Studying at DTU DTU’s study programmes are cross-disciplinary, you get hands-on access to world-class facilities, and you engage in project-based assignments where you can apply your theoretical knowledge to solve real-life problems. The University also has a vibrant student life. You can join one of the many clubs and activities, or attend the Friday bars and the many other social events and festive occasions at DTU.
Introduction week and buddies
Cross-disciplinary student projects
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Learning the Scandinavian way
At DTU, we care about the well-being of our students. During the ‘Introduction Week’ you will be introduced to your new buddy. Buddies are DTU students (Danish and international) who have dedicated themselves to giving you a good study start and who will help and assist you throughout your first semester at the University.
As a DTU student you have the opportunity to participate in one of the cross-disciplinary DTU Blue Dot Projects. Among other things, you can work with an eco-car doing 429 km to the litre, a sustainable brewery, an annual robot competition, or synthetic biology as the solution to the challenges within energy, environment, foods, and medicine.
DTU focuses on supporting student innovation and entrepreneurship. At DTU’s innovation hub, DTU Skylab, you can get help to bring business ideas to life, work with innovation projects supplied by the business community, or get feedback on the development of prototypes in connection with courses. You can also follow courses on innovation and entrepreneurship. DTU also offers a MSc programme in Technology Entrepreneurship.
There is a refreshing lack of hierarchy at DTU and student-staff relations are typically less formal than in most other countries. Professors go by their first name and are easily accessible to students. You learn to work individually and in groups, and as a new student, you will discover that everything is open to discussion and every opinion is valued.