Industry Master of Science in Engineering Combine work with studies and join an Industry Master of Science in Engineering
DTU offers the opportunity to join an Industry Master of Science in Engineering in all its MSc programmes except Aquatic Science and Technology (cand.polyt.) and Technology Entrepreneurship ( The Industry Master of Science in Engineering combines work with part-time study to obtain a full MSc degree over a 4-year period.
Prerequisites The prerequisites are similar to the ones that apply to the 2-year-programme but in addition, you must have a job relevant for your studies where you work at least 25 hours a week, or you may be self-employed in a start-up company. Non-EU/EEA citizens already working in Denmark can apply for the Industry Master of Science in Engineering. It is strongly recommended that applicants first check the rules and impact on the current work permit with the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration.
Learn more about application and conditions >
Part-time study
Work 25 hours a week
120 ECTS points in 4 years