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Focus areas, objectives, and initiatives for governance with accountability and research integrity

Management and organization

Goals 28-29: Dialogue-based management

Goals 30-31: Good business conduct

Research practice and research dissemination

Goals 32-34: Good scientific practice

Goal 35: Dialogue with the outside world Accountability and research integrity

Use of data

DTU’s work with accountability and research integrity is grouped into three focus areas.

All three areas are essential to DTU’s development as a leading university with a strong governance and

Goal 36: Upskilling in the FAIR principles

Goal 37: Open Access

Goal 38: Data security integrity culture. And they are of great importance to the management and development of both academic activities and operations. DTU’s future objectives and guidelines in these areas are described in the following.

President Anders O. Bjarklev speaks to the students at study start 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. DTU was closed down for onsite teaching for long periods, and students and lecturers made an impressive effort to adapt to virtual learning.

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