Issue No. 17
5 September 2014
Going green @ work
orking at a greener workplace equals to a healthier and more productive office. It also means the workplace has a lighter ecological footprint that will be good for Mother Earth. Having a greener office starts from the determination and willingness of everyone. Whether you’re a boss or an employee, here are some tips to start the groundwork for a healthy and low-impact workspace.
Set computers to energy saving settings. For most offices, the computer is a central tool. Adjusting the power settings for computers and other devices can be more than a big energy saver.
Plug hardwares and appliances in power strips. If these technologies will be plugged with an on/off switch, the whole desktop setup will be easier to be switched off at once. Other devices such as printers and scanners that are used occasionally can be unplugged until they are needed.
Turn off lights when the work day is complete. Just like what we learned from home, turn off the lights when not in use. Everyone should know their responsibilities in their respective work areas.
Digitize. Whenever possible, keep things digital and dematerialized. If possible, send emails instead of paper letters. Keep files on computers instead of file cabinets. Encourage everyone to use reusable eating utensils. They are better for the environment for they can be used again rather than paper or plastic. Also, bring lunch to work in reusable containers. Delivery and takeouts often sums up to big amount of waste. But, if you really want to order takeouts, join coworkers in placing a large order.
Use green materials. Printing or paper-use cannot be avoided so it is better to use recycled papers or eco-friendly materials.
Encourage everyone to carry on their energy efficient habits in the workplace. Suggest energyefficient activities that you can do in the office. Make it a habit. You can also team up with different environmental organizations to raise more awareness.
Published by the Knowledge Management and Information Service (KMIS) for the DTI ENERCON Management Team in support of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program. If you have Enercon tips to share, other suggestions or requested topics, please e-mail us at