January 30, 2014
Metro Manila Food Manufacturing Source Book
Department of Trade and Industry. Bureau of Domestic Trade
Call Number
SITC 0/45 608/DTI-BDT/2013 This sourcebook helps micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the food sector to look for sources of raw materials, supplies, equipment, and services for their operation. Also contains contact information and products/services offered by 1,092 companies. Aside from finished and semi-finished products and components, other elements of a food manufacturing business are included: equipment, tools, packaging materials and services from government and private sector agencies. 285p. Copies are available for sale at the: Bureau of Domestic Trade G/F Trade and Industry Bldg. 361 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City Tel. No. 751-3223 P200.00/copy
FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013 World Food and Agriculture
Food and Agriculture Organization
Call Number
STAT/00 000/FAO/2013 This yearbook is a collection and reference point for statistical data on food and agriculture that provides a snapshot of related economic, environmental and social trends and issues. It presents visual synthesis of the major trends and factors shaping the global food and agricultural landscape and their interplay with broader environmental, social and economic dimensions. 356p.
Copies are available for loan to DTI employees and for research purposes only to external clients, on a first-come, first-served basis at the DTI Library, GF Trade and Industry Building, 361 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, 1200 Makati City. For inquiries/reservation, please call 751.0384 local 2130.
Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds
National Intelligence Council (NIC)
Call Number
00 000/03/NIC/2013 This publication is intended to stimulate thinking about the rapid and vast geopolitical changes characterizing the world today and possible global trajectories over the next 15-20 years. It is a result of in-depth research, detailed modeling and a variety of analytical tools drawn from public, private and academic sources. It also shows the potential role of the United States in delineating possible future directions and their impact on the broader evolution of the international system. 139p.
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement A Business Guide for Developing Countries
International Trade Centre
Call Number
02 000/09.07/ITC/2013 This guide explains the significance of WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and the reason why it was proposed. It aims to help business communities in developing countries understand the obligations that these countries have taken on or will do so in the future. Gives an overview of the main provisions of the agreement and also explains how it is intended to ease border controls for businesses and how they can still influence the way that governments implement the obligations and specific commitments they have undertaken in reaching the agreement. 32p.
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue 2, January 30, 2014