SCANDEM 2018 Program
69 Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society th
June 25th–28th, 2018 Technical University of Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark
Welcome Note — Welcome to Scandem 2018 – the 69th annual conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society. Welcome to the Technical University of Denmark, where Scandem 2008 was also hosted 10 years ago. In 2008 we were celebrating the opening of Center for Electron Nanoscopy at DTU during the Scandem week. This year the math says we will have our 10 years anniversary. However, my mind cannot really get around the fact that it is 10 years since the center opened. Time has really been flying. Nanoscale imaging research is a growing field. Within the field of microscopy several innovative developments have greatly improved the performance of the instrumentation and have demonstrated to be a versatile characterization tool for nanostructures. This year, the main themes of the Scandem conference are embracing the complementary techniques within microscopy: • • • • • •
In Situ Electron Microscopy Electron Spectroscopy X-ray microscopy Scanning Probe Microscopy Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Image and Data analysis
By bringing the variety of flavours within microscopy together over these few days, I hope to foster knowledge exchange and great ideas for future collaborations, as well as identify new tools and techniques to experiment with.
With over 250 scientific researchers and experts participating during the week, including representatives from 25 companies exhibiting their most recent microscope tools, the framework is certainly set for a fruitful conference. The scientific foundation of the Scandem 2018 conference is built upon more than 100 oral and poster presentations between Tuesday to Thursday. I’m certainly looking forward to be inspired by the work that will be presented and I hope that you are too. On behalf of the entire organizing committee, we are looking forward to hosting you during the brightest time of year around the Danish midsummer.
Jakob B. Wagner Organizer
Table of Contents — About the Hosts
About Scandem
Organizing Committee 5 Scientific Program Committee 5 Volunteers 5
About 6 Board of Directors 7
Map & Floorplans
Event Information
Map of DTU Floorplan, building 306 Floorplan, building 303A
Registration Desk Internet Breaks & Lunches Instructions for Presenters
Program Overview
8-9 10-11 12-13
Times & Locations 16-17 Workshops 19 Scientific Sessions 20-24 General Assembly 26
Social Program
Opening Reception Canal Tour & Conference Dinner
Poster Sessions
Author Index
Organizing Committee Conference Chair
Jakob Birkedal Wagner
Andrew Burrows Berit Wenzell
Michael Andersson (Bruker Nano Analytics)
Nina Høgh-Bach
Torben Jensen (Fischione)
Kirsten Noelle Bruus Mette Noer
Scientific Program Committee Thomas Willum Hansen (DTU) Jacob R. Bowen (DTU) Carsten Gundlach (DTU) Michael Lisby (KU) Morten Schallburg Nielsen (AAU) Sebastian Horch (DTU) Anders Bjorholm Dahl (DTU) Kristian Mølhave (DTU) Rodolphe Marie (DTU) Shima Kadkhodazadeh (DTU)
Student Volunteers Mamadou Mandie Kone (DTU) Mohammad Ahmed (DTU) Thomas L. Smitshuysen (DTU) Anton Bay Andersen (DTU) Asger Barkholt Moss (DTU)
About SCANDEM — SCANDEM* was founded October 16, 1948, at the Research Institute of Experimental Physics in Stockholm. It has since then served as an active organization focusing on all aspects related to microscopy. This includes developments of the technology, specimen preparation techniques, applications in material and life sciences and new types of microscopy. Most of the members, more than 300 in 2012, come from universities, research institutes and industries in the Nordic countries. To promote the knowledge of microscopy in this environment the Society is coordinating a number of activities: • An annual SCANDEM meeting is organized by a local committee. • SCANDEM is supporting courses in different fields of microscopy. • Grants for attending conferences, courses, workshops, etc are given yearly. • Information to members is presented on the SCANDEM website. SCANDEM is a member of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM), and of the European Microscopy Society (EMS).
The name SCANDEM was an abbreviation for the “Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy”. This name was chosen since only Denmark, Norway and Sweden (Scandinavia) were represented at the founding meeting, and for some years into the early 1950s. Today SCANDEM includes all the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), and has also members from other countries. *The by-line “Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy” was changed to “Nordic Microscopy Society” in 2002.
Board of Directors — President • Kesara Anamthawat-Jónsson Plant Genetics Research Group, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland Vice President and Secretary General • Varpu Marjomäki Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä Treasurer • Salla Marttila Department of Plant Protection Biology, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences Information Officer • Lassi Paavolainen Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland Company Representative • Michael Andersson Bruker Nano Analytics, Sweden Representatives from DENMARK • Søren Fæster Nielsen Materials Research Department, Risø DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy • Klaus Qvortrup Department of Biomedical Sciences/ CFIM, University of Copenhagen
Representatives from FINLAND • Eija Jokitalo Institute of Biotechnology, Electron Microscopy Unit, University of Helsinki • Minnamari Vippola Materials Characterization Group, Department of Materials Science, Tampere University of Technology Representative from ICELAND • Kristjan Leosson Innovation Centre Iceland Representatives from NORWAY • Randi Holmestad Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology • Ingunn Thorseth Department of Earth Science and Center for Geobiology, University of Bergen Representatives from SWEDEN • Per Persson Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University • Oleg Shupliakov Neuronal Membrane Trafficking, Center of Excellence in Developmental Biology, Karolinska Institutet
mpusudviklingen sker overalt på DTU. Kortet viser nybyggeri og renoveringer på Lyngby Campus frem til 2021.
Map of DTU Technical University of Denmark
ggeri og renovering
erende bygninger
19 Pfeiffer
5 Emsis
16 Jeol
17 PHI
13 Lab Protect
22 Low2High Vacuum
14 Thermo Scientific FEI
Registration/ Info Desk
4 Tescan & NordicNano
3 Caspilor
6 MEDIA System Lab/Coxem
15 Ametek EDAX
21 Leica
20 LOT-Quantum Design
2 18 Systron Kimmy EMV GmbH Photonics
Conference Floorplan Building 306 Ground Floor
Conference Floorplan  Building 306 First Floor
Asmussens Allé Bygning 303A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Stuen
Conference Floorplan Building 303 A Sessions
Exhib Back Entrance
30 DENS & Nano MEGAS 33 Zeiss
20 m
31 Oxford Instruments
34 Hitachi
Road Entrance
25 Micro to Nano
24 Bruker
28 Blue Scientific
27 AxLab
23 Fischione
26 Gamma data
TESCAN S8000G Resolution, precision and power in one single instrument Welcome to our booth
No. 4 - hall 306
Orage™ FIB column In-Beam detection system
Large Chamber
New HW
TESCAN Essence™ software
Event Information — Registration & Information Desk
Instructions for Presenters
Located in building 306
Oral presentation: Please prepare lecture in a commonly used format, such as PowerPoint, and bring it to the conference on a USB memory stick or own computer. Please check your lecture in the respective room at the latest in the break before your presentation slot.
Opening hours: Monday 25th 8.00–20.00 Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th 8.00–16:00 Thursday 28th 9.00–14.00
WiFi eduroam dtuguest (access granted on a daily basis)
Breaks & Lunches Coffee and light snacks will be available during designated times, please see detailed program. Lunch will be served Tue–Thur between 12.30–13.30 in building 306, 1st floor. Lunch Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th Menu: Buffet Lunch Thursday 28th Menu: Sandwiches
Length of presentations: Plenary (P): 50min + 10min discussion Keynote (K): 40min + 5min discussion Invited (I): 25min + 5min discussion Contributed/oral (O): 12min + 3min discussion Poster presentation: Posters will be displayed throughout the whole period of the conference. All posters should be setup during the registration session on Tuesday, June 26th before 9:00 am, and may be disassembled during the lunch hour on Thursday June 28th. Presenters are requested to attend to their posters during the poster session. During the conference dinner on Wednesday, two best-poster awards will be presented. Maximum poster size is: 84.1 cm width x 118.7 cm height (max size A0) in portrait format. Exhibition Open daily during regular conference hours
Detailed Program
June 25th
8:30 - all day
Workshops Exhibitions set-up
19.00 - 21.00
Reception, building 306
June 26th
Registration, building 306
Opening of Scandem 2018, building 303A
P1: Ib Chorkendorff - Catalysis: A Key Materials for Converting Power into Chemicals and Fuels
Coffee Break & Exhibition b303A & b306
P2: Lone Gram - Vizualising Bacteria and their Behaviour Session A, b303A A41 Jacob R. Bowen
11.30-11.45 11.45-12.00
A-I1: Goran Drazic
Session B, b303A A42 Thomas W. Hansen B-O1: Yong Wang B-O2: Carina B. Maliakkal
A-O1: Monia R. Nielsen
B-O3: Stig Helveg
A-O2: Junjie Li
B-O4: Debora Keller
Lunch b306
K1: Lucy Collinson
K2: Jeppe Vang Lauritsen
Coffee Break & Exhibition b303A & b306B
Company Presentations
Poster Presentations b306, 1st floor
Wednesday June 27th Session C, b303A A41 Jacob R. Bowen
Session D, b303A A42 Kristian Mølhave
C-O1: Svetlana Alekseeva
C-O2: Kræn Christoffer Adamsen
C-O3: Hana Tesarova
D-O1: Ursula Ludacka
C-O4: Lisa Lautrup
D-O2: Søren Raza
C-O5: Matteo Todeschini
D-O3: Anna Elsukova
C-O6: Ingemar Persson
D-O4: Murat Nulati Yesibolati
Coffee Break & Exhibition b303A & b306
K3: Farad Ahmed
Scandem: General Assembly, b303A
Lunch b306
D-I1: Utkur M. Mirsaidov
Session G, b303A A41 Anders Bjorholm Dahl
Session H, b303A A42 Rodolphe Marie & Michael Lisby
G-I1: Ida Maria Sintorn
H-I1: Thomas Walter
G-O1: Eija Jokitalo
G-O2: Espen D. Bøjesen
G-O3: Andreas Delimitis
H-O1: Sofia Kamlund
G-O4: J. Fatermans
H-O2: Kim I. Mortensen
G-O5: Kirsten I. Kling
H-O3: Meriem Er-Rafik
G-O6: Vedrana Andersen Dahl
H-O4: Luis Toledo
Canal Tour & Conference Dinner
June 28th
K4: Quentin Ramasse
K5: Emmanuelle Gouillart
Coffee Break & Exhbition - b303A & b306
H-I2: Gustavo de Medeiros
Session E, b303A A41 Shima Kadkhodazdeh
Session F, b303A A42 Sebastian Horch & Carsten Gundlach
E-I1: Matthieu Kociak
F-I1: Mariam Andersson
E-O1: Turkka Salminen
F-O1: Christian D. Damsgaard
E-O2: Devendra Singh Negi
F-O2: Casper Hempel
E-O3: Frank Niessen
F-O3: Thomas Maagaard
E-O4: Anpan Han
F-O4: Sarah R. McKibbin
Lunch b306
Closing Remarks Thank you for participating!
FROM ROUTINE WORK TO ADVANCED DEPOSITION WE KNOW COATING SYSTEMS EM preparation and thin films Whether the end goal is a pristine image or a flawless substrate, we have a coating system that will do the job.
Low-vacuum, high-vacuum and UHV Sometimes a low-cost, rotary-pumped system is all you need. At other times, high-vacuum systems are required to take full advantage of the EM’s capabilities. We offer coaters ranging from low- and high-, to ultra-high vacuum.
Service and support Our product specialists and service engineers have decades worth of experience dealing with coating systems and pumps for research and development and are happy to assist if needed.
Carbon, metal and organic material Quorum Q series coaters are available as stand-alone sputter coaters and evaporators, or a combination of both. For Korvus HEX series, up to six different deposition sources can be added. Options include e-beam evaporators, thermal boats, magnetron sputters and organic material deposition sources.
Chambers of all sizes Quorum Q150 models coat samples up to Ø100 mm and the Quorum Q300 range accomodates samples up to Ø200 mm. For anything larger than that, our vacuum technology suppliers can provide solutions.
Temperature control Korvus HEX can be equipped with a rotating cooling stage or a heating stage operating up to 500°C. For Cryo-SEM and Cryo-FIB/SEM, the market-leading, column-mounted Quorum PP3010T preparation system provides high resolution sputter coating down to -190°C.
For more information, please contact us at or call +46 10-155 03 10.
Korvus HEX
Workshops Monday
June 25th
09.00-10.30 & 11.00-12.30
In situ TEM heating
DensSolutions: Mauro Porcu
Bruker EBSD and TKD techniques (lunch included), building 314
Bruker Dr. Laurie Palasse
13.00, 15.00 & 16.30 (90mins)
High speed TEM camera Gatan OneView
Gatan Dr. Neil Wilkinson
13.30-15.00 & 15.30-17.00
In situ TEM heating
DensSolutions: Mauro Porcu
Micro-XRF, live demonstrations on the Bruker M4TORNADO
Bruker Dr. Sam Scheller
Digital Micrograph Scripting
Gatan Dr. Mike Ward Dr. Bernhard Schaffer
June 26th
Symmetry - CMOS EBSD Detector
Oxford Instruments, building 314 Simon Burgess
Wednesday June 27th 16.00-18.00
AZtecLive - Real-time chemical imaging
Oxford Instruments, building 314 Keith Dicks
Scientific Sessions Tuesday
June 26th Building 303A
Ib Chorkendorff, Plenary Speaker (P1) Catalysis: A Key Materials for Converting Power into Chemicals and Fuels
Lone Gram, Plenary Speaker (P2) Vizualising Bacteria and their Behaviour Session A, Room A41 Jacob B. Bowen, Chair
Session B, Room A42 Thomas W. Hansen, Chair
A-I1: Goran Drazic Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Polar Nano-regions and Atomic Scale Chemical Composition Fluctuations Study in Paraelectric (Ba, Sr)TiO3 Ceramics
B-O1: Yong Wang In-situ visualizing the dynamic behaviors of nanocatalysts under gas environment
A-O1: Monia R. Nielsen Pressure Induced Effects During in situ Characterization of Supported Metal Catalysts
B-O3: Stig Helveg Observing Catalyst Structures and Dynamics at Atomic-Resolution
A-O2: Junjie Li Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Droplets Coalescence Driven Nucleation and Growth of Supported Bismuth Nanocrystal in the TEM
B-O4: Debora Keller In Situ Gold Nanoparticle Formation in a Free-Standing Ionic Liquid Layer Triggered by Heat and Electron Irradiation
Lucy Collinson, Key Note Speaker (K1) Correlative Imaging: From Cells to Stars
Jeppe Vang Lauritsen, Key Note Speaker (K2) Visualizing the Atomic-scale Structure and Dynamics on Catalyst Materials using Scanning Probe Microscopy
B-O2: Carina B. Maliakkal In-situ Compositional Analysis of Catalyst Particle During GaAs Nanowire Growth in an Environmental TEM
20 µm Defects in glass due to the reduction of silica glass into silicon and the relative oxidation of metals (Fe, Cu and others) in their corresponding oxides. Sample courtesy of Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Murano – Venezia.
Versatile high-resolution SEM with unique environmental capability Building on our history of innovations in environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) technology, the new Thermo Scientific™ Quattro™ ESEM combines performance in imaging and analytics with a unique environmental mode that allows samples to be studied closer to real-world conditions. The Quattro ESEM allows researchers to obtain high-resolution imaging and analytical results of any sample, including samples that are insulating, wet or at high temperature.
Find out more at © 2018 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
Scientific Sessions Wednesday June 27th Building 303A Morning
Session C, Room A41 Jacob R. Bowen, Chair
Session D, Room A42 Kristian Mølhave, Chair
C-O1: Svetlana Alekseeva Grain Boundary Mediated Hydriding Phase Transformations In Individual Polycrystalline Metal Nanoparticles
D-I1: Utkur M. Mirsaidov Visualizing nanoparticle self-assembly in solution using in situ TEM
C-O2: Kræn Christoffer Adamsen Adsorption and Diffusion of NH3 on Anatase-TiO2 (101)
C-O3: Hana Tesarova Preparation of Aluminum Specimen with Gallium and Xenon Plasma Focused Ion Beam for Further Nano-characterization
D-O1: Ursula Ludacka Measuring And Controlling Free-Standing Two Dimensional Materials
C-O4: Lisa Lautrup Characterisation of γ´/ γ´´ precipitates of Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718 using TEM methods
D-O2: Søren Raza In situ electron energy-loss spectroscopy for nanoscale optical devices
C-O5: Matteo Todeschini Elevated Temperature In-situ Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction: a Powerful Tool for the Characterization of Ultra-thin Metal Films for Nanofabrication Applications
D-O3: Anna Elsukova Organic ice resist lithography with an environmental TEM
C-O6: Ingemar Persson Substitution of Inherent Surface Terminations of 2D Titanium Carbide
D-O4: Murat Nulati Yesibolati Fast Brownian Dynamics of Nanoparticles observed in Liquid Phase Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Farah, Ahmed, Key Note Speaker (K3) X-ray Microtomography – A Versatile Tool
Wednesday June 27th Building 303A Afternoon
Session G, Room A41 Anders Bjorholm Dahl, Chair
Session H, Room A42 Rodolphe Marie and Michael Lisby, Chairs
G-I1: Ida-Maria Sintorn Image analysis for automated screening and analysis of biological samples using MiniTEM
G-O1: Eija Jokitalo Practical Considerations in Image Analysis of Biological Specimens
G-O2: Espen D. Bøjesen Revealing Regions of Correlated Structure in Disordered Carbons by Scanning Electron Nano Beam Diffraction
H-I2: Gustavo de Medeiros Quantitative Imaging of Intestinal Organoid Development
G-O3: Andreas Delimitis Refinement Strategy in the Rotation Electron Diffraction Technique
H-O1: Sofia Kamlund Characterizing Cancer Stem Cell Movement and Division using Digital Holographic Imaging in Combination With Fluorescence
G-O4: J. Fatermans Bayesian Analysis of Noisy Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Images for Single Atom Detection
H-O2: Kim I. Mortensen How To Characterize Individual Nano-Size Liposomes With Simple Self-Calibrating Fluorescence Microscopy
G-O5: Kirsten I. Kling Point of Origin? Application of Automated Mineralogy in Archaeology
H-O3: Mériem Er-Rafik How Nanoparticles Disturb The Lipid Bilayer Vesicles
G-06: Vedrana Andersen Dahl Deformable Curves for Outlining Objects Directly From Projections
H-O4: Luis Toledo Quantitative Image Based Cytometry For Cell Biology Research
H-I1: Thomas Walter Big data approaches for computational phenotyping
Scientific Sessions Thursday
June 28th Building 303A
Quentin Ramasse, Keynote Speaker (K4) Balancing Spatial, Energy and Momentum Resolutions in Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Emmanuelle Gouillart, Keynote Speaker (K5) Versatile image processing with Python and scikit-image, application to ultrafast in situ microtomography Session E, Room A41 Shima Kadkhodazadeh, Chair
Session F, Room A42 Sebastian Horch and Carsten Gundlach, Chairs
E-I1: Matthieu Kociak Nanooptics in the electron microscope
F-I1: Mariam Andersson Using X-ray Imaging to Visualise the 3D Architecture of White Matter
E-O1: Turkka Salminen Cathodoluminescence measurements with an EDS detector
F-O1: Christian D. Damsgaard In situ Characterization of Catalysts: Combining X-ray and electron microscopy
E-O2: Devendra Singh Negi Probing Three Dimensional Magnetic Information using Electron Vortex Beams with Nanometre-Scale Depth Resolution
F-O2: Casper Hempel Soft X-ray Imaging of Endothelial Cells and Their Glycocalyx
E-O3: Frank Niessen A systematic comparison of on-axis vs. off-axis transmission Kikuchi diffraction
F-03: Thomas Maagaard Combining Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Electrochemistry for Surface Studies of Model Catalysts
E-O4: Anpan Han Organic Ice Resists
F-O4: Sarah R. McKibbin Detailed Surface Examinations of III-V Nanowires by Scanning Probe and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Techniques
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SCANDEM General Assembly On Wednesday, June 27th, between 11.15–12.30 in building 303A we will hold the General Assembly of the Nordic Microscopy Society. All members are welcome to attend.
Social Programs Welcome Reception Monday, June 25th 19.00–21.00, building 306 Light snacks and drinks Canal Tour of Wonderful Copenhagen & Dinner at Admiral Hotel Wednesday, June 27th 17:30–23.00 *Free shuttle from DTU 101 parking area to Canal Tour launch departing at 16.00 17.30 Guided Canal Tour of Copenhagen’s inner harbor, launching from Admiral Hotel 18.30 Welcome Reception at Admiral Hotel 19.00 Dinner at Admiral Hotel
Admiral Hotel Toldbodgade 24 – 28 DK-1253 København +45 33 74 14 14 (Reception)
Poster Session The poster session will take place Tuesday, June 26th between 17.00–19.00 on the 1st floor of building 306. Posters will be displayed throughout the whole period of the conference. All posters should be setup during the registration session on Tuesday, June 26th before 9:00 am, and may be disassembled during the lunch hour on Thursday June 28th. Presenters are requested to attend to their posters during the poster session. During the conference dinner on Wednesday, two bestposter awards will be presented.
Poster Session Tuesday, June 26th, building 306, 1st floor
Materials Science and Energy Materials
A-P9: V. Asokan - Microscopic investigations on the oxidation of silicon containing FeCrAl alloys
A-P1: Mario Frederik Heinig - Nanoscale Characterisation of the Adhesion Mechanism in Thin Metal Films for Plasmonic Applications
A-P10: J. O. Nielsen - Carbon and oxygen in electrodeposited Fe coatings
A-P2: Mari Honkanen - Regeneration of Sulfur-Poisoned Pd/Al₂O₃ Catalysts
A-P11: Hua Jiang - Electron microscopy as a means to validate Raman spectroscopy for quantifying single-walled carbon nanotubes
A-P3: Antonius T. J. van Helvoort - Characterisation of Beam Sensitive Quartz by Scanning TEM
A-P12: S. Colding-Jørgensen - 3D-Orientation Mapping of Nano-grains in Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cells using TEM
A-P4: Minnamari Vippola - Microstructural Characteristics of Fretting Scars
A-P13: Niklas Mørch Secher - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Of Single Atoms And Dimers From Cluster Deposition
A-P5: Daniel Busse - Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of Manganese Perovskite Electrodes for Electrochemical Water Splitting A-P6: Annett Thøgersen - Material properties of self-organizing aluminium nanowires in amorphous silicon A-P7: Zhaozong Sun - Structural and Electronic Properties of Fe Dopants in Cobalt Oxide on Au(111) : Atomistic Insight into Synergistic Effects in Mixed Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts A-P8: Takeshi Kasama - Quantitative Microscopic Characterisation of Natural ‘Invisible’ Gold
A-P14: Alice Bastos S. Fanta - Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction characterization of low dimensional materials A-P15: Jarle Hjelen - Quantification of the Sigma Phase in Super Duplex Stainless Steel by Scanning Electron Microscopy A-P16: Nonappa - Electron Tomography of Self-Assembled Metal Nanoparticle Superstructures A-P17: Krista Vajanto - Jacket of Prof. Elias Lönnrot, collector of Kalevala epos
A-P18: Yuliang Liu - Post-mortem Analyses of Long-term Tested SOEC Cells in Co-electrolysis Mode
B-P8: Thomas W. Hansen - Dynamics of Nanostructures: A quantitative approach using in situ Electron Microscopy
A-P19: Gaurav Mohanty - In-situ SEM nanomechanical testing
B-P9: Christian F. Elkjær - Imaging nanoparticle formation in heterogeneous catalysts
In Situ Nanoscale Microscopy of Processes
B-P10: Kimmo Mustonen - Ordered carbon van der Waals heterostructures
B-P1: S. Helveg - Atomic-resolution imaging of heterogeneous catalysts at work
B-P11: Jes Ærøe Hyllested - Designing an Exchangeable Biprism for In-Situ Electron Holography
B-P2: Sven Kayser - 3D Chemical Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Nanostructures using ToF-SIMS and In-situ SPM
B-P12: Wentao Yuan - Real time Observation of Dissolution and Regrowth Dynamics of MoO2 nanowires
B-P3: Min Tang - Direct in Situ Monitoring of Nanoalloy Transformation Pathways
B-P13: Yijia Li - Direct visualization of oxidation and reduction of FeO/Au(111) studied by time-resolved STM
B-P4: Trond Henninen - Temperature Dependent Quasimolten Crystallinity of sub-nm Pt and Au Clusters Observed in 3D by Fast Dynamic STEM B-P5: Hongyu Sun - Formation of Prussian Blue Nanocubes Studied by Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy B-P6: Søren B. Simonsen - Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy TEM implementation for a model solid oxide electrolysis cell B-P7: Reza Ghadimi - New Insights in CMOS Based TEM Detector
B-P14: Annett Thøgersen - Investigating the reduction process of doped and undoped Ceria nanoparticles with in-situ TEM
Poster Session Tuesday, June 26th, building 306, 1st floor
Advances in electron microscopy: techniques, instrumentation and applications E-P1: Ding Zhao - Ice resists for 3D electron-beam processing: instruments in Denmark and China E-P2: Keith Dicks - Superseding CCD with CMOS Technology in EBSD – Massively Increased Speed, Sensitivity and Resolution in a Single Detector E-P3: Max Maletta - Cryo EM workflows for Single Particle Analysis and Tomography of hydrated, intact cells E-P4: D. Phifer - Novel Automation Scripting for SEM & DualBeam
Novel applications for X-rays and SPM
Image and data analysis G-P1: Julie S. Nilsen - Large Area Crystal Phase Mapping by Scanning Electron Diffraction and Machine Learning Data Analysis G-P2: Nagatoshi Fujiwara - The Morphology Affects Bacterial Virulence in Mycobacteria G-P3: Lin Zhu - Automated Image and Analysis of Pharmaceutical Particles Using a Tabletop Low Voltage TEM G-P4: A. Brostrøm - Quantifying Aerosol Size, Shape, and Composition Distributions via Impaction and Automated Electron Microscopy Analysis G-P5: Monica J. Emerson - Understanding UD Fibre-reinforced Polymers through X-ray Imaging and Individual Fibre Tracking
F-P1: Tao Xu - STM and XPS Studies of Titania-Ceria Mixed Oxide Thin Films
G-P6: Asm Shihavuddin - Can we train a single deep learning model to detect and segment nuclei images acquired with any microscope or staining modality?
F-P2: Julia E. Parker - A Hard X-ray Nanoprobe for Multi-Modal Analysis at Diamond Light Source
G-P7: Louise Sternbæk - Macrophage-uptake of sialic acid-targeted molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)
F-P3: Harpreet Singh Brar - High Frequency Cantilever Evaluations for High Speed Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid
Imaging multicellular systems, Live imaging of single cells, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) H-P1: Jonathan Brewer - Nanoscopic Structure of Spider Silk Revealed by Super resolved Raman and Helium Ion Microscopy H-P2: Kesara Anamthawat-JĂłnsson - Fluorescence Imaging of Birch Mitosis and Meiosis H-P3: Adrianna Milewska - Substrates For Identification Of The Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells By Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy H-P4: Nedal Said - Life Cycle of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus imaged by Helium Ion Microscopy H-P5: MĂŠriem Er-Rafik - Efficiency of Antimicrobial Modified Hyperbranched Polyethyleneimine Polymers Analogous With Different Microstructures H-P6: Michael Lisby - High-throughput screening for mitotic functions of TopBP1 H-P7: Hiroyuki Yamada - Structome analysis and three-dimensional reconstitution of Mycobacterium smegmatis cells
H-P8: M. Baumgarten - CLEM and SEM in inflammatory responses H-P9: O. A. Kudryavtseva - Ultrastructural Dynamics of Podospora anserina Mycelium under Conditions of Long-Term Evolutionary Experiment
Author Index —A Adamsen, K. C. C-O2 Ahmed, F. K-3 Alekseeva, S. C-O1, A-P14 Alm, K. H-O1, G-P7 Anamthawat-Jónsson, K. H-P2 Andersen, I. M. G-P1 Andersson, M. F-I1 Andresen, T. L. H-P8, F-02 Antosiewicz, T. J. C-O1 Aono, A. H-P7 Arlinghaus, H. B-P2 Asokan, V. A-P9 Ayata, M. G-P2 —B Baier, S. F-01 Bagge, J. H-P6 Balantekin, M. F-P3 Baumgarten, M. H-02 Bech, M. F-I1 Beleggia, M. E-04, E-P1, D-O3 Belevich, I. G-01 Bencan, A. A-I1 Bewick, A. E-P2 Bhongir, R. H-O2 Bigdeli, S. A-P9 Blazit, J. D. E-I1 Bon, M. B-P4 Boni, A. H-I2 Bornhoefft, M. C-O3 Brar, H. S. F-P3 Breivik, T. A-P15 Brewer, J. H-P1 Brezesinski, T. B-P14 Brostrøm, A. G-P4, D-O4 Burrows, A. E-O3, C-O1, A-P14 Busam, J. A-P3 Busse, D. A-P5 Bystron, A. M. G-O5 Bøjesen, E. D. G-O2
—C Cacho-Nerin, F. F-P2 Campos A. E-I1 Chatzinotas, A. H-P4 Chen, F.-R. B-O3 Chen, M. A-P18 Chikamatsu, K. H-P7 Chiriaev, S. H-P1 Chorkendorff, I. P-1, F-O3, A-P13, B-P1 Christensen, J. M. A-O1 Colding-Jørgensen, S. A-P12 Collinson, L. K-1 Colvin, J. F-O4 Conradsen, K. G-P5 Creemer, J. F. B-P1 —D Dahl, A. B. F-I1, G-O6, G-P5 Damjanovic, D. A-I1 Damsgaard, C. D. F-O1, A-O1, B-P1 Darakchieva, V. C-O6 de Medeiros, G. H-I2 Deepak, F. L. A-O2 Del Cerro, P. E-O1 den Dekker, A. J. G-O4 Delimitis, A. G-O3 Dianoux, R. B-P2 Dick, K. A. F-O4, B-O2 Dicks, K. E-P2 Dimitriadis, D. A-P8 Diplas, S. A-P6 Dluhus, J. C-O3 Dona, P. B-P1 Drazic, G. A-I1 Duetting, A. B-P2 Dyrby, T. B. F-I1 —E Ehrlich, N. H-P8 Ek, M. B-O3
Eklund, J. A-P9 Elkjær, C. F. B-P1, B-P9 Elm, M. T. B-P14 Emerson, M. J. G-P5 Engelhardt, P. A-P16 Elsukova, A. E-O4, E-P1, D-O3 Er-Rafik, M. H-O3, H-P5 Erni, R. B-O4, B-P4 Escrig, S. A-P8 Etheridge, J. G-O2 —F Fanta, A. B. d. S. E-O3, C-O1, C-O5, A-P1, A-P14 Fatermans, J. G-O4 Ferji, K. H-O3 Fester, J. A-P7 Fimland, B.-O. G-P1 Fiutowski, J. H-P1 Flyvbjerg, H. H-P8 Frondelius, T. A-P4 Fujiwara, N. H-P7, G-P2 —G Gamaletsos, P. N. A-P8 Gaulandris, F. B-P6 Gavrilowicz, G. G-P6 Geppert, J. A-P5 Ghadimi, R. B-P7 Gjønnes, J. G-O3 Gloter A. E-I1 Godelitsas, A. A-P8 Gouillart, E. K-5 Gram, L. P-2 Grumsen, F. A-P10 Grunwaldt, J.-D. F-O1 —H Halim, J. C-O6 Hammer, B. C-O2 Han, A. E-O4, E-P1, C-O5, D-O3 Hansen, L. P. B-O3
Hansen, P. C. G-O6 Hansen, T. W. C-O6, A-O1, B-P8 Hansen, V. G-O3 Hari, S. H-O2 Harlin, P. C-O4 He, YC. E-P1 Heinig, M. F. A-P1 Helveg, S. B-O3, B-P1, B-P9 Hempel, C. F-O2 Hendriksen, B. B-P1 Henninen, T. B-O4, B-P4 Herwald, H. H-O2 Hintikka, J. A-P4 Hjelen, J. A-P15 Hofer, C. B-P10 Honkanen, M. A-P2, A-P4 Horch, S. F-O3 Huang, X. H-O1 Hussein, A. B-P10 Huuhtanen, M. A-P2 Hyllested, J. Æ. B-P11 —I Iachina, I. H-P1 Iandolo, B. C-O1, A-P14 Idrobo,. J.-C. E-O2 Igarashi, Y. H-P7 Ikkala, O. A-P16 —J Jacobsson, D. B-O2 Janicke, B. H-O1 Jansen, H. C-O5, A-P1 Jensen, A. D. A-O1 Jensen, F. B-P11 Jensen, I. J. T. A-P6 Jensen, L. H. S. A-P8 Jeppesen, N. G-P6 Jespersen, K. M. G-P5 Jespersen, S. P. B-P1 Jiang. H. A-P2, A-P11 Jinschek, J. R. B-O3, B-P1
Johansson, J. B-O2 Jokitalo, E. G-O1 Jones, L. E-O2 Jonsson, T. A-P9 Jooss, C. A-P5 Juoksukangas, J. A-P4 —K Kadkhodazadeh, S. A-P1 Kallinen, K. A-P2 Kamlund, S. H-01 Kapishnikov, S. F-02 Karlsen, M. A-P15 Kasama, T. A-P8, A-P14, B-P11 Kauppinen, E. I. A-P11, B-P10 Kayser, S. B-P2 Keiski, R. L. A-P2 Keller, D. B-O4 Keul, H. H-P5 Kibsgaard, J. A-P13 Kisielowski, C. B-O3 Kjeldstad, T. A-P6 Kjer, H. M. F-I1 Kleppen, J. A-P15 Klímek, P. C-O3 Kling, K. I. G-O5, G-P4 Knutsson, J. V. F-O4 Kociak, M. E-I1 Kollmer, F. B-P2 Kolsbjerg, E. L. C-O2 Kon, Y. A-P8 Kotakoski, J. D-O1, B-P10 Koo, J. G-O6 Kooyman, P. B-P1 Koust, S. C-O2 Krüger, M. H-P4 Kudryavtseva O.A., H-P9 Kuhn, L. T. A-P12, B-P6 Kuwata, H. G-P2 Kylberg, G. G-P3 Kärkkäinen, M. A-P2
—L Langhammer, C. C-O1, A-P14 Lauritsen, J. V. K-2, F-P1, C-O2, A-P7, B-P13 Lautrup, L. C-O4 Le Meins, J.-F. H-O3 Lehtovaara, A. A-P4 Leósson, K. H-P3 Li, J. A-O2 Li, X. E-I1 Li, Y. B-P13 Liberali, P. H-I2 Lisby, M. H-P6 Liu, A. C. Y. G-O2 Liu, P. B-P8 Liu, Y. F-O4 Liu, Y. A-P18 Liu, Y.-P. F-O4 Lobato, I. G-O4 Lourenco-Martins E-I1 Ludacka, U. D-O1 Lukonin, I. H-I2 Løvvik, O. M. A-P6 —M Maagaard, T. F-O3 Madsen, J. B-P8 Maeda, S. G-P2 Malereanu, R. A-P1 Maletta, M. E-P3 Maliakkal, C. B. B-O2 Marques, C. M. H-O3 Mayr, U. H-I2 McKibbin, S. R. F-O4 Meibom, A. A-P8 Mele, L. B-P1 Meuret, S. E-I1 Meyer, J. C. D-O1, B-P10 Michel, K. B-P14 Michler, J. A-P19 Mikkelsen, A. F-O4 Mikkelsen, L. P. G-P5
Author Index Milewska, A. H-P3 Miljkovic, M. H-P3 Mirsaidov, U. M. D-I1 Mirzayev, R. B-P10 Mitarai, S. H-P7 Moeller, M. H-P5 Moellers, R. B-P2 Mohanty, G. A-P19 Monazam, M. R. A. D-O1, B-P10 Mortensen, K. I. H-P8, D-O4 Muggerud, A.-M. F. A-P3 Mustonen, K. B-P10 Muto, S. B-P6 Müller-Caspary, K. G-O4 Mäntylä, A. A-P4 Mølhave, K. G-P4, D-O4, B-P5, B-P6 Møller, P. A-P10 —N Naka, T. G-P2 Negi, D. S. E-O2 Niessen, F. E-O3 Nielsen, J. O. A-P10 Nielsen, M. R. A-O1, B-P8 Niehuis, E. B-P2 Nilsen, J. S. G-P1 Nonappa A-P16 Nordby, T. B-P14 Nugroho, F. A. A. C-O1 Nurmi, V. A-P4 Näslund, L.-Å. C-O6 —O Oestergaard, V. H. H-P6 Oredssson, S. H-O1 Oster, M. B-P7 —P Pabitra, D. E-I1 Pacureanu, A. F-I1 Palisaitis, J. C-O6
Pantleon, K. A-P10 Papasaikas, P. H-I2 Parker, J. E. F-P2 Pasquier, N. H-P5 Passerone, D. B-P4 Paulsen, R. R. G-P6 Persdotter, A. A-P9 Persson, A. R. B-O2 Persson, I. C-O6 Persson, P. O. Å. C-O6 Petersen, T. C. G-O2 Petit, L. E-O1 Phifer, D. E-P4 —Q Qiu, M. E-P1 Qvortrup, K. F-O2 Quinn, P. D. F-P2 —R Rading, D. B-P2 Ramasse, Q. K-4 Raza, S. D-O2 Ren, D. G-P1 Rentenberger, C. D-O1 Risch, M. A-P5 Roddatis, V. A-P5 Rodrigues-Fernandez, J. A-P7 Rojac, T. A-I1 Roma, G. H-I2 Rosén, J. C-O6 Rubahn, H.-G. H-P1 Rusz, J. E-O2 Ryner, M. G-P3 —S Said, N. H-P4 Salminen, T. E-O1 Sandre, O. H-O3 Sanna, S. B-P6 Scheidemann, A. B-P2 Schiøtz, J. B-P8 Schmidt, M. H-P4
Schmidt, S. A-P12 Schmutz, M. H-O3 Schumann, M. A-O1 Secher, N. M. A-P13 Sehested, J. B-P9 Sellergren, B. G-P7 Semenova, E. A-P14 Serra, D. H-I2 Shihavuddin, A. G-P6 Shinde, S. G-P7 Sigurjónsson, Ó. E. H-P3 Simonsen, S. B. A-P12, B-P6 Sintorn, I.-M. G-P3 Sláma, M. C-O3 Smedengaard, N. K. H-P6 Snellman, A. A-P17 Sokolov, I. H-P3 Stadler, M. H-I2 Stange, M. A-P6 Stéphan, O. E-I1 Sternbæk, L. G-P7 Strnad, P H-I2 Sukham, J. A-P1 Sun, A. A-P7 Sun, C. B-P12 Sun, H. D-O4, B-P5 Sun, X. A-P18 Suomela, J. A-P17 Susi, T. D-O1, B-P10 Sølling, T. I. G-O5 Sørensen, B. E. A-P15 —T Tian, Y. A-P11 Takagi, T. A-P8 Takaki, A. H-P7 Tan, T. A-P7 Tang, M. B-P3 Tassone, C. H-P8 Tencé, M. E-I1 Tesarová, H. C-O3 Thøgersen, A. A-P6, B-P14 Tiddi, W. E-O4, E-P1
Tidemand-Lichtenberg, S. D-O4 Tietz, D. B-P7 Tietz, H. B-P7 Timm, R. F-O4 Tizei, L. H. G. E-I1 Todeschini, M. C-O5, A-P1 Toledo, L. H-O4 Tornberg, M. B-O2 Trojan, A. F-O4 —V Vajanto, K. A-P17 Van Aert, S. G-O4 van den Berg B-P9 van Dyck, D. B-O3 van Helvoort, A. T. J. G-P1, A-P3 Vendelbo, S. B-P1 Viazmitinov, D. A-P14 Vippola, M. A-P2, A-P4 Vojvodic, A. A-P7 Volkmann, K. H-I2 —W Wagner J. B. C-O1, C-O5, C-O6, A-O1, A-P1, A-P10, B-P6, B-P8, B-P11 Waldt, A. H-12 Wallenberg, R. B-O2 Walter, T. H-I1 Wang, Y. G-P5 Wang, Y. B-O1, B-P3, B-P12 Webb, J. L. F-O4 Weman, H. G-P1 Wendt, S. F-P1, C-O2 Wenner, S. A-P3 Wenzell, B. A-P8 Westermann, I. A-P15 Wingren, A. G. G-P7 Wisnet, A. B-P7 Withers, P. J. G-P5
—X Xu, T. F-P1 —Y Yamada, H. H-P7, G-P2 Yamaguchi, M. H-P7 Yesibolati, M. N. D-O4, B-P5, B-P11 Yngman, S. F-O4 Yu, Y. A-P15 Yuan, W. B-P12 —Z Zhang, L. A-P7 Zhang, M. B-P5 Zhang, W. A-P12 Zhang, Z. B-P12 Zhdanov, V. C-O1 Zhao, D. E-O4, E-P1 Zhu, B. B-P3 Zhu, L. G-P3 Zobelli A. E-I1 Zunic, T. B. A-P8 —Å Ånes, H. W. G-P1
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