woensdag 24 september 2014 www.limburgseveulenveiling.nl
Actie Word nu lid voor de rest van 2014 voor slechts
€ 55,-
Adelinde Cornelissen en Jerich Parzival (Jazz x Ulft)
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Informatie Programma Woensdag 24 september 2014 10:00 uur Presentatie Limburgse Veulenveiling Woensdag 24 september 2014 15:00 uur Limburgse Veulenveiling Locatie Dressuur- en Springstal De IJzeren Man IJzerenmanweg 4 6006 TA Weert Nederland
Information Schedule Wednesday September 24th 2014 10.00 hrs Preview Limburg Foal Auction Wednesday September 24th 2014 15.00 hrs Limburg Foal Auction Location Dressuur- en Springstal De IJzeren Man IJzerenmanweg 4 NL-6006 TA Weert The Netherlands
Index Voorwoord - Foreword
Adverteerders - Advertisers
Fokkers op alfabetische volgorde - Breeders in alphabetical order
Veulenvaders op alfabetische volgorde - Foals sires in alfabethic order
Geselecteerde veulens - Selected foals
Impressie opnamedag 2014 - Impression photo shoot 2014
Betalingsvoorwaarden - Terms of payment
Veilingvoorwaarden - Terms and conditions
Colofon - Colophon
176 1
Voorwoord De provincie Limburg heeft de springpaardenfokkerij hoog in het vaandel staan. Het is duidelijk te merken dat ons fokgebied al generaties lang doelbewust bezig is om het beste sportpaard te fokken. De kwaliteit van Zuid-Nederlandse fokkers spiegelt meer dan ooit af op de collectie van dit jaar. We bieden kwaliteitsvolle veulens uit bewezen moederlijnen. Het aandeel dressuurveulens in de collectie heeft een enorme vlucht genomen door de samenwerking met Gertjan van Olst. De editie van 2013 was het eerste jaar dat de dressuurspecialist zijn intrede deed. De resultaten van deze samenwerking is terug te zien in onze collectie van dit jaar. Maar liefst 39 top-dressuurveulens zullen dit jaar geveild worden, welke bijna een verdubbeling is ten opzichte van de editie in 2013. Waar de Limburgse Veulenveiling jarenlang vooral bekend stond als een veiling voor springveulens, profileren we ons nu sterk als een evenement dat interessant is voor kopers van zowel spring- als dressuurveulens. We zijn trots om u een hoogwaardige collectie aan te bieden en wij wensen u allemaal een succesvolle veiling toe. Met vriendelijke groet, Paul Hendrix Voorzitter Veulenveiling Limburg
Foreword The Province of Limburg highly values the breeding of jumping horses. It is clear to see that our area has, for many generations, been consciously working on breeding the best sport horse. The quality of the Southern Dutch breeders is reflected more than ever in this year’s collection.We offer top-quality foals out of proven dam-lines. The number of dressage foals in the collection has risen tremendously through the collaboration with Gertjan van Olst. The 2013 edition was the first year in which the dressage specialist participated. The result of this collaboration can be seen in our collection this year. At least 39 top-dressage foals will be auctioned this year, which is almost twice as many as in the 2013 edition. Where the Limburg Foal Auction was for many years mainly known as an auction for jumping foals, we are now presenting ourselves as an event that is interesting for purchasers of jumping foals as well as dressage foals. We are proud to offer you a superb collection and we wish you all a very successful auction. Kind Regards, Paul Hendrix Chairman Limburg Foal Auction
El Primero Goedgekeurde KWPN hengst
Numero Uno x Indorado x Carthago Fokker: P. Goertz, Reuver Eigenaren: Stal Hendrix, P. Franken, J. Pauli
De KWPN goedgekeurde dekhengst El Primero werd in 2009 verkocht via de Limburgse Veulenveiling. Hij ontving een lovend verrichtingsrapport. Daarin stond onder andere dat hij over zeer veel vermogen en aanleg als springpaard beschikt. Inmiddels presteert El Primero uitstekend onder Pieter Keunen in verschillende jonge paarden competities. Zo wonnen ze in mei van dit jaar nog de Stal Hendrix Competitie voor vijfjarigen. The KWPN approved stallion El Primero was sold in 2009 via the Limburg Foal Auction. He got a laudatory test report. It stated that he has a very good technique in the hind quarters and is a very talented jumping horse. In the meantime, El Primero has performed very well in several youngster classes under rider Pieter Keunen. They won a class for five-year-olds during the Stal Hendrix Competion in May this year. 4
Cas II Indoctro x Numero Uno x Calvados Fokker: T. Tax, Blitterswijck Eigenaar: Eleonore Paschoud,Yves Bouvier
Het zeer getalenteerde springpaard Cas II werd in 2007 geveild op de Limburgse Veulenveiling. Samen met de Ierse ruiter Cameron Hanley is de Indoctro-zoon bezig een mooie sportcarrière op te bouwen. Dit jaar verschenen ze aan de start in Aken tijdens de Sparkasse Youngster Cup. Daarnaast wisten ze tal van mooie klasseringen op hun naam te zetten. Zo wonnen ze in het Duitse Nörten-Hardenberg en werden ze vierde in Hamburg, beide waren 1.40m rubrieken. The very talented jumping horse Cas II was auctioned at the Limburg Foal Auction in 2007. The Indoctro-son is working on a very beautifull sports career together with the Irish rider Cameron Hanley. This year they entered the arena in Aachen during the Sparkasse Youngster Cup. Next to that, they won the 1.40m class in the German city Nörten-Hardenberg and became fourth in a 1.40m class in Hamburg. 5
Unex Valente Gentleman x Sit this one out x Farn Fokker: H. & C. Leenders, Asten-Heusden Eigenaar: T. Gredley
In 2002 verwisselde Unex Valente in Weert van eigenaar tijdens de Limburgse Veulenveiling. Daarna is hij als vierjarige voor € 100.000,- op de Dutch Sport Horse Sales verkocht. De Engelse ruiter Tim Gredley heeft inmiddels al vele successen op zijn naam geschreven met de Gentlemanzoon. De combinatie werd vooral bekend door het winnen van verschillende puissance rubrieken in Noord-Amerika. Inmiddels is Unex Valente verkocht aan de Canadese Jennifer O’Neil. Unex Valente got sold in Weert in 2002 during the Limburg Foal Auction. He was auctioned again as a four-year-old for € 100.000,- during the Dutch Sport Horse Sales. The English rider Tim Gredley had many successes with this offspring of Gentleman. The combination is well known for their several puissance victories in North-America. Canada’s Jennifer O’Neil has recently aquired Tim Gredley’s Unex Valente. 6
Dynamo Goedgekeurde KWPN hengst
Andiamo x Winningmood van de Arenberg Fokker: W. Leisink, Panningen Eigenaren: G. van Olst, J. Schalekamp
Nadat Dynamo in 2008 werd geveild op de Limburgse Veulenveiling heeft hij inmiddels een mooie carrière opgebouwd onder Bart Bles. Dynamo is de eerste en enige KWPN gekeurde zoon van fenomeen Andiamo. Andiamo viel zelf op door zijn imponerende springvermogen. Naast de super springkwaliteiten beschikt Dynamo over een sterk en goed springpaardenmodel, en drie goede basisgangen. Dit maakt Dynamo tot een zeer speciale en complete hengst. After Dynamo was auctioned in 2008 during the Limburg Foal Auction, he built up a splendid career under Dutch rider Bart Bles. Dynamo is the first and only KWPN approved son of jumping phenomenon Andiamo. Andiamo himself impressed by his incredible ability. Besides super jumping qualities, Dynamo has a strong and good model for a jumper and three good gaits.This makes Dynamo a very special and complete stallion. 7
Durrant Goedgekeurde KWPN hengst
Warrant x Voltaire x Calvin Z Fokker: P. Keunen,Venlo Eigenaren: E. Schep, Team Nijhof, C. van den Oetelaar, H. Cooper
Durrant is een zoon uit de eerste jaargang van de Numero Uno-zoon Warrant. Hij verdiende de hoogste cijfers voor de springonderdelen tijdens het voorjaarsverrichtingsonderzoek van het KWPN. De jury schreef hem in met een 8,5 voor galop, springtechniek, vermogen en aanleg als springpaard. Durrant voert aan moederszijde het bloed van Voltaire en hierdoor is het interessante bloed van Voltaire en Numero Uno samengebracht. Durrant is an offspring of the Numero Uno-son Warrant. He received the highest grades for the jumping criteria during the 70-days-test of the KWPN.The judges gave him and 8.5 for his canter, jumping technique, ability and talent as jumping horse. Durrant’s dam has the blood of Voltaire. WIth this fact, Durrant’s pedigree has the interesting blood of Voltaire and Numero Uno united.
Van Gogh Goedgekeurde KWPN hengst
Numero Uno x Bernstein x Burggraaf Fokker: M.T.S. Stultiëns, Weert Eigenaar: De Wiemselbach
Van Gogh ging in 2002 onder de hamer tijdens de Limburgse Veulenveiling. In 2005 werd hij verrichtingstopper en maakte daarna furore onder Caroline Müller in de internationale springsport. Dit jaar wonnen zij goed tijdens de Diamond Tour van het Eschweiler Jumping Festival. Ook als vaderdier laat Van Gogh van zich spreken. Dit jaar staat de Numero Uno zoon ook weer hoog in de KWPN fokwaardeschatting. Van Gogh was auctioned at the Limburg Foal Auction in 2002. He was the undisputed KWPN performance test champion of 2005. Since then, he made a furore under Caroline Müller in the international top sport.They won the Diamond Tour during the Eschweiler Jumping Festival this year. The Numero Uno-son is places again very high in the KWPN Stallion Ranking this year.
Adverteerders - Advertisers Aelmans adviesgroep Kerkstraat 2, 6095 BE Baexem - +31 (0)475 459 260
Animal Embryo Centre Boekhorstweg 2, 6105 AD Maria Hoop - +31 (0)475 302 202
Chateau de Raay Raayerveldlaan 6, 5991 EN Baarlo - +31 (0)77 321 4000
DAP Ell Hoogstraat 7, 6011 RX Ell - +31 (0)495 551 225
DAP Horst Americaanseweg 33, 5961 GN Horst - +31 (0)77 398 2169
De Wiemselbach De Mors 69, 7637 PD Oud Ootmarsum - +31 (0)6 22 45 86 08
Dierenapotheek.nl Americaanseweg 33, 5961 GN Horst - +31 (0)77 398 2169
DTP Graphic Products Beekstraat 2, 5981 AS Panningen - +31 (0)77 306 0036
Equine MERC P.O. Box 91084, 3007 MB Rotterdam - +31 (0)6 26 29 21 26
Florence Gorter Paardendierenarts Langen Akker 55, 6325 CK Berg en Terblijt - +31 (0)6 41 04 80 73
Gelissen Paardentransport BV Aan de Drie Heren 11, 6191 BH Beek - +31 (0)464 373 574
Havens Mgr. Geurtsstraat 41, 5823 AC Maashees - +31 (0)478 638 238
Hengstenhouderij Dirckx Dijkerstraat 28a, 6006 PS Weert - +31 (0)6 51 59 78 18
Adverteerders - Advertisers Hengstenhouderij Houwen Postbus 24a, 5861 CT Wanssum - +31 (0)6 51 60 37 62
Hengstenhouderij Kuypers Kerkhoef 14, 5674 NX Nederwetten - +31 (0)6 53 50 05 31
Hengstenhouderij Van Olst Terheijdenspoor 9, 4911 BW Den Hout - +31 (0)162 429 360
Hengstenhouderij VDL Stud Bearsterdijk 14, 9025 BR Bears - +31 (0)582 519 473 Hengstenstation Van Uytert Van Heemstraweg 6, 6624 KJ Heerewaarden - +31 (0)487 573 203
Hippo Zorg Europalaan 14a, 5232 BC ‘s-Hertogenbosch - +31 (0)6 53 31 39 59
Hoeve de Ruif Maasbrachterweg 97, 6101 XV Echt - +31 (0)6 27 86 75 83
Adelheid Showjumpers Heide 25, 6093 PA Heythuysen - +31 (0)6 22 47 80 05
Horse Service International Hazenkampweg 6, 5964 PE Meterick - +31 (0)77 398 4545
JVL Horse Equipment Jan Drappelstraat, 9 5964 AH Meterik - +31 (0)6 53 62 83 23
Keystud Heldensedijk 12, 6088 NT Roggel - +31 (0)475 491 278
Koopmans geluid Bennerwijk 105, 7916 VJ Elim - +31 (0)6 55 80 60 72
KWPN Postbus 156, 3840 AD Harderwijk - +31 (0)341 255 555
Adverteerders - Advertisers Paardencentrum de Dalhoeve Weteringstraat 4, 6659 KM Wamel - +31 (0)6 53 98 31 38
Paardenkliniek Venlo Maasbreeseweg 286, 5927 NZ Venlo - +31 (0)77 366 3053
Pafra Trading Havenweg 13, 6006 SM Weert - +31 (0)6 13 07 62 87
Platinum Stable Gilzerbaan 2, 5133 AA Riel - +31 (0)315 903 856
Ria Joosten Catering Boerderijweg 4a, 6086 PJ Neer - +31 (0)475 495 021
Stal Eijkhof Strubben 11, 6088 NN Rogel - +31 (0)6 29 53 61 64
Stal Hendrix Rijksweg 45, 5995 NT Kessel - +31 (0)77 462 0428
Teeuwen Makelaardij Diepenbroeklaan 43, 5991 PT Baarlo - +31 (0)6 53 26 59 45
V2 Facility Helvoirtsestraat 21, 5268 BA Helvoirt - +31 (0)6 21 16 44 02
Van Gorp/Malherbe Not. Biest 2, 6001 AR Weert - +31 (0)495 537 555
Fokkers op alfabetische volgorde Breeders in alphabetical order CAT. NR
103 29 10 67 58 25 88 19 38 71 42 102 26 34 49 87 4 84 66 83 14 11 22 92 2 1, 45, 75 5, 53 13 41 79 12 55 99 57 74 33 48 68 86
Alders, Th. Allers, Th. Baelen, A. van Bavel, C. van Berben, J.L.J & L.C.J. Bergmans-Wagemans, A.J.M. Boxtel, F.J.G. Braat, M.A.W. Brentjes, M.L.J. Bruyn, I. de Christiaens, J.H.H. Coenen, H.A.P. Coolwijk, H.W.G. Creemers, H.H.J. Crom, A. de Crom, G.A.F. de Curfs, K.J.L. Delft, Th.J.M. van Dorgeloos-Mannens, Fam. Driessen, C.J.H. Duyts, G.P.A. Eekeren, S.C.E. van Eijkelenburg, F. van Engels, F. Erp, Q. van Erp, R. van Feijter, C. de Gassen, H. & A. Geijn, A.P.M. van de Gerbers, J.J. Giepmans, R. Hermeling,Y.M. Hesen-Vossen, H. & R. Heunen, N.J.H. Huis in ‘t Veld, H.J.M. In ‘t Zand,V.J.A.M Jorissen, J.H.A. Kessels, C.J.M. Kleuters, H.M.E.
Sambeek Neer Mol Oosterhout Meijel Ooisterwijk Volkel Etten-Leur Heythuysen Kleve Castenray Heijen Berghem Ospel Weert Ospel Voerendaal Oud-Turnhout Susteren Heythuysen Nederweert Bergen op Zoom Roggel Sint-Laureins Boekel Oss Axel Heinsberg Haler Velp Bergen Puth Maasbree Puth Lettele Einighausen Simpelveld Kessel Merkelbeek
Fokkers op alfabetische volgorde Breeders in alphabetical order CAT. NR
30 47 106 28 101 85 32 104 6 24 39 64 77 78, 82 7, 35 20 81 8 21 61 63 107 89 70 31, 51 108 50 9 17 69 54 15, 43 40 72 59 73 60, 91 23 56
Knops, H.J.M. Koopman, J.M. Kuenen-Derckx, P.M. Kuenen, P.J.M. Kuijken, J.A.C.M. Kuijpers, C. Kusters, H.J.H. Leijser, P.J.P. Lenssen, M.E.P.J. Litjens, J. Maakenschijn, S. Maessen, T.H. Melis, H.M. Michiels, A.H.M. Miltenburg, M.W. Moonen, Fam. Mornie, A. Mortel, A.W. van de Mulders, J.H.T.M. Oetelaar, W.A. van den Opheij, M. Os, F. van Peeters-Breukers, L. Peeters, A.W. Pleijter, M.T.S Porschmann, M. Pouwels, G.H.M. Pullens, A.C.L Puts, W.J.M.J. Raayerveld, Stoeterij Ravenstein, A. van Roosmalen, P.W.M. van Sanders, T.H.M. Santen, A.J. van Schel, I.M.C. Schreurs, H.W.M. Schroembges, E.H.F. Selten, P.W.M. Sjerps, G.J.M.
Oirsbeek Middelbeers Veulen Veulen Bergeijk Helvoirt Nederweert Someren Sevenum Wanssum Chaam Grashoek Stevensbeek Wellerlooi Houten Nederweert Gent Kelpen-Oler Geffen Escharen Nederweert Uden Sint Odilienberg Reuver Zalk Genk Venlo Waalwijk Roosteren Baarlo Schaijk Mierlo Grubbenvorst Culemborg Linden Tegelen Wellerlooi Gemert Gendt
Fokkers op alfabetische volgorde Breeders in alphabetical order CAT. NR
62 44 36 76 100 3, 16 27 18 93, 97 105 80 65 96 46 98 37 94, 95 52 90
Sleutels, E. & M.J. Smeets, H.C. Stapelbroek, H.J.W. Stultiens, Mts. Thiesen, C.A.P. Vaessen, F.J.A. Verhagen, S.C.P.A. Verstappen, G.J.W.
Roggel Echt Vierakker Weert Melderslo Weert Boekel Swalmen Verstappen, J. icm Delissen-Verstappen, C. Swalmen Verstappen, J.G.J. Swalmen Versteeg, Fam. Barneveld Vervoorn-Knaap, H.C. Brakel Vrenken, J.H. Maasbree Vrenken, J.H. icm Stroeken, A.M.G. Maasbree Vullers, A.T.J. Maria Hoop Weerden, J.T.M. van der Meijel Winkel, G. van de Smakt Winnen, W.A.J. Venray WW Stables Meijel
Veulenvaders op alfabetische volgorde Foals sires in alfabethic order cat. hengst/ nr. merrie 62 M 101 M 29 H 37 M 65 H 88 H 107 M 87 H 52 M 95 M 106 H 6 H 100 H 38 M 7 M 48 H 66 M 44 H 97 M H 5 15 M 23 M 45 H M 63 H 33 M 79 99 H 14 M 74 H 3 M H 81
Action Breaker Action Breaker All at Once Apache Apache Arezzo VDL Asca Z Balou du Rouet Berlin Berlin Berlin Big Star Junior Big Star Junior Biscayo Bojengel Cannabis Z Cannabis Z Cardento Cardento Charmeur Charmeur Charmeur Charmeur Charmeur Chippendale Cidane Cidane Clinton I Colman De Niro Deister 90 H Diamant de Semilly 36 M Don Diablo 86 M Douglas 91 H Douglas 77 H Dream Boy 47 M El Capone 20 M El Primero
m. vader Contender Ultimo Lord Leatherdale Vivaldi Johnson Arizona Corrado I Cavalier Heartbreaker Heartbreaker Quality Time Cardenio Montreal
m.m. vader
Quidam de Revel Voltaire Negro Osmium Damiro Hemmingway Caretino Concorde Cash Concorde Tampa Cassini I Voltaire Carabas van de Wateringhoeve Glendale Jazz Krack C Hamlet G. Ramiro Z Quattro Bold Indian Voltaire Goodwill Indoctro Voltaire Negro Vincent Rhodium Jazz Krack C Purioso Negro Whinny Jackson Blue Horse Doolittle Welt Hit II Dayano OO Seven Burggraaf Lux Lancelot Dageraad Cardento Manhattan Casco Contender Don Primero Florestan I Alligator Fontaine Fergar Mail Cassini II Carolus I Applaus Nassau Lux Cor de la Bryere Pilot Cor de la Bryere Kennedy Highline Farrington Krack C Hinault Pilot
Veulenvaders op alfabetische volgorde Foals sires in alfabethic order cat. hengst/ nr. merrie
50 H 102 H 42 M 40 H 108 H 22 M 58 H 68 H 78 M 93 H 35 M 1 H 11 M 21 H 31 M 41 H 51 M 61 H 71 M H 75 M 9 M 27 H 49 67 M 53 H H 69 104 H H 64 M 83
El Primero El Primero El Salvador
m. vader
Calido I Elmshorn Controller Eldorado vd Zeshoek Coriano Z Emerald Voltaire Emir R Arthos R Emir R Tolan R Entertainer Indoctro Entertainer Lovefever Entertainer Vittorio Enzo Ferrari Florencio Everdale Tenerife VDL Everdale Scandic Everdale Uphill Everdale Son de Niro Everdale Vivaldo Everdale F端rst Heinrich Everdale Riant Everdale Showstar Everdale Scandic Fairytale Contango Fairytale Jazz Fairytale Van The Man Fairytale Krack C First Choice Olivi First Choice Oscar Flying Dream Perion Harley VDL Nabab de Reve Harley VDL Libero H 28 M I am Special de Muze Kojak 25 H Jazz Negro 2 H Jilbert vh Ruytershof Koriander 85 H Jilbert vh Ruytershof Oklund 30 M Kannan Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve 46 M Kannan Indoctro 94 H Kannan Numero Uno 16 M Levisto Z Indoctro 17 H Lord Leatherdale Florestan I
m.m. vader Voltaire Voltaire Athlet Z Landgraf G. Ramiro Z Calando I Berlin Formateur Cordial Medoc Indorado Jazz Flemmingh Krack C Goethe Ulster El Corona Metall Zeno Ferro Whinny Jackson Bismarck OO Seven Jazz Gribaldi Jetset D Apollonios Vainqueur Voltaire Damiro Burggraaf Mataro Landlord Equador Hamlet Lancelot Animo L. Ronald Statuar
Equine MERC Marketing
Luc van Moorsel +31 6 26 29 21 26
Daisy van Nieuwkasteele +31 6 24 11 05 99
We take the weight off your shoulders when it comes to equestrian events and marketing.
Some of our clients
Horse & Country TV
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World Dressage Masters
Limburg Foal Auction
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www.equinemerc.nl 18
Veulenvaders op alfabetische volgorde Foals sires in alfabethic order cat. hengst/ nr. merrie
m. vader
55 M Lord Leatherdale Negro 24 H Marius Claudius Royal Bravour 80 H Marius Claudius Cavalier 98 H Mr. Blue Lasino 10 M Nabab de RĂŞve Heartbreaker 19 M Negro Krack C 39 M Negro Krack C 59 M Negro Flemmingh 43 M Netto Jazz 73 M Netto Kennedy 18 H Numero Uno Oklund 54 H Numero Uno Amethist 76 M Numero Uno Clinton 103 H Numero Uno Darco 92 M Ogano Sitte Accord II 82 H Quaprice Clinton 57 H Sir Donnerhall Wolkentanz II 56 H Star Power Quattro 8 H Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve Ahorn Z 26 H Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve Goodtimes 13 H Tomahawk Krack C 34 H Tornesch Heartbreaker 72 H Toulon Cardino 105 H Verdi Heartbreaker 32 M Vittorio Rex Z 70 H Vittorio Chin Chin 84 H Vittorio Concorde 89 H Vittorio Quidam de Revel 96 M Vittorio Numero Uno 4 H Voltaire Ustinov 12 H Warrant Holland 60 H Zapatero Cash
m.m. vader President Naturel Investment Chellano Z Indoctro G. Ramiro Z Fruhling Notaris May Sherif Dageraad Voltaire Wisconsin Bernstein Brave Johnny xx Goldspring de Lauzelle
Carthago Castro Ulft Indoctro Alasca Likoto xx Cavalier Sir Shostakov Concorde Kissovo Zeus Wolfgang Crown Z Burggraaf Darco Damiro Pilot
1. Joint Venture VE
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 23-05-2014, colt/chestnut
R. van Erp, Oss
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres Tenerife VDL Zwyrintha keur IBOP-dres Kyrintha keur sport-dres pref
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Raphael Opera ster Flemmingh pref Germaine pref
Romy s.Farn - Marco Polo
M. Zwyrintha (2004) IBOP 75 dam of:
Nespresso (s.Negro) approved NRPS and selected
MM. Kyrintha (1992)
Chique (s.Tenerife VDL) EPTM 75 Brasil (s.Tenerife VDL) ISP 1.40m
Z1 dam of: grand dam of:
MMM. Germaine (1988) S: Everdale’s great qualities became apparent in the ability test when he was approved with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report. The black eye-catcher seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS:The national-level jumping stallion Tenerfie VDL represents the strong Loma-bloodline and has already produced various national sport horses such as Rahmannshof Before and Amazing.
2. Jumping Jewel I
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 29-04-2014, colt/bay
Q. van Erp, Boekel
Numero Uno pref Jilbert van ‘t Ruytershof Gianthina van ‘t Ruytershof
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Cartani Diamanthina van‘t Ruytershof Contender
Ira II
Ottie ster Inze keur sport-dres
Landlord Felear
Birkeness s.Roman - Loewenjaeger
M. Ottie (1996) dam of: Vivaldi (s.Quickstar) ISP 1.50m with Henrik Lanner and 2nd round viewing Wallstreet (s.Ircolando) ISP 1.45m with Kohei Takada MM. Inze (1990)
MMM. Felear (1969) half sister of: grand dam of:
Lovely Boy 16 (s.Landgraf I) ISP with Norbert Koof Catoo (s.Con Air) approved Holst Locanis (s.Lord) approved Holst
S: The very promising five-year-old Numero Uno-son, Jilbert van ‘t Ruytershof, catches everyone’s attention thanks to his spectacular way of jumping and faultless rounds in the Belgian competition. His graddam jumped at international-level and is a full-sister of the Grand Prix stallion Emerald. The first foals are living up to the high expectations. DS:The Contender-son, Koriander, jumped at national-level and produced international-level show jumpers Pardoes, Paulien and Pedro VI.
3. Jadoniro
Born Breeder/Owner 23-03-2014, filly/dark bay
F.J.A.Vaessen, Weert Donnerhall
De Niro
Donnerwetter Ninette Akzent II
Don Primero Wadona VDL ster prok Flora Radona VD
Donnerhall Fantasia Florestan I Retina
Adone s.Angelo xx - Donar
M. Wadona VDL (2003) MM. Flora Radona VD (1998) MMM. Retina (1991) half sister of:
Rembrandt (s.Romadour II) IDP GP with Nicole Uphoff (OS 1988/1992)
Royal Angelo I-II approved Westf
full sisiter of:
S. Top-producer De Niro was successful at the very highest level with Dolf Dietram and Theresa Wahler. In breeding he has been even more successful, if that is possible. He is dominating top-sport worldwide with very successful offspring such as Delgado, D’Agostino FRH, Donnerfee, Desperados FRH, Glock’s Voice and Dablino. DS. The Oldenburg Grand Prix dressage stallion, Don Primero, produced numerous remarkably-performing horses such as Keystone Dimaggio, Cherie, Don Larino and Paridon Magi.
4. James VGH
Born Breeder/Owner 11-05-2014, colt/chestnut
K.J.L. Curfs,Voerendaal Furioso xx
Furioso II
Dame de Ranville
Voltaire pref Gogo Moeve H
Gotthard Mosaik Libero H pref
Haifa keur pref prest
Babouche ster Undercover R
Darco Uorina ster
Norina s.Courville xx - Tancred
M. Babouche (2006) MM. Undercover R (1997) MMM. Uorina (1978) grand dam of:
Wiske (s.Royal Bravour) ISP 1.45m D’Amour (s.Warrant) 1.30m Simply Irresistible (s.Dinard L) 1.30m
S. The valuable top-producer,Voltaire, was successful at the very highest level in the sport with Jos Lansink, winning the Grand Prix in Berlin amongst other successes. He has produced a large number of international sport horses such as the well-known Especiale, Finesse, Concorde, Play It Again and Kannan. DS. Stallion Show champion Ustinov jumped at 1.50m-level and passes on much quality to his offspring, judging by horses such as Blue Berry and the VION-Cup champion, Bestinov.
5. Jupiler
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 17-04-2014, colt/bay
C. de Feijter, Axel Florestan I
Charmeur Trendy elite pref
Vurona elite IBOP-dres sport-dres pref
Jazz pref Endy keur pref prest Ferro pref
Negro pref
Fewrie keur pref prest
Murona elite pref prest
Vincent Furona elite
Urona s.Maykel - Exact
M.Vurona (2002) Z2 and IBOP 76,5 dam of: Blue Hors First Choice (s.Jazz) approved DWB and 3rd round viewing Charming Vurona (s.Dreamcatcher) IBOP 78,5 Belle Vurona STH (s.F端rst Heinrich) IBOP 82,5 MM. Murona (1994) dam of:
Ravanelli (s.Clavecimbel) Z1 Surona (s.Flemmingh) Z1 and EPTM Wurona (s.Negro) Z2 and IBOP 78 Dear Murona (s.Johnson) EPTM 76,5 Zurona (s.Negro) IBOP 75
grand dam of: Zegerwaard (s.Jazz) ZZ-Zwaar Calva la Cornilliere (s.Flemmingh) Z1 Cyrano Cornilliere (s.Flemmingh) Z1 MMM. Furona (1987) Z1 and IBOP 91 S. The impressive mover, Charmeur, made a big impression in the youngster classes under Emmelie Scholtens and is now being trained by Madeleine Witte-Vrees for the higher-level sport. His offspring always make a good impression at the inspections, show much dressage talent and have an appealing way of going. DS. Negro has become an absolute top-producer thanks to GP-offspring such as the Olympic champion Valegro and Numberto, Netto and Nintendo.
6. Joris Bigstar van de Hees
Born Breeder/Owner 30-05-2014, colt/bay
M.E.P.J. Lenssen, Sevenum Quickstar
Big Star Big Star Junior
Jolanda sport-spr prest
Krista elite pref prest sport-spr Cardenio
Violett Nereide I
Polydor Paquita Coriano Eileen VIII Cassini I Galana
Tabima s.Corvado - Capitano
M.Violett (2005) MM. Nereide I (1998) MMM. Galana (1992)
half sister of:
Artist 172 (s.Athlet Z) ISP GP
S. The genetically-interesting promise, Big Star Junior, is out of the dam of the well-known Grand Prix stallion Taloubet Z. Ridden by Christian Ahlmann, this stallion won the World Cup Final in 2011. Big Star Junior himself attracts attention under Michael Greeve’s saddle. Expectations of this Big Star-son are also high for breeding. DS. Cardenio was successful at 1.40m-level until an injury threw a spanner in the works. He has already produced internationally-jumping progeny including Caroll and Capital One.
7. Joline
Born Breeder/Owner 12-04-2014, filly/bay
M.W. Miltenburg, Houten Kennedy
Carina elite pref prest sport-dres
Bojengel Tistie ter Kwincke elite pref Jazz pref Zeoline
Gribaldi pref Arella ster pref prest Cocktail pref Charmante keur Krack C
Bonamour keur sport-dres
Rita s.Doruto - Aleman
M. Zeoline (2004)
dam of:
Flieka (s.Voice) NMK-champion 2013
MM. Tiffany (2000) MMM. Bonamour (1983) Z1 dam of: Pandor B (s.Kennedy) Z2
grand dam of:
Woodstock (s.Jazz) LT
S. Ridden by Stephanie Peters, the eight-year-old eye-catcher Bojengel is proving his great ability at Small Tour level. He shows much talent for the more serious work and proved himself in breeding last winter with various remarkable sons. His son Ghandi has already been approved by the KWPN. DS. Top-producer Jazz excelled in the Grand Prix and is the sire of a series of dressage horses including Parzival, Premier, Tango, Johnson, Next One and Wynton.
8. Jair
Born Breeder/Owner 03-04-2014, colt/chestnut
A.W. van de Mortel, Kelpen-Oler Fair Play III
Narcos II
Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve keur
Olympia van de Krekebeke
Laudanum xx Racyona Z Nimmerdor pref
M.Hyazinthe keur pref prest
Rosabel Marabel sport-spr
Indoctro pref Arabel keur pref prest
Parabel s.Farn - Courville xx
M. Rosabel (1998) MM. Marabel (1994)
MMM. Arabel (1982) dam of:
Jinglebell (s.Flemmingh) ZZ-Licht Promise N (s.Jus de Pomme) Z1 Ravel N (s.Flemmingh) Z2 Utah (s.Oramé) Z1
grand dam of:
Parabel (s.Animo) ISP GP with Marielle van Geel-Schröder Tabelle (s.Hemminghway) ISP 1.40m
S. Keur stallion Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve himself was successful at Grand Prix-level with Roelof Bril and was placed in the Grand Prix in Vienna and Birmingham, amongst other successes. An increasing number of progeny are making their debuts in the international sport such as the very successful Victoria, Warrior, Vigaro, Billy Angel, Bintang II, Wriomf and Santa Maria. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Ahorn, made a clear contribution to breeding with offspring such as Helena, High Valley Z, Genève, Chanel and Dublin.
9. Juliacella
Born Breeder/Owner 17-06-2014, filly/black bay
A.C.L. Pullens, Waalwijk
Lord Leatherdale Fairytale Aida ster Contango pref Marcella ster prok sport-dres Helianthe
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Ballerina II Contender Adisa III Bismarck Tessa ster prest
Odessa s.Duc de Normandie - Simon Bolivar
M. Marcella (1994) LT with Arno Pullens dam of: Cidando (s.Vivaldi) Z2 Roxcella (s.Gribaldi) LT
grand dam of: Zardando (s.Tango) approved KWPN and Z1 Withacella (s.Rubiquil) Z1 MM. Helianthe (1989) MMM. Tessa (1977) dam of: Eduart (s.Zonneglans) IDP LT Fitta (s.Zonneglans) Z2 S. Ability champion, Fairytale, is considered to be a great promise both for the sport and breeding and that is not without reason.The genetically-interesting stallion has three good basic paces, an exceptional dressage model, and a fantastic disposition. His first offspring are doing well in the foal inspections. DS. The Grand Prix stallion, Contango, is receiving international acclaim as a producer thanks to offspring such as Ravel, Madorijke, Caravella, New Tango and Vontango B.
10. Obabelutte-M
Born Breeder/Owner 10-04-2014, filly/bay
A. van Baelen, Mol Quidam de Revel
Nabab de Rêve Melodie en Fa Heartbreaker pref Edelheart M Venezia
Jalisco B Dirka Artichaut Caravelle Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Indoctro pref Goldfee
Goya s.Gigant - Senator
M. Edelheart M (2004) MM.Venezia (1998)
dam of: grand dam of:
Dreambreaker-M (s.Heartbreaker) 1.30m Firstbreaker-M (s.Heartbreaker) 1.30m
MMM. Goldfee (1983) grand dam of: Wodan-M (s.Quidam de Revel) ISP 1.45m Arodana-M (s.For Pleasure) ISP 1.40m S.The famous Nabab de Rêve has proved himself amply in both the international sport and at stud. Ridden by Philippe Lejeune, he was a permanent fixture in the Belgian team and won team gold at the WEG. Well-known offspring in the top-sport are Vigo d’Arsouilles, Walnut de Muze, Glock’s London and Valentina van ’t Heike. DS. Heartbreaker too has made a name for himself in the sport and at stud. He produced Grand Prix winners such as Romanov II, Toulon, Zidane, Action Breaker and Dejavu.
11. Jillz
Born Breeder/Owner 27-03-2014, filly/chestnut
S.C.E van Eekeren, Bergen op Zoom
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Solos Carex
Noraline elite pref prest sport-dres
Baileys prok Toscana elite
Krack C Vanessa keur prest
Lancia s.Griffier - Maarschalk
M. Baileys (2006) MM. Toscana (2000)
grand dam of:
MMM.Vanessa (1979) IBOP 85 dam of:
Dafira (s.Jazz) Z1 Gere (s.Beaujolais) GP with Anky van Grunsven Karon (s. Beaujolais) ZZ-Licht Falco (s.Zevenster) Z2 Dempsey (s.Nimmerdor) 1.30m
grand dam of: Whisper (s.Rubels) ZZ-Zwaar Cayenne v/d Baarlevelde (s.Florencio) Z2 Marco (s.L.A.) Z1 Zancada (s. Rousseau) Z1 Tiamo (s. Flemmingh) Z1 Narome (s.L.A.) 1.30m S.The black eye-catcher, Everdale, showed his exceptional qualities in the ability test when he was registered with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report.The big talent for the future seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS. The Olympic stallion, Scandic, is convincing with his piaffe and passage. His eldest progeny are successfully competing in the subtop such as Zweed, Zambuka and Apretado.
12. Jykarlos
Born Breeder/Owner 09-05-2014, colt/bay
R. Giepmans, Bergen Numero Uno
Warrant Karanta keur pref prest Holland Nykarla keur prest Karla ster
Libero H Jolanda keur Nimmerdor pref Furanta Concorde pref Cornelia ster Damiro Fybarla ster prest
Obarla s.Joost - Senner
M. Nykarla (1995) IBOP 73,5 dam of:
Vykarlos (s.Numero Uno) ISP 1.50m with Michal Kazmierczak and 2nd round viewing Ukarlos (s.Lester) 1.35m Zykarlos (s.Mermus R) LT-dressage
MM. Karla (1992)
Barla T (s.Hemmingway) IBOP 78
Z1-dressage dam of:
MMM. Fybarla (1987) dam of:
Pubarla (s.Concorde) 1.30m Lybarla (s.Armstrong) 1.30m Icarlo (s.Notaris) Z1-dressage and 2nd round viewing Topper Carla (s.Jetset-D) Z1-dressage
S. Ridden by Henk van de Pol, Warrant jumped successfully at the highest level and progressed quickly up to the B-cadre. The Numero Uno-son is now pursuing his sports career under Will Simpson’s saddle. Warrant already has two KWPN-approved sons: Durrant and Entertainer. His eldest progeny attract attention in the Youngster competitions. DS. The Grand Prix jumping stallion, Holland, was successful in the top-level sport with Eddie Macken and produced top-level offspring including Oklund, Whistler and Oswin.
13. Jomahawk
Born Breeder/Owner 28-05-2014, colt/bay
H. & A. Gassen, Heinsberg Temptation
Tuschinski Nora ster pref prest Sandro Hit
Krack C Lawinja
Flemmingh pref Gicara II keur pref prest Likoto xx
La Vita
Loretta s.Ramino - Welt As
M. Lawinja (2010) MM. La Vita (2002) MMM. Leonie (1992) half sister of:
i.e. Diamond Hit (s.Don Schufro) approved KWPN and IDP GP with Emma Hindle and Sandro Hit (s.Sandro Song) approved
Likoto Hit (s.Likoto xx) approved Old
dam of:
S. The Swedish-bred Tomahawk is Oldenburg-approved and was sold there at auction for â‚Ź800.000. As a three-year-old he already showed much dressage talent in the ability test in Schliekau. The now five-year-old eye-catcher is therefore very promising for the sport as well as for breeding. DS. The successful Grand Prix stallion, Krack C, is doing exceptionally well in breeding as sire of horses such as Vivaldi, Spargo, United, Twister, Santo Domingo and Tuschinski.
14. Jolene
Born Breeder/Owner 05-05-2014, filly/grey
G.P.A Duyts, Nederweert Capitol I
Carolus I
Clinton I
Calypso II
Waage I
Lorettchen Capitol I
Bubble Gum prok Urielle S ster
Manhattan Life
Wendy s.Le Val Blanc xx - Lucky Boy xx
M. Bubble Gum (2006) MM. Urielle S (2001) MMM. Life (1993)
dam of:
Pocket (s.Contango) IBOP 75
S. The international jumping and breeding stud Clinton I acted on the highest level under Thomas Voss. He managed to get placed in the Grand Prix of Aachen, Dortmund, Bordeaux and Berlin, amongst others. His oldest offspring is very successful in international sports; Come Undone, Clintash, Clintetto and Z.B. Coolidge. DS. Top-producer, Cardento, won Grand Prix and silver team medals at world championships. He has produced a series of GP-horses including Matrix and Glory Days.
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15. Jazzy-Dora
Born Breeder/Owner 02-05-2014, filly/black
P.W.M. van Roosmalen, Mierlo Florestan
Charmeur Trendy elite pref
Jazz pref Endy keur pref prest Ferro pref
Larcona keur
Fienedora elite IBOP-dres Residora ster
Jazz pref Melandora elite pref
Rolanda s.Doruto - Eros
M. Fienedora (2010)
MM. Residora (1998) dam of:
Vidoff (s.Havidoff) Z1 Donadora (s.Vivaldo) IBOP 75
MMM. Melandora (1994) half sister of: dam of: grand dam of:
Privaldi (s.Gribaldi) IDP GP with Kay Maxted Tincadora (s.Jazz) Z2 United (s.Royal Dance) Z2 Congfu (s.Tolando) Z2
S. The impressive mover, Charmeur, made a big impression under Emmelie Scholtens and competed twice in the World Championships in Verden. He is now being trained for the higher-level sport. Charmeur is the sire of many foal champions and his eldest offspring are also attracting attention with their build and wonderful movement. DS. Rhodium himself proved his qualities at Small Tour-level and produced several international horses including the much talked about Duval’s Capri Sonne.
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16. Levista Z
Born Breeder/Owner 26-05-2014, filly/dark bay
F.J.A Vaessen, Weert Landgraf I
Levisto Z
Carolus I
Waage I
Indoctro pref Zenta Flamingo Etalonda ster pref
Capitol I Vanessa VII Ronald Tamara keur pref
Lonny s.Millerole xx - Boris
M. Zenta Flamingo (2004) MM. Etalonda (1986) dam of: Camiell Flamingo Z (s.Catango Z) approved SWB and ISP GP with Peter Eriksson Campo Flamingo Z (s.Chellano Z) apporoved SF and ISP 1.40m Mystiko (s.Mytens xx) approved Old Cupido Flamingo Z (s.Chellano Z) approved Zang and selected Nobless-Flamingo (s.Martel xx) 2nd round viewing MMM. Tamara (1977) dam of: grand dam of:
Farlow (s.Jasper) 1.30m Segolita (s.Zeoliet) ISP 1.45 Ramara (s.Indorado) 1.35m Kamaro B (s.Dageraad) 1.35m
S. Levisto Z, the public’s favourite, has proved that beauty and brains can go perfectly well together, thanks to his continuing successes at top-sport-level. He won the Sires of the World-competition twice and was fifth in the GCT-GP in Rio de Janeiro. He has already produced international show jumpers Lesthago, Pumped Up Kicks and Levade. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Indoctro, has produced numerous Grand Prix and Olympic jumping horses including Nike, Nassau, Casadora, Black Ice and Vedor.
17. Jordale
Born Breeder/Owner 17-03-2014, colt/bay
W.J.M.J. Puts, Roosteren Lord Loxley
Lord Leatherdale
Lord Sinclair I Weltlady Ferragamo
Fairless P
Alma Fidelio
Florestan I
Sarona L ster prok Arona keur pref
Statuar Pascal keur pref prest
Gerona s.Avenir - Orlando
M. Sarona L (1999) dam of:
Waronia L (s.Sir Sinclair) Z2 Cadans (s.Sorento) Z2
MM. Arona (1985) dam of: Orlando L (s.Zeoliet) ZZ-Zwaar and selected Laron (s.Glendale) ZZ-Licht MMM. Pascal (1974) dam of: Cyrano (s.Marinier) Z2 Faron (s.Ubis) Z1 Nando (s.Burggraaf) Z2 and 2nd round viewing grand dam of:
Farona (s.Aktion) Z1 Woulon L (s.Toulon) ISP GP Atlantis (s.Burggraaf) ISP 1.40m Pacman (s.Darco) 1.30m Urona (s.Burggraaf) 1.35m Zaronia L (s.Solitair) 1.35m
S. The famous Lord Leatherdale is ready for the transition to the Big Tour and is leaving a clear mark in breeding. He produces talented movers, with great suppleness and willingness to work, such as his outstanding sons Everdale, Chippendale, Glamourdale and Fairytale. DS. The top-producing Florestan I has created his own stallion-line and has produced many Grand Prix horses such as Glock’s Flirt, Florianus, Floresco and Fitou L.
18. Just for You
Born Breeder/Owner 04-05-2014, colt/bay
G.J.W.Verstappen, Swalmen Libero H pref
Numero Uno pref Jolanda keur Oklund keur Allure
Landgraf I Oktave Lord Calando Feinschnitt keur pref sport-dres
Holland Ilotte ster prest Voltaire pref
Expo Graphic (Rosita) sport-spr
Mildred s.Glavius - Socrates
M. Allure (2005) MM. Litaire (1993) dam of: MMM. Rosita (1975)
Peppermill (s.Burggraaf) approved KWPN and GP jumping with John Whitaker (OS 2008)
ISP GP (s.Expo Graphic) with Eric van der Vleuten dam of: Obsession (s.Concorde) 1.30m
S. In the global top sport Numero Uno plays a prominent role thanks to jumping stars at the highest level such as Tobalio, Tyson, Winchester HS, Tamino and Take Off. He himself jumped at 1.50m level, ridden by Marco Kutscher, and is seen as being the best-producing son of the legendary Libero H. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Oklund, produced a series of international jumping horses including the successful Capetown, Wild Rose and Wings Sublieme.
19. Jewelstrade
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 25-03-2014, filly/bay
M.A.W. Braat, Etten-Leur Ulft keur
Ferro pref
Brenda ster pref pres
Negro pref Fewrie keur pref prest
Variant Mewri keur pref prest sport-spr
Flemmingh pref
Krack C
Gicara II keur pref prest
Veistrade ster sport-dres Eistrade keur pref
G.Ramiro Z pref Astrade keur pref
Fastrade s.Wachtmeester - Typhoon
M.Veistrade (2002) Z2 dam of:
Bellestrade (s.Olivi) CK-champion and 4th NMK
MM. Eistrade (1986) IBOP 85 dam of:
Pharoah (s.Kennedy) ZZ-Licht Zeistrade (s.Flemmingh) EPTM 76,5
grand dam of: Golden Gate (s.B.H. Zack) approved KWPN Astrade H.D. (s.Samba Hit) ZZ-Zwaar Ultra Light (s.Opium) ZZ-Zwaar Dondersteen STH (s.Sorento) Z1 Stradivarius (s.Democraat) Z1 Weistrade (s.Fuchsberger) Z2 MMM. Astrade (1982) grand dam: Uitblinker (s.Olivi) LT Vic (s.Jazz) approved KWPN and ZZ-Licht Sunprice (s.Now or Never M) LT Pedro (s.Krack C) ZZ-Zwaar Ramanov (s.Concorde) ISP GP Astrade II (s.Tango) Z1 Bella Strade (s.Lord Z) ISP 1.50m Sastrade (s. Biotop) Z1
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S. Negro has become an absolute top-producer thanks to his offspring such as Olympic champion Valegro and other Grand Prix horses including Numberto, Netto and Nintendo. He himself performed very credibly in the Middle Tour, ridden by Anne van Olst, until he was injured. Negro is also becoming influential as dam’s sire. DS. The successful Grand Prix stallion, Krack C, is doing exceptionally well in breeding as sire of horses such as Vivaldi, Spargo, United, Twister and Santo Domingo.
20. Janine
Born Breeder/Owner 30-03-2014, filly/bay
Fam. Moonen, Nederweert
Numero Uno pref El Primero Zo Special Hinault Sidunja voorl. keur
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Indorado keur Titia elite IBOP-spr Narcos II Datania ster Pilot
Dina s.Deb端tant - Dirigent
M. Sidunja (1999) MM. Idunja (1990)
dam of:
Rentina van deVeldhoek (s.Montreux) 1.30m
MMM. Dunja (1985) half sister of : the Grand Prix-jumping stallion Power Light (s.Pilot) dam of: Pokerface (s.Pilot) 1.40m S. The genetically-interesting El Primero does not belie his excellent pedigree. Last Summer, the Numero Uno-son attracted attention once again in the Youngster competitions. The stallion with the superb canter, jumps with much use of his body, carefulness and ability, and is an excellent ride. His first offspring seem to be very promising too. DS. The Narcos II-son, Hinault, produced several international jumping horses including the Grand Prix stallion Montreux, Oscar, Natasja, Nyranka and Pabraxis.
21. Jupiler
Born Breeder/Owner 26-04-2014, colt/chestnut
J.H.T.M. Mulders, Geffen Lord Leatherdale
Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres
Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Oscar
Uphill Funanya AM
Lord Loxley
Naomi Ceroon ster pref
Abayomi AM elite sport-dres
Goethe Rimosa II ster
Mimosa II s.Coriander - Cocktail
M. Funanya AM (2010) MM. Abayomi AM (2005)
MMM. Rimosa II (1998)
dam of:
Zimosa II (s.Goethe) Z2 and IBOP 75
S.The black eye-catcher, Everdale, showed his exceptional qualities in the ability test when he was registered with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report.The big talent for the future seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS. Ridden by Diederik van Silfhout, Uphill was successful in the Grand Prix. He has aleady produced outstanding horses in the Subtop including Martin NL, Cristal, Briljant and Adventure.
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22. Jamelusina van de Eijkhof
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 05-04-2014, filly/dark bay
F. van Eijkelenburg, Roggel Carthago
Emir R B.Termie R elite EPTM-spr
Rubert R T.Termie 21 ster prest Namelus R pref
Arthos R
S.Adermie 2 pref prest
G.Amelusina R2 prok T.Amelusina II prok prest
Calando I P.Amelusiena 5 prok
Eamelusiena s.Joost - Abgar xx
M. G.Amelusina R2 (2011) MM. T.Amelusina II (2000) dam of:
Den Ham Blue R (s.Mr.Blue) approved KWPN 1.30m B.Amelusina R64 (s.Sam R) ISP 1.45m with Marcel de Boer A.Amelusina 63 (s.Germus R) ISP 1.40m
grand dam of: K端chenboy (s.Lord Z) ISP 1.40m Amelusina R20 (s.Mermus R) 1.30m MMM. P.Amelusina 5 (1997) half sister of: Namelus R pref (s.Contender) approved KWPN dam of: Udor (s.Germus R) ISP 1.50m with Don Kortrink and selected W.Amelusina (s.Germus R) 1.30m
grand dam of:
C.Amelusina R20 (s.Mermus R) 1.30m
S. The five-year-old talent Emir R, ridden by Aniek Diks, is jumping into the limelight in the competitions for young horses, having previously being approved with the nice score of 82.5. The progeny out of the valued Dermie-bloodline stands out through his ability and carefulness. Until now he has only been used for a limited number of coverings. DS. Arthos R: Champion stallion, Arthos R, was sold this Spring to America for the sport. In The Netherlands he was already jumping at 1.45m-level with Jesper Romp.
23. Jeetjemina Irene S
Born Breeder/Owner 03-05-2014, filly/chestnut
P.W.M. Selten, Gemert Florestan
Charmeur Trendy elite pref
Tip Top Irene elite IBOP-dres sport-dres
Jazz pref Endy keur pref prest Flemmingh pref
Krack C
Gicara II keur pref prest
Irene elite pref prest
Purioso keur Irene keur prest
Ebora s.Oregon - Romburg
M. Tip Top Irene (2000)
IBOP 76,5 and Z2
MM. Irene (1990) dam of:
Landlord (s.Goodwill) ZZ-Licht Alpha Irene (s.Rhodium) Z2 Norene (s.Zichem) Z2 Fiera Irene (s.Zhivago) IBOP 76,5 Dolce Vita Irene (s.Uphill) IBOP 75,5 Well Done Irene (s.Rhodium) IBOP 75 Gramd dam of:Amiga (s.United) Z1 Beatle (s.Painted Black) Z1 Zaico (s.Gribaldi) Z2 Zara Norene (s.Krack C) Z1
MMM. Irene (1967) dam of: grand dam of:
Ubora (s.Wahtamin xx) ISP 1.35m Hummeltje (s.Belisar) Z1 Iris (s.Purioso) ISP 1.40m Urani (s.Lancet) Z2 Sandrigo (s.Farn) ISP Zsazsa (s.Gondelier) 1.30m
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S. The impressive mover, Charmeur, made a big impression under Emmelie Scholtens and competed twice in the World Championships in Verden. He is now being trained for the higher-level sport. Charmeur is the sire of many foal champions and his eldest offspring are also attracting attention with their build and wonderful movement. DS. The successful Grand Prix stallion, Krack C, is doing exceptionally well in breeding as sire of horses such as Vivaldi, Spargo, United, Twister and Santo Domingo and Tuschinski.
24. Joepie
Born Breeder/Owner 30-05-2014, colt/chestnut
L. Litjens, Wanssum Concorde pref
Marius Claudius
Voltaire pref Flyer prest Nimmerdor pref
Anoeskacara keur
Royal Bravour White Lady Grandlady
G.Ramiro Z pref Ursula ster pref prest Naturel keur Ursula ster pref prest
Lady Wood s.Courville xx - Trait D’Union
M. White Lady (2003) MM. Grandlady (1988) dam of: grand dam of:
Proud Lady (s.Acobat II) ISP 1.40m
MMM. Ursula (1978) dam of: grand dam of:
Royal Bravour (s.G.Ramiro Z) approved and ISP GP with Peter Geerink Damiro L (s.G.Ramiro Z) approved and ISP Elmiro (s.G.Ramiro Z) 1.40m Axel (s.G.Ramiro Z) 1.30m
Top Royal (s.Royal Bravour) Z1 Z.Royal (s.Royal Bravour) 1.30m
Abel (s.Tygo) 1.30m Jolly Jumper (s.G.Ramiro Z) 1.30m L’Amour (s.Royal Bravour) Z1 Surprise (s.Accord II) 1.35m
S. Marius Claudius, ridden by Robert Smith, was very successful in the top-sport for many years, with victories including the GP in Athens and the World Cup competitions in London and Oslo. In breeding too this successful Concorde-son has already proved himself, with offspring such as Denzel van ’t Meulenhof and the internationally-jumping Nicholas. DS. Ridden by Peter Geerink, Royal Bravour was a true big-earner in the international sport and is the sire of successful jumping horses such as Silla, Taxi and Wang Chung M2S.
25. Just On Time
Born Breeder/Owner 20-03-2014, colt/black
A.J.M. Bergmans-Wagemans, Oisterwijk
Cocktail pref Jazz pref Charmante keur
Purioso keur pref Ulissa keur pref prest Ulster Warmante keur pref prest Ferro pref
Negro pref
Fewrie keur pref prest
Bione elite IBOP-dres prok
Sione pref
Nieole ster
Atradin s.Formateur - Cadmus xx
M. Bione (2006)
IBOP 76,5 and NMK
MM. Sione (2009) dam of:
Zione (s.Negro) ZZ-Licht Cione (s.Negro) IBOP 77,5 Evita Sione (s.Jazz) IBOP 76
MMM. Nieole (1995) half sister of:
Rifradin (s.Gribaldi) LT Insulation (s.Balzflug) ZZ-Licht
S. In both sport and breeding, top-producer Jazz has managed to present himself in an exceptional way. He is one of the world’s best dressage horse producers thanks to offspring such as Parzival, Premier, Nartan, Johnson and Tango and can himself look back on a spectacular sport career at the highest level. DS. Negro has become a top-producer thanks to GP-offspring such as the Olympic champion Valegro and Numberto, Netto and Nintendo.
26. Jericho
Born Breeder/Owner 11-05-2014, colt/chestnut Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve keur
H.W.G Coolwijk, Berghem Fair Play III
Narcos II
Olympia van de Krekebeke Goodtimes
Zomara elite IBOP-spr Lomara pref prest
Laudanum xx Racyona Z Nimmerdor pref Zigeunerin keur pref prest Alasca Iomara sport-spr
Bomara s.Porter - Farn
M. Zomara (2004)
MM. Lomara (1993) dam of: MMM. Iomara (1993)
Sydney (s.Goodtimes) approved KWPN and ISP GP with Manuel Lecuona Cadozo (s.Goodtimes) 2nd round viewing Whitney (s.Goodtimes) IBOP 77
ISP 1.50m with Gianluca Gregorio Quondam
S. Keur stallion Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve himself was successful at Grand Prix-level with Roelof Bril and was placed in the Grand Prix in Vienna and Birmingham, amongst others. An increasing number of progeny are making their debuts in the international sport such as the very successful Victoria, Warrior, Vigaro, Billy Angel, Bintang II, Wriomf and Santa Maria. DS. The versatile producer, Goodtimes, produced international show jumpers such as Londontimes, Obelix R, Kris Kentauer, Fabius 45, Lenie and Lancer.
27. Jillz VHS
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 10-06-2014, filly/black
S.C.P.A.Verhagen, Boekel Lord Leatherdale
Fairytale Aida ster Jazz pref Damora prok Vamora elite
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Ballerina II Cocktail pref Charmante keur OO Seven Camora keur pref
Tamora s.Amor - Pericles xx
M. Damora (2008) MM.Vamora (2002) dam of: El Capone (s.UB40) approved KWPN Feel Good (s.Contango) approved KWPN MMM. Camora (1984) dam of: Harvest (s.Cassis xx) Z2 Madness (s.Randel Z) Z1 and 3rd round viewing grand dam of: Whooper (s.Contango) Z1 and 1.30m S. Ability champion, Fairytale, is considered to be a great promise both for the sport and breeding and that is not without reason.The genetically-interesting stallion has three good basic paces, an exceptional dressage model, and a fantastic disposition. His first offspring are doing well in the foal inspections. DS. Top-stallion, Jazz, shone in the Grand Prix and is the father of a series of top dressage horses including Parzival, Premier, Tango, Johnson, Next One and Wynton.
28. Jourykaat
Born Breeder/Owner 03-05-2014, filly/bay
P.J.M. Kuenen,Veulen Emerald van ‘t Ruytershof
I’m Special de Muze Walnut de Muze
Diamant de Semilly Carthina Z Nabab de Rêve Qerly Chin Pit I
Unikaat elite sport-spr Piekaat elite sport-spr pref
Burggraaf pref Dukaat keur pref prest
Undine s.Cadmus xx - Cartoonist xx
M. Unikaat (2001) 1.30m dam of:
Cobalt (s.Heartbreaker) 2nd round viewing and ISP 1.30m
MM. Piekaat (1997) 1.35m dam of:
Volant (s.Kojak) 2nd round viewing and 1.35m
MMM. Dukaat (1985) dam of: grand dam of:
Kobalt (s.Landon) ISP 1.50m with Nicolas Bidon Daurella Investment (s.Damiro) 2nd round viewing Livius (s.Voltaire) approved NRPS, 1.30m and Z1 Onckel Boy (s.Colino) 1.30m
S. Absolute top genes are united in the pedigree of I’m Special de Muze, a descendant of Harrie Smolders’ Grand Prix jumping horses de Muze and Emerald van ’t Ruytershof. Ridden by Zoi Snels, I’m Special de Muze shows that the apple never falls far from the tree. The first offspring of this talent of the future are also very promising. DS. Kojak won the stallion competition at a young age and has produced Grand Prix horses such as Unesco, Orlando, Orchidee, Roletta and Philadelphia.
29. Justin A
Born Breeder/Owner 18-05-2014, colt/bay
T.H. Allers, Neer Rousseau
Ampère All At Once
Fenna A ster IBOP-dres prok
Larivola keur pref
Wynona RB keur IBOPdres sport-dres Lord Leatherdale Annemoon elite IBOP-dres
Gribaldi elite pref Ravolite sport-dres Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Orchide II prok
Inmortelle s.Purioso - Safari
M. Fenna (2010)
MM. Annemoon (2005)
MMM. Orchide II (1996)
dam of:
Upper (s.Negro) 2nd round viewing
S.The genetically-interesting All At Once was crowned ‘Premie’ stallion at the Westphalian stallion inspection and is approved by several stud books. The four-year-old stallion is out of a good performance bloodline and ridden, shows exceptional talent for the dressage sport. In 2014 this eye-catcher will present his first foals. DS. The Small Tour dressage stallion, Lord Leatherdale, is leaving a clear mark in breeding. He has bred talented movers such as Everdale, Chippendale and Fairytale.
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30. Jillz
Born Breeder/Owner 01-05-2014, filly/chestnut
H.J.M. Knops, Oirsbeek Voltaire pref
Kannan Cemeta keur pref prest
Dubonnet ster IBOP-spr
Furioso II Gogo Moeve Nimmerdor pref Wozieta pref
Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve Narcos II keur Olympia van de Krekebeke Utopia sport-spr
Hamlet Macha keur sport-spr
Feija s.Triton - Heidelberg
M. Dubonnet (2008)
IBOP 75,5
MM. Utopia (2001)
1.30m dam of: Chablis (s.Couleur Rubin) 1.35m
MMM. Macha (1994)
1.30m dam of:
Bloody Mary (s.Numero Uno) 1.35m
S. Ridden by Michel HÊcart, Kannan jumped very credibly in the sport; he won several Grand Prix and took part in the European Championships in San Patrignano. As stud stallion he is also of top quality, producing successful horses such as the Olympic champion Nino des Buissonnets, world champion Pikachu de Muze, Oh d’Eole, Dazzle II and Baldo DS. DS. Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve acted on Grand Prix level under Roelof Bril and gave the very successful offspring Victoria, Warior,Vigaro, Bintang II and Wriomph.
31. Just Dolly
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 16-04-2014, filly/bay
M.T.S. Pleijter, Zalk
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres
Zelly keur EPTM-dres sport-dres
Son de Niro Dolly keur pref prest
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref De Niro Ledensie keur Ulster Vanessa keur pref sport-spr
Rianna s.Pastrocio xx - Apollo
M. Zelly (2004)
Z2 and EPTM 85
MM. Dolly (1985) became UTV-champion twice and IBOP 93 dam of: Just Mickey (s.Michelangelo) GP with Tinne Vilhelmsson (OS 2004) and selected Wolly Ann (s.Stravinsky xx) LT and IBOP 82 C.C. Strider D&R (s.Son de Niro) Z1 and selected Hollyday (s.Mytens xx) Z2 and 1.30m Ulla Dolly (s.Metall) Z1 Totall Tip Top (s.Metall) LT Young Riders I (s.Voltaire) selected Pedro (s.Gribaldi) 3rd round viewing grand dam of:
Jetstream W (s.Jetset D) approved NRPS and 1.35m BB King (s.Johnson) LT and selected Roodsant (s.Rubinstein I) ZZ-Licht Umwelt (s.Welt Hit II) Z1 Unna Donna T (s.Welcome) Z1 V (s.Negro) ZZ-Licht Whisper (s.Son de Niro) Z1
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MMM.Vanessa (1979) ISP 1.40m dam of: grand dam of:
Eldo (s.Ulster) 1.30m Gwen (s.Creool) 1.35m Hebe (s.Creool) 1.50m Lady Cricket & Co (s.Goodtimes) 1.30m Partouch (s.TCN Partout) ZZ-Licht Zagreb (s.Napels) 1.30m
S. Everdale’s great qualities were already apparent in the ability test when he was approved with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report. The black eye-catcher seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS. Son de Niro himself competed successfully at ZZ-Light-level and, from a limited number of coverings, produced the successful Grand Prix horses Wrigley and Zaïre.
32. Jalisca K
Born Breeder/Owner 12-04-2014, filly/bay
H.J.H. Kusters, Nederweert Concerto II
Gunda IV
Martel xx
Ma Belle
Beauty I Rebel I
Rex Z
Ratina Z
Rose des Hayettes Z Alois de Villier
Kissovo Noailles IV
Gigi D’Hatois s.Questeur - Vieux Souvenir xx M. Rose des Hayettes Z (1994) ISP 1.45m with Philippe Lejeune
MM. Alois de Villier (1988) MMM. Noailles IV (1979) grand dam of:
Quetzal Mandarin (s.Gem Of India) 1.40m
S. The pedigree international sport and stud stallion, Vittorio, jumped successfully in the 1.50m classes, ridden by Pieter Keunen, and competed in the Junior European Championships with Tim van de Oetelaar. In breeding he stands out with progeny such as Don Diablo HX, Fandango HX, Barcelona, Chevejo NB and Bright. His eldest offspring are jumping at 1.40m-level. DS. The genetically-excellent Rex Z is one of the best-producing Ratina Z-sons and has produced international show jumpers such as Regina Z and the Olympic Roble Z.
TSLO N AV moc.
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33. Jai
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 06-07-2014, colt/bay
V.J.A.M. in ’t Zand, Einighausen
Lord Leatherdale Chippendale Ti Amo elite sport-dres
Lord Loxley Fairless P P Negro pref Jolinde ster pref prest Dolany
Dulja prok Ulja ster prok
OO Seven Mesley
Wesley s.Ivanhoe - Doruto
M. Dulja (2008) MM. Ulja (2001)
dam of:
Aria (s.Prestige VDL) Z2 and IBOP 76,5
MMM. Mesley (1994)
dam of:
Winde (s.OO Seven) LT with Delphine Dispa
S. The just seven-year-old Chippendale made his international Small Tour debut in April of this year, ridden by Anne van Olst.The stallion has three superb paces and much talent for the more difficult work. The remarkable Chippendale is also doing well in breeding and in his first year produced the ability champion Giovanni (s.Scandic). DS. Dayano, approved by several studbooks, competed in the World Championships in Verden and passes on much dressage talent and quality of movement to his offspring.
34. Jambo
Born Breeder/Owner 11-06-2014, colt/bay
H.H.J. Creemers, Ospel Lord Calando
Apocalypte Z
Libero H pref
Heartbreaker pref Valina voorl. keur prok Ramontane elite pref
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Cavalier keur Hannalore keur prest
Chantal s.Superieur - Gag xx
M.Valina (2002) MM. Ramontane (1998) dam of:
Bayano (s.Contendro II) CCI2* eventing with Flora Harris Wincaja (s.Indoctro) 1.35m and IBOP 76 Gorbatsjov (s.Whitaker) selected
MMM. Hannalore (1989) dam of:
Bukato (s.Ukato) ISP 1.40m Kasco (s.Vasco) ZZ-Licht Noclaim (s.Vasco) 1.30m The Little One (s.Kroongraaf) 1.30m
S. Together with Malin Baryard, sire Tornesch was for many years one of the world’s best; they competed in the European Championships in Madrid, and were placed in many Grand Prix and World Cup qualifiers. His eldest offspring stand out with their unmistakeable jumping talent such as the in Sweden-approved son Turmalin. DS. Heartbreaker too has also made a name for himself in the sport and in breeding. He produced Grand Prix winners Romanov II, Toulon, Zidane, Action Breaker and Dejavu.
35. Jutta
Born Breeder/Owner 26-05-2014, filly/black
M.W. Miltenburg, Houten Painted Black
Enzo Ferrari Veniz prok pref Florencio Cirginia ster Riginia ster
Gribaldi pref Litchy elite pref prest sport-dres
Krack C Regaliz sport-dres Florestan I Walessa Jazz pref Cirginia keur pref prest
Virginia s.Amor - Courville xx
M. Cirginia (2007) MM. Riginia (1998) MMM.Cirginia (1984) dam of:
Patser (s.Jazz) LT with Madeleine Witte Kerro (s.Ferro) Z1 Orginia (s.Habsburg) 1.30m
grand dam of:
Why Not (s.Oscar) ZZ-Zwaar Perginia SR (s.Cocktail) Z2 Tess (s.Jazz) Z2 Coctail Time (s.Cocktail) Z1 Nontango (s.Contango) Z1 Verginius van Kairos (s.Krack C) Z1
S. The black eye-catcher, Enzo Ferrari, attracted attention during the ability test when he was registered with 82 points. In the youngster competitions he shows his exceptional qualities, ridden by Jana Freund. His first foals show excellent movement, self-carriage and dressage talent. DS. Small Tour stallion, Florencio, was world champion in Verden twice and has produced remarkably-performing progeny such as Borencio, Charmeur, Zandor HD and Florenciano.
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36. Jackiedieza
Born Breeder/Owner 16-04-2014, filly/chestnut
H.J.W Stapelbroek,Vierakker Calippo
Ma Belle
Don Diablo HX Zolaniki keur
Fancydieza voorl. keur prok
Calvados keur Pipi Niki prest Unistar
Matilde pref
Vodieza elite
Nassau Doziena keur pref prest
Roziena s.Jurriaan - Waldo
M. Fancydieza (2010) MM.Vodieza (2002)
EPTM 75 dam of:
Cambellthino (s.Carthino Z) 1.30m
MMM. Doziena (1985) dam of: grand dam of:
Wodan (s.Nassau) 1.30m Uziena (s.Nassau) 1.35m Roziena (s.Lancelot) 1.30m Sodieza (s.Democraat) Z1 Kodan (s.Elcaro) Z1 Lando (s.Elcaro) Z1 Idoza (s.Rex Magna xx) CIC1* Horin (s.Cantor) Z2 Codieza (s.Jupilot) Z2
S. Ridden by Pieter Keunen, Don Diablo HX is going well in the international Youngster Tour and jumped into the prizes three times in Asten. Previously, the chestnut stallion out of the Niki-bloodline, collected all the prizes in the stallion competition. As stud stallion the athletic Vittorio-son seems to be gaining a foothold thanks to his promising offspring. DS. Jumping talent Applaus is currently displaying his qualitites at 1.45m level and, out of a limited number of coverings, also produced the champion stallion Elion V.
EL CAPONE (UB 40 x OO Seven)
DON TANGO B (Contango x Jazz)
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37. Joukje W
Born Breeder/Owner 06-05-2014, filly/chestnut
J.T.M van der Weerden, Meijel Olivi keur
Kilucienne keur sport-dres pref prest
Apache Tolanda elite pref
Krack C Olanda ster pref Krack C
Renate Utopia ster pref prest
Chita W elite IBOP-dres Ushi ster
Osmium Larinza
Wrinza s.Pandoer - Kruger
M. Chita W (2007)
IBOP 80,5
MM. Ushi (2001) MMM. Larinza (1993) half sister of: Erato (s.Saros xx) approved Old / Rheinl dam of: Toronto (s.Now Or Never M) approved Hann S. The expressively-moving Apache has had many successes in the Small Tour, ridden by Emmelie Scholtens, and will be making the transition to the Big Tour very shortly. Furthermore, he is treasured both nationally and abroad as a producer, thanks to his very promising offspring such as Eloise U, Flanell, Electra and Finoeska. DS.Vivaldi himself excelled in the Small Tour with Hans Peter Minderhoud and has already produced a whole series of horses for the future including Vitalis, Dream Boy, Desperado and Broadway.
38. Julia B
Born Breeder/Owner 29-04-2014, filly/bay
M. Brentjes, Heythuysen Contendro I
Bravo Lux
Erica B
Notre Dame II
Carabas van de Wateringhoeve
Toulon Witske van de Wateringhoeve
Lady B
Waldi s.Marinier - Leonidas
M. Erica B (2009) MM. Lady B (1993) grand dam of: MMM. Hannelore (1989) dam of:
Annika B (s.Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) ISP GP with Tim Gredley Dandiego B Z (s.Dutch Capitol) ISP 1.50m with Edouard MathĂŠ Katinga (s.FrĂźhling) 1.35m
S. The superbly-cantering Contendro I-son, Biscayo, is bred out of a half-sister of the Grand Prix stallion Vingino (s.Voltaire). Biscayo himself jumps at 1.35m level where he shows much potential. The stallion passes on his strong canter, good conformation and extra jumping qualities, as can be seen in his eldest offspring. MS. Carabas van de Wateringhoeve has already jumped at 1.45m level with several riders and has been awarded the elite predicate by the BWP.
39. Joy Geuzenhof
Born Breeder/Owner 08-06-2014, filly/dark bay
S. Maakenschijn, Chaam Ulft keur
Ferro pref
Brenda ster pref prest
Negro pref Fewrie keur pref prest
Variant Mewri keur pref prest sport-spr
Flemmingh pref
Krack C
Gicara II keur pref prest
Benetton ster Mystiek keur pref
FrĂźhling Isola keur
Diana s.Nimmerdor - Faunus
M. Benetton (2006) MM. Mystiek (1994) dam of:
Classic Agassi (s.Stedinger) LT Whistle (s.Rubin Royal) ZZ-Licht Esprit Geuzenhof (s.Jazz) IBOP 84 Djuice Geuzenhof (s.Jazz) IBOP 75 Cancan RVR (s.Krack C) IBOP 75
MMM. Isola (1990)
Reggae (s.Jetset D) Z1
dam of:
S. Negro has become an absolute top-producer thanks to his offspring such as Olympic champion Valegro and other Grand Prix horses including Numberto, Netto and Nintendo. He himself performed very credibly in the Middle Tour, ridden by Anne van Olst, until he was injured. Negro is also becoming influential as dam’s sire. DS. The successful Grand Prix stallion, Krack C, is doing exceptionally well in breeding, being the sire of horses such as Vivaldi, Spargo, United, Twister, Santo Domingo and Tuschinski.
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40. Jappaloep SA
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 11-06-2014, colt/bay
T.H.M Sanders, Grubbenvorst
Clinton Eldorado van de Zeshoek Bijou Orai Coriano Cuyleinge Z Lawada
Corrado I Urte Toulon Ramourai Corrado I Option Landgraf I V
EA s.Marlon xx - Markgraf
M. Cuyleinge Z (2003) MM. Lawada (1980)
dam of:
Sorrado M (s.Corrado II) 1.35m
MMM.V (1974) S. The genetically-valuable stallion, Eldorado van de Zeshoek, is offspring of two parents who themselves were successful at Grand Prix level. He himself, ridden by Hanno Ellerman, jumps at 1.55m international-level.The BWP champion stallion has already produced remarkable progeny including the KWPN-approved stallion, Grodino. DS.The international sport and stud stallion, Coriano Z, was Belgian champion in 2003 and also produced the Grand Prix horses Curtis, Coeur de Lion, Caballo and Naomi.
41. J’Adore
Born Breeder/Owner 10-06-2014, colt/chestnut
A.P.M. van der Geijn, Haler
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres Vivaldo Evidence Korona
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Polansky Reveil V.B. ster pref El Corona Fiementa ster
Omenta s.Epigoon - Ulrich
M. Evidence (2009) MM. Korona (1992) MMM. Fiementa (1987) dam of: grand dam of:
Liementa (s.Havidoff) Z1 Rammezottie (s.Kelvin) LT Princes Lincom (s.Junior STV) LT Timeless (s.Nourejev) ZZ-Zwaar Wimenta CL (s.Diamond Hit) Z1 S Lincom’s Sympathie (s.Balzflug) Z1 Bolero CL (s.Dolany) Z1 Fleetwood Mac CL (s.Gribaldi) selected
S. Pavo Cup winner, Everdale, is time and again convincing with his excellent model, expressive movement and great amount of dressage talent. He seems to pass on these characteristics too judging by his first foals, several of which have become champions at the foal inspections. Everdale represents the strong bloodline of Grand Prix stallion, Havidoff. DS. Ridden by Mirelle van Kemenade-Witlox, is now successfully competing at national Grand Prix-level, as a gelding. He produced the Subtop-horses Baronijke and Beethoven.
42. Joli
Born Breeder/Owner 28-03-2014, filly/dark bay
J.H.H. Christiaens, Castenray Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve
Kiaralda pref prest
El Salvador Antartica ster Controller Cristi
Kojak Santa Caterina keur IBOP-spr pref
Contender Love Story II Athlet Z
Osteria s.Roman - Sawara xx
M. Cristi (2004) MM. Erna (1990) dam of:
Achileas V (s.Calido I) ISP 1.50m with Constantin Bogdan Irimia
MMM. Zarona (1985) dam of: grand dam of:
L’Acteur (s.Lorentin I) approved SWB Mustax Questeur (s.Quantum) ISP 1.45m with Sarah Nagel-Tornau Ultra (s.Casall) ISP 1.35m
S. The promising Vigaro-son, El Salvador, ridden by Sjaak Sleiderink, is jumping into the limelight in the Youngster competitions. He combines good reflexes with a surplus of athletic ability and a great amount of carefulness. As a result, expectations of the well-bred El Salvador are high in the breeding world. DS. Controller contributes the valuable performance genes of top-producer Contender and produced the international jumping horse Credito despite only performing a limited number of coverings.
43. Jeunetta-Dora
Born Breeder/Owner 08-05-2014, filly/bay
P.W.M. van Roosmalen, Mierlo Ferro pref
Negro pref
Fewrie keur pref prest
Netto Nathalisa ster
Puriso keur Jolisa keur pref prest Cocktail pref
Jazz pref
Charmante keur
Residora ster Melandora elite pref
May Sherif Rolanda keur pref prest
Joliza s.Eros - Hertog van Gelre
M. Residora (1998) dam of:
Vidoff (s.Havidoff) Z1 Fienedora (s.Rhodium) IBOP 75 Donadora (s.Vivaldo) IBOP 75
MM. Melandora (1994) dam of: grand dam of:
United (s.Royal Dance) Z2 Tincadora (s.Jazz) Z2
MMM. Rolanda (1975) dam of: grand dam of:
Privaldi (s.Gribaldi) GP-dressage with Kay Maxted Felix (s.Zevenster) LT-dressage Nivaldora (s.May Sherif) Z2 Landora (s.Balzflug) Z2 Kolando (s.Ferro) selected and Z1 Hilton (s.Ulft) Z1 Edwin (s.Zevenster) Z1
Congfu (s.Tolando) Z2
Joep (s.G.Ramiro Z) ZZ-Licht Hadassar (s.Formateur) Z2 Vidora E.H. (s.Jazz) Z2 Wienadora (s.Paddox) Z2
stud station asian training center Dressage & Trading stable
Gilzerbaan 2 5133 AA Riel
S. Ridden by Anne van Olst, the eleven-year-old Grand Prix dressage stallion Netto has already shown his excellent qualities. He attracts attention with his good basic paces and strong piaffe and passage, and is therefore a typical son of top-producer Negro. Netto’s first foals were born in 2014 and seem to be very promising. DS. The Grand Prix dressage stallion has distinguished himself as no other at stud and has produced top horses including Jerich Parzival, Glock’s Tango and Glock’s Johnson.
44. Jer么me van de Horst
Born Breeder/Owner 14-05-2014, colt/grey
H. Smeets, Echt Capitano
Capitol I
Voltaire pref Vokilly ster
Narkilly keur sport-spr pref
Furioso II Gogo Moeve Goodwill Arkilly ster pref prest
Sakilly s.Farn - Artilleur
M.Vokilly (2002) dam of:
Askilly (s.Indoctro) 1.35m Ekilly van de Horst (s.Berlin) IBOP 79,5
MM. Narkilly (1995) 1.30m dam of:
Warkilly (s.Manhattan) 1.30m Utrilly Z (s.Utrillo van de Heffinck) 1.35m Dakilly (s.Numero Uno) IBOP 79,5
full sister of: MMM. Arkilly (1982)
Zargo ISP GP with Emile Hendrix and half sister of: Bokilly (s.Lucky Boy xx) ISP GP with Eugenie Angot
dam of:
Kalusha (s.Goodtimes) approved KWPN and ISP GP with Jur Vrieling Tarkilly VDL (s.Matterhorn) 1.35m Rail Road VDL (s.Corland) 1.30m Ocean (s.Goodtimes) 1.30m Irkilly (s. Sit this one Out xx) 1.30m
S.Top-producer, Cardento, won various Grand Prix and sveral team medals at the Olympic Games, the World Championships and the European Championships. He seems to pass his qualities on very well, judging by the series of progeny competing at the highest level, such as Corporal VDL, Carrera VDL and Barbarella. DS.The international sport and stud stallion,Voltaire has become a true top-producer and has produced top horses including Finesse, Especiale, Play It Again and Concorde.
45. Jackson VE
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 15-04-2014, colt/chestnut
R. van Erp, Oss Florestan
Charmeur Trendy elite pref
Jazz pref Endy keur pref prest Ferro pref
Negro pref
Fewrie keur pref prest
Whinny keur IBOP-dres Whinny Nouvelle
Whinny Jackson Diana keur sport-dres
Neeltje s.Doruto - Weredi
M. Whinny (2003)
Z1 and IBOP 80 dam of: Discovery (s.Johnson) IBOP 84,5
MM.Whinny Nouvelle (1995) dam of:
Vorst (s. Negro) GP with Anne van Olst Cocktail’s Whinny (s.Cocktail Time) approved NRPS and ZZ-Licht Zeus (s.Scandic) ZZ-Licht Uzi (s.Jazz) Z2 Amalia (s.Scandic) Z1 and IBOP 81
MMM. Diana (1985) ZZ-Zwaar and IBOP 93 S. The impressive mover, Charmeur, made a big impression in the youngster classes under Emmelie Scholtens and is now being trained by Madeleine Witte-Vrees for the higher-level sport. His offspring always make a good impression at the inspections, show much dressage talent and have an appealing way of going. DS. Negro has become an absolute top-producer thanks to GP-offspring such as the Olympic champion Valegro and Numberto, Netto and Nintendo.
46. Junky-Joy
Born Breeder/Owner 04-04-2014, filly/dark bay
J.H.Vrenken, Maasbree & A.M.G. Stroeken,Tegelen
Voltaire pref Kannan Cemeta keur pref prest Indoctro pref Virturose ster sport-spr Pleyrose V elite pref prest
Furioso II Gogo Moeve Nimmerdor pref Wozieta pref Capitol I Vanessa VII Lacelot Ilarose pref prest
Turose s.Lucky Boy xx - Paradiso xx
M.Virturose (2002)
MM. Pleyrose V (1997) dam of:
Cupido V (s.Numero Uno) 1.35m Adorose (s.Indoctro) 1.30m Ducati (s.Contendro I) 1.30m and selected Unikaat (s.Ferro) LT dressage Westering Star (s.Lupicor) selected Evyrose HV (s.Contendro I) IBOP 75 Galantos HV (s.Cantos) 2nd round viewing
MM. Ilarose (1990) 1.30m and half sister of My Girl (s.G.Ramiro Z) ISP GP dam of: Ranino V (s.Animo) ISP GP with Beatrix Llanza Maxwill (s.Goodwill) IDP GP with Jorinde Verwimp S. Ridden by Michel HÊcart, Kannan jumped very credibly in the sport; he won several Grand Prix and took part in the European Championships in San Patrignano. As stud stallion he is also of top quality, producing successful horses such as the Olympic champion Nino des Buissonnets, world champion Pikachu de Muze, Oh d’Eole, Dazzle II and Baldo DS. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Indoctro, has produced numerous Grand Prix and Olympic jumping horses including Nike, Nassau, Casadora, Black Ice and Vedor.
47. Jedorette
Born Breeder/Owner 16-04-2014, filly/bay
J.M. Koopman, Oost West en Middelbeers Olivi keur
Kilucienne keur sport-dres pref prest
El Capone Vamora elite Farrington keur Wodorette voorl. keur
OO Seven Camora keur pref Wellington keur Onetty ster
Sodorette elite IBOP-dres Krack C pref Korette keur
Gorette s.Troublemaker xx - Huzaar
Wodorette (2003)
dam of:
Domino (s.Spielberg) Z1
Sodorette (1999)
IBOP 75,5 and M2 dam of:
Cyrano (s.Florencio) Z1
Korette (1992)
dam of:
Optimist (s.Juventus) ZZ-Zwaar
S. Ridden by Marieke van der Putten, the promising El Capone claimed victory in the stallion competition and then excelled at the World Championships in Verden. His foals have a beautiful dressage model and excellent movement, just like himself. DS. Farrington was awarded the keur-predicate for his services to breeding thanks to international successful progeny such as Limited Edition and Michigan.
48. Jagger
Born Breeder/Owner 07-07-2014, colt/chestnut
J.H.A. Jorissen, Simpelveld Calypso II
Canabis Z
Eileen III
Albana Nimmerdor pref
Dirbalia W keur pref prest
Naranka ster pref prest Baranka keur pref prest
G.Ramiro Z pref Paranka keur pref
Guwilly s. Amor - Eduard
M. Naranka (1994) dam of:
Varanka SFN (s.Gran Corrado) ISP GP with Timothy Hendrix Zagato (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m
Baranka (s.Chacco Blue) 1.35m
grand dam of:
MM. Baranka (1983) dam of: Garanco (s.Jasper) approved KWPN and 1.35m Iranko (s.Clavecimbel) Z1 and 2nd round viewing Laranko (s.Faust Z) LT dressage Ravel V (s.Ferro) Z2 and selected Saranka V (s.Ferro) Z1 Varanko V (s.Voltaire) Z2 grand dam of: Rainbow (s.Weyden) IDP GP Taranco (s.Royal Dance) ZZ-Licht Laranca (s.Faust Z) Z1 and 1.30m Oranco (s.TCN Partout) LT dressage Almondo BH (s.United) Z1 Uranco (s.Royal Dance) Z2 MMM. Paranka (1974) grand dam of:
Forto (s.Renville) 1.30m Haranka (s.Chronos) Z2 Iranka (s.Chronos) Z1 Paranka (s.Jetset-D) ZZ-Licht
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S. Canabis Z enjoyed a long sport career at the highest level with Manuel Fernandez Saro and Jos Lansink. Out of a limited number of coverings, the Contender-son produced several very striking jumping horses such as Cadjanine Z, Cabreado, Caesar and Carolus Z, who are competing at the highest level. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Hamlet, produced the legendary Olympic stallion Hickstead as well as the GP-jumping horses Ming and Trappist.
49. Jaguar
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 27-05-2014, colt/black
A. de Crom, Weert Lord Leatherdale
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref
Aida ster
Ballerina II
Van The Man Black Magic MP ster prok Silhouette elite
F端rst Heinrich Viarelle Jazz pref Horette keur pref
Odette s.Ivanhoe - Xebec xx
M. Black Magic MP (2006) MM. Silhouette (1999) dam of:
Windy Cliff M.P. (s.Rohdiamant) Z1 Ace of Diamond M.P. (s.Rohdiamant) IBOP 75,5
MMM. Horette (1989) dam of:
Lorette (s.Damiro) 1.30m Triorette M.P (s.Jazz) Z2 Zonnemare M.P. (s.Krack) IBOP 76
S. Ability champion, Fairytale, is considered to be a great promise for both the sport and breeding and that is not without reason.The genetically-interesting stallion has three good basic paces, an exceptional dressage model, and a fantastic disposition. His first offspring are doing well in the foal inspections. DS.The much talked about Oldenburg Sieger-stallion,Van The Man, only lived to the age of eight but produced a number of good dressage horses from a limited number of coverings.
50. Javelot
Born Breeder/Owner 08-05-2014, colt/grey
G.H.M. Pouwels,Venlo Numero Uno pref
El Primero Zo Special Calido I Alouette prok
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Indorado keur Titia elite IBOP-spr Cantus Baroness VII Voltaire pref
Fontine S ster
Aletta s.Marinier - Onyx
M. Alouette (2005) MM. Miriam (1994)
dam of:
Valetto (s.Odermus R) 1.35m
MMM. Fontine S (1987) grand dam of:
Eurocommerce California (s.Corland) GP jumping with Ali Bin Khalid Al Thani
S. The genetically-interesting El Primero does not belie his excellent pedigree. Last Summer, the Numero Uno-son attracted attention once again in the Youngster competitions. The stallion with the superb canter, jumps with much use of his body, carefulness and ability, and is an excellent ride. His first offspring seem to be very promising too. DS. The Holstein top-producer, Calido I, has distinguished himself in breeding thanks to progeny such as Coupe de Coeur, Noblesse M, La Coronia, Cayak and California.
51. Juulia
Born Breeder/Owner 23-03-2014, filly/black
M. Pleijter, Zalk Lord Leatherdale
Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres F端rst Heinrich
Avantgarde elite EPTMdres
Ulla Dolly elite
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Florestan I Dawina Metall Dolly keur pref prest
Vanessa s.Lorenz - Pastrocio xx
M. Avantgarde T (2005)
EPTM 77,5 dam of:
Finland (s.Son de Niro) 2nd round viewing
MM. Ulla Dolly (2001)
Z1 dam of:
Genesis (s.Lord Leatherdale) selected
MMM. Dolly (1985) became UTV-champion twice and IBOP 93 dam of: Just Mickey (s.Michelangelo) GP with Tinne Vilhelmsson (OS 2004) and selected Wolly Ann (s.Stravinsky xx) LT and IBOP 82 Zelly (s.Son de Niro) Z2 and EPTM 85 C.C. Strider D&R (s.Son de Niro) Z1 and selected Hollyday (s.Mytens xx) Z2 and 1.30m Totall Tip Top (s.Metall) LT Young Riders I (s.Voltaire) selected Pedro (s.Gribaldi) 3rd round vieuwing grand dam of: Jetstream W (s.Jetset D) approved NRPS and 1.35m Roodsant (s.Rubinstein I) ZZ-Licht Umwelt (s.Welt Hit II) Z1 Unna Donna T (s.Welcome) Z1 Ulla Dolly (s.Metall) Z1 V (s.Negro) ZZ-Licht Whisper (s.Son de Niro) Z1
TSLO N AV moc.
9 roopssnedjiehreT tuoH neD ,WB 1194
S. Everdale’s great qualities were already apparent in the ability test, when he was approved with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report. The black eye-catcher seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS.The prematurely deceased ‘shooting star’ Fürst Heinrich produced scores of approved sons and his eldest progeny are performing well in the Grand Prix, such as Fürst Veredus.
52. Jelesta
Born Breeder/Owner 04-06-2014, filly/dark bay
W.A.J. Winnen,Venray Capitol I
Cassini I
Berlin keur
Heartbreaker pref Welesta ster EPTM-spr Relesta
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Cash Celesta keur pref
Viola s.Orthos - Jashin
M. Welesta (2003) EPTM 79,5 dam of: Chapeau (s.Verdi) ISP 1.40m with Alexandra Carter MM. Relesta (1998)
dam of:
Belesta (s.Quidam de Revel) IBOP 82
MMM. Celesta (1984) dam of: L’Accorde B (s.Concorde) ISP GP with Christian Anfinnsen Oien Unistar (s.Voltaire) approved KWPN and 1.35m Octopush B (s.Quidam de Revel) 1.30m Alesta (s.Voltaire) IBOP 75 grand dam of: United (s.Cavalier) ISP GP with Kent Farrington Vessica du Monden (s.Cavalier) ISP 1.50m Quint Z (s.Quintessence) 1.30m S. Keur stallion Berlin can look back on a very successful sport career, ridden by Gerco Schröder, with team gold at the WEG and the European Championships as well as the Grand Prix victories in La Coruna and Verona as absolute top points. As a producer, he is making inroads with excellent international horses such as Zerlin M, Zycalin W, Zilverstar T and Glock’s Ambelina JB. DS.The Grand Prix stallion, Heartbreaker, has proved himself to be a top-producer thanks to offspring at the highest level such as Romanov, Toulon, Zidane, Action Breaker and Dejavu.
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53. J’Adore
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 31-03-2014, colt/black
C. de Feijter, Axel Jazz pref
First Choice
Vurona elite IBOP-dres sport-dres pref Olivi keur
Garina ster prok Warina N prok
Cocktail pref Charmante keur Negro pref Murona elite pref prest Jazz pref Halla Utopia elite pref sport-dres
Jetset-D Garina keur pref sport-dres
Barina s.Sultan - Epigoon
M. Garina (2011) MM. Warina N (2003) MMM. Garina (1988) ZZ-Licht and IBOP 89 half sister of: Tarina (s.Jazz) GP dressage and Landeur (s.Grandeur) approved KWPN S. Blue Hors First Choice was one of the eye-catchers at the KWPN stallion inspection and was subsequently approved in Denmark with outstanding scores in the ability test. He represents a strong dam-line and as a result, First Choice is very promising for both the sport and breeding. DS.The Grand Prix stallion, Olivi, was awarded the keur predicate thanks to offspring such as Triviant, Universeel, Ucelli T, Ulissa, Travolta’s Nieuwmoed, Mitsuko and UB40.
54. Joinville RG
Born Breeder/Owner 16-04-2014, colt/bay
A. van Ravenstein, Schaijk Libero H pref
Numero Uno pref Jolanda keur
Landgraf I Oktave Lord Calando Feinschnitt keur pref sport-dres Nimmerdor pref
Paerel keur pref
Laranka keur sport-spr pref Fallon pref prest
Wisconsin Carina sport-spr prest
Sarina s.Kompas - Garant
M. Laranka (1993) 1.30m dam of: Bjorn (s.Indorado) 1.35m Taranka (v.Little Rock) 1.35m grand dam of: Biranka (s.Ginus) 1.35m Zwin (s.Karandasj) ZZ-Licht dressage MM. Fallon (1987) dam of: Jarville (s.Renville) ISP GP with Angelique Hoorn Nedboy (s.Wolfgang) ISP 1.40m Sharon H (s.Gentleman) 1.30m Rowina H (s.Kenwood) 1.30m Orina (s.Wolfgang) 1.35m
grand dam of:
SLI Byron (s.Concorde) 1.40m Windbreaker H (s.Heartbreaker) ISP 1.45m Zorina H (s.Sheraton) 1.35m Chicago H (s.Landlord) 1.30m Civaldi H (s.Douglas) 1.30m Verona H (s.Matterhorn) 1.30m
MMM. Carina (1984) 1.35m dam of: grand dam of:
Hascal (s.Wisconsin) ISP GP with Angelique Hoorn Zascal (s.Ovidus) ISP 1.50m Wajax (s.Marlon) 1.35m Odessa (s.Wolfgang) 1.30m Brown Lady (s.Oklund) 1.30m Commadant (s.Radisson) 1.30m
S. In the global top-sport Numero Uno plays a prominent role thanks to jumping stars such as Tobalio, Tyson, Winchester HS, Tamino and Take Off. He himself jumped at 1.50m level, ridden by Marco Kutscher, and is seen as being the best-producing son of the legendary Libero H. DS. Amethist produced a series of (inter)national sport horses including the Grand Prix show jumpers Shurlands Viking, Joskin and Dolphin Hans.
55. J’Adore
Born Breeder/Owner 04-04-2014, filly/bay
Y.M. Hermeling, Puth
Lord Loxley Lord Leatherdale Fairless P Negro pref Valesqua Diar IBOP-dres Willeke ster pref prest
Lord Sinclair I Waltlady Ferragamo Alma Ferro pref Fewrie keur pref prest President Odette pref
Giana s.Tamboer - Patriot
M.Valesqua Diar (2002)
MM. Willeke (1980) dam of: Limited Edition (s.Farrington) LT-dressage Jilleke Jones (s.Concorde) ISP 1.50m with Dave Maarse grand dam of: Toots (s.Jazz) GP-dressage with Imke Schellekens Superieur (s.Metall) ZZ-Licht Cilleke (s.Valeron) Z2 Hamon (s.Sit this one Out xx) Z1 Linco (s.G.Ramiro Z) Z2 and 1.30m Night Life (s.Wellington) 1.30m Paladin (s.G.Ramiro Z) 1.35m MMM. Odette (1973) dam of: Bresco (s.Sultan) 2nd round viewing Axel (s. Sultan) Z1 grand dam of: Vainqueur (s.Negro) GP-dressage Garole (s.Voltaire) Z2 Odette (s.Voltaire) 1.35m Tininho (s.Negro) Z1 Veroniek (s.Cantos) 1.30m
S. The famous Lord Leatherdale is ready for the transition to the Big Tour and is leaving a clear mark in breeding. He produces talented movers, with great suppleness and willingness to work, such as the outstanding sons Everdale, Chippendale, Glamourdale and Fairytale. He combines particularly well with Negro-daughters. DS. Top-producer Negro was himself successful in the Middle Tour and has produced a series of Grand Prix horses such as Netto, Numberto, Nintendo and Olympic champion Valegro.
56. Jolly Jumper S
Born Breeder/Owner 02-06-2014, colt/bay
G.J.M. Sjerps, Gendt Spartan
Escudo I
Wyoming Qredo de Paulstra
Une Americaine
Pandora S prest Lesprit keur
Ulft keur Esprit pref
Zoe s.Huzaar - Talisman xx
M. Pandora S (1997) dam of: Velano (s.Celano) ISP 1.50m with Fabio Crotta Celentano (s.Celano) approved Berl- Brand. and 1.50m Beau S (s.Celano) ISP 1.35m MM. Lesprit (1993) dam of: Romy S (s.Montecristo) Z2 grand dam of: Zafira S (s.Sandreo) Z2 MMM. Esprit (1986)
grand dam of:
Marciano G (s.Variant) LT dressage
S. Jumping talent, Star Power, displays his splendid qualities under Hanno Ellermann. The powerful stallion did exceptionally well in the ability test and seems to have a great future in the sport ahead of him. His first results in breeding are also very promising; he does not belie his excellent roots. DS. The versatile producer, Quattro, is known in the breeding-world as the sire of Grand Prix horses Oliver Q, Suzie Quattro, Don Diego LS and Quattros.
57. Sir Diamond H
Born Breeder/Owner 01-06-2014, colt/chestnut
N.J.H. Heunen, Puth Sandro Song
Sandro Hit
Sir Donnerhall Contenance D Wolkentanz II Waldgirl Weltduft
Donnerhal Contenance II Weltmeyer Lovely Castro Weltzauber
Ariane s.Zeus - More Magic xx
M. Waldgirl (1999) MM. Weltduft (1989) dam of:
TC Take It Easy (s.Florestan I) ZZ-Zwaar IDP Young Riders with Jasmien de Koeyer
MMM. Weltzauber (1984) S. The German stud celebrity, Sir Donnerhall, dominates time and again championships such as the Bundes Championat and the World Championships in Verden with his offspring. He has produced the double world champion Sa Coeur, and his eldest offspring are already competing in the international sport. DS.Wolkentanz II was successful in the Small Tour and has already produced offspring who are successfully competing in Grand Prix, such as Worsteiner,Wakana O en Miss Golightly.
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58. Jay
Born Breeder/Owner 23-05-2014, colt/bay
J.I.J. en L.C.J. Berben, Meijel
Colman Emir R B.Termie R elite EPTM-spr Tolan R Tolanda B Z Bolanda keur IBOP-spr
Carthago Rosenquarz Rubert R T.Termie 21 ster prest Namelus R pref O.Termie Berlin keur Lolanda B Z
Calypa B Z s. Calvin Z - Cordano
M. Tolanda B Z (2010) MM. Bolanda (2006)
1.30m and IBOP 75
MMM. Lolanda B Z (2002) 1.30m S. The five-year-old talent, Emir R, is jumping himself into the limelight in the Youngster competitions, ridden by Aniek Diks, after being previously approved with an excellent score (82.5).The offspring out of the valued Dermie-bloodline stands out due to his ability and carefulness. To date he has only been used on a limited scale at stud, but his offspring seem good. DS. Tolan R jumped internationally at 1.50m-level, ridden by Anne-Liza Makkinga, and has proved to pass on many jumping qualities to his offspring such as Zazou R.
59. Jaromy
Born Breeder/Owner 01-05-2014, filly/chestnut
I.M.C Schel, Linden Ulft keur
Ferro pref
Brenda ster pref prest
Negro pref Fewrie keur pref prest
Anna Ballerina Balia ster prok
Flemmingh pref Ebalia-W elite pref prest
Variant Mewri keur pref prest sport-spr
Lacapo Texas Notaris keur Webalia ster pref prest
Rebalia s.Marco Polo - Sinaeda
M. Anna Ballerina Balia (2005) MM. Ebalia-W (1986) dam of:
Levant (s.Voltaire) ZZ-Zwaar Webalder (s.Koriander) ZZ-Licht Kebalia-W (s.Equador) Z1 Zico (s.Flemmingh) Z2
grand dam of: Warrior (s. Lupicor) ISP 1.50m with Vladimir Tuganov Webalia G (s.Manhattan) ISP 1.45m Wonderboy (s.Flemmingh) approved KWPN and ZZ-Zwaar Mendel (s.Voltaire) 1.35m Surprise (s.Burggraaf) 1.35m Blondie Balia (s.Quattro) 1.30m Theobald (s.Montecristo) Z1 MMM. Webalia (1980) dam of: Jebaliarana (s.Animo) 1.35m Ourbalia (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m Rosebalia (s.Calvados) 1.30m grand dam of: Hamlet (s.Nimmerdor) approved KWPN and ISP GP with George Remmen Mibalia (s.Lauriston) ISP 1.40m Kebalia (s.Landwind II) Z1
S. Negro has become an absolute top-producer thanks to his offspring such as Olympic champion Valegro and other Grand Prix horses including Numberto, Netto and Nintendo. He himself performed very credibly in the Middle Tour, ridden by Anne van Olst, until he was injured. Negro is also becoming influential as dam’s sire. DS. Flemmingh, who passes on his excellent way of moving to his offspring, has made a definite impression in breeding and has produced well-known Grand Prix horses including Lingh, Krack C and Melvin.
60. Japatero S
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 15-05-2014, colt/dark bay
E.H.F. Schroembges, Wellerlooi Constant
Chin Chin Zapatero VDL
Manieta elite sport-spr pref prest
Ircolando keur Anita prest Cor de la Bryère
Ocorine S ster prok Illorine S ster
Pilot Elorrinne S keur pref
Saskia s.Gondelier - Epigoon
M. Ocorine S (1996) dam of:
Bonzini S (s.Contact vd Heffinck) ISP 1.40m with John Whitaker
MM. Illorine S (1990) dam of: Vaillant S (s.Heartbreaker) ISP 1.40m grand dam of: Acanthus B (s.Pino) ISP 1.40m Bandro Boy (s.Sandro Boy Jr.) 1.30m Samorano (s.Concorde) 1.40m MMM. Elorrinne S (1986) half sister of: Esprit de Lancome (s.Almé Z) ISP 1.50m EC Young Riders
dam of:
Platina S (s.Peter Pan) 1.30m Hilton S (s.Furioso II) 3rd round viewing
S. Ridden by Jessica Kürten, the spectacularly-jumping Zapatero VDL successfully made the transition to the Grand Prix classes at CSI5-level last winter season. His eldest offspring are also blessed with a talent for jumping, like his approved son Flying Dream who emerged as ability champion. DS. Top-producer Cash jumped sensationally under Hugo Simon and proves his value in breeding with offspring such as Chanel, Cash Junior and Ronaldo.
61. Jip O
Born Breeder/Owner 18-05-2014, colt/chestnut
W.A. van den Oetelaar, Escharen
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Jazz pref
Kantira keur
Zyridine prok Eladina ster pref prest
Zeno Phalendine pref
Bine s.Courville xx - Formaat
M. Zyridine (2004) MM. Eladina (1986) dam of:
Montgomery (s.Zeoliet) LT-dressage with Hans Peter Minderhoud Radetzky (s.Kennedy) Z1 Nashville (s.Zeoliet) Z2 Jarrow (s. Recruut) Z2 Devine (s.Namelus R) IBOP 77,5 Aladine (s.Mermus R) IBOP 75
MMM. Phalendine (1974)
Tanhauser (s.Quidam de Revel) 1.30m
grand dam of:
S. Pavo Cup winner, Everdale, is time and again convincing with his excellent model, expressive movement and great amount of dressage talent. He seems to pass on these characteristics too judging by his first foals, several of which have become champions. Everdale is the result of the successful combination Lord Leatherdale x Negro. DS.The Small Tour dressage stallion, Riant, represents a strong sport-bloodline and several offspring are successful in the Small Tour including Winnepeg, Whitney and Wich-Tina.
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62. Artarise SR Z
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 02-07-2014, filly/bay
E. en M.J Sleutels, Roggel
Heartbreaker pref Action Breaker Jarme van ‘t Steentje
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Lys de Darmen Freja Calypso II
Cleo SR W-Quapitola SR
Quidam de Revel N-Cartarise
G-Cerise s.Calando I - Capitano
M. Cleo SR (2010) MM. W-Quapitola SR (2006) MMM. N-Cartarise (1998) dam of:
Aristo Z (s.Artos Z) ISP 1.50m with Jiri Hruska Quapitola SR Z (s.Quidam de Revel) 1.30m Quapitol Hill SR (s.Quidam de Revel) 1.30m
S. The spectacularly-jumping Action Breaker has already accumulated an impressive set of results. He was placed third in the GP in Aachen and fifth at the WEG in Kentucky. His eldest offspring are already jumping at international-level, such as the promising Elixir ST, Explosiev 111, Funke van ’t Heike and Grunwald de Kalvarie. DS. The famous top-producer, Contender, has made history thanks to a series of top jumping horses such as Montender, Checkmate, Carlo and Chiara.
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63. Jackey
Born Breeder/Owner 07-05-2014, filly/black
M. Opheij, Nederweert Florencio
Charmeur Trendy elite pref Blue Hors Doolittle What’s Up Wild Abita
Florestan Walessa Jazz pref Endy keur pref prest Don Schufro Lady Welt Hit II Tabita
Tamira s.Leonardo II - Triumph
M. What’s Up (2009)
MM. Wild Abita (1998) dam of: Douglas IV (s.Diamond Hit) LT with Charles Hutton MMM. Tabita (1991) grand dam of: Dondolo las Marismas (s.Don Schufro) GP-dressage with Yvonne Losos de Muniz Don Chopin (s.Don Schufro) LT S. The impressive mover, Charmeur, made a big impression under Emmelie Scholtens and competed twice in the World Championships in Verden. He is now being trained for the higher-level sport. Charmeur is the father of many champion foals and his eldest offspring are also attracting attention with their conformation and wonderful movement. DS. Blue Hors Doolittle was crowned champion of the Danish stallion show as a threeyear-old, and subsequently excelled at the inspection. He served at stud for a short time.
64. Jhilavsko M
Born Breeder/Owner 12-04-2014, colt/chestnut
T.H. Maessen, Grashoek Heartbreaker pref
Harley VDL Larthago sport-spr prest Nabab de RĂŞve Fhilavska prok Mhilavsca F ster pref prest
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Carthago Daisy IV Quidam de Revel Melodie en Fa Voltaire pref Ilavsca F keur pref
Ulavsca s.Rigoletto - Wagner
M. Fhilavska (2010)
Champion loose jumping Van Eekeren-competitie 2013
MM. Mhilavsca F (1994) dam of: grand dam of:
Vorione Fortuna (s.Orion Fortuna) ISP 1.40m and IBOP 75,5 Chicco (s.Tygo) ISP 1.35m Shilavsa Fortuna (s.Corland) 1.30m Amhilavsca Fortuna (s.Caruso) IBOP 82
MMM. Ilavsca F (1990) full sister of:
i.e. Olympic jumping horse Nandor Fortuna under Ricardo Kierkegaard
dam of: grand dam of:
Bottorfer (s.Berlin) ISP 1.45m with Michael Beckmann Nando Fortuna (s.Investment) selected and 1.30m Bulavsco (s.Verdi) ISP 1.45m with LeonThijssen Cool Fortuna (s.Quasimodo Z) 1.30m
Entertainer (s.Warrant) approved KWPN Zellobee (s.Berlin) ISP 1.45m Bon Fortuna (s.Kreator xx) CIC1* eventing Cooper V (s.Carolus II) ISP 1.40m
Kerkhoef 14 - 5674 NX - Nederwetten 06 53500531 - 040 2831273 info@hengstenhoudery-kuypers.nl www.hengstenhouderij-kuypers.nl
S: Ridden by Jessica Kürten, Harley VDL displayed his superb qualities at international 1.50m-level. He is bred out of the international jumping mare Lathargo who, as well as Harley VDL, also produced three other international jumping horses. His offspring attract attention in the (international) Youngster Tour such as Cupido, Cross, Hidalgo and Carst VDL. DS. With offspring such as Vigo d’Arsouilles, Valentina van ’t Heike, Walnut de Muze and Glock’s London, the Grand Prix stallion, Nabab de Rêve, has become famous.
65. John Doe VK
Born Breeder/Owner 03-05-2014, colt/bay
H.C.Vervoorn-Knaap, Brakel Olivi keur
Kilucienne sport-dres keur pref prest
Apache Tolando elite pref
Carlitaroos ster EPTMdres prok
Krack C Olanda ster pref Jazz pref
Roxane keur sport-dres pref
Kerstroos ster prok pref prest
Damiro Theeroos ster pref prest
Doornroos s.Wachtmeester - Luitenant
M. Carlitaroos (2007)
MM. Kerstroos (1992) dam of: grand dam of:
Paddington (s.Kroonjuweel) Z1 Barclay (s.Cartano) 1.30m Zinnie’s Roos (s.Casco) 1.30m Okkerroos (s.Jetset D) 1.30m Gruno (s.Andretti) 2nd round viewing
MMM. Theeroos (1977) dam of: Chantor du Bomence (s.Roemer) GP-dressage with Barbara Silverman Osmunda (s.Kroonjuweel) Z1 Lelie (s.Damiro) 1.35m S. The expressively-moving stallion, Apache, has had many successes in the Small Tour, ridden by Emmelie Scholtens, and will be making the transition to the Big Tour very shortly. Furthermore, he is treasured both nationally and abroad as a producer thanks to his very promising offspring such as Eloise U, Flanell, Electra and Finoeska. DS. Champion stallion Johnson is experiencing a brilliant career in the international Grand Prix and has already produced striking horses such as Breezer, Bretton Woods and Boston STH.
66. Jovella
Born Breeder/Owner 19-05-2014, filly/chestnut
Fam. Dorgeloos-Mannens, Susteren Contender
Canabis Z Eileen III Quattro Avella elite EPTM-spr
Calypso II Gofine Silvester Albana Qredo de Paulstra Une Americaine Bold Indian xx
Zukunft VIII
Novella s.Farnese - Ladykiller xx
M. Avella (2005) MM. Evella (1990) dam of: Naomi (s.Zeoliet) IDP GP with Chris van Martels MMM. Zukunft VIII (1985) half sister of: grand dam of:
i.e. Landadel (s.Landgraf I) approved Holst Umbra 34 (s.For Pleasure) ISP GP
S. Canabis Z enjoyed a long sport career at the highest level with Manuel Fernandez Saro and Jos Lansink. Out of a limited number of coverings, the Contender-son produced several very striking jumping horses such as Cadjanine Z, Cabreado, Caesar and Carolus Z, who are competing at the highest level. DS. The versatile producer, Quattro, is known in the breeding-world as the sire of Grand Prix horses Oliver Q, Suzie Quattro, Don Diego LS and Quattros.
67. Jesscia
Born Breeder/Owner 21-06-2014, filly/dark bay
C. van Bavel, Oosterhout Lord Leatherdale
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref
Aida ster
Ballerina II Flemmingh pref
Krack C
Gicara II keur pref prest
ZĂŠ Phyrus Ruby Thursday ster
Gribaldi pref Kalinja ster pref prest
Torioso s.Amor - Vesins xx
M. ZĂŠ Phyrus (2004) MM. Ruby Thursday (1998) MMM. Kalinja (1992) dam of: grand dam of:
Tuschinski (s.Krack C) approved KWPN and LT Oriose (s.Balzflug) Z2 Sean Connery (s.Nevado) Z2 Domingo (s.Citango) selected
S. The very promising Fairytale became ability champion in Ermelo thanks to his three good basic paces and his fantastic character. With his exceptional dessage model and strong pedigree there are high expectations of him in both the sport and at stud. His first offspring are doing well at the foal inspections. DS. The successful Grand Prix stallion, Krack C, is doing exceptionally well in breeding, being the sire of horses such as Vivaldi, Spargo, United, Twister and Santo Domingo.
68. Jagger
Born Breeder/Owner 26-04-2014, colt/chestnut
C.J.M. Kessels, Kessel Numero Uno pref
Karanta keur pref prest
Entertainer Shilavsca Fortuna ster prok Indoctro pref B-Niki ster Euniki sport-spr
Corland keur Mhilavsca Fortuna ster pref prest
Capitol I Vanessa VII Formateur keur Zuniki prest
Piki s.Magneet - Pericles xx
M. B-Niki (2006) MM. Euniki (1986)
ISP 1.50m with Kelly-Ann Riches
MMM. Zuniki (1981) dam of: grand dam of:
Sir Kannan (s.Kannan) ISP 1.40m Revanche (s.Kannan) 1.30m Liniki (s.Boreas) 1.30m Guniki (s.Zuidhorn) Z2-dressage Maniki (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m Nostradamus (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m
S: Entertainer, ridden by Pieter Keunen, is catching everyone’s attention in the Youngster classes. He combines ability and carefulness with an exceptional attitude and seems to possess everything required for the serious work. His first foals are very promising and attract attention due to their athletic build and good canter. DS: The international sport and stud stallion, Indoctro, has produced numerous Grand Prix and Olympic show jumpers including Nike, Nassau, Casadora, Black Ice and Vedor.
69. James SRV
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 09-05-2014, colt/dark bay
Stoeterij Raayerveld, Baarlo Cocktail pref
Jazz pref First Choice
Charmante keur
Vurona elite sport-dres IBOP-dres pref
Negro pref Murona elite pref prest Wolfgang keur
Berania ster pref prest
Waomie Ceroon prok Jucinda Ceroon ster
Apollonios xx Cerona ster
Petra s.Commandant - Ornament
M. Waomie Ceroon (2003) MM. Jucinda Ceroon (1991) dam of: grand dam of:
Navado (s.Cabochon) ZZ-Licht Cerona Ceroon (s.Winningmood) IBOP 75,5
MMM. Cerona (1984) dam of: grand dam of:
Apacho (s.Oscar) Z1 Medock (s.Apollonios xx) Z1
Usher (s.Gribaldi) LT-dressage
Uphill (s.Oscar) GP-dressage and approved KWPN Ballerina Ceroon (s.Oscar) Z2
S. First Choice, the eye-catcher approved by various stud books, represents prominent top genes and a strong dam-line. In Denmark he was awarded high marks in his ability test and expectations in both the sport and at stud are high.This year he is presenting his first foals. DS. The Small Tour dressage stallion, Oscar, is leaving his own mark in breeding with offspring such as Uphill, Anne Beth, Cover Story,Vironia and Zarah.
70. Jumpergold
Born Breeder/Owner 26-04-2014, colt/chestnut
A.W. Peeters, Reuver Concerto II
Gunda IV
Martel xx
Ma Belle
Beauty I Constant
Chin Chin
Zeustergold elite IBOP-spr Elstergold keur pref prest
Zeus keur Valstergold keur
Falstergold s.Aristides - Astolf
M. Zeustergold (2004)
MM. Elstergold (1986) dam of:
Kalstergold (s.Fr端hling) 1.35m Bon Vivant (s.Kojak) 1.30m Mastergold (s.Contender) 2nd round viewing and Z2
grand dam of:
Abu Dhabi Gold (s.Contendro II) ISP 1.40m First Class (s.Florencio) ZZZ Optimist (s.Contender) 1.30m Toystergold (s.Lancelot) 1.30m
MMM.Valstergold (1979)
half sister of:
Niagara (s.Important) approved
dam of:
Oscar (s. Concorde) Z2
S: The pedigree international sport and stud stallion, Vittorio, jumped successfully in the 1.50m classes, ridden by Pieter Keunen, and competed in the Junior European Championships with Tim van de Oetelaar. In breeding he stands out with progeny such as Don Diablo HX, Fandango HX, Barcelona, Chevejo NB and Bright. His eldest offspring are jumping at 1.40m-level. DS. Chin Chin competed in two Olympic Games and is known as the sire of well-known Grand Prix horses such as Ta Belle van Sombeke, Querly Chin and Eureka.
71. Jai Ho
Born Breeder/Owner 20-04-2014, filly/black
I. de Bruyn, Kleve
Lord Leatherdale Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Sandro Hit
Show Star
Feine Dame
Wish ster prok IBOP-dres Pardoes elite pref
Ferro pref Wetopia keur pref prest
Franciska s.Courville xx – Edelvorst
M. Wish (2003)
IBOP 76,5 and M2 dam of: Cizo (s.Florencio) Z1
MM. Pardoes (1997)
Z1 dam of:
Aloo (s.Stedinger) IBOP 84,5
MMM. Wetopia (1980) dam of: grand dam of:
Jefferson (s.Sultan) Z2 Oeps (s.Ferro) Z2 Utopia (s.Cabochon) Z1 Olivier (s.Peter Pan) 1.35m
S. Everdale’s great qualities became apparent in the ability test when he was approved with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report. The black eye-catcher seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS. Show Star, the Small Tour dressage stallion approved by various studbooks, produced several approved sons and Grand Prix horses such as Star Wars and Sommerliebe.
72. Jacky Boy
Born Breeder/Owner 03-05-2014, colt/bay
A.J. van Santen, Culemborg
Heartbreaker pref Toulon
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Jokinal de Bornival
Cardino Calita Liberta
Carthago Alaska II Sir Shostakovich xx Fayence
Soleil s.Capitol I - Maestoso xx
M. Calita (2003)
dam of:
Catani Z (s.Cicero Z) 1.30m
MM. Liberta (1996)
dam of:
Big Business (s.Baldini I) 1.40m
MMM. Fayence (1991) full sister of: Corrado I-II approved Holst and ISP dam of: Chellano Z (s.Contender) approved Zang and SF and ISP GP Avalon 224 (s.Aloube Z) ISP 1.50m Unique XV (s.Claudio) ISP 1.50m Chellano Alpha Z (s.Contender) approved Zang Chellano II (s.Contender) approved SBS grand dam of: Conado C (s.Contender) approved BWP and 1.30m Una Bella (s.Con Air) 1.35m S. Ridden by Hubert Bourdy and Jonella Ligresti, Toulon was very successful at the highest level, winning the GCT-GP in Sao Paulo amongst other victories. The stallion has also proved himself at stud producing strikingly successful offspring such as Toulago, Elky van het Indihof, Living the Dream, F-One USA and Etoulon VDL. DS. The Carthago son, Cardino, jumped successfully at 1.40m-level and produced the international jumping horses Cardiolan, Castillo, Constanzia and Cardinale.
73. Jilona
Born Breeder/Owner 30-03-2014, filly/bay
H.W.M. Scheurs,Tegelen Ferro pref
Negro pref
Fewrie keur pref prest
Netto Nathalisa ster
Purioso keur Jolisa keur pref prest Ferro pref
Zilverster keur pref prest
Vajda elite Ilona keur pref
Dageraad Elza ster
Ursela s.Pionier - Attila
M.Vajda (2002) EPTM 70,5 (in ’05) dam of: Dilona (s.Lord Leatherdale) champion USA 4yo. 2012 MM. Ilona (1990) dam of: Baldev (s.Namelus) BWP-USA approved, 1.45m Olina (s.Haarlem) Z1 grand dam of: Typical (s.Mistral) Z2 MMM. Elza
half sister of:
Ferdinand (s.Triton) ZZ-L
S. Ridden by Anne van Olst, the eleven-year-old Grand Prix dressage stallion Netto has already shown his excellent qualities. He attracts attention with his good basic paces and strong piaffe and passage, and is therefore a typical son of top-producer Negro. Netto’s first foals were born in 2014 and appear to be very promising. DS. The Small Tour dressage stallion, Kennedy, has produced various approved sons and international dressage horses such as Uptown, Poko Loko, Playboy and Udo.
74. Jaxon SF
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 21-06-2014, colt/bay
H.J.M. Huis in ’t Veld, Lettele
Carthago Colman Rosenquarz Casco Wonderfull keur IBOP-spr Princess ster
Capitol I Perra Lord Faukasien Cascavelle Farett Contender Frauke III
Olievia s.Landgraf I - Fax I
M. Wonderfull (2003) IBOP 78,5 MM. Princess (1997) dam of: Contador 31 (s.Numero Uno) selected and ISP 1.40m with Caroline Müller Atlanta (s.Quite Easy I) 1.30m and 2nd round viewing MMM. Frauke III (1991) dam of: Can’t Believe (s.Contender) 1.30m Harley van den Bisschop (s.Dulf) 1.30m S. Colman is one of the best representatives of the valued Carthago-blood and is developing into a true top-producer. Offspring performing well at international top-sport-level are, for example, Catwalk IV, Cooper, Coulthard, AD Clouwni and Clearly Zero. DS. The international sport stallion, Casco, jumped at 1.50m-level with Gerald Geesink and produced internationally jumping offspring including Carlson, Baros and Alonso.
75. Jewel VE
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 02-05-2014, colt/chestnut
R. van Erp, Oss Lord Leatherdale
Everdale Aliska K elite EPTM-dres Scandic Amalia keur IBOP-dres Whinny Nouvelle
Lord Loxley Fairless P Negro pref Lisenka keur pref Solos Carex Noraline elite pref prest sport-dres
Whinny Jackson Diana keur sport-dres
Neeltje s.Doruto - Weredi
M. Amalia (2005)
Z1 and IBOP 81
MM.Whinny Nouvelle (1995) dam of: Vorst (s. Negro) GP with Anne van Olst Cocktail’s Whinny (s.Cocktail Time) approved NRPS and ZZ-Licht Zeus (s.Scandic) ZZ-Licht Uzi (s.Jazz) Z2 Whinny (s.Negro) Z1 and IBOP 80 MMM. Diana (1985) ZZ-Zwaar and IBOP 93 S.The black eye-catcher, Everdale, showed his exceptional qualities in the ability test when he was registered with a top score of 87 points. As a four-year-old, the stallion won the Pavo Cup and received a laudatory pedigree report. The big talent for the future seems to pass on his excellent movements and model. DS. The Olympic stallion, Scandic, is convincing with his piaffe and passage. His eldest progeny are successfully competing in the Subtop such as Zweed, Zambuka and Apretado.
76. Joy Vera
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 18-05-2014, filly/bay
M.T.S. StultiĂŤns, Weert Libero H pref
Numero Uno pref Jolanda keur
Landgraf I Oktave Lord Calando Feinschnitt keur sport-dres pref
Corrado I
Urte I
Era Vera Movera pref prest
Bernstein Govera ster pref
Vera s.Amor - Grandseigneur
M. Era Vera (2009) MM. Movera (1994) dam of: grand dam of:
Van Gogh (s.Numero Uno) approved KWPN and 1.55m with Marco Kutscher Wunderfull Vera (s.Numero Uno) IBOP 82 Alvera (s.Lupicor) IBOP 75,5 Zovera (s.Numero Uno) IBOP 75
MMM. Govera (1988) dam of:
Jaguar (s.Equador) IDP GP with Todd Fletrich and selected
Patlase (s.Kandidaat) Z1
grand dam of:
Anne-Lynn (s.Numero Uno) 1.30m
S. In the global top sport Numero Uno plays a prominent role thanks to jumping stars such as Tobalio, Tyson, Winchester HS, Tamino and Take Off. He himself jumped at 1.50m-level, ridden by Marco Kutscher, and is seen as being the best-producing son of the legendary Libero H. DS. Clinton gained an individual fourth place at the Olympic Games in Athens. In addition, he has three Olympic offspring: Cornet Obolensky, Codar and Via Volo.
77. Juradea
Born Breeder/Owner 30-03-2014, colt/black
H.M. Melis, Stevensbeek Krack C
Renate Utopia ster pref prest
Dream Boy
Ferro pref
Resia elite
Iresia ster pref Ferro pref
Zilverster keur pref prest
Uradea keur Narada keur
Highline Jintha ster pref prest
Zibria s.Naturel - Doruto
M. Uradea (2001)
MM. Narada (1995) dam of:
Uradea (s.Kennedy) Z1 Vitano (s.Hemmingway) 1.30m
MMM. Jintha (1991) half sister of: dam of:
Derris (s.Ulft) GP-dressage with Brad Cutshall Amador (s.Casantos) LT-dressage Bittersweet (s.Dutch Dormello) ZZ-Licht Wizard (s.Cantos) ISP 1.40m
S. The very talented Dream Boy, ridden by Gerdine MarĂŠe, manages time and again to attract attention at youngster championships. He stood out already during the stallion competition, Pavo Cup and the World Championships in Verden. The first foals of this eye-catcher are excellently-modelled, have good carriage and strong hind quarters. DS. The Small Tour dressage stallion, Kennedy, produced several approved sons and international dressage horses including Uptown, Poko Loko, Playboy and Udo.
78. Joyko Keysershof
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 08-06-2014, filly/chestnut
A.H.M. Michiels, Wellerlooi Numero Uno pref
Karanta keur pref prest
Entertainer Shilavsca Fortuna ster prok Lovefever II C’Est Tout elite IBOP-spr C’Est La Vie
Corland keur Mhilavsca Fortuna ster pref prest
Landor S Ginger Cordial Medoc Zaffirose
Zaffiro s.Zeus - Gotthard
M. C’est Tout (2007)
MM. C’est La Vie (1994)
1.30m and champion at Oldenburg mare keuring (in ‘97) dam of: Ajonc Junior (s.Ajonc) approved Old
MMM. Zaffirose (1990)
dam of:
Charmeur (s.Cordial Medoc) 1.30m
S: Entertainer, ridden by Pieter Keunen, is catching everyone’s attention in the Youngster classes. He combines ability and carefulness with an exceptional disposition and seems to possess everything required for the serious work. His first foals are very promising and attract attention due to their athletic build and good canter. DS. The stallion Lovefever II scored well in the 30-day test and then jumped at national-level. He contributes the valuable Landor and Goldfever genes.
79. Jasmijn
Born Breeder/Owner 19-05-2014, filly/bay
J.J. Gerbers,Velp Heartbreaker pref
Cidane Larnike keur prest
Willemijn elite sport-spr IBOP-spr
Burggraaf pref Nalijn elite sport-dres
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster G.Ramiro Z pref Garnike keur pref prest Landgraf I Loanda Lux Farbarjolijn keur pref
Barjolijn s.Le Mexico - Jasper
M. Willemijn (2003)
1.30m and IBOP 75,5
MM. Nalijn (1995) Z1-dressage dam of:
Upstream (s.Elmshorn) ISP 1.45m with Barbara Wolf
MMM. Farbarjolijn (1987) grand dam of:
Zagato (s.Contendro I) ISP 1.50m with Marika Slowinska Tresor (s.Goodtimes) 1.30m Voila (s.Cantos) 1.35m
S. The genetically-interesting Cidane, ridden by Kristian Houwen, is one of the most successful horses of his age group. He won the stallion show two years running and, as a six-year-old, won bronze at the World Championships in Lanaken. The half-brother of the Grand Prix show jumper Reflection, seems to pass on many qualities. DS.The international sport and stud stallion, Burggraaf, is the sire of a series of Grand Prix jumping horses including Burggravin, Peppermill, Kuno II, Obelix and S’Blieft.
80. Jacky Chan
Born Breeder/Owner 29-03-2014, colt/chestnut
Fam.Versteeg, Barneveld Concorde pref
Marius Claudius
Voltaire pref Flyer prest Nimmerdor pref
Anoeskacara keur
Cavalier keur Voegandra prok Oegandra keur
Maykel Wina keur Investment Zandra ster pref prest
Sarina s.Marius - Ico
M.Voegandra (2002) MM. Oegandra (1996) dam of:
Uriander (s.Koriander) ISP 1.50m with Valerie Rohmer Zoegandra (s.Ovidius) IBOP 75
MMM. Zandra (1981) dam of: grand dam of:
Luandra (s.Furore) ISP GP with Shane Breen Irandra (s.Wellington) 1.30m Flashboy (s.Wolfgang) Z1 Moreno (s.Investment) ZZ-Zwaar Zorro (s.Painted Black) Z1 Telt Hit III (s.Welt Hit II) Z1
S. During his long career at the top level, Marius Claudius, ridden by Robert Smith, won many prizes including the World Cup competitions in London and Oslo as well as many Nations Cups and Grand Prix. From a very limited number of coverings, his first progeny are jumping at international-level and he produced the very promising Denzel van ’t Meulenhof. DS. Going under the name San Patrignano Mister, Cavalier jumped at the top sport-level with Franke Sloothaak. He produced Grand Prix jumping horses including Isha, Cavala and Blushing Groom.
81. Ouragan of the Paddocks
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 06-04-2014, colt/chestnut
A. Mornie, Gent Quidam de Revel
Jalisco B Dirka Carthago
Alligator Fontaine Quelea Mail Mediterranee Mail
Noren Nighty Fontaine Fergar Mail Iroise Mail
Divina Mail s.Galoubet A - Barigoule xx
M. Quelea Mail (2004) MM. Mediterranee Mail (2000) 1.30m
dam of:
Ulandus Mail (s.Quality Touch) 1.30m
MMM. Iroise Mail (1996) 1.40m S. Deister, who was only used to a limited extent at stud, competed at 1.45m international-level with Perry Geryl and is now ridden by Robert Vos. The Quidam de Revel-son won the GP of the CSI2* in De Wolden in 2011 and is a half-brother of the SBS-approved stallion E-Pleasure (by For Pleasure) who himself competes at 1.45m-level. DS. Ridden by Eric Navet, Alligator Fontaine became a top Grand Prix horse and produced successful horses such as the Steve Guerdat’s Olympic Jalisca Solier.
82. Joaquin Keyershof
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 03-06-2014, colt/bay
A.H.M. Michiels, Wellerlooi Quidam de Revel
Jalisco B Dirka Lord
Wella I
Lyrik Corrado I
Urte I
Engelien elite IBOP-spr Carthana Z
Carthago Lamira
Graniet s.Jasper - Lucky Boy xx
M. Engelien (2009)
IBOP 75,5
MM. Carthana Z (2001) MMM. Lamira (1993) dam of:
Cartino Z (s.Carthago) 1.35m Impression Z (s.Indoctro) 1.30m
S. Under the name Quaprice de Bois Margot, Quaprice competed at the highest level, ridden by Nicolas Delmotte. The prematurely-deceased stallion proved not only to be an exceptionally talented jumping horse but also a good producer. He produced various international jumping horses such as Rissoa D’Ag and Quatro as well as promising sons such as Baltic VDL. DS. Clinton gained an individual fourth place at the Olympic Games in Athens. In addition, he has three Olympic offspring: Cornet Obolensky, Codar and Via Volo.
83. J-Takilly D
Born Breeder/Owner 26-04-2014, filly/dark bay
C. Driessen, Heythuysen Heartbreaker pref
Harley VDL
Larthago sport-spr pref prest Libero H pref
Takilly ster Mon Cherie keur
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Carthago Daisy IV Landgraf I Oktave Damiro Sakilly keur sport-spr pref prest
O.Hilly s.Artilleur - Baron
M. Takilly (2000) dam of: Friend Blue Boy D (s.Mr.Blue) selected Akilly D (s.Calvados) IBOP 77 MM. Mon Cherie (1994) 1.30m dam of: Rakilly (s.Animo) 1.30m MMM. Sakilly (1976) 1.30m dam of:
Bokilly (s.Lucky Boy xx) ISP GP with Eugenie Angot Zargo (s.O.Largo) ISP GP with Emile Hendrix
grand dam:
Kalusha (s.Goodtimes) KWPN approved and ISP GP with Jur Vrieling Ultimo (s.Quick Star) ISP 1.45m Cakilly Z (s.Chellano Z) ISP 1.40m Tarkilly VDL (s.Goodwill) 1.35m Irkilly (s.Sit This One Out xx) 1.30m Narkilly (s.Goodwill) 1.30m Ocean (s.Goodtimes) 1.30m Rail Road VDL (s.Corland) 1.30m Sokilly’s Boy (s.Revel O) 1.30m Tarzan (s.Indoctro) 1.30m
S: Ridden by Jessica K端rten, Harley VDL displayed his superb qualities at international 1.50m-level. The genetically-interesting Heartbreaker-son is doing well in breeding, producing offspring such as Constable II, Cupido, Hidalgo, Carst VDL and Barista SFN, who are all starting out on their international careers. DS: As stud stallion, World Cup-winner Libero H has inimitably distinguished himself producing offspring such as Liberty, Numero Uno, No Mercy, Libertina and Maike.
84. Jabario
Born Breeder/Owner 12-06-2014, colt/chestnut
T.H.J.M. van Delft, Oud-Turnhout Concerto II
Gunda IV
Martel xx
Ma Belle
Beauty I
Concorde pref Meilientje V keur sport-spr Iddle Dancer keur pref
Voltaire pref Flyer prest Wolfgang keur Nicolientje prest
Dolientje s.Rigoletto - Woudprins
M. Meilientje V (1994) 1.35m dam of: Don Sandrino (s.Sandro Boy) approved KWPN / Zang and 1.30m Bluegirl (s.Mr. Blue) 1.30m MM. Iddle Dancer (1990) dam of: grand dam of:
Bandolero la Silla (s.Burggraaf) approved NRPS and ISP 1.40m
MMM. Nicolientje (1972) gand dam of:
Brendalientje (s.Pion) 1.35m Celina (s.Pion) Z2
Unforgettable (s.Peter Pan) 1.35m
S. The pedigree international sport and stud stallion, Vittorio, jumped successfully in the 1.50m classes, ridden by Pieter Keunen, and competed in the Junior European Championships with Tim van de Oetelaar. In breeding he stands out with progeny such as Don Diablo HX, Fandango HX, Barcelona, Chevejo NB and Bright. His eldest offspring are jumping at 1.40m-level. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Concorde, has earned his spurs in breeding with progeny including Marius Claudius, Jikke,Viktor and Conquest.
85. Jewel of Jilbert
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 04-06-2014, colt/bay
C. Kuijpers, Helvoirt Numero Uno pref
Jilbert van ‘t Ruytershof Gianthina van ‘t Ruytershof Oklund keur Touchy-Girl ster prok Kartouch
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Cartani Diamanthina van ‘t Ruytershof
Holland Ilotte ster prest Equador Cindy
Ursela s.Porter - Amor
M. Touchy-Girl (2000)
dam of:
Dyona (s.Ultimo) IBOP 78,5
MM. Kartouch (1992)
dam of:
Wirco Polo (s.Oklund) 1.30m
MMM. Cindy (1984)
dam of:
Maliebu (s.Gershwin) Z2
S. The very promising five-year-old Numero Uno-son, Jilbert van ‘t Ruytershof, catches everyone’s attention thanks to his spectacular way of jumping and faultless rounds in the Belgian competition. His graddam jumped at international-level and is a full-sister of the Grand Prix stallion Emerald. The first foals are living up to the high expectations. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Oklund, produced a series of international jumping horses including the successful Capetown, Wild Rose and Wings Sublieme.
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86. Jambalaya K
Born Breeder/Owner 04-07-2014, black/bay
H. en P. Kleuters, Merkelbeek Lugano van la Roche
Capitol I
Fiona M
Unilux Lady keur IBOP-spr sport-spr
Buffet Lord Calando
Apocalypte Z
Furycorry keur pref sport-spr
Cor de la Bryère Amgard keur prest
Nicole s.Pericles xx - Vomburg
M. Unilux Lady (2001) 1.30m and IBOP 75,5 dam of: Colorado (s.Douglas) 1.30m and auction star Expo Talent Sale MM. Furycorry (1987) 1.30m dam of: Royal Cor (s.Lancelot) 2nd viewing Very Lux Lady (s.Lux) EPTM 75 Zafira Lady (s.Rash R) EPTM 75 MMM. Amgard (1985) dam of:
Grimeur (s.Matcho x) IDP Jumping Rex (s.Rex Magna xx) Z1 Lady Elise (s.Weltmeyer) Z1
S. Jumping star, Douglas, jumped internationally with Conor Swail at 1.50m-level but is becoming more especially known as a producer. With offspring such as Suma’s Zorro, Colorado, Dougie Douglas, The Pugilist and Honeylands Douglason he is doing well in breeding and his eldest progeny are already jumping at 1.60m-level. DS. Top-producer Lux Z produced stars such as Tornesch, Novesta and Utascha. Ridden by Jerry Smith, Lux won an insane amount of money and was at the top for many years.
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87. James Bond
Born Breeder/Owner 24-05-2014, colt/bay
G.A.F. de Crom, Ospel Baloubet du Rouet
Balou du Rouet
Galoubet A Mesange du Rouet Continue
Georgette II
Cavalier keur Utah-Jambo M keur sport-spr Pearl Jambo M ster
Hollanda Maykel Wina keur Concorde pref Beauty elite pref
Tosulia s.Joost - Eratosthenes xx
M. Utah-Jambo M (2001)
MM. Pearl Jambo M (1997) MMM. Beauty (1983) dam of: grand dam of:
Di Jacomo (s.Dageraad) ISP Joyrider v/d Zuuthoeve (s.Concorde) approved BWP en NSP Nardijambo M (s.Hamlet) 1.30m Ubine Jambo M (s.Gran Corrado) ISP 1.50m with Blai Capdevila Copaco Max (s.Concorde) 1.30m In Disguise (s.Ajonc) selected and Hunter of the year USA 2003
S. With progeny at the highest level, such as Balzaci, Bacardi, Grand Balou and Balloon, the uniformly-producing Balou du Rouet is becoming one of the best Baloubet du Rouet sons in breeding. His offspring also attract attention in the Youngster Tour. As a young horse, the stallion himself jumped into the limelight in the international sport. DS. Going under the name San Patrignano Mister, Cavalier jumped at top sport-level with Franke Sloothaak. He produced Grand Prix jumping horses including Isha, Illusion and Blushing Groom.
88. Jappeloup
Born Breeder/Owner 18-04-2014, colt/chestnut
F. Boxtel,Volkel Constant
Chin Chin
Arezzo VDL Sarjolijn ster prest
Heartbreaker pref Farjolijn ster prest Utrillo van de Heffinck
Secret Love Wonderland
Fianta prok Nianta P keur pref
Hemmingway Hianta ster prest
Dianta s.Ronald - Heidelberg
M. Fianta (2010) MM. Nianta P (1995) dam of: Arian-P (s.Ovidius) 1.35m and 2nd round viewing Wiant P (s.Lupicor) 1.35m and 3rd round viewing MMM. Hianta (1989) dam of: grand dam of:
Mianta P (s.Hemmingway) ISP GP with Callen Solem Amazing (s.Concorde) SF approved and ISP 1.40m with Theo Muff Pianta-P (s.Kennedy) 1.30m Diamanta (s.Diamant de Semilly) 1.30m Anders (s.Florencio) ZZ-L dressuur Zianta (s.Radar) ZZ-L dressuur
S. The explosively-jumping Chin Chin-son, Arezzo VDL, made his successful Grand Prix debut last year, ridden by Jessica K端rten. The nine-year-old jumping star is also very promising in breeding judging by his first progeny. He has produced several champions of inspections and promising young stars. DS. The prematurely deceased Arizona is a half-brother of the international jumping horses Estina and Dulf van den Bisschop. Arizona himself jumped at 1.35m-level.
89. Joie de Vivre
Born Breeder/Owner 14-03-2014, colt//bay
L. Peeters-Breukers, Sint Odilienberg Concerto II
Gunda IV
Martel xx
Ma Belle
Beauty I
Quidam de Revel
F-Quintessence of Loma ster IBOP-spr prok
Crown of Loma
Jalisco B Dirka Crown Z Osloma ster prest
Keloma s.Zuidhorn - Stuyvesant xx
M. F-Quintessence of Loma (2010)
IBOP 76,5
MM. Crown of Loma (2005) IBOP 81,5 dam of:
E-Queen of Loma (s.Quidam de Revel) IBOP 75,5
MMM. Osloma (1996) dam of: Time Out (s.Kalypso) ISP GP Marc Dilasser Vendredi (s.Heartbreaker) ISP 1.40m Wyloma (s. Heartbreaker) IBOP 78 S: The pedigree international sport and stud stallion, Vittorio, jumped successfully in the 1.50m classes, ridden by Pieter Keunen, and competed in the Junior European Championships with Tim van de Oetelaar. In breeding he stands out with progeny such as Don Diablo, Fandango SHX, Barcelona, Chevejo NB and Bright. His eldest offspring are jumping at 1.40m-level. DS. The Olympic stallion, Quidam de Revel, has become a true top-producer with offspring including Nabab de RĂŞve, Guidam, Dollar de la Pierre and Verdi.
90. D’Artagnan
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 16-03-2014, colt/bay
WW Stables, Meijel Le Tôt de Semilly
Diamant de Semilly Venise des Cresles Cassini II Cherie Nema Ipanema
Grand Veneur Venue du Tôt Elf III Miss des Cresles Capitol Wisma Carolus I Lorettchen
Bandonia s.Colibri - Falkenberg
M. Cherie Nema (2010) MM. Ipanema (1994)
ISP 1.50m with Will Simpson and Harm Sievers
MMM. Lorettchen (1974) dam of: grand dam of:
Crazy Lion (s.Contender) 1.50m Clinton I (s.Carolus I) approved Holst / ISP GP Clinton II (s.Carolus I) approved Holst / ISP GP Clintus (s.Carolus II) ISP GP Daesy (s.Alcatraz) ISP Chica Bay (s.Carolus I) ISP Linus (s.Liostro) ISP Cashgirl 5 (s.Casall) ISP
S. With progeny such as the very successful Quickly de Kreisker, Utamaro D Ecaussines and Emerald van ’t Ruytershof, Diamant de Semilly does exceptionally well as a producer. The French star himself can look back on a very successful sport career; ridden by Eric Levallois, he competed in both the World Championships and European Championships amongst other things. DS. As full-brother of the top stallion Cassini I, Cassini II has very valuable genes. He also produced the Grand Prix horses Kassini Jac, Ophelia II, Cassius and Chicago.
S. With progeny such as the very successful Quickly de Kreisker, Utamaro D Ecaussines and Emerald van ’t Ruytershof, Diamant de Semilly does exceptionally well as a producer. The French star himself can look back on a very successful sport career; ridden by Eric Levallois, he competed in both the World Championships and European Championships amongst other things. DS. As full-brother of the top stallion Cassini I, Cassini II has very valuable genes. He also produced the Grand Prix horses Kassini Jac, Ophelia II, Cassius and Chicago.
91. Jack Sparrow S
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 10-05-2014, colt/bay
E.H.F. Schroembges, Wellerlooi Lugano van la Roche
Capitol I
Fiona M
Buffet G.Pilatus
Pilot Nicolette S ster prok
Gratia H
Facordette S ster pref prest
Cor de la Bryère Zadette prest
Tadette s.Kristal - Juweel
M. Nicolette S (1995) dam of:
Queen Rubin 5 (s.Quidams Rubin) ISP 1.35m Twilight S (s.Narcos II) 1.30m Dupicor S (s.Lux) 2nd round viewing
grand dam of:
Wardetta S (s.Lux) ISP 1.45m with James North Aradetto (s.Colman) ISP 1.40m Deister S (s.Clearaway) 1.30m Zero S (s.Colman) 1.30m
MM. Facordette S (1987) dam of: Jourdette S (s.Pilot) ISP 1.40m Paradette S (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m Pitches S (s.Pilot) 1.35m Setpoint S (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m Urius S (s.Voltaire) 1.30m Woltaire S (s.voltaire) 1.30m grand dam of: Lupicor (s.Lux) approved KWPN and ISP 1.50m Miss Lupicor(s.Lux) 1.35m Cordette (s.Indoctro) 1.30m Zipicor (s.Niveau) 1.35m MMM. Zadette (1981) dam of: El Padrino (s.Jasper) ISP Hadette (s.Julio Mariner xx) 1.35m Discostar (s.Jasper) 2nd round viewing
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grand dam of:
Tarpan (s.Oklund) ISP GP with Denis Lynch Lester (s. Lancer II) approved KWPN K (s.Lancer II) 1.35m Nikita (s.Argentinus) 1.35m Udette (s.Oklund) 1.35m Odette (s.Polydox) 1.30m Rataplan M (s.Concorde) 1.30m Raspoetin (s.Kimberley) ZZ-Licht S’Amour (s.Kimberley) Z1
S. Jumping star, Douglas, jumped internationally with Conor Swail at 1.50m-level but is becoming more especially known as a producer. With offspring such as Suma’s Zorro, Colorado, Dougie Douglas, The Pugilist and Honeylands Douglason he is doing well in breeding and his eldest progeny are already jumping at 1.60m-level. DS.Top-producer, Pilot, produced numerous top jumping horses such as, Pirol, PS Priamos, Prinzregent and Pialotta. He has also proved influential as dam’s sire.
92. Odelie van de Celiebrug
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 11-04-2014, filly/chestnut
F. Engels, Sint Laureins Lugano la Roche
Ogano Sitte
Ialta Sitte
Insel Sitte Ahorn Z
Acord II
Si Bell de Quiberon Hirondelle de Sartay
Cor de la Bryère Goldspring de Lauzelle
Endzia s.Endflug - Jubel I
M. Si Bell de Quiberon (1995) MM. Hirondelle de Sartay (1984) grand dam of: Nanou Z (s.Numero Uno) 1.30m MMM. Revue (1972)
dam of:
Kitona de Sartay (s.Goldspring) 1.30m
S. The international sport and stud stallion, Ogano Sitte, is emerging as a producer of very good jumping horses such as Gaudi (Marcus Ehning), Tonik Hero (Wouter Devos) and Baltik Sitte (Dirk Demeersman). He himself jumped successfully at Grand Prix-level with Dominique Hendrickx and represents a first-class performance-bloodline. DS. Producer Acord II is represented by many very successful offspring in the top-sport such as Broere VDL Atlantic, Araconit, Artur, Ars Vivendi and Antares.
93. Just So Especiale
Born Breeder/Owner 13-04-2014, colt/bay
G.J.W Verstappen i.c.m. C.M.L. Delissen-Verstappen, Swalmen
Numero Uno pref
Karanta keur pref prest
Entertainer Shilavsca Fortuna ster prok
Corland keur Mhilavsca Fortuna ster pref prest
Ma Belle
Cha Cha Cha Special ster
Indorado keur
Zo Special
Titia elite IBOP-spr
Especiale s.Voltaire - Ulft
M. Cha Cha Cha Special (2007) MM. Zo Special (2004)
dam of:
El Primero (s.Numero Uno) approved KWPN
MMM. Titia (2000) daughter of:
Grand Prix-jumping horse Especiale and IBOP 78
dam of:
Also Especial (s.Argentinus) ISP 1.50m and IBOP 82,5 Zontender (s.Montender) ISP Youngster 6yo
S: Entertainer, ridden by Pieter Keunen, is catching everyone’s attention in the Youngster classes. He combines ability and carefulness with an exceptional attitude and seems to possess everything required for the serious work. His first foals are very promising and attract attention due to their athletic build and good canter. DS. The internationally-jumping stallion, Vittorio, attracts attention in breeding with offspring such as Don Diablo HX, Barcelona en Chevejo NB. His eldest offspring are already jumping at 1.40m-level.
94. Jamon
Born Breeder/Owner 02-04-2014, colt/bay
G. van de Winkel, Smakt Voltaire pref
Kannan Cemeta keur pref prest Numero Uno pref Famona elite IBOP-spr Ramona
Furioso II Gogo Moeve Nimmerdor pref Wozieta pref Ahorn Z Jolanda keur Animo keur Katinka keur
Fallon s.Voltaire - Farn
M. Famona (2010)
MM. Ramona (1998)
dam of:
Vulcano (s.Orlando) 1.35m
MMM. Katinka (1992) half sister of: KWPN approved Monaco(s.Animo) dam of: Virginia (s.Andiamo) ISP 1.50m Utopia (s.Andiamo) IBOP 75 Windsor (s.Krunch de Brêve) 2nd round viewing S. Ridden by Michel Hécart, Kannan jumped very credibly in the sport; he won several Grand Prix and took part in the European Championships in San Patrignano. As stud stallion he is also of top quality, producing successful horses such as the Olympic champion Nino des Buissonnets, world champion Pikachu de Muze, Oh d’Eole, Dazzle II and Baldo DS. DS: Top-producer Numero Uno has already produced a striking number of offspring who are successful at the highest level including Tobalio, Tamino, Take Off and Tyson.
95. Jucinda
Born Breeder/Owner 15-05-2014, filly/grey
G. van de Winkel, Smakt Cassini I
Berlin keur
Capitol I Wisma Caretino
Heartbreaker pref Wucinda ster Pucinda ster prest
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Indorado keur Concorde pref
Sandra s.Farn - Krawall xx
M. Wucinda (2003) MM. Pucinda (1997) dam of: Mandy (s.Marlon) ISP 1.55m with Andreas Knippling Vurinda (s.Heartbreaker) 1.30m Cucinda (s.Indoctro) IBOP 75 MMM. Lucinda (1993) S. Keur stallion Berlin can look back on a very successful sport career, ridden by Gerco SchrÜder, with team gold at the WEG and the European Championships as well as the Grand Prix victories in La Coruna and Verona as absolute top points. As a producer, he is making inroads with excellent international horses such as Zerlin M, Zycalin W, Zilverstar T en Glock’s Ambelina JB. DS.The Grand Prix stallion, Heartbreaker, has proved himself to be a top-producer thanks to offspring at the highest level such as Romanov II, Action Breaker and Toulon.
96. Jelly-Bean
Born Breeder/Owner 12-04-2014, filly/bay
J.Vrenken, Maasbree Concerto II
Gunda IV
Martel xx
Ma Belle
Beauty I
Numero Uno pref Woteusie Soteusie
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Burggraaf pref Terusa ster pref prest
Jereusi s.Duc de Normandie - Luitenant
M. Woteusie (2003) dam of:
Coteus (s.Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve) ISP 1.40m with Santiago Lambre
MM. Soteusie (1999)
Lordsburg (s.Lord Z) 1.30m
dam of:
MMM. Terusa (1977) dam of: Oteusi (s.Burggraaf) ISP 1.45m with Lotte Berghauser Pont Illusion (s.Calvados) ISP GP with Tani Zeidler grand dam of:
Amareusa (s.Baloubet du Rouet) ISP GP met Alice Debany Clero Arusa S (s.Berlin) 1.35m Re Mexico (s.Concorde) ISP 1.40m Uterusa (s.Concorde) ISP 1.45m
S: The pedigree international sport and stud stallion, Vittorio, jumped successfully in the 1.50m classes, ridden by Pieter Keunen, and competed in the Junior European Championships with Tim van de Oetelaar. In breeding he stands out with progeny such as Don Diablo, Fandango SHX, Barcelona, Chevejo NB and Bright. His eldest offspring are jumping at 1.40m level. DS: Top-producer Numero Uno has already produced a striking number of offspring who are successful at the highest level including Tobalio, Tamino, Take Off and Tyson.
97. Just Especiale
Born Breeder/Owner 16-06-2014, filly/grey
G.J.W Verstappen i.c.m. C.M.L. Delissen-Verstappen, Swalmen
Capitol I
Indoctro pref Very Special ster
Especiale pref prest sport-spr
Capitol I Vanessa VII Voltaire pref Biosca ster
Tosca s.Naturel - Doruto
M.Very Special (2002) dam of:
Be Special (s.Chacco Blue) ISP 1.45m with Anouk Ruijter
MM. Especiale (1986) ISP GP with Eric van der Vleuten (WB-finale 1995) dam of: Andiamo Especiale (s.Andiamo) approved NRPS and 1.35m Idool (s.Lector) NSP 1.30m Ziezo Especiale (s.Nabab de RĂŞve) 1.30m Titia (s.Carthago) IBOP 78 grand dam of: Also Especial (s.Argentinus) 1.50m with Malin Parmler and IBOP 82,5 More Especiale (s.Darco) ISP Zontender (s.Montender) ISP Youngster 6yo MMM. Biosca (1983)
grand dam of:
Milton (s.Samber) Z1
S. Top-producer Cardento, won various Grand Prix and several team medals at the Olympic Games, the World Championships and the European Championships. His offspring seem to inherit his qualitites very well judging by a series of them who are competing at the highest level, such as Nice Stephanie, Glory Days, Matrix, Cyklon, as well as the talents of the future Corporal VDL, Carrera VDL and Barbarella. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Indoctro, has produced numerous Grand Prix and Olympic jumping horses including Nike, Nassau, Casadora, Black Ice and Vedor.
98. Maine Z
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 03-05-2014, colt/bay
A.T.J.Vullers, Mariahoop Naturel keur
Warina pref prest
Mr. Blue keur Acarla ster prest
Oldenburg Picarla keur pref prest Landgraf I
Lusina Z
Chellano Z
Curious Z
Icara II s.Linaro - Alcatraz
M. Lusina Z (2010) MM. Curious Z (2002) dam of:
Casuality (s.Cassini II) silver WC 5yo 2012 and 1.35m
MMM. Ocay (1999) half sister of:
Restless (s.Lovari) ISP GP and Catija ET Z (s.NN) ISP GP
S. Top stallion, Mr. Blue, successfully competed at the highest level with various riders, and as well as an impressive sport career, the keur stallion can also look back on significant gains in breeding. He is the sire of successful Grand Prix jumping horses such as Plot Blue, Simon,VDL Groep Sapphire B, Zirocco Blue VDL N.O.P. and Bluebuster. DS. The Holstein stallion, Lasino, jumped internationally with Jรถrg Kreutzmann, and produced top jumping horses such as Lord Luis, Loreana and the Olympic Le Beau.
99. Julius HV
Born Breeder/Owner 07-06-2014, colt/dark bay
H. en R. Hesen-Vossen, Maasbree Heartbreaker pref
Cidane Larnike keur pref prest
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster G.Ramiro Z pref Garnike keur pref prest Voltaire pref
Diadeem keur pref prest sport-spr
Pleyrose V elite pref prest Ilarose pref prest
Dageraad Turose keur pref prest
Lorose s.Paradiso xx - Norman
M. Pleyrose V (1997) dam of:
Cupido V (s.Numero Uno) 1.35m Virturose (s.Indoctro) 1.35m Adorose (s.Indoctro) 1.30m Ducati (s.Contendro I) 1.30m and selected Unikaat (s.Ferro) LT dressage Westering Star (s.Lupicor) selected Evyrose HV (s.Contendro I) IBOP 75 Galantos HV (s.Cantos) 2nd round viewing
MM. Ilarose (1990) 1.30m dam of:
Ranino V (s.Animo) ISP GP with Beatrix Llanza Maxwill (s.Goodwill) IDP GP with Jorinde Verwimp
MMM. Turose (1977) dam of: My Girl (s.Ramiro Z) ISP GP with Ian Miller Gravurose (s.Burggraaf) 1.30m grand dam of: Taloubet (s. Baloubet de Rouet) ISP 1.45m Jill-Roos (s.Equador) 1.30m Lexus (s.Rossini) ZZ-Zwaar Taratan (s.Flemmingh) Z1
S. The genetically-interesting Cidane, ridden by Kristian Houwen, is one of the most successful horses of his age group. He won the stallion show two years running and, as a six-year-old, won bronze at the World Championships in Lanaken. The half-brother of the Grand Prix show jumper Reflection, seems to pass on many qualities. DS. The international sport and stud stallion, Lancelot, jumped at international-level with Pieter Koopmans and has produced Grand Prix horses including Pavarotti, Rosinus and Robin.
100. Jaguar Bolide
Born Breeder/Owner 21-06-2014, colt/chestnut
C.A.P. Thiesen, Melderslo Big Star
Big Star Junior
Krista elite pref prest sport-spr Montreal
Bolide ster Solide sport-spr
Quickstar Jolanda sport-spr prest Polydor Paquita Indoctro pref Zancara keur pref prest Voltaire pref Nike keur sport-spr
Jente s.Damiro - Voltaire
M. Bolide (2006) MM. Solide (1999) 1.40m with Aniek Poels dam of: Clooney 35 (s.Cardento) ISP 1.55m with Max Kßhner MMM. Nike (1995) ISP 1.55m with Andrew Davies and half sister of AD Ricardo (s.Heartbreaker) ISP GP dam of: Trix (s.Kalypso) ISP 1.50m grand dam of: VDL Groep Zandorra Z (s.Zandor) ISP 1.50m Zanzibar (s.Querlybet Hero) 1.30m S. The genetically-interesting promise, Big Star Junior, is out of the dam of the well-known Grand Prix stallion Taloubet Z. Ridden by Christian Ahlmann, this stallion won the World Cup Final in 2011. Big Star Junior himself attracts attention under Michael Greeve’s saddle. In breeding too expectations of this Big Star-son are high. DS.The genetically-valuable Montreal jumped at international-level and is a half-brother of the Grand Prix horses Bubalu VDL and Pessoa.
101. Joplin Molga
Born Breeder/Owner 30-04-2014, filly/bay
J.A.C.M. Kuijken, Bergeijk Heartbreaker pref
Action Breaker Jarme van ‘t Steentje
Deblesse Molga elite IBOP-spr
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Lys de Darmen Freja Phin Phin keur
Irence keur pref
Utahmolga prest prok
Voltaire pref Nymolga elite
Imolga s.Nimmerdor - Willow Cratic xx
M. Deblesse Molga (2008) IBOP 82 MM. Utahmolga (2001) dam of:
Alasca Molga (s.Lupicor) 1.35m Caprice H.P.E (s.Padinus) 1.30m
MMM. Nymolga (1995) dam of: Windsor (s.Lux) 1.30m and 2nd round viewing S. The spectacularly-jumping Action Breaker has already accumulated an impressive set of results. He was placed third in the GP in Aachen and fifth at the WEG in Kentucky. His eldest offspring are already jumping at international-level, such as the promising Elixir ST, Explosiev 111, Funke van ’t Heike and Grunwald de Kalvarie. DS. Ultimo is active in the international sport at 1.50m-level and has already produced talented horses such as NMK-champion Aviana and the internationally-jumping Bolien.
102. Johnnie Walker
Born Breeder/Owner 09-04-2014, colt/bay
H.A.P. Coenen, Heijen Numero Uno pref
El Primero
Libero H pref Jolanda keur Indorado keur
Zo Special
Titia elite IBOP-spr Lord
Santa Strings
Zivona ster IBOP-spr Passivona keur pref
Voltaire pref Gabrielle ster pref
Zivona s.Nimmerdor - Matchim xx
M. Zivona (2004)
IBOP 75 dam of:
Ezivona (s.Vigaro) IBOP 78,5
MM. Passivona (1997) IBOP 78 dam of:
Unaniem (s.Numero Uno) approved KWPN and ISP GP with Athina Onassis Crack Uno (s.Numero Uno) 1.30m Assivona (s. Numero Uno) IBOP 76
MMM. Gabrielle (1988) dam of: grand dam of:
Wingivona (s.Calvados) EPTM 75,5 Garmisch (s.Grannus) approved KWPN and ISP 1.40m Will Power R (s.Concorde) ISP 1.50m
S. The genetically-interesting El Primero does not belie his excellent pedigree. Last Summer, the Numero-Uno son attracted attention once again in the Youngster competitions. The stallion with the superb canter, jumps with much use of his body, carefulness and ability, and is an excellent ride. His first offspring seem to be very promising too. DS. Ridden by Helena Hugoson, Elmshorn jumped successfully at Grand Prix-level and is the sire of international show jumpers Kor II,Victor and Wilson.
103. J-Light AL
Born Breeder/Owner 27-05-2014, colt/grey
T.H. Alders, Sambeek Libero H pref
Numero Uno pref Jolanda keur Darco Violet Belle Ketty xx
Landgraf I Oktave Lord Calando Feinschnitt keur pref sport-dres
Lugano van la Roche Ocoucha Brave Johnny xx Brave Fabi xx
Omaha xx s.Right Royal xx - Caracalla xx
M.Violet (1998) dam of: Casper Z (s.Caretano) 1.30m MM. Belle Ketty xx (1986) MMM. Brave Fabi xx (1976) S. In the global top sport Numero Uno plays a prominent role thanks to jumping stars such as Tobalio, Tyson, Winchester HS, Tamino and Take Off. He himself jumped at 1.50m-level, ridden by Marco Kutscher, and is seen as being the best-producing son of the legendary Libero H. DS.The legendary Darco had a sport career and stud career, both of exceptional level.The Olympic top-stallion produced stars such as Parco, Sapphire and Winningmood.
104. Jolli Jumper
VAT Born Breeder/Owner 12-06-2014, colt/chestnut
P.J.P. Leijser, Someren Zapatero VDL
Flying Dream
Windoctro Ryal K keur IBOP-spr Perion
Felicia Bonita prok
Chin Chin Manieta elite pref prest sport-spr
Indoctro pref Ourryal pref Faust Z Wendy prest Vainqueur Jatinka pref
Catina s.Persian Path S xx - Maestro
M. Felicia (2010) MM. Bonita (2006)
MMM. Jatinka (1991) dam of: Varia (s.Perion) ISP 1.50m with Rodrigo Marinho Raspoutin (s.Casanova) ZZ-Licht Doarisse (s.Vittorio) EPTM 79,5 S. Ability Champion, Flying Dream (87 points) makes an impression wherever he appears, with his jumping ability and disposition. He combines an excellent jumping technique with good reflexes and much ability, and is an easy ride. The first foals by talent of the future, Flying Dream, are very promising. DS. The Faust Z-son, Perion, jumped at 1.35m-level and was used to a limited extent in breeding. He produced, amongst other offspring, the international show jumper Wapper.
105. Jackson V
Born Breeder/Owner 18-05-2014, colt/bay
J.G.J.Verstappen, Swalmen Quidam de Revel
Jalisco B Dirka Landgraf I
Heartbreaker Atina V Heaven elite
Nimmerdor pref Bacarole ster Concorde pref Valeska ster
Pebbel s.Kanonnier - Wachtmeester
M. Atina V (2005) MM. Heaven (1989) dam of: grand dam of:
Landos (s.Landwind II B) ISP Tjesten (s.Salamon) Z1
MMM.Valeska (1979) dam of: grand dam of:
Obeleska (s.Haarlem) NSP
Zambia-D (s.Sydney) 1.40m
Omen Z (s.Omar) ISP 1.50m Olanda (s.Lancer II) 1.30m Silvester (s.Kroongraaf) 1.35m
S. Ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten,Verdi became a permanent fixture in the Dutch team with the silver team medal at the Olympic Games in London and GP-victories in Madrid (GCT), Salzburg, Abu Dhabi and Lyon being the absolute top points. His eldest progeny stand out in international sport such as Bon Jovi, Caapverdi, Bulavsco and Brian. DS. As well as a successful career at the highest level, Heartbreaker has proved himself to be a top-producer with offspring including Romanov, USA Today, Action Breaker and Toulon.
106. Jerome
Born Breeder/Owner 02-06-2014, colt/bay
P.M. Kuenen-Derckx,Veulen Capitol I
Cassini I
Berlin keur
Quality Time Goldykaat Dukaat prok
Quantum H-Cartonne Tampa Piekaat elite pref prest sport-spr
Dukaat s.Le Mexico - Cadmus xx
M. Goldykaat (2011) MM. Dukaat (2008)
MMM. Piekaat (1997) 1.35m and half sister of Kobalt (s.Landon) ISP dam of: Unikaat (s.Kojak) 1.30m Volant (s.Kojak) 1.35m and 2nd round viewing
grand dam of:
Cobalt (s.Heartbreaker) 1.30m
S. Keur stallion, Berlin, can look back on a very successful sport career, ridden by Gerco SchrÜder, with team gold at the WEG and the European Championships as well as the Grand Prix victories in La Coruna and Verona as absolute top points. As producer, he is making inroads with excellent international horses such as Zerlin M, Zycalin W, Zilverstar T and Glock’s Ambelina JB. DS. Ridden by Jeroen Dubbeldam, Quality Time successfully competed at the highest level. His offspring stand out when loose jumping and promise much for the sport.
107. Antje Z
Born Breeder/Owner 19-05-2014, fillly/grey
F. van Os, Uden Accord II
Elypse I
Asca Z Krokusblute
Carthago Weisse Rose Cor de la Bryère
Corrado I
May Corrado G-Caretina
Caretino Corlin
Svettana s.Lord - Roman
M. May Corrado (2005) MM. G-Caretina (1992) dam of:
Dr. Oklund (s.Oklund) ISP GP with Gyula Szuhai and 2nd round viewing Canterino (s.Carolus II) ISP 1.35m
MMM. Corlin (1988) dam of:
Acasino (s.Acadius) ISP GP with Tobias Bachl Acadio (s.Acadius) ISP 1.40m
S. Ridden by Christian Ahlmann, Asca Z performed very credibly at Grand Prix-level, and was part of the winning team in the Nations Cup competition in Calgary. His eldest offspring are now seven years old and are just starting their international careers. Asca Z offspring all inherit his jumping qualities. DS. The impressive stallion, Corrado I, jumped at the highest level with Franke Sloothaak and is influential via his sons Indorado, Corofino I, Coriano and Clinton.
108. Olympus van de Peerdeblook
Born Breeder/Owner 25-05-2014, colt/grey
M. Porschman, Genk Diamant de Semilly
Emerald van ‘t Ruytershof Carthina Z Voltaire pref Vasanette Dasanette sport-spr
Le Tôt de Semilly Venise des Cresles Carthago Z Tanagras S van het Darohof Furioso II Gogo Moeve G.Ramiro Z pref Asanette
Sanette s.Abgar xx - Wagner
M.Vasanette (2002) MM. Dasanette (1985) 1.35m dam of: Aqua (s.Indoctro) ISP 1.40m Rainbow (s.Lancelot) 1.40m Uno (s.Lux) 1.35m Klarinettels (s.Amethist) Z2 grand dam of: Rubels (s.Rafürstinels) approved KWPN and LT dressage MMM. Asanette (1982) grand dam of: Calvino Z (s.Calvin Z) approved Zang and ISP 1.40m I.Sanette 55 (s.Ladalco) ZZ-Zwaar Tasimodo vd Wolfsakker (s.Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 1.30m Unari vd Wolfsakker (s.Quasimodo vd Molendreef) 1.30m Weasanette (s.Tolano van ‘t Riethof) 1.35m
“Sta l Hendrix”
Stal Hendrix Kessel - T. 06-30334431 (Daniëlle) E. stallions@stalhendrix.nl
S. Ridden by Harrie Smolders, the genetically-interesting stallion, Emerald van ‘t Ruytershof has become a very credible Grand Prix jumping horse. The combination have been part of the Dutch team in the Nations Cup competitions several times and his future as a stud stallion is also secured, thanks to the initial good results. DS.The international sport and stud stallion,Voltaire, has become a true top-producer and has produced top horses such as Finesse, Especiale, Play It Again and Concorde.
Impressie opnamedag 2014 Impression photo shoot 2014
Impressie opnamedag 2014 Impression photo shoot 2014
Impressie opnamedag 2014 Impression photo shoot 2014
Impressie opnamedag 2014 Impression photo shoot 2014
Impressie opnamedag 2014 Impression photo shoot 2014
Betalingsvoorwaarden Contant
Na afloop van de veiling meldt u zich met uw koopcontract op het veilingbureau waar u contant afrekent. Eenmalige machtiging
Bij het invullen van het koopcontract kunt u ervoor kiezen om gebruik te maken van de eenmalige machtiging. Het bedrag is dan binnen zeven dagen na de veiling van uw bankrekening afgeschreven.
Terms of payment Cash Upon completion of the auction proceed with your purchase contract to the auctioneer’s office where your purchase can be paid in cash. Direct debit You can choose to use the option for a direct debit while filling in the purchase contract. The amount will be withdrawn within seven days after the auction.
Veilingvoorwaarden 1. ALGEMEEN
1.1 Deze veilingvoorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle overeenkomsten gesloten op de Veulenveiling tussen Verkoper en Koper met betrekking tot via Hendrix events op een Veulenveiling aangeboden veulens, alsmede alle overeenkomsten die daaruit voortvloeien. Verder van toepassing op het voortraject van de veiling, zoals tijdens de selectiedagen, de zgn. foto- of keuringsdag en de veilingdag zelf. 1.2 Op deze overeenkomsten is Nederlands recht van toepassing. 1.3 De veilingvoorwaarden zullen in elk geval voor aanvang van de Veulenveiling door of vanwege Veulenveiling Limburg worden kenbaar gemaakt aan de veilingbezoekers. Voorts zijn deze veilingvoorwaarden opgenomen in de veilingcatalogus van de veulenveiling. 1.4 Aan de in artikel 2 van deze veilingvoorwaarden in hoofdletters aangegeven begrippen komt in deze veilingvoorwaarden de daarachter vermelde betekenis toe. 1.5 Alle te veilen veulens zijn voorafgaand aan de veiling klinisch gekeurd door een erkend dierenarts. Zijn bevindingen zijn bindend. 1.6 Het bestuur houdt zich te allen tijde het recht voor om een geselecteerd en/of klinisch gekeurd veulen, om bestuurlijke of veterinaire reden op een later tijdstip af te wijzen. Dit kan ook als blijkt dat het Veulen om welke reden dan ook niet meer aan de selectie-eisen voldoet. Tevens in verband met het bepaalde in artikel 4.2, kan door of namens het Veulenveilingsbestuur tijdens de selectiedagen, de foto c.q. keuringsdag en op de veilingdag worden bepaald of steekproefsgewijs of gericht, een of meer veulens op verboden stoffen worden gecontroleerd. 2. DEFINITIES
2.A KOPER: natuurlijk persoon of rechtspersoon die als Koper optreedt bij een overeenkomst van koop en verkoop van een Veulen tijdens de veulenveiling. 2.B NOTARIS: de Notaris ten overstaan van wie de Veulenveiling plaatsvindt. 2.C EVENTS: Hendrix Events die de organisatie van de veiling voor haar rekening neemt. 2.D SELECTIECOMMISSIE: commissie die door de Veulenveiling is belast met het selecteren van de veulens.
2.E VERKOPER: natuurlijk persoon of rechtspersoon die als Verkoper optreedt bij een overeenkomst van koop en verkoop van een Veulen tijdens de Veulenveiling. 2.F VEULEN: een door de Selectiecommissie voor de Veulenveiling aangewezen veulen. 2.G VEULENVEILING: de door Hendrix Events jaarlijks georganiseerde veiling van veulens. 2.H VEILINGMEESTER: een door Hendrix Events aangewezen Veilingmeester die de Veulenveiling leidt. 3. VEILING
De Veulenveiling wordt georganiseerd door Hendrix Events ten overstaan van Van Gorp Malherbe, notarissen te Weert, of een plaatsvervanger. 4. KOOPOVEREENKOMST
4.1 De koopovereenkomst komt rechtstreeks tot stand tussen de Verkoper en de Koper, onder de verplichting voor de Verkoper en de Koper de in deze veilingvoorwaarden bepaalde veilingkosten aan de Veulenveiling te voldoen. 4.2 Door het aanbieden van het Veulen ter veiling, verklaart de Verkoper dat hem geen feiten of omstandigheden bekend zijn die het Veulen ongeschikt maken voor een normaal gebruik als Veulen. Verkoper staat er verder voor in dat het Veulen niet onder invloed is van verboden stoffen als voorkomend op de meest recente lijst van verboden stoffen van de Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) en niet lijdt aan één van de stalgebreken luchtzuigen, weven of kribbebijten. 4.3 De Veulenveiling biedt door een presentatie voorafgaand aan de veiling de Koper de mogelijkheid een eigen oordeel te vormen over het Veulen en de mate waarin het Veulen overeenkomt met zijn wensen gelet op de door de Koper voorgenomen specifieke gebruiksdoeleinden. De Koper dient waar redelijkerwijs nodig of gewenst, onafhankelijk advies van deskundigen in te roepen. 4.4 De Veulenveiling/Selectiecommissie selecteert een Veulen op kwaliteit van exterieur en afstamming. Voorafgaand aan de Veiling wordt elk Veulen klinisch gekeurd door een erkende dierenarts. Op de veilingdag zelve vindt een laatste korte check plaats door bij voorkeur dezelfde dierenarts. Een röntgenologische keuring heeft niet plaatsgevonden. Eveneens heeft normaliter geen onderzoek op verboden stoffen plaatsgevonden. 5. DE WIJZE VAN VEILING
5.1 De veiling vindt plaats door een door de Veulenveiling aangewezen Veilingmeester.
5.2 De Veulens worden bij opbod verkocht. De aanbieding van de te veilen Veulens vindt in catalogusvolgorde plaats. De catalogusvolgorde wordt door de Veulenveiling in overleg met de Selectiecommissie bepaald. 5.3 Het bieden geschiedt door opsteken van de catalogus. Er wordt, tenzij de Veilingmeester anders aangeeft, tot een bedrag van 4.000 Euro geboden in bedragen van 250 Euro (zegge: tweehonderdvijftig Euro), vervolgens 500 Euro (zegge: vijfhonderd Euro) tot een bedrag van 10.000 Euro en daarna 1.000 Euro (zegge: duizend Euro). de Veulenveiling c.q. de Veilingmeester, behoudt zich het recht voor om zonder opgave van redenen een bieder te weigeren. 5.4 Iedere bieder wordt geacht voor zichzelf te bieden en is aan zijn bod gebonden totdat een hoger bod wordt geaccepteerd. 5.5 Indien de Veilingmeester zich heeft vergist, heeft hij het recht zijn vergissing te herstellen. 5.6 De Notaris constateert en, voor zover nodig, legt feiten vast die zich tijdens de Veulenveiling voordoen. Eventuele geschillen die daarop betrekking hebben worden door de Notaris op grond van zijn constateringen en vastleggingen bindend beslist. 5.7 Koper en Verkoper dienen zich op verzoek van de Veulenveiling te legitimeren. 5.8 De Veulenveiling heeft het recht om een Veulen, vermeld in de veilingcatalogus, te allen tijde alsnog te weigeren voor de daadwerkelijke veiling zonder enige schadevergoeding verschuldigd te zijn. 5.9 De Veulenveiling is nimmer aansprakelijk voor bedrijfs-, gevolg-, vermogensschade en/of indirecte schade. 5.10 De aansprakelijkheid van de Veulenveiling is beperkt tot het bedrag dat in het voorkomende geval door de Verzekeraar van de aansprakelijkheidsverzekering wordt uitgekeerd, vermeerderd met het eigen risico onder de verzekering. Indien en voor zover geen uitkering krachtens de aansprakelijkheidsverzekering mocht plaatsvinden in iedere aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot een bedrag van 5.000 Euro. 6. UITSLUITING AANSPRAKELIJKHEID
6.1 De Veulenveiling sluit, voor zover rechtens toegestaan, elke aansprakelijkheid uit ten opzichte van Koper, Verkopers en derden en in het bijzonder, maar niet beperkt tot, met betrekking tot de navolgende gevallen. 6.2 De Veulenveiling is niet aansprakelijk wanneer een in de veilingcatalogus vermeld Veulen uiteindelijk niet ter veiling wordt aangeboden.
6.3 De Veulenveiling sluit te haren aanzien elke aansprakelijkheid uit met betrekking tot de gezondheidstoestand van de te veilen Veulens. Meer in het bijzonder wordt aansprakelijkheid uitgesloten met betrekking tot osteochondrotische afwijkingen in de knie- en spronggewrichten van het Veulen en/of andere gebreken, die later worden vastgesteld. Voorts sluit de Veulenveiling te haren aanzien natuurlijk ook elke aansprakelijkheid uit voor wat betreft het vervoer enz. 6.4 De Veulenveiling is niet aansprakelijk voor enig ongeval of enige vorm van schade iemand overkomen in of nabij de terreinen of gebouwen waar gelegenheid is tot bezichtiging, waar de Veulenveiling plaats heeft of waar de verkochte Veulens worden afgehaald. Het betreden van deze terreinen en gebouwen geschiedt voor een ieder op eigen risico. 6.5 De Veulenveiling sluit aansprakelijkheid voor schade van derden, die gedurende de Veulenveiling is ontstaan uit, behoudens schade die het gevolg is van opzet of bewuste roekeloosheid van de Veulenveiling, dan wel haar leidinggevenden. 7. BETALING EN AFLEVERING VAN HET VEULEN
7.1 De Veulenveiling betaalt de koopsom, nadat zij deze van de Koper heeft ontvangen, onder aftrek van de aan de Veulenveiling verschuldigde veilingkosten, door aan de Verkoper op een door hem aan te geven bank- of gironummer.
Om dit goed te laten verlopen, verplicht de Verkoper zich, alvorens zijn Veulen af te leveren, bij de penningmeester van de Veulenveiling te vergewissen: a. of de Koper volledig aan zijn betalingsverplichtingen heeft voldaan, en b. zoniet, dan het Veulen niet af te leveren, voordat alsnog aan die verplichtingen is voldaan. Als de koopsom om welke reden dan ook niet aan de Veulenveiling wordt voldaan, vervalt daarmee de betalingsverplichting van de Veulenveiling aan de Verkoper, zoals bedoeld in het eerste lid. Zie verder artikel 9 van de veilingvoorwaarden. 7.2 Na gunning van een Veulen jonger dan 4½ maand dient de Koper de gehele koopsom, alsmede 7 % van de koopsom als veilingkosten contant of via machtiging aan de Veulenveiling te voldoen. Dit bedrag komt onder beheer van de Veulenveiling en wordt niet eerder uitbetaald aan de Verkoper dan dat de levering naar alle partijen juist is afgehandeld, zie verder art. 7.4,7.5 7.6 enz. 7.3 Na gunning van een Veulen ouder dan 4½ maand dient Koper de koopsom, alsmede 7 % van de koopsom als veilingkosten contant of via machtiging aan de Veulenveiling te voldoen. 7.4 In het geval Verkoper op de Veulenveiling een Veulen verkoopt, dat gezien zijn leeftijd (veelal ouder dan 4½ maand) onmiddellijk door
Verkoper aan Koper kan worden geleverd, wordt het Veulen feitelijk door Verkoper aan Koper geleverd, nadat Koper aan al zijn financiële verplichtingen, zowel jegens Verkoper, als de Veulenveiling heeft voldaan. Indien Koper op de Veulenveiling aan al zijn financiële verplichtingen heeft voldaan, wordt namens de Veulenveiling een geleidebiljet aan Koper ter hand gesteld, op grond waarvan de levering door Verkoper aan Koper ter plaatse van de Veulenveiling plaatsvindt. 7.5 Verkoper neemt de verplichting op zich om een Veulen jonger dan 4½ maand bij de merrie te laten, zonder dat de Koper hiervoor een vergoeding is verschuldigd. 7.6 Tot het moment van feitelijke levering aan de Koper blijft het Veulen voor rekening en risico van de Verkoper, tenzij op de Veulenveiling een Veulen jonger dan 4½ maand is ge-/verkocht, in welk geval het risico na 4½ maand op de Koper overgaat. Een Veulen dat op de Veulenveiling is ge-/verkocht en toen jonger was dan 4½ maand dient als hij de leeftijd van 4½ maand heeft bereikt, door Koper te zijn ontvangen. Indien Koper of Verkoper van een Veulen jonger dan 4½ maand dat op de Veulenveiling is ge-/verkocht niet aan hun afname- of leveringsverplichtingen voldoen, verbeurt de nalatige partij ten opzichte van de andere partij een direct opeisbare boete ad 2.500 Euro (zegge: tweeduizendvijfhonderd Euro), vermeerderd met een boete ad 250 Euro (zegge: tweehonderdvijftig Euro) voor elke dag die deze nalatigheid voortduurt. 7.7 Het Veulen of de Draagmerrie wordt door de Verkoper op het adres van de Koper afgeleverd, behoudens levering op de Veiling zelf. Indien Koper en/of Verkoper buiten Nederland woonachtig is/zijn, is de plek van aflevering binnen Nederland, tenzij anders wordt afgesproken. 7.8 Verkoper neemt de verplichting op zich dat een Veulen is gechipt op het moment van feitelijke levering aan Koper. Kosten verbonden aan het chippen van het Veulen komen voor rekening van de Verkoper. 7.9 De veilingkosten voor de Verkoper bedragen 250 Euro (exclusief BTW) aan vaste veilingkosten, vermeerderd met 7% courtage van de koopsom. Voor de Koper is dit eveneens 7% van de koopsom. Echter bij samenloop, als Verkoper en Koper dezelfde persoon zijn, is dit 7% bij een koopsom tot en met 4.000 Euro. Indien de koopsom meer dan 4.000 Euro bedraagt, is bij samenloop, als Verkoper en Koper dezelfde persoon zijn, een courtage van 14% over de gehele koopsom verschuldigd. 8. NIET VOLDOEN AAN DE OVEREENKOMST
8.1 Indien Koper van oordeel is dat het Veulen na feitelijke aflevering niet aan de overeenkomst beantwoordt, kan Koper hierop geen beroep meer doen, indien hij Verkoper daarvan niet binnen 3 weken nadat hij dit heeft ontdekt, of redelijkerwijs had behoren te ontdekken, kennis heeft gegeven door middel van een aangetekende brief. 174
8.2 Verkoper staat er voor in dat het door hem verkochte Veulen niet lijdt aan één van de stalgebreken luchtzuigen, systematisch weven of kribbebijten en wel gedurende een periode van 10 maal 24 uur na feitelijke aflevering van het Veulen door Verkoper aan Koper. 8.3 Indien door een dierenarts, bij voorkeur een dierenarts gespecialiseerd in het keuren van paarden, één van de in artikel 9.2 genoemde stalgebreken wordt geconstateerd en hij daaromtrent een schriftelijke verklaring heeft afgelegd, inhoudende dat dit stalgebrek naar zijn deskundig oordeel bestond voor de datum van feitelijke aflevering, heeft de Koper het recht ontbinding van de koopovereenkomst te vorderen c.q. met de Verkoper in onderhandeling te treden over verlaging van de koopprijs. Een schriftelijk (bij aangetekende brief of brief met ontvangstbevestiging) verzoek daartoe dient Verkoper binnen 3 weken na feitelijke aflevering te bereiken, bij gebreke waarvan het recht vervalt om op deze grond ontbinding van de koopovereenkomst te vorderen, alsmede de mogelijkheid om te onderhandelen over een verlaging van de koopprijs. 9.
Wanneer Koper zijn aangegane verplichtingen niet nakomt, heeft Verkoper het recht, te zijner keuze en beslissing, om danwel nakoming van die verplichtingen te vorderen, danwel de koopovereenkomst, zonder dat nadere ingebrekestelling of gerechtelijke tussenkomst vereist is, als ontbonden te beschouwen. In beide gevallen echter onder het behoud van alle rechten en aanspraken op volledige schadevergoeding. 10. GESCHILLEN
10.1 Alle geschillen, welke ontstaan naar aanleiding van op de Veiling gesloten overeenkomsten met betrekking tot door de Veulenveiling geveilde Veulens, danwel van nadere overeenkomsten, die daarvan het gevolg mochten zijn, zullen worden beslecht door arbitrage (zonder hoger beroep) overeenkomstig het arbitragereglement van de Veulenveiling. Fotokopie van het arbitragereglement is op aanvraag verkrijgbaar bij het secretariaat van de Veulenveiling. 10.2 Arbitrage vindt plaats overeenkomstig eerder genoemd reglement, waarbij arbiters als één van de eerste verplichtingen op zich nemen een termijn te bepalen waarbinnen het geding zal worden gevoerd en waarbinnen, onvoorziene omstandigheden daargelaten, door arbiters uitspraak zal worden gedaan. Steeds echter zullen arbiters hun vonnis zo spoedig mogelijk geven. Hun last duurt voort totdat een eindvonnis is gegeven. 10.3 Tenminste één der scheidslieden zal dierenarts zijn, afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit Utrecht, terwijl tenminste één der scheidslieden met de gebruiken van de Veulenveiling bekend dient te zijn. Weert, mei 2014 De veilingvoorwaarden zijn op aanvraag via het secretariaat verkrijgbaar in de Nederlandse en Engelse taal. Bij geschillen gelden echter uitsluitend de Nederlandse veilingvoorwaarden. 175
Colofon - Colophon Organisatie - Organisation Hendrix Events +31 (0)77 462 0428 info@limburgseveulenveiling.nl www.limburgseveulenveiling.nl Equine MERC Dhr. Luc van Moorsel +31 (0)6 26 29 21 26 Mevr. Daisy van Nieuwkasteele +31 (0)6 24 11 05 99 info@equinemerc.nl www.equinemerc.nl Locatie - Location Dressuur- en Springstal de IJzeren Man IJzerenmanweg 4, 6006 TA Weert (NED) +31 (0)495 531 946 info@ijzerenman.com www.deijzerenman.nl Ontwerp & druk - Design & Print DTP Graphic Products Beekstraat 2 5981 AS Panningen +31 (0)77 306 00 36 info@dtp-group.nl www.dtp-group.nl Veterinair - Veterinarian Dierenartsenpraktijk Ell Hoogstraat 7 6011 RX Ell +31 (0)495 551 225 praktijk@dapell.nl www.dapell.nl Facilitaire Dienstverlening - Facility Services V2 Facility Helvoirtsestraat 21 5268 BA Helvoirt +31 (0)411 724 444 info@v2-facility.nl www.v2facility.nl 176
Notaris - Notary Van Gorp Malherbe Biest 2 6001 AG Weert +31 (0)495 537 555 www.vangorpmalherbe.nl info@vangorpmalherbe.nl Video - Video ClipMyHorse support@clipmyhorse.de www.clipmyhorse.tv Fotografie - Photography Digishots Dhr. Leanjo de Koster +31 (0)630 737 294 leanjo@digishots.nl www.digishots.nl Website Bonsai Media Magnesiumstraat 25 C7 6031 RV Nederweert +31 (0)495 631 000 info@bonsaimedia.nl www.bonsaimedia.nl Spreker - Speaker Dhr. R. Gelok Co-spreker – Co-speaker Dhr. Peter van der Waaij Veilingmeester - Auctioneer Dhr. K. Olaerts
Notities - Notes
Notities - Notes
Notities - Notes
Panningen Tel: 077-306 00 36 ww w.dtp- group.nl
Limburgse Veulenveiling woensdag 24 september 2014
De vormgeving, opmaak en druk voor deze mooie catalogus was in onze vertrouwde handen. woensdag 24 september 2014 www.limburgseveulenveiling.nl