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In 2020 we celebrate Hans Christian Ørsted

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Hans Christian Ørsted was instrumental in establishing DTU. He served as the first president of the University in 1829 with a clear mission to develop and create value based on the technical and natu ral sciences to the benefit of society. This mission lives on today.

Back in 1820 Ørsted discovered electromagnetism, which was a major scientific event, a discovery that through technical science and industrial ingenuity enabled the development of modern society. In 2020 DTU and Denmark celebrate the 200-year anniversary of Ørsted’s discovery.

Electromagnetism is the scientific basis for many technologies, such as loud speakers and micro phones, electric motors and generators.

Today, electromagnetism continues to play a major role in our daily lives. In the future, electromagne tism will also play an essential role as researchers continue to build on Ørsted’s pioneering discovery and our subsequent understanding of electrical effects. For example, in the extensive electrifica tion of our energy systems allowing for storage and conversion of green energy from wind turbines and solar cells.

Portrait of Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851). Painting by C.W. Eckersberg 1822

“DTU develops and creates value though the technical and natural sciences for the benefit of society.”

Hans Christian Ørsted

The compass that Hans Christian Ørsted used for his experiment where, during a lecture, he let an electric current flow through a platinum wire across the compass.

The current caused the magnetic needle in the compass to move. Ørsted had found a connection between electricity and magnetism.

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