in this instance the policy can be adapted to reflect the company going through certification.
One improvement that was suggested was to simplify the data integrity and security requirements by merging the two requirements in Sections 2.9 and 2.14 and this it was agreed was good way forward.
One interesting response was to the question “Is sustainability an issue that you need to consider in your company today or in the near future?”. In 2021 75% of respondents replied yes. In 2022 that figure had risen to 92.3% which reflects how important the topic has become within the mobility industry. As a result Martina suggested a change to Section 2.7 Environmental / Sustainability Management Policy which now contains the following objective, to; “Define, implement and measure at least one environmental/sustainability related measurable objective, including objective, frequency of measurement and target value”. After a really interesting discussion around the implementation of sustainability goals, the measure was approved and this will be part of the 2023 Standard. What’s so interesting about the discussions we have around topics such as this, is the diversity of members in the EuRA family. This might be a difficult measure to implement if your company is already highly committed to sustainability goals. But for another member who is just starting on the journey to sustainability, very easy to implement.
For some years now, the Executive Group has discussed the idea of somehow elevating those members who hold the seal, as their commitment to quality is proved to be very high. This will be a topic for discussion again in the full review of everything EuRA does that is being carried out over the coming year.
If you want to know more, please watch out for the Bulletins in the new year where we will be letting you know the dates for the online Update Briefing which will happen in February and of course for the sessions we will be hosting on the Seal in Dublin.
Newly Certified and Re-certified Members
Congratulations to our newly certified and re-certified EuRA Global Quality Seal Members
Newly Certified
EO Mobility Consultancy - Jul-22
Newly Recertified
Cosmopolitan Services Unlimited - Nov-22
Rilvan Moving and Relocations - Nov-22
Executive Relocations France - Nov-22
Nestlers Group - Oct-22
RSH - Relocation and Immigration Services - Sep-22 Auris Relocation AG - July-22
Donath Relocation - July-22
Clearview Relocation - July-22
Copenhagen Relocations - June-22
Online Training
There is a full module in the EuRA Academy

compliant for the future. Free to all members. This module of five components covers everything you need to know about setting up a process management system. You'll learn how to build your Quality Manual and how to implement all the required policies to ensure you're completely
Even if this isn't the right time for you to go forward to your official audit, it's a great time to learn how to implement a process management system across your organisation. Following these three (free to EuRA Members) modules will simplify the process, led by a true expert in quality management. https://euraacademy.thinkific.com/courses/ introduction-to-the-eura-global-quality-seal-2022
Introduction to the EGQS
Watch the film