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New Vision & Mission
Feature: New Vision and Mission
As the Executive Group and team get underway with our top down review, it was felt that a logical place to start was to look again at EuRA’s Vision and Mission and Values.
After some real thought and conversations within the Executive Group and the team, the new Vision, Mission and Values have been published.

To deliver collaboration, inspiration, education and joy for the benefit of our EuRA membership.
Our mission is to be the benchmark for education, innovation and best practice in the most sustainable way possible; empowering our members to achieve their full potential and become leaders within the Global Mobility industry. We will achieve this by adding value to our members through the MIM (Managing International Mobility) training, conferences & networking events and quality certification. The EuRA Global Quality Seal (EGQS) is the leading quality certification for the industry. EuRA enhances its representation of members and is at the forefront of ensuring that the industry is recognised globally.
Values Compassion:
We are kind and caring to those we encounter, treating them with dignity and professionalism.
We make responsible decisions based on professional standards.
We achieve more when we collaborate
We encourage economic growth, environmental care & social well-being
We give a voice to people with different ideas, strengths, interests and cultural backgrounds.
We reinvest surplus income for the benefit of our members