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Governance with accountability and research integrity
DTU regards good leadership at all levels as a key element in maintaining DTU’s role as a leading technical university. At DTU, good leadership is situational, adaptive to individual needs, and with strong focus on nurturing the development of talent and creation of excellent results.
All employees are entitled to competent management, which is ensured through targeted training and education of all DTU’s managers. There is an ongoing dialogue with the employees on goals, means, and task performance. All employees, including managers, have an annual employee development interview with their immediate manager.
As DTU regards it as conducive to the development of technology for sustainable change, the ambition is to ensure extensive academic research integrity. In Denmark, there is a consensus to safeguard academic integrity. The research is based on principles such as honesty, transparency, and accountability in accordance with the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
Academic freedom is about universities protecting free thought and speech. We have a management responsibility to create space for opinions to be exchanged and questioned, for academic competences to be developed, and for breakthroughs to occur. Therefore, DTU wants the University’s researchers to participate in the public debate. We equip our researchers to handle the debate, even in cases where it becomes biased and personal.
More technology is not always the answer to society’s challenges, and society’s use of technology must be regulated so that it respects the human being. At DTU, we see technology as a driver of sustainable change, but it requires that our researchers act with responsibility and care, and that our managers and organizational structures encourages us do the right thing.