DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter September 2019

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DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter

September 2019 ∙ No. 3


Preben Jørgsensen is new Head of DTU Electrical Engineering DTU’s new Head of Department has strong competences within the energy field. As of 1 December 2019, Preben Jørgensen will be the new Head of DTU Electrical Engineering. He comes from a position as Programme Director at DSB, where he has been responsible for DSB’s part of the Signalling Programme.

“With his extensive experience from managerial positions in both private and public businesses, as well as his professional insight into energy research in particular, Preben Jørgensen will be a great asset to DTU. We look forward to welcoming him,” says DTU President Anders Bjarklev. On the expectations of his new job, Preben Jørgensen says:

Preben Jørgensen has an MSc and a PhD in Electrical Systems from DTU Electrical Engineering. In addition, he has an HD in Business and Management from CBS. Preben Jørgensen began his career as an engineer in Elkraft and has since held a number of managerial positions within the electricity and energy sector, including in HOFOR, Vattenfall, Elkraft, and DEFU (Danish energy, research, and development). Over the years, he has primarily worked with energy production, consultancy, application, and planning. Alongside his career, Preben Jørgensen has conducted a wide range of scientific assessments of projects and fund distributions within the energy and environment sectors as council member in, e.g., The Danish Council for Strategic Research and Innovation Fund, including scientific assessments for EUDP, GUDP, and ForskEL.

“DTU has always held a special place in my heart, and I look forward to spearheading the continued development of DTU Electrical Engineering. The Department holds a strong position in many fields, and I look forward to help strengthen this position even further”. Preben Jørgensen has held several positions of trust at DTU, including as Chairman of the PowerLabDK steering committee and as a member of the DTU Energy Advisory Board, the DTU Board of Representatives, and the Appointment Committee. The current Head of Department Kristian Stubkjær resigns, as planned for a long time, when his contract expires in late November 2019.

DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter

September 2019 ∙ No. 3


Vermilion Racing awarded at Silverstone

After five exciting days at Silverstone for the IMechE Formula Student event, the DTU Vermilion racing team brought home an award this summer. “Despite the fact that our team is less than two years old, we managed to get the attention of the judges and officials for our efforts, our organization and structured approach to the competition - making us the most professional team out of 117 total teams at FSUK,” they write on their Facebook page.

of educators and students with a variety of engineering backgrounds - mechanical, electrical, management and design. The team competed in the Formula Student

Vermilion Racing is an E-Formula Student Team, founded in 2017 at DTU. It consists of 40 volunteer members, primarily

Competition, taking place in Silverstone, UK with their second version of the electric formula car. >>



DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering

The DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter is published every quarter Next newsletter: December 2019

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


The competition is the world’s largest engineering student competition, with teams from universities all over the world competing in design, construction and driving. Their goal is to have a fully functional electric racing car that can pass inspection and finish the various main events. DTU offers the MSc course 31789 eMobility, components and design (as a part of DTU BlueDot project EVenture) where you can work on the electric formula car, and Nenad Mijatovic from our CEE group is responsible for the course.

Grant for human-robot interactions The Board of Directors of the foundation Direktør, dr. techn. A.N. Neergaards og Hustrus Fond has chosen to support Silvia Tolu’s (AUT) application ‘Bio-Inspired Compliant Control for Safe Human-Robot Interactions’ with DKK 50,000. Tolu was up against 43 other applicants, and the board generally found the level extremely high. However, the fund had only DKK 100,000 available this year, which amounted to two grants of DKK 50,000. The grant will be distributed to Silvia Tolu in connection with a reception at DTU on 13 November.

EMS receives a grant from H.C. Ørsteds Fond Illustration: Buffaloboy/Shutterstock

Samel Arslanagic and Tom K. Johansen from our Electromagnetic Systems group have received a grant of DKK 176,130 from the H.C. Ørsteds Fond to purchase six high-speed oscilloscopes for the student-lab EMILAB. The high-speed oscilloscopes will be used primarily in DTU Elektro’s 31400 Electromagnetics course and in the 31445 Signal Integrity in High-Speed Electronics course. However, other courses will also benefit from the new oscilloscopes which allow us to illustrate wave propagation phenomena along transmission lines and a variety of electromagnetic effects associated with PCB traces and integrated circuits.

Robotics project in CORDIS publication Silvia Tolu’s (AUT) Marie Curie Project was selected for publication in the ‘Results in Brief’ section of the European Commission’s CORDIS (EU research results). Read the article ‘Robotic learning system to see how the brain works leads to robots of the future’ here: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/207811/brief/en


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

Best Paper Award PhD student, Frederik Schöller received the Young Author Best Paper Award at the IFAC CAMS 2019 Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles in Daejeon, Korea here in September. The winning paper is titled: ‘Assessing Deep-learning Methods for Object Detection at Sea from LWIR Images’. Authors: Frederik E.T. Schöller, Martin K. PlengeFeidenhans’l, Jonathan D. Stets and Mogens Blanke. The paper gives a detailed assessment of three convolutional neural nets when applied to thermal (long wave infrared) images from near coast Danish waters and optimizing these for object detection at sea. The paper contributes to the techniques needed to obtain safe autonomous navigation at sea. The results were obtained as part of the ASAN project (Autonomous Situation Awareness for Navigation) that is supported by the Danish Maritime Fund, Orient’s Fund and Lauritzen Fonden.

Best Poster Award PhD student, Arsen Turhaner, from our Electromagnetic Systems group received one out of three best poster awards at the Joint ITN CELTA & TeraApps Summer School, part of the 29th International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves, in July 2019 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The focus of the summer school is on Terahertz technology and this year researchers from two European Marie Sklodowska Curie initial training networks on Terahertz technology participated to the summer school. During the first day a total number of 57 PhD students had to present their research during a dedicated poster section. Arsen Turhaner presented a poster with the title ‘MMIC Design for THz Signal Generation’ for which he won the price. As a part of his research Arsen Turhaner has developed transistor based integrated circuits operating up to 556 GHz. To reach such high frequencies it becomes mandatory to exploit the most advanced semiconductor transistors in novel circuit configurations and to include waveguiding structures and radiating elements on the chip.

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PHD DEFENCES PhD student Charalampos Ziras from our CEE group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Integration of distributed energy resources on distribution and transmission systems’ on 27 September 2019.

PhD student Adrian Llopart Maurin from our Automation and Control group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Merging Machine Learning and 3D Imaging Methods for Complex Robot-Object Interaction Systems’ on 29 August 2019. Supervisors:

Supervisors: Ole Ravn, DTU Elektro Nils Axel Andersen, DTU Elektro

Henrik W. Bindner, DTU Elektro Shi You, DTU Elektro

Professor Jon-Hwan Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea


Chresten Træholt, DTU Elektro


Henrik Hautop Lund, DTU Elektro Associate Professor Klas Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden. Professor Norbert Krüger, University of Southern Denmark

Associate Professor Sonja Wogrin, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain Prof. Dr. Peter Palensky, TU Delft, the Netherlands Chairperson at defence: Peter Bach Andersen, DTU Elektro

Chairperson at defence: Mogens Blanke, DTU Elektro

PhD student Theis Bo Rasmussen from our CEE group defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Security Assessment and Protection of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems’ on 9 September 2019.


Supervisors: Guangya Yang, DTU Elektro Arne Hejde Nielsen, DTU Elektro Professor Joe Dong, UNSW, Australia Examiners: Chresten Træholt, DTU Elektro Senior Research Scientist Marija Ilic, MIT, USA Professor Yusheng Xue, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China Chairperson at defence: Qiuwei Wu, DTU Elektro

Successful completion of antenna testing for ESA and AIRBUS Our Electromagnetic Systems group has completed an extensive antenna test campaign for a potential future satellite mission in cooperation with AIRBUS and ESA. The 4

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

SMOS-IRMI mission will be a follow-up to the still operating SMOS mission for which the on-ground calibration of the antenna flight hardware also took place at the DTU-ESA Facility in 2006-2007. The objective of the SMOS mission(s) is to measure the Earth’s soil moisture (SM) and ocean salinity (OS) for monitoring the climate and forecasting climate changes; this is done with a radiometer system that receives the natural electromagnetic radiation from the Earth. For SMOS-IRMI, the antenna system consists of 87 individual and dual-ported elements whose radiation performance must be calibrated to a very high accuracy in order that the

5 tons of Hardware and one Control algorithm

soil moisture and ocean salinity can be determined. In this

A team from two Spanish companies INGELECTUS (Seville)

phase A study, 7 central dual-port elements of the antenna

and ORMAZABAL (Bilbao) are ready to assess the interplay

system were calibrated.

of their ‘smart control’ and ‘smart transformer’ in SYSLAB. For the purpose, two full-scale transformers (>2 tons each) had been shipped from Spain. After installing the hardware

DTU Elektro contact: Olav Breinbjerg

in a container in SYSLAB, now the innovative control equipment will coordinate tap-changing with SYSLAB solar panels, electric heaters and other equipment. The solution will eventually help accommodating more renewable electricity in low-voltage distribution systems. (ERIGrid

SYSLAB experiments



Transnational access project ‘HOLISTICA’)




validated in SYSLAB A research group from ETH Zurich, led by Associate Professor Saverio Bolognani, returned to SYSLAB to evaluate their novel control algorithm with full-scale DER units in PowerLabDK SYSLAB. PhD student Lukas Ortmann visited in April and June, spending intensive 4 weeks on control implementations and lab experiments,







‘Transnational Access’ via the H2020 project ERIGrid. More information on the project and opportunities for further calls for Transnational Access can be found here: https://erigrid.eu/transnational-access/ DTU Elektro contact: Kai Heussen

a work that has already contributed to two papers. ERIGrid Transnational access project ‘TEAM-VAR2’ _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


Photos: Mikal Schlosser

Photos: Torben Nielsen...


Project Day MSc Electrical Engineering This year’s Project Day for MSc in Electrical Engineering takes place on 13 November 2019 at 12:15-16:00 pm in building 341, auditorium 21 at DTU Lyngby Campus. MSc EE students will meet supervisors and project providers from industry and from our department. BSc EE students

Record student uptake

studying in their last year will be invited too.

Admission - Facts & Figures: Approx. 490 BEng, BSc

DTU Elektro contacts: Kerstin L. Smith & Zhe Zhang

and MSc students have started in 2019 on one of our study programmes (Electrical Engineering, Autonomous Systems, Engineering Acoustics, Design of Sustainable Energy Systems and Electrical Energy Technology), which corresponds to an increase of 26 % compared to last year. The BSc programme ‘Design of Sustainable Energy Systems’, which was offered for the first time last year, attracted 51 students in 2019, which is an increase of 82%. Our three MSc programmes have been the second most popular choices at DTU experiencing an increase in students of 45% in total. Among the contributing factors is our new MSc programme in ‘Autonomous Systems’. And more good news: The BSc/MSc programmes in Electrical Engineering enrolled three times more female

DTU Learn The new teaching platform DTU Learn replaces DTU Inside (CampusNet courses) over the next three years. Learn contains a number of the features known from the existing system, but in an updated and modern version. DTU Elektro is one of the first departments using this new platform and it has been our goal to use DTU Learn for all courses in this semester. Last year only 7 courses were using DTU Learn, but this Fall 25 courses (out of 33) have already activated their profile in DTU Learn.

students in 2019 than in 2018.


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

Faculty Day: Gender balance and entrepreneurship The latest Faculty Day was held on 29 August at Søhuset, DTU Science Park, in Hørsholm. The meeting addressed two major strategic issues: First, diversity with focus on gender balance, which is a topic that is emphasized very much by our university and where our department has a challenge. ‘What can we do to improve gender diversity at DTU Elektro?’ Facilitators: Mikkel Hougaard Orlovski and Marianne

Continuing education: 4 weeks course on renewable energy

Krabbe, both AHR-DTU Second, our department has as a major goal (in the UMV

20 participants from Indonesia, India and South Africa

innovation among students and to open up our laboratories

integration in power systems’ hosted by our CEE group.

so that students can more freely follow own ideas as part

The course was held two weeks in June and two weeks

of the training we offer. This will probably mean radical

in August-September and was supported by the Danida

changes in course structure and our student facilities – we

Fellowship Centre as a continuing education programme.

wish to have first ideas on how to realize changes in this





period from 2020-2023) to stimulate entrepreneurship and



direction. During the four weeks, the course participants learned about the latest developments in RE technologies (especially

Facilitators: Karin Schou, CAS and Sidsel Gelting Hodge,

Wind and PV power), grid code, RE forecasting and power

Merete Østergaard Krapper and Simon Jensen, Rambøll

markets given by the lecturers from our department and DTU Wind. Included was a 3-day hands-on on Microgrids and Hybrid grids at our full-scale Smart Grid Laboratory, PowerLabDKSYSLAB at Risø. The participants also visited EnergyLab Nordhavn to learn about the demonstration of integrated energy systems at distribution level in Copenhagen. In the last week, the participants focused on project work, within topics based on needs in their own countries. After some great presentations on the last day with many good discussions, the participants expressed that they learned a lot in the course, and they will benefit from their project result after going back to their home country. Course responsible: Joachim Holbøll

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


for Design and Operation of Engineering Systems IWFM Workshop 2019 took place on 23-24 September at DTU Lyngby Campus. The workshop included two sessions on ‘Functional modelling theory and modelling’, and sessions on ‘System identification and modelling’, ‘Applications of functional modelling’, ‘Tools and planning with MFM’ and finally ‘Functional Modelling towards robotics’. The aim of the workshop was to facilitate high quality interactions among researchers that are interested in

DTU Study guide

the theory of functional modelling and its applications. Participants can exchange and discuss their research

DTU’s international study catalogue – Study Guide – has just

results, establishing a common ground and identifying

been published.

future research topics.

The catalogue is targeted at potential international

DTU Elektro contact: Adriana Zsurszan

students and provides information on our undergraduate (General Engineering, BSc) and graduate programmes. The MSc programmes anchored at our department are covered on pages 30, 36 and 37.


View catalogue: https://issuu.com/dtudk/docs/dtu-study-guide-2019-20?fr=sNDhlOTIzMjA3NA

TALKS / SEMINARS HELD On 25 July Professor Bikash Pal, Imperial College London, UK, gave a lecture on ‘Dynamic Modeling for Analysis of Wind Farm and Grid Interaction’. DTU Elektro contact: Guangya Yang

In connection with Adrian Llopart Maurin‘s PhD defence on 28 August. Two guest lectures were held. Klas Nilsson from Lund University, Sweden, gave a lecture entitled ‘Force Interplay, physical deviations and human awareness in robot motion programming’, and Norbert Krüger from University of Southern Denmark gave a lecture entitled ‘Welfare Robotics in elderly care homes’.

Noise can make you sick, but how does the body respond to total silence? DR Viden (the broadcasting company DR) recently visited one of our anechoic chambers to experience total silence. Watch the video with journalist Lasse Winther (4 minutes/in Danish):

DTU Elektro contact: Ole Ravn

https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/kroppen/stoej-kangoere-dig-syg-men-hvordan-reagerer-kroppen-paa-totalThe 4th International Workshop on Functional Modelling



_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

DTU High Tech Summit 2019 This year’s trade fair and conference High Tech Summit takes place at DTU on 30-31 October. The summit aims to create the perfect environment for companies, startups, organizations and universities to meet and present their latest technological developments, debate the most recent discoveries, participate in matchmaking events, and generate ideas.

EuCAP 2020 Preparations in full progress

This year’s themes are:

Our Electromagnetic Systems group is organizing the 14th

đ&#x;”ť Sustainable Energy, Environment & Climate

European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1520 March 2020 in Copenhagen and the preparations are

đ&#x;”ť Industry 4.0 & Robotics đ&#x;”ť Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

progressing at full speed.

đ&#x;”ť Internet of Things

In July the Call for Paper as well as the Call for Short Courses

đ&#x;”ť For the Global Goals

đ&#x;”ť Business Inside Technology

and Scientific Workshops opened. Parallel to this many companies are registering for the industrial exhibition of state-of-art wireless technology.

đ&#x;”ť Entrepreneurship For two days, researchers from all over the world, 1,100 companies, 300 start-ups, and students will come together

EuCAP 2020 focuses on the newest research in antennas, electromagnetics, measurements, and propagation but the conference will also celebrate the bicentennial of Hans Christian Ă˜rsted’s 1820 discovery of Electromagnetism with a historical exhibition, a special session on history of electromagnetism, and other initiatives. Please see the conference home page for more information: www.eucap2020.org

to debate and set the agenda for digital development. The conference is expected to attract up to 6,000 visitors. Our department will participate in debates and contribute with Tech Talks on smart energy systems and robotics. Participation is free but registration necessary. See the programme and register here: https://www.tilmeld.dk/hightechsummit2019/programme

DTU Elektro contact: Olav Breinbjerg

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


Photo: C.C. Hermann

Ambassadors visits PowerLabDK In August, 86 Danish ambassadors went on a study trip to DTU to learn more about the Danish strengths within research and innovation.

DTU-ESA facility renewed

The visit took place at DTU Skylab and later the same day, the ambassadors visited PowerLabDK, DTU Energy, DTU Fotonik, DTU Compute, and DTU Food. Here, they were given examples of research and innovation from DTU, which can potentially be disseminated and applied elsewhere in the world, where the representative offices may play an important role.

During the late summer and autumn the DTU-ESA facility exterior has transformed remarkably. The facility, building 353 at Akustikvej, is currently being modernized and expanded. The existing test hall is being renovated with new absorbents, facade, etc. A new building - the Electromagnetic Test Center (DTU ETC) - of approx. 1,500 m2 with radio anechoic chambers and teaching

At our PowerLabDK facilities Frida Frost and DTU Energy’s Head of Department, Professor Søren Linderoth presented innovative energy technologies that will push the green

facilities north of building 353 will be established with construction to start October this year. The Test Center is expected to be operational in 2022.

transition forward and support the development towards achieving (some of) UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The trip was arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

On 28 October 2019 the groundbreaking ceremony will take place kicking off and celebrating the first day of construction for the new DTU ETC building 357.

Read more: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/22v2k

Read more about the building here (in Danish):

and watch CEE’s video concerning the PowerLabDK visit: https://youtu.be/tt0eDzmYe9o


http://kortlink.dk/dtu/22v33 and http://kortlink.dk/dtu/22v35

Illustration: Christensen & Co. Arkitekter


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


Summer schools

External research stays

Vladimir Dvorkin, PhD student in our CEE group (ELMA), started a 6-month visiting period at GeorgiaTech, USA, in the beginning of July 2019. During his visit, Vladimir worked

European School of Antennas

on differentially private optimal power flow problem in

In June our Electromagnetic Systems group hosted the

power systems.

European School of Antennas course on Advanced Spherical




Anna Schwele, PhD student in the same group has begun

Techniques for a group of 11 European participants

her 6-month visit to UC Berkeley and Cornell University,

from companies and universities. The course involves

USA, in mid-September. Anna is going to work on the

theory and practice of spherical near-field antenna

application of online optimization and learning techniques

measurements and takes place at the DTU-ESA Spherical

to integrated energy systems.

Near-Field Antenna Test Facility. Teachers are Jeppe M. Bjørstorp, Javier Fernandez Alvarez, Kyriakos Kaslis, and Olav Breinbjerg. The European School of Antennas is a European network with 30+ participating institutions offering each year 12-15 Ph.D. level courses on multiple topics within antenna technology; please see: http://www.euraap.org/Activities/esoa DTU Elektro contact: Olav Breinbjerg

Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE PELS This spring Vassilios G. Agelidis from our CEE group visited the Kerala Region of India as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS). The society’s aim is to keep its members around the globe up to date on state-of-the-art technological developments and advances in power electronics research. The programme included the following six colleges: Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, Government Engineering

Summer school at CEE

College, Thrissur, College of Engineering, Chengannur, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, SCT College of Engineering,

After successful summer schools in the last three

Trivandrum and College of Engineering, Trivandrum.

years, CEE organized the 4th ‘DTU CEE Summer School’ Data-Driven Analytics and Optimization for Energy

Agelidis gave a talk on ‘Large-Scale Solar PV Electricity

Systems in June, with external lecturers from MIT,


University of Michigan, Copenhagen Business School,





ETH Zurich and IBM Ireland together with three internal

Integration and Impact’.

lecturers. CEE received around 110 applications from all Read more here: http://kortlink.dk/dtu/22v3h _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


According to the feedback received from the participants, 100% them will recommend the (future) summer school to their colleagues, and 93% of them evaluated the summer school was either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. The 5th summer school will be organized during the last week of June 2020, and several leading academics from Harvard, ETH Zurich, TU Delft, Virginia Tech, Technion, and University of Copenhagen have already confirmed to join the event. Slides of the lectures and links to videos are available here: https://energy-markets-school.dk/downloads/

Summer excursion 2019 On a windy, rainy and yet sunny day this year’s DTU Elektro ‘summer’ excursion mid-September took us to the Geomuseum Faxe, and to Camp Adventure’s Forest Tower. At the Geomuseum Faxe, we had the opportunity to hear about and to see fossils, and to learn about the more than 900 years of limestone quarrying in the old coral reef. We had a great lunch at Camp Adventure before walking to the 45 meter tall Forest Tower. The tower is situated in one of Gisselfeld Kloster’s forests, and offered a 360 degree view over the beautiful southern Zealand nature. The Forest Tower is built with corten steel and local oak and was inaugurated earlier this year. The building is designed by EFFEKT Architects and completes an ambition to create an aesthetically beautiful building and a unique nature experience - built with respect and consideration for nature. The excursion was arranged by Eva Bülow Nielsen and Helle Faber from our CEE group.


_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

Photos: C.C. Hermann and Visitsydsjælland-Møn

over the world, and the top 60 applicants were selected.

Lisa Calearo has joined our CEE group as a PhD student on 1 August 2019. Lisa’s project ‘Large-scale integration of distributed energy resources in islanded power systems considering user needs’ is supervised by Mattia Marinelli and is funded by three research projects: ACES-EUDP and CAR-Interreg and the large EU project INSULAE.

New colleagues

Postdoc Tiago Sousa has joined our CEE group as a postdoc (Peer-to-peer Markets for Heat and Electricity) on 13 June 2019.

Dimitrios Papageorgiou has joined our Automation and Control group as a postdoc (Autonomous situation Awareness for Navigation of Marine Craft) on 15 August 2019.

Menglin Zhang has joined our CEE group as a postdoc (Optimal dispatch of integrated electricity and heat systems) on 15 September 2019.

Peter Nicholas Hansen has joined our Automation and Control group as a PhD student on 1 August 2019. Peter’s project ‘Autonomous supervision for safe ship operation with temporarily unmanned bridge’ is supervised by Mogens Blanke and is co-funded by Innovation Fund Denmark, the Danish Maritime Fund, Orient’s Fond and Lauritzen Fonden. Hermes Sampedro Llopis has joined our Acoustic Technology group as an Industrial PhD student on 1 August 2019. Hermes’ project ‘Acoustic virtual reality for architectural design’ is supervised by Cheolho Jeong and is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Rambøll Danmark A/S.

Christian W. Sønnichsen has joined our Electronics group as an Industrial PhD student on 15 August 2019. Christian’s project ‘Fully integrated DC-DC converter design in hearing aids’ sound processors’ is supervised by Ivan Jørgensen and is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and GN Hearing A/S.

PhD students Nicolai Jerram Dahl has joined our Electronics group as a PhD student on 1 July 2019. Nicolai’s project ‘Time based control for power converters’ is supervised by Michael A.E. Andersen and is fully funded by our Electronics group.

Wenjun Wang has joined our Electromagnetic Systems group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Wenjun’s project ‘Cryogenic array coil for brain MRI’ is supervised by Vitaliy Zhurbenko and is Co-funded by the Danish National Research Foundation.

Pierangelo Libianchi has joined our Acoustic Technology group as a PhD student on 15 July 2019. Pierangelo’s project ‘Active noise control for open air live events at low frequencies’ is supervised by Finn T. Agerkvist and is funded by d & b audiotechnik GmbH, Germany.

Ilgiz Murzakhanov has joined our CEE group (ELMA) as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Ilgiz’s project ‘Data-driven optimization of distribution grids’ is supervised by Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, and is co-funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

Eun-Jung Kim has joined our Electronics group as a PhD student on 1 August 2019. Eun-Jung’s project ‘Advanced bidirectional DC converters with artificial intelligence techniques’ is supervised by Zhe Zhang, and is a joint alliance research project with NTU, funded by DTU/NTU and DTU Maritime.

Jeppe Gaardsted Davidsen has joined our Electronics group as an Industrial PhD student on 1 September 2019. Jeppe’s project ‘Capacitive sensor interface circuits for hearing aid applications’ is supervised by Ivan Jørgensen, and is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Oticon A/S.

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Henning Si Høj has joined our Automation and Control group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Henning’s project ‘Sensor based control of flexible robot systems for safety critical tasks’ is supervised by Søren Hansen, and is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Vestergaard Company A/S.

Ananda Narasipur Holck Nielsen has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 18 July 2019.

Enrica Raheli has joined our CEE group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Enrica’s project ‘Distributed operation control of multi energy systems with power to gas (P2G)’ is supervised by Qiuwei Wu, and is a joint alliance research project with NTU, which is funded by DTU.

Ona Renom Estragues has joined our CEE group (ELMA) as a research assistant on 1 August 2019.

Rasmus Hjorth Andersen has joined our Automation and Control group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Rasmus’ project ‘Multi-modal sensor fusion and calibration for autonomous surface ships’ is supervised by Mogens Blanke, and is co-funded by Innovation Fund Denmark, the Danish Maritime Fund, Orient’s Fond and Lauritzen Fonden.

Brynjar Sævarsson has joined our CEE group (ELSY) as a project coordinator on 15 August 2019.

Rasmus Eckholdt Andersen has joined our Automation and Control group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Rasmus’ project ‘Machine learning-based perception for inspection’ is supervised by Lazaros Nalpantidis, and is co-funded by Innovation Fund Denmark though the Inspectrone project.

Thomas Thuesen Enevoldsen has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 15 August 2019.

Linde Frölke has joined our CEE group as a PhD student on 1 September 2019. Linde’s project ‘Peer-to-peer markets for heat and electricity’ is supervised by Pierre Pinson, and is co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 project EMB3Rs.

Daniel Saunte Høgh has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 15 August 2019.

More new staff


Seyedmostafa Hashemi Toghroljerdi has joined our CEE group as a researcher on 1 July 2019.

Tobias Stenbock Andersen has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 15 August 2019.

Ramon Buchaca Tarragona has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 12 July 2019.

Thomas Passer Jensen has joined our Automation and Control group as a research assistant on 1 September 2019.

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

Jan Engelhardt has joined our CEE group as a research assistant on 15 September 2019.

Postdoc in our Acoustic Technology group Peng Hou has left the department on 30 June 2019.

Professor Bikash Pal from Imperial College London visited our CEE group for 3 months. Bikash Pal is a professor in Power Systems and he is research active in power system stability, control, and estimation.

Project officer in our CEE group Povl Frich has left the department on 9 August 2019.


Associate Professor Xiaosheng Huang from Fuzhou University, Fujian, China, visits our Electronics group for a year from August 2019, where he will conduct research in “High frequency wireless charging”.

Postdoc in our Acoustic Technology group Alexander Weider King has left the department on 31 August 2019.

Engineering Assistant in our Electronics group Hans-Christian Nguyen-Andersen has left the department on 31 August 2019 for a new job at the company Sennheiser.

Colleagues leaving Due to the ‘new’ DTU Employee IT system it is still difficult to retrieve completely adequate information about the resigned employees at the department. Therefore the information below may be incomplete. Research assistant in our CEE group Ziyu Wang has left the department on 10 June 2019.

Calendar 2 October 2019 – Girls’ Day in Science 8-9 October 2019 – Conference: EnergyLab Nordhavn’s recommendations for future sustainable energy systems 28 October 2019 – Groundbreaking Ceremony ETC, B. 357 30-31 October 2019 – High Tech Summit

Research assistant in our CEE group Farzaneh Pourahmadi has left the department on 30 June 2019.

_________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________


DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter - Editor in chief: Kristian StubkjĂŚr - Managing editor: Camilla C. Hermann

DTU Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Ă˜rsteds Plads Building 348 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark elektro@elektro.dtu.dk Phone +45 45 25 38 00 http://www.elektro.dtu.dk --16

https://www.facebook.com/dtuelektro https://www.linkedin.com/company/dtu-elektro _________ DTU Elektro Internal Newsletter | September 2019 _________

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