YEARLY REVIEW For the year 2020
An experimental platform for electric power and energy
SECRETARIAT Chief Operating Officer, Frida Frost Head of Laboratories, Per Munch Jakobsen Head of IT Facility Infrastructure, Allan Pedersen Business Development Officer, Thomas Meier Sørensen Stakeholder Relations Officer, Stine Lykke Wagner
THE POWERLABDK PLATFORM PowerLabDK is a world-class experimental platform for technology development, testing, training and demonstration of sustainable electric power and energy solutions.
Jørgen S. Christensen CTO, Danish Energy
Charlotte Søndergren HoD, Energy Planning, HOFOR
Torben Glar Nielsen CTO, Energinet
Claus Møller CEO, SIEMENS
Claus Madsen CEO, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Anders Jensen CTO, NKT
Jan Lillelund CTO, IBM Denmark
Troels Stybe Sørensen Senior Director and Chief Specialist, Ørsted
Rasmus S. Christensen CEO, Bornholm Energy and Utilities
Preben Jørgensen HoD, DTU Electrical Engineering
Jacob Østergaard Professor, Head of Center for Electric Power and Energy
Frida Frost COO, PowerLabDK
IT'S TIME FOR CLIMATE ACTIONS In resent time, Denmark has truely taken some major steps towards a more sustainable future. The Danish government currently passed its first committing climate act. This new law insists that Denmark will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by 70% in 2030 compared to the level in 1990 and in long term - that Denmark will be completely CO2-neutral by 2050. PowerLabDK supports this ambitious climate act as well as other political initiatives that hold a progressive perspective on the green transition, and we will do our best to contribute to its success.
A greater reduction of greenhouse gases requires extensive efforts in the energy field, including utilization of consumption and production data, interconnection between sectors and smart infrastructures. In collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark and several industrial partners, PowerLabDK has launched various research and development initiatives within these areas, which will accelerate the green transition needed in order to reach the climate goals.
Frida Frost COO, PowerLabDK 4
Danish Climate Act - The act is binding for future governments - Sub-objectives ensure action towards 2030 and 2050 - The Climate Counsil will be strengthened and made independent - Added focus on global reporting and strategies.
13 Climate Partnerships with industry to advice Government on CO2 reduction in: The energy and supply sector Energy heavy industry Land transport and logistics Waste, water and the circular industry The construction sector Aviation Trade Etc.
Digitalization Electrification
PowerLabDK project examples:
Storage and conversion
EnergyLab Nordhavn - New urban infrastructures BOSS - Grid connected battery systems EcoGrid 2.0 - Control of electric heat and heat pumps ACES - Large-scale integration of electrical vehicles EU QualyGridS - Standardized qualifying tests of electrolysers for grid services Multi-DC - Advanced control and optimization methods for AC and HVDC grids InsulaE - Maximizing the impact of innovative energy approaches in EU islands 6
SMART INFRASTRUCTURE As the energy supply is increasingly based on renewable, fluctuating energy sources such as solar and wind, it challenges the energy system in terms of maintaining security of supply and ensuring stability in the grid. Dealing with such sources requires a more intelligent and flexible supply sector than we have today. Building infrastructure is no cheap nor easy affair. Therefore it is important to anticipate future energy needs and build smart from start. PowerLabDK is engaged in numerous research projects to develop new methods and solutions for designing and operating tomorrow’s flexible and integrated energy system. Many of our projects focus on installing sensors and digital meters to provide data to give a valuable foundation for further work on making the utility sector more intelligent and flexible.
At the same time, improved technologies, such as batteries, data utilization and flexible consumption management, enable better use of the electricity grid and limit the need for expansion. We use our learnings from each research, demonstration and/or commercial project to further improve available knowledge on key figures of the energy sector as well as sharing findings with industry and authorities - nationally and internationally - to improve the impact on a global scale.
AN INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEM An energy system of 100% sustainable and renewable energy calls for innovative solutions, where the supply of electricity, heating, gas and water are integrated in flexible and intelligent solutions utilizing the full energy potential. To succeed in the green transition, we must not think of the system as silo-based, but instead utilize all energy sectors in a flexible and dynamic way. It is important to adapt to the future needs and not let conventional thinking block the development opportunities that stand before us.
DTU and PowerLabDK estimate that a smart interconnection of the energy sectors will reduce the Danish CO2 emissions by 22 million tons in 2030 out of the 29.4 million tons that is the goal of the Danish government. Therefore, we have developed the intergrated energy system model:
Š 2019, DTU
The integrated energy system model
In order to solve seasonal fluctuation challenges, the focus will be on conversion between energy forms as well as the introduction of “buffers� with several different storage technologies including services as flexible units. This is illustrated in the center area, where the connection are shown. The close coordination will optimize the need for the total amount of energy in the system as well as minimize the need to have enough installed capacity available.
| Energy System Integration Lab (SYSLAB), Risø Campus Substation
Advanced ICT Infratruture
Heat Electrical
Substation 319
SYSLAB Local Database
SYSLAB Data Aquisition
Advanced ICT Infratruture Database Data Access
SYSLAB Advanced Embedded Controls
Substation 715
Substation Power-to-x Substation 117 Substation 310
Substation 330
Substation 716
| Planned expansions Substation
Advanced ICT Infratruture
Heat Electrical
Substation 319
SYSLAB Local Database
SYSLAB Data Aquisition SYSLAB Advanced Embedded Controls
Substation 715
Substation Power-to-x Substation 117 Substation 310
Substation 330
Substation 716
ENERGY SYSTEM INTEGRATION LAB PowerLabDK has initiated the expansion of a world-class multi-energy laboratory with the purpose to strengthen technology development and build the foundation for smart grids and smart energy infrastructures across sectors. The laboratory extends over five km and is based on physical elements such as solar panels, wind turbines – residential houses etc. The distributed energy system within the lab will be expanded to incorporate both electricity, heat and gas. Furthermore, the lab will include a thorough digital infrastructure. The geographic structure of the Energy System Integration Lab will enable energy exchange between sectors in several parts of the system and thus allow an almost unlimited number of production, storage, distribution and consumption testing combinations, which can be dynamically controlled and thereby simulate a “real” future energy system.
The lab will facilitate research and testing on systematic operation of the electrical and heating system, which is difficult to perform in the national grid, due to the requirements for security of supply as well as the requirement of the system to be operated as utilityefficient and cost-effective as possible. This year, the Danish distribution company HOFOR discovered, how to ensure a larger share of green energy in the district heating system and thereby saving a great amount of CO2-emissions by testing, how to avoid consumption peaks in the Energy System Integration Lab at our campus at Risø and later in the living lab, EnergyLab Nordhavn.
TRANSNATIONAL LAB ACCESS As member of the European ERIGrid programme, PowerLabDK has provided laboratory access to researchers and engineers, working within a holistic system approach to smart grids and distributed energy resources.
Enhancing the renewable energy hosting capacity of distribution networks by coordinated control
Through the programme, we had the pleasure of hosting a transformer manufacturer and a control solution provider from Spain, through the HOLISTICA project. In our lab, they were the first to physically test innovative control algorithms for the coordination of a tap-changing MV/LV transformer with PV, loads and electric vehicles using the substation as a control and communication hub for the distribution grid. The flexibility of testing different grid configurations, incl. rural and urban scenarios and extensive lab automation, allowed systematic performance assessment of four control strategies. 12
Promising outlook for future integrated research and testing infrastructure
In the VILLAS4ERIGrid project, researchers from RWTH Aachen, TU Delft and DTU are developing methods for connecting Real-Time Digital Simulators and hardware, even if keeping tight timing restrictions is not feasible. In this project, PowerLabDK provides a unique opportunity to stress-test these methods by combining our RTDS capability and Energy System Integration Lab Infrastructures. A particular benefit of these new methods is a reduction in hardware cost, allowing for larger systems to be tested under the same budget.
Testing our control algorithms and on-load tap changer transformers, within the resource flexibility of the Energy System Integration Lab (SYSLAB) at PowerLabDK (DTU), has been an important milestone for our future product, increasing significantly its technology readiness level. These improvements not only reduced the time to market the product, but also provided an insightful information about unexpected secondary benefits for DSOs
Adolfo Gastalver-Rubio Leader of HOLISTICA
EnergyLab Nordhavn has been an extraordinary example and a front runner for the front runners
Kristoffer Böttzauw
Director General, Danish Energy Agency
EnergyLab Nordhavn is relevant in this category since design is also about collaboration and how synergies in pursuit of a common goal can be achieved. Even if the end result is invisible, a design-led approach is invaluable. Energy is so important to the future of the planet that efforts to work collaboratively across energy sectors are a radical approach ”
Danish Design Award 2019
EnergyLab Nordhavn won the category 'visonary concepts'
URBAN LIVING LAB IN NORDHAVN For four and a half years, 12 partners in Denmark’s largest and most ambitious smart energy project, EnergyLab Nordhavn, have worked together to develop new methods and solutions for designing and operating tomorrow’s flexible and integrated energy system - solutions that will accelerate an effective green transition. EnergyLab Nordhavn was formed as a triple helix, bringing together academia, industry, utilities and local government to pursue solutions for new urban energy infrastructures. Over the course of the project, the public-private partnership has proven its worth by establishing solutions such as: New ways to unlock heating flexibility will reduce the need for peak-load boilers in the district heating network. New clustering and disaggregation methods will allow the power grid operator to plan and operate with new types of electricity consumption patterns. New grid services are being demonstrated using a smart, large ammoniabased heat pump system.
The project has utilized Copenhagen’s Nordhavn as a full-scale smart city energy lab and demonstrated, how electricity and heating, energy-efficient buildings and electric transport can be integrated into an intelligent, flexible and optimized energy system. The project has shown, how important it is to carry out demonstrations in real life. To not only explore technical aspects, but also to identify regulatory barriers, and to unveil routines and organizational bottlenecks for the necessary transformation. While the project has now come to an end, the work will continue in the new local network called the EnergyLab Nordhavn Association.
A NEW DIGITAL ENERGY LAB We are currently working on establishing a digital energy lab that will be able to sample and collect energy data from several living labs in Denmark and manage it through our energy data warehouse, EnergyDataDK.
Digital Energy Lab will provide access to real-time data from several different living labs, as well as the possibility of connecting data to both real-time simulator, high-performance computing and advanced optimization and control algorithms, among other things based on machine learning and AI. Funded by EUDP Green Labs DK, the Digital Energy Lab is built as a brand new digital layer on top of PowerLabDK's physical laboratory facilities. With this new infrastructure PowerLabDK will become a significant test environment for new technologies, services and solutions within intelligent energy solutions with up to 100% VE installed.
Main activities for the Digital Energy Lab Platform: Energy data management Real-time (1-sec. scale) and historic data can be exchanged via API's and webpage and provided as open data. Energy system simulation A number of real-time simulation tools. Data analytics Integration with a high performance computer cluster and a module of AI applications.
The combination of the three sub-systems and the quality and quantity of data create a unique testing facility, which is currently not available anywhere in the world.
Platform use cases Data analysis of flexibility in district heating grids - based on historic data. AI-based forecast of district heat consumption - based on real-time AI analysis. Optimization and visualization of FlexHeat data. Time-dependent / dynamic tariffs - based on markets and pricing. All use cases are tested in real life with collaboration from industrial partners: HOFOR, Bornholms Varme and Zibra Wireless.
The main winner, Bornholm, has engaged all sectors of society to deliver a sustainable island for future generations. The winning team of Bornholm has developed a 100% renewable energy system that combines photovoltaics, wind energy, innovative solutions in waste treatment and combined heat and power from locally produced biomass. In doing so, Bornholm successfully brought together research and innovation with society
RESponsible Island Prize 2020
Part of the EU Horizon 2020 program
EU Sustainable Energy Award 2016 Consumers prize - EcoGrid EU
A LIVING LAB ISLAND In collaboration with PowerLabDK, the island of Bornholm provides test and demonstration of smart grids and other technologies under realistic and stressed conditions, corresponding to future renewable-based energy systems. Thus becoming a full-scale renewable energy laboratory. The island of Bornholm has distinguished itself by building on the goodwill of residents and local authorities to establish a system with 100% renewable energy production with limited financial resources available. The result is an island with efficient and reduced energy consumption as well as a large reduction in CO2 emissions. As the energy and utilities company of Bornholm is part of the PowerLabDK consortium, we have a unique access to the entire island energy system. Together we work on further developing the system to become more intelligent and more efficient by focusing on data and flexibility.
Examples of full-scale analysis, test and demonstration activities: New integrated and flexible business and market models Genuine user-centered energy solutions with peer-2-peer exchange Integration of the real-time operation of the electricity and heating system for an overall optimization of the system New cost-effective tariff solutions Development and testing of framework conditions that better support network stabilization with active components System role and rules for energy storage, especially batteries Alternative tax designs based on real-time emission of CO2 Nanogrids and the associated regulation
GLOBAL EXPOSURE PowerLabDK continues to hold a strong national and international visibility. Since our launch in 2016 we have had the pleasure of welcoming delegations from more than 27 different nations, and in 2019 we reached an all-time high by welcoming more than 58 visiting parties from all over the world. The year of 2020 has largely been affected by Covid-19. We hope to continue our visits and tours of PowerLabDK facilities when the virus decreases, as it is important for us to utilize the effect they have as part of disseminating and showcasing our capabilities in developing renewable and sustainable energy solutions.
The PowerLabDK facilities is a key factor in communicating research and demonstration results to external stakeholders to the benefit of DTU, our collaboration partners and the society in general.
Top visiting national and international stakeholders: Public authorities
Industry corporations
Associated networks: ISGAN - International smart grid action network ERIGrid - Connecting European smart grid infrastructure DERlab - European distributed energy resources laboratories
Number of countries visiting PowerLabDK
Number of visiting delegations in 2019
POWERLABDK FACILITIES PowerLabDK includes a number of state-of-the-art facilities linked through communication systems, SCADA-solutions etc. across four locations. The facilities are capable of testing and demonstration according to a variety of international standards, including IEC, CENELEC, IEEE and others.
The PowerLabDK facilities welcome engineers and researchers from industry and academia as well as students. The facilities contain flexible test laboratories, large-scale experimental facilities, and a complete full-scale power distribution system on the island of Bornholm, which also serves as a data source and platform for full-scale and real-life experiments.
Elektrovej 329A DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Editorial team: Frida Frost Stine Lykke Wagner Photos: PowerLabDK, By&Havn