DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter March 2019

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DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter

March 2019 ∙ No. 1

STAFF NEWS AND INFO DTU Illustration: Benny Box

Strengthening the area of autonomous systems We are happy to inform you that from April 2019 we will

The three new colleagues will bring projects and some of

welcome three new colleagues in our Automation and

their equipment to DTU.

Control group: Assistant Professor Evangelos Boukas, Associate Professor Lazaros Nalpantidis and Associate

Together with the new colleagues, DTU will also take

Professor Matteo Fumagalli. They are all experts in

over the Master Programme in Autonomous Systems,

Robots, Automation and Autonomous Systems and transfer

which we hope to start already from September this year.

from Aalborg University’s campus in Copenhagen.

Together with the Master Programme, plans are to transfer 21 students who will do the last year of their Masters at

The background is that Aalborg University closes some of


its activities for strategic reasons and the transfer to DTU takes place in a mutual understanding between our two

We look very much forward to give a more detailed


presentation of our three new colleagues when they are here and all details about the transfer are settled.



DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering

The DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter is published every quarter Next newsletter: June 2019

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AWARDS AND SUCCESSES CEE Award PhD student Hanmin Cai from our CEE group recently received a ’CEE Award’ in recognition of his valuable contributions to the centre. In the justification it was highlighted that: ”Hanmin has shown strong dissemination skills, and he is always positive and dedicated to doing a great job. He has represented CEE and PowerLabDK to welcome Danish and international delegations. He works excellent across campuses and has been one of the driving forces of crossgroup initiatives. In the EnergyLab Nordhavn research project, he is very respected for his approach, skills and persistence to get things done and combining theoretical research with experimental verification on the real system. He has together with internal and external colleagues

PHD DEFENCES PhD student Dennis Øland Larsen from our Electronics group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Design of DC-DC Converters for Rechargeable Hearing Aids’ on 24 January 2019.

Supervisors: Ivan Harald Holger Jørgensen, DTU Elektro Arnold Knott, DTU Elektro CTO Architect Martin Vinter, GN Hearing Examiners: Michael A. E. Andersen, DTU Elektro Associate Professor Herminio Mertinez Garcia, Eastern Barcelona School of Engineering (EEBE) Principal Scientist Ravi Karadi, NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven Chairperson at defence: Zhe Zhang, DTU Elektro

demonstrated the solution developed at CEE”.

PhD student Bruno Cimoli from our Electromagnetic Systems group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Microwave Circuits for Advanced Modulation Formats and Broadband Communication Systems’ on 22 February 2019. Supervisors: Tom Keinicke Johansen, DTU Elektro Vitaliy Zhurbenko, DTU Elektro Principal Engineer, Juan Jose Vegas Olmos, Mellanox Technologies Examiners: Kaj Bjarne Jakobsen, DTU Elektro Professor Giorgio Leuzzi, University of L’Aquila, Italy Principal Engineer, PhD, Johan Jacob Mohr, Mellanox Technologies Chairperson at defence: Michael Mattes, DTU Elektro


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PhD student Antonio Zecchino from our Center for Electric Power and Energy defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Electric vehicles in the Nordic countries: Control strategies for coordinated grid services’ on 5 March 2019. Supervisors: Mattia Marinelli, DTU Elektro Chresten Træholt, DTU Elektro Professor Magnus Korpås, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Examiners: Nenad Mijatovic, DTU Elektro Professor Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Department of Electromagnetic Engineering, KTH, Sweden Associate Professor Samuele Grillo, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Chairperson at defence: Jalal Kazempour, DTU Elektro

PhD student Antoine Philippe André Richard from our Acoustic technology group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Characterization of acoustic properties of surfaces based on spatio-temporal information’ on 22 March 2019. Supervisors: Efren Fernandez Grande, DTU Elektro Cheol-Ho Jeong, DTU Elektro Jonas Brunskog, DTU Elektro Examiners: Professor Ning Xiang, Rensselaer, Polytechnic Institute, USA Lecturer Jonathan Hargreaves, University of Salford, UK Finn T. Agerkvist, Committee chair, DTU Elektro Chairperson at defence: Ewen MacDonald, DTU Elektro

PhD student Daniel Højrup Johansen from our Electromagnetic Systems group (and former Elektro group CMR/HYPERMAG now at DTU Health Tech) defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Cryogenic Single and Array Coils for Magnetic Resonance Systems’ on 14 March 2019. Supervisors: Vitaliy Zhurbenko, DTU Elektro Professor Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen, DTU Health Tech Associate Professor Christoffer Laustsen, Aarhus University Examiners: Professor Jim M. Wild, University of Sheffield, UK Research Faculty III William W. Brey, Florida State University, USA Associate Professor Tim Dyrby, DTU Compute Chairperson at defence: Samel Arslanagic, DTU Elektro

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DTU sharpens its electrotechnology profile The new department structure took effect from the turn of the year, and a news article on the changes was published on the DTU and DTU Elektro websites and was sent out to several industry media that shared the news.

DTU strengthens its position within digital energy An EUDP, Green Labs DK, grant enables DTU to establish a unique Digital Energy Lab supporting the ambitions defined

In the article Kristian Stubkjær stated: “The change makes

in Denmark’s new energy agreement and the expected

it obvious for us to strengthen our professional profile and

recommendations from the Danish Government’s Growth

to focus even more on electrotechnology. We hope that

Team for Green Energy and Environmental Technology.

our many students and industrial partners will benefit

The facility, headed by PowerLabDK, will have a total

from the sharper focus together with us, and see the new

budget of 29 million DKK and the main activities will

opportunities it offers”.

comprise three different - but closely related - elements: handling of energy data in real time, simulation of energy

Peder R. Pedersen, CEO of Weibel Scientific and member of our Advisory Board, agreed with this assessment, saying: “Denmark needs engineers with strong electrotechnical expertise. I expect that the new strengthened profile for DTU Electrical Engineering will secure that. In addition, I look forward to continue witnessing DTU’s world-class research. The researchers at DTU are amazingly talented and have always been at the forefront of the global development in their field,”

intelligence. “The new laboratory will complement the world-class facilities already established at DTU and enable us to accelerate our existing activities within the development of digital and data-driven solutions for the energy sector. The solutions will contribute to consolidating Denmark’s position in this field and pave the way for new major business opportunities,” says Frida Frost, head of PowerLabDK.

Read the full article: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xbm5


systems, and data analysis, which will also include artificial

Read more: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xbm8

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Photos: Dennis Øland Larsen

The match has been made – EVs are ready to support the electricity grid In January the end of the Danish EUDP-supported demonstration project, Parker, was marked by a major conference at DTU in Risø. The project showed that electric vehicles (EVs) can support the electricity grid already when parked. Furthermore, the project was the first to demonstrate that EVs can deliver vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services across car brands and on commercial terms, and the results thus pave the way for the roll-out of even more EVs that can actively support the Danish electricity grid. Read more here: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xbmb

Rechargeable hearing aids becoming ever smaller Dennis Øland Larsen, a young researcher from our Electronics group has discovered a solution for using rechargeable batteries in hearing aids without increasing their size or creating unwanted noise.

Largest battery in Denmark to be installed on Bornholm

The trend is for hearing aids to become ever smaller while

A new project led by DTU will demonstrate the largest grid-

Much like mobile phones, hearing aids are becoming small

connected battery energy storage in Denmark.

communication platforms that must be able to feature

having to accommodate an increasing number of functions.

wireless control using a mobile phone, communication with “Battery energy storage systems have great potential

the other ear’s hearing aid and streaming of radio.

to take over the services that are currently provided by conventional plants,“ says Seyedmostafa Hashemi Toghroljerdi from our CEE group. He is the project manager of the new project called BOSS (BOrnholm Smartgrid Secured – by grid connected battery systems), which the Danish Energy Agency (EUDP) has just granted 19 million DKK. The total budget is 30 million DKK. Over the next four years, the BOSS project will develop and demonstrate an advanced battery energy storage system with a total capacity of 1MWh/1MW. This will be the largest grid connected battery installed in Denmark to date. Read more here: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xbmc

This presents challenges to hearing aid manufacturers, and the problem is exacerbated when the battery is replaced with a rechargeable Li-ion battery, which is not as simple as it sounds. However, Dennis succeeded in finding a solution. The project was a collaboration between GN Hearing and our department which led to a three-year Industrial PhD position, which was filled by Dennis. Over the three years, he has developed solutions for several of the challenges GN Hearing was facing. Read full article: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xbmd

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Photos: HEA

TEACHING AND EDUCATION Faculty Meeting At the end of January our department faculty staff gathered at Comwell Holte. The purpose of the bi-annual faculty meetings is to exchange ideas on how we operate on a daily basis and also to discuss strategies and ideas for the long run. The programme of the day included: Intro to the meeting, Kristian Stubkjær DTU Learn at DTU Elektro, Jesper Engbo Larnæs, LearningLab DTU Status for the departments activities seen in the perspective of our Board of Studies, Jens Christian Andersen Inspirational talk by Dimitrios Papageorgiou, recipient of DTU Elektro “Best Teacher of the Semester” award 2018 Open discussion

Information Day: Tour of the sound labs In connection with DTU’s Information Day concerning the University’s MSc Eng programmes in February, our Acoustic Technology group opened its doors to 55 BSc students. The aim of the visit was to introduce the students to the Danish sound industry, the MSc programme in Engineering Acoustics and to the wider professional options within the sector. The afternoon was spent touring the labs in small guided groups. Each group visited a series of demonstrations which had been set up in the large anechoic chamber, the Audio-Visual Immersion lab, the Electrophysiology lab, the Structural Vibration labs, the Reverberation Chambers and the Virtual Reality Station. The demos each illustrated topics like audio, hearing, vibration and architectural acoustics. After the event Efren F. Grande --head of study, MSc Engineering Acoustics-- stated: “It is very gratifying to let these students experience the acoustic and hearing laboratories and to explain to them what we do, and to make them aware of the leading role Denmark plays in sound related science and technology. It is also valuable to raise awareness of the importance of acoustics and hearing

Video on Design of Sustainable Energy Systems

as a crucial element in the well-being of society, and explain how acoustic engineers make a difference in the world.”

A new video on the BSc Eng programme in Design of Sustainable Energy Systems was produced by DTU in the autumn 2018 at Lyngby and Risø Campuses. It has been launched by the end of January 2019. Two students from the programme Ida Marie Palm (22 years) and Emil Howaldt (21 years) participate in the video giving their views on the importance of the new bachelor programme. Watch the new video (in Danish): https://youtu.be/0JItpC7DqXo 6

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Open House 2019 On 7 March the annual Open House event took place at DTU’s Sports Hall in building 101. Each year the event gives high school students and other potential students a chance to learn more about all of DTU’s undergraduate programmes. This year the time of the event was moved to 12 noon to 8 p.m. due to the fact that the Ministry of Education rehearsed a new exam system on the same day. Many of the country’s high schools therefore used the opportunity to hold semester tests (delaying potential visits to DTU). Around 2,700 potential students from all over Denmark visited Open House (last year: 2,300). Around 600 DTU students and staff welcomed the guests at the event. This time our department was represented by the two BSc Eng programmes: Electrical Engineering, and Design of Sustainable Energy Systems (Bæredygtigt Energidesign) – and indirectly by the BEng programmes in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Energy Technology. The robot booth operated by our staff from our Automation and Control group participated as well. Next time DTU ‘opens’ its house will be in February or March 2020.

Photos: Kaj Bjarne Jacobsen & Mikal Schlosser

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developments in data-driven optimization and methods for energy systems, connect, and exchange ideas. Distinguished lecturers from the US and Europe, excelling both in research and teaching, are invited to give 4-hour lectures both providing the fundamentals and introducing advanced topics in their field. Every lecture will be followed by a 2-hour hands-on exercise session. Read more here: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xc3p

Visit to KAIST In February members of our Acoustic Technology group visited the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea to kick off the signature project ‘Acoustic Metamaterials as Engineering Components’. The signature project is a collaboration between DTU and KAIST with 2 PhD students and 2 Postdocs involved from DTU Elektro. The collaboration between the group at our department and KAIST Mechanical Engineering has grown steadily since the dual degree programme in Engineering Acoustics was established in 2012. The two research groups have identified a large potential for using the idea of metamaterials in engineering applications. The purpose of the visit was also to lead the way for the DTU students who will visit KAIST on their future individual, external stays. Read more about this particular collaboration with KAIST (in Danish): http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xc3k

EU COST Action on Electromagnetic hyperthermic medical technologies Michael Mattes from our Electromagnetic Systems group has been appointed Danish representative in the Management Committee of the European COST Action CA17115 ‘European network for advancing Electromagnetic hyperthermic medical technologies (MyWave)’.

Summer school

Electromagnetic (EM) hyperthermic technologies hold great potential in the treatment of diseases, especially for cancers

In the beginning of January our CEE group announced their

that are resistant to standard regimens. These technologies

4th Summer School (to be held 16-21 June 2019) focusing

modify tissue temperature: hyperthermia heats the

on ‘Data-driven analytics and optimization for energy

diseased tissue to make it susceptible to treatments while


ablation heats the tissue until it is destroyed. Hyperthermia is particularly effective in treatment of e. g. cervical and

The Summer School 2019 brings together academics

breast cancer, head and neck cancers to mention only

and industry professionals from around the world, in an

but a few. Radio-frequency and microwave ablation show

intensive 5-day course, where they learn about the latest

promising results for treating liver, kidney, and lung cancers.


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | March 2019 _________

Accurate knowledge of the dielectric and thermal properties

In connection with Daniel Højrup Johansen’s PhD defence

of tissues is needed for the development of hyperthermia-

on 14 March 2019, Research Faculty III William W. Brey,

based technologies and to reduce the technical challenges

Florida State University, USA, gave a lecture on ‘NMR probe

before commercialization. However, often researchers

technology’, and Professor Jim M. Wild, University of

working on the development of medical technologies are

Sheffield, UK, gave a lecture on ‘Hyperpolarized gas MRI

not fully aware of or not trained to address the clinical and


commercialization challenges facing novel medical devices. To address these challenges, the MyWAVE Action takes a

DTU Elektro contact: Vitaliy Zhurbenko

holistic approach by bringing together key players in the field of dielectric spectroscopy, translational research, and medical professionals. Conjoining these varied communities into one collaborative network is critical to


advance the design, development, and commercialization of EM hyperthermic technologies, so that they can reach patients faster and improve treatment outcomes. More information about the Action is available on: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA17115

European Microwave Association (EuMA) General Assembly Vitaliy Zhurbenko from our Electromagnetic Systems group has been appointed member of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) General Assembly, and serves as a representative of Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, and Greenland. The General Assembly is the highest body of the Association. EuMA is the largest international non-profit association in Europe for microwave scientists and engineers.

Sustainability at DTU DTU wishes to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a platform for its activities. DTU’s mission is to develop and create value using the natural sciences and the technical sciences to benefit society. The three overall dimensions of sustainability, as expressed in the goals, constitute an important framing of what benefit for society really means: to create a better life for human beings, to contribute to value creation, and to support sustainable use of natural resources. Read more here: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/xd85

TALKS In connection with Dennis Øland Larsen’s PhD defence on

IDA Sustainability Caravan at DTU

24 January 2019, Associate Professor Herminio MartinezGarcia, Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech

On 18 March 2019 the Danish Society of Engineers, IDA’s

(UPC), Eastern Barcelona School of Engineering (EEBE),

Sustainability Caravan (Bæredygtighedskaravanen) visited

Spain, gave a lecture on ‘Sizing and design of PV

DTU’s Lyngby Campus to see how the University works with

power plants’, and Principal Scientist Ravi Karadi, AMS

the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The event included

IP, Technology and Operations, NXP Semiconductors,

a visit to PowerLabDK where EnergyLab Nordhavn project

Eindhoven, the Netherlands, gave a lecture on ‘Synthesis

manager Christoffer Greisen presented solutions for the

of the switched-capacitor power converter topologies:

power grid of the future.

an Iterative Approach’. DTU contact: Christine Rich (AIS) DTU Elektro contact: Michael A.E. Andersen _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | March 2019 _________


Saturday 23 February 2019 marks the 20 years anniversary

A particular challenge for this is the scattering from

for the successful launch of the first Danish satellite

the satellite structure which may hamper the radiation

Ørsted; the satellite is named after Danish physicist

from the antenna itself; the antenna development thus


necessitated careful simulations of this effect and accurate







experimental testing in the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-


Field Antenna Test Facility to ensure a correct radiation The Ørsted satellite has served the scientific purpose of mapping the Earth’s magnetic field.

For the radio

communication with the ground station, DTU Elektro’s

pattern. Link to YouTube video about the satellite (in Danish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqs42UXPpjg

Electromagnetic Systems group developed the on-board satellite antenna which is a 2.15 GHz circularly polarized

DTU Elektro contact: Olav Breinbjerg

turnstile antenna located close to the corner of the Earthfacing side of the satellite.

DTU RoboCup 2019 This year the robot competition DTU RoboCup will take place for the 22nd time. The dates for 2019 have been set. The finals take place on 25 April and the qualification round on the 24 April. The competition will take place in DTU’s library in building 101 again. More info on the popular competition and track description

Photo: Mikal Schlosser

for 2019, check out: http://www.robocup.dtu.dk/


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Photo: Ørsted in orbit (artist’s rendition)

Danish satellite Ørsted celebrates 20 years in space

Minister visits PowerLabDK

2018 Annual Report, a status for the new department

Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers

achieved in DTU Elektro in the present year, together

(The Liberal Party) visited DTU by the end of February and

with a number of light bulb jokes…

structure and some reflections on what we have

was given a tour of the PowerLabDK facilities where he learned about integration of EVs, sun and wind in the power

The meeting ended with lunch in the atrium of the

grid, Island of Bornholm as a unique testzone for smart

AGORA building also marking that this was the last time

digital energy and new market possibilities to keep Denmark

the old Elektro with its 8 groups were gathered. The

in the lead of the energy field.

lunch was organized by Lærke Rasmussen and Lulu/ Louise Falk from our CEE group.

DTU Elektro SoMe 2018 – in figures Facebook continues to be the dominant social media in Denmark. 80 per cent of the Danes have a Facebook profile and 63 per cent use Facebook on a daily basis. Our Elektro Facebook channel is used mainly for distribution of Elektro news, info, images and video. In


addition, events are created and shared that are relevant to students and stake holders. The language is mainly Danish. The target audience is primarily students (and potential students), and the largest part of our followers

Department staff meeting in December

are 18-34 years.

2018’s last department staff meeting took place on 13

Number of likes by the end of 2018


1,110 (2017: 1,026).

At the meeting we had a chance to meet our two newest start-ups Nordic FireFly (CEO Jørgen Kejlberg) and Polarize (CEO Jan Ardenkjær-Larsen). Kristian Stubkjær delivered messages from the department, status on publications and other key figures, the upcoming

Number of posts in 2018 127+ (2017: 110). Post with most likes, clicks and highest reach in 2018 Announcement of ‘Best teachers of the semester’

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autumn 2017-January 2018; Emil Boye Kromann and

Mathematics Sciences in Cambridge, UK. He is staying there

Tiberiu-Gabriel Zsurzsan was liked 177 times (had 251

in the frame of the programme on the ‘Mathematics of

interactions in total) and reached 1,422 persons.

Energy Systems’ which is to attract all leading academics and researchers working at the interface between

Join us at: https://www.facebook.com/dtuelektro

mathematics and energy systems. The programme covers a number of research tracks with topics in optimization,

LinkedIn is a professional network and more than 1.4

analytics and forecasting, market design, etc.

million Danes are on LinkedIn. Elektro’s LinkedIn channel (Company Page) is used to distribute Elektro news, vacancies and events. The language is primarily English. The target group is current/future employees, students/ alumni and stake holders. Followers by the end of 2018 606 (2017: 369) Number of posts in 2018 110 (2017: 90+) Post (update) with most impressions in 2018 Announcement of ‘VILLUM FONDEN awards researchers 5 million…’ (January 2018) gained 2,495 impressions.

Nissan internship in Japan

Post (update) with most clicks Announcement of ‘Samel Arslanagic is lecturer of the

Description of the internship by PhD student Andreas

year’ (May 2018) got 98 clicks.

Thingvad (CEE): Post (update) with most likes/social actions in 2018

“I was invited to do a two-month internship at Nissan EV

Announcement of ‘Energy specialist awarded with Electro

research department in Yokohama, Japan.

Prize’ (November 2018) received 55 likes. They wanted me to build a model that could estimate how Join us at: https://linkedin.com/company/dtu-elektro

much value an EV can generate for the power system, the EV owner and the society, based on analysis of telematics

Trends for both SoMe channels: The number of likes

data collected from all their vehicles sold in the USA. My

and followers continues to increase slowly but steadily.

model also calculated how much the battery is used when

The number of posts is still increasing. The followers are

delivering Vehicle to Grid services, and I was allowed

supportive and quite keen on posts regarding competition

to study their industrial battery model to get a better

winners and huge grants for research.

understanding of how to calculate the associated battery degradation.

Source: Kantar Gallup Media Life, FB +LIn analytics My colleagues at Nissan were very happy with my model

DTU Elektro contact: Camilla Hermann

and expected to continue working on it for their future analysis. I learned a lot about python programming, driving and charging behavior and battery degradation.

External research stays My girlfriend, Malene, and I are expecting a little girl on the

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematics Sciences

24th of March and she visited me for one month during her maternity leave, so I was happy she did not give birth in Japan or on the flight.”

From January-April 2019, Pierre Pinson from our CEE group is a Simons Fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute for


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | March 2019 _________

More new staff Jes Hansen has joined CEE/PowerLabDK as an intern on 21 January 2019, as part of his Automation Engineering education. Jes will be staying with the group until the end of July.

New colleagues Frederik Emil Thorsson Schöller has Due to the new DTU Employee IT system and procedures

joined our Automation and Control group as a

(HR) it has been difficult to retrieve completely adequate

research assistant on 11 February 2019.

information about new and resigned employees at the department. Therefore the information below may not be complete. Martin Krarup Plenge-Feidenhans’l has

Postdocs Xiaolong Jin has joined our CEE group (ELSY) as a postdoc on 1 March 2019.

joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 11 February 2019.

PhD students Mikhail Skalyga has joined our CEE group (ELSY) as a PhD student on 1 January 2019. Mikhail’s project ‘Using District HEATing systems as FLEXible sources in power systems with large amounts of renewables’ is supervised by Qiuwei Wu and is funded by a DTU alliance scholarship and the EUDP SMART-MLA project.

Colleagues leaving Solveig





administrative group in the CEE group will leave the department by the end of March

Jesper Haahr Christensen has joined our Automation and Control group as

2019. Solveig has been working at DTU for more than 15 years.

an Industrial PhD student on 1 January 2019. Jesper’s project ‘Optimisation and automation of underwater payload data processing using AI-based technologies’ is supervised by Ole Ravn and funded by Innovation Fund and Atlas Maridan ApS. Manual Hahmann has joined our Acoustic Technology group as a PhD student on 1 February 2019. Manual’s project ‘Sound Field Analysis and Microphone Array in Rooms’ is supervised by Efren F. Grande and is fully funded by the VILLUM Foundation.

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | March 2019 _________


DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter - Editor in chief: Kristian StubkjĂŚr - Managing editor: Camilla C. Hermann

DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Ă˜rsteds Plads Building 348 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark elektro@elektro.dtu.dk Phone +45 45 25 38 00 http://www.elektro.dtu.dk --14

https://www.facebook.com/dtuelektro https://www.linkedin.com/company/dtu-elektro _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | March 2019 _________

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