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Interdisciplinary exploration
from DTU Facts and Figures 2023
by DTUdk
DTU’s study programmes are interdisciplinary and centered on the technical and natural sciences. Our students work closely with industry to apply their theoretical knowledge with hands-on access to world-class facilities to solve real-life problems.
In 2022, female students at DTU accounted for 33% of all enrolled students. This is the highest proportion of female students to date.
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
BEng programmes at DTU are 3.5-year industry and application-oriented engineering programmes based on the CDIO concept: Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate. The language of instruction is primarily Danish, but students learn both Danish and English engineering terminology.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc Eng)
BSc Eng programmes at DTU are 3-year researchbased undergraduate engineering programmes that qualify students for further studies at the master’s level. Students work in both Danish and English. DTU also offers an international BSc programme in General Engineering, which is taught exclusively in English.
Master of Science in Engineering (MSc Eng)
MSc Eng programmes at DTU are 2-year researchbased programmes operating at the highest technological level. In these programmes, students acquire the qualifications and skills necessary to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate theory and experiments relating to complex engineering systems, problems, and solutions. The language of instruction is English. Honours tracks are available for all MSc Eng programmes.
PhD students conduct scientific research projects of the highest international standard. DTU also offers industrial PhD programmes where students are employed by a company while also being enrolled at the University.
Lifelong learning
DTU offers a range of executive and specialized continuing education programmes, ranging from executive programmes, part-time diplomas, and master’s programmes to flexible education, open online courses, and single-course programmes. DTU Learn for Life coordinates these programmes to meet the growing need for lifelong learning in society.